• 3 hours ago
00:00:00Hello, Mr. Mu.
00:00:14Mr. Mu, SQ1 is waiting for you to sign the contract.
00:00:20Mr. Mu, SQ1 wants to see you.
00:00:22Mr. Mu, I found my wife.
00:00:31Here you are.
00:00:33You're welcome.
00:00:34Come again.
00:00:48Oh, no.
00:00:58Mr. Mu, can you give me some flour?
00:01:05It's so far away.
00:01:07I think it's here.
00:01:55I'm going to take you home, honey.
00:02:06Gu Shiye, what are you doing in such a big town?
00:02:09How am I going to sell eggs in the future?
00:02:11It's good that no one bought it.
00:02:12Go home and give it to me alone.
00:02:14Have you thought about it?
00:02:15I tell you, this is the beginning of my career in the future.
00:02:20Okay, I got it.
00:02:26Honey, you have to put your career aside for a while.
00:02:30Grandma's old disease is back.
00:02:32I have to go back and take a look.
00:02:33After I leave, the whole company will be handled by you.
00:02:37Do I have to be me?
00:02:39Jing is just back from abroad.
00:02:41I'm not familiar with the company's business.
00:02:43I can only ask you.
00:02:44Okay, okay, I'll tell you.
00:02:47Thank you, honey.
00:02:48Let's go.
00:02:55The president's wife is coming to the group.
00:02:57Very good.
00:02:58I'll pick you up right now.
00:03:19What are you doing?
00:03:22Can't you see when you walk?
00:03:23I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
00:03:24I didn't mean it just now.
00:03:27I'm sorry.
00:03:29The latest version of Emma.
00:03:31You've lost a lot.
00:03:38You take me for a walk first.
00:03:41竟然收了一位登的高定官,这下赚了!I got a high-ranking official. I'm going to make a fortune this time!
00:03:49这次就像这样,下次走路看着点。This time it's like this, I'll be careful next time.
00:03:52一定一定,我下次一定注意,对不起啊。Of course, I'll be careful next time, I'm sorry.
00:03:56诶,等一下。Hey, wait a minute.
00:03:58你是,你是苏犬宁吧?You are, you are Su Quanning, right?
00:04:01你谁啊?Who are you?
00:04:02我呀,白琪琪,咱俩大学出来住对门了,别忘了。I'm Bai Qiqi, we went to the same university, remember?
00:04:09我不认识你,少在这儿跟我讨计。I don't know you, don't bother me.
00:04:15诶,迟到了。Hey, I'm late.
00:04:18一会儿机灵点,一定要给夫人留下个好印象。Be smart later, you must leave a good impression for your wife.
00:04:22是,是。Yes, yes.
00:04:33夫人,夫人。Madam, madam.
00:04:39陆奕薇当的高定披肩,原来她才是总裁夫人,差点印错人了。Louis Vuitton's high-heeled shawl, so she's the president's wife. I almost got the wrong person.
00:04:51别打她。Don't hit her.
00:04:55总裁夫人好,你们在叫我?Hello, Madam, are you calling me?
00:05:02夫人,我们已经知道你的身份了,您不用这么低调。Madam, we already know your identity, you don't have to be so low-key.
00:05:06他们这是把我当成顾仕集团的总裁夫人吗?Are they treating me as the president's wife of Gu Group?
00:05:10总裁夫人,我叫秦薇,是您的主管,这位是周宇和吴施亚,他们是您的同事。Madam, my name is Qin Wei, I'm your manager, this is Zhou Yu and Wu Shiya, they are your colleagues.
00:05:17据说顾总裁亲手露面,很少来公司,那我倒是可以利用一下这个身份,你们好。It is said that the former president rarely shows up and rarely comes to the company, so I can make use of this identity. Hello.
00:05:25夫人,请这边,我带您去您的库位上。Madam, this way, I'll take you to your office.
00:05:29你就是今天新来的保洁吗?别挡道,拿着你的破布,赶紧打扫卫生去。You are the new cleaner today, right? Don't block the way, take your rag and clean the bathroom.
00:05:40麻布?你说这个?你是搞错了吧?我是今天新来的实习生,我叫白琪琪,还有这块其实是她的披肩。Rag? You mean this? Are you kidding me? I'm a new intern today, my name is Bai Qiqi, and this is actually her scarf.
00:05:52我是顾仕集团总裁夫人,怎么会有这种地毯货?I am the president's wife of Gu Group, how can there be such a place?
00:05:56你?总裁夫人?她也是总裁夫人?顾仕夜那家伙出轨了?You? President's wife? She is also the president's wife? Gu Shiye cheated on me?
00:06:05你这什么表情啊?你还怀疑夫人啊?你们怎么证明她就是夫人啊?What kind of expression is this? Do you still suspect her? How do you prove she is the wife?
00:06:11夫人不是,难道你这种拿块破抹布上班的土包子才是吗?The wife is not, are you not afraid of a dirty rag like this?
00:06:15对了,你叫白琪琪是吧?刚好,拿着你的这块破抹布去把我们的工位打扫了。Right, your name is Bai Qiqi, right? You just took this rag and cleaned our office.
00:06:24我凭什么啊?夫人,您这边请。Why should I? Madam, this way please.
00:06:35顾仕夜啊,顾仕夜。你这顾仕集团招的都是些什么人啊?不过也好,这样我来替你好好清理清理门户吧。Gu Shiye, Gu Shiye, what kind of people do you recruit in Gu Group? But it's fine, let me clean up the door for you.
00:06:44闲酸刻薄,仗势欺人。哥这是在哪儿找的鸡皮疙瘩?You're so mean, you're bullying me. Where did you find this kind of person?
00:06:59喂,哥。我见过嫂子了。哥,你这眼光是真差啊。喂,哥。我见过嫂子了。哥,你这眼光是真差啊。Hey, bro, I've seen my wife. Bro, you have such a bad taste.
00:07:06我怎么看她都觉得她配不上我们顾家。我怎么看她都觉得她配不上我们顾家。No matter how I look at her, I think she doesn't deserve our family.
00:07:09不准穿越嫂子的坏话。她这些毛病都是我惯出来的。Don't say anything bad about my wife. I'm used to her bad habits.
00:07:13行了行了,我不跟你说了。我还要准备明晚产品发布会呢。Okay, okay, I won't talk to you anymore. I still have to prepare for the press conference tomorrow night.
00:07:18这个发布会对于顾仕来说很重要。我这边恐怕是赶不上了。让你嫂子代替顾仕上台发言吧。This press conference is very important to Gu Chi. I'm afraid I can't make it. Let your sister-in-law speak on behalf of Gu Chi.
00:07:29就那女人的素质,让她代表顾仕集团在那么多名人前发言,可也是真干啊。The quality of that woman, to let her speak in front of so many famous people on behalf of Gu Chi, is really amazing.
00:07:42我擦完了,可以回去了吗?I'm done. Can I go back now?
00:08:12我这戒指怎么不见了?诶?我这戒指怎么不见了?白琪琪,不会是你偷了戒指吧?What? Why is my ring missing? Bai Qi Qi, did you steal my ring?
00:08:28什么戒指?我根本就没有见过。What ring? I've never seen it before.
00:08:31好啊。既然你说不是你拿的,你就把包打开让我们检查一下。要是没有,我们就放你走。Okay. Since you said you didn't take it, open the bag and let us check it. If it's not there, we'll let you go.
00:08:43凭什么?偷没偷?把包打开给大家看看不就知道了?Why? Did you steal it? Open the bag and show it to everyone.
00:08:49这不是……This is...
00:08:58真的在大包里啊!This is really in the bag!
00:09:01这就是我的戒指!This is my ring!
00:09:06天哪,这戒指……Oh my god, this ring...
00:09:10这不会是之前顾总花三个亿拍下的海南之星吧?This can't be the Heart of Hainan that Mr. Gu took with 300 million yuan, right?
00:09:15什么海洋之星?这就是我在地摊上三十块钱买的呀?What Heart of Hainan? This is what I bought with 300 yuan at the market.
00:09:20一个破戒指而已,不值一提。It's just a broken ring. It's not worth mentioning.
00:09:24真不愧是夫人,几个亿的钻戒根本不放在眼里!You really deserve to be a wife. You don't even care about a few hundred million diamonds.
00:09:28才几个亿的戒指?就这么粗糙的做工跟成色,怕不是连个高房都不是。Only a few hundred million rings? With such rough workmanship and color, I'm afraid it's not even a high-end room.
00:09:36我说你这人真不要脸,偷夫人的钻戒不少,竟然还诬蔑是假货!Hey, you're so shameless. You stole Mrs. Gu's diamond, and you're saying it's fake?
00:09:41就是,总裁夫人的东西怎么可能有假的?你说是假的,那你拿个真的给我们看看啊。Yeah, how could Mrs. Gu's stuff be fake? If you say it's fake, then show us a real one.
00:09:47不巧,我确实知道真货在哪儿。What a coincidence. I do know where the real thing is.
00:09:57真正的海洋之星就在总裁办公室里。The real Heart of Hainan is in Mr. Gu's office.
00:10:00我想这门禁,夫人您一定打得开吧?I think you must be able to open this door.
00:10:03废话!总裁夫人当然能打开总裁办公室的门了!Shut up! Of course Mrs. Gu can open the door to Mr. Gu's office.
00:10:09就是,夫人,你看海门狠狠地打着香疤的红领。Yeah, Mrs. Gu, look at the door. It's covered in scarlet scarlet.
00:10:13对,到时候就把这个小偷给抓起来。Yeah, and then we'll catch this thief.
00:10:18夫人,走啊!Mrs. Gu, let's go!
00:10:26人脸识别失败。Face recognition failed.
00:10:33看吧,她根本就打不开总裁办公室的门,也根本就不是什么总裁夫人。Look, she can't open the door to Mr. Gu's office, and she's not Mrs. Gu at all.
00:10:40我怎么可能打不开?就是门禁坏了而已。How can I not open the door? It's just that the door is broken.
00:10:44对对对,肯定是门禁坏了。Yeah, yeah, the door must be broken.
00:10:47你们还真是不到黄河心不死啊。看着。You really don't know what's going on. Look.
00:10:56人脸识别成功。欢迎您,夫人。Face recognition successful. Welcome, Mrs. Gu.
00:11:16你们围在外面干什么?What are you doing outside?
00:11:19顾总裁?怎么可能?不是说顾总裁出差了吗?Mr. Gu? How is that possible? Didn't you say Mr. Gu was on a business trip?
00:11:25你是谁?你疯了,白汐汐?除了顾总裁,谁还能进这个办公室啊?Who are you? Are you crazy, Bai Xixi? Who else can enter this office besides Mr. Gu?
00:11:31他不是顾仕烨。He's not Mr. Gu.
00:11:33没错,我确实不是顾仕烨,我叫顾景山。That's right, I'm not Mr. Gu. My name is Gu Jinshan.
00:11:38原来您是顾二少啊。看来这门根本就不是白汐汐打开的,而是顾二少刚好从里边开了门。So you're Mr. Gu. It seems that this door wasn't opened by Bai Xixi, but by Mr. Gu.
00:11:47原来他就是顾仕烨那个刚从国外归来的弟弟。So he's Mr. Gu's brother who just came back from abroad.
00:11:52你们广告户的,跑到总裁办公室来吵什么?Why did you advertisers come to Mr. Gu's office?
00:11:56顾二少,总裁夫人的海洋之心差点被人偷了,那贼偷东西不成,还污蔑夫人的戒指是假的,我们这才带来的证明呢。Mr. Gu, Mrs. Gu's heart of the ocean was almost stolen. The thief didn't steal anything, but he slandered Mrs. Gu's ring.
00:12:06我们这才带来的证明呢。That's why we're here.
00:12:08偷东西?谁啊?Stealing? Who?
00:12:09就是他,我都说了东西不是我偷的,你们这是在诽谤,偷了东西还敢这么嚣张,我看就应该报警把你抓进去。Mrs. Gu, am I right?
00:12:21他连总裁办公室的门都打不开,你们还觉得他是总裁夫人?He can't even open the door of Mr. Gu's office. Do you still think he's Mrs. Gu?
00:12:27顾二少,夫人都说了,那是门进坏了。Mrs. Gu said that the door was broken in.
00:12:30夫人,您说句话呀。Mrs. Gu, say something.
00:12:32总裁夫人?你?Mrs. Gu? You?
00:12:37不是的,不是的,我...No, no, I...
00:12:39你就是我嫂子,我哥的眼光可还真差,也不知道究竟看上他什么了。You are my sister-in-law. My brother has a bad taste. I don't know what he likes.
00:12:48原来顾二少也不认识总裁夫人啊。Mrs. Gu doesn't know Mrs. Gu either.
00:12:53没错,是我。Yes, it's me.
00:12:56你这总裁夫人,该不会是假冒的吧?Mrs. Gu, are you pretending?
00:13:02你这总裁夫人,该不会是假冒的吧?Mrs. Gu, are you pretending?
00:13:10还有,你说这位小姐偷了你的东西,我怎么觉得要偷的话也是你偷她的?And, how do I feel that you stole what she stole from you?
00:13:17不是,顾二少,我们可是一家人,你怎么向着个外人啊?No, Mr. Gu, we are a family. Why are you doing this to an outsider?
00:13:21一家人?你有什么资格进我们顾家大门啊?A family? What right do you have to enter our house?
00:13:28这弟弟还挺有意思。This brother is quite interesting.
00:13:31行了,既然你来了,就省着我跑了。Alright, since you are here, I won't bother you anymore.
00:13:36这是顾仕集团明晚发布会的演讲稿,我哥让你代表顾仕上台发言。This is the presentation of tomorrow's press conference. My brother asked you to speak on behalf of Mr. Gu.
00:13:43对了,我哥下午约了迪奥的首席设计师凯文给你设计明晚发布会的礼服。对了,我哥下午约了迪奥的首席设计师凯文给你设计明晚发布会的礼服。By the way, my brother asked Kevin, the chief designer of Dior, to design your dress for tomorrow's press conference.
00:13:51你可别迟到了。Don't be late.
00:13:52什么?迪奥的首席设计师凯文?那可是时尚界的鼻祖啊?听说他还曾受法国总统的邀请给总统夫人设计过礼服呢?What? Kevin, the chief designer of Dior? He is the ancestor of fashion design. I heard that he was invited by the French president to design a dress for the president's wife.
00:14:08对啊,他设计的衣服可是专供欧洲皇室的。Yeah, the dress he designed is for the royal family of Europe.
00:14:12顾总对夫人可真好,要是我能去看看也好了。Mr. Gu is so nice to his wife. It would be great if I could go and see it.
00:14:17没问题,带你们进来试一试。No problem, I'll show you around.
00:14:20多谢夫人!Thank you, ma'am!
00:14:29他还真装上去了。He really put it on.
00:14:37才一天就想我了。You've been thinking about me all day.
00:14:40顾仕砚,你是不是找了迪奥的首席设计师来帮我设计衣服啊?Mr. Gu, did you ask the chief designer of Dior to design a dress for me?
00:14:46那你记得,先不要出去。Remember, don't go out yet.
00:14:51别管了,到时候我自己会服的。Don't worry about it, I'll wear it myself.
00:15:03全都是迪奥的高低礼服,这加起来估计都好几亿了吧。It's all Dior's high-end dresses. I guess it's worth hundreds of millions.
00:15:09哎呀,老胡也真是的,说让他低调点,烦死了。Oh, my husband, he's so annoying.
00:15:14顾仕砚怎么还把之前我挑剩下这件衣服都送过来了?Mr. Gu, why did you send me the rest of my clothes?
00:15:21嗨,夫人,晚上好。Hi, honey, good evening.
00:15:24凯文先生,您搞错了吧,他哪配做什么夫人啊,真正的夫人啊是这位苏雪凝苏小姐。Mr. Kevin, you got it wrong. She doesn't deserve to be a wife. The real wife is Miss Su Xuening.
00:15:33抱歉,第一次见面,没有认出来。Sorry, I didn't recognize you the first time I met you.
00:15:36没关系,也辛苦你帮我设计礼服了,穿得还挺自然的。It's okay, it's hard for you to help me with the dress. It's quite natural.
00:15:40不得不说,剪辑比我好。I have to say, the editing is better than me.
00:15:43这人的礼服都是根据夫人的身材量身定做的,你们既然认定了她就是夫人,那不如你来试一试。This person's dress is custom-made according to the figure of the lady. Since you've decided that she's the lady, why don't you try it on?
00:15:52夫人当然能穿得进去了。Of course the lady can wear it.
00:15:54你说对吧,夫人。You're right, ma'am.
00:15:56当然。Of course.
00:16:05这衣服怎么来不上?Why can't I wear this dress?
00:16:07穿不上就别为难自己了。Don't embarrass yourself if you can't wear it.
00:16:10放屁,我的衣服怎么会这么差?Nonsense, how can my dress be so bad?
00:16:13怎么会,难道她不是,我们不会是认错人了吧?How can it be, isn't she, are we mistaken?
00:16:17穿什么破衣服,这要这么差?What kind of shabby dress is this? Is it that bad?
00:16:20看什么看,我就是最近吃的多,也胖了一点嘛。What are you looking at? I just ate a lot and gained some weight recently.
00:16:25不是说给我设计礼服吗,赶紧进入正题吧。Didn't you say you were going to design a dress for me? Let's get down to business.
00:16:41哇,这条裙子也太有气质了吧。Wow, this dress is so elegant.
00:16:45这个裙摆上,竟然还都是钻石为编。This dress is decorated with diamonds.
00:16:49我都不敢想象,夫人要是穿上它去参加发布会,该有多美。I can't imagine how beautiful it would be if you wore it to the press conference.
00:16:54不愧是顾诗艳为我选的首席设计师,审美确实不错。As expected of the chief designer chosen by Gu Shi Yan for me, the aesthetic is really good.
00:16:59夫人,你快穿上给我们看看眼吧。Honey, hurry up and put it on for us to see.
00:17:03抱歉,这条裙子是按照夫人您原本的尺码定做的,现在恐怕穿不了。Sorry, this dress was designed according to the original size of your wife, and I'm afraid it can't be worn now.
00:17:12那现在怎么办?What do we do now?
00:17:14明天晚上就是发布会了,创作也来不及,夫人,你可以那边挑一件。Tomorrow night is the press conference, and the design is not ready yet, honey. You can pick one over there.
00:17:21我不管,我就要穿这一件,你赶紧给我改尺码。I don't care, I'll wear this one, hurry up and change the size for me.
00:17:27这条裙子我在市场上见过,至少要好几百万呢。I've seen this dress on the market, it costs at least millions.
00:17:33I can't wear it by myself anyway.
00:17:36It's okay if no one picks it up.
00:17:40I want this one.
00:17:47It's not my money anyway.
00:17:49The president's wife's headdress is really nice.
00:17:52The cheapest dress here costs hundreds of thousands.
00:17:54Su Xuening, are you sure you want to give them one each?
00:17:58What does this little money mean to you?
00:18:00You want it, don't you?
00:18:02Bai Qiqi, if you admit now that you are blind
00:18:05and don't recognize my identity,
00:18:07I can give you one.
00:18:09You'd better pay the bill first.
00:18:10Pay the bill?
00:18:11My husband has already paid the bill for me.
00:18:13I don't need it.
00:18:14President Gu didn't pay for you.
00:18:17You need to pay for yourself today.
00:18:24These dresses plus yours
00:18:26are a total of 19 million.
00:18:28Are you a cashier or a card player?
00:18:31Damn it.
00:18:32Where did I put so much money?
00:18:35As the president's wife,
00:18:37you can't even afford this little money, can you?
00:18:39What are you talking about?
00:18:41More than 10 million
00:18:42is nothing to you.
00:18:44Madam, am I right?
00:18:50Let me see.
00:18:54Oh, my.
00:18:55Not enough entertainment?
00:18:57How is that possible?
00:18:58How is that possible?
00:18:59It must be that your post machine is broken.
00:19:01That's right.
00:19:02How can I not pay for my card?
00:19:05I have a total of 2,000 yuan in this card.
00:19:07Of course I can't pay for it.
00:19:08Maybe this machine is broken.
00:19:11Go get another one.
00:19:23What the hell is going on?
00:19:25Why are so many post machines broken?
00:19:27My bank card may have expired today.
00:19:30If you don't plan to pay,
00:19:33please destroy the dress.
00:19:35I will also cancel the order.
00:19:38The dress is mine.
00:19:40No one can take it off.
00:19:42Then I can only call the police.
00:19:44Don't call the police.
00:19:46If the police come to me,
00:19:48my identity will be ruined.
00:19:50Then take it off.
00:19:51You're a bully.
00:19:52Don't be so unreasonable.
00:19:54Madam won't let me take off my dress.
00:19:55Take off the dress.
00:19:57Just take it off.
00:19:58Don't talk nonsense.
00:20:02Why is she still angry?
00:20:04If you don't want to buy it, just say it.
00:20:06That's right.
00:20:20Get out of here.
00:20:26Why don't you leave?
00:20:29I bought the customized dress.
00:20:32This is the black card of the world's first gold-plated story.
00:20:36You are the real Mrs. Zongcai.
00:20:52Madam, don't be angry.
00:20:54Why can't I get rid of my card?
00:20:56It turned out to be this scoundrel
00:20:58who seduced Kevin to deal with me.
00:21:00How could he do that?
00:21:01That's right.
00:21:02In order to show his identity as a wife,
00:21:04he really went out
00:21:05and went to any man's bed.
00:21:07It's disgusting.
00:21:08Madam, you can't be soft-hearted and let him go.
00:21:10Don't worry.
00:21:11Tomorrow at the press conference,
00:21:12I will definitely clean up this bitch.
00:21:23Why are you in such a good mood?
00:21:25I watched a good play today.
00:21:28It seems that tomorrow evening's press conference
00:21:30is already prepared by the wife.
00:21:32Of course.
00:21:36Get out of the way.
00:21:37I'm not in the mood.
00:21:39Madam, have a taste.
00:21:45What does it taste like?
00:21:47It's disgusting.
00:21:48This is the takeout ordered by Bai Qiqi.
00:21:50I don't eat this kind of garbage.
00:21:51Madam, we are late.
00:21:54Why don't you take a bite first?
00:21:57Take it away.
00:21:59How is the preparation going?
00:22:01This press conference
00:22:02is very important to Gu Shijie.
00:22:04We can't lose face.
00:22:05What are you talking about?
00:22:07How can you not do it?
00:22:09Madam, right?
00:22:10Yes, I have already prepared it.
00:22:12That's the best.
00:22:13That's the best.
00:22:21Oh, no.
00:22:22Why is this salt paste hard?
00:22:24I don't know how to do it at all.
00:22:25Oh, no.
00:22:32Madam, what's wrong with you?
00:22:34There is seafood there.
00:22:35I'm allergic to seafood.
00:22:41Come here.
00:22:42Look at what you did.
00:22:43What's wrong with me again?
00:22:45Bai Qiqi, how dare you say that?
00:22:47You know that Madam is allergic to seafood.
00:22:48You deliberately put seafood in the takeout.
00:22:50Allergic to seafood?
00:22:52Doesn't she look good?
00:22:55This is bad.
00:22:56If Madam is late for the press conference,
00:22:58President Gu will blame us.
00:22:59We're all over.
00:23:00What's over?
00:23:02Isn't there still her?
00:23:05Bai Qiqi,
00:23:06you made Madam allergic to seafood.
00:23:08You have to stand up for Madam.
00:23:11Then I'll do it.
00:23:18Bai Qiqi,
00:23:19you're waiting to be driven out of the story.
00:23:23Hello, Kevin?
00:23:24Please bring Li Fu here.
00:23:40Hurry up.
00:23:41Madam is waiting for us.
00:24:00Oh, my God.
00:24:01It's perfect.
00:24:03I like your design very much.
00:24:07Didn't you say you'd start at 8 o'clock?
00:24:09Why haven't you started yet?
00:24:12Is there a problem?
00:24:18Why are you still sitting here?
00:24:20Why don't you go on stage?
00:24:22Mr. Gu,
00:24:23I'm sorry.
00:24:24I just ate something.
00:24:26I ate it badly.
00:24:27I can't go on stage.
00:24:29But don't worry.
00:24:30I've asked Bai Qiqi to speak for me.
00:24:33Bai Qiqi?
00:24:34Yes, Mr. Gu.
00:24:35It's all because of Bai Qiqi.
00:24:37He deliberately put seafood in Madam's takeout
00:24:40and caused her to be allergic.
00:24:42But he hasn't come over yet.
00:24:45He's afraid he won't dare to go on stage.
00:24:48Not only did he hurt Madam,
00:24:49he even escaped early in the morning.
00:24:51I'm sorry
00:24:52to keep you waiting.
00:25:07Bai Qiqi
00:25:23The dress she's wearing is...
00:25:25Hello, everyone.
00:25:26My name is Bai Qiqi.
00:25:28Tonight's Gu's New Product Launch
00:25:30will be hosted by me.
00:25:33Gu Minghao
00:25:36What's the use of Gu Minghao?
00:25:38You're definitely dead
00:25:39at tonight's launch.
00:25:50What's going on?
00:25:51There might be a problem.
00:26:03Bai Qiqi
00:26:05Without the speech,
00:26:07what are you going to do?
00:26:14Good evening, distinguished guests.
00:26:17Welcome to tonight's product launch event.
00:26:20It is truly a momentous occasion for us
00:26:23as we unveil our latest innovation.
00:26:29I invite you to experience
00:26:31the product firsthand
00:26:33and discover the endless possibilities
00:26:35it offers.
00:26:36I represent the GU company
00:26:38wish everyone all well
00:26:40and have a perfect night.
00:26:42Thank you again.
00:26:44How is this possible?
00:26:52It's so brilliant.
00:26:53This is a perfect speech.
00:26:55No wonder you're the representative of Gu's.
00:26:59You did a great job.
00:27:01I'm sorry.
00:27:02It must have been Gu's secret plan.
00:27:04Bai Qiqi,
00:27:05you're lucky this time.
00:27:07Congratulations, Miss Bai.
00:27:09Today's speech was brilliant.
00:27:11It was great.
00:27:13That's great.
00:27:19Why did you leave without saying goodbye?
00:27:21Do I have to say goodbye to you?
00:27:23Why did you leave without saying goodbye?
00:27:24Do I have to say goodbye to you?
00:27:29Madam, don't be angry.
00:27:30Zhu Yu didn't mean that.
00:27:32Madam, it's just an interview.
00:27:34Bai Qiqi should be able to perform well.
00:27:36He should thank you for giving him a chance.
00:27:37That's right.
00:27:38If it weren't for you,
00:27:39he wouldn't be able to perform.
00:27:41tomorrow is the weekend.
00:27:43I heard that the Gu's race track
00:27:45has a new race car.
00:27:47Why don't we go for a ride?
00:27:49The Gu's race track?
00:27:52I heard that the race track
00:27:54is only open to the executives of the Gu's.
00:27:57can you take us in?
00:27:59Come on.
00:28:04Niannian is back.
00:28:06Where's my dad?
00:28:07The Gu's race track
00:28:08will be renovated tomorrow.
00:28:09Your dad is on duty.
00:28:10He won't be back tonight.
00:28:12The Gu's race track?
00:28:15God is helping me.
00:28:17When the race track is renovated,
00:28:18no one will come.
00:28:19Then I can take Qiwei and the others in.
00:28:32How's grandma?
00:28:34Much better,
00:28:35dear dad.
00:28:36I'll be on my phone for a few days.
00:28:38I prepared a big gift for you.
00:28:40Remember to check it out tomorrow.
00:28:41Is it the race car
00:28:43I saw at the Las Vegas show?
00:28:45That's right.
00:28:47Thank you, dear.
00:28:49You're welcome.
00:29:00These are all luxury sports cars.
00:29:02The cheapest one
00:29:03costs millions.
00:29:04No wonder it's the Gu's race track.
00:29:06These cars
00:29:07are all for the race.
00:29:09Just a few cars,
00:29:10not just one.
00:29:12which one is yours?
00:29:14My car...
00:29:17which one is yours?
00:29:20your car
00:29:21is parked in the garage.
00:29:23Let's go and have a look.
00:29:24Mr. Gu bought this car
00:29:25to give it to someone.
00:29:26If it breaks down,
00:29:27we can't afford it.
00:29:29How about a new one?
00:29:32what are you talking about?
00:29:35Cut the crap.
00:29:36Let's go and have a look.
00:29:43your car is in there, right?
00:29:49this is your car.
00:29:51why is this car
00:29:52covered in black cloth?
00:29:54What's good about it?
00:29:55Yes, Madam.
00:29:56What kind of car is this?
00:29:57What kind of car?
00:29:59You'll know when you see it.
00:30:02help me take a look at the car.
00:30:08Mr. Gu!
00:30:09Mr. Gu!
00:30:16Bai Qiqi?
00:30:17Bai Qiqi?
00:30:18How did you get in?
00:30:20I came to my own place.
00:30:25Bai Qiqi,
00:30:26how dare you
00:30:27touch Madam's car?
00:30:28Open your garage.
00:30:29If it breaks down,
00:30:30you can't afford it.
00:30:31If it's really her car,
00:30:32she would know.
00:30:33This car
00:30:34has just been painted
00:30:35with Saint-Diego pink paint.
00:30:36This kind of color paint
00:30:38can't be seen in three days.
00:30:40If it's seen,
00:30:41it will fall off.
00:30:43is your car
00:30:44really just painted?
00:30:46She said it was fake.
00:30:47My car
00:30:48doesn't have any pink paint.
00:30:50Did you hear that?
00:30:51Madam said it's not painted.
00:30:52It's not painted.
00:30:53This car is not hers.
00:30:54Doesn't she know
00:30:55what kind of paint she applied?
00:30:57can you open the garage
00:30:58and let us see
00:30:59what kind of car it is?
00:31:00Of course.
00:31:03Su Xuanjia,
00:31:04think about it.
00:31:05This car is worth 2 million.
00:31:07If you don't fix it,
00:31:08it will be ruined.
00:31:09Are you sure you want to fix it?
00:31:10Enough, Bai Xixi.
00:31:11Shut up.
00:31:12Stop talking nonsense
00:31:13and embarrassing others.
00:31:14That's right.
00:31:15It's your turn to fix
00:31:16Madam's car.
00:31:17That's right.
00:31:18This is my car.
00:31:20I can do whatever I want.
00:31:24What's it?
00:31:36It's McLaren.
00:31:42you don't know this car?
00:31:44It's a gift
00:31:45from my husband.
00:31:46I don't drive this car
00:31:47so I am not familiar with it.
00:31:48I see.
00:31:49I just saw it
00:31:50on the Internet.
00:31:51This car is the world's top-of-the-line super sports car
00:31:54And the price is as high as 35 million
00:31:56Oh, ma'am, this Gu Zhong is too much for you
00:32:0035 million
00:32:02I've never seen so much money in my life
00:32:04Such an expensive car
00:32:06Ma'am, can I touch it?
00:32:08Feel free to touch
00:32:11Bai Qiqi
00:32:12You're so pretty
00:32:14Didn't you say this car can't be seen?
00:32:18Su Xianning
00:32:20Don't be happy too early
00:32:22What's wrong?
00:32:24Ma'am, your car seems to be out of gas
00:32:28Ma'am, your car
00:32:46It's really a refund
00:32:47Ma'am, what the hell is going on?
00:32:50Oh, this is the color of constipation
00:32:52Right, Mr. Bai?
00:32:54Oh, yes, yes
00:32:55This is really constipation
00:32:57Oh, it's constipation
00:33:00But why do I feel uglier and uglier?
00:33:03Oh, let's not worry about this
00:33:05Get in the car, I'll take you to the east wind
00:33:08Wait a minute
00:33:09Bai Qiqi, don't go
00:33:11I don't want these bacteria on you
00:33:14Standing on my car
00:33:16As you wish
00:33:19Without my permission, you still want to get in my car?
00:33:28Ma'am, what the hell is going on?
00:33:31How can I open the door of this car?
00:33:35Where's the car key?
00:33:36There is no key in this car
00:33:38How could it be possible?
00:33:39Even the key can't open the car
00:33:43This car doesn't seem to have a keyhole
00:33:45This car has a voice control switch
00:33:48Su Xuening, since you said this car is yours
00:33:51You must be able to open the door with your voice control, right?
00:33:53Oh, of course
00:33:57Open the door, open the door
00:33:59Open the door
00:34:01Su Xuening, you don't even know his name
00:34:04You still want to drive this car away?
00:34:06Bai Qiqi, are you sick?
00:34:08It's just a car
00:34:09What name do you want?
00:34:11Ma'am, is this car broken?
00:34:15Yes, the driver's seat of this car is broken
00:34:18Let's change a car
00:34:19Let's go
00:34:20Su Xuening, is this car broken?
00:34:23Or you are not the owner of this car at all?
00:34:26Bai Qiqi, what do you mean?
00:34:28Ma'am said the car is broken, it must be broken
00:34:30Is it your turn to question here?
00:34:32It sounds like this car is yours
00:34:35You are right
00:34:36Not only this car is mine
00:34:38And the whole race track is mine
00:34:43They are all yours
00:34:45Not bad
00:34:46Bai Qiqi, are you crazy?
00:34:49You dare to say such a big word
00:34:50I didn't say anything big
00:34:52I'm not like someone
00:34:54I can't even open the car door
00:34:55I still have to say that this car is mine
00:34:57Bai Qiqi, you are an old man
00:34:59What are you talking about?
00:35:01Ma'am said this car is broken
00:35:04Xiao Fen, start
00:35:09Received the instruction of the master
00:35:13The car is broken
00:35:14The car is broken
00:35:16The car is broken
00:35:18The car is broken
00:35:20The car is broken
00:35:22The car is broken
00:35:24The car is broken
00:35:26Bai Qiqi
00:35:28Bai Qiqi, he can actually start this car
00:35:31This lady can fully control the start of this race car
00:35:34She is the real wife
00:35:36It's a pity
00:35:37I mean, what's going on?
00:35:42Now you should know who the owner of this car is, right?
00:35:46Could it be that this car and the whole race track are all Bai Qiqi's?
00:35:51Don't listen to her!
00:35:53Engineer, tell them who the owner of this car and the whole race track is!
00:35:57It's... it's yours.
00:35:59Did you hear that?
00:36:00Bai Qiqi, fake is fake.
00:36:03Even if you say it like it's real, it can't be real!
00:36:06Why are you lying?
00:36:07I... I...
00:36:09That's enough, Bai Qiqi.
00:36:10The staff here said that the owner of this car is the wife of the owner of this car.
00:36:14Is this still fake?
00:36:15Bai Qiqi, you're really scheming.
00:36:17You're trying to convince us that you're the wife of the CEO.
00:36:20Do you really think we're stupid?
00:36:21What are you waiting for?
00:36:22Kick her out of here!
00:36:24Su Xuanning, how dare you!
00:36:27How dare you collude with the staff!
00:36:32If you dare to cause trouble again, I'll fire you as soon as I get back to the office.
00:36:35Can't you hear me?
00:36:37Kick her out of here!
00:36:38Wen Xiugeng, I'll give you another chance.
00:36:41Why are you lying?
00:36:43Because... I...
00:36:48Because... I...
00:36:50Sister-in-law, I can see that you're deceiving people everywhere.
00:36:54Hello, Mr. Gu.
00:36:57You can leave now.
00:36:59Thank you, Mr. Gu.
00:37:02What are you doing here, Mr. Gu?
00:37:04I'm here to give my brother a gift.
00:37:06But it seems that you've already received it.
00:37:11I really don't know what kind of trouble my brother is in.
00:37:13He forced me to marry you,
00:37:15and even forced me to come here to give you a gift.
00:37:18Did Mr. Gu find out that I'm pretending?
00:37:21No, I have to leave now.
00:37:24Well, Mr. Gu, it's getting late.
00:37:27We're leaving now.
00:37:29Leaving already?
00:37:30We haven't had enough fun yet.
00:37:33Then I'll leave.
00:37:35What are you guys doing here?
00:37:41The car is about to leak.
00:37:45What did you say?
00:37:48Mr. Gu, don't you have something to do?
00:37:50You go ahead. I have to go now.
00:37:55Are you free now?
00:37:56I want to take you to the escort car.
00:37:59Escort car?
00:38:02What a coincidence.
00:38:03I'm the worst at driving.
00:38:05I hate escort cars.
00:38:07Oh, right.
00:38:08I just remembered that the door isn't closed yet.
00:38:11I'm leaving now.
00:38:15Madam, Madam.
00:38:18Madam, Mr. Gu is really something.
00:38:21You're the real President's wife.
00:38:23But why does he treat you so badly every time?
00:38:26That's right.
00:38:27And that Bai Qiqi can even start that McLaren.
00:38:30Could it be...
00:38:33Yes, Director.
00:38:34I don't want to lie to you anymore.
00:38:37Bai Qiqi and Gu Jingsheng have an affair.
00:38:44But when Bai Qiqi joined the company,
00:38:46wasn't her marriage status married?
00:38:48If they were fine,
00:38:50why would Gu Jingsheng help her so much?
00:38:52And they even changed my voice recording system
00:38:55to Bai Qiqi's voice.
00:38:56I see.
00:38:58She really did it on purpose.
00:39:00I don't know what's wrong with her.
00:39:02It's so disgusting.
00:39:05I need to change my job the day after tomorrow.
00:39:07She doesn't deserve to be a part of our story.
00:39:11Let's go.
00:39:14Gu Jingsheng is so weird.
00:39:16I have to stay away from him.
00:39:21What do you want to do now?
00:39:23Madam, I know I was wrong.
00:39:25I beg you.
00:39:26Please don't fire me.
00:39:30Now you know who I am.
00:39:32Tell me.
00:39:33Why did you lie to me?
00:39:36Ning Ning wanted me to help her deceive her colleagues.
00:39:39I didn't expect you to do it yourself.
00:39:41Ning Ning?
00:39:43What's your relationship with Su Xuening?
00:39:45I'm her father.
00:39:46Don't fire me.
00:39:48I'm here to apologize to you.
00:39:52All right, get up.
00:39:56I don't want Su Xuening to know who I am yet.
00:39:59If you keep it a secret for me,
00:40:01I won't fire you.
00:40:02You can keep working here.
00:40:05If you keep it a secret,
00:40:07I'll have to fire you.
00:40:10I promise.
00:40:11I won't tell anyone who you are.
00:40:20These idiots today.
00:40:22What are they up to?
00:40:25Ning Ning.
00:40:26Do you know what you've done today?
00:40:29What have I done?
00:40:31I just pretended to be the president's wife.
00:40:35You'd better explain it to your colleagues.
00:40:40Explain what?
00:40:41If you were my mother,
00:40:43would I pretend to be someone else?
00:40:54I saw my sister-in-law.
00:40:55My brother has a really bad taste.
00:40:57This woman is definitely coming to our house.
00:41:01It's really bad.
00:41:03From the way she looks,
00:41:05to her temperament,
00:41:06there's nothing she can do.
00:41:08I suspect my brother was deceived by her.
00:41:10You keep an eye on that loser.
00:41:12I'll have your brother divorce her right away.
00:41:16Shi Yan.
00:41:17Jingshen told me everything.
00:41:19Your wife is a loser.
00:41:21She's definitely coming to our Gu family.
00:41:24Divorce her right away.
00:41:27Qiqi is a good man.
00:41:28I won't divorce her.
00:41:32I'm here.
00:41:38You told Grandma
00:41:40that your sister-in-law is a loser.
00:41:48I just said it casually.
00:41:55after spending time with her,
00:41:57I think my sister-in-law is a good person.
00:42:00Maybe I was wrong about her.
00:42:07Jingshen doesn't know my wife.
00:42:09It's normal to have some misunderstandings at first.
00:42:11How about this?
00:42:12The auction is in three days.
00:42:14If you still don't like her,
00:42:15you have to see her.
00:42:18I'll see her.
00:42:24I'll see her.
00:42:25I'll see her.
00:42:26I'll see her.
00:42:27I'll see her.
00:42:28I'll see her.
00:42:29Say bad things about your sister-in-law in front of Grandma.
00:42:33Gu Jingshen,
00:42:35do you want to die?
00:42:37I don't understand.
00:42:39What did this woman do to you?
00:42:41You don't even listen to Grandma.
00:42:43Don't meddle in my business.
00:42:44If I find out you're talking behind my back,
00:42:46I'll kick you out of the Gu family.
00:42:50I helped you today.
00:42:52That's your attitude.
00:42:53What do you want me to do?
00:42:59It's simple.
00:43:00You help me, too.
00:43:02I like your sister-in-law.
00:43:04But I asked her out before.
00:43:06She rejected me.
00:43:07In this world,
00:43:09is there a woman you can't get?
00:43:14is really different.
00:43:15I can't help you with this.
00:43:18How many girlfriends have you had?
00:43:20I'm warning you.
00:43:21I don't care how you are out there.
00:43:22Don't mess with my employees' ideas.
00:43:26I'm serious this time.
00:43:27Help me.
00:43:31Isn't it a little too much for us to do this?
00:43:35Too much?
00:43:37How is it too much?
00:43:38That's right.
00:43:39To deal with such an immoral person,
00:43:41you have to use immoral means.
00:43:43Oh, my God.
00:43:44Bai Qiqi,
00:43:45your body is so dirty.
00:43:47Let me
00:43:48wash it for you.
00:43:51Wu Shiya,
00:43:52what are you doing?
00:43:54I'm not doing anything.
00:43:55I just can't stand you.
00:43:56You're married,
00:43:57but you still hook up with wild men.
00:43:59You're scaring me.
00:44:00What are you talking about?
00:44:02Stop pretending.
00:44:05You and Guo'er had a little trouble.
00:44:08I told them a long time ago.
00:44:11Just because of what he said,
00:44:13you all believed it?
00:44:14If you don't have anything to do,
00:44:15why do you care?
00:44:16What he said,
00:44:17of course we believed it.
00:44:18That's right.
00:44:19Bai Qiqi,
00:44:20you're so shameless.
00:44:21You're married,
00:44:22but you still want to be a rich man.
00:44:24Why are you laughing?
00:44:25Don't you have a bad mouth and like to spread rumors?
00:44:27Then I'll wash your mouth.
00:44:33Bai Qiqi,
00:44:34are you crazy?
00:44:35Bai Qiqi, let go of me.
00:44:37What are you doing?
00:44:42What are you doing here?
00:44:54It's working hours now.
00:44:55Why don't you all work?
00:44:57What are you doing here?
00:44:59it's Bai Qiqi.
00:45:00She bullied Mrs. President.
00:45:02We were just being nice.
00:45:10For no reason,
00:45:11why did Bai Qiqi bully her?
00:45:13She should have committed a crime first.
00:45:16I'm too bad in your heart.
00:45:18I was just trying to remind her
00:45:20to stay away from you.
00:45:21She owes me money.
00:45:23She owes me five times.
00:45:24It's not your turn.
00:45:28Grandma is very disappointed in you.
00:45:29Tomorrow at the Gu Group auction,
00:45:31she will check on you.
00:45:34you should worry about yourself first.
00:45:43It's okay, it's okay.
00:45:44I'll take care of it myself.
00:45:47you should go back to your own business.
00:45:56The auction that Guo'er was talking about just now,
00:46:00I heard that all the famous people in Yucheng will participate.
00:46:03It would be great if any of them would like it.
00:46:11Mrs. President,
00:46:12with your status,
00:46:15it's not difficult for you to take us in, right?
00:46:18Yes, Mrs. President.
00:46:19Take us in.
00:46:23Why don't you speak?
00:46:25You don't want to take us in,
00:46:27or you're not Mrs. President at all,
00:46:30and you can't get the invitation card?
00:46:32What's so difficult about this?
00:46:34I'll listen to what you want to say.
00:46:38Thank you, Mrs. President.
00:46:42I don't like it.
00:46:48I want something.
00:47:02The thing
00:47:03is here.
00:47:06What do you want this for?
00:47:07This kind of auction
00:47:08can only be attended by people of high social status and authority.
00:47:11We're just a normal family.
00:47:14We don't deserve it.
00:47:15Don't talk nonsense.
00:47:16I can't let you say that.
00:47:18Xue Niang,
00:47:19don't do anything bad
00:47:21outside the house that violates the law.
00:47:23What violates the law?
00:47:25Okay, I'll go.
00:47:37Bai Qiqi?
00:47:38How did she get in?
00:47:47Bai Qiqi,
00:47:48you're really something.
00:47:50This is a Gu Group auction.
00:47:52Only rich and noble people can come in.
00:47:54Which wild man did you hook up with
00:47:56to get in here?
00:47:57I advise you to keep your mouth shut.
00:47:59You're a scoundrel.
00:48:01I advise you to be sensible and get out of here.
00:48:03You want to kick me out?
00:48:04Do you know
00:48:05who personally asked me
00:48:07to come to this auction?
00:48:09You're really good at bragging.
00:48:11The Gu Group auction
00:48:13is a place where a few heads want to come in.
00:48:16You're just an intern.
00:48:18Why would they ask you?
00:48:19I'm not bragging.
00:48:21It was the CEO of Gu Group
00:48:23who personally asked me to come.
00:48:27Bai Qiqi,
00:48:28you're so pretentious.
00:48:30Stop lying.
00:48:31You said Mr. Gu asked you to come.
00:48:33Why didn't you say
00:48:35he loved you so much
00:48:37that he would die for you?
00:48:40I said...
00:48:41She was right.
00:48:43I, Gu Jingshan,
00:48:45do like Bai Qiqi.
00:48:52I, Gu Jingshan,
00:48:54do like Bai Qiqi.
00:48:57Gu Anshun,
00:48:58you're afraid you'll regret it, right?
00:49:00That's right.
00:49:02tonight's Gu Group auction is about to start.
00:49:04Please take your seats.
00:49:06The auction is about to start.
00:49:08Don't you want to sit with them?
00:49:10No, no, no.
00:49:11I can sit here by myself.
00:49:13It's okay.
00:49:14Go back to your room.
00:49:18The room is too small.
00:49:20I'll sit here.
00:49:24Compared to them,
00:49:25I want to sit with you more.
00:49:27What's wrong with my brother?
00:49:30what did Bai Qiqi
00:49:32do to Gu Anshun?
00:49:34If that's the case,
00:49:36I don't have to save face for my brother-in-law.
00:49:38I'll tell my husband
00:49:40about what happened here.
00:49:43no matter how much Bai Qiqi
00:49:44treats Gu Anshun,
00:49:45he won't be as noble as you.
00:49:47After all,
00:49:48Mr. Gu
00:49:49is the real owner of Gu Group.
00:49:51That's right.
00:49:53Bai Qiqi should have left the company
00:49:54a long time ago.
00:49:56I'll tell him
00:49:58about what happened here.
00:49:59Have a seat first.
00:50:03You two,
00:50:04go over there.
00:50:09By the way, Madam,
00:50:11why didn't you
00:50:12go to the VIP seats
00:50:13as you are?
00:50:16I just wanted to accompany you.
00:50:19Madam is so nice to us.
00:50:21I announce
00:50:22the auction
00:50:23officially begins.
00:50:29One million.
00:50:30Three million.
00:50:31Five million.
00:50:32Oh, my God.
00:50:33It's really a Gu Group auction.
00:50:35This cup
00:50:36is worth a million.
00:50:37Thanks to Madam
00:50:38for bringing us in.
00:50:40The 15th item
00:50:41in our collection
00:50:43is the Noble Consort Green Jade Bracelet
00:50:45from the Tang Dynasty.
00:50:46The auction price is ten million.
00:50:48The Noble Consort Bracelet from the Tang Dynasty.
00:50:50Did Noble Consort Yang
00:50:51really bring it?
00:50:54this bracelet
00:50:55is really expensive.
00:50:57It really suits you.
00:50:59It's only ten million.
00:51:01I can't afford it.
00:51:03Bai Qiqi,
00:51:04what are you laughing at?
00:51:05I'm just curious
00:51:07what kind of things
00:51:08can match Madam.
00:51:10Are you just pretending
00:51:12that you can't afford it at all?
00:51:14I'll see how long you can pretend.
00:51:17It's none of my business.
00:51:18I'll definitely show you
00:51:19the next auction.
00:51:22let's welcome our Asian auction.
00:51:24The crown designed by the Queen of England
00:51:26with 999 diamonds on it
00:51:29represents eternal love.
00:51:31The auction price is one hundred million.
00:51:36One hundred million?
00:51:38One hundred million.
00:51:39Do you want to bid?
00:51:43One hundred million.
00:51:44Do you want to bid?
00:51:47Ten million.
00:51:48Are you crazy?
00:51:50How can I afford
00:51:51so much money?
00:51:52Fifty million.
00:51:54Fifty million.
00:51:55One hundred million.
00:51:56Twenty million.
00:51:57It seems that
00:51:58she likes this auction very much.
00:51:59I'm going to take it down and give it to her.
00:52:01One hundred million.
00:52:02Thirty million.
00:52:05Mr. Gu,
00:52:06Madam is interested in
00:52:07the Asian crown tonight.
00:52:08She has just raised her hand
00:52:09to bid.
00:52:10Two hundred million.
00:52:11Two hundred million?
00:52:12Is there a higher price?
00:52:14If not,
00:52:15this crown
00:52:16will be won by Gu Ershao.
00:52:17Take the thing.
00:52:18Two hundred million once.
00:52:20Two hundred million twice.
00:52:22Two hundred million three times.
00:52:24Three hundred million.
00:52:30isn't this
00:52:31Mr. Gu's
00:52:32personal secretary?
00:52:33Did he
00:52:34just send
00:52:35the high-quality...
00:52:36Oh, my God.
00:52:37Did Mr. Gu
00:52:38send it to Madam
00:52:39on purpose?
00:52:44That crown
00:52:45represents eternal love.
00:52:47Did Mr. Gu
00:52:48want to take it down
00:52:49and give it to Madam
00:52:50to confess his love?
00:52:52They really dare to think about it.
00:52:54Oh, my God.
00:52:55Isn't it just
00:52:56two crowns?
00:52:57Oh, my God.
00:52:58Mr. Gu is really
00:52:59in love with Madam.
00:53:02I envy Madam so much.
00:53:04Su Xuening,
00:53:05Su Xuening,
00:53:06I really want to see
00:53:07how you will finish
00:53:08when Gu Shiye
00:53:09comes later.
00:53:10Is my brother's brain broken?
00:53:12How does he deserve
00:53:13this crown
00:53:14with his face?
00:53:15It's better
00:53:16for him to wear it.
00:53:17When I take down the crown,
00:53:19I will confess my love
00:53:20to him formally.
00:53:21I volunteer.
00:53:24Is there anyone higher?
00:53:26Five hundred million.
00:53:28Five hundred million?
00:53:31Mr. Gu,
00:53:32I advise you not to take it down.
00:53:34After all,
00:53:35this is what your brother
00:53:36wants to give me.
00:53:39Five hundred million once.
00:53:40Five hundred million twice.
00:53:41Five hundred million three times.
00:53:47Mr. Gu,
00:53:48Mr. Gu,
00:53:49did you see it?
00:53:50You can never compare with my husband.
00:53:52You are so intimate.
00:53:54Gu Shiye may not even know
00:53:55who you are.
00:53:57Oh my god.
00:53:58Five hundred million.
00:53:59I have never seen
00:54:00so much money in my life.
00:54:03after the president
00:54:04gives you this crown,
00:54:06can I touch it?
00:54:07Yes, yes.
00:54:08I want to touch it too.
00:54:10As you like.
00:54:16Is the car you parked at the door?
00:54:17It's blocked.
00:54:18You can't move the car.
00:54:20Madam, don't worry.
00:54:21We'll move it for you.
00:54:24Go, go, go.
00:54:43what's wrong with you?
00:54:44This crown
00:54:45belongs to the girl
00:54:46I like.
00:54:48I told you
00:54:49not to distract the staff.
00:54:52I'm serious this time.
00:54:53I really like Bai Xixi.
00:54:55What did you say?
00:54:56Who do you like?
00:54:59What did you say?
00:55:00Who do you like?
00:55:02Bai Xixi.
00:55:06that's Bai Xixi.
00:55:07Isn't it special?
00:55:11it's special.
00:55:13do you know who I'm serious about?
00:55:15can you give me the crown?
00:55:19I didn't say no.
00:55:20Even if you give it to her,
00:55:21Bai Xixi won't like it.
00:55:35I was right.
00:55:37President Gu
00:55:38has a crush on me.
00:55:40I'm going to be
00:55:41the real president's wife.
00:55:45I'll give it to you,
00:55:46my wife.
00:55:51Didn't you say
00:55:52Shu Xuening is the real president's wife?
00:55:54Why did President Gu
00:55:55give the crown
00:55:56to Bai Xixi?
00:55:58I don't know.
00:55:59Is there
00:56:00two president's wives
00:56:01in Gu's Group?
00:56:08Liu Heng,
00:56:09thank you.
00:56:10You're welcome.
00:56:12Liu Heng,
00:56:13thank you.
00:56:14President Gu,
00:56:15how can Bai Xixi
00:56:16be your president's wife?
00:56:17Did you get the wrong person?
00:56:19Who are you?
00:56:20What right do you have
00:56:21to question my wife?
00:56:22If you're the president's wife,
00:56:23then you...
00:56:24I didn't want to expose you
00:56:25just now
00:56:26because I wanted to see
00:56:27how long
00:56:28you can pretend.
00:56:30There has only been
00:56:31one wife of mine
00:56:32in Gu's Group
00:56:33and that's Bai Xixi.
00:56:35Bai Xixi is the president's wife.
00:56:38I fell in love with my
00:56:41So Bai Xixi
00:56:42is the real president's wife.
00:56:44So you're
00:56:45just a fake.
00:56:46You even dare to replace
00:56:47the president's wife.
00:56:48This woman
00:56:49has a lot of guts.
00:57:07I don't agree.
00:57:12why are you here?
00:57:13Gu Shiyan,
00:57:14if you want to marry,
00:57:15I won't stop you.
00:57:17I won't allow you
00:57:18to marry
00:57:19an orphan
00:57:20who has no family.
00:57:24The jade pendant
00:57:25of the richest man
00:57:26in Shengjing
00:57:27should be married
00:57:28to a lady
00:57:29like her.
00:57:33That's right.
00:57:34The jade pendant
00:57:35in your hand
00:57:36is the mother
00:57:37of the richest man
00:57:38in Shengjing.
00:57:39Didn't I
00:57:40pick it up just now?
00:57:48what's your name?
00:57:50My name is
00:57:51Su Xuening.
00:57:52That's right.
00:57:53The name of the richest man
00:57:54in Shengjing
00:57:55is Su Mingrui.
00:57:56A long time ago,
00:57:57a daughter
00:57:58went missing
00:57:59and has been
00:58:00looking for her.
00:58:01This lady
00:58:02has the jade pendant
00:58:03of the Su family
00:58:04and her last name is Su.
00:58:05She must be
00:58:06Su Mingrui's daughter.
00:58:08Su Mingrui
00:58:09is the richest man
00:58:10in Shengjing?
00:58:11I can't believe
00:58:12you picked it up
00:58:13so easily.
00:58:14That's right.
00:58:15It's me.
00:58:16Wait a minute.
00:58:17This jade pendant is mine.
00:58:21Wait a minute.
00:58:22This jade pendant is mine.
00:58:24Bai Qiqi,
00:58:25you're really good at making up stories.
00:58:27I've been
00:58:28carrying this with me
00:58:29since I was little.
00:58:30Now it's yours.
00:58:32My father
00:58:33gave it to me
00:58:34before he died.
00:58:35I've been wearing it all the time.
00:58:36I dropped it by accident just now.
00:58:38But you picked it up.
00:58:41Since you said
00:58:42the jade pendant is yours,
00:58:43how do you prove
00:58:44that your name is not on it?
00:58:47Go away.
00:58:48Be careful.
00:58:49It's not easy
00:58:50for an orphan
00:58:51to climb up
00:58:52the Gu family's ladder.
00:58:55since you're all here today,
00:58:57I announce
00:58:58that Gu Shiye
00:58:59and Bai Qiqi's engagement
00:59:00has been terminated.
00:59:01From now on,
00:59:02Bai Qiqi
00:59:03has nothing to do
00:59:05with the Gu family.
00:59:08you can't...
00:59:09There's no room
00:59:10for discussion.
00:59:11It's decided.
00:59:13If Bai Qiqi divorces President Gu,
00:59:15I'll have a chance
00:59:16to become
00:59:17the real president's wife.
00:59:28Have you found
00:59:29the whereabouts of the eldest daughter?
00:59:31The eldest daughter
00:59:32married Gu Shiye,
00:59:33the president of Gu Group.
00:59:34She's now at the auction.
00:59:37Bring the eldest daughter home.
00:59:46Miss Su,
00:59:47come home for dinner with me tonight.
00:59:49It's a good opportunity
00:59:50to cultivate
00:59:51a relationship with Shiye.
00:59:53Okay, Grandma.
00:59:54I just don't know
00:59:55if Shiye is willing to...
00:59:58If I let this woman
00:59:59step into the Gu family,
01:00:00I will never return to the Gu family.
01:00:02Gu Shiye,
01:00:03how dare you
01:00:04disobey your grandma?
01:00:05I told you before.
01:00:06I only love one person
01:00:07in my life.
01:00:09That's Bai Qiqi.
01:00:11Miss, be careful.
01:00:12Go away.
01:00:13Don't touch me.
01:00:17It's okay.
01:00:18Grandma doesn't recognize you.
01:00:19Husband does.
01:00:20Let's go.
01:00:22Gu Shiye,
01:00:24If you dare
01:00:25to leave with Bai Qiqi,
01:00:26the orphan
01:00:27who has nothing to do with the family,
01:00:28I'll remove you
01:00:29from the Gu family.
01:00:30Who said
01:00:31Bai Qiqi is an orphan?
01:00:44She is my daughter.