• last week
00:02Hey, Soph.
00:04I just heard some lady was arrested for the hit and run your dad went to jail for.
00:07Does that mean that...
00:09He's been cleared.
00:10Oh, my God.
00:11That's amazing.
00:12I'm so happy for you.
00:14Yeah, but for some reason, he's still in jail.
00:15They haven't released him yet.
00:33Good morning, Brady.
00:34I brought you some company.
00:52I don't wanna talk about it.
01:08Oh, Donna.
01:11You're up in the shadows again.
01:15Most myself, actually.
01:16I didn't think that Carrie Atkins could be such a gullible fool.
01:22No, you are not a fool.
01:24We all thought that Brady was responsible for my accident.
01:27We all thought that my mom was godsend to help us through a difficult time,
01:30but she turned out to be the cause of it all.
01:34And I mean Sarah.
01:38I of all people should have known better.
01:43She's a horrible mother.
01:47A drunk, a liar, heartless.
01:53I should have known she'd never change.
02:05Well, not important.
02:09How could anything that Clyde tells you to do be not important?
02:15Okay, fine, fine.
02:19I don't need to know, but I'm going to trust that you're going to take care of it.
02:24Yeah, okay.
02:26Yes, and I'll do what I'm here to do.
02:30Marry Chad.
02:32As soon as I'm his wife, I'll have access to the DiMero investment accounts,
02:35and I'll get that money to Clyde.
02:41Yeah, I'll let you know when it's done.
03:10Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
03:41You can do this.
03:43You can do it.
03:47It's for Mom.
03:50Just keep reminding yourself it's for Mom.
04:17Hey, Ollie.
04:19How you doing?
04:20No, no, come on in.
04:21Abby is just getting ready.
04:24Sit down, get comfortable.
04:26You look beautiful, by the way.
04:31We're just so glad to have you.
04:33Not only is Abby's made of honor, but as our witness.
04:38Well, I'm just grateful to be a part of your wedding.
04:41It's so exciting.
04:42Are you serious?
04:44How'd it go with your mom?
04:46I mean, things are a little awkward still, but at least we're talking, right?
04:51Yeah, that's good.
04:55You know, I lost my mom when I was about your age.
04:59And when I think back, I always wished I would have spent more time with her.
05:07Been a better son.
05:09So, you trust me?
05:13Fixing your relationship with your mom is important.
05:18Yeah, at least it's one relationship in my life getting fixed.
05:27Wait, I don't get it.
05:28If they arrested someone else, why is your dad still in jail?
05:32I have no idea.
05:33I haven't been able to talk to him.
05:34It's probably just some dumb red tape stuff.
05:37But in the meantime, I'm like, just so relieved that he's innocent.
05:44You know?
05:45Like, beyond relieved.
05:46I'm like, so, so happy.
05:48And not just for him, but for my grandparents and my sister.
05:51And for me, too.
05:54I'm so happy for all of you.
05:56I know how much it's been weighing on you guys.
05:58And I'm sure he'll be out soon, Kate.
06:03I hope so.
06:05So, this other suspect, the one who actually did hit Sarah Kiriakis, do you know who it is?
06:10Yeah, I do.
06:12It was Xander Kiriakis' mom and Sarah's mother-in-law.
06:18Yeah, whoa.
06:19Her name's Fiona Cook.
06:22Wait, what?
06:23Fiona Cook?
06:26Oh, my God.
06:28I know that bitch.
06:33I'm surprised to see you.
06:39EJ, I didn't think escorting prisoners to their lockup was part of the DA's duties.
06:46Two bugs, I suppose.
06:49Ms. Cook needed to be brought down, and I believe you and I have some unfinished business.
06:54Well, I wasn't expecting my grand apology until I was actually officially released.
07:01If you're ready to give it, I'm ready.
07:04No, I'm not here to apologize.
07:05More, I'm not here to release you.
07:08Why not?
07:09You've got your culprit right there.
07:12We have another possible culprit, yes.
07:16But the picture's a little murky, you see, since the finger's been pointed at the both of you.
07:22So I thought I'd bring the two of you down here and let you hash out your respective versions of the truth.
07:32That would amuse the fun in you two.
07:44Fiona, look at me.
07:49Look at me!
07:53Do we really have to do this, Brady?
07:55Oh, we really do.
07:58You know, when I first met you, I thought you were kind, I thought you were fun.
08:05I thought you were, you know, misunderstood.
08:08How in the hell could I have been so wrong?
08:14I keep thinking about the night.
08:17The night and the morning of the accident.
08:23How I called you in a panic because I thought that I had hit Sarah and you told me to not jump to conclusions.
08:28Brady, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't turn yourself in, Brady.
08:32You made me feel innocent, even though when I didn't believe that I was, even though now we know that you knew I was.
08:40And instead of coming forward, what did you do?
08:42You hung me out to dry.
08:44So my question is, why did you do that to me?
08:46No, I have a better question.
08:47How could you do that to Sarah?
08:57She's never done my whole life.
09:00It's disappointed me.
09:04You know, when she abandoned me, I was, you know, I was just a little boy.
09:12But even then, some part of me somehow understood that it was the best thing that ever happened to me.
09:20And yet when she showed up here in Salem, claiming to have changed, I just, I just forgot about all the, the bad times and the terrible disappointments.
09:33And I just, I just turned back into that stupid little boy.
09:41Boy does mom.
09:47Oh, baby, I'm so sorry.
09:51I encouraged her to come here.
09:53I'm so sorry.
09:54I'm sorry for you too.
09:59I was in the right place like it always is.
10:03I mean, Sarah, when she first showed up at our wedding, what was supposed to be our wedding.
10:12And she told me that I am Victor's son-in-law.
10:18Finally, I just felt so vindicated.
10:23So, well, self-important.
10:34And then she started to just work her way into my life.
10:40From then on, I just only let myself see what I wanted to see, which was my mom.
10:48Somehow transformed into a person of character, someone I could trust.
11:00Of course you saw her that way.
11:04So did I.
11:06She was very good at playing that part.
11:10I should have seen through it.
11:13I know who she is, who she was, how she treated me when I was a child.
11:19How she could just abandon me without looking back.
11:26How could I not see the signs?
11:28How could I not see that she was just the same heartless drunk she's always been?
11:34Because it wasn't obvious.
11:37It wasn't obvious at all.
11:38She hid it really well.
11:41I'm her son.
11:43I should have known.
11:46My gosh, Sarah, I left her all alone with our daughter.
11:52I trusted her with our little girl.
11:54What the hell was I thinking?
11:55Do not do that. Do not do that.
11:57She never hurt Victoria.
11:59Thank God.
12:01It's you who she hurt so terribly.
12:05And that breaks my heart.
12:10Please don't let her.
12:14All she did to me was remind me how awful she is.
12:18But you.
12:22Look at what she did to you.
12:26And all because she hurt you worse than anyone else.
12:31Because I deluded myself.
12:35I so desperately, so stupidly wanted to believe that she changed.
12:41That's why I allowed this to happen.
12:46I will never forgive myself.
13:00Mary, please don't do that to yourself.
13:04You had nothing to do with my accident.
13:06Of course I did.
13:08I deluded myself.
13:10I should have known that my mom wasn't sober.
13:13She'll know she's still the same wretch as you and me.
13:16And she's always been who clearly just passed on all her wretched genes to me.
13:19I was so enraged that Brady was going to murder him.
13:23And then you had to lie to the police to save him from me.
13:28You might have to.
13:32You might have to face the consequences of that.
13:34You might have to pay the price for what I did.
13:36No, no, no.
13:38I am not going to be charged with perjury.
13:43Especially now that I remember seeing Fiona behind the wheel.
13:47When EJ threatened me.
13:52He wouldn't let me retract my statement.
13:54I didn't remember.
13:55But now we have proof.
13:58She confessed to us.
14:00God knows what she's saying to the cops.
14:06When Jada showed up here last night to arrest us.
14:11She did that before we called 911, Hank.
14:14How could she have known?
14:18It must have been Eric.
14:21He was grilling me earlier about the accident and...
14:25Maybe he went to the police.
14:30We have to go and set the record straight.
14:34And get Brady out of jail.
14:36And not just because he doesn't deserve to be there, but because...
14:40It's still the only way Kristen will give us both serum, which is the only way to heal your injuries.
14:46And that's the priority.
14:51But after that...
14:54When you're all better...
14:57By God, we will make my mom pay for what she's done.
15:07Brady, that was the last thing I wanted for you.
15:10Or for Sarah.
15:15Then why did you drink and drive and...
15:18Hit Sarah and then leave her on the ground not knowing whether she was dead or alive?
15:23And why didn't you speak up when I was arrested?
15:25Why did you let me take the fall?
15:27My last question is, what did I do to deserve this, Fiona?
15:32You didn't deserve this, of course you didn't.
15:35And now, for what it's worth, and I know it's not much...
15:39You at least deserve to understand.
15:42Understand what?
15:46Brady, I wasn't drunk that night.
15:50I was just tipsy.
15:52And so I thought it would be safer for me to drive you home...
15:56Than to let you get behind the wheel.
15:59Probably would have been safest just to get a cab.
16:02Don't you think I know that now?
16:06But that night I thought we'd be okay.
16:11It was so dark and...
16:15And Sarah, she just appeared out of nowhere.
16:20And it all happened so fast.
16:23And then, when I realized I'd hit someone, I panicked.
16:27And then when I realized it was Sarah, I panicked even more because I knew that if Sandra found out...
16:33It would be the end of our relationship forever.
16:36I see, so you thought better how to ruin Brady's life rather than mine, right?
16:40Is that the thinking?
16:44It wasn't premeditated.
16:46You were passed out on the seat next to me.
16:52And then I just...
16:56I waited for some help to come for Sarah before I left her there.
17:00And then...
17:02My foot went down on the pedal and then we were gone.
17:06My mind was racing.
17:09And my world was about to end.
17:11And you were blissfully ignorant.
17:20And then the idea started formulating in my mind before I was even cognizant of it.
17:26I had done some research on Sandra's Salem family after I came to town.
17:32And I knew that Maggie had been involved in an accident and framed in a similar manner.
17:39That's how you got the brilliant idea.
17:48That's how I got the terrible idea.
17:53The cruel and heartless idea to drive you home to the parking garage and put you in the driver's seat.
18:03You didn't just put me in a driver's seat. You put me in...
18:07You put me in hell.
18:09You put me in a guilt-ridden hell right up until I found out the truth.
18:16And now it's your turn to suffer.
18:19Your turn.
18:21To be in hell.
18:32Wait. I'm sorry. How do you know Xander Kyriakis' mom?
18:37She used to come into the bistro and she was nice at first. Really friendly.
18:42She even gave me her cheesecake once when I was overworked and totally starving.
18:46Invited me to come sit with her.
18:48Okay. And you did, obviously?
18:51Yeah. Because she was nice, like I said.
18:54And I don't know. She seemed kind of lonely. Like she just wanted someone to talk to, I guess.
18:59Okay. What did you two talk about?
19:02Well, we talked about you a little. I mean, she asked me if I was dating anyone and...
19:08What did you tell her about me, Sophia?
19:14You're referring to Tate? You regret breaking up with him?
19:20I don't know. I mean, we weren't together that long and we're kind of always a hot mess, so...
19:26Do you miss him?
19:29Yeah. Kind of. But I'll get over it, right? Plenty of other guys out there.
19:35Sure. Is that really what you want?
19:39Well, no. No, it's not what I want.
19:43But even if I could forgive Tate for taking his dad's side for hitting my Aunt Sarah and just driving off,
19:49I'm not too sure he's going to be able to forgive me.
19:55What did you do?
19:57Well, I kind of was going through his dad's room looking for evidence to use against him in the hit-and-run.
20:05And Tate caught me and, to be honest, I broke into Brady's briefcase.
20:10Yeah, I see.
20:11Yeah. And to top it all off, my ex-BFF, Sophia, is making a move on him and, I don't know,
20:18I'm pretty sure Tate's licking to her too, so it kind of feels all hopeless, you know?
20:24Sorry, Holly.
20:25Yeah. Thanks.
20:27Anyway, enough of my sob story. Let's talk about you.
20:31You're getting married in the most romantic city in the world, and I'm so excited for you.
20:35And I'm really honored to be a part of it.
20:37I can't wait for you and Abigail to fall in love all over again.
20:56What's the big deal? All I told that Fiona woman was that I liked you, but you were seeing someone else.
21:03Okay, that's all? You didn't say anything else?
21:06What else was there to say?
21:08Anyway, she gave me a huge tip, said it was for the nice chat and to keep my mouth shut while serving her martini.
21:16She told you that? To keep quiet about her drinking?
21:19Yeah. It seemed like she was being playful or something, like it would be a little inside joke between us.
21:26But get this, I ran into her in the square and she asked me how things were going with the guy I like,
21:31so I mentioned you, my name this time, and she freaked.
21:36Why would she freak?
21:38I guess I never said your name before.
21:40But this time I did, I said Tate, and I said that you were dating Holly, and that's when she left.
21:46And I said that you were dating Holly, and that's when she lost it.
21:50Because apparently she lives with Holly's family.
21:53I was worried that they would all find out she had a drink at the bistro, that I would tell them.
21:58She even threatened me.
22:01No way.
22:03She said it was important I keep my mouth shut because her family thought she was sober.
22:09Now I know it was more than that.
22:11She also didn't want them to know that she mowed down Sarah when she was probably smashed out of her mind.
22:18Brady, I prayed that no one would identify your car.
22:22I prayed that you wouldn't be implicated.
22:27Okay. I'm okay. I'm starting to understand here.
22:32You setting me up was your failsafe.
22:35The cops wouldn't find you.
22:37What about me? What I would think?
22:40If the cops didn't track us down, I would just go on believing that I was guilty of this for the rest of my life.
22:47Look, when Sarah came to do her surgery and we all thought she was going to be all right,
22:53I fully intended to set the record straight.
22:57But then, when we realized she was paralyzed and knowing that it was all my fault, I just couldn't.
23:09Oh, you could've. You could've. You could've. You just decided not to.
23:17You tell me what you got. We need to talk.
23:21If you're here to defend your mother.
23:23Oh, she can rot in hell for all I care.
23:25We're here to make sure that you've released Brady now that you have my mother in custody.
23:29I don't see how the two are related.
23:34You had out your arms to marry her.
23:36Did you? Brady is innocent.
23:40I'm not so sure about that.
23:43We just talked to Detective Hunter. Sarah remembers the accident now.
23:47She remembers clearly and definitively that my mother was the driver.
23:51But earlier, she remembered it was Brady who signed her sworn statement of facts.
23:56So, which version am I meant to believe?
23:59You look amazing.
24:02Oh, you don't look so bad yourself.
24:05Oh, and Holly, thank you so much for coming and being a part of today.
24:10Oh, we have a bouquet for you. It's in the kitchen.
24:13Okay, I'll go grab it.
24:16Oh, I'm so sorry.
24:18It's okay.
24:20It's okay.
24:22It's okay.
24:24It's okay.
24:26Okay, I'll go grab it.
24:30So, we have us in the name of honor. We just need our officiant.
24:36Oh, yeah, that's right. I got a text from you. I should check that.
24:42Oh, I wonder who that could be.
24:50Hey, Chad.
24:51It's so great to see you.
24:53Oh, God, you, too. You, too.
25:13You must be my brother.
25:15Yes, I am.
25:19Do you remember me at all?
25:25I wish I did.
25:29But I feel a weird energy with you.
25:36It's a start.
25:39Since your parents couldn't make it, I decided to reach out to JJ.
25:44Not only did he agree to make the long flight from South Africa,
25:48I've been looking at a newly ordained minister of the Universal Church of the Interwebs.
25:53He's gonna marry us.
25:55That's amazing. Thank you, JJ.
25:57I'm just excited to be a part of this.
26:00The whole way here on the plane, I couldn't sleep.
26:03Just kept thinking that I'd get to see my sister again.
26:08It's, uh, well, there's no words for how much it means to me.
26:13Yeah, me, too.
26:16And look, I'm sorry that Mom and Dad aren't here.
26:21I know that Mom's having a hard time with all this.
26:24Except that you're her daughter, even with the DNA proof.
26:29But I know that deep down, she is happy for you.
26:32And so am I.
26:35I'm so happy to have you back.
26:47For God's sake, JJ.
26:50Whatever your personal issues with Brady, you know damn well he doesn't serve to be behind bars.
26:56JJ, I told you that I wasn't sure of my memory of seeing Brady behind the wheel.
27:02I am sure now. It was Fiona. It wasn't Brady.
27:06I'm aware of your ever-changing account of events, Sarah.
27:12Which makes you more of a reliable eyewitness than a drunken Brady.
27:17What the hell does that mean?
27:20Let's see. Brady couldn't remember.
27:23Then he confessed. Then he unconfessed.
27:26And now he claims that he can remember.
27:29And that he wasn't, in fact, driving.
27:32Then there you have it. What else do you need? Oh, come on.
27:37You don't see how I would be a tad bit skeptical about all this? I mean, really.
27:44I'm supposed to believe that Brady's memory was somehow miraculously restored at precisely the same time as Sarah's.
27:52JJ, listen to me. Listen to what I'm saying.
27:55Why would I be putting all this effort into convincing you that my mother did this if it wasn't true?
27:59You think I want to believe that she's a monster?
28:04Well, there has to be some reason behind Sarah changing her story the other day.
28:08And why you two have suddenly become so desperate for me to release Brady.
28:14So, until I know the whole truth, I will do no such thing.
28:21Brady, when your car disappeared, and AJ released you, you have no idea how relieved I was.
28:31And I'm so sorry that Zorna tried to take the law into his own hands.
28:36But I've got to stop to that, too.
28:38Oh, you did. You did.
28:42Am I supposed to say thank you?
28:44You did. Am I supposed to say thank you?
28:48Is that what you want to hear?
28:49Your son almost broke my legs for something that you did.
28:54As a matter of fact, I think I did.
28:56I did thank you.
28:57Do you remember how you replied?
28:59I do.
29:00You threw Sarah's injury in my face.
29:04You made me feel like crap for hurting her when you knew it was what you had done.
29:10Do you remember that?
29:12When I came to see you yesterday, I was so close to confessing everything.
29:21And I know you don't believe me.
29:24The secret has been killing me, Brady.
29:30You don't actually expect me to feel sorry for you.
29:35No. No, I don't.
29:42And I do want you to know that I care about you.
29:48We were two lost souls who found each other when we both needed someone.
29:55And that means so much to me.
29:59I had to pretend that I hated you because everybody thought you'd injured my daughter-in-law.
30:05Truth is, the only person I hate is myself.
30:18I'm sorry, Tate.
30:19If I had known who Fiona was when she did, I would have said something sooner.
30:23It's okay.
30:24You couldn't have known, Sophia.
30:25Nobody knew.
30:27My God.
30:28And Holly, she was so awful to you.
30:31Trying to dig up dirt on your dad when he was innocent the whole time?
30:34She didn't know that, obviously.
30:38But I wouldn't be surprised if, after all of this, she comes crawling back to you, apologizing like crazy,
30:44now that she knows your dad isn't the one who ran over her precious Aunt Sarah.
30:50I doubt it.
30:51I mean, things did not end well, as you know.
30:55So, we'll see, I guess.
30:58We'll see.
31:07Hey, hi!
31:08Oh, my God!
31:10It's so good to see you!
31:11It's great to see you!
31:12So good to see you, too.
31:13You're kidding.
31:14I wouldn't ask.
31:16Hey, so are we all ready?
31:18Yeah, we'll be.
31:19You're just gonna have to bear with me.
31:22I am officially married.
31:24You're just gonna have to bear with me.
31:26I am officially ordained, but I'm a novice at the whole marrying people deal.
31:30Well, you're gonna kill it.
31:34Okay, let's get this show on the road.
31:36Oh, I just gotta put on some music.
31:38I gotta get my phone.
31:39Oh, I got it.
31:55Everything okay?
31:58No, everything's okay.
31:59I think your phone is dead.
32:01No, I had a full charge earlier.
32:02It's fine.
32:03Don't worry about it.
32:04I have the perfect song on my phone.
32:05Abby, are you sure you're okay?
32:06You look a little pale.
32:07I think you need some water.
32:08Oh, wait, no.
32:10You guys, stop fussing.
32:11Stop fussing over me.
32:12I am a nervous bride.
32:13That's all there is to it.
32:14It's okay.
32:15It's okay.
32:16It's okay.
32:17It's okay.
32:18It's okay.
32:19It's okay.
32:20It's okay.
32:21It's okay.
32:22It's okay.
32:23I'm a nervous bride.
32:24That's all there is.
32:25I'm nervous.
32:31AJ, this is ridiculous.
32:32I mean, it should be obvious why Sarah and I want Brady released, isn't it?
32:36He's my family and Sarah's friend.
32:38And she just feels terrible that her false testimony got him.
32:41AJ, you can't prosecute two suspects.
32:43You have to let one of them go.
32:45I've already been forced to release Brady once.
32:48once. I'm not going to let him go again unless I'm 100% certain he's innocent.
32:54But he is innocent! My mother's guilty! Didn't the police take her statement?
32:59Not yet. Why the hell not? It's a little thing called due process. I think you'd be familiar.
33:05Miss Cook is entitled to have her counsel present. Oh, whatever. Sarah remembers the
33:12accident. She remembers that my mother was driving. Now you tell me that Brady remembers too. And I'll
33:16give you my testimony right now. What testimony? You weren't an eyewitness. Not to the hit and run.
33:24But my mother just confessed to me right after I stopped her from pushing Sarah down the stairs
33:27to keep her quiet. How's that for a witness? EJ, come on. It's time to let this one go.
33:36Brady didn't do it. I am the victim of this crime. Brady does not deserve to be one too.
33:43EJ, please. You have to let him go. You really expect me to believe that you care about me?
33:54You understand that if my father hadn't been so determined to get to the bottom of this,
33:58hadn't pressured me to figure out what the hell happened that night, remember,
34:05the truth would have never come out.
34:07And you wouldn't set a word, would you?
34:14Shut up, Barry. That's what I want to hear from you. I don't want you to say anything to me.
34:24I don't ever want to see your face again. And I'm so sorry that I've met you.
34:37I'm sorry.
34:59Can I ask a favor of you?
35:02Of course, Tate. Definitely.
35:04Look, I don't know what the holdup is getting my dad clear,
35:09but what you know about Fiona, maybe it could help in some way. So would you be willing to
35:15talk to the police about what happened between you two and possibly even testify if it comes
35:20to that? Definitely. I would do anything for you, Tate. Anything to help you and your family.
35:26Really? Wow. Thank you.
35:33You're such a good son. You know that? Your dad is so lucky to have you.
35:41I'm really lucky to have a friend like you.
35:45I know that this isn't the most conventional situation for a wedding,
36:01but I want you to know that it's an honor and a privilege to be here because I love you both.
36:06And if this helps you find your way back to each other,
36:08then I'm beyond grateful that I can be a part of it.
36:14We're grateful for you. Thank you for doing this.
36:17Thank you, Tate. Thank you for including me. You still
36:20love me. I mean that. So I gotta consult the old cheat sheet here.
36:28Okay, everybody ready? Ready.
36:32Ready. We are gathered here in the presence of this witness.
36:39To join Chad Michael DiMera and Abigail Johanna Devereaux together in matrimony.
36:48Contract of marriage is a most solemn one. One not to be answered in too lightly, but thoughtfully
36:55and seriously. And with a deep realization of its obligations and responsibilities.
37:02If there's anyone here that can show just cause of why this couple should not be lawfully joined
37:09together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.
37:18Okay. Chad, if please repeat after me.
37:23I, Chad, take you, Abigail, for my lawful spouse.
37:27To have and to hold from this day forward. For better or for worse, for richer or for poor.
37:41In sickness and in health.
37:47As long as I live.
37:49And Abigail, please repeat after me. I, Abigail, take you, Chad.
37:57I, Abigail, take you, Chad, as my lawful spouse.
38:06To have and to hold from this day forward. For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer.
38:19To have and to hold from this day forward.
38:31For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer.
38:40In sickness and in health.
38:46As long as I live.
38:49And Abigail, please repeat after me. I, Abigail, take you, Chad, as my lawful spouse.
39:01With this ring, I thee wed.
39:12With this ring,
39:18I thee wed.
39:19With this ring, I thee wed.
39:36With this ring, I thee wed.
39:49Now, by the power vested in me by the Almighty Internet,
39:54you are now lawfully married.
39:56You may kiss the bride.
40:29I wish I could say that my memories came flooding back.
40:36And I...
40:40I can honestly say that I...
40:45I feel closer to you than I ever have before.
41:06I can't believe EJ just stormed out of here without saying anything.
41:20You know, we should have told him everything.
41:22You mean that his sister is blackmailing us and that you set out to kill Brady?
41:26No, baby, we cannot trust EJ with that information.
41:30Of course not.
41:32Look, I think that EJ knows that he has to do the right thing.
41:36I just...
41:39I pray that that's what he's doing.
41:55Back again so soon?
41:58Get up.
42:02Today's your lucky day, that's why.
42:05I'm dropping the charges against you.
42:23Now get the hell out of my sight before I change my mind.
42:51Well, damn, I'm so sorry.
42:54Lunch is over, I talked so much that you didn't get a chance to eat.
42:57It's okay, I have work release anyway, so I'll just grab something then.
43:04Okay, great, well, thank you so much for everything.
43:10It's no problem.
43:12And hey, just let me know about talking to the police or testifying, whatever you need, okay?
43:20See you later.
43:22See you.
43:36Here we are.
43:38And if I may, I'd like to make a toast to the bride and groom.
43:46I have to admit that I was nervous about seeing you, Abigail.
43:52Especially after the way mom felt when she did.
43:58Now I'm just sorry I didn't reach out sooner.
44:01Even if it was to video chat or talk to you on the phone.
44:10My mother?
44:12Oh, yes, I was talking on the phone to my brother, JJ.
44:19My mom had a hard time accepting that I was actually her daughter, Abigail.
44:25Wait, what do you mean?
44:28Didn't you two just talk on the phone last night?
