• 2 days ago
Door the 3 moons door 04

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00:00Hello hi and welcome to door number 4. Now door number 4 is part of the freewom collection
00:08that's what it is. Now I'm going to show you how you can see the door is animated on a
00:12keyframe animation just like this. Now I put all the geometry into the mesh form here.
00:19So before you go put it into the game world you can just drag and drop it in the world
00:23and it works perfect. You can put the model anywhere in the world and it animates it as
00:28follows it it's all self-contained. So I'll be doing the scripts hopefully very soon and
00:36yeah it's going to make life a lot easier for you. So sound animations and things like that
00:41I will give you more soon I've got no sound yet I can't do it. So as I said this door
00:46I'm still editing the door as you can see you see you see the slab not a slab it's a skirting board
00:52look here it's off the wall a little bit if you want to make it wider grab it and pull it out.
00:59All I have to do is go into Blender you see these lines here I need to basically right click on it
01:04and dissolve the lines to make it look like that very easy very simple. I need to fix these
01:10foot holes because these foot holes here you've got three lines in it you're supposed to have just
01:15one line like that. The idea of this here it was going to be a cupboard that's what it was originally
01:22by the window but I didn't want it there so I'm thinking I can have the cupboard completely
01:27separate so I'm going to put it back in Blender I'm going to clean these lines and I'm going to
01:32make it like this. So all of this is one piece basically so you can change all the colour to
01:37whatever your preference is. Your colour might be different to my colour so it's up to you.
01:42These are obviously glass windows. Now why am I talking about Dawn of Epics? If you want to
01:47download for this you can download it and it'll show you this. On the windows if you look at the
01:53geometry like this you see these parts here in Blender you can click on this around the edge
01:59and you can grab it and pull it out slightly so you've got like a nice bit of a golden strip
02:04around the door. If you want to do that of course you can do the same thing with the floor. You click
02:09the tiles and you can extrude them out the floor at the moment they're flat so yeah so also if you
02:15look around the edge of the geometry if you watch the video about editing the template you will see
02:21I explain the tiles and the edge. Now inside here there's two little skinny things inside here.
02:27Now the one inside here is a skirting board. It's that skirting board and this one right around the
02:34edge is the outer wall. Well it's a bit skinny for a wall. It doesn't work like that. What you do
02:40you click on it you stretch it up to where you want it then you clip the face on the back or on
02:45the front on the back in this case so you clip the face like that and you make the wall as wide as
02:51you want it. It's up to you how you want to do it. As I said I've made this into like a self-contained
02:57room so once once Emma she's 81 goes up the ladder she comes over here goes for the door
03:05goes in your room opens the door like that walks back in the room thinking that she's
03:10coming back down the staircase. Of course she's not going down the staircase because she's in
03:18the werewolf valley so once she walks through the door she would disappear. Basically it's
03:24like a time warp and she'll end up in a completely utterly different world. So
03:28that's how my distal works and of course it's not only for that.
03:32What I do with this door I bring this wall here bring it all the way to the top bring this wall
03:38all the way to the top and it's actually a hallway that's what it is as well just to show that and
03:44not only is it just that I want to show you what you can make from the door. If you look at the
03:49pattern on the door as I said I explained all in the template part if you look at the door now I'm
03:54talking about this part this part here from here look from the top of here to here right around
04:02that curve and the bottom half and then of course around this curve to here it's actually a railway
04:10bridge that's what that is so I've got the template for you I'm going to upload it and I
04:15want to show you the actual template is actually made for the bridge inside of the door all you
04:22do to make the bridge you take only the door not the handle just the door frame you click the
04:29window click the window you click all the faces put it to the side and stretch it out and then
04:36you've got yourself a bridge you've got yourself a pillar whatever you want to call it anyway watch
04:41the watch the video and you'll see exactly when I give you a model I'm not just giving you one model
04:47I'm giving you about 30 maybe 40 models all inside the one model so when you download it
04:54I don't really want the door I think okay what's the door okay and keep an eye on the door okay
05:00I want to go to the next I call this door number four cycle cell I know it just I like the name
05:08it sounds good so anyway look at the door forget anything else only the door template
05:13go to next this is the door template just here I'll show you the door template see the door
05:21you see a pattern on the door now if you leave the windows here you could turn into this
05:28say what's that this is a cycle cell which are made out of the actual door now of course it
05:36looks better in the game world now of course living inside here is some kind of creature
05:43watch the video and I'll kind of explain a little bit to you now it's not only a yeah it's not only
05:50a place for a creature it's also an elevator shaft now the elevator shaft it's part of this door
05:58and you can see look at the door don't look at this it's elevator shaft that's what it is
06:03it's a it's a big massive pile of things and if you don't want to use it as that if you scale it
06:09down a little bit you can have it as a lampshade on your table you can have it as a lampshade on
06:15the ceiling as I said the potentials for it are yeah they're kind of endless so as I said I'll
06:22show you I'll show you the geometry for this now of course this one is all flat again you block
06:28the door more or less it's a little bit 3d but not too much if you click on all the edges like
06:33I told you for the door and you kind of put it to the side and extrude it a little bit that way
06:39when the light shines on it it's going to cast a different kind of shadow as I said my game's all
06:44about the lights and shadows that's what it's about so anyway if you want the content go to the website
06:52click on the download and download it as I said you might have a different use for it
06:56it's entirely up to you so you've got the door and you've got the cycle cell so it's up to you
07:05whichever you want as I said it's all part of the same set there's a few more parts to come in here
07:11because obviously like I said to you about the door the door even though the door is a door
07:16and the cycle cell is also the door but it's not it's a cycle cell it's also a bridge now I will
07:25show you the pillar of the bridge it don't look like much on its own but when you extend it and
07:30extrude it it looks totally different and you're thinking how do you get all that out of one item
07:35anyway watch the content you'll learn a lot so as you take from your thumbs out to subscribe
07:41thank you very much to all my subscribers I very much appreciate each and every one of you so yeah
07:47we're up to 107 last time I looked I think it's kind of getting there it's kind of great
07:51I need a minimum of 400 I think 500 I think it is anyway it's something 400 500
07:58I can't remember well anyway I'm trying my best I really am anyway
08:03stay safe keep friendly keep reading texts see you soon bye