• 2 years ago
Season 2 | show | 2023| S2 | Official Trailer | dHNzX2VvNGVCNnJaZWVF


00:00 My name is Dr. Ben Song.
00:02 I'm a time traveler.
00:04 I leap into other people to change history for the better.
00:08 Incredible.
00:09 So, you're on board with the time traveler thing?
00:12 Who am I this time?
00:17 You are a spy.
00:18 Awesome.
00:19 The day the LA riots began.
00:22 There's no way out now.
00:24 Area 51.
00:26 That's UFOs?
00:29 I'm in the future.
00:30 Well, you're in serious trouble.
00:32 How is this possible?
00:33 This is the butterfly effect to end all butterfly effects.
00:36 You're about to be in a full-blown witch trial.
00:39 Witches!
00:40 Everything's changed.
00:42 He won't survive.
00:44 Never punched a Nazi before. It felt pretty good.
00:47 I never know where this is, insane!
00:50 Or who I'm gonna be.
00:51 It's the adventure of a lifetime.
00:54 Bottom League. October 4th on NBC and streaming on Peacock.
00:59 (whooshing)
