• 9 hours ago
These interviews aged uncomfortably, yet surprisingly well. Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the times that interviews ominously predicted the imprisonment of celebrities.


00:00You're going to hear about my party, they're going to be shutting them down,
00:02they're going to probably be arresting me, doing all types of crazy things,
00:05just because we want to have a good time.
00:07Welcome to Ms. Mojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the times
00:11that interviews ominously predicted the imprisonment of celebrities.
00:15How do you survive that?
00:17Because I'm me. Because I'm me, I'm different.
00:22Number 10. Joaquin El Chapo Guzman.
00:25When your public enemy number one, speaking to the press, is rarely a smart move.
00:30But this notorious criminal seemed to think the opportunity to boast was worth the risk.
00:35Sean Penn met the fugitive El Chapo for an interview that he hoped would reopen
00:40a dialogue about drugs in America. He came away with something very different.
00:45After his 2015 prison escape, El Chapo secretly met with Oscar-winning actor Sean Penn,
00:50who was writing a piece for Rolling Stone.
00:53Sean Penn had no idea what he was walking into.
00:56There was no way he could know what kind of temperament El Chapo could have.
01:00El Chapo did not hold back, proudly proclaiming his status as the world's biggest drug trafficker.
01:06His bold confession, his desire to control his public image,
01:10and his plans to make a film about himself,
01:12ultimately helped authorities track him down and re-arrest him.
01:16Sometimes, it pays to be modest.
01:19We had a contact upon which we were able to facilitate an invitation.
01:23Number 9. Sergei Polonsky
01:26A 2011 showdown between Russian oligarchs led to major legal trouble,
01:30particularly for this real estate mogul.
01:32During a televised economic debate, Polonsky angered former KGB spy Alexander Lebedev.
01:38I didn't know who the guy was. I was listening for 90 minutes,
01:42which I don't think was depicted by Sky, of aggression and insults,
01:47which actually ended with direct aggression against me,
01:51with actually a threatening move, and I don't think I had any big chance.
01:55The situation escalated quickly when Lebedev punched Polonsky so hard he fell from his chair.
02:01When Lebedev received community service for the attack, it was Polonsky who eventually served time.
02:06Polonsky left Russia in 2012 to live on his private island in Cambodia.
02:11He had already been detained in Cambodia in November 2013.
02:16Just a year after their altercation,
02:18Polonsky landed in a Cambodian jail for allegedly assaulting sailing crew members.
02:22Later, he faced embezzlement charges and was placed on Interpol's Most Wanted list,
02:27solidifying his fall from grace.
02:29The billionaire was charged in absentia as part of a criminal case involving the embezzlement of
02:35over $175 million in a residential construction project in central Moscow.
02:43Number 8. Mike Tyson
02:45Despite being considered one of the world's best boxers,
02:48Mike Tyson is no stranger to legal trouble.
02:50The satellite trucks beamed the news. Ticket scalpers were very much in evidence,
02:55and Don King was there for Mike Tyson's most important fight,
02:59not in the ring, but in Judge Patricia Giffords' courtroom.
03:03By 1999, he had already served three years for sexual assault,
03:07in addition to his history of juvenile delinquency.
03:10Just before his fight with Francois Botta,
03:12Tyson had a conversation with sports anchor Russ Salzberg that was so profane and hostile,
03:17Salzberg had to cut it short.
03:19Mike, why do you have to talk like that?
03:21Well, I'm talking to you the way I want to talk to you.
03:24Do you have a problem? Turn off your station.
03:27You know what? I think we'll end the discussion right now.
03:30Unsurprisingly, Tyson's legal issues didn't end with that friendly chat.
03:34Just a month later, he was sentenced to 12 months in jail for a prior road rage incident,
03:39and he'd face a plethora of additional charges in years to come.
03:42I feel that 100%, but I don't hold that to no bitterness. That's just something,
03:47that's just, it occurred, it happened. A moment in time, it's a wrap, it's over.
03:53I'm doing this stuff now. I can't get that time back. This is what I'm doing now.
03:58Number 7. Danny Masterson
04:01Masterson is best known for two things,
04:03his sitcom roles and his alarming record of sexual misdeeds.
04:07Years before the truth about his actions came to light,
04:09Masterson appeared on Late Night with Conan O'Brien to promote That 70s Show.
04:13Look at you, you're all...
04:14Hello, sir.
04:15You clean up real nice. You look great.
04:17Thanks. My mom picked it out for me.
04:18That's very nice.
04:19During the segment, he made a sexual joke during an anecdote,
04:23to which Conan quipped that he had heard about him and suspected he'd be caught soon.
04:27So why are you asking people to do that? That's the more important question.
04:30I mean, you got them.
04:31Yeah, right, right.
04:32You know what I mean?
04:33Accent aside, that's the more important thing.
04:37I've heard about you, and you'll be caught soon. I know you will.
04:41I will.
04:42While it's unclear exactly what Conan had heard, his remark proved frighteningly accurate.
04:47Almost two decades later, Masterson was not only caught, but convicted.
04:51This moment serves as a stark reminder that
04:54sometimes jokes hit closer to reality than we realize.
04:57The former actor, and now convicted felon, brought to justice Masterson's two victims,
05:03who have not been publicly identified, termed Jane Doe 1 and 2,
05:07saw their attacker in court sentenced to 30 years to life.
05:14This ex-film producer's misconduct was so extensive that it inspired the term
05:18The Weinstein Effect, which helped ignite the Me Too movement in October 2017.
05:23Prosecutors say they want to file a motion to consolidate
05:26the new indictment with the retrial.
05:29So it's hard to believe that just months earlier,
05:32Weinstein was at the top of Hollywood's hierarchy, as seen in this interview with CNN.
05:36To me, I'm still the underdog. I felt that way when I was young,
05:40and sometimes I still feel that way.
05:42Speaking with an air of false humility, he referred to himself as a, quote,
05:46underdog who was, quote, working his dream.
05:49Watching it after Weinstein's downfall and knowing what was going on behind the scenes,
05:53the video feels steeped in arrogance and hypocrisy.
05:56His disingenuousness creates a creepy undertone that's hard to miss.
06:01It takes its toll on you, the work, and you wish you could be, you know, me in particular.
06:06Love to be less temperamental. Each year I get less and less, but I started so high.
06:12You remember the chipping away at that now.
06:17Once beloved for his role as Jamal on Empire,
06:20Smollett came under fire in 2019 after claiming to be the victim of a hate crime,
06:24only for it to be revealed that he had fabricated and staged the entire thing.
06:29What is it that has you so angry? Is it the attackers?
06:34It's the attackers, but it's also the attacks. It's like, you know, at first,
06:40it was a thing of like, listen, if I tell the truth, then that's it, because it's the truth.
06:47Just weeks after the supposed attack,
06:50Smollett sat down with ABC's Robin Roberts to recount the details,
06:53claiming he was jumped by two men and bombarded with racist and homophobic slurs.
06:58Then I look down and I see that there's a rope around my neck, which I hadn't...
07:02You hadn't noticed it before?
07:03No, because it was so fast, you know what I'm saying? It was so fast.
07:06How long did this all...
07:07It felt like minutes, but it probably was like 30 seconds.
07:10Throughout the conversation, he appeared emotional and resolute,
07:14standing by his story while criticizing those who doubted him.
07:17However, his detractors were proven right, and Smollett was soon convicted
07:21of felony disorderly conduct for making false police reports.
07:25A defiant Smollett shouting as he was let out of the courtroom
07:29after being sentenced to 30 months probation with the first 150 days
07:34to be served at Chicago's notorious Cook County Jail.
07:38Number four, R. Kelly.
07:40It wasn't until 2021 that R. Kelly, the R&B singer with a notorious history
07:45of sexually abusing minors, was finally brought to justice.
07:49He got 20 years in prison today. He will serve all but one of those years simultaneously.
07:55However, many years earlier, in 2008, Kelly showed a talent for dodging tough questions
08:00when he was asked about his troubling behavior. During a BET interview with journalist Ture,
08:05he was asked whether he liked teenage girls.
08:07When you say teenage, how are we talking?
08:11Girls who are teenagers.
08:1619 and younger.
08:17While the question was straightforward, Kelly's evasive response raised serious concerns.
08:23His reluctance to give a clear answer hinted at the dark reality that would later surface.
08:28In hindsight, this exchange feels like an ominous warning of the long-overdue
08:32legal reckoning that awaited the singer.
08:34They've said that they're concerned that you like underage girls.
08:39Let me put it to you this way, man, you know,
08:42unfortunately, the people that don't work for me,
08:47says that the people that do work for me, don't say that.
08:52Number three, Charlie Sheen.
08:55After personal issues led to his dismissal from Two and a Half Men,
08:58this disgraced actor spoke to several media outlets.
09:01Choices I was making were not leading to the results that I wanted.
09:05So I woke up and said, dude, you're 45 with five kids. Let's,
09:08let's do something different because this thing is boring.
09:11But far from clearing his name,
09:13Sheen's attempts to explain himself only left the public more confused,
09:17not to mention a little alarmed.
09:19Man, they don't know me.
09:20And the same people talking about those incidents weren't there,
09:22so how much can they really discuss a situation they were not involved with?
09:26You know, at that point, it's all just judgment and opinion and just the gibberish of fools.
09:30In appearances on ABC, NBC, TMZ, and more,
09:35Sheen hinted at his chaotic lifestyle and used bizarre phrases like
09:39tiger blood and Adonis DNA, whatever that means.
09:43Sheen's cavalier attitude made it clear that his tumultuous life
09:46was on a collision course with the law.
09:48You can't process me with a normal brain.
09:50No lies detected.
09:51The LAPD descended on Charlie Sheen's home.
09:55They were searching for guns, which would be a violation of his restraining order.
09:59Number two, Bill Cosby.
10:02For much of the late 20th century, Cosby was celebrated as America's dad,
10:06entertaining viewers of all ages on stage and screen.
10:09Now, we've gone around here about 800 times.
10:11Don't you think it's time for you to ride this without my hand on the back of the seat?
10:16I might fall.
10:17You're not going to fall. I will catch you.
10:19No, you won't.
10:21This made it all the more devastating for his fans and supporters when, in 2014,
10:25it was revealed that he had spent pretty much his entire career
10:29committing horrific sexual assaults.
10:31After the world learned of his crimes,
10:33a comment he made to Larry King in 1991 took on an especially chilling tone.
10:37Spanish fly was the thing that all boys from age 11 on up to death,
10:46we will still be searching for Spanish fly.
10:50Cosby's offhand joke about Spanish fly,
10:53a substance he claimed would make women more compliant,
10:55was initially dismissed as a humorous anecdote.
10:58However, in hindsight, it reveals a troubling reference
11:01to the heinous accusations that would ultimately lead to Cosby's conviction.
11:05Bill Cosby found guilty.
11:07The actor and comedian, once known as America's dad,
11:10found guilty on all charges today.
11:12His head down, taking deep breaths after the verdict.
11:15Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel
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11:31Number 1.
11:33Sean Diddy Combs
11:34Unless you live under a rock, inside a cave, on a faraway planet,
11:38you're likely aware that this popular rapper has been the subject of major controversy.
11:43Not just once, but over and over again.
11:46This morning, watch how federal agents took Sean Diddy Combs into custody.
11:49He's seen in this video entering the Park Hyatt Hotel in Midtown Manhattan with others
11:54when agents from Homeland Security Investigations approach and separate him.
11:58They place Combs under arrest and lead him out the front door in handcuffs.
12:02Among the worst of Combs' alleged offenses occurred at what he called his parties,
12:06events which may have included significant unsavory acts.
12:10Disturbingly, a comment Combs made in 1999
12:13suggests he realized his actions were reprehensible even then.
12:17Your parties are the hottest ticket around.
12:20They won't even give me a permit for the parties, man.
12:22They don't want me to throw the parties no more.
12:24Speaking to Entertainment Tonight, Combs, known back then as Puff Daddy,
12:28mentioned that his parties were becoming legendary
12:30and surmised they'd eventually land him in jail.
12:32Though the comment came across as a joke, if not a twisted flex,
12:36it now seems quite prophetic in light of Combs' later legal troubles.
12:40A lot of people out there that feel intimidated by it.
12:43It ain't nothing but break it down racial barriers, break it down generation barriers.
12:48Which of these celebrity arrests could you see coming a mile away?
12:51Let us know in the comments.
12:53Got in a lot of trouble, of course, you know, because I was violent when I came out.
12:57I think I was real bitter when I came out. That's the reason I went that way.
13:00Do you agree with our picks?
13:02Check out this other recent clip from Ms. Mojo.
13:04And be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.
