• avant-hier
00:00Hey guys, Dion from Dion Video Productions here.
00:02In this video, I'm going to be showing you how to create and export a transparent text PNG image from Final Cut Pro X.
00:08Let's get started.
00:09Now, Final Cut Pro X is probably not the first application that comes to mind when you think of doing something like this.
00:15However, I always think it is best to get the most out of an application, especially one that costs $300.
00:21Not to mention the fact that doing this, in this case creating a watermark, is useful for content creators and video editors alike.
00:27So, being able to do this in one application will save you time in your production process.
00:32So, without further ado, let's take a look.
00:34Now, what you see on my desktop is the completed project.
00:36And as you can see, this can be identified by the text in the middle and all the negative space around it being transparent.
00:42You'll see that as I drag it over the desktop and the window, this kind of shines through.
00:46And that's exactly what we're looking for in creating, in this case, a watermark for YouTube videos.
00:51So now, let's go ahead and take a look in Final Cut and I'm going to show you how this is done.
00:56So, as I mentioned before, Final Cut Pro X is not really made to do this.
01:00So, there are a few specific settings and steps that you're going to want to follow very closely in order to achieve this.
01:06As if you don't do this, this will not work.
01:08So, the first thing you're going to want to do is open up Final Cut Pro as normal.
01:11And now, we're going to go change a few settings.
01:13So, to do that, you want to go up into the menu bar and then click on Final Cut and select Preferences.
01:18Now, the first thing you're going to want to make sure is unselected is under the Playback menu.
01:23You're going to want to make sure that Background Render is not selected.
01:26You may have a tick there. Make sure that tick is selected to make sure that this is not on.
01:30I'll explain why later.
01:32Next, if we scroll down to Player Background, this may be set to black as this is the standard setting.
01:37You're going to want to change this to checkerboard.
01:39This is what you can see over here.
01:41And if you've ever worked with photo editing programs, you'll recognize this as a way of showing a transparent layer.
01:47And then finally, if we go over on the right to Destinations, we're of course going to be exporting this product as an image rather than a video.
01:54So, we'll have to create a new destination for that.
01:56Over here on the left, you'll see your list of destinations.
01:59And on the right, we have the options to where or how you'd like to export.
02:03You're going to want to make sure that the Save Current Frame option is in your list if it is not already.
02:08If it is not, just click and drag it right in and it'll be added to your list.
02:11Okay, so that is basically it.
02:13Once you have those settings set, we're ready to start.
02:16So, to start off, just like with any other project, we're going to go into File, New, and then select Event.
02:22And then from here, let's go ahead and call this, let's say, Watermark.
02:28Now, as I said, I'm going to be making a watermark that meets YouTube-specific requirements.
02:32This will basically allow you, in your channel settings, to overlay this over your YouTube videos.
02:36Now, for this, it requires a very specific size.
02:39So, in this case, we require a 150x150 size image, which of course is very small.
02:44So, to change this, we're going to go under the Video section, click on 1080p HD, and we're going to select Custom.
02:50And this will allow us to type in a manual resolution.
02:53This can be as large or as small and in any aspect ratio that we like.
02:56So, again, in this case, we're going to be doing a 1x1 aspect ratio of 150x150 pixels.
03:02Now, frame rate really doesn't matter as we're exporting a single frame, so you can leave that as is.
03:07All the other settings can remain the same.
03:09Then, we'll go ahead and press OK.
03:11So, let's go ahead and start off by adding some text.
03:13Now, technically, you can also add images.
03:15However, I think for a branding watermark, it is good to have a very simplistic text logo.
03:20But, of course, this will vary from brand to brand.
03:22But I'm going to be showing you how to do this with text.
03:24So, we're going to add a text layer, and we'll drag in a custom layer.
03:28Now, let's go ahead and put that in.
03:30And then, let's close that up and bring in the Inspector window.
03:35Now, of course, you can type anything you want.
03:37I'm going to be putting the initials of my company,
03:39Dion Video Productions.
03:41And then, we're going to go ahead and select that and make it a little bit bigger.
03:44So, we're just going to go into the size here and drag that up.
03:47Now, I think it is important to make as much use of this space as possible.
03:52As, again, while this looks pretty big in the viewer here,
03:54in reality, this is a much smaller image.
03:57As you can see, if we scale it down to 100%,
03:59you will see how small this is.
04:01So, I suggest utilizing as much of the space as possible.
04:04Now, let's go ahead and reposition this slightly.
04:06Or, actually, let's change the font first.
04:08You can, of course, choose whatever font you like.
04:10Let's say I will go with Futura here and light.
04:17And then, we'll just make it a little bit bigger again.
04:19Let's say something like that.
04:21And then, we'll go ahead and reposition this slightly.
04:23Let's go into the view menu here and just bring in the horizon
04:26just to help us move this along evenly.
04:29So, we'll go on the X-axis first.
04:31Try and center that.
04:33And then, the Y-axis.
04:34Now, this does not have to be perfect.
04:36As, again, the background will not show,
04:38but you want it to be as close to center as possible,
04:41sort of as seen here.
04:44Now, let's go ahead and hide the horizon here.
04:46Now, in terms of the color, this can be a little bit tricky
04:48because, of course, chances are,
04:50the backgrounds in your video are going to change.
04:52Sometimes, they'll be lighter.
04:53Sometimes, they'll be darker.
04:54So, what I've actually done for my channel is
04:56I've actually incorporated both colors.
04:58And you'll probably see this in the following videos.
05:00Now, in order to do this, we're going to duplicate this layer.
05:03So, we're just going to select it.
05:04And then, we're going to hold Option
05:06and then click and drag above.
05:07And, as you can see, it will duplicate this layer.
05:09So, now, we'll have two of the same.
05:11So, we're going to leave this bottom layer as our base layer
05:13and that we will keep as white.
05:14And then, the layer above it,
05:15we're going to change to a darker color.
05:17So, we're going to go into the text setting here.
05:20And, under Face,
05:22we will just change this layer to white.
05:24And then, we're going to click and drag above.
05:26And, as you can see, it will duplicate this layer.
05:28And, under Face,
05:30we will just change the color.
05:31So, let's say, we'll do licorice for now.
05:36And then, what we're going to do,
05:38we're going to sort of emulate a shadow.
05:40So, in order to do that,
05:41we're just going to leave it right above it
05:42and just move it slightly to the right
05:44and slightly below
05:45to make it look sort of like a light is being casted
05:48from the top left corner down.
05:50This will sort of create also a nice 3D effect as well.
05:53So, in order to judge how far,
05:55this is a little bit of trial and error,
05:56but it is not very far at all.
05:57You just want to move it out of the way a little bit,
06:00no more,
06:01as you don't want it to be too drastic
06:03as that will make the text look very thick,
06:04which you don't want either.
06:06Let's say something like that.
06:08And, I've also now just realized
06:10that I need to change the order of these layers.
06:13So, let's just go ahead and swap these around here.
06:16So, you want the black layer on the bottom
06:18and then the white layer on top.
06:20Of course, you can also do it the other way around.
06:22However, this way, I think,
06:23is most visible and least distracting in your videos.
06:27So, as you can see,
06:28we now sort of created a little bit of depth to this logo,
06:31almost looking like a light is being casted on it.
06:33And, the good thing about this is,
06:35whether you're looking at a white or black background,
06:37one of the two will show,
06:39whether that's the front layer or the layer in the back.
06:43Okay. So, once you've created this,
06:45and once you're happy,
06:46let's go ahead and export.
06:47Now, to do this,
06:48we're going to go into the export menu as always.
06:50And now, you'll have a new option,
06:52which, remember, we dragged in earlier,
06:53which is the save current frame option.
06:55We're going to go ahead and select this.
06:57Now, before we select next,
06:58you're going to want to make sure
06:59that you go under the settings tab
07:01and make sure that the PNG image file type is selected,
07:04as this is the only file type
07:06that will support a transparent background.
07:08Now, let's go ahead and name it that,
07:10and then we'll go into next.
07:11And then, under the watermark folder,
07:13we will go ahead and save this.
07:15Now, this won't take very long to export,
07:17as, of course, it is one single image
07:19and a very small resolution.
07:20Let's go ahead and take a look at this folder,
07:22and here is the one we just created.
07:24Now, of course, this was a little bit rushed here.
07:26I think the color in my original one
07:28is a little bit of a gray, less white,
07:30but you can, of course, change this.
07:31This is all personal preference.
07:32But here's the one that we just created,
07:34and as you can see, most importantly,
07:36this is a transparent image,
07:37as, again, you will see the background
07:39and, say, the colors of the icons bleed through,
07:42and this is exactly what we want.
07:44Now, to confirm that the resolution is correct,
07:46we can also press Command-I,
07:47and you'll see that the dimensions are correct
07:49at 150 by 150.
07:51Now, let's go ahead and show you
07:52how to add this to your YouTube video.
07:54Now, of course, you can also click and drag
07:56this into your video directly,
07:57but YouTube has a function that will allow you
07:59to actually overlay it over pre-existing videos as well.
08:02I'm going to show you how to access this now.
08:04So, to do this, you're going to want to go
08:06into your Channel Analytics,
08:07and then, from there, in the bottom left corner,
08:09you'll find a Settings icon.
08:11Make sure you click that,
08:12then, under the drop-down menu here,
08:14we will select Channel,
08:15and then click on Branding.
08:17And now, from here,
08:18you will have the option to add a watermark.
08:20As you can see, my pre-existing watermark
08:22is very similar to the one that we just created,
08:24and if you don't already have it,
08:25we can just simply replace it or add a new one,
08:28and you can also have this show
08:29either at the end of the video
08:30or at a specific time,
08:31or, rather, just show it for the entire video,
08:33which is what I recommend.
08:35Now, to show you how this looks,
08:36I have a video of mine playing right now,
08:38and you can see that, at the moment,
08:39I have sort of a white background,
08:41but, as you can see,
08:42with the dual colors that I've chosen
08:44between the white and the black,
08:46this is still clearly visible.
08:48Now, again, note how small this logo is.
08:51If we play it in full screen,
08:52you will see this is still
08:53a very small part of the video,
08:54so make sure you use
08:55as much of that space as possible
08:57when you're working with the
08:58150 by 150 aspect ratio image.
09:01Now, one thing I just want to quickly clarify,
09:04and that is the importance
09:05of not rendering your project.
09:06You will remember that,
09:07in the start of the video,
09:08I turned off the auto-render setting,
09:10and here is why.
09:11As you can see,
09:12this part of the project has not been rendered.
09:14That will be indicated
09:15by the dots above it.
09:16If I'm going to go ahead
09:17and render this
09:18by pressing Ctrl-Shift-R,
09:20you will see that it is now rendered,
09:22but the transparent background disappears,
09:24and now, if I go to export that same image,
09:27let's call this Watermark2,
09:31I'm going to go into the same folder here,
09:34you will see that,
09:35instead of a transparent background,
09:36it will automatically add a black background,
09:38which really defeats the purpose
09:40of creating a watermark
09:41or a transparent logo,
09:42as, in this case,
09:43you'll just have a black box
09:44with the text above it,
09:45which, in my opinion,
09:46is much less cohesive
09:48and will be more distracting
09:49as your content plays.
09:51Having a setup like this
09:52will be much more appealing.
09:54So, anyway, guys,
09:55thank you very much
09:56for watching this video.
09:57I hope this helped you out.
09:58If it did,
09:59be sure to leave a like down below
10:00and subscribe for more content like this.
10:02Also, let me know
10:03if you have any questions or feedback.
10:04Thank you for watching.
