• 10 hours ago
00:00What's up guys, today I'm going to be showing you some awesome features to make life a little
00:06bit easier.
00:07So let's go ahead and get started.
00:09So this is for Samsung devices.
00:11The first thing we're going to do is go to Galaxy Store, download an application called
00:16Again, it's the Galaxy Store and not the Google Play Store.
00:20So one of the things that I love turning on with this application is, you guys know how
00:25when you hold down the multitasking button, you get this, but to multitask, you have to
00:31hold that down, you have to pick pop-up or split screen.
00:36Well they make it so much easier and so much less time consuming.
00:40So we're going to go into GoodLock here and we're going to click on multi-star.
00:44This is one of the first things I like to do.
00:46So we're going to go to quick launch of multi-window here, we're going to tap that on.
00:51I like personally like to do open and pop-up view.
00:55So all right guys, so now you will see a difference here.
00:58So let's say we're in Chrome and let's just say we hold it down now, look, it goes right
01:04into pop-up view now.
01:06How awesome is that?
01:08So we get the pop-up view.
01:09It's just a quicker way to multitask.
01:12So this is really for my diehard multitasking people.
01:15If you don't really multitask, you probably won't really care, but look at that.
01:19So we're able to get to stuff so much easier because remember the first time we did it,
01:23you had to click that and then we had to go and hold it down and choose.
01:28Well now it just automatically does it.
01:31So this is something that I really like.
01:33Guys definitely consider turning that on.
01:36All right, so the next little cool thing is messing with the multitasking tray here to
01:40get it to look how you kind of want and get it to feel how you kind of want.
01:44So the first thing we're going to do is in GoodLock, we're going to download the home
01:47up section.
01:48So make sure that is downloaded and then we're going to actually go into the Play Store.
01:54We're going to head into the Play Store and download an application called FineLock.
01:59This is free.
02:00So just go ahead and download that real quick.
02:02Just make sure it's installed and then we're going to head back to GoodLock and remember
02:08that home up section I said to go to, click on task changer and then we're going to go
02:13ahead and make sure this is GoodLock, yeah.
02:21And then we're going to go ahead and enable that and you can see now we can mess with
02:25the multitasking tray.
02:26So you see how we have a bunch of different options as far as vertical, slim.
02:33My favorite thing is how, this is basically how Xiaomi does their multitasking here.
02:38As you can see, I can see all the windows or I can see more windows now.
02:43Let me just open up a bunch of stuff here.
02:49And this is just how I like to multitask, to be able to see all the windows and stuff
02:53like that.
02:54But like I said, you can take it a step further if you desire to.
03:01You can see it just opens up for a ton of customizations.
03:04You can see I have the vertical one.
03:09Very cool looking.
03:11So I mean, obviously you just mess around with it if you're bored and you're bored with
03:16the old layout.
03:17Just come in here and mess around with it.
03:20Also we have, I think I'm one that a lot of people will like, where is it at, yeah this
03:26list one.
03:28Very clean looking.
03:29So based on your design preference and how you want to kind of do it, definitely just
03:35mess with it and check it out.
03:37Alright, next just to give you an example.
03:40So we're going to go to the quick star and download that category here.
03:44Now you know on Android you just swipe down and you can get to your quick toggle but you
03:50have to do an extra swipe.
03:52So what this does, if you go ahead and able open quick panel directly, so now you can
03:57see it automatically goes to my toggles instead of me having to do that extra swipe.
04:03And if I swipe from the left, it'll bring the notifications there.
04:07So you can see, but if I do it like this, it's just the same thing, right?
04:14And like I said, you can add that, it gives you an option, right?
04:18So you can go ahead and tense that, it can be 50-50 or you can go ahead and put it on
04:22which side that you would rather have it.
04:25This is something that I really like, just a little quicker way to get to your quick
04:30toggles, right?
04:31Alright guys, so the next thing I want to show you guys, and good luck, is the clock
04:38By default, you get a lot of boring clock faces, so we'll just go ahead and show you.
04:43Samsung barely gives you pretty much, you know, any of them, like it's basically nothing.
04:50So if you want to go ahead and enhance the customization of your clock face, and it does
04:54work for the always on display as well too, we'll just do lock screen right now.
05:00And look at all of these options that we have, that we can go ahead and mess with.
05:06A lot of options here to be able to just, you know, make it your own.
05:14Tons of fun stuff that you can go ahead and mess with.
05:17Much better than the stock, um, stock version.
05:23And apply it, you can see.
05:29So I'll go around and just mess with the clock faces, like I said, you get way more options
05:33than you would typically get, you know, with your standard.
05:39And also, you know, I can come in here, customize it, right?
05:44Turn it, make it to whatever color that I want it to.
05:48So you can really go in depth with this phone, and again, this is for people who really like
05:52to, um, customize their device and stuff like that.
05:59You can really come in here and kind of make the phone more of your own, in a very easy,
06:05very cool way, as you can see.
06:09Alright, so the last thing I'm going to show you is how to get all your applications to
06:13pop up like this, if you want them all sort of like, you know, scrunched up.
06:18Now me personally, I don't really like the look of this, but like, I wanted to put it
06:22in here because some people might like this kind of look, especially if you have a lot
06:26of applications, you don't want to be constantly flicking and stuff like that, right?
06:31So how we're going to do that is, and you can honestly just play with it, but you can
06:35do 7x7 is the most, and then you can change your max count as well too, so you can see
06:40I can even go all the way up to 9 as well.
06:43You can go ahead and just sort of play with that, right, and see what you would like.
06:50So, just show you like the minimum amount, let's just do 4x4, as you can see.
06:58Like I said, it really depends, so you can see I have less.
07:02So it really depends on how you want that whole thing set up, I just think it's cool.
07:05Like I said, I like that idea for people who have a ton of applications, right?
07:10I don't have a ton, so I'm fine with how Samsung does it, but I wanted to show you guys how
07:15that goes.
07:16Also, I have a few other things that you can do, hide app icon labels, you can mess with
07:21the background, the blur, it's a ton of stuff that you can do in here, you can loop pages
07:26as well too, create an app list, but yeah, so definitely take that into consideration.
07:32So be sure and let me know, do you guys like these type of videos?
07:34Let me know in the comments down below, and I'll catch you guys in the next one.
