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Season 2 | show | 2024| S2 | Official Trailer | dHNzXzZQNkNLckhNMmVn


00:00I will set up my tent right here.
00:04It will be a natural disaster.
00:08The state's existence is in danger.
00:09The Turkish threat is not as far as you think.
00:12Even if a wolf sits on the throne,
00:14because the game with the wolf does not end with blood.
00:19If you are preparing for a war, you should not be alone.
00:23The Latins will probably help the Byzantines.
00:27Only one good man.
00:28Don't do it, Batu!
00:30Put his head on the shield.
00:33There is a sharp hand I will take from him and a throne.
00:36We will make the infidel four-legged.
00:38You never betrayed my father and me.
00:42Is that right?
00:45I want revenge.
00:47Let's see who is destroying whose walls.
00:50Was there a need for all these tricks?
00:52This is my way of war.
01:00Mehmet Fetihler Sultan'ı yeni sezonuyla 24 Eylül Salı günü TRT 1'de!
