• il y a 4 jours


00:00A Christmas, this is a film made in Russia, 1959. Original music composed and conducted by Nikolsky.
00:21Produit par Martin Gilbert
00:27Une fois par an, à Moscou, en Russie, vivait un petit garçon nommé Kolya.
00:33Il adorait toujours l'hiver de Noël.
00:35C'était l'heure de l'année où les gens étaient heureux, et les arbres étaient décorés avec de beaux ornements.
00:41Cet an était différent pour Kolya.
00:43Lorsqu'il regardait tous les décorations jolies sur l'arbre de Noël, il pensait à son père qui travaillait en Antarctique.
00:50Kolya savait qu'au fond du monde, il n'y avait pas d'arbres à décorer.
00:54Rien que de l'hiver et de la neige.
00:56Si seulement il y avait une façon pour que papa puisse avoir un arbre de Noël.
01:00Pourquoi ne serait-ce que le Noël n'est pas le Noël sans l'arbre et tous les ornements?
01:04Oui, si seulement il y avait une façon pour que Kolya puisse être sûr que son père aurait un arbre pour le Noël.
01:10Hmm, if only there was a way, if only.
01:34Hey, taxi!
01:38Hop in!
01:39Thank you!
01:41Where to?
01:45Antarctica, please!
01:47Where? Why, that's at the South Pole, isn't it?
01:53I want to take my father this tree.
01:55I wish I could help you, I don't have enough gas.
01:58Say, look, there's someone who can help you. That's Santa Claus.
02:03Kolya looked up into the clear night sky and saw Santa Claus zooming about in his star-studded jet plane.
02:09It streaked across the sky, brighter than any comet.
02:16Then it swooped to the ground and slid to a stop.
02:19Santa! Santa Claus! Hello! Hello!
02:22Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas, Kolya!
02:25Now, what would you like this year? A mechanical toy or how about a big television set? Hmm?
02:31Oh, Santa, my daddy...
02:33I know you'd like to take him that Christmas tree.
02:36Well, you take my plane.
02:38But you must reach your daddy in Antarctica before the clock strikes twelve.
02:43Or else.
02:44Now, when the clock strikes the first chime, climb aboard the star-shooter and take off.
02:49Stop for nothing, that's a mighty long trip it could be hard to do.
02:53Just keep going, for with the last chime at twelve, the Christmas magic will stop.
02:58Oh, I understand, Santa, but what do I...
03:00Now, now, Kolya, just hang on to your tree.
03:03Don't hit the big dipper. Keep going south.
03:06And remember, you must be there before the twelfth chime.
03:09Oh, I see. Uh-huh.
03:12Goodbye now.
03:14Is that the first chime?
03:16Yes, there's no time to lose.
03:18All right, I'll do as you say.
03:20Thank you, Santa. Bye. I'm off to Antarctica!
03:24Ho, ho, ho! Let's go, driver.
03:27I've got more work to do.
03:30Off Kolya went into space with the magic of Santa's star-shooter.
03:34He clutched his decorated tree, his heart pounding with anxiety.
03:38Very determined to reach Antarctica before the last chime.
03:58The second chime and Kolya was approaching Italy.
04:01I can hardly believe it! It's beautiful!
04:08The sky lit up with magnificent fireworks in celebration of the Yuletide season.
04:12There was so much to see.
04:14And then, Kolya grew very warm.
04:17Phew! We must be going over Africa.
04:20Oh, it's a long way down.
04:23And as Kolya looked below, a horrifying sight caught his eyes.
04:27A sandstorm swirled angrily from the ground.
04:30The fierce wind whipped round and round.
04:37Higher and higher went the wind.
04:45And as the third chime sounded, the violent wind surrounded the star-studded ship.
04:53And crumbled it like stardust.
04:59Kolya clung to his Christmas tree with all his might.
05:28The fourth chime! What can I do? I've got to get there! I must!
05:36Oh! Stop, I say!
05:39Oh, please don't eat me, Mr. Lion. I don't taste good.
05:44I wouldn't eat a little boy. I have children of my own.
05:48I just want to know where you got your pretty Christmas tree.
05:52Oh, from my home in Russia. That's where.
05:56I've been running all over Africa looking for one. What a waste of time.
06:01Oh, I'd give you this one, but I can't because I want to take it to my daddy in Antarctica.
06:06It's for Christmas.
06:09Oh! And the fifth chime! Oh, no!
06:13Oh, quick! Which way is the South Pole?
06:16Hmm, let me see. Bless my stars, I do remember.
06:20It's that way. Go straight, then turn right.
06:23Oh, thanks, but I don't think I can go fast enough.
06:26You go fast. I'm in such a hurry. Could you?
06:29Give you a ride? Why, sure, sonny.
06:33Hold on tight.
06:38It's the sixth. Please hurry.
06:50Oh! I don't do well in water.
06:54Boys, stop monkeying around and build a raft for this lad.
06:57He's got to reach Antarctica immediately.
07:04That's service, lads. The raft ought to float through to Antarctica.
07:11Thanks, everyone!
07:13Still clutching his tree as the seventh chime sounded,
07:16Santa stood bravely on his raft. When a huge wave swelled, his raft fell apart.
07:20Then his feet touched something strange.
07:23Now how in the salty seas did such a little boy get way out here?
07:29Oh! I'm on my way to Antarctica. Can you hear me?
07:35Oh, Mr. Whale, could you help me get to Antarctica, Mr. Whale? Oh!
07:42You little lizard!
07:45It's the eighth. I've got to hurry, please.
07:49Oh! No blubbering.
07:51We're back to the Whale. And I'll give you a whale of a ride.
07:55The whale proudly shot through the rough waters, faster than any ship could sail to the very shores of Antarctica.
08:03à l'extrême côte de l'Antarctique.
08:09Merci !
08:11Une fois à l'extrême côte, c'est à vous de marcher à l'avant,
08:13même si un temps de neige a presque brisé son dernier espoir.
08:16Mon père n'a pas peur des temps de neige,
08:18alors moi non plus non plus !
08:24Oh mon Dieu, il y a les neiges !
08:26Oups !
08:28Oh, des neiges froides !
08:30Quel genre de poisson es-tu ?
08:33Je ne suis pas un poisson, je suis un garçon,
08:35et je cherche mon père !
08:37Un garçon ?
08:38Oh mon Dieu, je suis un pingouin,
08:40alors tu es un garçon humain.
08:41C'est très intéressant.
08:44Le Dansejoy !
08:45Oh, s'il te plaît !
08:46Où est la station d'hiver ?
08:47La what ?
08:48La station d'hiver ?
08:49Oh, je suis contente que tu sois un garçon.
08:51Je suis un pingouin.
08:52Est-ce que tu es...
08:53Oh, tu es le fils de l'hiverman au camp.
08:54Je pensais que tu l'étais.
08:55Oui, tu ressembles à lui,
08:56tu ressembles à lui,
08:57et je ressemble à ma famille aussi,
08:58tu vois ?
08:59Nous ressemblons tous,
09:00nous avons toujours ressemblé,
09:01nous n'avons jamais vu quelque chose comme ça.
09:02Nous ressemblons toujours, oui, nous le faisons.
09:05Oh, s'il te plaît !
09:06S'il te plaît, mon père, tu ne comprends pas.
09:09Je le sais, je le sais, je le sais !
09:11Tu veux que je chante pour toi ?
09:15C'est l'heure de l'hiver !
09:17Nous devrons nous dépasser,
09:18ou je serai en danger !
09:21Nous t'aiderons alors !
09:22Allez, tout le monde !
09:27Oups !
09:33Hey, tu as quelque chose !
09:37Oh, nous sommes trop tard !
09:40Oh, il y en a un !
09:41Trop tard, trop tard !
09:43Colio était froid de décembre.
09:45Il ne pouvait pas aller plus loin.
09:49Oh !
09:56Colio ?
09:59Voici un câble pour toi
10:01de l'Antarctique.
10:03Oh, l'Antarctique !
10:06Oh, merci, merci !
10:08C'est de papa !
10:09Maman, maman !
10:11Un câble de papa !
10:12Oh, maman, regarde !
10:13Lise-le !
10:15J'ai reçu un grand arbre de Noël
10:17en jouant aujourd'hui.
10:19Joyeux Noël,
10:20j'aime papa.
10:23Oh, papa a reçu son arbre de Noël
10:25Il a reçu son arbre de Noël !
10:26Il l'a reçu !
10:28C'est bien.
10:29Joyeux Noël !
10:31Et un joyeux Noël aussi !