• yesterday


00:50Wow! Cool!
00:51You bought a lot of things.
00:57Come, come, come.
01:43And after dinner, we'll have a drink as well.
01:47And then at night...
01:51Mr. Lee...
01:53My cheeks are red, right?
01:56I think I'm drunk.
01:58Yes, you're right.
02:06Your cheeks are red.
02:09Do you remember...
02:10...what I said to you on the phone that day?
02:14I didn't say it in a drunken stupor.
02:18I'm calm.
02:19Did you just take my name?
02:23You understand what I'm trying to say, right?
02:27Of course.
02:31Two nights and one day...
02:33...it'll be just romance.
02:37It'll be so much fun.
02:40No, nothing like that is going to happen.
02:43But why not?
02:45Where do I start from?
02:48You have so much stuff.
02:49Will you take so much time to keep it?
02:51We'll reach there after dark.
02:54Hurry up.
02:56Okay. Sorry, sir.
02:58Actually, this is a trap...
02:59...which is shown as if it's a college trip.
03:03I don't understand why we're doing this trip on the weekend.
03:07They don't want to give us a holiday.
03:10You're absolutely right.
03:16Workshops are also a part of work...
03:18...which you can't miss.
03:20But it's on Friday and Saturday.
03:22That's why I'm going to miss my weekend.
03:26Come on, everyone's set, right?
03:27Let's go.
03:28Come on, get in the car.
03:30Wait a minute.
03:30By the way, who's driving the car?
03:32Sir, Mr. Lee and Yunsu will drive the car.
03:35Then, who will I go with?
03:40I'll go with Mr. Lee.
03:42Me too.
03:44Me too.
03:46Then, I'll go with Ms. Do.
03:51So, we should leave now.
03:53Drive carefully, okay?
03:55Come on.
03:56Let's go.
03:57Let's go.
03:59Listen, come here.
04:00Come here quickly.
04:02Come here quietly.
04:08Yes, sister.
04:10You take my hand
04:12I feel I'm soaring
04:14Soaring over the skies
04:17And now you're holding me
04:20Tonight is the night
04:21Workshops aren't that bad.
04:26You get to see the sun, which isn't common.
04:29You also get to feel the cool breeze.
04:33I will never feel the same
04:38I love you
04:39It's nice, right?
04:47Ms. Do, don't you think Mr. Lee looks perfect in office clothes?
04:53Mr. Yu, usually,
04:55two kids' fathers look good in such clothes, right?
05:00The weather is so nice, right?
05:02You're right.
05:08It's nice to see that your co-workers are relaxing,
05:11which isn't common.
05:15But you don't get a chance to get to know your co-workers better
05:19in the workshop easily.
05:23What's all this?
05:25Who brought all this?
05:26I did.
05:27You said you wanted to eat something tasty.
05:30Didn't you bring a cupcake with noodles?
05:32No, you didn't ask for that.
05:34Do I have to tell you everything?
05:36Noodles are a must in a workshop.
05:38Do I have to give you a separate list of things to eat for every workshop?
05:42No, I'm sorry.
05:46She doesn't know anything.
05:51Do we have any fruit?
05:54We bought some apples.
05:56Can you cut some for me?
05:59As soon as we leave the office,
06:01we leave our relationships and get caught up in our responsibilities.
06:05This is the time when co-workers get separated.
06:09When you knew we were going to the workshop,
06:11why did you buy these peels?
06:15You should have brought grapes or oranges instead.
06:19Sorry, these apples were on sale.
06:22You don't have to apologize to me.
06:28Didn't you sleep well last night?
06:30No, I was preparing for the presentation last night.
06:33Why do they want me to do such a useless presentation?
06:39Ms. Do, I don't understand.
06:42Are you peeling the apple or cutting it?
06:46I use a pen better than a knife.
06:50I won't be able to help you.
07:03And one more thing.
07:06If you don't want to talk about the topic covered in the workshop...
07:09We are at this level and we have to go to this level.
07:12We have to reach our goal in the near future.
07:16I don't understand why I have to give a presentation here.
07:20But none of you are listening.
07:21So, this meeting ends here.
07:27Very good, Ms. Do.
07:30Let's spend some personal time until dinner.
07:36We get to know each other very well during our personal time.
07:40But in a different way.
07:44Oh, no!
07:47As soon as talented Hong Jai and Li Jiong step out of their business suits,
07:51both the great warriors become a bit lazy.
07:58No, no, no. Let's do it one more time.
08:00This is wrong.
08:01You have already lost.
08:03How can I believe that I have lost?
08:04Come on.
08:05No, no, no. Let's do push-ups.
08:08It's not that easy to defeat me.
08:10We'll find out soon. Come on, son.
08:28Mr. Li, you won.
08:31You were amazing, Mr. Li.
08:40Even if you are not that great,
08:43it doesn't feel so bad to see the other side of your co-workers.
08:47You shouldn't have challenged a young boy.
08:53And then comes the barbeque party.
08:56It's wrong to believe that if the ingredients are good, the food will also be good.
09:04Oh, my God! I'm very hungry.
09:06Tell me, is the food ready?
09:07Please taste it.
09:09Get that spoon.
09:17How is it? Is it okay?
09:19Should I add more kimchi?
09:21Kimchi, meat, tofu and everything else is fine.
09:24But you have used all these ingredients very well.
09:28I didn't expect you to make such a bad dish.
09:31Water! Water!
09:33What happened?
09:37My barbeque is on fire.
09:47Well done, my brave men.
09:49Now don't ask anyone to work in a food company.
09:53Is it time for drinks?
09:55Yes, of course.
09:57Oh, sir, you are here.
09:58Please come.
09:59Please sit here.
10:00Hello, sir.
10:02Please have a seat.
10:03And now it was time for drinks.
10:05But it wasn't what Kang had imagined.
10:10Drinking with a board member is the most dangerous thing in itself.
10:15As soon as a board member comes, we all become alert.
10:21Have you eaten?
10:24The PR team has given me so many drinks that I am still intoxicated.
10:30While talking, keep drinking.
10:33What? Me?
10:34He doesn't want the board members to drink.
10:36So that he can talk to them.
10:38But sir, you have traveled so far.
10:40One drink is enough for you, right?
10:42Yes, this is fine.
10:43Give it to me.
10:44Here you go.
10:47He is giving a drink to the board member so that the party ends soon.
10:54Mr. Yu, now you can have more drinks.
10:58No, no, no, sir.
10:59Now only you can have more drinks.
11:02By the way, you really work very hard to maintain yourself.
11:06I don't have time for that.
11:07I just use my brain.
11:10Use your brain?
11:12I respect you a lot.
11:17Leave all this now.
11:19How is the work going in the office?
11:21Is everything going fine?
11:25Because of you, we are always happy every week.
11:31I knew you would say this.
11:34But I want to hear this from my staff.
11:36I will like it more.
11:37So tell me.
11:38And you don't have to be afraid of them.
11:41We are just...
11:43Yes, yes.
11:44Don't think too much about me.
11:46Whatever is in your heart, say it.
11:48This is a good chance to say what is in your heart.
11:51Mr. Cho is saying this with a stone on his heart.
11:55So don't we have to worry about our seniors too?
11:59If you make a mistake of opening your mouth now,
12:02then you will definitely get into trouble.
12:05Yes, yes, absolutely.
12:06Oh, you should say the most as you are the youngest.
12:11So come on, say it.
12:14Mr. Cho, you didn't shout at me when you came here.
12:18That too just for noodles.
12:20If you wanted something, you should have told me earlier.
12:23How will I know what you want earlier?
12:26I am not a mind reader.
12:33I think you are offended by what I said.
12:36So please forgive me.
12:38Here, take this drink.
12:42So, any other complaint, ma'am?
12:48Yes, I want to say something else.
12:51Ms. Do and Ms. Pak, you also say something.
12:54Vesu always criticizes Mr. Cho.
12:57Oh, really?
12:59So, I must have troubled Ms. Do and Ms. Pak a lot, right?
13:04Am I right?
13:05No, not at all, sir.
13:08By the way, this is not an important thing.
13:11But I want you not to repeat the same thing again and again.
13:15We listen to you.
13:17But you change it.
13:19Oh, she means to say, Mr. Cho, you are not a good leader, right?
13:26Why are you laughing?
13:27The thing is, sir, that...
13:29I don't know if it was because of the atmosphere or the drinks.
13:34But I knew that I should keep my mouth shut.
13:37Ms. Do, do you have any complaint?
13:39You can also vent out your frustration.
13:43That's when I felt like my tongue had a brain of its own.
13:51I want you to do performance reviews impartially.
13:56Only according to people's achievements.
14:00By the way, this has hurt me a little.
14:06Do you mean to say that I give you reviews based on my feelings?
14:13What are you saying?
14:14Tell me.
14:15I think the chief has had too much to drink.
14:17So, let's end the party.
14:18I'll drop you to the car.
14:20Hey, wait.
14:23I also want to say something.
14:25Mr. Cho, this is very wrong, sir.
14:29You have hurt me, sir.
14:32What did you say?
14:33Do you remember that I recently managed a project?
14:36Then why did you give the report to the seniors with your name?
14:41And one more thing, sir.
14:43Why do you expect me to laugh at your stupid jokes?
14:48Not even a dog will laugh at your jokes.
14:52And one more thing, sir.
14:55Whenever I need your signature, you don't read the file and ask me to read it again.
15:02It's time for the chief to leave.
15:04Okay, fine.
15:06I'll leave now.
15:08Sir, I'll leave now.
15:10Good night, sir.
15:11Good bye.
15:12Good bye.
15:23Just shout it out.
15:25How could you do this to me?
15:28I don't believe conspiracy theories.
15:30But whoever created these workshops must have done this to stop the company's progress.
15:36And also so that they can cause fights among the bawkers.
16:10Mr. Wap
16:13I gave it to you
16:16Yeah, I'll give it to you, but you need me on it, but I'll be on cue
16:23Mira, sir, that's what I thought. Oh, okay cool game
16:41Mr. Mr. Oh
16:44Thank you
16:48But I have only
16:53But the idea is that the gift I gave you on your birthday
17:07I bought a gift for my friend's wedding. I bought exactly the same color of tie for you. The gift changed from me
17:18I felt so weird
17:20Forgive me
17:22I don't know what you must have thought about me, but you should have told me about it. I was so worried
17:31But it's a matter of shame
17:35What do you mean? I was happy to think that you like me
19:14Some load Galia, so let me go there
19:18Okay, I see
19:24My arm is joke. Is that I thought mr. Lee is that what we're doing? Oh, they can make a car. What did she like dear?
19:29Mr. Lee, so let's read
19:37Okay, I'm gonna go there
19:46Hey, I'm making a home, please please do not know I'm making a room
19:48Yeah, man, I'm a little bit of sir, sir, man. I'm a little bit. I'm gonna do it again. I got one
19:53But sir, what actually sir, sir, sir, sir, mr. Joe, sir, I'm sick. I think that's it
19:59I'm sick. I think next week
20:01Next week
20:06So could you
20:08accept them over here
20:10Let's not over here. That's a lot. There's a
20:13little leaky car possum. They see this
20:16It will be me
20:20Okay, what's up, you're about to or it's a feel on a cheetah who tell me you're talking like me
20:25I said you are
20:27All right, cool. You bought me. It's a little him but the cool
20:31Are a lot of mujhe tomorrow leak which Karna oga
20:36Yeah, don't meet chicken or seafood
20:41Meat chicken or seafood
20:46Tell about
20:51The traditional French home cooking style restaurant a chef name any of a hurricane Joe
20:56But I get the door on France, I've made this the Darun key carpeta, Tata, which I do you have a meat chicken or seafood, you know
21:07It's a cat a meat dish it's a cat a seafood or it's a cat a head chicken Wow
21:15Very about that. I'm a meat dish. They should occur on that. Yeah, it's got me to but I know yet. I'm a favorite meat
21:21I missed it
21:31Disco France got Galby Jimby get a
21:34Chef subsea or meat for belly bonda or Paris a red wine or tomato kiss at the Baltic
21:46Huh, but it's garbage in Bito noodles me there is a France kill ogis a on top of pasta or aloo
21:53It's not kind of a center thing, but it's me. Yeah, I'm a flavor. Darlene. Can you chef me noodles guys tamale key?
21:59Take a second
22:03I think they made a must
22:16You bought the masala dar or never meet the textures is key freshness tapata chalta
22:21It's about a bunch. I say he meets a tomato sauce bar Nikita. Hey, so you put a move a big heart attack
22:28mushroom or gajar buddy or motive or perkata who I am
22:31It's the soft or noodles kiss at it. We'll cook our cake. I make honey. Just I like that
22:40Yes, I
22:42Invested style ka khana lakin tail zara niya. Yeah, we're about person
22:45Chef me Yankee dishes me
22:47Yeah, I can local flavors darling. I think you have a local look views come as I listen
22:51Okay, so look you have belly bar French khana khana. I think I'm a technique. Oh, yeah, butter
22:56The western food Mary just a desk job Karna Valokia
23:01Hey, what up?
23:04Mediterranean perch to carry a Korean person coffee. I like it. There is a leap or zada fatty hotea
23:09It's the same meat zada hotea or it's the kushboo achi hotea
23:23It's the sauce to such my Kamal Kriya, it's sauce co-bonding Aikili a bottle of technique Kastamala
23:36So it's been on a key list of separated or much hunk of come temperature per
23:40I chase a big laya jata is a Baltic Samadhi on the Ajata Hickey. It's a practice a lagna
23:45Ho mash key who a loop muckhan or paneer cook cast-iron pot may layer kia jata
23:50Is the upper porch rakha jata a sauté key who a gargeur Korean mooli her sauce lemon butter sauce French porch bunker day are
24:15We'll have a turkey which is about heavy food, okay. Can you Korean push both nutritious Anna?
24:19It's a little bit heavy in India
24:21It's a meat booth soft hair but it's a overall texture bought a Kamal Kaya
24:24But it's a gargeur or molly chopper Kadali Anna. It's a crispiness. It's the kind of a laggy mother
24:29Dekha, mujhe patata key to me. Haka khana pasandayega
24:33Take care. It's a try karne ka time. I have a bunny. Hey, it bought his special meat say
24:38Duck say oh a duck duck to energy kill you bought a cheetah
24:42Friend soldiers purana samay me jaldi teak hone ke liya, but that's a banana cassolate khate there. Yeah, such me
24:48It's key recipe her chakar alaq alaq hotee hain lakin ha in Sabi me bacon tomato or beans hain
24:57Meat food me on spur palace a paka liya jata
25:00I'm job order ata hai to but I'll go grill kiya jata hain or push dead kill each or be a jata
25:04I like these go push dead that big okara kata
25:07I feel be me or T's on patakaya jata hain
25:09Just a butter may all be zada flavor a jata hain or is cash a bill of a samay tak as a he banna rata hain
25:15It's a disco banana me put a doodh in cut I'm Lata
25:20It's disco walk a me be a person bag. Yeah, I got a solid French logon ki khani kisapse
25:25It's really our key French customers are there. Okay, the chalupits a khakar diction
25:48tomato ka Anoka tika swat sauce me beans ke saath achi tara se match ho raha hai aur iske saath soft
25:54but aka taste be poori tara se match ho raha hai
25:57Chest part be bohot hi soft hai aur jabani me mazedaar bhi
26:04Let piece jitne soft hain andar se utne hi juicy bhi hain
26:12To baba to such message a keyboard refresher game. Ah, so chalo. I've asked you last dish steak
26:18They have give Ali me the favorite dish. I
26:21Okay, resort. Oh, uh, there are so many simple resort. Oh, no, he had bulky. Yeah a shrimp risotto. I'll a beast
26:29It's a sauce for shrimp a body parts. It's a yard. Yeah, I got a risotto may makhan or paneer be malaya jata hai
26:42It's a flavor to such a both strong
26:46It's a chawal. Neena. It's a banana. But I like it. Oh, shy. Do you ordinary chawal?
26:50Yes, I mean, you know, say he got you chawal. Nehi bulky. Yeah, I'm a kick it down it
27:03It's a hard bite miss water. Hmm
27:06Not me shrimp key. Veteran who's blue or move me. Make it a better inspire
27:11It's a to a key barman move or not. Don't know what we'll die. Say God up some day. Yeah, maybe favorite dish QA. Mm-hmm
27:18You bought this deal
27:21May the Russell yeah, but I'll be sad to see gonna make karate. Oh, they can eat. I'm really a special treat
27:28So up, yes, I'm a soothe career
27:36Yeah, I'm Luke workshop majority queue every bar way boring come curtain up here is the team co-op way fire baby new hotel
28:02Marry to marry girl, it's the real
28:07Yeah, no, it's bad for to me because the other
28:15Say come with a baby is bad for both of us. I
28:18Have to muzzle yeah, how
28:21But I thought to me person die. Yeah, I'm a traditional French home-style cooking
28:25Kakana, I think it's me. Yeah, I can local logon kill you, but love key again
28:28I heard disco special banana key. It was my ingredient salad. They have
28:32Noodles, KSR French style car gal be gym
28:35French birch KSR Korean moly in a dishes guitar workshops be a jessy lucky. I'm licking on maybe interesting moments
28:43or second
28:45Hana or zindagi don't know a crassie. I'm just lucky. I've made such a face. That's what that's a cow
