• avant-hier


00:30All right, we got to get busy. Clean this place up before the lieutenants come in.
00:33Right, you are so right.
00:35Well, then go ahead.
00:36Right, you are so right.
00:38Take it easy.
00:39Give me a hand with this ladder here.
00:40Which hand?
00:41Put it on that.
00:41What do you mean?
00:43Now you see what you did? Get out of here!
00:51Who threw that bomb?
00:54Oh, Napoleon, you're a mess, ain't you boy?
00:58We'll get you.
01:01Make you look nice.
01:03I know, I read all about you.
01:18Now, Nappy was that nice and you used to be my favorite general.
01:22You're going to get in trouble doing that.
01:24I hate you.
01:25Hold on, let's see what's this over here.
01:46Oh, Mo! Mo, Mo, Mo, get in here!
01:48What, what?
01:48Is there something in there? Is there, is there, huh? Is there?
01:52Don't hurt us, Mr. Armour, we didn't do it.
01:54We didn't do anything, honest.
01:55I know you didn't, Mo.
01:58It's me, some joke, eh?
01:59Some joke, yeah.
02:00By me!
02:05Why don't you take it off?
02:06You're liable to get cooked under this thing here.
02:09What's that thing?
02:10A mace.
02:12I'll mace you in a minute.
02:14You know, I wasn't really scared.
02:16You weren't?
02:16I don't even know the meaning of the word fear.
02:18Well, that sounds pretty stupid if you ask me.
02:21I didn't ask you.
02:23All I'm doing is asking you to sit back and watch us face real danger.
02:37All right, Frizzle Top, give me a hand with this thing.
02:39Oh, I hope this works.
02:44You got any last words?
02:45I mean comments to make, Feather Brain?
02:48How do I get out of this?
02:50Never mind, let's get this thing off the ground.
02:52Stand by for takeoff.
03:00Pump, you knucklehead!
03:09Well, back to the old bicycle shop.
03:16Ready for blastoff?
03:18Do I have a choice?
03:19Contact and cut or lose.
03:29It's obvious to me we need a pilot.
03:31And a new bicycle.
03:33Careful with that gas, Lunkhead.
03:35You know, if this thing works, we can call it a blimsicle.
03:37And if it doesn't work, you get a buffsicle.
03:39Okay, you junkheads, start pumping.
03:46There we go.
03:47We'll be famous.
03:48We'll build a million of them.
03:50Yeah, this is progress.
03:51Nothing can stop us.
03:53We might get some competition from the railroads.
03:55I don't get the connection.
03:57Ernie just did.
04:05Oh, well, you can't win them all.
04:07We can't win none of them.
04:08Back to the old bicycle shop.
04:11You think we're up high enough?
04:13Knock it off, will you?
04:14That kind of talk will give aviation a bad name.
04:17I'm ready.
04:18Okay, I got the pilot's checklist right here.
04:20Feet on pedals.
04:22Safety belt fastened.
04:25Seat adjusted for takeoff.
04:28Wait a minute, lame brain.
04:29You're supposed to say check.
04:31Why do you keep saying ouch?
04:33Somebody left a tack on the bicycle seat.
04:35Stand by for launch.
04:36Good, I'm hungry.
04:37I mean this.
04:39You bubble brain.
04:41Here we go again.
04:55I know.
04:56Back to the old bicycle shop.
05:03How do you like that?
05:04We knock ourselves out to invent a machine that flies,
05:07and along come a couple of wise guys and grab all the glory.
05:10Come on, I got an idea.
05:12There's a dangerous statement.
05:18Well, there's that doggy hawk.
05:21And there's those Wright brothers.
05:22They're taking off.
05:25How can you fly without bicycle power?
05:28Come on, you jugheads.
05:30Pump faster.
05:31Pump faster.
05:32It's no use.
05:33They're too fast for us.
05:34Oh, yeah?
05:35Get out your secret power, Curly.
05:37Aye, aye, sir.
05:40What the heck was that contraption, Wilbur?
05:42One of those newfangled jets, Orville.
05:45No need to worry, Wilbur.
05:47They'll never catch on.
06:03Oh, Larry's making fun of you again, eh?
06:06I'll show him a thing or two or three.
06:08Come out of there.
06:12Oh, boy.
06:13Is Moe going to give it to you when you get out of there?
06:16Oh, boy.
06:19Wait a minute.
06:20If you're out here, how could you be in...
06:25Hey, Moe.
06:26Hey, Moe, Moe.
06:27Don't bother me.
06:28No, but this is...
06:29Come on, leave me alone.
06:30Play games with me, huh?
07:00© BF-WATCH TV 2021
