• 20 hours ago
The cast of ‘Rosaline,' including Kaitlyn Dever, Isabela Merced, Kyle Allen, Sean Teale, and Minnie Driver are joined by Director Karen Maine to discuss Hulu’s hilarious twist on ‘Romeo & Juliet.’ Watch as they discuss their favorite recreated scenes and characters, past works like ‘Booksmart’ and ‘Will and Grace,’ and future projects like Sony’s 'Madame Web.'
00:00When you were working endlessly, me and Kyle had some time and we really did develop a bromance.
00:05I was like, what a shame that we let this Rosalind get in the way of our good times.
00:10Shall we?
00:11Have a good time.
00:18What's something new you feel like you guys have brought to Romeo and Juliet
00:21that we've yet to see in books before?
00:23Because, you know, obviously it's such a character that's been played so many times.
00:28I think we get to see them outside of the relationship that we normally see them in,
00:32outside of the settings that we normally see them in.
00:35I think it's important to do that with these love stories and these female characters that
00:40we know to be kind of one-dimensional and kind of motivated by love as opposed to motivated by,
00:47you know, the self-seeking kind of tendencies.
00:51So I think, you know, we get to see Juliet find herself in a way and then at the end
00:56realize, you know, what she actually wants.
00:58They didn't teach that in school.
01:00Wait till you get to page 74.
01:02What about you, Kyle?
01:03I think that Romeo is seldom played as ridiculous as he is.
01:11And I think I got to sort of show up and be about as ridiculous as Romeo actually,
01:21actually is.
01:23I think he's clueless and I really got to play into that.
01:26I never saw true beauty until this night.
01:29Why are you talking like that?
01:30What I really, I mean, what drew me to the script was that it's very much
01:34kind of a coming-of-age story of a young woman really finding her voice.
01:39And, you know, she thinks at the beginning of the film that she's,
01:43you know, already found it and that she's sort of railing against all these
01:48pressures that are put upon her as kind of an open-minded
01:52woman in a very closed-minded world, which was Renaissance,
01:57at least in terms of how women were treated.
02:00I'd rather eat rotten goat innards.
02:04I don't want an arranged marriage.
02:06You're a woman.
02:08You're not supposed to talk about what you want.
02:10I just like to, I'm drawn to projects where women, you know,
02:14feel like women I know or feel like myself.
02:17And I feel like Rosalind could easily be me.
02:21And she's very stubborn and headstrong in the beginning
02:24and thinks she knows everything.
02:26And then, you know, her world is kind of exploded open
02:29and she, at the end, you know, finds what she needs.
02:33And I just think that's a classic story.
02:35Really beautiful that anyone can relate to at any age in their life and any gender.
02:41Star-crossed lovers that couldn't live apart.
02:43That's pretty good.
02:45What classic, like, Romeo and Juliet moment was, like,
02:48the most fun for you to put a twist on?
02:51Oh, um, I mean, I guess even starting with the opening.
02:57I mean, this obviously isn't a part of the original Romeo and Juliet,
03:00but it's sort of the audience kind of first thinks,
03:03oh, you see this woman on a balcony.
03:05She's calling Romeo.
03:06Who is this woman?
03:07And I think that that was a really fun little moment to sort of, like,
03:11trick the audience into thinking that this is a Romeo and Juliet story.
03:15Yes, it's adjacent.
03:17Like, it is the same, but it's not.
03:19By yonder blessed moon I vow I shall speak.
03:25Are you okay?
03:27Solely in a selfish way because it was a fun day filming it,
03:30but the death scene.
03:31Oh, yes.
03:32We put Aspen on it and the death scene in the movie was just great.
03:36It was all of us together in this big, beautiful church
03:39and we just laughed for two days, actually.
03:42So that was, for me, that was it,
03:43because actually the rest of my story doesn't involve Romeo and Juliet at all.
03:48So I didn't put a spin on Romeo and Juliet at all.
03:51Definitely the scene at the end where we believe the lovers are dead in the crypt
03:54and in our story they're not actually dead
04:00was very difficult to do because you do have grieving parents,
04:04but you also have this comedic moment of,
04:07um, you know, Rosalind looking at Juliet,
04:11telling her to pretend to stay dead and looking at me to try and...
04:15Whilst also Caitlin's character, Rosalind, has this wonderful moment
04:18where she really gets to speak to the two warring houses and say,
04:23pull yourselves together.
04:24Why are you always fighting?
04:26So there's, I think it's my favorite scene
04:28because it's this wonderful coming together.
04:30It's artful.
04:31It's really well written and I think it's very well acted.
04:34They couldn't live in peace.
04:37At least let them rest in it.
04:42I love, I don't know if you have one,
04:45I really loved when I'm kind of just sitting in my room and Rosalind surprises me
04:50and then you hear Romeo outside going,
04:52throwing rocks at my window and going like,
04:55And I'm like, I don't know what, I gotta get rid of him.
04:57And so seeing that kind of similar setting
05:00that we're used to seeing within a completely different backstory
05:04as to how it goes down is really incredible to me
05:07and refreshing and it's funny
05:09because she's getting her lines from Rosalind,
05:11which Romeo has no clue.
05:13I got this feeling on a summer day when you were gone.
05:16So you're gonna break them up?
05:17Of course I am, Romeo and Juliet.
05:19Doesn't even sound right.
05:21I absolutely love the soundtrack and the things you got to do with them.
05:24I was wondering how fun it was to work with those modern songs
05:28in a classic setting.
05:30Yeah, it was great.
05:31I mean, I wanted the music to really encapsulate
05:34that anachronistic feeling between old and new that's present in the film.
05:40So we took songs from all recent decades
05:46and put a sort of old Renaissance spin on them
05:50by using period instrumentation that we actually recorded.
05:54Lutes, flutes, harpsichord, harp, organ,
05:58all sorts of things to give it a kind of older feel
06:02but obviously still recognizable and modern,
06:06which is what the general film is going for in general.
06:10So it was really fun to do a Renaissance cover
06:15of Dancing on My Own by Robert.
06:17I mean, who could?
06:19It's a dream.
06:20So we did that with so many other songs.
06:24I think it's really great.
06:26I just wonder if all this drama is adding to the attraction.
06:31Kind of in honor of this film,
06:33is there any side character from one of your other movies
06:36or personal favorite movies that you'd like to see explored
06:39from another perspective after watching this film?
06:42Good question.
06:45That's going to be tough.
06:46I got it.
06:47You got it already?
06:48Go, go, go.
06:49So Booksmart.
06:51I think seeing Noah Galvin
06:55and exploring his perspective would be a dream come true.
07:01I mean, his character is just, George is just iconic
07:07and I'd love to see a George film.
07:10I will be directing
07:12and Alan may be starring pending auditions.
07:17He is fantastic and that whole film is amazing.
07:20That character is so, so good.
07:22What other side characters would we like?
07:24I mean, I'm sure there's some side characters in Superbad
07:27that had just flashes of being in it.
07:30I'm blanking completely on any movie I've ever seen,
07:33obviously, because you just asked that question.
07:37My pick for you is Billie Lourd.
07:38So perfect.
07:39I'm so happy you said it.
07:40That's what my next thing, I was going to say,
07:42like maybe Billie Lourd would be an amazing,
07:44and she's also iconic in that.
07:47No, no.
07:50Both, honestly, both of them, both of them.
07:52They could be in the movie together.
07:53Let's talk to Hulu.
07:54All right.
07:55All right.
07:55Well, I mean, no, I mean, seriously,
07:59Lorraine Finster on Will & Grace needed her own spinoff, for sure.
08:04I would like to see her in lots of different shows.
08:08I wouldn't dream of not being here.
08:10I also love the character that I play on Starstruck,
08:13which funnily enough, Karen Mayne directed.
08:17I play a really terrible agent,
08:19and I would really like her to be in something else.
08:23I should fire you.
08:24Oh, you're not going to fire me.
08:26A star has formed you.
08:27There's a few.
08:28I mean, yeah.
08:30God, I could go on.
08:31I could go on and on.
08:33I love the character in Big Night.
08:34I want to know what happened to her.
08:3750s girl on the Jersey Shore,
08:38just treated badly by Stanley Tucci.
08:43I don't know.
08:45Maybe every supporting character I've played,
08:47I'd love to know what happened to them.
08:49I want to explore Steve the Courier from this film.
08:52I want him to have his own movie in the sequel
08:55because he's just incredible
08:56and probably my favorite character in this movie.
09:00Yeah, 100%.
09:02I think it was discussed at length on set
09:05that I would love for there to be a spinoff romance
09:09between Romeo and Dario
09:12because I just feel like everyone can fall in love with Dario
09:16and Romeo falls in love with everyone.
09:17So it'd be a great story.
09:20I just think they'd have a great bromance.
09:23That'd be fun.
09:25I would love that.
09:26We got so excited when we saw each other on set.
09:28We were like, we actually have a moment
09:30to actually do something.
09:31And we'd spend the whole summer together.
09:33We did a lot of historical tours together.
09:35We spent a lot of time just riffing
09:37because being around Kyle is a day very well spent,
09:40as you know.
09:41I mean, with anyone.
09:42Me and Kyle had a lot of...
09:43When you were working endlessly,
09:46me and Kyle had some time
09:47and we really did develop a bromance.
09:49So I was like, what a shame
09:50that we let this Rosalind get in the way of our good time.
09:54So I would happily do a spinoff
09:56as long as we could do some more too.
09:57I would have a spinoff.
09:59We have one moment at the end of the movie
10:00where he tries to speak to me.
10:02That moment is so good.
10:03I'm really glad they get that in.
10:05It's so good.
10:07And it's the most that we got
10:08and it's the only thing we get
10:09and it's quite special to both of us.
10:11So I'd love to do that with Kyle.
10:13Anything with Kyle would be great.
10:16Okay, buddy.
10:18I'm so excited to see Kyle as T-Man
10:20and Isabella in the Spider-Verse.
10:23I was wondering what your reactions were
10:25getting to be part of these upcoming
10:27high profile projects.
10:32Go for it.
10:33I'd love to know, Isabella,
10:35how excited you are.
10:37I'm excited.
10:40I am excited.
10:44Very excited.
10:46So I like the Spider-Verse.
10:51I just, you know,
10:52discovered the Miles Morales game
10:55on the PS4.
10:58So that's very fun.
10:59I hope there's a Madame Web game too.
11:01I'm very excited to see this universe
11:04kind of play out.
11:06As one might say, suspiciously.
11:10Well, that was awkward.
