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Gallowstree Lane (The Tower) Season 3 Episode 4


00:15I said no billies.
00:16What if they come and you're here?
00:18I've got no Met ID on me, no radio.
00:20Just my phone.
00:22If anyone comes, I'm just your social worker, okay?
00:27Look, I know you're scared,
00:29but you have to try and keep it together for Tia.
00:31Can you describe the men who took her?
00:35One of them was black.
00:37He had a tap on his neck.
00:41He had a knife.
00:43The other one, he was white.
00:45He, um...
00:47He hit Tia.
00:49He dragged her out by her hair.
00:54They were after Ryan, weren't they?
00:58He changed his phone number and gave it to Tia, not me.
01:02When did you last see Ryan?
01:06Do you know where he was going?
01:07Was he with anyone?
01:14Loretta, please.
01:16You have to help me.
01:19He was with a guy who knew my husband.
01:24Shaquille Oliver.
01:47Camera position's already on that.
01:50Going through it like this
01:52just gives me a better sense of everything.
01:54Well, good idea to look at the screen, too.
01:57Got something happening on seven.
02:03Target's just arrived at UC1.
02:05He's going in.
02:15Want some coffee?
02:16I need to put some clothes on.
02:18I'll get right on that.
02:19But first, coffee.
02:25This thing works out.
02:26You should get yourself a better place.
02:29I like coffee, you know.
02:32I need coffee.
02:34In Morocco, I drank tea.
02:37Mint tea.
02:40They, uh, pour it out of teapots,
02:42and they hold it up about yay high.
02:45And pshew!
02:48Never spilled a drop, you know.
03:01Gotta move.
03:03No coffee, no mint tea.
03:07No phone, either.
03:19Target and UC1 leaving flat.
03:21We're tracking a silver Skoda.
03:24VRM Yankee Yankee is 6-3.
03:27Zulu, Julia, November.
03:57Atiyah and King.
03:581.35 last night.
04:00You see them get in a car?
04:01Not in the estate, we reckon.
04:03Archie, you trace Atiyah's phone yet?
04:06Turned off ten minutes after they passed that camera.
04:08They're not dumb.
04:09They know we can track her phone.
04:10They'll just contact Ryan on a phone
04:12we don't know that we can't track.
04:14But if they don't have his number, then how?
04:16They'll get it out of Atiyah.
04:18Philippe, are you sure there is no CCTV footage
04:21of the three of them leaving the estate?
04:22Not now.
04:23Uh, yes, I'm sure.
04:24Well, so there must be, in a car.
04:27Do an ANPR cross-check on cars on Gallows Tree Lane
04:30on the night of Spencer's murder
04:32and cars leaving the Deakin estate last night.
04:44You have to tell Shaw about Tia.
04:47His operation's probably happening today,
04:48the last thing he needs.
04:49His op is happening,
04:50which is why he needs to know about Tia and Ryan.
04:56Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up.
05:02Yeah, I'll be back.
05:03Why ain't he answering?
05:04Maybe he doesn't answer
05:05because he doesn't know who's calling.
05:07Why don't you call him on her phone?
05:08Because if there's no about her,
05:09they'll be up on her phone like I told you.
05:11I told you.
05:25We will call from my phone,
05:27but when we're moving,
05:29put her in a boot.
06:11I've got to go.
06:12But thanks.
06:13No problem.
06:15Good luck.
06:20You, dumbo.
06:35Target just passed the lights at Park and Medlock.
06:45The robbery squad missed Ryan last night.
06:48The last time his mum saw him, he was with Shaquille.
06:51Well, that's just great.
06:52Let's hope he doesn't get himself killed.
06:54There's more.
06:56Jermaine King kidnapped Ryan's sister, Tia, last night.
06:59Obviously, we're putting all resources into tracing Ryan
07:02and recovering...
07:03I'm sorry.
07:04The murderer that you let escape from custody
07:07has kidnapped the sister of someone
07:09working for the target of my operation.
07:12And he's done so because he believes, correctly,
07:15that Ryan is the source of the intel that led to his arrest.
07:19So he wants to fuck Ryan up,
07:21which now means I have two wildcards
07:23who at any second can blow this entire operation.
07:25Which would mean Shaquille Oliver
07:27starts giving machine guns to children.
07:29I did tell you that, didn't I?
07:37Please get Ryan's sister back.
07:40And find Ryan before Shaquille gets him killed.
07:45Good luck.
07:46Keep me informed.
08:03Homicide loss, not only King,
08:05but also Ryan Kennedy last seen with Shaquille.
08:08You'll be using them as a lookout,
08:10so please keep an eye open.
08:12Where's Shaquille now?
08:13Morrison Street, Peckham, heading east.
08:15Coming up.
08:18Why Morocco?
08:22I had a Moroccan cellmate in Manchester.
08:25Told me all about it.
08:27He said he was going to kill me.
08:29I had a Moroccan cellmate in Manchester.
08:32Told me all about it.
08:35It sounded too good to be true,
08:36so I went to have a look.
08:38Was it too good to be true?
08:46So why'd you come back?
08:48I miss London.
08:49It's grey.
08:53You missed it.
08:55That's why you're behind that wheel.
08:57That's why.
09:04Pull over.
09:08Target's stopping on Maiden Street,
09:10just down from the car wash.
09:11All units, stop.
09:13Hold your positions.
09:14Alpha team, proceed.
09:16Bravo, proceed.
09:20Hey, where are you?
09:21Hill Street.
09:24You know Maiden Street?
09:25The old car wash?
09:27Sit on in.
09:28You see any feds, anything at all,
09:30let me know.
10:08Can I have a can of Coke, please?
10:16Target's still stationary.
10:19How'd you get nicked?
10:21In Manchester.
10:24Was there a snitch?
10:30There was a stupid.
10:33More common than snitches, just as dangerous.
11:01We have any movement.
11:15Another vehicle just turned into the car wash.
11:23A beamer.
11:26I hate beamers.
11:33Pull up beside her.
11:39Target's moving.
11:45Target's pulled up beside a black BMW.
11:53Let's do this.
11:59They're out of the cars.
12:08Was that bike there before?
12:10No idea.
12:12I'm going to rewind just so I can watch it.
12:29Everything we said.
12:35Now you show me yours.
12:37Now you show me yours.
12:43Move into the target's car now.
12:46Exchange his arm, be ready to move.
12:48Alpha ready.
12:49Robert, you ready?
13:07It's all here?
13:09What we agreed.
13:23They've checked the merch.
13:24They're swapping cars.
13:29Moving off now.
13:31They'll be on Maiden Street in five seconds.
13:34Target's turning right on Maiden.
13:36Target two is going east on Amherst.
13:38We have separation.
13:40All yours, Lucas.
13:42Alpha team, target one.
13:43Robert team, target two.
13:48Target's arrived.
13:49Keep it steady.
14:04A few hours later.
14:25AMPR Gallows Tree Lane,
14:26AMPR Deakin Estate in our two-tone windows.
14:28We've got a couple of matches,
14:29but we like this one.
14:30It's a high-end Audi and it's a rental.
14:32Perfect for a dickhead drug dealer.
14:37I got a pop on Tia's phone.
14:39Only 15 seconds in Lewisham,
14:40but it went through two cell sites.
14:42So she's in a car.
14:44Or her phone is.
14:46Call the rental company.
14:47We've got to ID the driver of that Audi.
14:51What are you going to do with all that artillery?
14:55Start a war?
14:58No, there ain't going to be a war.
15:00No more gangs cutting each other up.
15:03Because with these guns,
15:04I just won the fucking war.
15:20Pull over.
15:22Play it cool.
15:25Marked car has stopped.
15:26Target one.
15:28That's why I hate Beamers.
15:30Too glad being in an expensive car,
15:31cops can't resist.
16:00This isn't random.
16:01He's wearing a fucking vest.
16:10I'm bleeding!
16:16Do not move!
16:17Hands above your head!
16:20Get down!
16:21Get down!
16:24Hands above your head!
16:25Do not pull that gun!
16:26I will shoot!
16:31Hands above your head!
16:33Do it!
16:38Interlock your fingers!
16:48Get the gun.
17:00Get the gun.
17:17Target one secured.
17:31I'm Detective Inspector Kieran Shaw,
17:33and I'm arresting you for being concerned
17:35in the importation of firearms
17:37contrary to Section 170, Paragraph 2
17:39of the Customs and Exiles Management Act,
17:47Right. Come on.
17:52You're under arrest.
17:54You're under arrest.
17:56You're under arrest.
17:57You're under arrest.
17:58You're under arrest.
18:00You're under arrest.
18:04Welcome to Perseus.
18:05Target two detected.
18:06Repeat, target two detected.
18:08Well done, everyone.
18:10Job's a good'un.
18:12Last cell sighting of Tia's phone here.
18:14AMPR hit on the Audi here.
18:16Well, it's got to be them.
18:17Have we an ID on the driver yet?
18:19I'm on with the rental office.
18:20She won't release the photo
18:21unless we sign a data protection form
18:23in person, which is an hour's drive.
18:25Tell her it's a child kidnap.
18:26I have. She still won't do it.
18:29Hello, this is DS Elaine Lucas,
18:31Homicide Command.
18:32I am telling you my name
18:33so you can make an official complaint about me
18:35for what I'm about to say,
18:36which is that I will haunt you,
18:38haunt you, for the rest of your days
18:40because it was more important to you
18:41to tick a box on a form
18:42than to save a girl's life.
18:48My number is 07700900285.
19:05Jermaine King.
19:08Lee, with me.
19:09Archie, Elaine, keep tracing the car and the phone
19:11and don't forget Ryan Kennedy.
19:35Dumb and dusted.
19:37I'm gonna get some air.
20:52Lucas, Steve there?
20:54It's Kieran.
20:57Hey yourself.
20:58Shaquille's been booked in as we speak.
21:00You did it, man.
21:02Nah, we did it.
21:04Something up?
21:06Ryan Kennedy is in the wind.
21:08The gangbanger who killed Spencer Curdose
21:10who was looking for him.
21:11They kidnapped Ryan's sister.
21:14How did that happen?
21:15Doesn't matter.
21:16You know Ryan better than anyone.
21:17Where do you think he'll go?
21:18He can't go to Shaquille.
21:19He won't go home.
21:20So where?
21:22He could come to me.
21:24You want me to go back to the flat?
21:27Man, I hate to ask you this, but yes.
21:30I need you there.
21:31Keep him there until we recover Ryan's sister.
21:34I'm on my way.
21:35Give it a couple of hours, yeah?
21:37If he doesn't show up, you're done.
21:40You can go home.
21:43Sounds good.
21:47Sounds good.
22:38Why's he keep calling?
22:39About fucking time, snitch.
22:41What are you doing with Tia's phone?
22:42Got her, haven't I?
22:43So listen, you better meet me, yeah?
22:45Or she'll get caught.
22:46Please don't hurt her.
22:47It's up to you.
22:50So are you going to meet me?
22:52Yeah, I'll meet you.
22:54Foley Street.
22:5514 Foley Street.
22:57I'll show you the real fucking snitch.
22:59Because believe me, there's a snitch.
23:01But you've got to let Tia go.
23:04Promise me.
23:0814 Foley Street.
23:17Traffic cam picked up King's Audi at Rose and Leith in Peckham.
23:20He's heading north-east on Rose.
23:24Anything on Tia's phone?
23:25Yes, just popped up this second in Peckham.
23:28She's with them.
23:29OK, we're about a mile behind.
23:34It's me.
23:35Brian was at the handover.
23:37He saw everything.
23:38I think he's got a gun.
23:40Where is he now?
23:41I don't... I don't know.
23:43I don't know.
23:44I only saw this by working back through the CCTV.
23:47I sent Steve back to his flat in case Brian shows up there.
23:51Well, I'm not seeing anything on CCTV.
23:55What about the camera inside?
23:57We deactivated it yesterday.
23:59OK, I'm just going to run the exterior back.
24:09Oh, shit.
24:10Shit, shit.
24:13What is it?
24:15Lizzie, talk to me.
24:18Brian was waiting.
24:20He pulled a gun.
24:21He made Steve go inside.
24:23They're in the flat.
24:26OK, I'll organise a firearms team and a negotiator.
24:29There's an estate agent across from the flat.
24:31Meet me there as soon as you can.
24:37Finished playing with your toys?
24:39Brian Kennedy was at the handover with a gun.
24:43We would have known and we would have got him
24:45if you'd let me rewind the CCTV.
24:48Now we've got Steve.
24:52You give Brian a gun?
24:54Just tell me if it's real.
24:55You don't want him killed for an imitation.
24:57It was Steve, wasn't it?
25:00Good old Steve.
25:03Mint tea.
25:10You know much about guns?
25:15Well, just in case,
25:17I'm not going to try and rush you or anything like that
25:20because those things go off real easy.
25:23You think I'm a joke, innit?
25:27I'm just scared.
25:30I don't want to hear your voice.
25:33I don't want to hear your voice.
25:48Brian's shown his face at the window a couple of times.
25:51No sign of Steve.
25:55We'll wait for the professionals.
25:58How are you holding up?
26:03I went and saw your wife.
26:07I told her I would leave London,
26:09join another force.
26:11I said I would never see you again.
26:16It was the only thing I could think of
26:18to persuade her not to do what she's going to do.
26:33And did you?
26:35Persuade her?
26:40No, I'm fucked, Lizzie.
26:44Maybe I deserve to be.
26:47But you don't.
26:48And I'll make sure it doesn't happen to you, I will.
26:51I promise.
26:53You won't be able to protect me, Kieran.
26:58I'm not even sure you should.
27:08Oh, Lizzie.
27:15Who you waiting for, right?
27:19None of your fucking business.
27:33This is all your fault.
27:36Look, I don't know what you mean.
27:37All of it.
27:38Look, please, put the gun down.
27:39Hey, shut up!
27:43The Audi just passed the light at Fenimore and Elm.
27:46We see it.
27:50Do we arrest him?
27:53Priority is to you.
27:55She's probably in the car.
27:58He's seen us.
27:59Oh, shit.
28:01We're in pursuit of the car that's got Tia.
28:03King got out, went down Paradise Walk.
28:05Does that mean anything to you?
28:07Yeah, it means he's coming here.
28:08For God's sake, get Tia back.
28:10Call me.
28:11King's coming here?
28:12Why not have us called him?
28:14Percy's in control.
28:15What's the ETA on Trojan at the Foley Street?
28:17This is Control.
28:18Trojan in heavy traffic.
28:19Best ETA, six minutes.
28:24Metro 7 in pursuit of blue Audi sedan.
28:26We're in pursuit of the car that's got Tia.
28:28Metro 7 in pursuit of blue Audi sedan.
28:30Heading south on Austin.
28:34Metro 7, that's a loss.
28:36Audi turned east on George.
28:38VRM, Kilo X-ray 1-2.
28:40X-ray Sierra Papa.
28:41Driver is suspect in child kidnap.
28:45You think I didn't see you in the car shaking hands with the feds?
28:49You're a fucking snitch!
28:52I don't give guns to kids.
28:54So I'm just a kid?
28:57So all of that...
28:59Right, you want some stew?
29:01Right, you want a bun?
29:02It was all fake!
29:05I thought you was my friend!
29:07But you're just a fucking liar!
29:09You got guys in the NASP?
29:11Okay, here's what we're gonna do.
29:14Take my radio.
29:15Keep King away.
29:16I'm in there.
29:17Kim, please, don't.
29:18I gotta go.
29:19Steve's in there.
29:20Keep King away.
29:22Units to respond.
29:23Three vehicle collision.
29:24Harvell and Lesko.
29:25Blue Audi sedan.
29:26Kilo X-ray 1-2.
29:27He's in.
29:28Straight ahead.
29:29500 yards.
29:30Believed involvement in child abduction.
29:32Metro 7, show me attending.
29:34I won't shoot!
29:35The next one's in your head, yeah?
29:37Do you understand?
29:38I understand.
29:39I understand.
29:44My name's Kieran.
29:45Can I come in?
30:03You okay?
30:04Yeah, I'm all right.
30:13Stay back!
30:15Who is he?
30:16How'd he get in?
30:17He's a police officer.
30:18He's got a key.
30:20I'm alone.
30:21No weapon.
30:22I'm coming in, Ryan.
30:23Stay outside or I'll fucking shoot him.
30:26Get the fuck out of here.
30:29We know about Tia.
30:44You're okay.
30:45You're okay.
30:51We know where she is.
30:53We know what car she's in.
30:55And we're following her.
30:58I just need to see that Steve's okay.
31:00Can I do that, please?
31:02You all right, mate?
31:04A bit deaf.
31:05Otherwise, okay.
31:15This could be about Tia.
31:17Can I look?
31:19Can I look?
31:28I've got Tia.
31:31Thank God.
31:32Can you put her on?
31:34It's your sister.
31:38It's all right.
31:39You all right?
31:47You all right?
31:50You okay?
31:53I'm good.
31:55Please come home, right?
31:59Of course.
32:10It's okay.
32:15Tia's fine.
32:18And we know that King took her.
32:20We are after him, and we will get him.
32:24You need to think about you now.
32:26What about me?
32:28There's no one else here, right?
32:31It's just us.
32:34You haven't done anything.
32:35It's just us.
32:38You haven't done anything bad.
32:40Nothing that can't be undone.
32:44We can all walk away.
32:46We can all walk away.
33:06Fucking King Fisher.
33:11Pass you to Control, ETA on Trojan.
33:13ETA, two minutes.
33:24I thought you said it was just you up here.
33:27So why is there a bed down there?
33:30Ryan, it's just a young woman.
33:32It's not a cop.
33:34I know she's a fed.
33:35She fucking arrested me.
33:43You're a fucking liar.
33:44Why did you lie?
33:46Why did you have to lie?
33:48You're a fucking liar.
33:49Why are you lying?
33:50You're all liars.
33:51All of you.
33:55King Fisher.
34:10Drop the weapon.
34:16Down, down, down.
34:20Drop the weapon.
34:26It's okay, we know you are.
34:29Onto your knees.
34:31Onto your knees now.
34:35Put your hands on your head.
34:37Don't move.
35:00Don't move.
35:27It's going to be all right.
35:35I love you.
35:39Don't be shit.
35:46I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to move.
35:48All right, we've got a gunshot wound to the chest.
35:50Get an oxygen mask on him and a chest seal.
35:53All right, check for an X-ray.
35:54We've got a number 215 to control.
35:55Is there a CCP or hands-on route to this job?
35:57The patient is critical.
36:15Alice Parker?
36:20Oh, God, no.
36:25Yes, I'll tell her, yeah.
36:29Yes, I will.
36:34Okay, bye.
36:49Mrs Shaw, I'm afraid I have some bad news.
36:51Your husband's been shot.
36:53He's in hospital.
36:54He's being operated on.
36:56How bad is it?
36:58It's really bad.
37:00But he has the best people working on him, okay?
37:03I can drive you to the hospital.
37:10Let me get my bag.
37:47Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
37:51You're going to arrest me again.
38:00Jermaine King, we want to clarify your situation.
38:03You're already under arrest for the murder of Spencer Cardoso.
38:07You've also been arrested for kidnap and possession of an offensive weapon.
38:10Can I get some help here, please?
38:12I did it. I did it.
38:15Your lawyer's on his way. Do you understand what I told you?
38:21What's happening?
38:23I did it.
38:24He's being arrested for murder.
38:26I did it.
38:28You're not D.I. Shaw.
38:31D.I. Shaw.
38:33And I know you hated him.
38:35But he was my governor.
38:52I'm sorry.
39:12If you want to see him.
39:14I destroyed the phone.
39:16So you're free of that.
39:22So I guess we see.
41:13I heard about Kieran's wife.
41:17What she did to Farrah Mahina's phone.
41:22They're seeing whether they can save anything but expectation is zero.
41:28I can't say I'm sorry.
41:33He was a good man.
41:36Him dying is another murder to lay at Shaquille's door, but Ryan will never give up where he got the gun.
41:41Shaquille's got his hooks in too deep.
41:44You can, however, get him for the girl's murder.
41:58This should give you the leverage you need with that prick, Jerrel.
42:06Get Shaquille for me.
42:08For Kieran.
42:12I will.
42:15Now, I'm going to see my boys.
42:27I already made my statement.
42:30I'm not answering any more questions.
42:32Why is that, Jerrel?
42:34Is it honor?
42:36Like a code?
42:39Honor, yeah.
42:42What do you know about that?
42:44Well, you're loyal to Shaquille.
42:46That's the code, right?
42:50No comment.
42:52And it's mutual.
42:54He's loyal to you.
42:56He respects you.
42:58Well, you must be somebody to have gained the respect of a man like Shaquille.
43:07We're going to play you a recording.
43:09You'll know who's talking.
43:11We're going to need provenance.
43:13Proof this is genuine.
43:15We have all that.
43:17Let's just listen.
43:24This is way over my head, you know.
43:28What does Jerrel say?
43:31Us, Jerrel?
43:33You kidding me?
43:38Jerrel's thick as shit, bro.
43:39He's dumb.
43:41He does the stuff I won't go near.
43:43He's just my dog.
43:45Who talks to the dog.
43:49You should consult your lawyer.
43:52Decide how loyal you want to be.
43:56How much time you want to serve
43:58for someone who calls you his dog.
44:12I don't know if we fly.
44:14Even when I'm on a terrible team.
44:43Hi, this is Julie.
44:45Please leave a message.
44:57Join Metropolitan Police.
44:59As an 18 year old,
45:01he was twice awarded
45:03a commissioner's commendation for bravery.
45:06Though the circumstances of his shooting
45:07A 15-year-old minor has been arrested and charged with the murder.
45:37He is charged with first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-
46:07degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree murder, first-degree
