• yesterday


00:00Rajat is a very good person.
00:21If he wasn't there today, I wouldn't have had the courage to do this.
00:29And the truth about Jigar never comes out.
00:40Shall we take her?
00:41Yes, Kaku.
00:43Okay, Savitri.
00:44I'll leave now.
00:45Mom must be alone at home.
00:46And once again, I'm really sorry.
00:49Take care of yourself and aunty.
01:00You locked yourself in your room.
01:07You're crying.
01:11Please forgive me, Brother Shantanu.
01:14I had promised you that your daughter won't have any problem in this house.
01:22I couldn't keep my promise.
01:28My daughter-in-law had to go through so much pain in this house.
01:32I apologize for that.
01:34Brother Rajendra, why are you apologizing?
01:37It's not your fault.
01:39And you were helpless in your daughter's love.
01:43Look, whatever happened was not good.
01:47It was our bad luck that we had to see all this.
01:49Anyway, what's done is done.
01:53Let's go.
01:55Let's go, Shantanu.
02:01Savi, what are you thinking?
02:07Let's go.
02:08What's done is done.
02:18What happened?
02:21Why are you looking at me like that? Tell me.
02:28You wanted justice, right?
02:30Everyone wanted justice and everyone got it.
02:34You wanted me to take a stand for everyone and I did.
02:36But I have a question to ask you.
02:39When your mother and brother did wrong to Savi
02:43why didn't you go against them?
02:46Why didn't you stand by Savi?
02:48I was in the same predicament that you were in.
02:54I was also thinking about my sister.
02:57I was thinking about my family.
02:59Everyone got justice.
03:01Jigar will get punished.
03:03But what about the punishment that my sister is going to get every day?
03:06My sister loved Jigar. She married him.
03:09He is her son.
03:11She will be in pain for the rest of her life.
03:14What about that?
03:16When all of you were wondering why I wasn't supporting Savi
03:21why I wasn't standing up for her, why I wasn't talking about her
03:25that's when I was thinking about all this.
03:27I am not just Savi's husband. I have other relations too.
03:30I have other responsibilities too.
03:32And Savi, you.
03:33When so much was happening to you
03:36you didn't feel the need to tell me.
03:40You could have trusted me.
03:42You could have told me.
03:43What did you think?
03:44That I won't support you?
03:46That I won't stand up for you?
03:48Mother, Mrunmayee made me a villain in a jiffy.
03:52I became bad for everyone.
03:53No one thought that I am a brother too.
03:57My sister's family was ruined.
03:59My niece lost her father's support.
04:04No one thought that this is my responsibility too.
04:09No one trusted me.
04:10I was saving my family.
04:12I did what I thought was right.
04:14And today I did what I thought was right.
04:19Because if I hadn't done this today
04:21I wouldn't have been able to look at myself all my life.
04:23I would have kept thinking all my life why I didn't do this.
04:27But I am not happy doing this.
04:29I am in pain. For my sister.
04:30For my sister.
04:31I will have to see her disappointed face every day.
04:34And whenever I see her face
04:36I will feel that I am the reason for her disappointment.
04:39All this happened because of me.
04:45And even after doing so much
04:46if someone feels that I have left something out
04:49then I am sorry.
04:50I can't do anything more than this.
04:53And even if someone is still not satisfied
04:55and wants to leave
04:56then no matter what
04:58I won't stop him.
05:00And I won't say sorry to anyone.
05:30I won't.
05:49Let's go, dear.
05:52Let's go out and eat something.
05:55How long will you sit like this?
06:01What difference does it make, mom?
06:04Why have you come here?
06:07Did you see?
06:09No one cares about me
06:13in this house.
06:17Don't say that, dear.
06:20I am here. I care.
06:22Mom, please.
06:24Please go from here.
06:26Don't waste your time and energy on me.
06:30a mother can do this to her daughter.
06:32But a mother can't.
06:35Why are you saying this, Tara?
06:38What did I do?
06:39This is the matter, mom.
06:41What did you do?
06:43Mr. Rajat
06:45kept hitting my husband.
06:46He kept hitting him.
06:48And you
06:50where was your love then?
06:52When everyone
06:54was slapping Jigar
06:56where was your love then?
06:58The police
06:59dragged my husband
07:00like a criminal.
07:05All of you were quiet then.
07:08My entire life was ruined.
07:10My daughter
07:12my daughter was separated from her father.
07:16All of you were locked up.
07:21And who is all this for?
07:25that girl from yesterday
07:26that girl from yesterday
07:27for everyone?
07:30I understood one thing, mom.
07:32A daughter is a stranger.
07:35And a daughter-in-law?
07:36A daughter-in-law is a family member.
07:38A daughter-in-law is a family member.
07:40What about me?
07:43I don't have a family.
07:45And my in-laws didn't leave me alone.
07:50No one
07:51no one was harmed.
07:53Only me
07:54and my daughter.
07:58I am telling you
07:59what everyone did to me
08:02I will never forgive them.
08:03I will never forgive them.
08:08Don't say that, dear.
08:09We are with you.
08:10No one is with me.
08:12No one.
08:13And I don't want anyone.
08:14Please, you
08:15you go from here.
08:17Leave me alone.
08:18How can I go like this?
08:19What happened?
08:21Leaving you in pain like this
08:28Hey, dear.
08:30Control yourself.
08:32Mom, I told you
08:33you go.
08:34Please, you go.
08:35You go.
08:36Leave me alone.
08:38I can't leave you.
08:41Tara, no one has left you, dear.
08:45Listen to me.
08:48You go, dear.
08:49You will fall sick.
08:50Your daughter
08:51you have to take care of Neha.
08:53When my luck is bad
08:56what will I do about my health?
08:58and this
08:59this pampering
09:00don't keep it for me
09:01keep it for your daughter-in-law.
09:03As it is
09:04she is going to come.
09:05She will come.
09:09one thing
09:10listen to me carefully.
09:12I won't even see her face.
09:14If she comes in front of me, mom
09:16I swear
09:17I will
09:18I will do something wrong.
09:20I am telling you.
09:21Tara, control yourself.
09:22No, please.
09:24Don't do it.
09:25You go from here.
09:30I beg you.
09:31Please, go.
09:33Leave me alone.
09:58I am going because you are asking me to, Tara.
10:00Remember one thing, Tara.
10:02Until you come out and eat something
10:06I will stand outside and wait for you.
10:08Without eating or drinking.
10:09Do you understand?
10:11Did you hear?
10:12I am waiting for you.
10:47Is Tara fine?
10:49How can she be fine?
10:52Her family has been ruined in a moment.
10:55Tears are not stopping from her eyes.
10:57All this has happened.
10:59All this has happened because of Savi.
11:01That girl ruined my son's life.
11:04Are you out of your mind?
11:05Savi has not ruined your daughter's life.
11:07He has saved her life.
11:09He has saved her from a heartless person like Jigar.
11:12Who was trying to destroy her from inside.
11:16Savi has thrown that demon out of Tara's life at the right time.
11:20He has saved our daughter.
11:22What have you saved to save?
11:24Tell me.
11:25That girl's family has been ruined.
11:27Jigar's family.
11:38Do you still think that Tara's family could have been with a monster like Jigar?
11:43If it could have been, then it's good that the family has been ruined.
11:47My sister and niece have been saved.
11:49What kind of a person is he?
11:51He has put his hand on women's respect.
11:53A woman from his family
11:54I feel ashamed to call him a member of my family.
11:58He is not worthy of being called a human.
12:00Whatever he was doing, he was always doing.
12:02If not today, then tomorrow this would have come in front of everyone.
12:05But still Tara's heart would have broken.
12:07It's good that it broke today.
12:09My sister has been saved.
12:11Rajat, I don't know.
12:12Whatever happened was right or wrong.
12:16But the way it happened, it was very wrong.
12:21He is her husband.
12:22She loves him.
12:25In a moment, everything was ruined by that girl.
12:29Couldn't you tell her that everything will be fine?
12:33Whatever happened was right.
12:35We saved you.
12:37Before doing all this, you thought once.
12:41What will happen to Tara and Nia?
12:43When Tara will come out of the house, people will ask her.
12:46They will say that see, the criminal's wife is going.
12:48Nia will grow up.
12:49Children will ask Nia in school.
12:51Where is your father?
12:52What are you doing in jail?
12:53What will that girl answer?
12:55Have you ever thought?
12:57You just wanted to become a hero in front of everyone.
13:00I just know one thing, Rajat.
13:02You can handle all this in a different way.
13:09But you didn't do it.
13:11What do you think?
13:12I did all this to become a hero.
13:14Don't I love Tara?
13:17I love Tara.
13:18That's why I won't let her spend her whole life with a monster like Jigar.
13:24I will see how that monster comes near my sister.
13:28I won't even let him wander around my sister.
13:45You came, child.
13:47You must be hungry.
13:52I am not hungry.
13:54I am feeling suffocated inside.
13:55I am going out.
13:56I will come with you.
13:58Mom, I told you.
14:00Please leave me alone.
14:14Did you see?
14:15Did you see what condition your sister is in?
14:19Everyone is responsible for the tears in her eyes.
14:24I swear on God.
14:27I will never forgive everyone.
14:44Do you also think that whatever I did was wrong?
14:48I don't understand one thing.
14:49How do I make Tara understand?
14:51Whatever happened was for her own good.
14:53I don't know what else that Jigar would have done.
14:56Bringing her to the right place.
15:00This is wrong.
15:02If it was in my hands, I would have killed him.
15:04I would have strangled him.
15:11I understand your anger, child.
15:14But Shree has said one thing right.
15:17The love of so many years doesn't end in a moment.
15:21Tara is very angry right now.
15:24Let her calm down.
15:26Then she will understand that you have not done anything wrong.
15:29You have supported the truth.
15:31And I am proud of you, Rajat.
15:33And Tara will also be proud.
15:34She is very smart.
15:36She will understand that Jigar was not the right person for her.
15:42And you will see.
15:43One day she will leave everything and move ahead in life.
15:48Whatever happened is very difficult for any of us to accept.
15:55But it takes time for things to get normal, Rajat.
15:59I don't know when everything will be fine.
16:01And we will have to try to make things normal slowly.
16:06And you will have to take this step first, Rajat.
16:09What do you mean?
16:10I mean...
16:13You will have to convince everyone.
16:15Bring everyone home, child.
16:19Everything is fine now.
16:20She will come back on her own.
16:21She won't come back, Rajat.
16:23The way we humiliated her and threw her out of the house.
16:27No girl will come back on her own.
16:39And you have given her justice.
16:42You haven't given her self-respect.
16:44You haven't made her realize that whatever happened to her will not happen again.
16:48Look, Rajat.
16:50Sometimes doing the right thing is not enough.
16:54You have to make her believe that the mistake that she has made will not happen again.
17:00And you have to make her understand that she is not alone.
17:04That the mistake that she has made will not happen again.
17:08You have to make her believe that it will never happen again.
17:11How do I make her believe?
17:13What kind of belief does she want?
17:14What does she want?
17:15I have done all this for her.
17:21If she doesn't understand this, then don't make her understand.
17:25And it's not about self-respect.
17:26It's about stubbornness.
17:29And I can't bow down to anyone's stubbornness.
17:31That's it.
17:35Okay, brother.
17:37If you won't go, I will go to convince sister-in-law.
17:41No, Lucky.
17:44She won't come even if you say so.
17:45I know, dad.
17:47She won't come even if I say so.
17:49But someone has to try.
17:54Yes, dad.
17:57Someone has to try.
17:59I will also go to convince sister-in-law with Lucky.
18:01Someone has to try.
18:02I will also go to convince sister-in-law with Lucky.
18:04Someone has to try.
18:06Don't make me understand what should be done and what shouldn't be done.
18:15Why are you both saying sorry?
18:17What's your fault in this?
18:19Sister-in-law, we can't change what has gone wrong.
18:22But we can fix things for the future.
18:28And sister-in-law, you know how brother is.
18:31He doesn't show what's in his mind to anyone.
18:35And like all of us, he also wants you to come back home.
18:42Please, sister-in-law.
18:44Thank you for coming here.
18:47But I am sorry.
18:49I can't come.
18:57I know that Rajat's intention was good.
19:01I am thankful that he gave me justice.
19:04But I can't forget what he said to my brother-in-law.
19:07How can I believe that he really wants to see me in that house?
19:14You know very well that brother Rajat speaks half of his words in anger.
19:18He doesn't even mean those words.
19:20Please, don't be angry.
19:22And come home with us.
19:25Everything will be like before. I promise.
19:27Everything will be fine.
19:29We all are missing you a lot.
19:31Please, sister-in-law.
19:36I am sorry.
19:39You please go.
19:50Uncle, we will leave now.
20:15Thank you so much, Lucky.
20:16For what?
20:17At least, you tried.
20:20By the way, I felt very good to see you and sister-in-law convincing brother-in-law.
20:25You felt so?
20:26At least, there is someone there who considers him as his own.
20:38Thank you so much for taking care of my sister.
20:43You are welcome, Ranbir.
20:56I was trying to impress her since so many days.
20:59I didn't know that she will be impressed by such a simple thing.
21:03Lucky, you really turned out to be lucky.
21:06May be, you have found the way to reach to Mumma's heart.
21:16Papa, have you thrown my Parimamma out of the house?
21:19No, son.
21:20Not at all.
21:21Go and say sorry to Parimamma.
21:24Now go and bring my Parimamma.
21:27Okay, son. I am going.
21:28I have come here to say sorry to you.
21:30I am sorry.
21:32I know that whatever happened was wrong.
21:33I will never be able to forgive myself.
21:35Not even till you forgive me.
21:38If you forgive me, then please return home.
21:41Everyone is waiting for you.
21:42Papa, Riddhi, Lucky, I...
21:45If you don't want to go, it's your decision.
21:47I am not forcing you.
