• 2 days ago
00:16Beth? Where are you?
00:18I need to carefully explore the subway.
00:29Look at that. A snuff box.
00:31And it's filled with tobacco powder.
00:36Couple of years back, I'd have called this a real jackpot.
00:52The trash can's packed with, you know, trash.
00:55Except for this drumstick.
00:58I used to play drums in my high school band.
01:01Haven't played in ages, though.
01:11The box stinks to high heaven.
01:13There's a fish wrapped in newspaper here.
01:17Looks like it might be edible.
01:30Is this the love hotel Callum talked about?
01:33What a run-down joint.
01:35I wonder which room he's staying in.
01:42Found an uninflated balloon just lying around.
01:51The last time I blew up a balloon was for Beth's birthday.
01:54She adored pinks and oranges.
01:56I whipped up an ice cream cake,
01:58taking the whole morning to make,
02:00and ten minutes to scarf down.
02:02We spent the day at the park,
02:04down the low slopes by the lake.
02:06We sipped cherry soda
02:08and watched the perch and trout in the shallows.
02:10It was a good day.
02:17Anyway, this balloon's blown up.
02:26I could scatter the tobacco on the floor
02:28and along the corridors.
02:33Now, if Callum steps out of his room,
02:35I have a trail to follow.
02:46I can see Callum's footprints in the powder.
02:48Well, I hope they're his.
02:50I can track them and find my way to his room.
02:58You found my hideaway.
03:00What's the deal with this town?
03:02Where's everyone?
03:03People here like to keep to themselves.
03:06They'll make themselves known to you
03:08when it is desired.
03:10What's that supposed to mean?
03:12When is that exactly?
03:14When they need something from you.
03:16Sooner or later, it'll happen.
03:19It always does.
03:20This is crazy.
03:22My sister is somewhere in the subway.
03:24I gotta track her down.
03:26I found this book.
03:27There's a part in here about a sacrifice,
03:29and her name is mentioned.
03:31The sacrifice?
03:34I knew it was coming,
03:35just didn't think it'd be this soon.
03:38Listen, you have to split.
03:40When the sacrifice happens,
03:42you'd better be long gone from here.
03:44I'm not leaving without Beth.
03:46My sister's somewhere close.
03:48What's the deal with this sacrifice?
03:50Who are they offering her to?
03:52I... don't know.
03:55All I know is they are obsessed
03:57with finding the right goat for the ritual.
03:59A bunch of crazies in a cult.
04:02They've already taken out my friend.
04:05I'm truly sorry.
04:07Usually they won't bother people passing by,
04:10unless you step into the shadows.
04:13They're pretty adamant about keeping folks
04:15out of their shadows.
04:16Listen, maybe there's something you can try.
04:20There are certain things you can do
04:23to throw off the ritual,
04:25but you have to do them willingly.
04:28I won't let them hurt Beth.
04:30Okay then.
04:31First, gather three ritual bells.
04:34Then, make them chime in the Chamber of the Dead.
04:38The Chamber of the Dead?
04:40I overheard the cultists say
04:42that's a way to disrupt the ritual.
04:44Don't ask me to explain it.
04:46Three ritual bells,
04:48ring them in the Chamber of the Dead.
04:50Got it.
04:51Watch your back out there.
04:54Anything worth grabbing in those drawers?
04:56All kinds of random stuff crammed in there.
04:59Bit of loose change,
05:01unopened condiment packets.
05:04Found some glue in here.
05:06And something else we won't talk about.
05:16What's with the hat?
05:17You just slap it on your head.
05:19I don't know.
05:20What's with the hat?
05:21You just slap it on your head,
05:23without pulling it down.
05:25The way I rock this hat brings me luck.
05:28Is that so?
05:29I can demonstrate.
05:31Up for a game of blackjack?
05:33I'll come out on top every round.
05:37Let's spice things up with a best of five.
05:50Best of five.
05:51Best of five.
06:21I can't believe it.
06:24No one's ever bested me in blackjack.
06:27Not with this hat on.
06:29Ah, it's just a game of blackjack.
06:31Oh, you don't get it.
06:33This hat's got a mind of its own.
06:35If my lucky hat didn't seal the win,
06:38it must have picked you as its new owner.
06:41I don't know.
06:42It's just a game of blackjack.
06:44Oh, you don't get it.
06:46This hat's got a mind of its own.
06:48It must have picked you as its new owner.
06:51Take it.
06:53Hope it brings you luck.
07:05The hearth is unlit.
07:07Seems like there's something inside.
07:10Feels like a lever.
07:13Shoot, it won't budge.
07:19Check out this lever in the hearth.
07:23You knew about this, right?
07:25Hadn't a clue.
07:26Give me a hand pulling it.
07:28Let's find out what happens.
07:32It revealed a tiny compartment.
07:35What's this?
07:36A small bell?
07:37Well, look at that.
07:39You found one.
07:40Just two more and you can disrupt the ritual.
07:49Let's use this balloon to nudge that thing off.
07:56And it's mine.
07:59Looks like a scroll.
08:01It's got a poem on it.
08:03Six times beat the thunder,
08:05and a path in the dark revealed.
08:10I wonder what's in there.
08:12Oh, it's a book.
08:14And a path in the dark revealed.
08:30That did the trick.
08:32The glue took care of the tear in the drum head.
08:42That noise...
08:44Could it be that the electronic lock on the door isn't active anymore?
08:50What was that?
08:59I'd better be quick about it.
09:02No one seems to be on board from what I can see through the window.
09:08Are you here?
09:10I can't hear a thing.
09:12It's freaking me out.
09:18Anybody on the line?
09:20It sounds like there's a sound playing on the intercom.
09:32A children's song?
09:34I have to find Beth and get the hell out of here.
09:40A hat and a stick.
09:42Ready for a magic trick?
09:46That could work as a trap,
09:48but it's missing a little something.
09:55The trap is set.
09:57Go on, kitty.
09:59Follow the scent to the feast.
10:03Ah, got it!
10:06Shoot, the flashlight kicked the bucket.
10:10It's back in business.
10:14Are you...
10:15Your eyes!
10:17You lied to me, Lauren.
10:21What's happening?
10:23What's happening, Atticus?
10:29You're not Atticus.
10:34Sweet mercy, that couldn't have been Atticus.
10:37I need to get out of here.
10:48He's dead.
10:49Did someone... push him?
10:52What the hell's happening in this town?
10:56He's gone.
10:58No pulse.
11:00I found a small bell tucked away in his coat pocket.
11:09I've snagged the cat's bell.
11:11Sorry, little buddy,
11:12but I think I'll make better use of this bell.
11:15You should head home now.
11:56Callum said I should bring the three ritual bells to the Chamber of the Dead.
12:01This must be it, right?
12:03I don't know of any other place that can fit the description.
12:06Time to make them chime.
12:12What are you doing here?
12:14I've been looking for you.
12:16I've been looking for you.
12:18I've been looking for you.
12:20I've been looking for you.
12:24What are you doing with those bells?
12:26What are you doing here?
12:28No time for that.
12:29Those bells.
12:31Give them here.
12:32Right now.
12:33Not happening.
12:34I'm disrupting the cultist's ritual.
12:36You clueless fool.
12:39The ritual.
12:41You just set it in motion.
12:44When the three bells toll in the final battle,
12:47and the drum of hell resounds,
12:50Rue shall awaken in the belly of the dark sun,
12:55heralding the burning of the skies.
12:58The dark sun?
13:00Have you lost your mind?
13:02And how did you know where to find me?
13:04I heard the drum of hell beat,
13:06and followed the dreaded sound.
13:09The drum of hell?
13:11Lauren, it's important you pay close attention.
13:14This wasn't meant to unfold like this.
13:17We're puppets.
13:19We've been manipulated by unseen hands, you and I.
13:23As for the puppeteer, I'm still in the dark.
13:26You should never have pursued these bells.
13:30Please, hand them over to me.
13:33I must destroy them.
13:35Hopefully it's not too late.
13:37Hold on.
13:38I need you to listen to me.
13:40Atticus is dead.
13:42Right now, all I care about is finding Beth.
13:45I heard her voice on the radio.
13:47Then I heard the train.
13:49She's gotta be close.
13:51You want these bells?
13:52Tell me where to find Beth.
13:55Here's everything I know.
13:57When you came to me, I sensed Beth was not yet dead.
14:01I wasn't aware of the identity of who'd taken her,
14:04or their motives.
14:06Now it appears the followers of Rue are behind her abduction.
14:10They needed someone willing to perform the ritual of resurrecting Rue.
14:14But it had to be an outsider.
14:16Someone unaware of the ritual or their god.
14:19Someone like you.
14:21Just who or what is Rue?
14:24A god of the dark sun.
14:26Believed to bestow eternal life.
14:29And as for where Beth is?
14:31What do you know?
14:32You stumbled upon one of the drums of hell.
14:34Which means you've got the Book of Rue with you.
14:37This thing here?
14:39Now look up, drum.
14:43Blessed are those who ring the bells of triumph
14:47and beat the drum of redemption.
14:50For they are the true servants of the dark sun's midnight god.
14:55These are the ramblings of seriously screwed up cultists.
14:59Any words stood out to you from the text?
15:02Redemption and midnight are capitalized.
15:05Redemption is the main street in this town.
15:08If I were you, I'd check out the midnight building on that street.
15:12That is to say...
15:14Building 24.
15:16So Beth might be there?
15:18I can't say for sure.
15:20But it is a promising lead.
15:22You seem to know a lot about this cult.
15:25You don't become a medium of my caliber without delving into the secrets of dark cults.
15:32Here are the bells.
15:33I'll head out and check that address.
15:36Do be careful out there.
15:38The night is...
15:40waking up.
15:55This place looks... normal.
15:58A pocket of sanity in this messed up town.
16:01It's like stepping into a dream after everything that's gone down tonight.
16:06It's almost... too normal.
16:09I wonder if I should confide in the clerk.
16:17Hey, you...
16:18You're like an oasis of sanity in the middle of this nightmare.
16:22Um, can I assist you with something?
16:24It's just...
16:25There are all these cult members around here.
16:28Cult members?
16:29The devil cult.
16:31You know, the ones lurking in the subway and the hospital.
16:34The devil cult?
16:36I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with them.
16:39Are they a new band?
16:41Are you kidding?
16:42You don't know about the cultists?
16:44Have you, like, encountered any?
16:48I don't think I have.
16:50I just...
16:51I was told about them.
16:53You were told we got cultists here?
16:57What about the abandoned hospital?
16:59You mean Summit Ridge Hospital?
17:01It shut down about a year back.
17:03A year ago?
17:04That's when the accident occurred.
17:06Wait, there was also the dead man at the hospital, and another who fell from a window.
17:11You saw dead people?
17:13Did you, like, call the police?
17:17I... can't.
17:19You can't call the police?
17:21Look, I'm not sure what you're getting at, I'm just working my night shift here.
17:25If there's anything you need, let me know.
17:33I could really go for some orange juice right now.
17:54It helps me concentrate.
18:03I managed to lose not just one, but two teeth while munching on a gumball.
18:17They were baby teeth, and I was only seven, but that day is etched in my memory.
18:22Having two of my front teeth missing right in front of everyone at the school playground.
18:27Anyway, I'm sure I can handle one now.
18:30Oh, the darn crank won't budge.
18:32I can't get a gumball.
18:44Hey, uh, the gumball won't come out.
18:46The crank is stuck.
18:47Sometimes it gets a bit finicky.
18:49Let me give it a try.
18:59You've been chasing the night, and now it's here.
19:13It's an unusual place you find yourself in, isn't it?
19:17This town... like a dream.
19:22You're one of them, aren't you?
19:24Aren't we always one of many?
19:27Who the hell are you?
19:28I could tell you, but I think you already know.
19:33I'm starting to feel woozy.
19:36There's something about this building that draws you in, isn't there?
19:42I don't know.
19:44The clerk seems to think I'm crazy.
19:46She's only playing her role.
19:50Her role?
19:51We all have one to play, don't we?
19:56What's yours, the Riddle Man?
19:58Forgive the mistake.
20:00It's only that the truth shies away from clarity.
20:06I believe it's time.
20:09Time for what?
20:10Time to face the truth, ideally.
20:15Head upstairs, third floor, first door on the left.
20:24They're gone.
20:39Here we go.
20:40Third floor, first door on the left.
20:43No turning back now.
20:46This place smells of death, like the air of a coffin after it's been sealed shut.
20:51What am I supposed to be looking for in this godforsaken place?
21:12There's something scrawled at the bottom.
21:15A dark sun is rising over the hills.
21:21That can't be the moon, can it?
21:52The description at the bottom reads,
21:55A dark sun is rising over the hills.
21:58Let's see if this book mentions anything about a dark sun.
22:02Think I found something.
22:04Brothers, what thrilling times these are for our sacred fellowship.
22:10The dark sun is approaching.
22:12The mother of creation.
22:15Hail the dark sun's triumph.
22:19Soon our journey to his world will begin.
22:23This town is the gateway to his realm.
22:27Carry out the rituals.
22:29The more they discuss them on the local news,
22:33the further we strike the terror of the dark sun into their souls.
22:38The more they fear it, the hotter the dark sun blazes.
22:43Keep your faith strong.
22:45Keep your preparation steady.
22:47Our time is near.
22:59This board seems kinda loose.
23:03I can't lift it by hand.
23:12The cabinet holds a fresh plush towel.
23:15There's also a flat-bladed paint scraper tucked away in here.
23:19And, oh, what's this?
23:22Seems like a solvent.
23:24Could be handy for stubborn stains.
23:37This place is like a freaking horror show.
23:41A skeletal arm is jutting out of the wall.
23:44It's clutching a small iron key.
23:47What's it for?
23:54Crude, but might do the trick.
24:00Well, what do we have here?
24:02Something unexpected.
24:04That's a blacklight.
24:06Some sort of UV flashlight.
24:08I wonder what it could reveal.
24:22There is something in the book about the local news channel.
24:25Let's check it out.
24:28We're live at the metro station,
24:30the scene of a horrific murder earlier today.
24:33It wasn't just a murder.
24:35It was a devil ritual.
24:37The victim had his entrails removed,
24:39then fed to him.
24:41To add to the horror,
24:42the perpetrators celebrated their crime,
24:45leaving cryptic graffiti all over the place.
24:48The authorities did their best
24:50to clean up and repaint the floor and the walls.
24:53The problem is that hidden graffiti messages
24:56continue to be uncovered.
24:58Let's hope these murderers
25:00don't come back.
25:05Those who appear to be involved in devil worship
25:08are apprehended
25:10and face the full extent of the law.
25:15How is this a live broadcast?
25:18The metro is deserted.
25:36There is something in the book about the local news channel.
25:39Let's check it out.
25:43We're live at the metro station,
25:45the scene of a horrific murder earlier today.
25:48It wasn't just a murder.
25:51It was a devil ritual.
25:53The victim had his entrails removed,
25:56then fed to him.
25:58To add to the horror,
25:59the perpetrators celebrated their crime,
26:03leaving cryptic graffiti all over the place.
26:06The authorities did their best
26:08to clean up and repaint the floor and the walls.
26:11The problem is that hidden graffiti messages
26:14continue to be uncovered.
26:16Let's hope these murderers
26:18who appear to be involved in devil worship
26:20are apprehended
26:22and face the full extent of the law.
26:27How is this a live broadcast?
26:30The metro is deserted.
