• 2 days ago
RHOP's Gizelle Bryant SPILLS On Love Life, Drama w_ Karen Huger, Wendy Osefo Friendship & More


00:00I'm like, holy, you can't handle jail. So we got to make sure that doesn't happen.
00:08We are so excited to talk with you because we're only two episodes into the new season
00:13of Real Housewives of Potomac and holy moly, it's off to a good start.
00:18Yeah, um, there's a whole lot going on in Potomac like, you know, Karen, we have me
00:25being mad. She's inviting people to an event at the same time, same place. I mean, it's
00:30a mess, but I handle it. You handled it. You straight up told those ladies to leave your
00:37event so quickly. Can I tell you, like, I was like, I felt like I was being asked to
00:42leave. Like, I was like, oh my God. Um, so what was going on through your mind in that
00:49moment when they walked in? Well, I, you know, it's something kind of, that's kind of like
00:54an unspoken rule in housewife world. No one invites people to an event. If an event has
01:00already been presented to the group, right. I presented the time or Ashley and I presented
01:05the time and the place for our GNA event. Um, we hadn't explained to the ladies yet
01:10that, you know, we were partnering with the National Brain Tumor Society, but that comes
01:14along and everybody knew this was like very important. And then Karen, all of a sudden
01:20in her great grand on fashion at the last minute, she's like, oh, I haven't even at
01:24the same time. And it was just like, I was weirded out about it. Cause I, I, I, it's
01:30not typical of Karen to do something like that. You know, Karen is Miss etiquette. And
01:35I literally was like, you know what? I'm not going to allow these girls to have to choose
01:39between going from one part of DC to the other part and figure it out. I'm going to figure
01:44it out for you. Just go to her event. And that was me telling them, you better not go
01:49to her event. And they did the ones that did cool. But like the ones that were trying
01:57to do both, I was like, absolutely not. Absolutely not. I'm not second. I'm first string.
02:05You know, I agree. I, I, it was so, it was also really interesting because we saw the
02:11first episode of how supportive you were of Karen. And then I was like, oh my gosh, we're
02:16off to a good start. They're like so close, which what, you know, and then second episode,
02:21this happens. Yes. So mind you that little birthday party I threw for Karen, I paid for
02:28production. Didn't pay for that. Like that wasn't something that like they orchestrated.
02:32No, I paid for it, which I was happy to do. Like I want you to have like a cute little
02:37birthday party and I want us to have like a cute little hat game. And I gifted all those
02:41ladies with the hats. I mean, it was just like, I did kind of go above and beyond only
02:45for you to like slam me in my face with, oh, I'm getting an award and I want everyone
02:50to come to my event. Oh my God. No. So the sight of those women coming through the door
02:56just infuriated me just to get out. By the way, the hats were beautiful. I have to say
03:03I could tell that they were very good quality. Do you think perhaps this was Karen getting
03:08you back for serving the mocktail at her event?
03:12The mocktail was actually me being nice. Cause it was like obvious she wasn't drinking and
03:20I was kind of like paying respect to the fact that I knew she wasn't drinking. So yeah,
03:26the non-alcoholic is the grand dame. Yeah.
03:31Let's talk more about what happened with Karen. First of all, I want to say she's never looked
03:35better. So there's a lot of drama in her life and the DUI happened and the crash, but she's
03:41never looked better. What was your reaction when you found out about the DUI and the accident?
03:47You know, Karen and I don't live far from each other at all. And so I know exactly where
03:51it happened. I know, you know, the exact street, the exact tree, the, you know, all of that.
04:00When I found out, when I heard about it on TMZ, I literally was shook because, I mean,
04:06I don't want anything to happen to Karen and I don't want anything to happen to anyone
04:10else down that road. And it's a very dark kind of, it's just a very dark road, but it's
04:18right around the corner from her house. I, you know, in that first scene, that episode
04:24one, we talk a lot about my feelings of what happened. And I said to her, they cut it out,
04:29but I said to her, look, I've been out with you a million times, like drinking and, you
04:34know, we're both completely drunk and she handles it how we all handle it. We Uber home
04:41or she has Ray pick her up or whatever. Like she doesn't, she's not one to make those kinds
04:48of mistakes. So I was literally just in shock.
04:53Well she keeps saying that there is more to the story. And for a viewer, I'm like, what
04:58is more to the story other than, you know, you got drunk and you got behind the wheel
05:03and you made a big mistake. Yeah. Is there more to the story?
05:08I promise you have no idea. She has told me that too. She's like, there's so much more
05:12to the story. I don't know what that is. I'm still waiting.
05:16Do you think Karen has a drinking problem? No. Okay. Because some of the ladies like
05:22made comments like, Oh, is it okay if we drink around you? And I didn't know what they were
05:27getting at. I was kind of confused. Um, I think that they were just trying to be respectful
05:33for what had just happened. I don't know, but you know, listen, we all drink. Um, but
05:39you just have to be responsible when you do it. Right. Right. I will say it's different
05:43how the OC ladies have handled Shannon's DUI. I think you guys have handled this with so
05:49much more grace and so much like you guys have been more supportive.
05:54So I, you know, I think the difference is, and I was just with Shannon for the door,
05:58by the way, I think the difference is that Karen and I have a real relationship. We have
06:02a real friendship outside of the show and I've known Karen for, I don't know, 15 years
06:08or so. And I really, so I handled it like I would handle it with like a sister, like,
06:13Oh my God, are you okay? This can never happen again. What the hell happened? Like, you know,
06:19I was really just having a conversation with her because I care, not trying to be shady.
06:25Now I'm going to let the other ladies be shady if y'all want to be, but I just, it was bigger
06:31than being shady for me. Sometimes it's not a TV show anymore. Right? Like sometimes real
06:37things happen. It actually could hurt people like physically and you have to, you know,
06:43step outside of the show, which I think some housewives have a hard time doing. Right.
06:48Yeah. And you know, Karen at her core is, is a very sensitive, sweet individual. And I'm like,
06:58holy shit, you can't handle jail. So we got to make sure that doesn't happen.
07:04We can't have her in jail.
07:08Oh my God. That is so funny. So is it safe to say that we'll see you and Karen have the strong
07:13friendship this season besides, you know, this second episode, you guys will come back together.
07:19Um, we, we have ups and downs, highs and lows.
07:23As any sister good friend does. That's kind of the name of the game.
07:27Yeah, that's true. So one half of the green-eyed bandit bandits is no longer Robin Dixon is no
07:34longer on the show. What was it like filming without your buddy?
07:39You know, it was weird. There were times when I literally thought, oh, she's the next one to come
07:43in or she's the next, you know, I was like waiting for her to come into the scene and she, she didn't,
07:49you know, it, so it was a little, it was a little weird, but you know, I talked to, I just got the
07:56phone from him. Like I talked to Robin every day. I talked, you know, Robin is consistently in my
08:01life, but you know, there were times when, but not, not for the other ladies. So like, she doesn't
08:06talk to, um, Karen, she doesn't talk to Ashley as much. So there were times when cameras would
08:13look at me in the middle of a scene and she'd be like, I miss Robin. Where's Robin. So, and I'm
08:19like, for Karen to say that, I'm like, oh, that's huge. How is Robin doing? Cause I would imagine
08:26this was a hard, you know, housewives talk about it, how they were on the show. Then they were,
08:31aren't that it was like a hard transition was, has it been hard for Robin?
08:36She seems at peace, you know, being on shows is a lot. It's hard work. It's stressful. I feel like
08:43the past couple of seasons, Robin's been under fire big time. And she just totally seems at
08:48peace. You know, we still do reasonably shady and you know, I think that that for her is enough
08:54as far as like being connected to like the housewife world for now.
09:00I love that then for her. Like, I think that's great. Cause it was true. The past couple of
09:04seasons was not easy for her. So if she has more peace than I miss, I do miss her though,
09:10on my screen, I will say that two episodes in, and I do miss her.
09:13Me too. Like totally miss her. Like totally. But we do have some new housewives this season.
09:19Give us your honest, honest, honest, honest thoughts about them, please. Giselle.
09:25Also, I want to know if you think Kiarna deserved the full-time fruit.
09:30I do. Okay. And she worked for it. Okay. So, so I say yes to that. And I like Kay Stacy.
09:41We like Stacy, you know, Stacy doesn't take herself too seriously. She knows how to laugh
09:47at herself. She is quirky. So that makes her very much different from the rest of the ladies. And we
09:55like different. She does get on my nerves a lot this season. So we'll see that play out.
10:04But I feel like Stacy was a good addition to the group. And, and as far as Kay is concerned,
10:09you know, we had a taste of Kay last season. So it wasn't like, I didn't feel like she was new.
10:14I felt like I will say Stacey has a very interesting storyline. We just found out last
10:20night that she's still living with the ex-husband and they're not telling the daughter about the
10:24divorce until it's finalized, which I don't know. I feel like that's a little strange, right?
10:31Yeah. Well, I tell her at some point in season that this is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
10:35Got it. Okay, cool. Yeah. We, we handle that. Like it's come on now. Like you don't want,
10:40especially now, like, God forbid, not God forbid, but you know, you know,
10:45somebody in her class, his mother's watching the show. Yeah. It's like, you gotta, you gotta be
10:51honest with y'all know me. I'm totally honest with my girl. It was probably too honest. And
10:55that's what I stand by. Well, and her daughter's not that young that she had won't have an
11:00awareness. You know, she could probably put two and two together, right? Yeah. So just tell her
11:05and you want her to hear it from you, not her classmate. Right. Yeah. So your ex Jamal got
11:15engaged. Yes. What are you speaking of being transparent? Where are you going with this?
11:23I was like, yes, my thinking about how honest you are with your girls and like how you always
11:28did share things openly with them throughout the seasons. So what is that? What has that been like
11:33for you guys navigating that? Well, that's his relationship with them. You know what I mean?
11:38Like that, that's, that's his side that doesn't have anything to really do with me. So I've been
11:43letting him handle that. Okay. And just supporting them, I guess, through the process, right?
11:49Totally. Yeah. Okay. And now here's the question for you. What is up with your love life?
11:56Well, I don't know whether you guys heard, but I just came out of a love bubble of sorts.
12:02Yeah. Which damn near killed me guys. It damn near killed me. I just, I just wanted to leave.
12:08I'm going to be honest. I just wanted to get out of having nothing to do with, with the guys or
12:12the situation. I'm just like, I've been here too long. Um, but having said that I, the men's were
12:18there. There was, so you'll have to stay tuned for that. Giselle, I always tell you this, but I
12:25literally think you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life. So like the fact
12:31that you are not immediately swooped up, I know is your choice right now because you are 10, 10,
12:3810, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10. Yeah. To find you like a 10, 10 billionaire, handsome,
12:46um, everything you want. So we'll wait for that. Yes, totally. And yes, I mean, are there a bunch
12:53of men in my life for sure? Is it my choice how I handle them? Absolutely. Right. And I think that
12:59more women should have that perspective. Like, you know, a lot of women are just out to find
13:05a guy to be in a relationship with. And I think that they're doing themselves a disservice. Like
13:09life is bigger than just a relationship. Like let's enjoy it. Let's live.
13:14Totally. I know you can't say much about the love hotel, but you did just bring it up. Did you have
13:19a good experience on the show? Cause we've already heard some rumblings and some of the rumblings
13:23haven't been great. Listen, I do want to tell you guys love hotels, a hit possible word. Like
13:30you guys are going to be entertained. Um, I learned a lot about myself to be quite honest.
13:36And I will take that with me forever. What I learned about myself. I,
13:46it was a great experience, I think for all the ladies,
13:49okay. But there's some ups and downs, highs and lows. Absolutely. It is high drama.
13:54What do you think you learned the most about yourself after this experience?
13:58Um, I learned what I want and I learned why I've dated the guys that I've dated in the past.
14:06That's the hardest truth to face. I was going to say that's like deep. That is deep.
14:12It was beyond deep. I was like, Holy shit. I need to go back to my room and take a nap.
14:16Like it was, you know, it was a lot. I'm exhausted emotionally after this,
14:22but now I know what I want and here's my checklist. Here it is. So yeah, I mean,
14:28but yeah, I can't, I can't spoil it. We're very, very excited about this, but going back to
14:34Potomac, I think a very big and interesting storyline we're seeing already in two episodes
14:40is your new friendship with Wendy. Oh yes, yes, yes. Um, you know, I felt, I felt like,
14:47well, a lot has happened with my life. You know, I, I suffered big loss. My kids have left me,
14:54you know, I'm looking at things from a different perspective and I do looking back on my
14:59relationship with Wendy. I very much felt like a lot of other people were, were in the mix of it
15:06and I was exhausted from it all. And I didn't feel like I wanted to even sit down with her
15:14and even try to hash it out. Cause I just was exhausted from all of the noise and negativity,
15:21but coming into this season, I really wanted to make, um, an effort on my part,
15:27just speaking for myself to get the group in a great place collectively. And if I'm going to
15:34want that, then I'm going to have to participate in that. So I really felt like, you know what,
15:37let, let us just sit down and figure out if we can move forward. If we can't after we sit down
15:45fine, but let's just sit down and talk about it. Well, before we let you go, I also really want
15:50your hot take on the Mia Gordon ink, like triangle that it is and how it's so messy.
15:56And I just don't understand it. So like, can you give us your hot take? It's so messy. It's
16:00so messy. It's just bad guys. I can't even make it good. Like it's just, I'm going to be honest.
16:09I'm team Gordon. I really am. I feel for Gordon. I feel like he wasn't given the opportunity
16:17because you know, all relationships at some point that are going to go to the divorce side,
16:23it's, it's a journey to get there. Right. And I feel like he wasn't given the space,
16:31just him and her to figure out what they're going to do without ink. Does that make sense?
16:38Right, right, right. So I I'm team Gordon. I am.
16:43Oh, poor Gordon, poor, all of them. It's like really messy. It's got to kind of come to an end.
16:48It doesn't, it doesn't. Not all season. It does not. So buckle up. Oh God. Great.
16:54In for a wild ride. Thank you for that.
