• yesterday


00:00:00回答一样的问题 To answer the same question.
00:00:02各位评委老师,我创作好了。 I've finished it, judges.
00:00:05这么快?不会又在说大话吧。 That was fast. Are you kidding again?
00:00:08我倒是看看,她待会儿能弹出什么来。 I want to see what she's going to play later.
00:00:11我也创作好了。 I've finished too.
00:00:13无愧是钢琴天才司千千。 No wonder she's called the piano genius.
00:00:15这么快就写出一首曲子。 She's written a song already.
00:00:17连辅助工具都不用啊。 She doesn't even need any supporting tool.
00:00:19敢动我们千千,今天这个司沐炎死定了。 If you dare to mess with us, you are dead today.
00:00:23我们准备了两个纸条,你们一人抽一个,决定先后顺序。 We've prepared two pieces of paper, each of you pick one and decide the order.
00:00:34没关系,你就弹那首我们刚刚花大价钱买的曲子,一定会惊艳全城。 It's okay, just play the song we just spent a lot of money to buy. It will definitely surprise the whole city.
00:00:39至于这个蠢货,一定会输得很惨。 As for this idiot, he will definitely lose badly.
00:00:53哇,好好听,看来胜负已经揭晓了。 Wow, it sounds so good, it seems that the victory has been revealed.
00:01:01就是啊,这还比个啥呢,死前先赢定了嘛。 Yeah, what's the point of competing? We will definitely win this time.
00:01:04该你了,姐姐。你要是现在认输,我可以考虑放你一马。 It's your turn. Sister, if you give up now, I can consider letting you go.
00:01:22谁输谁赢还不一定呢。 It's not certain who will lose and who will win.
00:01:29薄言,这局势似乎对四小姐不太友好啊。 Boyan, it seems that the situation is not very friendly to Miss Si.
00:01:33这一场,我都不愿意赢。 I can't win this time.
00:01:36你给我下来吧你,别丢人现眼了。 Get off me, don't embarrass me.
00:01:39下去,下去,下去。 Go, go, go.
00:01:40下去。 Go.
00:02:01这是我这辈子听过的最悲伤的钢琴曲。 This is the saddest piano song I've ever heard in my life.
00:02:05肃言,他竟然能做出这样优美的曲子。 Boyan, he can make such a beautiful song.
00:02:09我果然没有看错人。 I was right about him.
00:02:16这些年,你到底都经历了些什么? What have you been through all these years?
00:02:20我承认,之前是我错怪他了。 I admit that I was wrong about him before.
00:02:22无论如何,这样优秀的钢琴手都应该被观众看到。 No matter what, such an excellent pianist should be seen by the audience.
00:02:27不可能,不可能。 Impossible, impossible.
00:02:30他怎么可能会在几分钟之内创造出这么好的曲子。 How could he create such a good song in a few minutes?
00:02:39为了保证比赛的公平性,这场比赛我们将以不记名的方式进行投票,让现场的每一位观众决出胜者。 In order to ensure the fairness of the competition, we will vote anonymously in this competition, so that every spectator on the scene can choose the winner.
00:02:58现在,还请大家按动手上的投票器,为你喜欢的选手投票。 Now, please press the voting machine in your hand and vote for the contestant you like.
00:03:08现在,比赛结果已经到我的手中了。 Now, the result of the competition is in my hand.
00:03:17让我们恭喜,司穆妍小姐,夺得本场比赛胜利。 Let's congratulate Ms. Su Muyan for winning this competition.
00:03:24这不可能,这绝对不可能。 This is impossible, this is absolutely impossible.
00:03:28司穆妍她就是一个草包,她怎么可能做出这么好的曲子。 Su Muyan is just a straw bag, how could she make such a good song?
00:03:32这首曲子一定是她抄的,一定是她抄的。 She must have copied this song.
00:03:36那我请问,我是抄谁的呢? Then may I ask, who did I copy?
00:03:41我们维也纳国际钢琴大赛一向公平公正,为了防止某些人有心作弊,我们专门引进了最先进的AI识曲的机器。 Our Vienna International Piano Competition has always been fair and just, in order to prevent some people from cheating.
00:03:48既然两位都是现场作曲,曲库里一定没有,现在我们同时将两位的曲子送入曲库中,看看是否有问题。 Since both of you are composing songs on the spot, there must be something in the music library.
00:03:55我同意。 I agree.
00:03:59我也同意。 I also agree.
00:04:01好,那我们现在就请工作人员把两位的曲子送入曲库。 Ok, now let's ask the staff to send your songs to the music library.
00:04:06我也同意。 I also agree.
00:04:09我也同意。 I also agree.
00:04:11好,那我们现在就请工作人员把两位的曲子送入曲库。 Ok, now let's ask the staff to send your songs to the music library.
00:04:17现在让我们输入司沐妍的自作曲《悲怆奏鸣曲》。 Now let's input Si Mu Yan's self-composed song,《悲怆奏鸣曲》。
00:04:30未识别到《悲怆奏鸣曲》。 Unidentified,《悲怆奏鸣曲》。
00:04:32未识别到《悲怆奏鸣曲》。 Unidentified,《悲怆奏鸣曲》。
00:04:34我就知道,司沐妍她可以的。 I knew it, Si Mu Yan can do it.
00:04:37是啊,真是年轻有为。 Yes, she is really young and capable.
00:04:39现在让我们输入司谦谦的自作曲《天鹅湖》。 Now let's input Si Qian Qian's self-composed song,《Tian'e Hu》。
00:04:52系统识别到,《天鹅湖》属于抄袭作品,原作者是声样大师。 Unidentified,《Tian'e Hu》belongs to plagiarism, the original author is a vocal master.
00:05:00天啊,司谦谦真的抄袭了。 OMG, Si Qian Qian is plagiarizing the song?
00:05:06司谦谦,快向声样大师道歉。 Si Qian Qian, apologize to the vocal master.
00:05:08滚出钢琴界!滚出钢琴界!滚出钢琴界! Get out of the piano! Get out of the piano!
00:05:12不可能!那明明就是我的曲子!Impossible! That's my song!
00:05:16是你,是你故意陷害我!It's you, you're the one who framed me!
00:05:29Now, do you think it's necessary for me to plagiarize you?
00:05:59Master Xiaoyang, is that song of yours?
00:06:03The eyes of the crowd are bright.
00:06:05That song is indeed the song I released for the official.
00:06:08I came here today because I heard that someone took my song and deliberately spread it.
00:06:14So I came here to take a look.
00:06:16I see, I see.
00:06:19Si Qianqian, the song you used for the competition was plagiarized.
00:06:23You are so disappointing.
00:06:25I didn't.
00:06:26I wrote all these.
00:06:27I wrote it.
00:06:29The system still recognizes that Si Qianqian's light also belongs to plagiarism.
00:06:35The source is the sound master.
00:06:40Get out!
00:06:44Si Moyan, you are framing me.
00:06:48Lin Ben, drag her out.
00:06:52I, Si Qianqian, am a piano genius.
00:06:56Si Moyan, you are just a scapegoat.
00:06:59Get out!
00:07:02Is our sponsor so cruel?
00:07:05This is not a sponsor.
00:07:07It's that old fox.
00:07:09Too muddle-headed.
00:07:10Now, I announce that Si Qianqian's performance will be canceled.
00:07:15From now on, she will be famous in the Vienna International Piano Competition.
00:07:18Well said.
00:07:19Such a plagiarist should be killed by a shameless killer.
00:07:22It's the most fair and authoritative piano competition in the industry.
00:07:26I finally remember who she is.
00:07:28This girl is totally different from my little story.
00:07:32I must ask her when it's over.
00:07:34Order someone to keep an eye on Hu Yichen.
00:07:36Don't let him get close to Moyan.
00:07:39Yes, Mr. Bo.
00:07:52Grandma, it's time for you to make a call.
00:07:55It's really time.
00:07:56You brat.
00:07:57Are you sick of my old lady?
00:07:59No, I'm not.
00:08:00Then hurry up and bring your granddaughter-in-law back.
00:08:02Old cow eats young grass.
00:08:03You don't want to be responsible, do you?
00:08:05If you dare to learn from those playboys,
00:08:07I will break your legs.
00:08:11I'm serious.
00:08:13There are not many things that can make you serious.
00:08:15Our family has always followed the rules.
00:08:17Since you are together,
00:08:18you should see your parents.
00:08:19When you propose a marriage,
00:08:21you should give the girl an explanation.
00:08:24I got it.
00:08:25Hurry up.
00:08:26Bring her back tonight.
00:08:27Then I want to ask
00:08:28if the girl is willing to do it.
00:08:36Are you willing to go back to your hometown with me?
00:08:40Your grandma wants to see your girlfriend.
00:08:43I'm not.
00:08:46It seems that our girl is not ready yet.
00:08:49Then we'll go another day.
00:08:51By the way,
00:08:52Li Ma has prepared dinner.
00:08:54I'll ask the driver to send you home.
00:08:56I'm going to my hometown.
00:08:58Let's go.
00:09:02Po Yanan.
00:09:03How long can your love last?
00:09:08The Lord.
00:09:13The Lord.
00:09:16Why do I seem to hear
00:09:18the voice of Huo Yingdi?
00:09:20You must have heard it wrong.
00:09:21Let's go.
00:09:38Po Yanan, you old fox.
00:09:40Wait and see.
00:09:41When I'm sure of my identity,
00:09:43I'll make you cry and beg me.
00:09:50Hello, mom.
00:09:51I saw a man today
00:09:52who looks like my aunt.
00:09:53I feel that
00:09:54she is my 13-year-old sister.
00:09:56Then hurry up
00:09:57and bring her back to us.
00:09:58This Po Yanan,
00:09:59this old fox,
00:10:00can he be seen by others?
00:10:01Wait for me to find a chance.
00:10:03Did you have fun today?
00:10:07how many secrets do you hide?
00:10:13I won't tell you.
00:10:16I really want to hide you
00:10:18and not let others know
00:10:20that you only play the piano for me.
00:10:23My ticket is very expensive.
00:10:25It doesn't matter.
00:10:26You can tell me
00:10:28what you want.
00:10:29If you don't believe me,
00:10:30you can use someone else.
00:10:35What's going on?
00:10:36I asked you to bring her back.
00:10:38Why did you come back alone?
00:10:40you don't have to worry about me.
00:10:42When the time is right,
00:10:44I will bring her back to see you.
00:10:46The time is not ripe
00:10:48or the girl
00:10:49doesn't want to come back with you?
00:10:51Isn't she too young?
00:10:53Don't worry.
00:10:55By the way,
00:10:56let me ask you.
00:10:57Do you know how to woo a girl?
00:10:59Did you send flowers to her?
00:11:01Did you invite her to dinner?
00:11:02Did you go to the movies?
00:11:04Did you see the content of love?
00:11:06Are you with a girl?
00:11:08You also have a long face.
00:11:10I know how to woo a girl.
00:11:13You just recovered.
00:11:14Don't worry about me.
00:11:16I'm not worried.
00:11:17I'm not worried.
00:11:18I'm afraid you're going to be a bachelor.
00:11:20Tell Grandma
00:11:21who this girl is.
00:11:22Grandma will help you woo her.
00:11:24You've seen her.
00:11:25The girl who treated you last time.
00:11:27It's her.
00:11:29That's great.
00:11:30By the way,
00:11:31did you thank her
00:11:32after the event?
00:11:33No, no.
00:11:34I have to ask someone
00:11:35to prepare a lot of gifts
00:11:36for this little girl.
00:11:39the country girl
00:11:41can buy some gifts
00:11:42to thank her.
00:11:43Yan Nan's wife
00:11:44will be the president's wife
00:11:45of the financial group in the future.
00:11:46The future hostess of the Bo family.
00:11:49That identity
00:11:50is worthy of our Bo family.
00:11:53Who do you think is worthy?
00:11:56my niece
00:11:57just came back from abroad.
00:11:58I mentioned it to you last time.
00:12:00I think she is very suitable
00:12:01for Yan Nan.
00:12:02Most importantly,
00:12:03she also likes Yan Nan very much.
00:12:06let them...
00:12:07All right,
00:12:08shut up.
00:12:13I'm doing this
00:12:14for Yan Nan's sake.
00:12:15Those girls
00:12:16from the little family...
00:12:17All right,
00:12:18shut up.
00:12:19What little family?
00:12:21The girl Yan Nan likes
00:12:22is the one I like.
00:12:23In the future,
00:12:24don't get involved
00:12:25in Yan Nan's affairs.
00:12:27I will give your shares
00:12:28in the second house
00:12:29to my granddaughter-in-law
00:12:30as a betrothal gift.
00:12:33how can you say that?
00:12:35You have an opinion?
00:12:36If you have an opinion,
00:12:37hold it in.
00:12:43She is the one
00:12:44that I choose.
00:12:46I wonder
00:12:47if Mu Yan has eaten
00:12:48at home.
00:13:01there is news
00:13:02about Song Zhiyuan.
00:13:03He just went out.
00:13:04He is going to the club
00:13:05that he often goes to.
00:13:06Should we follow him?
00:13:10Send me the location.
00:13:12Send me the location.
00:13:21After what happened last time,
00:13:23Song Zhiyuan still has the face
00:13:24to go out?
00:13:26Not only does he have the face to go out,
00:13:27I heard that he is even more perverted.
00:13:29If he can't do it himself,
00:13:30he will find some little girls
00:13:31to vent.
00:13:33Gu Pei is so disgusting.
00:13:36The dog can't change its position.
00:13:38Look at her.
00:13:39I guess
00:13:40she is going to the top floor now.
00:13:41It is said that
00:13:42there are places
00:13:43where rich bosses go.
00:13:44There are many tricks.
00:13:46Top floor?
00:13:58Miss, this is a VIP passage.
00:13:59Non-members are not allowed to enter.
00:14:01So strict.
00:14:02It seems that the top floor
00:14:03is really a place
00:14:04that no one can see.
00:14:07no one can hide
00:14:08the place
00:14:09that I want to go.
00:14:11The King's Avatar 2
00:14:17Hurry up.
00:14:22Hello, boss.
00:14:32Boss, what do you want to do?
00:14:33I want to see
00:14:34the top floor surveillance
00:14:35of Hei Ru.
00:14:36I want the whole city
00:14:37to see
00:14:38what kind of place this is.
00:14:39Boss, you are great.
00:14:40But in such a place,
00:14:41the security system
00:14:42will be very strict.
00:14:43Do you need my help?
00:14:44It's nothing.
00:14:48Ming Yan,
00:14:49send Zhi Yuan
00:14:50and Mr. Song
00:14:51to the live broadcast room.
00:14:54I want the whole city
00:14:55to know him.
00:15:10The King's Avatar 2
00:15:13Who of you
00:15:14makes me feel comfortable today?
00:15:16Take the money away.
00:15:22No one wants to run today.
00:15:26The King's Avatar 2
00:15:29Where are you going?
00:15:30Are you caught?
00:15:33Oh my god,
00:15:34what are you doing?
00:15:35The top floor of Heavenly Mountain
00:15:36looks like this.
00:15:37It's so bright.
00:15:38It's not beautiful.
00:15:40Are you choosing the harem?
00:15:42Where to run?
00:15:43I see you
00:15:44can't run away.
00:15:47This man seems to be
00:15:48Song Zhi Yuan,
00:15:49the uncle of the CEO
00:15:50of Sisi Group.
00:15:52I've seen Song Zhi Yuan.
00:15:53This is him.
00:15:54I didn't expect him to be
00:15:55so perverted in private.
00:15:56I want to cancel
00:15:57all his private cooperation.
00:16:00Good effect.
00:16:01Keep an eye on
00:16:02Song Zhi Yuan's movements
00:16:03and protect
00:16:04those girls.
00:16:06Yes, boss.
00:16:10The King's Avatar 2
00:16:13Hello, I want to report
00:16:15that someone is doing a sex trade
00:16:17in the room of Heaven and Earth.
00:16:22Who is it?
00:16:23It's a good thing to disturb me.
00:16:25don't resist.
00:16:27Save your energy
00:16:28and play with your brother.
00:16:32Hurry up.
00:16:33Who let you come?
00:16:35We suspect that you organized
00:16:36a show team
00:16:38and distributed the goods.
00:16:39We also suspect that
00:16:40you committed a robbery.
00:16:41Come with us.
00:16:42No, I didn't.
00:16:44You didn't?
00:16:45You just went live on the Internet.
00:16:47Why don't you admit it?
00:16:48Come out with me.
00:16:55I didn't.
00:16:56Let's go.
00:16:57Hurry up.
00:16:58It's still big news.
00:16:59Song Zhi Yuan?
00:17:00Why is he here?
00:17:02Song Zhi Yuan,
00:17:03you want to kill me?
00:17:04Dream on.
00:17:05I'll tell you
00:17:06that you have to
00:17:07come and
00:17:08get me out of here.
00:17:09It's not over.
00:17:10Let's go.
00:17:13With today's live broadcast,
00:17:15I'm afraid that
00:17:16Si Chong Yang wants you to leave the country forever.
00:17:17He wants to catch you.
00:17:19I don't know who is dreaming.
00:17:25Wu Yan Nan's car has arrived at the villa.
00:17:26You should go back
00:17:27in case that he suspects your identity.
00:17:28Got it.
00:17:29I'll go back now.
00:17:36Young Master,
00:17:37you're finally back.
00:17:40What's wrong, Li Meng?
00:17:41Why are you still up?
00:17:42Young Master,
00:17:43Ms. Si went out at night.
00:17:45She hasn't come back yet.
00:17:46I can't get through to her.
00:17:48I'm worried that
00:17:49something happened to her.
00:17:50What did you say?
00:17:51Lin Bai,
00:17:52call everyone
00:17:53to go out and look for her.
00:17:55I'll call everyone right away.
00:17:56But, Mr. Bo,
00:17:57I just received the news
00:17:58that Song Zhi Yuan was taken away by the police.
00:18:00I don't know if this
00:18:01has anything to do with Ms. Si.
00:18:03Find out
00:18:04if there's any news about Mu Yan.
00:18:28Why are you still up?
00:18:45It's settled.
00:18:46How does he know everything?
00:18:48It's almost done.
00:18:50You don't have to worry about the rest.
00:18:53You don't have to get your hands dirty.
00:18:55I'll let him
00:18:56stay in there for the rest of his life.
00:18:58He'll never get out.
00:19:00Why did you help me?
00:19:04If I didn't pretend to be a fake today,
00:19:05would you never
00:19:06talk to me?
00:19:07You know what?
00:19:08In the capital,
00:19:09as long as I say a word,
00:19:11you don't have to worry about me.
00:19:14Can't you try
00:19:15to rely on someone else?
00:19:19It's just a word.
00:19:21Why is Bo Yan Nan
00:19:22so narcissistic?
00:19:24Si Mu Yan,
00:19:25I'm talking to you seriously.
00:19:27Forget it.
00:19:28You're a kid.
00:19:30You have the right to be willful.
00:19:31You have the right to be willful.
00:19:34If your wound hurts,
00:19:36you can say it.
00:19:37If you're sad, you can cry.
00:19:39In my case,
00:19:41there's no need to hold back.
00:19:43Since my mother passed away,
00:19:45I've been telling myself
00:19:46to be strong
00:19:47and grow up quickly.
00:19:49Bo Yan Nan was the first one
00:19:50to tell me
00:19:52that I have the right to be willful.
00:19:54I can cry
00:19:56and I can hurt people.
00:20:01It's been three years.
00:20:02Little thing
00:20:03probably won't come today.
00:20:13Mu Yan.
00:20:31Mu Yan.
00:20:42It's really dangerous.
00:20:52Say it.
00:20:53Last time at the piano competition,
00:20:55I saw you with Miss Sheng Yang.
00:20:57It's been so long
00:20:58and I haven't seen you take her out to see her.
00:20:59Why don't we get together tonight?
00:21:02My darling.
00:21:04Why do I have to take her out to see you?
00:21:06It's a shame for an old cow to eat a young grass.
00:21:08Hurry up.
00:21:09We finally got together.
00:21:11Hurry up.
00:21:12I'll wait for you at the old place.
00:21:16It seems that the little girl
00:21:17hasn't come out of yesterday's discomfort.
00:21:20It's good to take her out for a walk.
00:21:27Do you want to go out to play tonight?
00:21:28Song Zhiyuan also went in.
00:21:31Life is a bit boring recently.
00:21:34Han An.
00:21:39You guys talk about
00:21:40Boyan, this old man.
00:21:42If it wasn't for the last piano competition
00:21:43I ran into
00:21:44and got in pairs with the girl.
00:21:45I still can't bear to take people out.
00:21:47It's too much to hide.
00:21:48Gao Lin, Zhihua, Boyan
00:21:49are actually done.
00:21:51At least the other party is also an angel.
00:21:53All the women around Boyan these years
00:21:54are rich and powerful.
00:21:56He doesn't even care about his eyelids.
00:21:57No desire, no fear.
00:21:59Now I can't help falling in love.
00:22:00I'm so curious
00:22:01what this woman looks like.
00:22:03Speaking of this girl
00:22:05I have more say than Boyan.
00:22:09I've known this girl
00:22:10much earlier than that old fox.
00:22:12She is my idol.
00:22:13She wrote two songs for me in person.
00:22:16Does Boyan have it?
00:22:18My bad.
00:22:19You can't say that later.
00:22:21Mr. Bo can't hear it.
00:22:22What are you afraid of?
00:22:23That Boyan
00:22:24and my cousin are still engaged.
00:22:25He can still
00:22:26have a fight with me.
00:22:30When I confirm my cousin's identity
00:22:32it's too late for him to beg me.
00:22:43So beautiful.
00:22:45It's exactly the same as my aunt.
00:22:49Kid, you go out first.
00:22:51I have something to deal with.
00:22:58Boyan, what are you doing?
00:23:00Don't touch me.
00:23:06Boyan, are you serious?
00:23:08I eat with my face.
00:23:10If you break it, you bite me.
00:23:12Boyan is my man.
00:23:13If you dare to touch me again
00:23:15I'll break your legs.
00:23:17Your man?
00:23:21Your man?
00:23:25Isn't it?
00:23:28Miss Si, aren't you?
00:23:29Bo Yichen.
00:23:34Sit down.
00:23:39Bo Yichen is an actor.
00:23:41He doesn't have a straight face every day.
00:23:43He is everywhere.
00:23:44Don't mind him.
00:23:46And then?
00:23:47He fights with others all day.
00:23:49Don't be fooled by his face.
00:23:52If you don't say
00:23:53I don't know
00:23:54he is the hidden Huo Yichen.
00:23:56He is really handsome.
00:23:58His face is beaten like this.
00:24:00Do you still think he is handsome?
00:24:02Kid, I didn't find you
00:24:05are a strict man.
00:24:07It depends on who is right.
00:24:11what do you think of me?
00:24:14Of course, you are also handsome.
00:24:18Then compare with him.
00:24:20I think Huo Yichen is better.
00:24:22I think Huo
00:24:25Think it clearly.
00:24:28I mean
00:24:29Huo Yichen
00:24:30Of course, he is more handsome.
00:24:34I like uncle more.
00:24:38Are you sure
00:24:39you only like uncle's face?
00:24:40Of course not.
00:24:42I also like uncle
00:24:48I also like uncle's hands.
00:24:50You have no conscience.
00:24:53Come on, Mr. Bo
00:24:55Don't just accompany your little girlfriend.
00:24:56Come and drink
00:24:59Come on, cheers
00:25:10Cheng Yang
00:25:11I beg you to save Zhiyuan.
00:25:13He is the only son of our family.
00:25:17He is now in the detention center.
00:25:19He must have suffered a lot.
00:25:21Don't cry
00:25:22For so many years, our family
00:25:23There are few things to solve for him.
00:25:25Let him practice a little
00:25:26He just doesn't listen.
00:25:27Now, the whole network is dead.
00:25:30The face of the family has been thrown away.
00:25:32Cheng Yang
00:25:34I didn't teach him.
00:25:36You look at my face
00:25:38Can you help him again?
00:25:40Just stupid
00:25:41My uncle, he
00:25:42Shut up
00:25:43Still not going to school?
00:25:44Still not going to school?
00:25:48A group of shameful things
00:25:50Cheng Yang
00:25:53Oh, my God.
00:25:55What did this do to you?
00:26:00Look, this is the girl who took the oil bottle.
00:26:03It's her.
00:26:04I heard that she also plagiarized the history of the talent woman.
00:26:07At the scene of the competition, it was exposed on the spot.
00:26:08How can there be such a person in our school?
00:26:10Really bad luck
00:26:20Thank you very much.
00:26:21For our experimental project
00:26:22Provide thoughts
00:26:23Since I am a student of the School of Physics
00:26:25I have this responsibility
00:26:26Professor, you are welcome.
00:26:28Situ's physics spirit
00:26:30It's really amazing to me.
00:26:37Si Moyan
00:26:38Finally let me catch your handle
00:26:40Just like you
00:26:41Water-type foreign flower
00:26:43I see Boyan is coming.
00:26:44Will it be the same?
00:26:48I said it.
00:26:49Just an ordinary student
00:26:51How can it be so good?
00:26:53Such a character is also suitable for our University of Kyoto
00:26:57I will make it look good today.
00:27:13What are you doing?
00:27:14Don't wait
00:27:15Let us all see
00:27:17How do you usually seduce men?
00:27:21Dare to break my mobile phone
00:27:22Are you angry?
00:27:24Today, I will let you stay here in the University of Kyoto.
00:27:27How to destroy the school of our school
00:27:31Don't be so close to him.
00:27:32Maybe there is some dirty disease on the body.
00:27:34What to do with you?
00:27:38Si Moyan
00:27:39You dare to hit me
00:27:40Full mouth
00:27:41Hit you
00:27:42Si Moyan
00:27:43Man who seduces all day
00:27:44Destroy our school
00:27:46You still have a reason.
00:27:48What do you pretend to be?
00:27:49I have to set up an interview.
00:27:51I think you are more important than the watch.
00:28:00Si Moyan
00:28:01Do you know who I am?
00:28:02You dare to hit me at school today.
00:28:04Do you believe it?
00:28:05I actually let you open the school.
00:28:08I am waiting
00:28:15Si Moyan not only has a private life
00:28:17He is actually in the classroom.
00:28:19Help me block this
00:28:20You have to help us.
00:28:23You can't protect him because he is the dean.
00:28:25If you don't handle it by yourself
00:28:27I will definitely go to the school to report you.
00:28:29I know that our physics school has such a thing.
00:28:31The people outside are straight to us.
00:28:34Please take the overall situation into account.
00:28:37This classmate
00:28:38Is a special talent in our physics school.
00:28:41Before this matter is not investigated clearly
00:28:43I hope you will remember it.
00:28:46Three classmates
00:28:47You go back and wait for the result.
00:28:50The director means to cover up Si Moyan.
00:28:54I didn't expect that the school leaders and Si Moyan are the same.
00:28:57In this case
00:28:58Don't blame us for making a big deal.
00:29:00I am calling my dad now.
00:29:02My dad is the person of the Education Bureau.
00:29:05You have to think about the seriousness of the matter.
00:29:07You say that you are worried that the school is unfair.
00:29:10Will cover me
00:29:11I use my family and public opinion to threaten the leaders.
00:29:16You really think that the University of Kyoto is a child.
00:29:20I am threatening you.
00:29:22A bitch like you should get out of the University of Kyoto.
00:29:24Suffering from the net
00:29:27It is true that someone will be expelled from the University of Kyoto.
00:29:31But it's definitely not me
00:29:32It's you three
00:29:35It is true that someone will be expelled from the University of Kyoto.
00:29:38But it's definitely not me
00:29:39It's you three
00:29:42Si Moyan
00:29:43I am not afraid of being blown by the wind.
00:29:45You are the one who ruined the reputation of the school.
00:29:47It's you who hit people.
00:29:48Why do you see us?
00:29:51Do you know who my dad is?
00:29:52You dare to say this
00:29:54Really shameless
00:29:55When are you still talking to yourself?
00:29:59I want to ask
00:30:00Building a student yellow
00:30:01Intentionally use school violence against students
00:30:03How should it be handled?
00:30:05Should be expelled
00:30:07We Kyoto
00:30:08No need for such a low-quality student
00:30:10Obviously, he used violence against us.
00:30:13Obviously, he hit us three like this.
00:30:16I want to ask
00:30:17How should I deal with the school violence?
00:30:19Should be expelled
00:30:20Our Kyoto
00:30:21No need for such a low-quality student
00:30:23Obviously, he used violence against us.
00:30:26We Kyoto
00:30:27No need for such a low-quality student
00:30:29Obviously, he hit us three like this.
00:30:31As the saying goes, the first to pick up the sword
00:30:34Oh, no
00:30:35You still have to tell the person behind it.
00:30:38Otherwise, I will be kicked out of Kyoto University.
00:30:41It's too late to say it then.
00:30:44Until now
00:30:45You still don't dare to tell the truth.
00:30:47Do you really want to be expelled?
00:30:50Will you not be expelled if you tell the truth?
00:30:53This depends on your attitude
00:30:55But I said
00:30:56It was Si Qianqian who asked us to do it.
00:30:58Mu Yan
00:30:59We are also forced
00:31:02Si Qianqian
00:31:03The one who went to school
00:31:04It's him
00:31:06Si Qianqian
00:31:07Since you are still looking for death
00:31:09Then don't blame me for being rude.
00:31:14I will let someone bring him over.
00:31:19Director Zhang
00:31:20You find me
00:31:22Is it him?
00:31:23It's him
00:31:24It's him
00:31:25Let us do it
00:31:26Give us a million
00:31:28You guys spit
00:31:29How can I do that?
00:31:31Fourth classmate
00:31:32We haven't said what it is yet.
00:31:34Why are you spitting?
00:31:36Is it impossible
00:31:37The person in this video is not you
00:31:39Fourth classmate
00:31:42I misunderstood
00:31:43Si Qianqian
00:31:44Did you instigate this matter?
00:31:47Not me
00:31:48This is not what I did.
00:31:50They did it themselves.
00:31:51It has nothing to do with me.
00:31:53Si Qianqian
00:31:54What are you pretending?
00:31:55It was you who hated Si Mu Yan.
00:31:57So bribed us
00:31:58Deliberately break his dirty water
00:31:59Take back his reputation
00:32:01We don't know what Si Mu Yan is.
00:32:03It's what you told us about him.
00:32:05I did not
00:32:07It must be him
00:32:08It's Si Mu Yan
00:32:09He hated me and got the favor of his father.
00:32:11I deliberately punished me.
00:32:14You have to believe me
00:32:16Fourth classmate
00:32:17Until now
00:32:18I hope
00:32:19You still tell the truth to the school.
00:32:22What I said is the truth.
00:32:23I didn't do it at all.
00:32:25They wronged me together.
00:32:29Dead to the end
00:32:30Still not repent
00:32:31Si Mu Yan
00:32:32What are you proud of?
00:32:33Don't think you climbed the principal
00:32:35You can do whatever you want.
00:32:36I won't let you be satisfied.
00:32:39Who bullied my daughter?
00:32:45What's up
00:32:46Let dad take a look
00:32:49I really didn't hurt my sister.
00:32:50You must believe me.
00:32:53It's really a father and a daughter.
00:32:56Si Mu Yan
00:32:57It's you again.
00:32:59It's me again.
00:33:00What a coincidence
00:33:01Is it you who hurt your sister?
00:33:03Disgusting thing
00:33:05All day out there
00:33:06Make trouble
00:33:07I should have known
00:33:08I should have killed you in my mother's house.
00:33:13Then why didn't you kill me earlier?
00:33:15Kill you
00:33:16The one you raise outside
00:33:17Can't you get in early?
00:33:19Shut up
00:33:20What nonsense is it?
00:33:23Mr. Si
00:33:25I heard it when it came.
00:33:27This matter
00:33:28Actually, it's by Si Qianqian.
00:33:30Director Zhang
00:33:32My daughter
00:33:33Traitor since childhood
00:33:36Often do something to hurt people
00:33:39It must be her today.
00:33:41Fraud to frame my family Qianqian
00:33:43I ask you to fire her immediately.
00:33:45Avoid the future
00:33:46To you
00:33:47To the school
00:33:48Causing more trouble
00:33:49Mr. Si
00:33:50I didn't hear it wrong.
00:33:52I am still the first time to see a father like you.
00:33:54Don't ask the process
00:33:55Don't ask the result
00:33:56You don't listen to a sentence.
00:33:58Come up directly
00:33:59Let us fire your own daughter.
00:34:01Director Zheng
00:34:03Si Mu Yan is my daughter.
00:34:05No one knows her better than me.
00:34:08You fire her right away.
00:34:10All the formalities
00:34:11Everything is handled by my family.
00:34:15Today's matter
00:34:16Our private group
00:34:18All resources
00:34:20I want to find justice for my family.
00:34:23Sure enough, it's my good father.
00:34:27Who are you going to fire?
00:34:31Who are you going to fire?
00:34:40You are late
00:34:43I should have come earlier.
00:34:45All right
00:34:46Did you get hurt?
00:34:47Bo Bo
00:34:48How did you come?
00:34:49Bo Zong
00:34:51Is he the president of the Bo Group?
00:34:53Did you bring people?
00:34:55Of course
00:34:59Mu Yan
00:35:00How did you invite Bo Zong?
00:35:02Let's deal with our own things.
00:35:04You see the old Bo Zong
00:35:07Director Si
00:35:08You are really a noble person.
00:35:10If I remember correctly
00:35:11Your private family does not want this daughter.
00:35:13I want
00:35:14She is no longer your private family.
00:35:16It has nothing to do with you.
00:35:19Bo Zong
00:35:20You are serious
00:35:21Between our relatives
00:35:22How can there be any grudges?
00:35:24In short
00:35:25We still have a blood relationship.
00:35:26Mu Yan
00:35:27She can't never recognize me as a father.
00:35:30Since you look at my family, Mu Yan
00:35:32Then we are also a family.
00:35:34Shut up
00:35:35You also cooperate with me as a family.
00:35:38Comrade police
00:35:39Come in
00:35:42We received a report
00:35:44Someone here is suspected of beating others.
00:35:46Slander others' reputation
00:35:47Which one is Ms. Si?
00:35:52Which one is Ms. Si?
00:35:53it's me
00:35:54Someone here hurts me on purpose.
00:35:56Also slander my reputation
00:35:58I have both human evidence and material evidence.
00:36:00She asked the police uncle
00:36:01Be sure not to show mercy
00:36:02It's these three classmates.
00:36:03No no no
00:36:04Not us
00:36:05It's her
00:36:06It was Si Qianqian who supported us.
00:36:08We are forced
00:36:09We are forced
00:36:10It's not me
00:36:11She is lying
00:36:12They are all lying to slander me.
00:36:14It's you
00:36:15Si Mu Yan
00:36:16Why do you call the police?
00:36:17Why do you catch me?
00:36:19Just rely on this
00:36:26This lady
00:36:27Please don't interfere with our work.
00:36:29Uncle police
00:36:30Spread rumors on the Internet
00:36:32I have found the IP address.
00:36:34The address is in the private villa
00:36:36Thank you for your cooperation
00:36:37These are the key evidence of the case.
00:36:39Dad, I beg you to save me.
00:36:41I don't want to go to jail.
00:36:42Mu Yan
00:36:43Say it again
00:36:44Are you a family?
00:36:46There is no need to call the police.
00:36:48Do you really want to catch Qianqian?
00:36:51Just now, you are not clear about the red and white
00:36:53When the school fired me
00:36:54Why don't you say it's a family?
00:36:58Just now
00:36:59Dad just got angry for a while.
00:37:01I said it on the school.
00:37:02We have cut off the friendship
00:37:04You are not my father
00:37:05You don't deserve to be my father.
00:37:08Comrade police
00:37:09Take people away
00:37:13Take people away
00:37:16Si Mu Yan
00:37:17You are a shameless woman.
00:37:18Why are you?
00:37:19Why are you fighting with me?
00:37:21And Bo Yan Nan
00:37:22Such a good man is protecting you.
00:37:24You don't deserve
00:37:25Bo Yan
00:37:26Si Mu Yan is a woman of water.
00:37:28Don't be confused by her.
00:37:29She doesn't deserve you at all.
00:37:31Go away
00:37:33Don't move
00:37:34Si Mu Yan
00:37:35You have to die
00:37:36You wait
00:37:37I will let you die.
00:37:40Let me go
00:37:45Mr. Bo
00:37:46Maybe there was some misunderstanding before.
00:37:49In fact
00:37:50Mu Yan is my only biological daughter.
00:37:53I have asked the kitchen to prepare some food for you.
00:37:59Mu Yan
00:38:03Not good, Mr. Si
00:38:04Someone reported that our company's accounts are fake.
00:38:06Suspended illegally
00:38:07Now the law enforcement has arrived.
00:38:19Li Ma said you didn't eat anything today.
00:38:21Thank you
00:38:26Mu Yan
00:38:27In the future, Qingshui Bay is your home.
00:38:29If you don't mind
00:38:31I am your family.
00:38:33Those unimportant people
00:38:34Don't think about it, OK?
00:38:45How do you still want to be my landlord for a lifetime?
00:38:52People have to have a little pursuit.
00:38:54For example
00:38:55You can also be my landlord.
00:38:57Receive my rent
00:38:59Uncle Bo
00:39:01No wonder you are a businessman.
00:39:03Even if you want my rent
00:39:05You still want me
00:39:08Make money to support you
00:39:14Since you don't want to support me
00:39:17That uncle
00:39:20Can also support you
00:39:25Mr. and Mrs.
00:39:27Si Mu Yan
00:39:28Isn't it just an old man?
00:39:30Look at you, this useless family
00:39:40Cheng Yang
00:39:41Qianqian has been officially arrested.
00:39:43You save her
00:39:44Save our child
00:39:46What are you doing here?
00:39:48The company is very busy
00:39:49Hurry back
00:39:50I won't go if you don't save her.
00:39:55What are you doing here?
00:39:58The company can't think of a way anymore.
00:40:00We all have to go to the street to beg for food.
00:40:02Mr. Si
00:40:03We are obviously being targeted by some big person.
00:40:05Do you want to find someone?
00:40:06Communicate the relationship above
00:40:08What do you mean?
00:40:09I see Miss Mu Yan
00:40:10The relationship between Mr. Bo of the Bo's Group is intimate
00:40:13Why don't we go and beg him?
00:40:14Maybe he will look at the face of the lady
00:40:18Help us
00:40:20Meet twice
00:40:22He is good to Mu Yan
00:40:24I am Mu Yan's biological father
00:40:26He will definitely help
00:40:29You go to feed the car
00:40:32Si Cheng Yang
00:40:34You are still daydreaming
00:40:36Don't you understand?
00:40:37Since Si Mu Yan came back
00:40:39Our family has never been peaceful
00:40:42The company is not as good as one day
00:40:45All of this is thanks to him.
00:40:50I am Mu Yan's biological father
00:40:52Can he hurt me?
00:40:53Can you be more realistic?
00:40:55He came back this time to take revenge
00:40:57You still want to ask him for help
00:40:59I think you also want to go to prison.
00:41:03Is he really back to revenge?
00:41:07Qianqian and Zhiyuan have been sent to prison by him.
00:41:10Cheng Yang
00:41:11If we sit and wait
00:41:13The next one is you and me.
00:41:17You have a way
00:41:18The remains of his useless mother are still in our hands.
00:41:22As long as you use this to deceive him
00:41:24This time
00:41:25It's not that we can handle it.
00:41:30You still have a way.
00:41:33I am familiar with Mr. Huang of Sheng Group.
00:41:36He has long been interested in Si Mu Yan
00:41:38As long as we send him to Mr. Huang's bed
00:41:41Mr. Huang will naturally help
00:41:44it is good
00:41:45I will call now
00:41:53Si Mu Yan
00:41:54Your mother's relics are here.
00:41:56My mother's relics
00:41:59it is good
00:42:00I will go back tomorrow night.
00:42:04Suddenly the attitude is so good
00:42:05I also took the initiative to return my mother's relics to me.
00:42:08Si Chengyang
00:42:09What are you playing?
00:42:18Don't move
00:42:19I am dirty
00:42:21Little bitch
00:42:22I have to see how you will be proud later.
00:42:24Recently, there are many misunderstandings between our father and daughter.
00:42:27Today, Dad apologizes to you.
00:42:31It used to be Dad's fault.
00:42:33You forgive Dad's previous confusion, OK?
00:42:37How do I not know what is the misunderstanding between us?
00:42:42Can't we talk well between our father and daughter?
00:42:45I have no time to chat with you.
00:42:47Where are my mother's relics?
00:42:50Don't worry
00:42:51Your mother's relics
00:42:52I am keeping it upstairs.
00:42:54This is the new tea your father just learned.
00:42:56You taste
00:42:57It seems that today's focus is this cup of tea.
00:43:01What are you looking at?
00:43:03You say
00:43:05How do I know what you are thinking?
00:43:07If you don't like tea
00:43:09I will pour you a glass of juice.
00:43:11No need
00:43:12Juice and tea
00:43:14Aren't the things inside the same?
00:43:16What do you say to your child?
00:43:19Isn't it just a cup of tea?
00:43:20What can it be?
00:43:21I just said it casually.
00:43:24Why are you so nervous?
00:43:26Is there really something inside?
00:43:29I haven't seen you for a few days.
00:43:31Grandpa loves to joke so much.
00:43:42What's going on?
00:43:44I am so dizzy
00:43:46Grandpa, are you okay?
00:43:49Go and call Mr. Huang
00:43:51it is good
00:43:53Simu Yan
00:43:54Simu Yan
00:43:55No matter how you struggle
00:43:57Isn't it in my hands?
00:43:59What did you do to me?
00:44:02I see you in the future
00:44:04How are you in front of me?
00:44:08You put the medicine in the water.
00:44:10You used to be very smart.
00:44:12How do you react now?
00:44:14It's late
00:44:15You are waiting to be contacted by Mr. Huang tonight.
00:44:29I didn't expect it.
00:44:30I have a lifetime
00:44:32Since I can sleep
00:44:33International famous pianist
00:44:37Come on, little beauty
00:44:46Mr. Huang
00:44:49Mr. Huang
00:44:51What's going on?
00:44:57You didn't get the medicine
00:44:59It's just a famous medicine.
00:45:01I can't do it.
00:45:02What do you want to do?
00:45:04What do you want to do?
00:45:06Now I know to be afraid
00:45:08It's a bit late.
00:45:10Come on
00:45:12If you want to die, just call
00:45:14See if it's the family of four
00:45:16Or my knife
00:45:18Grandpa, you can't do this to me.
00:45:20I am your stepmother
00:45:22Only allow you to drug me
00:45:24Don't allow me to fight back
00:45:26Song Chunru
00:45:27You can't be too double-edged.
00:45:30Where is my mother's relic?
00:45:33Shut up
00:45:34I ask what you say
00:45:37In the makeup box in my room
00:45:40Just say it early.
00:45:43I have told you everything you want to know.
00:45:45You put it down, OK?
00:45:47Of course
00:45:54Play with me
00:45:55You are almost
00:46:05Wife, are you calling me?
00:46:10Wife, are you calling me?
00:46:14What happened?
00:46:34I don't know either.
00:46:36I saw the prince and the wife when I came in.
00:46:39Get out of me
00:46:51What people
00:46:57What people
00:47:05You are
00:47:08I just got off the notice.
00:47:09I have been following a few mortals behind.
00:47:11Oh, you understand
00:47:13That will continue
00:47:16and many more
00:47:18This red jade necklace is quite special.
00:47:20Where did you buy this?
00:47:22This is what my mother left me.
00:47:26What are you doing?
00:47:27Sorry, I am abrupt.
00:47:29I just think it is very special.
00:47:31Can I have a look?
00:47:35Is there a problem?
00:47:36This is the red jade necklace left by Grandma to Xiaoguo.
00:47:38She is my sister.
00:47:40Hey, soul return
00:47:42Miss Si
00:47:43In fact, I have always had one thing not to tell you.
00:47:45You look very much like my sister.
00:47:49Then take a closer look.
00:47:51Do I look like your father?
00:47:55Then take a closer look.
00:47:57Do I look like your father?
00:48:01Do you want to taste the taste of my fist?
00:48:04Miss Si is really domineering.
00:48:06In fact, I want to say that I can send you back.
00:48:11No need
00:48:12I don't want to appear on the headlines tomorrow.
00:48:24Dad, I got my hair.
00:48:26I can go to do DNA tomorrow.
00:48:29it is good
00:48:33Miss, Mr. has been waiting for you.
00:48:36I know
00:48:46Are you satisfied?
00:48:54It shows that there is still room for improvement.
00:48:57Then take a closer look.
00:48:59What makes our children dissatisfied?
00:49:05Or say that we Muyan
00:49:07Dislike uncle is too old
00:49:10Just think you are old
00:49:12Old fox
00:49:14I am an old fox.
00:49:16But I really love the delicious little white rabbit.
00:49:24If the little white rabbit is actually a little fox.
00:49:28The old fox likes the little fox most.
00:49:30So I have to ask the little fox.
00:49:33Did you do something dangerous today?
00:49:36You installed the locator on me.
00:49:39The matter of the four families has been on the capital headlines.
00:49:43Now no one in the capital does not know this matter.
00:49:49Baby, do this dangerous thing in the future.
00:49:52Can you tell me in advance?
00:49:54You don't know how worried I am when I know this news.
00:49:58I didn't have this habit before.
00:50:02You are not alone, you still have me.
00:50:04So let me do this kind of thing in the future, OK?
00:50:15Huo Shao, you and Miss Si's DNA identification report has come out.
00:50:23I know I am right.
00:50:24She is
00:50:25Si Muyan is my sister.
00:50:27Congratulations to Huo Shao
00:50:28Then we want to put this good news
00:50:30Tell Mr. and Master Huo
00:50:31No, I will tell them in person.
00:50:34As for Muyan, I can't scare her.
00:50:36I have to go to Boyan first.
00:50:42Master Huo, Boyan is in a meeting.
00:50:44Or you can come again another day.
00:50:46It's ok, I am sitting here and waiting for him.
00:50:48Master Huo, you are clear about Boyan's means.
00:50:51I think you should not joke easily.
00:50:54Yes, I thought you Boyan
00:50:57How worried about Miss Muyan
00:51:00It doesn't seem to be so important.
00:51:02Forget it, I still go back first.
00:51:04Wait a minute, what's wrong with Miss Muyan?
00:51:06Why should I tell you?
00:51:08Wait a minute, I will announce it now.
00:51:18Li Man, I heard that Longjing is a game after the rain in the office.
00:51:21Come and soak me too
00:51:26Say it
00:51:28Huo Yunnan, are you begging for people?
00:51:33If you want to marry my sister
00:51:35Don't you have to pass my uncle's consent?
00:51:37What uncle?
00:51:42Master Huo, please drink
00:51:45Good tea
00:51:48To tell you the truth
00:51:49The baby you have always pampered
00:51:51The master of breeding is Si Muyan.
00:51:53She is my cousin.
00:52:00Mu Yan is the daughter of the family
00:52:02How can it be your cousin?
00:52:04My aunt many years ago
00:52:06In order to marry my uncle
00:52:08Hidden name
00:52:09Never let us see Mu Yan
00:52:11If it wasn't for Mu Yan
00:52:12Too similar to my aunt
00:52:14I still don't know my aunt and Mu Yan
00:52:16I ate so much pain that year.
00:52:18So what do you want to do today?
00:52:21Of course I want to recognize Mu Yan.
00:52:23and then
00:52:24I didn't know that Mu Yan was my sister before.
00:52:27Let's not talk about it.
00:52:28But I know now
00:52:29As a brother, I have to play.
00:52:32So you go back and tell Mu Yan now.
00:52:35I want to take him back to the Huo family.
00:52:37Even if you are Mu Yan's brother
00:52:39Then you can go straight to him.
00:52:41You come to me.
00:52:42Isn't this a delay?
00:52:44I am not afraid that he can't accept it for a while.
00:52:47Don't invite me
00:52:48You are more familiar with him.
00:52:50Huo Yichen
00:52:51I am a businessman.
00:52:53This kind of business that pays nothing
00:52:55Do you think I will do it?
00:52:57What's more
00:52:59What you want to take away
00:53:00But I put it in the palm of my hand.
00:53:03She is my sister.
00:53:04It's also the person you have always liked for so long.
00:53:07You must especially hope
00:53:08Does she recognize her relatives soon?
00:53:10The truth of this matter
00:53:12I can tell you to Mu Yan
00:53:15No one can take it away from me.
00:53:19Including you
00:53:23No one can take it away from me.
00:53:26Including you
00:53:28But she is not just herself now.
00:53:30She still has me and our Huo family.
00:53:34Then you can try it.
00:53:35Huo Yan
00:53:36You can't put the set of the mall
00:53:38Use it on Mu Yan
00:53:40You don't need to worry about this.
00:53:53How are the people you asked to check?
00:53:55After Si Chengyang compensated for the tax
00:53:57The company has officially announced bankruptcy because of the rupture of the capital chain.
00:54:00The cautious villa is also ready to be burned by the fire.
00:54:03I heard that Si Chengyang and Song Chunru have been homeless.
00:54:07So fast
00:54:08It's faster than I imagined.
00:54:10I always feel like someone is pushing behind.
00:54:15Do this kind of dangerous thing in the future
00:54:17Can you tell me in advance?
00:54:19You don't know when I know this news
00:54:21How worried I am
00:54:23I didn't have this habit before.
00:54:26You are not alone
00:54:28You have me
00:54:29So in the future, this kind of thing
00:54:31Let me do it, OK?
00:54:37And Song Zhiyuan and Si Qianqian
00:54:39You have been worried that Si Chengyang may save him.
00:54:42I have been watching our people.
00:54:44I didn't expect Si Chengyang's people.
00:54:46Not only did not take advantage of
00:54:47These two people were also found to have multiple crimes.
00:54:50I am afraid that I can't get out of this quilt.
00:54:54I seem to know who it is.
00:54:56You know
00:54:57Let's go
00:54:58Don't go to the industry today
00:55:00Go back to the villa
00:55:01Go back to the villa
00:55:03You really treat Boyan as your own home.
00:55:05Now that the private family has been solved
00:55:07You can move out.
00:55:09No need
00:55:13I think Boyan's bed is particularly good.
00:55:16it is good
00:55:20Then I am leaving
00:55:21Bye bye
00:55:22Bye bye
00:55:23I didn't expect that the boss would have such a day.
00:55:25It seems that soon
00:55:26I have to have another boss.
00:55:36For you
00:55:40Come back
00:55:41Why didn't you let the driver pick you up?
00:55:43I am not a kid anymore.
00:55:45I can go home by myself.
00:55:46it is good
00:55:48Our family has grown up.
00:55:50What happened?
00:55:52Your face seems to be a bit ugly.
00:55:56There is something I want to tell you.
00:55:59About your grandfather
00:56:01My grandfather
00:56:05My grandfather
00:56:08Your mother is actually the daughter of the Huo family.
00:56:10Master Huo
00:56:11Actually, it is your grandfather.
00:56:13Why do you know this?
00:56:16The Huo family came to me today.
00:56:18They want to throw you back.
00:56:21and so
00:56:23Aren't you happy?
00:56:26Our family
00:56:28I am going back to my family.
00:56:30I am happy for you.
00:56:32You lie
00:56:35You tell me the truth.
00:56:36Do you really want to go back?
00:56:38Then you tell me first.
00:56:40Do you want me to go back?
00:56:42Of course not
00:56:43I finally coaxed the child.
00:56:45How can I let him go back easily?
00:56:47That's good.
00:56:49You mean
00:56:50Will you stay because of me?
00:56:53It's not because of you.
00:56:55I just feel
00:56:57The bed here is easy to sleep.
00:57:02it is good
00:57:03Because of the bed
00:57:04Because of the bed
00:57:06Since I live here
00:57:07I won't sleep without taking medicine.
00:57:09Maybe Boyan
00:57:10What is the magic?
00:57:11What about the Huo family?
00:57:13Don't you want to go back and have a look?
00:57:15Although you have grown up
00:57:17But they are your relatives after all.
00:57:19These years
00:57:20The Huo family has been looking for you and your mother.
00:57:24I think about it.
00:57:26it is good
00:57:27How long do you want to think about it?
00:57:29How long do you think about it?
00:57:31I am hungry.
00:57:33I want to eat crayfish.
00:57:36it is good
00:57:37I will let you arrange it.
00:57:52what happened?
00:57:53Don't you want to eat?
00:57:56You used to
00:57:58Do you treat other girls like this?
00:58:01Our little friend
00:58:03It seems to be jealous.
00:58:05What is jealous?
00:58:06I am not born to be jealous.
00:58:08I am just curious.
00:58:10Boyan, these little girls
00:58:12Where did you learn it?
00:58:13There is nothing before
00:58:15There is no little girl.
00:58:16This is only after I met you.
00:58:18Fifty times
00:58:22With the Huo family
00:58:24I am willing to see
00:58:27I have been used to it alone these years.
00:58:29I don't like the feeling of having relatives.
00:58:33It doesn't matter, I will go with you.
00:58:35Thank you
00:58:43Are you tired?
00:58:45Why are you here?
00:58:49Why are you here?
00:58:50I am here to take you to the Huo family.
00:58:52Why are you going today?
00:58:55Huo Yichen is ready.
00:58:58The Huo family has been waiting for this moment for a long time.
00:59:01Will we come back after we go?
00:59:04Of course
00:59:05No one will force you to do what you don't want to do.
00:59:13I am waiting for you outside.
00:59:14Call me if you have anything.
00:59:16You said you would accompany me.
00:59:19In fact, your uncle and your grandfather are very good people.
00:59:21They have been looking for you for so many years.
00:59:24This moment
00:59:25Also fat for a long time
00:59:26This occasion
00:59:27It's really inconvenient for me to go in.
00:59:29I promise you
00:59:30I will always guard you outside.
00:59:32Why is it inconvenient?
00:59:34The granddaughter I just found
00:59:36Was cheated by an old man.
00:59:38Do you think they will be happy?
00:59:40Don't be afraid
00:59:41After today
00:59:42I will find time
00:59:44To visit them with you in person.
00:59:46All right
00:59:52All right
00:59:53He is like this
00:59:54Admit our relationship
00:59:59Look who I brought to you.
01:00:03Is Grandpa back?
01:00:05He is Simuyan
01:00:07Really like
01:00:08And my sister is simply carved in the same word.
01:00:11Grandpa's good granddaughter
01:00:12Grandpa is useless
01:00:14Didn't find you earlier
01:00:15I actually let you suffer in the wolf's nest in the family.
01:00:26Your body is not suitable for excitement.
01:00:28Let's sit down first.
01:00:29Yes, dad
01:00:30Let's sit down first.
01:00:31Good good good
01:00:32Let's sit down first.
01:00:33Look, I am excited.
01:00:38Can I hug you?
01:00:44It doesn't matter if you can't.
01:00:46Grandpa just misses you too much.
01:00:48I miss your mother too much.
01:00:56Grandpa is useless
01:00:58Huo family is useless
01:00:59Didn't find you earlier
01:01:02I am fine
01:01:04What do you call me?
01:01:10What do you call me?
01:01:16Are you all right?
01:01:18Are you all right?
01:01:20I am fine
01:01:21I am fine
01:01:22I haven't found my mother all these years.
01:01:24Huo family should be very sad.
01:01:28Grandpa heard that you are studying at the University of Kyoto now.
01:01:33Our family is really good
01:01:35Like his mother
01:01:37But you are a girl living outside
01:01:40After all, it is not safe.
01:01:42Grandpa has already cleaned your room.
01:01:46Let Grandpa and Uncle take care of you in the future, OK?
01:01:50No need Grandpa
01:01:51I have a place to live
01:01:53And it's close to the school.
01:01:57It's not good enough for us.
01:01:59Make you feel uncomfortable
01:02:01So don't you want to go home?
01:02:02Sorry uncle
01:02:04I know
01:02:05You have been looking for me and my mother for many years.
01:02:08But this matter is a bit too sudden.
01:02:11I need time to digest
01:02:14Grandpa is right.
01:02:16But you are a girl
01:02:18Is it safer to have a family?
01:02:22We have grown up
01:02:24Grandpa respects your ideas
01:02:26But you have to remember
01:02:28You are the daughter of our family
01:02:30If someone bullies you outside
01:02:32You tell Grandpa
01:02:34Grandpa and Huo family will definitely support you.
01:02:37Thank you Grandpa
01:02:38As long as I have time in the future
01:02:40Or you want to see me
01:02:41I will come back anytime.
01:02:43Good good good
01:02:44Our family is really good
01:02:46Boyan's old fox
01:02:48It's definitely a drug for Grandpa.
01:02:50Huo Yan
01:02:51If you think that the old house is noisy and there are many people
01:02:54Brother can buy an apartment next to your school
01:02:59Huo Yan
01:03:00If you think that the old house is noisy and there are many people
01:03:03Brother can buy an apartment next to your school
01:03:07No need
01:03:08My current accommodation is very good.
01:03:13You are still young now.
01:03:15Do things
01:03:16Be sure to consider
01:03:17Don't be fooled by that old fox
01:03:19I am already an adult
01:03:21So don't worry
01:03:23Thank you for your concern
01:03:25Who is true to me
01:03:26Who is false to me
01:03:27I am very clear in my heart
01:03:29That's good
01:03:30What do you need in the future?
01:03:31Just call me
01:03:33I must follow the call
01:03:34Thank you brother
01:03:35In the future
01:03:36All songs for my brother
01:03:38All free
01:03:40Look at you
01:03:42She is your only sister.
01:03:48There is a group of people who love their loved ones
01:03:50It's this feeling
01:03:55It's late
01:03:56Do you still have to wait?
01:03:58She will come out
01:04:00Are you so sure?
01:04:02My girl
01:04:03Of course I am sure
01:04:10Master Huo
01:04:11Uncle Huo
01:04:12Aunt Huo
01:04:13I go
01:04:14Master Huo
01:04:15Why are you here?
01:04:18You are too polite
01:04:19Just call me Yan Nan
01:04:21I am waiting for Boyan here
01:04:23You are waiting for Boyan
01:04:25Don't you always know our Boyan?
01:04:28In fact
01:04:29Since Boyan returned to the capital
01:04:31I have been living with Boyan
01:04:33What did you say?
01:04:35So you already know
01:04:37How do you be a brother
01:04:38You little bastard
01:04:39You live together
01:04:41What is your relationship with Yan Yan?
01:04:43To be honest
01:04:44I like Boyan for a long time
01:04:46I always treat her as my lover
01:04:49It's just
01:04:50We don't have a name now
01:04:54What does Boyan say about our relationship?
01:04:56What kind of relationship are we?
01:04:58I really want to take Boyan's worthless look down
01:05:01It's destined to be on the capital's headlines
01:05:04This old fox
01:05:05Blame us for bribing people
01:05:08I remember you are not young
01:05:11According to generation
01:05:12Our Boyan
01:05:14Should call you uncle
01:05:16You are not suitable
01:05:19Yes, Bozong
01:05:20With your current status
01:05:21What kind of woman are you looking for?
01:05:23I invite you
01:05:24Or keep a distance from our Boyan
01:05:27After all, he is young
01:05:32I am not young anymore
01:05:33Whether it is to borrow his villa
01:05:35Or all my future decisions
01:05:37As long as I don't want to
01:05:38No one can force me
01:05:41Please don't blame him
01:05:45Do you know who he is?
01:05:47Cold and cold
01:05:49Six relatives do not recognize
01:05:50You are with him
01:05:51At that time
01:05:52There will be no bones left
01:05:54Yanyan, listen
01:05:55My uncle and I
01:05:56I will find you one
01:05:58A thousand times better than him
01:06:00Ten thousand times
01:06:01Yes, listen
01:06:03Will you treat me like this in the future?
01:06:08Maybe in the eyes of outsiders
01:06:10It is true
01:06:12But for you
01:06:15Old man
01:06:16Our two families
01:06:18In business and in private
01:06:20If I remember correctly
01:06:22Me and Mu Yan
01:06:23There is still a 20-year marriage
01:06:25This kind of fate
01:06:27Is desirable but not desirable
01:06:29I promise you
01:06:30For Mu Yan
01:06:31I can do anything
01:06:34Give the doctor both hands
01:06:37The doctor is not alone
01:06:39If I want
01:06:41It can also be me alone
01:06:43it is good
01:06:44Yanyan is our Huo family
01:06:45The heart of the whole family
01:06:47If you just play with him
01:06:49I advise you to stop
01:06:53Don't talk about marriage
01:06:55At that time
01:06:56Even if I fight with my old bones
01:06:58I also want to seek justice for Yanyan
01:07:03Old man, you misunderstood
01:07:05Not everyone
01:07:06Can fall into my eyes
01:07:09I don't have time and energy
01:07:11With a girl I don't like
01:07:12Just play
01:07:13it is good
01:07:14I hope you will always remember
01:07:16What I said today
01:07:17Old man
01:07:19Are you so loose?
01:07:21Who made our Yanyan like it?
01:07:23What's more
01:07:24It's good for young people to fall in love
01:07:27Not married
01:07:28At that time
01:07:29Someone is old
01:07:31But our Yanyan is still young
01:07:33Besides, our Huo family protects
01:07:35Yanyan will not suffer
01:07:37Grandpa is mighty
01:07:38Grandpa is the most reasonable
01:07:40Let's go back
01:07:44Bo, I'll go prepare the car
01:07:45it is good
01:07:47Uncle Bo
01:07:48Are you angry?
01:07:50You little bad guy
01:07:52I am very happy to see me eat
01:08:03It's cold
01:08:04A little cold
01:08:08What's the sound?
01:08:12Uncle Bo
01:08:13Miss Si, wait a minute
01:08:15This sound
01:08:16I seem to have heard it in the army
01:08:17I'll check it out
01:08:38Uncle Bo
01:08:52Uncle Bo
01:08:54It's my mistake
01:08:55Check it out
01:08:56I want to know who did it
01:08:57I want to investigate in person
01:09:02It seems to be safe
01:09:05But I just want to hold you like this
01:09:09Old fox
01:09:11That little fox
01:09:12Do you like me, the old fox?
01:09:16That little fox
01:09:18Do you like me, the old fox?
01:09:21You guess
01:09:23I guess he must like it
01:09:26Who are those people?
01:09:28Why do they want to kill you?
01:09:32In the mall
01:09:33There are many enemies
01:09:36Dare to fight Uncle Bo
01:09:38I want to see who the other party is
01:09:42There are a lot of people who want to touch me
01:09:44But the real people who can touch me
01:09:46But no one
01:09:47Don't be afraid
01:09:48As long as I am here
01:09:49I won't let you get hurt
01:09:51No wonder you are the man I like
01:09:53But dare to touch Bo Yan Nan
01:09:54Have I agreed?
01:09:56Let's go
01:10:04I found it
01:10:10I found it
01:10:17Before I wake up tomorrow morning
01:10:19I don't want to see
01:10:20They K Group appeared in Beijing
01:10:22Boss, this family is a little dark
01:10:24But how did they provoke you?
01:10:25People who dare to touch me
01:10:27They deserve to die
01:10:29Your people
01:10:31Are you talking about Bo Yan Nan?
01:10:33Just do it
01:10:35Don't talk so much nonsense
01:10:40It's a great honor to be Yan Yan's person
01:10:45It's a great honor to be Yan Yan's person
01:10:49Why are you eavesdropping?
01:10:51How can I eavesdrop?
01:10:53I'm obviously eavesdropping
01:10:55I don't want to talk to you
01:11:01I don't want to talk to you
01:11:26Why can't I sleep well?
01:12:06You're awake
01:12:08Why are you in my room?
01:12:13Why are you in my room?
01:12:17I was caught by you
01:12:20Why is it impossible?
01:12:21It's not like you don't know
01:12:22You have the habit of dreaming every day
01:12:26You know everything
01:12:29Every night
01:12:31You can find my location
01:12:33It's hard not to know
01:12:35You're so good
01:12:36If I can't beat you
01:12:37I might be caught by you
01:12:39Don't say it
01:12:42I will be responsible for you
01:12:46What do you mean by that?
01:12:50Of course I know
01:12:52Don't ask for too much
01:12:54I don't have money
01:12:56I don't want money
01:12:57I only want you
01:13:00What do you want from me?
01:13:01I don't have money
01:13:02And I don't know how to cook
01:13:07I'm willing to do anything for you
01:13:09I won't change my mind
01:13:10What do you mean?
01:13:13I'll only say it once
01:13:15If you don't hear me
01:13:16Forget it
01:13:58Is this Yan Nan's phone?
01:14:05You're Moyan, right?
01:14:07Hello, I'm Si Moyan
01:14:09What's wrong?
01:14:10Who's calling?
01:14:15You brat
01:14:16It's me, Grandma
01:14:21Do you know?
01:14:22Young Master is back
01:14:25Not only is he back
01:14:26He brought a girl home
01:14:28Who is it?
01:14:42Why are you panicking?
01:14:43You're panicking
01:14:45Young Master is back
01:14:47So what?
01:14:48Why are you so excited?
01:14:49It's not like we haven't seen each other
01:14:51When are you going to
01:14:52Bring my granddaughter-in-law home?
01:14:53It's not too late for you to get excited
01:14:55Your granddaughter-in-law
01:14:57Is back too?
01:15:03He really brought her home
01:15:08Isn't that the miracle doctor from last time?
01:15:10She's so pretty
01:15:11Not only does she look pretty
01:15:12Her temperament is also good
01:15:13No wonder she's a miracle doctor
01:15:15And has a good temper
01:15:17Our Lord Bo is even holding her hand
01:15:19She's definitely our future young mistress
01:15:21That's right
01:15:22What a perfect match
01:15:26My precious
01:15:27Hurry up
01:15:28Let me take a look
01:15:30Hurry up and sit
01:15:32Are the legendary
01:15:34Little fairy
01:15:36That's great
01:15:38Being with our Yan Nan
01:15:40Has made you suffer
01:15:43You're at home
01:15:44Why are you so nice to me?
01:15:47Mu Yan
01:15:48Don't worry
01:15:49With me around
01:15:50She definitely won't dare to bully you
01:15:52Thank you, Grandma
01:15:54Why are you so skinny?
01:15:57Is it because Yan Nan is busy with work
01:15:59And didn't take good care of you?
01:16:00No, no
01:16:02Don't worry
01:16:03Come back often
01:16:04I'll cook for you
01:16:06Then you won't have to leave
01:16:08I'll have the kitchen take good care of you
01:16:12Mu Yan
01:16:13I've heard about you and the Huo family
01:16:15The Huo family and I
01:16:17Are a big family
01:16:19We've been engaged since we were little
01:16:21Don't worry
01:16:22The Bo family will take good care of you
01:16:24It's time to prepare the betrothal gifts
01:16:27Betrothal gifts?
01:16:28Grandma is right
01:16:30It's time to prepare
01:16:31What are you talking about?
01:16:34I heard Mu Yan hasn't graduated yet
01:16:36Isn't it a bit early to talk about the betrothal gifts?
01:16:38What does that have to do with it?
01:16:40Our wedding with the Huo family
01:16:42Of course, the grander the better
01:16:44For our Mu Yan's betrothal gifts
01:16:46It must be carefully selected
01:16:48We'll marry you into the family
01:16:50Simu Yi
01:16:51If it weren't for you
01:16:52Our shares
01:16:53Wouldn't have been lost for no reason
01:16:55You want to marry the Huo family?
01:16:57Dream on!
01:17:03I'll answer the phone
01:17:10Yan Nan
01:17:11You're not home often
01:17:13This is grandma's
01:17:15Special tonic for you
01:17:16Drink it
01:17:17Don't let her down
01:17:19Thank you for your concern
01:17:22Grandma always likes to do
01:17:23These weird things
01:17:31Okay, go ahead
01:17:50Hurry, hurry, hurry
01:17:51Go in
01:17:56Bo Yan Nan
01:17:57You finally belong to us
01:17:59The name of the young lady of the Bo family
01:18:03Can only be me
01:18:13Miss Si
01:18:14Where's Bo Yan Nan?
01:18:15She doesn't seem to be feeling well
01:18:16She was taken to the other room
01:18:17By Madam Bo
01:18:25Where's Bo Yan Nan?
01:18:28You really can't stay away from her
01:18:30Simu Yan
01:18:32You want to marry into the Bo family?
01:18:34Dream on!
01:18:35It's not up to you
01:18:36Whether I marry or not
01:18:38I advise you
01:18:39Not to go in
01:18:42If you see something
01:18:43That you shouldn't see
01:18:44It won't be good
01:18:46What did you do?
01:18:47What can I do?
01:18:48I'm a young lady
01:18:50It's normal for me to be a little naughty
01:18:52Yan Nan
01:18:53Yan Nan, what did you do?
01:18:55Get out of my way
01:19:04Get out of my way
01:19:05Yan Nan
01:19:10Mu Yan
01:19:12What's wrong?
01:19:13What's wrong with you?
01:19:15You're poisoned
01:19:17I'm sorry
01:19:18For what happened in my house
01:19:20I'm sorry
01:19:22Who are you?
01:19:24Who let you into Yan Nan's room?
01:19:26If you call me Yan Nan again
01:19:27I'll listen
01:19:30Yan Nan
01:19:31Stop yelling
01:19:32Simu Yan
01:19:33How dare you
01:19:37In a little while
01:19:38You'll know who's the one who's being impudent
01:19:40Who are you?
01:19:42Get out of here
01:19:48Yan Nan
01:19:53You're a doctor
01:19:55Do you know what to do next?
01:20:07Er Feng, you bastard
01:20:09How dare you poison my grandson
01:20:10And today is the day
01:20:12He'll be the one to see
01:20:15Madam, don't worry
01:20:17The maid just said
01:20:18The young lady has already treated the young master
01:20:20She's a doctor
01:20:22Then I have to see
01:20:30Yan Nan, you hurt me
01:20:33I'm really decocting the medicine
01:20:36Madam, let's go
01:20:38Let the young master have a look
01:20:39Yes, yes, yes
01:20:41Let's go
01:20:42Let's deal with Er Feng
01:20:43You bastard
01:20:48Mom, please forgive me
01:20:50I won't do it again
01:20:52I really like Yan Nan
01:20:54It's all my fault
01:20:56Please forgive me and my aunt
01:20:59Old Er
01:21:00Since you came in
01:21:02In order to control the Bo family
01:21:04You've done a lot of bad things
01:21:06Yan Nan
01:21:07She can open one eye and close the other
01:21:09It doesn't mean that I can forgive you
01:21:12I really didn't do it
01:21:13I won't do it again
01:21:15I think you're just idle
01:21:18Book a flight to South Africa for Madam
01:21:21The company is short of staff
01:21:23Let her go
01:21:25Mom, no
01:21:26I won't go to Africa
01:21:27I don't want to go to Africa
01:21:29Mom, my son needs me to take care of him
01:21:31Mom, please forgive me
01:21:37My daughter
01:21:39My daughter
01:21:42Are you crazy?
01:21:43She is the only young master of the Huo family
01:21:45The future young madam of the Bo family
01:21:47What kind of dream does a beggar have?
01:21:50She is not a member of the Huo family
01:21:51She is my daughter
01:21:53My daughter
01:21:56Mu Yan
01:21:57There is still one week
01:21:58I will go to Africa
01:21:59I will go to Africa
01:22:00I will go to Africa
01:22:01I will go to Africa
01:22:02I will go to Africa
01:22:03I will go to Africa
01:22:04Mu Yan
01:22:05There is still one week
01:22:06We will get married
01:22:08As the Count of Kyoto
01:22:09You are my wife
01:22:12Let's go
01:22:14Mu Yan
01:22:15It's been three years
01:22:16Your father finally found you
01:22:18Lin Fan, drag him out of here
01:22:21Ignore him
01:22:22He has committed suicide
01:22:24Let's go
01:22:28Mu Yan
01:22:29Mu Yan
01:22:30Mu Yan
01:22:32Mu Yan
01:22:33I was wrong
