• avant-hier
00:00All right, the 40 series laptops.
00:02So I've been testing a bunch of them,
00:04and NVIDIA has some big claims going on,
00:06both in performance and energy efficiency.
00:09So let's start here, the MSI Titan.
00:12So this is arguably the most powerful laptop
00:14you can get on the market right now.
00:15It's running a 175 watt RTX 4090,
00:18and it's a faster performer than a desktop 3090 Ti.
00:22But this thing is big.
00:24It's thick, it's heavy, it's got a very powerful fan system,
00:26and when you have it running full tilt
00:28to be able to get those crazy scores,
00:30this thing is loud.
00:31So as powerful as it is,
00:33I don't feel like it's representative
00:35of the average kind of top-end 4090 device.
00:38So I was able to get this in, the Blade 16.
00:41Same 175 watt 4090, but it's in a much smaller package.
00:45And this device is, I think,
00:47a more accurate depiction of what
00:49the new 4090 series could do.
00:51So most of the benchmarks you're seeing
00:53are from this device.
00:54All right, frame rates across the board
00:56had a larger-than-normal bump from a generational change.
00:59We're talking like a 30% to 40% increase.
01:01So 1080p as well as 1440p get some significant gains,
01:05and 4K gaming as well gets a really nice boost.
01:08And if you look at ray tracing performance,
01:10it's also very noticeable in terms of
01:12what the new 40 series delivers.
01:13And then I also took a look at GPU-accelerated workflows.
01:16So some apps like DaVinci and Blender
01:19that can lean really heavily on the GPU
01:21got some awesome performance uplifts,
01:23but some apps like my video editing software,
01:25which is Adobe Premiere, only got some small boosts.
01:28Now when it comes to NVIDIA's 40 series GPUs,
01:30you're going to see the biggest gains in performance
01:32in games that support NVIDIA-specific tech,
01:35namely DLSS 3.
01:37So DLSS 3 has three main components.
01:39The first two are older.
01:41So the first is it can upscale an image
01:43to a higher resolution.
01:44Secondly, it's got the ability to reduce input latency.
01:48Both of those are cool and all,
01:50but they've existed before.
01:51But the third one, the new one,
01:53is the thing that's really special.
01:54It's frame generation.
01:55It's the ability to use AI
01:58and insert artificially generated frames
02:00in between real frames.
02:02And in some cases,
02:03you can legitimately double your frame rate.
02:05Like imagine going from 60 to 120 frames per second.
02:08It can be awesome.
02:09Now the truth is,
02:10I am normally just not excited by NVIDIA's AI
02:13and neural graphics tech.
02:14Like when DLSS 1 and DLSS 2 came out,
02:17when I did my videos on that stuff,
02:18I didn't even talk about DLSS
02:20to the point where NVIDIA reached out.
02:22They're like,
02:23why didn't you talk about it?
02:24DLSS is awesome.
02:25And I was like,
02:26well, is it?
02:27Like it's cool and all for desktop users,
02:29but on laptops,
02:30we have 1080p screens.
02:31The ability to upscale resolution
02:33is not all that useful
02:34when it comes to laptop gaming,
02:36but we all want more frames, right?
02:39So frame generation,
02:40the ability to just magically create frames,
02:44how good,
02:45it's gotta be awesome, right?
02:46Okay, there's a lot to talk about here.
02:48Only a few games support this right now,
02:50but I do feel like this is tech
02:51that many developers will get on board with over time
02:53because frames are so valuable.
02:55So for the games that support this frame generation tech,
02:58the way that it works
02:59is that the game will actually delay
03:00showing you a real frame
03:01just for a split second
03:03and it inserts an artificially generated frame before it.
03:06Now it takes data from the game engine
03:08like the motion vectors
03:10and a whole bunch of other data points
03:11to try to interpolate
03:13what a properly generated frame would look like
03:15and it creates this artificially generated one
03:18and it puts it in.
03:19But it invariably adds input latency to the game
03:21because it did have to delay that first frame
03:23to be able to pull this off.
03:24Now if you just look at the frame rate bump,
03:26it's impressive,
03:27but let's talk about input latency.
03:29So I was testing The Witcher 3,
03:31Plague Tale,
03:32the Spider-Man Miles Morales game,
03:33MS Flight Sim,
03:34and Cyberpunk
03:35and truthfully,
03:36I did not notice any input latency
03:38with any of those games
03:39and I was looking for it.
03:40Now I did also try with Warhammer 40K Darktide,
03:42it is slightly noticeable there,
03:44but again,
03:45I was really looking for it.
03:46Now, the thing to keep in mind
03:48is that all of those games
03:49don't need like precision input timing
03:51or crazy reflexes,
03:52they're pretty casual games, right?
03:53And even the character movements
03:54and the controls
03:55are built to almost mask latency
03:57if it existed.
03:58That's just the nature of those slower-paced games, right?
04:00But using frame generation
04:02on a fast-paced competitive shooter
04:04would be a completely different story.
04:05It would suck.
04:06Like if there's any kind of input latency
04:08when you're peeking corners
04:09or if you're using a hitscan weapon,
04:10your performance in those games
04:11would be terrible.
04:12But for other games
04:14that are just not competitive shooters,
04:15I think the latency is a non-issue.
04:17But let's talk about
04:19the visual quality of frame generation.
04:21So, slower-paced games
04:23seem to have great image quality
04:25with frame generation.
04:26Witcher 3 is super demanding,
04:28it's been out for like 7 or 8 years,
04:29and it's still tough to get high frame rates on it.
04:31And when I have frame generation on,
04:33this looks and plays really well.
04:35And same with Cyberpunk,
04:36the frame generation is straight up
04:38doubling the frame rate here,
04:39but I think most people
04:41would actually have a tough time
04:42spotting any kind of visual deficiencies.
04:44But in a game like Miles Morales,
04:47things are different.
04:48So, even though the controls are slower-paced,
04:50graphically, it can be a very fast game
04:52because as you swing around,
04:53things will zip by you on the screen.
04:55And I think the algorithm has a tough time
04:57keeping up with all the moving parts.
04:59And when I play with frame generation on,
05:01I can spot some visual artifacts in the scene.
05:03Now, maybe it's because I've played this game so much.
05:05Like, I completed it on PS5,
05:07I've re-completed it again on PC,
05:09and I've seen this game so much
05:12without frame generation.
05:13And when I have it on,
05:14I can spot the visual artifacts.
05:16But in general,
05:17I think this tech is awesome for games
05:19that are outside of competitive shooters.
05:21Uh, okay.
05:22I want to wrap up this conversation
05:24with a talk about the things
05:25that I don't like about this launch.
05:27So first, the marketing.
05:29Um, I think that the way that NVIDIA...
05:32Well, in general,
05:33NVIDIA has pretty aggressive, like,
05:35marketing sauce that they throw on everything.
05:37But this time around,
05:38there was something that just rubbed me the wrong way.
05:40When they launched this thing,
05:41they announced, like,
05:42one of their opening things was, like,
05:44this product, 40 series GPUs,
05:46is three times more energy efficient
05:49than the previous generation.
05:50And when I first saw this,
05:51I was, like, super excited.
05:52And even at CES,
05:53they had a demo where they had one laptop
05:55that was running a 3080 Ti,
05:57but they had a 150-watt machine
05:59that was pumping out, I think, like,
06:0165 frames per second or something like that.
06:03And then a second machine,
06:05the 40 series stuff,
06:06that was 50 watts pumping out 75 frames per second.
06:10And I was like, this is awesome.
06:11Now, the way that NVIDIA was doing
06:13is that they're artificially capping the wattage
06:15on that second laptop.
06:17And they have the tools in-house
06:18to be able to pull this off.
06:19I can't replicate it on this end
06:21because we don't have access to stuff like that.
06:23But that difference
06:26was using DLSS 3,
06:28using the super sampling
06:30and the frame generation.
06:32And I feel like that's just not a good representation of...
06:35I feel like it's just poor marketing.
06:38Why would you put that as your main opener,
06:41like your headlining thing?
06:42Three times more energy efficient
06:44than the previous generation.
06:45I was bamboozled by it.
06:46I was like, this is gonna be crazy.
06:48Now, I think in some circumstances,
06:50in some games, sure,
06:51you do get that kind of energy efficiency uptick,
06:54but it's just not with normal games.
06:56Realistically, it's probably like 30 to 40%
06:59more energy efficient.
07:00If you're just looking at vanilla rasterized graphics,
07:03which I still think is great,
07:05it's just not 300%.
07:08But the second thing that bugs me about this launch
07:10is the naming and consequently the price.
07:13So this is a 4090 series product
07:17and they've never had a 90 moniker
07:19for any laptop product before.
07:20It's always like 2080, 3080.
07:21That was always the top of the line, the 80.
07:24Now you have a 90.
07:26It's better than the previous top of the line.
07:28So now they can charge more money.
07:30And if you look at the pricing of this stuff,
07:32it is mind-boggling how expensive it is.
07:36This 4090 equipped Razer Blade
07:38is priced at 4,300 US dollars.
07:41I've always thought that gaming laptops
07:43were one of those things that are expensive,
07:45but it's a premium you have to pay
07:46to be able to get great performance
07:47in a portable package.
07:48Now, people that are into desktops
07:50are like, this is stupid.
07:51This is really silly stuff.
07:52Why would you buy it?
07:53But there's a huge chunk of people
07:54that require portability
07:55on their performance machines, okay?
07:58But this time round,
07:59with this kind of pricing,
08:01it's like, oh my God.
08:03Oh my God.
08:04So I think this is just the nature
08:07of any kind of early launch.
08:09There are a couple devices
08:10that I think are noteworthy
08:11that are, I wouldn't say cheaper.
08:14I'd say they're better.
08:15They're like less crazy.
08:17I'll be discussing those
08:18in the subsequent videos.
08:20But that's the 40 series.
08:22It's very capable this time round,
08:25like surprisingly so.
08:27The pricing is just nasty, really nasty.
08:30Okay, device specific reviews to come.
08:34There you have it.
08:35And this is just
08:36the most powerful flagship stuff.
08:38The 4060, 4070 devices
08:40will be launching in a couple weeks.
08:42We'll see you then.
08:43Stay tuned.
