• 2 days ago
00:00Thank you for visiting me today. My robot friend Gig is here to help us today. I have
00:08been asked to fix a doubles machine. Let's take a closer look at the machine to see what
00:13we can do to fix it. This is the doubles addition machine and it is supposed to take a number
00:20and double it by adding. For example, here is the number 1 and to double the number 1
00:26we add another number 1. Now we have 1 plus 1 which gives us what? 2! The answer is 2.
00:37We just used addition to double the number 1 and got the answer of 2. This doubles machine
00:44is supposed to double the numbers we put in but it seems to be having problems today.
00:48I am putting in the number 2 but watch what happens. Do you think that 2 plus 2 is really
00:578? I do not think so. 2 plus 2 is 4 and not 8. Let's review some doubles to make sure
01:07we know if the machine is fixed. We already know 1 plus 1 is 2 and 2 plus 2 is 4. Here
01:15we have 3 doubled which equals 6. Here is 4 doubled which equals 8. This is 5 doubled
01:24which equals 10. This machine only does doubles up to the number 5. It is important to memorize
01:32doubles in addition because it makes math so much easier when adding. Now let's fix
01:39machine. Here we have the number 1 and we put it in the machine and out comes the double.
01:44The machine is still not working. Gig, can you go inside and try to fix it? Alright guys,
01:56can you tell me what the number 1 doubled is? It is 2! Great job guys! Here is the number 2
02:05doubled. What is 2 plus 2? The answer is 4. Great job! This is the number 3 doubled. What
02:16is 3 plus 3? The answer is 6. Awesome job guys! Here is the number 4 doubled. What is 4 plus 4?
02:28The answer is 8. Great job again! This is the number 5 doubled. What is 5 plus 5? The
02:39answer is 10. Awesome job kids! We not only fixed the doubles machine but we now know all of our
02:49doubles up to 5. Thank you for your help memorizing doubles. We'll talk to you later. Goodbye!