• 2 days ago
00:00An empty grave, you say?
00:14No surprises there, Lauren. Your sister's not dead.
00:21Impossible. I saw Beth in the hospital. Her eyes were closed.
00:31You witnessed what they wanted you to see. They chose to keep her with them.
00:38You'll find her among spirits, in the space between here and the Abyss.
00:44Among spirits? But you said she's not dead.
00:49Not dead. Not alive. In between.
00:58Go back to the hospital, where they tended to your sister.
01:05You'll need a spirit radio to contact her.
01:09You can find one on the black market, and be ready to cough up a fortune.
01:14Luckily, I've got my old, slightly battered one for just $999.
01:21Position it at the lowest spot you can find.
01:27Then, just wait and listen for her. It might take a while.
01:36What do they want with her? Why go to the lengths of faking her death?
01:43That I can't say. Devil cultists are a screwy bunch.
01:52It's possible her spiritual level is... special.
02:02No matter what, steer clear of the authorities.
02:09The cultists could catch wind, and Beth would vanish for good.
02:16Anyway, off you go. My four o'clock is due any minute.
02:28So, this is it. The place where Beth passed away.
02:34Well, not really, if I'm trusting the medium.
02:39Beth is just ten. What sort of monsters are we dealing with here?
02:45I'm by your side, Lord. If Beth is here, we'll track her down.
02:50Let's kick things off with the radio. The medium recommended putting it in a low spot.
02:56Okay, let's start there.
02:59You know, this hospital is strangely silent for a medical facility.
03:07It wasn't like this when Beth was brought here after the car crash.
03:12There were sirens blaring, relatives visiting, patients getting discharged.
03:17This place gives me the creeps. Let's just get on with what we came here to do.
03:26Atticus isn't some kind of Russian doll.
03:31I don't think I've ever seen a Russian doll.
03:36I don't think I've ever seen a Russian doll.
03:41I don't think I've ever seen a Russian doll.
03:46I don't think I've ever seen a Russian doll.
03:52Atticus isn't some kind of Russian doll.
04:11Left something in the car?
04:14No, I'm thinking it's a good place to follow up on the medium's instructions.
04:21Car's still here, untouched.
04:24Someone stealing it would be a blessing. That old thing's more hassle than it's worth.
04:30How would we make our way back then?
04:34I'll carry you.
04:36On those broad shoulders of yours?
04:40You know it.
04:52What do you think? Is this floor low enough for the radio?
04:57Should do the trick. Unless you're for going even lower.
05:01Go down another floor? No way, Jose.
05:08Then this floor it is. Let's get it set up.
05:14Then this floor it is. Let's get it set up.
05:19Hear anything yet?
05:24Nothing that sounds like Beth yet.
05:29What's the plan now?
05:32While you wait for a signal on the radio, I should go inside.
05:37Inside? The hospital?
05:40No way I'm letting you go in there alone, Lauren.
05:43I have to. I might find some evidence that it's not a regular hospital.
05:49That the people here abducted Beth.
05:53Meanwhile, someone's gotta stick by the radio.
05:57That's crazy, Lauren. If there really are cultists in this hospital, you need me with you.
06:03Atticus, I'm going. You hold down the fort here.
06:10I'll slip in quietly. Doesn't seem like anyone caught wind of us yet.
06:16If things go south, I'll sprint back to your big strong arms.
06:22You better.
06:31Right. Let's have a little tour of this... hospital.
06:35Seriously, this place is too quiet for a medical facility.
06:39First on my list is the operating room where they treated Beth.
06:43That's it. The room they operated on Beth.
06:47Seems like it's been sitting idle for ages.
06:50It's almost like I imagined the whole thing.
06:53Beth, lying there with her eyes closed.
06:59Where are you, Beth? Are you still alive?
07:04I promise I'll find you.
07:12Looks like all the workstations are out of commission.
07:35I don't know what's going on here.
07:39I don't know what's going on here.
07:43I don't know what's going on here.
07:47I don't know what's going on here.
07:51I don't know what's going on here.
07:55I don't know what's going on here.
07:59I don't know what's going on here.
08:04I don't know what's going on here.
08:14Let's take a look here.
08:18There's a diary with entries all written in red ink.
08:25Each entry has it's own title, and the first one is labeled Blood.
08:29the entry goes the blood of salvation shall revive the fallen and devotion
08:36shall triumph over death what the heck the rest of this mumbo-jumbo seems to be
08:41more of the same
08:59found a sound amplifier in the surgical tray it's toast
09:08this was where Beth was lying eyes closed not a breath in her
09:28I'd blacked out when the car crashed when I came to I saw Beth was in bad
09:40shape then the siren wailed and the red light of an ambulance approached I lost
09:49consciousness again shoot the lights just went out holy crap what is that
10:01thing seriously what the hell are you I have to get out of here
10:06oh god that man's eyes are gouged out who'd do something like that I've seen
10:16something freaky in the operating room where they tended to Beth wait what kind
10:22of freaky thing couldn't tell you definitely nothing natural not natural
10:28like not of this world not anything that should exist that whole scene was like
10:35living a nightmare please don't go wandering anymore stick with me until we
10:42get some kind of signal on that radio I can't if there's a lead on what happened
10:47to Beth I need to uncover it just watch your back Lauren I can't stand the
10:53thought of something happening to you
11:01hey big guy feel like popping open this dump for me we're planning on digging
11:06into the trash were we it's not a trick question spot anything intriguing dumps
11:14a bust just cardboard boxes in this totally soaked fuse it's Kaput
11:23Kaput no saving that one
11:36hey mind if I stand on your shoulders I want to take a look at that pipe
11:51hop on lady what do you see up there there's a small key and a big plump
12:00candle why would anyone toss those up there candles have a knack for ending up
12:05in the most unlikely places and this one's unexpectedly weighty why would it
12:11be it's just wax is it though
12:16I guess my genius moment will have to wait I used to head straight for the car
12:42lighter whenever I craved a smoke but after my father passed away and Beth
12:48became my responsibility I never felt the urge for a smoke again
13:12I used to head straight for the car lighter whenever I craved a smoke but
13:31after my father passed away and Beth became my responsibility I never felt
13:36the urge for a smoke again I could use the car lighter to melt the wax called
13:47it there's more to this than just wax turns out it's been concealing a memory
13:54stick what's the deal with hiding that in a candle
13:59let's plug it in the computer appears to be running a program
14:25there's a program running in the background I know this game I used to
14:43play it as a kid you win by switching off all the lights
14:55yes in your face game
15:06hey look at that a slot just opened up found a medical sponge I'll just help
15:20where's that sponge if it's tough enough for blood it can handle drying
15:24this up to there good as new
15:47that should have sorted something out
16:07anyone in the morgue doesn't seem like it well at least not anyone still kicking
16:22the shelves are stocked with various post-mortem solutions there's also a small battery
16:38the small key unlocks one of the freezers lucky for me there's no body I can breathe
16:43a sigh of relief something glints at the back it's a petri dish containing a small colony
16:50of bacteria the colony seems shriveled as if it's been deprived of something might
16:57be because it's been stored in that stuffy chamber unit for a while
17:21saturate the petri dish with some oxygen
17:23fascinating the oxygen kick starts the bacteria's growth it's grown and expanded
17:32to spell out a word lamb
17:34interesting there's an entry with the code word lamb here's what it says from
17:50darkness a glimmer did flame from swirling death a breath of light a God
17:56from beyond did speak verses of life prevailing over the shadow of death a
18:02sacrifice of the lamb shall fulfill the pledge and pure blood shall shed the lamb
18:10shall bear the name Beth in her he will live in her he will reign this is insane
18:18Atticus needs to hear about this right now
18:21Atticus are you around where could he be
18:36is Atticus in the car looks like a silhouette
18:42no no this can't be happening I should never have dragged you into this you
18:59were always there for me I'm so sorry
19:06he's gone you'll always be in my memories I found the radio control in
19:14his jacket pocket
19:26there the electronic squeaks are back
19:42there we are popped in the battery and the sound amplifier is good to go
19:48all right let's give this a listen see if anything comes through Beth Beth is
20:01that you Lauren all right here Beth Lauren it's so cold in here I want to go
20:10home Beth help me find you baby Warren never have come here Beth are you there
20:24damn it I lost her
20:30did I just hear a train there's a subway station nearby Atticus and I passed it
20:35on the way here it's just within walking distance I have to check it out
20:39right now
20:51found the subway entrance seriously this city is dead what on earth happened here
20:58trust me you don't want to know shit you totally startled me where do you come
21:04from my dad didn't mean to freak you out I'm column you live around here yeah
21:11in the love hotel just down that alley love hotel it's a bit seedy but the
21:18passion suite is a hidden gem around here and what's your name Lauren just
21:24where is everyone this place feels like a ghost town it only seems deserted if
21:30you're looking what does that even mean you'll figure it out soon enough just a
21:35heads up steer clear of the dark the dark I'm heading down to the subway oh
21:41you really don't want to do that care to explain it's not called the subway at
21:47the dead for nothing there are things down there things that shouldn't be I
21:55know about the cultists are you one do I strike you as a cultist I guess not not
22:02with that hat hey it's my lucky hat it keeps me safe if this place is dangerous
22:09why stick around you can't just leave this town not when it's got unfinished
22:15business with you and does it have business with you I should be heading
22:21off remember what I said stay away from the dark
