• 5 days ago
00:00Thank you! You're welcome. Are you sure that you need that, though?
00:14Caffeine? Yes. No, the sugar in that latte after all the
00:18wedding cake we just tested out. Okay, you tested out most of the wedding cake.
00:22I had a little bite and then you finished the whole slice.
00:25Yeah, I did. I'm not gonna let baked goods go to waste.
00:28That'd be silly. Did we settle on a winner, though?
00:32For me, I think it was either the red velvet cake or the lemon cake.
00:36You didn't like the spice cake. I get enough spice at home.
00:40Oh, I agree.
00:44How about we do the lemon then? Or we could do the red velvet?
00:48Or we can do the red velvet, yeah. How about you let me know when we decide?
00:53How about that? I definitely will.
00:59Hello, you two. Hey. Hi. Question for you. I noticed something missing
01:06on your invites. Where exactly do you want your guests to go to watch you
01:10get married? Yeah, that's a mystery. To both of us as well, yeah.
01:17Seriously, how does that work? Our wedding venue fell through, so my dad
01:22offered to plan the wedding for us. And it's at an undisclosed location.
01:26But I'm sure it's gonna be beautiful. Yeah, I don't care where we get married
01:30as long as it's to you.
01:33No offense, Abby. I know he's the father of the bride and all, but
01:38I'm not sure I would trust Victor. The man loves to keep secrets.
01:41He's gonna be fine, man. What do you think about cake flavors? Do you like lemon or
01:45red velvet? I'm sorry, what are you saying about my dad?
01:48I mean, what did my dad do this time? He's just a man of mystery.
01:53Am I right? Okay, well, I am about to go see that
01:57man of mystery, and maybe it is one that I can solve.
02:01Have you had too much sweet, or can you stand a little bit more? I want you to know
02:05a little bit. I love you. I love you more.
02:09Goodbye, Nate. Bye-bye.
02:13Wow, you two look like you're already on your honeymoon.
02:17Yeah. What if your bride's gonna get pissed when she finds out what her
02:21father did to her future sister-in-law?
02:35Hey, I just finished reading one of your pieces.
02:41From the havoc that Billy Abbott caused at Chancellor,
02:45you do fast work. Well, I did as you asked.
02:49I framed Lily's abrupt exit from the company as yet another example of
02:53Billy's bad judgment. I read that. Good work.
02:59So why am I being summoned? Is this about Kyle?
03:04Now that the hit job on Billy is in motion, you want me to grease the wheels
03:07on your plan to use Jack Abbott's son against him? Nothing as nefarious as
03:11that son. Oh? Why don't you pour us a drink, okay? I
03:16want to share something with you.
03:22Well, sharing isn't really your thing, so
03:28what's going on?
03:31I want you to understand
03:35why I'm going after Jack Abbott.
04:42So what did you think you might accomplish by running to Jill
04:48behind my back? Uh, well, Jill is the one who hired me at
04:53Chancellor, so I thought I should tell her that her son fired me.
04:57So this was all about full disclosure, honesty, transparency,
05:01yet you failed to mention that your plan from day one was to push me out?
05:06Billy, you know what you did to me was wrong,
05:09and Jill gave you an ultimatum to make things right.
05:12So how are you going to do that?
05:20You know, I wouldn't get your hopes up. My plans for Abbott Chancellor in no way
05:26involve wanting to bring your traitorous self back to the company.
05:30Okay, that's fine. I'll just settle for watching your mommy drag you out by your
05:35ears like you did to me. Billy, you still think that this is
05:38about punishment? It's not. I wanted to run the company with you. I
05:42gave you every opportunity to be partners.
05:45Yeah, and I gave you every chance to stop running with scissors.
05:48Says the one who wanted to stab me in the back.
05:52Look, I get it. You're upset, okay? You're on the outside looking in because I'm
05:56still the one with power. That's fine, Billy. You know what?
06:00Enjoy being the big bad boss right now, okay? Because that's all going to change
06:04when your mommy comes back to town. Wow, the confidence you have thinking you
06:08know how my mother thinks. I do, because I was her right hand for
06:12years. Successfully, I might add. It's incredible to me the amount of joy
06:18you get from this situation. Billy, I tried to get you to play nice,
06:22okay? And you refused. And I told you that I wasn't going out
06:25without a fight. Billy, keep kicking and screaming because
06:29you know the only chance you have is having someone else fight your battles
06:32for you. First it was Victor, then it was Jill. You don't even have to
06:36admit it because I know what you're doing. You know what? I think maybe you're
06:40jealous that I actually have people in my corner
06:43and you have Phyllis. So good luck with that. I don't need luck.
06:49And I'm done with this tap dance. And when I see you at the wedding, I will do
06:54my best not to step on your toes or gloat too much that I'm still in
06:57power at Abbott, Chancellor. Yeah, we'll see which one of us is in
07:01the position to gloat.
07:09Oh, so now you actually trust me enough to fill me in on your real motives?
07:18Son, you don't have to ask any further questions, okay?
07:22Just get it done.
07:26Okay. I'm listening. Why are you so hell-bent on punishing Jack this time?
07:33Well, the same reason I do everything else, okay?
07:38To protect my family. I don't see how Jack is a threat to any of us.
07:45You know what he did to Nikki, right? You're talking about Jack being Nikki's
07:49sponsor? About what went on in the hotel room? Jack
07:53was just doing what he felt he needed to do to save her.
07:56We almost lost her, son.
08:00What happened with Nikki? It scared you.
08:03You're damn right it scared me. I know how much you love Nikki and how
08:08much it would kill you to lose her. You're damn right.
08:13I almost lost her because of his stupid stunt.
08:16What, when he took pills to try to shock her into sobriety?
08:19It almost killed the love of my life.
08:26What if someone did something to Sally and
08:30almost killed her? Would you want that person to pay?
08:34If someone that I love was at risk, yes, maybe I would feel the way that you
08:39feel. I get your point.
08:44Look, I need to tell you something since you're being honest with me.
08:49What's going on? Sally and I were not together anymore.
08:55Since when? It's very recent. What did she do now?
09:01No, it wasn't Sally. It's, no, it was all me. I, um,
09:08I hurt her. Talk to me. What happened? I did something
09:16that we won't be able to come back from. Oh,
09:22does this have anything to do with Billy Abbott breaking up with Chelsea?
09:25It's just, can we just not go there? I've seen you and Chelsea together.
09:32There seems to be some reconnection.
09:36Chelsea and I, we are both focused on Connor.
09:39So in other words, you and Chelsea have grown closer together while
09:43caring for Connor, right?
09:47Are you back together again? No.
09:51Well, you know, it's just a matter of time.
10:00May I join you? I asked for a table for one.
10:08Vicki, I have nothing to say to you. Well, I do.
10:12So please indulge me and just listen. I know how upset you are.
10:19Yeah, of course I am. You had every opportunity to tell me that Victor was
10:23making you CEO and you didn't. And now you want to talk?
10:28I mean, why should I listen to any more of your lies?
10:31Because from here on out, I'm going to tell you the truth.
10:35And if you'll give me the chance, we can have the conversation that Catherine
10:40would want us to have.
10:50I only want what's best for you.
10:57I think that you and Chelsea are much better suited for each other
11:01than you and Sally Everwhere. Since when are you the president of the
11:08Chelsea Lawson Fan Club? I think that Chelsea has
11:12changed for the better ever since the ordeal with Connor.
11:18She's Connor's mother. Always goes back to family, son.
11:24It always does, doesn't it? I hope you understand why I want to go
11:29after Jack Abbott for nearly killing my wife.
11:34Dad, I hear you and I get your reasons. I really do.
11:43And I appreciate you sharing them with me, but I just...
11:47I see things differently. Oh, so? This isn't new, okay? This isn't the
11:55first time that I've disappointed you and it's probably not going to be the
11:58last time I disappoint you. And I hope you do know that Kyle is
12:02going to let you down sooner or later, too.
12:04He probably will. That doesn't interest me.
12:10You're family. You're my son. You know, sometimes I think you use
12:14family as a way to get me to do your bidding.
12:19You don't always see eye to eye. I understand that. But don't you for one
12:32moment forget that I know
12:36you're my son, my blood, my family. Don't you ever doubt that?
12:42Then don't doubt my loyalty.
12:50Does that mean that you will use Luma Media to back this up?
12:58As long as you do not expect me to take direct shots at Jack or his family,
13:03I will follow the company line.
13:09I hope I'm not interrupting. Hi, sweetheart. No, we're just finishing up.
13:16See you at the wedding? I definitely plan to attend.
13:21All right, I'll see you later, Pop. All right, son.
13:30Well, it seems like you two were plotting something.
13:33But I guess that's just a typical day here at Newman, right?
13:37I assume you and Adam weren't planning my wedding. No, what do you mean?
13:41Of course not. Of course you weren't planning my wedding.
13:45Your wedding is going to be a wonderful wedding.
13:48It's going to be a beautiful day for my beautiful daughter.
13:51I know it will be. But there is something we haven't discussed.
13:56What's that? Who I want to walk me down the aisle.
14:07Thank you. So, since Victor is basically throwing our
14:13whole wedding, I haven't told Abby about him taking
14:16advantage of Lily to get Chancellor all to himself.
14:19That means you're caught in the middle between your sister and your future
14:23father-in-law. Exactly, yes. And I still can't even believe that
14:30Victor used Lily the way he did and then used our dad's name to make us
14:34think that he was looking out for her. Which is so wrong and yet so Victor.
14:41It's just the kind of man that he is. People say that he has your best
14:44interest at heart. Yet he's always working some agenda.
14:49Well, I'm certainly going to let him know how I feel after the wedding.
14:53How's Lily holding out? She doesn't see
14:57losing Chancellor as a done deal and she wants to fight it.
15:01That is so Lily. It is. I'm just worried that
15:05it's a bit much for her to go up against Victor and Billy at the same
15:09time. Well, they both deserve to go down.
15:14I wish Billy had the decency to be up front with her about pushing her aside.
15:20It's like Nikki and Victor will do whatever it takes and play dirty to give
15:24what they want.
15:28There you go again, using Catherine to manipulate me.
15:33Well, it's actually something Catherine herself might have done.
15:37She was nothing if not direct. Oh, it's one way of putting it.
15:42She loved both of us. That's common ground we can build on.
15:48Any foundation of trust that we had is completely gone.
15:52Again, I apologize for the way things were communicated to you.
15:58Victor lied to my face. Well, I can't speak for him, but I don't
16:04think that I actually told you anything untruthful.
16:09I mean, of course, a lie of omission is still a lie
16:13and I regret that. I just hate the way this all played out.
16:18The way it played out is that I was played by both of you.
16:22And I should have been up front from the very beginning. Yeah,
16:25you should have. Well, I can't go back and undo that,
16:31but I can try to repair the damage that's been done.
16:36Will you please let me do that?
16:55Hi. Hey.
17:06You know, you and I, we used to never have trouble talking.
17:13I'm so sorry that I made it this way.
17:19Dad, I would love it if you and mom locked me down the aisle.
17:29Whoa. Well, nothing would give me greater pleasure.
17:34Will your mother be back in time? Her recovery in Paris is going well
17:38and she should be home very soon. I can send a jet. Don't worry about it,
17:44Uncle Jack already has it covered. The flight is booked and everything.
17:49Well, everyone wants this to be a wonderful day for you.
17:53And I know it will be, thanks to you.
17:57But now that we know who's walking me down the aisle,
18:03it would be very helpful to know where that aisle is.
18:07It's going to be a surprise. Okay, dad, you know I love surprises.
18:11It's like when I was little and you got me that pony for my birthday.
18:15Oh, that was a mini horse, by the way, it's not a pony.
18:19Huh, I always wondered why all of my friend's ponies got bigger and mine just
18:24stayed small because they was Bucky. I remember.
18:28Now will I be riding Bucky or another miniature horse down the aisle?
18:33What? That'll be unlikely. Okay, dad, please, please, I just need a hint.
18:40I need to know what to wear. Should it be long or short?
18:43Is it going to be indoors or outdoors? Windy? Cold? I mean,
18:46a lot of brides have a really hard time figuring out what shoes to wear.
18:50You could at least make that easy on me.
18:54You know I adore you, right? All you have to do is hold on to my arm
18:59and your mother's arm and you'll be fine.
19:03You know I'm not leaving until you tell me.
19:08Listen, Lily knows Billy and she knows Victor.
19:12She's going into this fight with both eyes wide open.
19:17Still, Victor will play hardball. He will and I just I don't think that it's
19:25even a fight worth fighting, if I'm being honest, because it's not just
19:29Chancellor at stake, it's Lily's reputation as an executive.
19:33Anything we can do to help? I mean, Victor will do whatever it takes to
19:39protect his family, so I think we need to do the same thing
19:44and that means convincing Lily to forget about Chancellor
19:47and come back to Winters.
19:51I brought up Catherine's name because she was like family to both of us.
19:57She thought the world of you. She would be so proud of all the accomplishments
20:01you've made at Chancellor and if she were here, she would
20:06encourage us to find a way to work together.
20:09Do you really think I'm gonna work for you after what you did?
20:15And your salary would be significantly higher than it was with your old job.
20:20I mean, you would have all the perks. A corner office,
20:24full use of the private jet and really anything else that you want.
20:30This is not about perks or money for me. You can't put a price on what I did for
20:36that company. I made it so attractive that now you and
20:39Victor want to try to steal it from Jill.
20:41And Billy, who has also wronged you. I doubt that he's losing any sleep over
20:48it though.
20:50Lily, I am not trying to buy your forgiveness.
20:54I think that's exactly what you're doing.
20:58Victor and I misled you, yes. But we were telling the truth when we
21:04said how much we respect you as an executive.
21:08Your talent, your vision, your passion. You and I could do great things together.
21:16I was already doing great things by myself.
21:20You know, you want to talk truth and be honest? Why don't you actually admit that
21:24maybe you feel like you can't do this without me?
21:29Well, you're right in saying that I don't want to do it without you.
21:33Maybe because you can't. I mean, I know that you ran Newman Media, but that's
21:38basically a mom and pop compared to Chancellor.
21:41There's a lot of divisions. I know. I've done my homework.
21:48I'm sure you have. Because I know for a fact
21:51that if you and Victor thought you could do it without me,
21:54you would. You'd have no trouble just walking over me.
21:58No, that is not how we see things. That's not how I see things.
22:02But this is happening, Lily, with or without you.
22:06But I would prefer the former. This would basically be a step down for me.
22:12Actually, it would be a leap backwards. So this is about pride?
22:17No, this is about self-respect. If you want to make things right, put me
22:22back in my rightful place. I'm hearing you say no, but my offer is
22:28staying on the table. Well, from where I'm sitting, I don't
22:32think you're in any position to offer anyone
22:34anything at Chancellor. That will be changing very soon.
22:40Yeah, we'll see about that. You have that much confidence in Billy?
22:45No, I have that much confidence in myself.
22:49So if you'll excuse me, this is my table.
22:56You know, I really don't have time to talk. I have a deadline for Marchettisi.
23:03Well, I'm sure you're knocking it out of the park there.
23:06Things are going really well at work ever since I took Chelsea's place.
23:11And she took mine. Sally. No, I was just struck by the irony.
23:17I really don't want to talk about it. I just, I do have to work.
23:20Right. Well, you left some things behind. I can bring them to you if you want.
23:30I really don't want you to go through all that trouble, so you can just
23:33messenger them to the athletic club.
23:37Okay. I guess you are never going to get in a
23:42place where you can tolerate being in the same room as me, are you?
23:45Honestly, Adam, I don't know.
24:02Hey, hey. Hey. Hey. Oh my gosh, finally some people I actually want to see.
24:09Well, let's hope you feel the same after you. We have to say to you.
24:12Uh-oh. Bad news? Hardly, no. We came to make you an offer that you
24:18hopefully can't refuse. Oh, okay. I want you to come back to
24:22winters. Oh, well, that is an offer I've already
24:27refused many times. I didn't hear you say no.
24:30Devon did. Okay, it's a hard sell, but maybe I can change your mind.
24:36Okay, look, guys, I really appreciate being wanted, okay, but I'm not
24:41giving up my fight to get back Chancellor. Look, we just
24:44want to support you, okay? Well, then support me in this.
24:49There's actually been some new developments.
24:52Oh, really? What's happened? Well, I talked to Jill.
24:56I came clean about how I was trying to push Billie out, which
24:59I think she understood it wasn't because of ambition, but more to save the company
25:04from Billie's bad management. And how did she respond to that? I mean,
25:08she wasn't happy, but she wasn't happy with Billie either.
25:11Gave him three weeks to get it together. By get it together, she means what?
25:16I don't know. We didn't talk specifics, but she's coming to town for your
25:19wedding, so I'm sure she'll take stock then. And you see
25:23that as an open? Yeah, I mean, when Billie fails...
25:26But you will... Exactly, because I'm going to make sure I undermine him
25:30every chance I get, which will lead to Jill taking back control.
25:33And you're sure that that's your plan? I know Jill.
25:37I see where you're going with this. You may declare to Jill that her son's a
25:41screw-up. Is Jill aware that Victor is coming after
25:45Chancellor? Yeah, she is. She has confidence in my
25:49leadership. She would rather put me in charge than
25:52risk losing the company to Victor.
25:56Is the place where I'm marrying Devon, is it bigger than the carriage house?
26:00What is this, 20 questions or what? Well, I've already asked you more than 20
26:05questions and you have given me zero answers. You should know by now it's
26:10a waste of time to interrogate your father.
26:14And I'm not going to crack under pressure. Please, Dad.
26:19Packing doesn't work either. Maybe I should work on you.
26:25I'm as much in the dark as you are. Let's put it this way.
26:29I don't even know what shoes I'll be wearing.
26:33I guess I'm just gonna have to pack every pair I own.
26:36Women and their shoes. I will send you a big trunk.
26:40I'll give you a hint though. Yes? I'm gonna wear
26:47those black dress shoes. That's it? That's the hint? That's all you get.
26:53Okay. Well, this isn't over. Bye. I love you, Daddy.
27:03She wants me to walk her down the aisle.
27:09Along with Ashley. I know that makes you happy.
27:17Anything the matter?
27:20I spoke to Lily. She has no interest in staying on under my leadership and she
27:26thinks the fight for Chancellor is far from over.
27:30Well, that means that Lily called Jill and told her about how incompetent
27:37Billy Boy is. And she made Jill an ally.
27:43Just as he predicted. And then what will happen is that Jill will
27:49strip Billy Boy of his power.
27:52And that will happen very soon.
28:00Hey. Hey yourself.
28:14You okay? About as okay as you.
28:20Well, that's not good.
28:24There's nothing that alcohol can't fix.
28:29You know what? I'd rather not do the whole commiserating club thing for
28:32tonight. What do you say? Oh, I was just gonna call the meeting
28:36into order, but I guess we can adjourn before we even get started.
28:39I second that motion. All right. All in favor? Aye.
28:43Look at that. The eyes have it. Here we go. Well, now that we've dispensed with that
28:47business, how about I buy you a drink?
28:50Lemon drop martini, maybe? I think I need something stronger.
28:56What are you having? This is a beautiful sipping whiskey.
29:03Make mine a shot.
29:10So when you start, whiskey's on the bottom, water on top.
29:14Yeah, water on top.
29:18And then what? And then it flips because the water is
29:23heavier, so the whiskey goes up. That's brilliant. Thank you. So even if
29:28it doesn't work, you got two shots, mixed whiskey and water. Exactly. Things
29:32could be worse. That's definitely true.
29:40Sally, where did you learn how to do that, by the way?
29:44On the carnival circuit, where I grew up. No drinking age.
29:51I was far too young.
29:55Not really something to be proud of. Oh, I disagree.
29:58If I grew up on a carnival, my head would be in a lion's stomach.
30:03I'm serious. Well, look at you now. You've built a hell of a life for
30:09yourself, I must say.
30:14I did, didn't I? Yeah, you did.
30:22Cheers. Cheers.
30:32Listen, I hear your plan, but it seems like a long shot.
30:37Yes, because if Jill does push Billy out, you're not the only option to replace
30:42him. No, but Jill knows me and that I know the
30:45company, so if she chooses someone else to take
30:48on Victor, I mean, that would be a big mistake.
30:50Right, but didn't you say that she wasn't happy about you playing Billy?
30:54Look, I'm determined to make this happen. I get that, but
30:57why wouldn't you just go for the short thing? Okay,
31:00and now we're back to you getting me back at Winters.
31:04Yeah, and I'm gonna keep coming back to it because I know that's what Neil,
31:07our father, would want. What he wouldn't want
31:12is his daughter going to war with Victor Newman over a company that her name's
31:16not even on. He would want you to carry on his legacy,
31:21right? And his vision for our family's company,
31:25and you know that Nate and I are completely committed to making that
31:27happen. I am all in on that. And what happened to
31:31you wanting to build something better for our kids?
31:33For Maddie and Charlie and for Dominic. Okay, come on, please,
31:36please. Please what? I'm asking you because I really want you to consider
31:40this, Lily. I know that you and I have had our
31:43differences in the past, all right? But I promise you I would never,
31:47ever in a million years disrespect to you the way that Billy and Victor did.
31:51Okay, yes. No, hey, and let's just say you do get Chancellor back.
31:55You think those two are just gonna go away? Because they're not.
31:59Okay. There's always gonna be someone coming around to try and tear down what
32:03you've built up, and I think that you deserve better than that. Yes, Devon, Devon,
32:06I'm hearing you. I hear you. Yes. I don't think you are, and I really
32:10hope that you do hear me. I hope that you know that I'm right, and that I only want
32:13to do right by you. Because with your family is where you
32:26What's wrong? What is it? It's another message from
32:29Amy Lewis. Says she wants to see me again. What, does she want you to go back to
32:34Chicago? She's coming here. She'll be in Genoa City
32:45You really are two steps ahead of everyone, aren't you?
32:52Well, hello. Oh, just two?
32:57This is personal for you, I can tell.
33:02Darling, it always is. A bit more so this time.
33:07Well, let me just put it this way. I want to honor
33:10Catherine's legacy and give the company to you.
33:15Yeah, but you knew all along that Billy would self-destruct.
33:20Does that bother you? I'm more worried about Johnny and Katie, you know.
33:25Look, after this defeat, he will just, you know,
33:29not show his face. He'll slink away, lick his wounds.
33:33We'll all be better off for it. I'm not so sure about that.
33:37This is personal for him, too. And if he loses this fight, which he will,
33:43he may go looking for payback. Good. Let him try.
33:50Did you know I learned to drive in a clown car?
33:56Yeah. Seriously? Yes. A clown car? Across my heart. I was eight.
34:02Do you remember it well? Was it a happy clown?
34:06A sad clown? Was it like a scary clown? Those clowns are pretty scary.
34:12Yeah. They are, actually.
34:18Okay, I gotta...
34:22I'm really glad I live upstairs. I don't have to drive.
34:26Okay, but you just be careful because you still gotta walk.
34:32You're a little wobbly yourself.
34:34I think I'll be all right.
34:36I'm gonna wobble you upstairs.
34:41I'll wobble you upstairs, okay?
34:48Oh. Hello. Yeah, I'm fine.
34:55Sweetheart, let me put your mind at ease.
34:58I don't want you to think another moment about Billy Abbott.
35:02I know you aren't.
35:04No. There's nothing he can do to help us.
35:08It's not him I'm worried about, really. It's Victoria and her kids.
35:12You know that I would not allow anything to happen to them.
35:16Well, not intentionally, no.
35:18You've got to trust me.
35:20What about Lily? I don't like having her for an enemy.
35:25Once the dust has settled, all this is behind us,
35:29I will see to it that Lily will be all right.
35:32You can count on it.
35:35This Amy Lewis person, she dated Uncle Nathan?
35:39For a little while. I don't think it was serious.
35:42And she got in touch with you after all this time and gave you some of his belongings?
35:47I'm really not sure why she would give me any of it.
35:50It was nothing of value.
35:52Hmm. Maybe sentimental reasons?
35:55Like I told Yvonne, I think she was using it as an excuse to meet me.
35:59Get a sense of who I am.
36:01What did you tell her?
36:02Not much.
36:04I mean, clearly she wants to know more if she's coming to town.
36:07You said she used to live here, right?
36:09Maybe she's got friends or family she's visiting.
36:12I don't know. Maybe.
36:14Did she say anything else in her text?
36:17Just that she has something to tell me.
36:20I guess I'll have to wait until she gets here to hear what she has to say.
36:29Oh, this is me.
36:30Here you go.
36:31Thank you for walking me home.
36:35Yeah, well, what I lack in lion-taming skills I try to make up in chivalry.
36:42Well, lion-taming is actually very overrated.
36:47I actually think you might be better at it than you think
36:51because I have seen the way you handle Victor Newman.
36:55Talk about being in the belly of the beast.
36:58Maybe I should tie him up in a chair and whip the old man.
37:05That would be weird, wouldn't it?
37:07Yeah, fair enough.
37:09You are not only chivalrous, you're actually really funny, too.
37:16Well, I'm glad I can make you smile tonight.
37:21Well, not just tonight.
37:24It's a beautiful smile.
38:24Join us again for The Young and the Restless.
