• 2 days ago
Go Ahead (2020) EP-21 Eng Sub
00:00《Sometimes, My Dear》
00:13親愛的,有時候覺得好累 Dear, sometimes I feel so tired
00:26也會在孤單中流下眼淚 And shed tears in loneliness
00:46用力地長大 And grow up
00:56就算彷徨也在繼續闖 Even if I hesitate, I'll keep going
01:06勇敢著,所謂天黑勇敢著,所謂天黑 Courageously, the so-called darkness
01:12不過是一味 Is merely a
01:19生命的一種迂迴 Life is a journey
01:26讓我們學會 Let us learn
01:32讓我們學會 Let us learn
01:43去飛 Let's fly
01:46現在你走到哪兒 Now where are you going
01:53一起走吧 Let's go together
02:01《Sometimes, My Dear》
02:20趁著月亮不在,我們採訪一下你哥啊 While the moon is not here, let's interview your brother
02:24你對我們美麗大方,一家一室的月亮記憶多久了? How long have you had a memory of our beautiful moon?
02:32覬覦 I'm not sure
02:33雖然曖昧很有情趣,但是還是談戀愛的更爽快吧 You are very interested in flirting, but you prefer to date
02:38我們月亮都跟你表白了,你就趕緊順波下雨吧 We have confessed our love to you, so you should go to the beach now
02:42曖昧?等等等等,都表白了? Wait, wait, we have confessed our love?
02:46還不跟我說,還在曖昧一會兒嗎? Why don't you tell me that we are still flirting?
02:48你也知道月亮喜歡你,是吧? You know that the moon likes you, right?
02:51早就知道了 I knew it
02:54我是想跟她說清楚,我有喜歡的人了 I just want to make it clear that I have someone I like
02:57你喜歡的人不就是月亮嗎? Isn't the one you like the moon?
03:02啊?不是啊?啊你說你喜歡高中時候的學妹?啊,我的天哪,不會是我吧? Ah? No? Then you said you like a junior from high school? Oh my god, is it me?
03:22再等會兒,高中時候的學妹?誰啊?我怎麼不知道? Wait a minute, a junior from high school? Who is it? How come I don't know?
03:28我吃完了 I'm done
03:30這就吃完了? That's it?
03:34李尖尖又怎麼了? What's wrong with Li Jianjian again?
03:38我還在聲明交代氣吧,明明說好的讓阿姨記著這天回來的 I'm still in the middle of a statement. I promised to let my mom remember this day
03:43聲明是誰啊? Who is it?
03:47是誰啊? Who is it?
03:58是誰啊? Who is it?
04:28嗯 Um.
04:58嗯 Um.
05:29哥,你先下去吧,我手機忘拿了 Brother, you go first, I forgot my phone
05:32在你手上 It's in your hand
05:33哥,哥,哥,哥,哥,冷靜,哥,哥,哥 Brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother
05:43昨晚的事? What happened last night?
05:44昨天晚上我喝多了,什麼都不記得了 I was drunk last night, I don't remember anything
05:46昨天的事情對不起,是我沒控制好自己,但我的意思你應該明白,你好好考慮一下 I'm sorry about yesterday, I didn't control myself, but you should understand what I mean, you should think about it
06:02不考慮什麼呀,哥你清醒一點,我們是兄妹啊,不是親兄妹,生死親兄妹,從小一口鍋裡吃飯,一張床上睡覺,我們是一家人 I don't have to think about it, brother, wake up, we're brothers, not brothers, we're brothers
06:09從小一口鍋裡吃飯,一張床上睡覺,我們是一家人 We've been eating and sleeping in the same bed since we were kids, we're a family
06:12還不夠 Enough
06:13夠夠的啦 Enough
06:15我希望跟你和李爸建立一種從法律上和公序良俗上都能成為家人的關係,只有以後我們結婚了才能是真正的家人 I want to build a relationship with you and dad that can be a family from the legal point of view and from the legal point of view
06:26只有以後我們結婚了,才能是真正的家人 Only if we get married in the future, we can be a real family
06:31結什麼婚,咱倆怎麼可能結婚呢 What marriage? How can we get married?
06:40你跟鄭書欣分手吧 Break up with Zheng Shuyuan
06:41我不分,我不跟你結婚 I won't, I won't marry you
06:44我不跟你結婚 I won't marry you
07:11喂 Hello
07:12月亮 Yue Liang
07:13你要在家住幾天啊 How many days are you going to stay at home?
07:15還沒確定 I'm not sure yet
07:16你們家沒什麼事吧 You don't have anything to do at home, do you?
07:18你還有別的事嗎 Do you have anything else to do?
07:20你別跟你媽講嘴啊 Don't talk to your mom like that
07:22有什麼你就一隻耳朵進一隻耳朵出就行了 If you have something to say, just say it out loud
07:25我媽叫我去買菜了,先不說了 My mom asked me to go grocery shopping, I won't say it now
07:28好好好 Okay
07:29拜拜 Bye
07:40我們晚上去吃個料吧 Let's have a meal tonight
07:43好啊 Okay
07:44那就先把東西放工作室啊 Let's put things in the studio first
07:46吃吃飯,吃完飯去看電影 Let's have a meal and watch a movie after that
07:48好呀 Okay
07:50今天陪你挑衣服挑到腳都快抖了 I can't even walk with you today
07:53我抱你吧 Let me hold you
07:54不用吧 No need
07:56不能讓人看到啊 No one will see us
07:57沒人 No one
07:59對了,這個小迷糊面膜晚上你拿一盒回家 By the way, take a box of this facial mask home at night
08:01可以讓你的肌膚補補水 It can make your skin moisturize
08:03謝謝寶貝 Thank you
08:08快快快,幫我放下 Hurry up, put it down
08:14走 Let's go
08:19今天周市長你怎麼過來了 Why did you come today, Mayor Zhou?
08:22對不起,打擾了 Sorry to bother you
08:26你沒跟人約會嗎 Didn't you have a date with someone?
08:28我前幾天剛見過 I just met him a few days ago
08:30拜託大姐,談戀愛不是天天都要黏在一起的嗎 Come on, sister, don't you have to stick together every day when you're in love?
08:35沒必要,沒必要 No need, no need
08:37咱們雕塑系的戀愛之詩你沒聽過嗎 Haven't you heard the love poem of our sculpture department?
08:40戀愛之詩 Love Poem
08:41什麼鬼 What the hell
08:43把一塊泥捻一個你塑一個我 將咱兩個一起打破 用水調和 再捻一個你再塑一個我 我泥中有你 你泥中有我
09:12小哥 Brother
09:15今天怎麼又沒什麼人啊 Why is there no one today?
09:17沒什麼人我也不歡迎你 I don't welcome you if there's no one
09:19你怎麼還在討厭我呢 Why do you still hate me?
09:21我為什麼討厭你 Why do I hate you?
09:23我為什麼討厭你你自己心裡不清楚嗎 Why do I hate you? Don't you know that?
09:26我,我不清楚啊 I, I don't know
09:29你每天約不同的女孩來我店裡聊胸聊腰聊屁股 你覺得我怎麼 I, I, I, I don't know. You ask different girls to come to my store every day to talk about boobs and ass. What do you think I should do?
09:35現在呢不是追求以瘦為美嗎 Isn't it a pursuit of beauty now?
09:37我就想知道女生們對自己身體的一個真實想法 I just want to know what girls think of their bodies.
09:41我的新作品想要打破大家的固有審美 My new work wants to break everyone's stereotype.
09:44你這是老母豬帶胸罩一套又一套 You're a mother pig with a pair of braids.
09:47別的我不管你趕緊給我分手 I don't care about anything else. You break up with me.
09:49小心我到你的工作室把你那些破雕塑全都砸爛了 Be careful I'll go to your studio and smash all your broken sculptures.
09:54李千千沒跟你說嗎 Didn't Li Qianqian tell you?
09:56我們倆已經分了 We've already broken up.
10:01你倆分手了 You broke up.
10:02你倆分手了 You broke up.
10:04她對我沒感覺就只能分了 She didn't care about me, so we broke up.
10:07我們現在又重新回到了朋友的位置 We're back to being friends again.
10:10你也可以去追她了 You can go after her now.
10:12我什麼時候追她關你屁事 When did I chase her? It's none of your business.
10:15你自己終於發現了啊 You finally found out.
10:17什麼意思啊 What do you mean?
10:19我早就看見她了 I've seen her for a long time.
10:21作為哥哥呢一把年紀了不追女孩子 As an older brother, he doesn't chase girls.
10:23整天追在妹妹屁股後面跑 He's always chasing after his sister's ass.
10:25你別跟李千千瞎說啊 Don't talk nonsense to Li Qianqian.
10:26滾 Get out of here.
10:28你脾氣這麼壞小心把李千千嚇跑 You have a bad temper. You might scare her away.
10:30滾啊 Get out of here.
10:52這有什麼好難過的呀 What's so sad about this?
10:54瘋了就瘋了唄 Just let it go.
10:56我不是難過 I'm not sad.
10:58我是鬱悶 I'm depressed.
11:00這麼快就被甩了 I was dumped so soon.
11:03更沒有面子 It's a shame.
11:11我還是覺得這樣太草率了 I think it's too hasty.
11:14草率? Hasty?
11:17你看啊 Look.
11:19這個地方也不對 This place is not right.
11:21天氣也曬 It's sunny.
11:22天氣也曬 It's also sunny.
11:24在這樣的情況下 Kissing in this situation is weird.
11:27奇怪嗎 Is it weird?
11:29是人奇怪吧 It's people who are weird.
11:31不是天氣 It's not the weather.
11:33人也奇怪 Look.
11:35李千千 咱倆還是做回朋友吧 Let's be friends again.
11:37為什麼 Why?
11:39我們還是適合當朋友 We are still suitable to be friends.
11:41親來親去這種關係對我們來說真的很奇怪 This kind of relationship is really weird to us.
11:45這是我第一次談戀愛耶 This is my first time in love.
11:47還沒滿月耶 It's not even a month yet.
11:49你以為你是坐月子還滿月 Do you think you are sitting on the moon?
11:50我覺得我們根本不是在談戀愛 I don't think we are in love.
11:52就是在一塊玩 We are just playing together.
11:54可是我們玩得挺好的呀 But we are having a good time.
11:56我們在一塊玩當然很好 Of course we are having a good time.
11:58但是我們建立戀愛關係之後的一起玩 But the way we play together
12:00和朋友的玩法是不一樣的 is different from that of friends.
12:02朋友是喜歡一起玩別的 Friends like to play something else together.
12:04但戀人是喜歡在一起 But lovers like to be together.
12:09你看你 Look at you.
12:11你現在的表情就特別不自然 Your expression is very unnatural now.
12:13沒有啊 No.
12:15那在一起玩和在一起的區別你明白嗎 Do you understand the difference between playing together and being together?
12:18明白 Yes.
12:20爸 Dad.
12:22這件事是我的錯 It's my fault.
12:24是我先提出戀愛請求的 I asked for a relationship first.
12:26所以應該由我來結束 So I should end it.
12:28我們應該及時止損 We should stop the damage in time.
12:30做永遠不會分手的志同道合的好朋友 Be a good friend who will never break up.
12:32不是很好嗎 Isn't it good?
12:35要不兄弟再給個機會 Why don't you give me another chance?
12:37不要 No.
12:39試試你閉上眼睛 Try it. Close your eyes.
12:41晚了我跟你說 It's late. Listen to me.
12:43我現在渾身散發著單身狗的清香 I smell the scent of a single dog all over me.
12:45你別碰我啊 Don't touch me.
12:47不是 No.
12:48慢慢啊慢慢來 Take it easy.
12:50不要動手 any more.
12:52走 Go.
13:04這就對了 That's it.
13:06我早就知道你們倆會分手的 I knew you'd break up.
13:08為什麼 Why?
13:10我很認真的 I'm very serious.
13:12這跟認真不認真沒有關係啊 It has nothing to do with serious or not.
13:15你們倆根本就沒有那種氣場 You don't have that kind of air.
13:18Lovers care a lot about what the other person thinks of them.
13:22Look at me. I use that little mask every day.
13:25It's so that when the other person gets close to me, they'll think my skin is pretty.
13:30Second, lovers need to be together every day.
13:35Even when they go home, they need to keep in touch.
13:38As long as the other person has a little contact with the opposite sex, they'll get jealous.
13:43Do you have these?
13:46Ran must have noticed these problems too.
13:50When lovers have physical contact,
13:53even though they'll get nervous, they'll also expect a lot from each other.
13:59The bodies of two people are like a kind of attraction.
14:01They'll naturally get closer.
14:04It's definitely not hate or rejection.
14:06As long as he's by your side, you'll feel at ease and happy.
14:12It's that kind of huge satisfaction and happiness.
14:18It could also be siblings.
14:20I'm talking about physical contact.
14:22Your brother will kiss you.
14:29Xiao Jie, don't you like German TV series?
14:35Do I like German TV series?
14:37I like the one about cheating and cheating.
14:39When you were watching it last night, you said you wanted a little brother like that.
14:43Wait a minute.
14:45I understand every word you say.
14:47But how come I don't understand it when it's combined?
14:50What's the German department of archaeology?
14:52And what's that? What film?
14:54What knife film? What brand?
14:58Why are you laughing?
15:09I don't know.
15:18Don't eat anything for three hours.
15:20These two days, it's mainly food. You might not get used to it.
15:22It's a normal phenomenon.
15:25You're welcome.
15:25I'll take you to get some medicine.
15:40It's me.
15:41Can you go buy a new phone?
15:44It's too troublesome to contact you. I have to transfer.
15:47Do you need anything?
15:48Let me tell you some good news.
15:49Li Jianjian and her so-called boyfriend broke up.
15:53That's it?
15:54That's it.
15:55I'm hanging up.
15:58I brought you the new uniform from the hospital.
16:00Oh, thank you.
16:01Put it over there.
16:03Normally, older brothers don't like younger sisters' boyfriends.
16:06But your brothers are a bit too obvious.
16:09Let's take the medicine first.
16:12Do you want to have lunch together?
16:14I'll take you to a good restaurant.
16:18Sister Xiyi, I confessed to the girl I like.
16:23That fast? Did she say yes?
16:29She's been in the same position for too long.
16:31She needs time to accept it and find another identity.
16:35Is it that Qi Mingyue?
16:39I don't know her.
16:40You know her. You even bought ice cream for her.
16:45No way. She's your sister.
16:51Younger sister.
16:54Why am I so stupid?
16:55Sister Xixi, don't call me Sister Xixi.
17:10Oh, my God.
17:15Whose little girl is sitting here all alone?
17:21I'm sorry. It's not open today.
17:26Why don't you go home?
17:28I don't want to go home alone.
17:30Why? Is there a ghost at home?
17:32Why don't you look for your brother?
17:34Then I'll look for a ghost.
17:37It's not right again.
17:39Which brother are you talking about?
17:41What are you doing with your brother all day?
17:44I'm doing?
17:48Don't you hate them?
17:52Isn't that because you're being generous and accepting again?
17:55As an outsider, how can I stop your family from reuniting?
17:58Besides, your two brothers are basically holding you in their arms.
18:03What else do I have to be picky about?
18:04If you two have a fight, it's because you're being generous and accepting.
18:11You're being too biased.
18:15I'm absolutely fair and just.
18:18Don't be ungrateful.
18:24Let's go. I'll take you home.
18:31You really want to chase Li Jianjian?
18:34You're finally able to face your disgusting desires.
18:38You're the disgusting one.
18:40I'm just taking care of her.
18:42Don't be shy.
18:44I've always said that you're a liar.
18:46So you really like her.
18:48Didn't you two grow up together?
18:50We've been friends for nine years.
18:51Nine years?
18:53How do I know?
18:55How do I know that I have that kind of feeling for her?
18:58That's true.
18:59After all, there's no distance between us.
19:01When I first met her, she was just a little girl.
19:03Now she's all grown up.
19:05You really have a good taste.
19:07Open the door.
19:08Get lost.
19:09Did I treat you to a meal to make you laugh at me?
19:11How could I laugh at you?
19:12I'm genuinely happy for you.
19:14What did you say?
19:15You have a family.
19:17You're the eldest.
19:18You're the father.
19:19Are you trying to flatter me?
19:20I'm your father.
19:23You're fat.
19:30How are you going to go after her?
19:32If I figure it out, I'll treat you to a BBQ.
19:36No wonder he's so generous and treats me to such a fancy meal.
19:40He's asking for my help.
19:42Waiter, one oyster and two baby octopus.
19:44Okay, one moment.
19:45Be quiet.
19:47Uncle Taiyi, what do you think?
19:50I just think that if Li Jianjian and I get married,
19:54we can be on the same page.
19:57If Li Jianjian and I have this kind of relationship,
20:00wouldn't it be smoother?
20:03But I feel that
20:05your relationship is a barrier.
20:08What if she only sees you as her brother?
20:13Do you think that I like Li Jianjian's idea?
20:19Are you a pervert?
20:21What are you doing?
20:24It's you.
20:26Why are you so pure when it comes to love?
20:28Shut up.
20:32I think
20:34you should at least make her feel that you are a normal man.
20:37How am I not a normal man?
20:39I'm talking about gender awareness.
20:41You have to show your charm as a man,
20:43not just a brother who can cook and buy bags.
20:49love needs a sense of mystery.
20:53You two are so close.
20:55I think you should take the initiative to break this atmosphere
20:58and make Li Jianjian feel that
21:00you and her relationship have other possibilities.
21:03Take the initiative?
21:05What initiative?
21:10I want to eat a piece of meat.
21:12Don't you have hands?
21:13I want to eat meat.
21:15Come on. I'll give it to you.
21:17Come and eat.
21:21You have to do something out of line.
21:26For example?
21:32Get out.
21:33What the hell are you doing?
21:34Get out of here.
21:46What are you doing?
21:52Have you ever seen a girl with money?
21:56Which one are you talking about?
21:58There are many.
21:59There are not many.
22:00Just a few.
22:01What kind are they?
22:02There are all kinds.
22:06What about me?
22:10Anyone like you is fine.
22:13What do you know?
22:15Sometimes the more beautiful you look, the less people will chase you.
22:18Because others think you must have a lot of people chasing you.
22:22Then you tell your senior that you have no one chasing you.
22:25According to your straightforward way of dating,
22:28you will be dumped sooner or later.
22:30Do you understand?
22:44Where is Jianjian?
22:55Remember to review it tomorrow.
22:59Xijie said that if there is no problem,
23:01there is no need to review it.
23:13I didn't have time to go to your mother's memorial day the day I came back.
23:16I'm so worried.
23:20Your brother's anxiety is so serious.
23:22It's none of my business.
23:27Anyway, it's none of my business.
23:35I'm sorry.
23:37I'm sorry.
23:39I'm sorry.
23:41I'm sorry.
23:46These two days,
23:48does your mother still want me to accompany her?
23:53So annoying.
23:56I owe her in my life.
24:12Playing mahjong.
24:14Playing mahjong.
24:19The last time I asked you to help me find out about Taiping,
24:21it was very helpful to my cousin.
24:23When do you have time? I'll treat you to dinner.
24:41I'm sorry.
25:11I'm sorry.
25:23What are you doing here?
25:25What are you doing secretly?
25:29I put half a watermelon in the refrigerator yesterday.
25:35Come on.
25:41Come on.
25:45Brother, I've been thinking about it all day.
25:48Have you decided?
25:51We grew up together.
25:54We have a very strong emotional foundation.
25:56We are much closer than relatives.
25:57No, it's impossible to compare.
25:59So you may have mixed up family and love.
26:06I'm not you.
26:08I'm not you.
26:14I'm talking about you.
26:20Think about it carefully.
26:22You've been living with your mother all these years.
26:24You may feel a little guilty about me.
26:28Then you came back to Singapore.
26:31Did you get excited?
26:33You suddenly feel that you like me.
26:36Thank you. You were anxious.
26:38Is it because...
26:39When I was in the third year of high school.
26:43I said that I would marry you.
26:52You were just kidding.
27:00From then on, I decided that the watermelon was the most important thing.
27:06I saved the meat on both sides of the pot for you to eat.
27:28When you took me home when I was a kid.
27:30I've been your man all my life.
27:37Is it sweet?
27:46It's done.
27:49You owe him so much.
27:54What's wrong?
28:07Hello, Uncle Li.
28:09Where's your Uncle Li?
28:10Uncle Li is looking for you.
28:15Wait a minute. I'm almost done.
28:17I just have one sentence.
28:18I have to go to work after I'm done.
28:20Hurry up.
28:23What's the matter?
28:24Didn't you ask me to find He Mei for you?
28:26I thought it was hard to find.
28:28I asked a friend.
28:30She came back early.
28:32She's been back for two years.
28:33She opened a beauty salon.
28:37I was wondering how to be a mother.
28:40She's been back for two years.
28:41She didn't come to ask about her son.
28:46I'll send you the address later.
28:48I'm leaving.
28:54She's back.
29:03She's back.
29:24Li Jianjian likes to eat junk food.
29:26She must have gone to eat fried rice cake again.
29:29You spoiled her.
29:31I'll make her a cake.
29:33I cut the sugar, okay?
29:37I didn't sleep last night.
29:39Did you go back and get stimulated?
29:42Why do Li Jianjian and you think I'm stimulated?
29:45We know your mother.
29:47You said you broke your phone and couldn't get in touch.
29:49Did you get the ticket back?
29:51We think it's not easy for you to come back.
29:55So what did you tell your mother?
29:57I don't know.
29:59At first, she couldn't accept it.
30:01Then she agreed.
30:03She agreed to come back.
30:04That's it?
30:06Maybe your mother committed suicide when you came back.
30:08Your mother committed suicide.
30:10My mother didn't commit suicide.
30:11She's still alive.
30:15Have you seen your mother?
30:22I mean...
30:24This kind of person has a strong life force, right?
30:26She can live well wherever she goes.
30:30I don't know where your mother is.
30:32Maybe she's married.
30:34She has a younger brother and a younger sister.
30:56I love you.
30:58I love you.
31:00I love you.
31:02I love you.
31:04I love you.
31:06I love you.
31:08I love you.
31:10I love you.
31:12I love you.
31:14I love you.
31:16I love you.
31:18I love you.
31:20I love you.
31:22I love you.
31:24I love you.
31:54I love you.
31:56I love you.
31:58I love you.
32:00I love you.
32:02I love you.
32:04I love you.
32:06I love you.
32:08I love you.
32:10I love you.
32:12I love you.
32:14I love you.
32:16I love you.
32:18I love you.
32:20I love you.
32:22Mr. He, our boss is not here yet.
32:24Mr. He, your uncle is looking for you.
32:46I didn't expect you to come to me.
32:52How old is your son?
32:54Four years old.
32:56He is in kindergarten.
32:58Four years old.
33:00It's a good time to play.
33:02Why don't you open a kindergarten
33:04or a beauty salon
33:06and say hello to me?
33:10It's not necessary.
33:12We have nothing to do with each other.
33:20I really
33:22suddenly came to you.
33:24Maybe I disturbed
33:26your life.
33:28I just want to tell you
33:30that Ziqiu came back from abroad
33:32and didn't leave.
33:34And he opened a coffee shop.
33:36His business is very good.
33:38You didn't see him.
33:40He is a young man now.
33:42He is about the same height as me.
33:44And he is good at
33:46taking care of people.
33:54I didn't tell him
33:56that you came back last time.
34:00I just want to
34:02discuss with you
34:04whether I can tell him
34:06that you paid me back.
34:10It's up to you.
34:12That's all?
34:18No, He Mei.
34:24I know
34:26you still love Ziqiu.
34:28You left him
34:30because you had your own difficulties.
34:32And Ziqiu
34:34had a knot in his heart.
34:36He just didn't say it.
34:38I just want to
34:40open the knot for him.
34:44you can
34:48to see him again.
34:50Li Haichao.
34:52You are a good man
34:54but you act like you are sick.
34:56If it were someone else,
34:58I would die outside.
35:02I did it
35:04for him.
35:08Didn't you do it for your son?
35:14Li Haichao.
35:16Listen to me.
35:18Don't think everyone is
35:20as bad as you.
35:24I left for myself.
35:26I came back
35:28for myself.
35:30When we meet on the street,
35:32let's pretend we don't know each other.
36:00Hurry up.
36:06Hurry up.
36:08Are you in a hurry?
36:30Don't look back.
36:34Don't look back.
37:10We are running out of Arabica.
37:12We need to prepare
37:14some hand-made coffee.
37:16Okay, I know.
37:18The power is out.
37:20The card is dead.
37:24It's in the cabinet.
37:26Take it and charge it.
37:28Is the power out?
37:30I think so.
37:36Take this out.
37:42You are here.
37:46Why didn't you tell me you were coming?
37:48Mind your own business.
37:50Okay. Tell them
37:52what you want to eat and drink.
37:56I have to go now.
37:58Thank you, Ge.
38:04Why is he so nice to you?
38:06We are
38:08good friends.
38:10Of course he is nice to me.
38:12Did you tell them about our breakup?
38:14You didn't tell them?
38:16My first love
38:18was dumped before a month.
38:20It's so embarrassing.
38:22I wanted to tell them
38:24that we are not suitable for each other.
38:28You are so vain.
38:30It's my first love.
38:34We didn't do anything we should do in a relationship.
38:36We didn't do anything we should do in a relationship.
38:38Otherwise, it's so embarrassing.
38:40You totally denied me.
38:42What else can I do?
38:46What we are doing now
38:48is different from what we did in a relationship.
38:52Don't eat me.
39:06I'm buying flowers for my cousin. Come here.
39:12Do you want to try?
39:14I can't do it.
39:16It's okay. I can teach you.
39:22Hold the cream bag with your right hand.
39:24Push the cream.
39:28Hold it.
39:30This way.
39:36One more.
39:42Did Ge tell you
39:46What did he tell his mom?
39:50He said
39:52he couldn't accept it at first.
39:54Then he changed his mind.
39:56It's impossible.
39:58From what I know about Aunt Chen Lin,
40:00he is the kind of person who must achieve his goal.
40:04Did Ge get stimulated again?
40:06Why didn't you ask him yourself?
40:10We are chatting.
40:12And you are both boys.
40:14You must have talked about everything.
40:16You have been closest to Lin Xiao since you were young.
40:18You keep talking about him.
40:22I treat you both equally.
40:26When I first came here,
40:28you always put my stuff in the luggage
40:30when my dad and I were not here.
40:32You pushed it down the hill
40:34at the entrance of the community.
40:36Look at Lin Xiao.
40:38You threw the walnuts you picked
40:40into the stairs.
40:42You are not angry.
40:44You still remember it.
40:46You like Lin Xiao the most.
40:48It's mainly because
40:50Aunt Chen Lin didn't become my stepmother.
40:52But Aunt He Mei
40:54almost became my stepmother.
41:16I love you.
41:38Brother, save him.
41:40I am wrong.
41:42Save him.
41:44Save him.
41:46Wipe your mouth.
41:48It's fine.
41:50Wipe your mouth.
41:54take this cake home.
41:56I will stay at my dad's today.
41:58What's the matter?
42:00I will stay with him.
42:02It's fine.
42:04I often go to my dad's.
42:06I have something to discuss with him.
42:08That's great.
42:10I don't have to come back.
42:12By the way, drink more water.
42:14Be careful of heat stroke.
42:16I understand.
42:42You have grown up.
42:44The other one has become smaller.
42:48Time allows us
42:50to meet again.
42:58My children.
43:02Maybe you will leave here.
43:06Maybe the way home
43:08will be longer and longer.
43:10You don't have to look back.
43:18I will stay here
43:22and look back
43:24with your back.
43:34I miss the old house
43:36you used to live in.
43:40I miss
43:42the days when you
43:44looked for your heart.
43:46It's like
43:48a leaf
43:50flying further than the branches.
43:54Those years
43:56are like
44:08My children.
44:12Maybe you will leave here.
44:16Maybe the way home
44:18will be longer and longer.
44:22You don't have to look back.
44:28I will stay here
44:32and watch you fly
44:34far away.