• 2 days ago
Blender 4 just add color split and separate

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00:00Hello guys and welcome to Blender Just Add Colour. Now these tutorials are very simple.
00:07All we are going to do is go to file, import an OBJ model. Now of course if you don't have
00:16the model that's ok I'll show you another way to do it. So go to import, go to download,
00:23import to download. As I said the download is available if you want to import it so it
00:29comes in. Now if you don't have the doorframe, you might have it, you might not. It's a very
00:35simple doorframe, more or less simple. If you don't have it you can just go here, go
00:39add mesh. You can add a plane, which is like this. Pick this, go here, drag it over here.
00:48You can use a plane, take off it, go back to here. You can use a cube, drag it over
00:54there. You can pick whatever you want, it doesn't matter what you pick. So I'm going
01:00to show you how to do it. So of course this is the model frame and this is the cube. So
01:05when Blender opens, it opens with the cube. So just so you don't have to download nothing,
01:10we can always paint the cube if we want to. We can paint the whole cube if we want to
01:16do that. Of course how do you go about painting the cube? Before you paint anything you've
01:21got to make sure you're in object mode. Then you just come over here, come down the menu.
01:26If you can't see, just scroll down and you'll see this thing. This is your colour. This
01:32one here, which is material. Then look, down here it's not material, that's material, it's
01:38the texture. The texture is a photograph basically, that's what that is. But before you do that
01:44you need to create a map. We're not going to do that as I said, this is Blender, just
01:50a colour. So here's your grey box. I think it's great if we can make it look something
01:55like that. But of course, all you have to do is click the cube. So clicking on the cube,
02:01go here, there's this. Click this one. Give it a second, let it think about it. When it
02:10makes a new material, you've got two left clicks, you can rename it. If you want to,
02:15you don't have to. Click here, the cube. Now all you do, see this white box here, you click
02:20the box, pick a colour that you want, any colour you want, let's say that colour. If
02:26it didn't change, go here to live view, and the box changes. Now if I export that box,
02:33I'm just going to show you what will click off it. If you want to see, click that. If
02:39you're happy with the box, if you are, click on the box. Go over here. Export. Export
02:46means to take it out of the software. Export it to whatever you want. To make it compatible,
02:52so it works in both software, just export it as an OBJ. Go there. Go to downloads. Give
02:58it a name. I'm going to call it number one. Click off it. Go here, here, here. This one
03:06keeps the colour. This one's white. Click these two. You can move it if you want to.
03:12Really, you don't have to. Just go export. Now if I click on this, and I delete it. If
03:19I go here, import it. Import it means to bring it back into the software. I'm only explaining
03:25that just in case you're a younger generation and you don't know what it is. So import means
03:29to bring it back in. Go down, find OBJ. Find number one, which is in downloads. You're
03:36loading in the OBJ file. This one here, don't delete it, because that's your colour. Go
03:42here. See like that. So now we're bringing it in, and as you can see, the colour is here.
03:48If you can't see the colour, just click blocks. Go down here. If you can't see, just double
03:54left click it. You see that little key you can't see? Just click that, and it'll show
03:58you the colour. If you don't want to do that, you can just open this, open this, and then
04:03you can click the colour. So that's how you paint it, basically. As very easy and as simple
04:09as that. So, from here, I'm going to delete the cube. Now, now you've learnt how to copy
04:18something. Now, I don't need to open you up, but I'll just open you up, because I'm right
04:25over just there. Click on the plane, and as I said, I'll show you the plane, the same
04:29way. Let's say you make a plane, you bring it in, you see it, and you want to add a colour
04:35to it. Go here. Add a colour. Put a field on it, you can give it a name if you want
04:40to. Pick a colour. Pick whatever colour you want. I'll just go with a green. Maybe, yeah
04:46a bit of green. Go here, look at the colour. See now it's green. Okay, now we want to
04:53make it maybe a bit darker, maybe a bit lighter. It's up to you. Maybe we want to change the
04:58colour. As in, whatever you want. If you're happy with it, right click, go here, export,
05:08OBJ, number one, go here, click that, see, yep, export, right click, delete it, go back
05:17here, import, OBJ, number one, import. And now we've got a new floor tile. How great
05:26is that? Now, if you want to continue watching the video, I'm going to show you something
05:29else that's just as great. It's the same thing. Now, first of all, I want everybody to know
05:35that a doorframe, more or less, is either white or it's black. Most doorframes nowadays
05:41are actually grey. I think it's great. I think it's going to change the doorframe. At the
05:49moment the colour is blue, I can just go here and delete the colour. It's the exact same
05:53thing you do in the box. It's in the way. Go here, press that. Now, let's say this is
05:59a cube. It's not, obviously it's a doorframe, but we want to paint the whole thing a different
06:03colour. So, because the concrete in between, I will explain this to you, go here, edit.
06:12When I edit my framework, as I said, this model is available, if you want it, you can
06:17download it. So you don't have to make floor tiles, it's already there. You don't have
06:21to make a skirting board, it's already there, look on the inside. You don't have to make
06:26a brick wall, because it's already there, it's on the outside. So, yeah, if you want
06:31it, click it, download it, as I said. If you zoom into it, I can't get too close, well,
06:36this here is a skirting board. To make the skirting board, you just click here, turn
06:44it around like this, and you can stretch the skirting board out of the floor, depending
06:50on which way the room's going. And this side over here is the brick wall. You say, well
06:57it's a bit skinny for a brick wall, isn't it? Well, once you get the wall where you
07:01want it, click the back of it, and make it as wide as you want. That's entirely optional,
07:07it's up to you. Really, that wall is big enough, but you can't really tell how thick the wall
07:14is, because it's behind the door frame, so you can't tell. So, anyway, the wall itself
07:21is actually as wide as this. Anyway, I'm not here to talk about the modeling part. What
07:26I want to talk about, these slabs here, I'll just tell you this, you click on all these
07:31slabs, all separately, so you take these ones, you take these ones, you take these ones,
07:38and what you do, is you go over here, go to side view, and you extrude the floor tile,
07:46and there we've got floor tiles. It's as easy as that. Now of course, if you want to bevel
07:51the edges, make it all smooth, of course you can do that. I'm not here for that. What
07:55I'm here for, first of all, let's just give me two seconds, let me just hide the geometry,
08:00because I didn't realise when I shared it, that I've got extra lines on it. So I'm going
08:06to get rid of all these lines for you, because these lines, you don't need them. Right click
08:12and just go dissolve. Now of course, that's kind of a good way to dissolve that one too,
08:18because I don't want that one there. Obviously all the lines should basically be going more
08:23or less the same way. It doesn't particularly matter, not really do. As I said, that's how
08:28you want to do it. So what I want to do, let's say you've got a floor tile in the house.
08:32Now let's say you want to make a checkerboard, maybe you want to make all the tiles the same
08:37colour. Maybe you want green on the inside, and maybe, I don't know, gold on the outside.
08:42It's whatever you want to do. So I'm going to make a checkerboard. Now you can do this
08:47in any shape and pattern you want. I'm going to hold the up arrow key, let's start with
08:52the keyboard. I'm going to make this one, this one, this one, this one, this one and
08:56this one. That's my personal preference. Turn it round, go this side, do the same on the
09:01opposite side. Do this one, this one. Just so the floor looks the same, go here, here
09:06and here. So we look like that. Right click, split, right click, separate, selection. Say
09:16hip, fillet. That leaves you with these pieces and a door frame. I think it's a great start.
09:23Hold the up arrow key, press this one, this one, this one, this one. Select these two,
09:29select these two. Or you can just click it, it's up to you. So you can just let it hold
09:34Once you've done that, right click, right click on it, split it, right click again and
09:40then go separate, selection and now we can split that and point that. I think it's lost
09:47half a tile, so put it back. When you put it back like this, let me have a look at it.
09:53It's not bad, but I don't mind that. So as I said, I didn't click on it so it doesn't
09:58really matter. So do that. Hide the actual panel. As I said, just press back and obviously
10:05they'll just do the one that you want. So I want these, I want to right click, split
10:09it, right click, separate, selection. Hide it, make sure everything hides. OK, leave
10:16them hidden, we don't need them at the moment. So I want to leave it in live view so you
10:20can actually see the colour change. Come back out, click off it, click back on it. You see
10:26there's no texture on it? Click here, click on here. All we do is add in colour, put a
10:31shield on it, go here, press the eyedropper and you see the blender colour here? The blender
10:38grey. Let's do it blender grey. Click it and the whole thing turns grey. I think that's
10:43a nice looking green. Now I've only done it grey because I want it the same colour as the
10:48concrete, basically. I know sometimes the actual grout in between the slabs, especially
10:59if it's in a house, is usually white. Of course you can go over here and change it to white
11:03if you want to. Click that and make it white. It's whatever your personal preference is.
11:09If you want a white doorframe, you can have a white doorframe. Well, let's leave it white
11:14because you might like it white. Well, the only problem with having it white is when
11:18I put it in a render, you're not going to be able to see it. So go here, I want to change
11:22it to grey so you can see it. So I want to do that. As I said, the choice is yours. Pick
11:28the floor tile you want, like this. I think, OK, which ones do I want? These ones here,
11:34I want to click here, make a new colour. Don't forget, click on the object that you want.
11:39Make sure it's in object mode. Make a new material, put a shield on it, press this,
11:43press this. I'm going to have blender green. Thank you very much for the colours. Now bring
11:51this one back. Now we're looking at it. What colour is this floor tile? Well, as you watch
11:58my video, you go here, click the eyedropper and that's blender blue. So, as I said, I
12:04like the floor tile like that. Now, of course, when you split the floor tiles and you raise
12:09it up just a little bit, so it's flat, it doesn't look too great. But of course, if
12:14you bring it up a tiny bit, it looks great. It really does. So that way you've got all
12:19the shadows in the floor and all the cracks. And the best part about all of this, I will
12:24show you something now that's a little bit special. This is your door frame. These are
12:29your slabs. Now, what you want to do is go to the keyboard, click that, click that, and
12:36again click the door frame. Go here, come down, parent, parent, go to the top, parent
12:44objects, so they all jump inside it. Now, they're all inside that. Grab this, pull it
12:50over, open it, see how they're inside here? Now, if you look down here, make sure everything
12:56is normal. So I'm going to click here, drag it the whole way up. Go here, apply, normal
13:03transforms. I'm only telling you to do that because if you want to animate it later, you
13:07can. Now, of course, I can select all this, I can go over here, I can go to export. I
13:13can get exported to whatever I want. Let's export it to object. I'm going to call it
13:18number one. Click that, delete that, export that, and now all I have to do is go in here,
13:27select all this, delete it, go back to here, import it back into the software, import number
13:34one, bring it in. Now, instead of a boring, plain door frame, now we've got something
13:40that's got a bit of colour in it. Now, of course, we can change the colours whenever
13:43we want to. If you want to change that slab a different colour, if you want to change
13:46that one a different colour, all you have to do is click on it, go here, pick the slab
13:51you want and change the colour of that slab. It's as very easy and as simple as that. Well,
13:57I'm leaving mine like that because that's how I want it in my game world, just so I've
14:01got something different to look at. The only thing I am going to do to this is pull it
14:04out of the floor a little bit so it's kind of 3D. That's all I'm going to do to it. So
14:08if you want the basic, this basic template, if you want it, you can download it and then
14:14you've just basically customised it to its best shape. All the doors, if you say, well
14:17where's the door? I've got about seven different doors and they all fit inside here. So I'll
14:25show you also how to animate it. So if you look at my door collection, I want to add
14:30more doors so that you know that. Not because of a fetish about doors, it's just that I
14:35want a big pile of different doors. So if you want the same door frame, the same plain,
14:40so why do you want the same plain? I'll tell you why. Let's say you go to Blender and you
14:44make yourself a new level. If you don't scale up the square, you can do whatever you want
14:50inside the square, just don't alter the outside. If you turn snapping on, everything just snaps
14:57together like this. You can snap it anywhere around the grid because this is a Blender
15:03cube, a Blender plane. This whole thing here is all made out of this. Just letting you
15:11know that. Anyway, just a very small video. I really hope that you like the Blender Just
15:17Add Colour video. So it's really easy and pretty simple. If you're kind of young and
15:21you don't know, I'm showing you how to do it. So watch my videos. I'll show you how
15:25to colour animate UV map. I'll show you how to render. I'll show you everything realistically.
15:30I'll show you how to add sound. Later on, I'll be showing you game scripts. Anyway,
15:34I very much appreciate it. If you haven't subscribed, please subscribe. I would appreciate
15:38it. Anyway, stay safe. Stay well. See you soon. Bye.
