• last week


00:12Actually, Ryan's father was supposed to give a lecture about the pandas.
00:16But since he is currently working in China as a leader of a panda reservation station,
00:21well, then Ryan has to report about the pandas and his father's profession.
00:28The big panda is the most famous animal in the world.
00:33Its image is also an international symbol of peace.
00:37But there is no peace in the life of pandas.
00:40The panda lives in the forests of China.
00:43But with the disappearance of the forests, the pandas also disappear.
00:49There are not even a thousand pandas in the whole world.
00:54The pandas are threatened with extinction because they don't care about people.
01:03And my dad tries to help the pandas.
01:06He is in China and fights against lions, tigers and wilderness.
01:11And tries to save the pandas, like Indiana Jones.
01:14And that's why my father can't be here now.
01:16Because saving pandas is really much more important.
01:20Thank you very much, Ryan. That was really very interesting.
01:25And now Johnny's father will tell us something about his work.
01:29He works every night in the supermarket.
01:35Gan, gan. An extremely interesting topic.
01:39But luckily the schoolgirl comes in between.
01:43And Ryan and Johnny make their best friend on the way home.
01:47The best thing about dad's work in the supermarket is that he brings all the sweets when the expiration date has expired.
01:53Aren't you afraid that the field is polluted?
01:55My dad says there is so much chemistry in it that nothing can be polluted.
01:58Why do you even eat unhealthy stuff?
02:00I don't know. I think it tastes good.
02:02What are pandas actually?
02:04They are a kind of trees. How can they get so fat if they only eat trees?
02:07I don't know.
02:09Do you ask your mother if I can eat with you?
02:11You always do that.
02:12Yes, but I don't want her to think I'm a snitch.
02:15All right.
02:17I hope there's mashed potatoes with sauce.
02:21What's that?
02:22That's a letter from my dad from China.
02:27Hello, my darling.
02:29Hello, mom.
02:32Hello, Johnny.
02:33Hello, Mrs. Tyler.
02:37And what does he write?
02:38I haven't read it yet.
02:41Where are you going?
02:42I'm going to China.
02:43Are you serious?
02:44To the Easter holidays.
02:46Wow, that's cool.
02:48You're going to save bears with your dad's panda.
02:50Wait a minute.
02:51Why didn't you tell me you were flying there?
02:53I don't know. I forgot.
02:56How many years has your dad been working in China?
02:59Since they divorced.
03:01About three years.
03:10And then, the last night before the big trip.
03:14Ryan lies in his bed, lost in thought,
03:17and says goodbye to the starry sky
03:19that his father painted on the ceiling.
03:23Goodbye, twins.
03:26Goodbye, Orion.
03:29Have a good hunt.
03:32Goodbye, big car.
03:34Don't get lost while I'm gone.
03:37Goodbye, little bear.
03:59I named all your underwear.
04:02Name? I want to ask you something.
04:04I don't know Chinese.
04:06That means all the work is for free.
04:08And Ryan...
04:10And remember that you're not an animal with eyes.
04:12I know you don't like it.
04:14Mom, I have to remind you
04:16that your daddy is at the exit
04:18and is waiting for you when you arrive.
04:21And if anything goes wrong...
04:23The real one?
04:24Just that you're at the door.
04:25The real one, please.
04:26Do you understand?
04:27Window or hallway?
04:31Mom! Mom!
04:33I have to tell you something.
04:36What is it, Ryan?
04:38I don't want to go there.
04:42I don't want to go to China.
04:44I never wanted to.
04:47Oh, honey.
04:49Why did you tell me that?
04:54Come with me.
04:59Ryan, listen.
05:02I'm not a little kid, Mom.
05:04I'm not afraid.
05:06Then what is it?
05:08Don't you want to see your father?
05:10He probably doesn't want to see me.
05:12Hey, you know how he and Johnny feel
05:14when you play Nintendo.
05:17You're so into it
05:19that you play for hours.
05:21And when I want something from you,
05:22I have to scream
05:23so that you even notice that I'm there.
05:25You know, your daddy feels the same way
05:27about his work.
05:28I'm not as important to him as his work, Mom.
05:30Yes, you are.
05:31But he loves his work and you.
05:39This is your flight.
05:44Airplanes fly in both directions.
05:46If you really don't like it there,
05:49you can come home any time.
05:57I love you so much, honey.
05:59I love you, too.
07:08Yes, that's it. You now have this transmitter from us so that we can help you in case something happens to you.
07:16Very good. That's it. It's still sucking. That's excellent.
07:21The boy must have hidden it somewhere.
07:23Oh, that would be great, a little panda.
07:25Yes, we have to keep an eye on it. A panda child would be the rescue for the reserve.
07:30Come on, we don't want to disturb you when you wake up.
07:33Let's go back to the reserve and check if we received a clear signal from you.
07:37We must not lose you. Neither you nor your boy.
07:44And since Ryan's father has to take care of the panda, of course he can't be at the airport to pick up Ryan.
07:51Ryan feels pretty alone in this foreign world.
07:55But there, in front of the airport, there is a bus with the inscription, Panda Reserve.
08:00The bus is crowded with well-dressed Chinese who smile kindly at him and nod their heads when Ryan asks them for the destination of the bus, the Panda Reserve.
08:11Ryan doesn't hesitate, gets on the bus.
08:14And the journey leads him through the most beautiful landscape he has ever seen.
08:19Through green valleys that are lined with high, snow-covered mountains on both sides.
08:24Past blue rivers, ponds that are overgrown with blooming sea roses.
08:29Ryan can't get enough of the beauty of the country.
08:35But something very ugly happens in the forests of the reserve.
08:40Wilders have set up a bear trap and the panda bear runs into this trap.
08:46Desperately, she tries to escape from the ice, but in vain.
08:51Sad and in pain, she looks at her boy, who has lain next to her and doesn't understand why his mother can't get up anymore.
08:59And that something is wrong with the bear is also noticed in the station of the reserve.
09:06That's not true. We don't receive any movement signals from the panda bear.
09:10If the bear's mother is injured, your boy is in great danger.
09:13And we need this panda boy, otherwise they will close the reserve.
09:17We're going there right now to see what's going on. I don't want to lose another panda.
09:25Oh no. The committee is too early.
09:33You come earlier than expected. We haven't finished our preparations yet.
09:36Yes, Dr. Tyler. The committee has sent us in advance to write a preliminary report for Mr. Su about the progress of the reserve.
09:44We're not ready for an inspection yet.
09:47It's just a preliminary report. Mr. Su will be here at the end of the week to make the final decision.
09:53Yes, well, but that's...
09:57Yes, it's me.
09:58What are you doing here?
10:00You sent me a ticket.
10:02I know, but I didn't expect you until the 19th.
10:07Ling, what day is it today?
10:09The 19th.
10:11You should pick me up.
10:15Now you're here.
10:21Yes, now you're here.
10:24You've grown quite a bit.
10:26Dr. Tyler, I don't want to interrupt you, but we can't come back. We have to inspect everything now.
10:33Listen, as far as I know, this reserve was founded to save panda bears and...
10:37And right now we have a panda female that is possibly in great danger.
10:41That's why you'll have to do without me.
10:45Mr. Chang, it would be a great pleasure to answer all your questions, so please excuse me now.
10:54Uh, Ryan, how about you put your bag in my room first?
11:00Before it gets dark, I'll be back and then we can talk in peace.
11:05Can't I come with you?
11:06No, no, that's far too dangerous. It's not for you.
11:13Are you coming?
11:18Come on, come in. What is it?
11:25Make yourself comfortable.
11:29So, um...
11:32You know, I'm sorry I forgot to take you off, but here...
11:40You lose all sense of time out here.
11:45They're waiting.
11:48You must be tired.
11:50Sleep a little.
11:53I'll be back soon. As soon as I can, I promise.
11:57You'll be all right. See you later.
12:02I'm not staying here.
12:11Dad, wait!
12:14I didn't come all the way here just to stay in this stupid room.
12:17Ryan, go back. You can't come with us. It's far too dangerous for you in the woods.
12:21But the girl can come with us. If it's not too dangerous for her, then it's not too dangerous for me either.
12:26I don't have time to argue now. We have to hurry.
12:29You can't come with us. Go back!
12:31I promise you, I'll be back as soon as possible.
12:34You said that two years ago, too!
12:45How's your mother?
12:47Actually, she's fine. I'll take care of her.
12:59Is she angry?
13:02You're sitting in her place.
13:05What is she doing here?
13:06Her name is Ling. She always translates for me.
13:09The old man's name is Chu. He's her grandfather.
13:12He's always taken care of the pandas.
13:15If we can't save the panda boy, the committee will close the reservation.
13:21Where are we going?
13:23The panda mother has a neck strap with a transmitter on it.
13:26We can only hope that we can catch her signal and find her somewhere in the woods.
13:30How far is that?
13:31We'll be there soon.
13:33But Ryan's father is disappointed.
13:35Because the trailer on which Ling and the old Chu are sitting,
13:39comes loose from the tractor, rolls down the small hill and...
13:43lands in a dead end.
13:46Oh no!
13:47Fortunately, no one is injured.
13:49But in the calmness that is now prevailing,
13:51you can clearly hear the roaring of a panda bear.
13:58Suddenly, a shot breaks the silence of the valley.
14:02What happened?
14:04The wilder people have picked up the trap with the panda bear caught in it,
14:08the little panda boy grabs himself.
14:11One of the wilder people aims at the panda bear to silence it and...
14:23Give me the blowgun.
14:24Be careful, they could hurt you.
14:27Dad, what does that mean?
14:33He says it's too dangerous.
14:35I'll take care of it.
14:36You wait here.
14:42With his first shot, the wilder man missed the bears.
14:46Again he puts it on and aims.
14:54Don't shoot!
14:55Shocked, the wilder man helps in.
14:57Tears his rifle around and shoots at Dr. Tai.
15:01The shot hits.
15:03Ryan's father falls to the ground and helps through the bleeding leg wound.
15:08It's too much here.
15:09Too bad.
15:13The wilder people have disappeared, along with the panda boy.
15:23Dr. Tai!
15:29What happened? Are you hurt?
15:32There were two wilder people.
15:34Ling, you took the boy with you.
15:36The foot of the panda bear is in the trap.
15:39I'm more worried about you.
15:41That's just the thing.
15:45I'm sorry, what's going on?
15:50We have to free you from the trap.
15:52It's best if we take off the collar, then you can breathe more easily.
15:56You have to go to the reserve quickly.
15:59The little Ling runs as fast as possible back to the car and calls the helicopter over the radio.
16:06It will soon land on it.
16:08But in the helicopter there is only room for Dr. Tai and the injured panda bears.
16:16You sit in front of the tanks, come on!
16:18No, we're already too heavy now.
16:20What does that mean?
16:21The helicopter is already overloaded, Michael.
16:24We can't take the boy with us.
16:26He's lying in my place and I'm waiting here.
16:28I'll bring you and the panda to the reserve.
16:30Then I'll come back.
16:32All right, Ryan.
16:33I'd like you to stay here so you don't move away.
16:35Don't worry.
16:36The tank will come back soon and pick you up.
16:39You wait here for him.
16:41Ryan, who is waiting for the return of the helicopter, is amazed at how the old Chu talks to Ling and gets ready to go.
17:03He'll starve to death.
17:05The more we talk here, the farther they run.
17:10Where is he going?
17:11He's right.
17:12The panda boy must go to the reserve.
17:14But you won't leave me alone.
17:16Then come with me.
17:17No, are you crazy?
17:18I'm not risking my life for some stupid panda bear.
17:21Well, you can stay here.
17:23Have fun.
17:24Go away.
17:25I don't need you anyway.
17:26I have quite a few bravery medals from the color-blind.
17:29I'm fine in such a wilderness.
17:31Well, I ...
17:39He said we should stay here.
17:41This is probably the safest place.
17:49Ling and Chu are already on their way.
17:51Ryan sees a snake slowly climbing up the tree trunk he's sitting on.
18:02Where are you?
18:14And only a little later, Ryan caught up with the two of them.
18:18Hey, hello!
18:20What are you doing?
18:23Shut up!
18:24Are you going to let them see us?
18:27You bastard!
18:31What did he say?
18:32You shouldn't make such a mess.
18:33These are wilder people.
18:35The three of them continue their search for the wilder people.
18:40The old Chu knows where the hideout of the wilder people could be.
18:44He knows this place just too well.
18:46And right.
18:48It doesn't take long before the three of them notice a small campfire burning in front of an open cave.
18:55Oh no, it's a dead diva!
19:01There's the hideout of the wilder people.
19:03It looks like they're not there.
19:05Come on!
19:07The three of them sneak on.
19:10Like out of nowhere, one of the wilder people appears in front of the cave entrance.
19:18Didn't you say they weren't there?
19:20They must have just arrived.
19:23The old Chu whispers a few words to Ling.
19:26Then he sneaks away.
19:28Is he leaving us alone?
19:30He knows when the other wilder people will come.
19:32If he sees the other one, he'll whistle and warn us.
19:36Come on, let's sneak closer.
19:41What if he gets his friend?
19:45Ling has a rifle!
19:47With real ammunition!
19:49What did you do to the thing? Did you kill it with spit?
19:52You're really very different from your father.
19:54But the diver is brave.
20:00I can't really hit him like that. He has to turn around.
20:04The thing that Ling put together is a blowpipe with a stun gun.
20:10It's meant for panda bears, but why shouldn't it work on humans?
20:15Only Ling can't shoot the arrow, because the wilder one is looking in her direction.
20:20But to be sure, Ling wants to shoot the arrow in his back.
20:25Ryan thinks for a moment.
20:27Then he carefully runs in a white arc around the wilder one until he's behind it.
20:36Hey, you stupid wilder one!
20:39Up here, you dimwit!
20:42Run away!
20:53As soon as the wilder one has gone down, Ryan and Ling investigate the cave.
20:58But there's no panda boy in the whole cave.
21:03Maybe this is the wrong cave.
21:05Do you see all the bats?
21:07What are they up to?
21:12Are you talking about the little panda?
21:14No, they want to sell him to a zoo.
21:18But there, from a bamboo basket, a painful squeaking and howling is heard.
21:24Ryan immediately opens the basket and finds the little panda boy.
21:31Wait, I'll help you.
21:36Come on, hurry up. I don't want to be there when your friend comes back.
21:41So that's the reason for all the excitement.
21:47Ryan carefully takes the little panda in his arms.
21:50And then he quickly goes back to Grandfather Chu.
22:02Grandfather says he needs the milk of his mother as soon as possible.
22:04Maybe we should bring him to her as soon as possible.
22:07But how?
22:08Because the way to the lighthouse where they were supposed to wait for the helicopter is far away.
22:13Besides, the helicopter was already there.
22:16You can imagine the excitement as it prevailed when the pilot Zhang had not found anyone on the lighthouse.
22:23And so Dr. Tyler immediately starts a search.
22:27Ryan, Ling and Chu are just fighting their way back through heavy thickets
22:32when they hear the helicopter over their heads.
22:36There's the helicopter!
22:37We have to go in one direction so that they can see us!
22:40Here we are, down here, down here!
22:42Here we are!
22:43Here we are!
22:46Here we are!
22:48We are here!
22:50No, over here!
22:55No chance.
22:57The three are invisible in the thicket from above.
23:00The helicopter slowly disappears on the horizon.
23:07Again, Ling, Ryan and Chu arrive at the old Morshe suspension bridge,
23:11which crosses the large river valley.
23:14Already earlier, when they had to cross the bridge for the first time in search of the wilderness,
23:19Ryan slipped his heart into his pants out of fear.
23:22And even now he does not feel much better.
23:29Not again!
23:31Stop! Stop!
23:34Stop! Stop!
23:38Don't look down, don't look down.
23:41Hey, it's not that bad.
23:46But there, at the end of the bridge, the wilderness appears.
23:50Now only the flight is missing.
23:52As fast as they can, Ryan, Ling and Chu run away.
23:59A misstep by Ling, she threatens to fall into the thicket.
24:05Help me!
24:08Ling, hold on!
24:12Hold on, I'm coming!
24:14Help, I can't swim, Ryan!
24:16Hold on!
24:17Ryan, help me!
24:19Take my hand!
24:21Help me, Ryan!
24:22I can't swim yet!
24:24Hold on tight, I won't let you go!
24:30Don't let go, Ryan!
24:32Help me!
24:37Hold on tight, Ling, hold on tight!
24:40Help me!
24:41Hold on tight!
24:44In despair, Ryan holds Ling with one hand.
24:47In the other hand, he holds the panda boy,
24:50until a shot of the near-arriving brother,
24:53pushes them both into the deep.
24:55Ling and Ryan, who still hold the panda boy in their clutches,
24:59jump into the water of the raging river
25:02and are torn apart by its unbearable current.
25:16While Ling and Ryan fight for their lives,
25:19the wild ones disappear into the woods of the reservoir.
25:23Let me go, Ryan!
25:25The current carries the two children and the little panda boy far ahead of them,
25:30until they finally reach calmer water
25:33and are able to save themselves on the shore with their last strength.
25:36After a few moments of relaxation, Ling opens her backpack.
25:40Fortunately, she was able to save him, and he was also waterproof.
25:45And now she conjures up a conveyor belt for panda bears
25:50and a chocolate bar.
25:54That's all we have.
25:56We can share it.
25:57No, we'll pick it up for the emergency.
25:59This is an emergency.
26:02The little one is hungry too.
26:04Yes, but I'll get something first.
26:06Pandas don't eat sweets.
26:08Well, how are we supposed to get back?
26:13What's that?
26:14That's a conveyor belt with the panda bear's sandals.
26:16So if we turn it on, you can find us?
26:21But the conveyor doesn't work.
26:25The battery is dead.
26:28Let me try.
26:29No, I'll do it.
26:32You don't even know how it works.
26:34Don't worry, I'm an American.
26:36My whole life revolves around electronics.
26:39I can handle it.
26:46That was the battery, which landed in the river with a happy salto.
26:51You're a pig-head!
26:54You probably mean weak-headed.
26:56I don't care, I didn't talk to you.
26:58How are we supposed to find them?
27:01Why are you so sure they're looking for us?
27:03Of course they're looking for us, Ryan. My grandfather will take care of it.
27:07Do you think my grandfather would leave me in the lurch?
27:10Do you think Dr. Tyler would leave you in the lurch?
27:12That wouldn't be the first time.
27:14I think you're talking nonsense.
27:16Your father is a good man.
27:18A good friend of the people here.
27:20And he's a friend of the panda.
27:21That's the problem.
27:22He's always had time for everyone and was friends with everyone.
27:25But I didn't care about him.
27:30Maybe we can go back.
27:37Where are we?
27:38How are we supposed to get back?
27:40I don't know. I think we got lost.
27:43Lost? I thought you knew where we had to go.
27:46We're so far away that I've lost my orientation.
27:51Oh, great.
27:54If I could see the mountain of the four sisters, I'd know which way we have to go.
28:00And wherever the mountain of the four sisters may be,
28:03Ling and Ryan with the panda boy make their way to the lake to look for him.
28:14The Panda Boy
28:25In the meantime, Dr. Tyler tries to receive signals from the radio station
28:31that Ling is with him.
28:33Grandfather Chu tells Dr. Tyler what happened.
28:36And everyone hopes that nothing has happened to the children and the little panda.
28:42Did you get any signals?
28:43Not a single one.
28:44Is he receiving a signal?
28:45No, not yet.
28:47Ling has the necklace with the transmitter.
28:49She took it off.
28:52The sun is about to set.
28:54We can't do anything out here.
28:56We should go back to the radio station and try to receive the signal.
29:04Ling and Ryan have been on the road for hours.
29:07But Ling still has no idea where they are.
29:10The mountain of the four sisters seems to have disappeared.
29:15Ling and Ryan urgently need a break now.
29:18And the little panda seems to be very exhausted.
29:23He acts as if he is crying.
29:25My grandfather says that pandas also cry.
29:29A long time ago, pandas were very white.
29:33A white panda had a girlfriend.
29:35She was still young.
29:37She was the youngest of four sisters.
29:41The panda helped her to protect the sheep of her father.
29:45One day a hungry tiger came and wanted to eat the panda.
29:49The girl tried to help the panda and was killed by the tiger.
29:55To honor the girl, the pandas rubbed their arms with black ash.
30:00They mourned the little one.
30:04All pandas were very, very sad.
30:07The black ash spread on their fur and even got into their eyes because they cried so much.
30:13And when they could open their eyes again, the three sisters were gone.
30:17But when did they run away?
30:21They missed their sister so much that they jumped into the river.
30:25The next day, a mountain emperor with four peaks arrived at the site.
30:30I bet those are the four sisters.
30:34They guard the pandas, take care of them and will always protect them.
30:40So that the pandas will never forget the girl they loved so much.
30:44That's why the pandas live as they were.
30:47Black and white.
30:51That's really bullshit.
30:53It's not about bullshit, it's about pandas.
30:56No, I mean, it's all invented.
30:59My grandfather doesn't lie.
31:02Well, and how do you explain that the pandas are threatened to die?
31:07Ling doesn't know the answer to that.
31:10And so they quietly continue to drag the little, flapping panda.
31:16But the panda's mother is not doing well either.
31:19And Dr. Tyler is worried about her.
31:24Well, my girl.
31:28She doesn't want to eat.
31:31That's not good, Shi.
31:33You have to have strength when your boy comes back.
31:45Ling and Ryan continue along the river bank until they reach a place
31:50where a tree trunk as a bridge allows a transition to the other bank.
31:56You see, we'll probably get across the river quite well here.
32:00But why do you still have the neckband?
32:03That might be a nice memory when I get home.
32:08Quite slippery.
32:16Oh no, not again!
32:20The tree trunk was too slippery and all three landed in the water again.
32:26But the water is calmer here and at a part of the river that is very murky,
32:31the three get ashore again.
32:33But what do Ling and Ryan look like?
32:36Completely dirty.
32:38And on the arms and legs and in the face they have strange little stripes
32:43that even move.
32:45Ling finds it extremely strange how Ryan looks.
32:54Ah, how funny. If you want to laugh about something, you should see your face.
32:58You have such a weird stuff everywhere.
33:00You have such a stuff in your face too.
33:07Eww, disgusting!
33:09What did you say?
33:11Eww, disgusting!
33:17Ling, I have so much in my face!
33:19Eww, disgusting!
33:21Eww, disgusting!
33:26Now the two have taken off their clothes and jump into the clean part of the river
33:31to free themselves from the bloodstains.
33:46And only through a small bush separated from each other, both recognize that they are naked.
33:52Hey, you come here! Stay on your side!
33:55Don't worry, I'm not coming.
33:57Do you think I'm keen to see you naked?
34:00That's not right. Besides, I've seen a lot of naked women.
34:04A. I have cable TV.
34:07B. I'm the absolute type of woman.
34:11Type of woman?
34:13Well, yes.
34:16Type of woman.
34:18Half woman, half type?
34:20No, that's not what I meant.
34:22You know, it's like this. I'm...
34:24Oh, forget it. You know, I'm not crazy about you right now, so I don't care if you're naked or not.
34:33The clothes should be washed.
34:35Get out and get them!
34:37No chance.
34:38If you get the clothes, you'll get the chocolate bar and don't have to give it up.
34:41Forget it. The chocolate bar is probably full of that stuff, too.
34:44Okay, then I'll just wait here.
34:46Okay, I'll wait in here, too.
34:57It's getting pretty cold, huh?
35:00It's not cold here.
35:03Ling, you're shaking. I can see that from here.
35:06Why are you doing this anyway?
35:09Well, playing the strong.
35:11I'm strong.
35:13Maybe, but every now and then you have to be funny and do something crazy.
35:18I don't have time for that. I have to take care of the pandas.
35:21But you're still young.
35:23Do you never just go for a stroll with your friends or play video games?
35:29Yes, go through the streets and look at shops.
35:32And that's fun?
35:34I don't have time for friends. I have to earn money for my family.
35:38Why? Where's your father?
35:41My father is dead.
35:44I'm sorry.
35:46You're lucky you have a father.
35:51Ryan looks at his wristwatch to see what time it is.
35:55And suddenly, it strikes him.
35:58My watch has a battery!
36:03Now it doesn't matter to either of them anymore that they're naked.
36:06Out of the water, into the clothes and the battery into the neckband transmitter.
36:13Be careful!
36:17There, you see? It works!
36:20A few minutes later...
36:25Far away in the station of the reserve.
36:31Wake up! Come on, quick!
36:40You see?
36:41The transmitter on the neckband. The signal is weak.
36:45So they're on the other side of the mountain.
36:49At this point, everything is sent for the search for Ling and Ryan.
36:57On their way and in search of the Mountain of the Four Sisters,
37:01Ling and Ryan arrive in a Tibetan village,
37:04where they are welcomed warmly by the oldest of the village.
37:10Oh, it's you.
37:12Yes, it's me.
37:15That's good. He won't hurt you.
37:29He says the panda brings luck to the village.
37:34And that's why they want to celebrate a festival now.
37:45What's that? Rice wine?
37:47Yes, it's a special rice wine.
37:50It's good for your health.
37:53He says the one who protects the pandas is a friend of his village.
38:07Isn't it delicious?
38:13What's that?
38:15A speciality, monkey brain.
38:20And what's that?
38:21Smoked mushrooms in fresh yak milk.
38:25No way!
38:29He says it's chocolate.
38:31Please, please!
38:34I'm sorry.
38:35Those are snails.
38:46It's a happy festival for the whole village.
38:49And in the evening, the oldest of the village, Ling, Ryan and the little panda
38:54are brought to the attic of his house.
38:57Here they will spend the night.
38:59As happy Ling and Ryan are at the moment,
39:02they worry a lot about the little panda,
39:05who will soon be gone.
39:08But Ling and Ryan are very happy.
39:11As happy as they are, they worry a lot about the little panda.
39:18He doesn't want to eat anything.
39:20Pandas don't eat cake.
39:26What should we do? He's getting weaker.
39:30I'm going to take the little panda with me.
39:33I'm going to take the little panda with me.
39:36We'll stay here tonight.
39:38Tomorrow morning he'll help us.
39:41Then we'll bring the little panda to his mother in the reserve.
39:44Tomorrow it could be too late.
39:47I think I have an idea.
39:50Ryan remembers the bottle with the yak milk,
39:53in which the mushrooms were smoked.
39:55And instantly he's back with the bottle full of milk.
40:00Well, it's yak milk, but it could work.
40:11Unfortunately it doesn't work.
40:16But it was a good idea.
40:18The next day
40:23Meanwhile it's night.
40:26In the covered ceiling, Ling and Ryan are lying on mattresses,
40:30and look through the crevices in the wall of the attic
40:33at the clear starry sky.
40:36We should slowly come up with a name.
40:39In China the tradition is that
40:42when a baby is born,
40:45it's put under the starry sky
40:48and gets its name.
40:50That's how the evil spirits know
40:53this baby was sent by heaven.
40:56What name do you like?
40:59I have a friend at home.
41:01His name is Johnny.
41:04He's small and fat.
41:08What do you think of the name?
41:11In Chinese it means the best of the forest.
41:14I don't think my friend Johnny is the best of the forest,
41:17but he's definitely the best when it comes to food.
41:22I like the name.
41:27If you go around,
41:30a lot of girls will want to go with you.
41:35That was a lie.
41:38I'm not that kind of guy.
41:44Maybe one day I'll come to America
41:47and you'll go around with me.
41:53I know almost all the constellations.
41:56My dad painted them on the ceiling.
41:59He said whenever I was lonely,
42:02I could look up at the stars.
42:05And even if he wasn't with me,
42:08we would always see the same stars
42:11and we would never be separated.
42:16Hand in hand,
42:18they fall into a deep sleep of exhaustion,
42:21towards an uncertain tomorrow.
42:31The warm rays of the sun
42:33have hardly taken over from the new day,
42:35when Ryan is already awake.
42:37Outside he hears unrest
42:39and a look through the gap in the wooden wall of the attic
42:42tells him everything.
42:44The wilder ones have appeared.
42:46Excited, they fight with their rifles
42:49and interrogate the villagers.
42:51But two children with a panda
42:53don't want anyone to see them.
42:55They all just twitch with their shoulders.
42:58Ling, Ling, wake up!
43:00The wilder ones are here!
43:03How did they get out of here?
43:06It's easy, or almost easy.
43:09Under the eyes of the wilder ones,
43:11the village elder loads three heavy sacks
43:14onto a horse-drawn carriage,
43:16on which sacks are already stacked with corn husks.
43:22But when suddenly the little panda
43:24carefully puts his head out of the sack,
43:27the horses get so scared that they go crazy.
43:30Of course, the wilder ones now know
43:32what was being played there,
43:34but they don't care,
43:36because the horse-drawn carriage
43:38is now far away.
43:40Ling and Ryan have all the trouble
43:42to get rid of the passing horses.
44:16How many sisters?
44:19The reserve is on the other side.
44:23Come on, let's go!
44:25The mountain pass is far too dangerous.
44:28We have to go around the outside.
44:30But it takes a day longer.
44:33Ling, we don't have that much time.
44:36He'll die otherwise.
44:38Ling, we have to try.
44:42It is a difficult and dangerous climbing part
44:45that the two have in front of them.
44:48And soon they realize
44:50what they have done.
44:56Ryan, I can't go on.
44:59And the little panda is too heavy.
45:01Come on, Ling.
45:03We can't give up now.
45:05It's not that far now.
45:08It's no use.
45:10He's so weak, he can't stand up.
45:14We won't make it.
45:17Now I'll tell you something.
45:19We were still at the bridge.
45:21Do you remember how I didn't want to let you go?
45:24I won't let Johnny die either.
45:28I promise.
45:31The climbing part continues.
45:34What the two can't know,
45:36but hope for,
45:38is on the way.
45:40Dr. Tyler and the search team
45:42with the transportable receiver
45:44are still far away,
45:46but can receive the radio signals well.
45:50The signal is getting stronger.
45:52That means we're getting closer.
45:57Dr. Tyler now knows
45:59where he has to look for the two.
46:01And soon afterwards.
46:03Dr. Tyler sees two children in the rock wall
46:06in front of the high plateau of the four sisters,
46:09Ling and Ryan.
46:21Immediately Dr. Tyler climbs up the mountain
46:24despite his injury.
46:32Ling and Ryan have reached the plateau.
46:35A wonderful view
46:37compensates for almost all the effort
46:39the two had to make.
46:44I can already see the valley.
46:46Hold on, Johnny. It won't take long.
46:50Why don't you go on?
46:52I can't. I can't go on here.
46:55Ling and Ryan stare at the abyss
46:58that opens up at the edge of the plateau.
47:01Here they have no chance of a descent.
47:04What now?
47:06We can't get down here. What do we do now?
47:09We have to turn around.
47:11We don't have time for that.
47:13But there's no other way.
47:15We have to go back all the way.
47:17Ling and Ryan turn around.
47:19They want to turn around.
47:21There are the two wilder ones in front of them.
47:24One of the wilder ones points his rifle at the two.
47:27They want Johnny.
47:29But they can't get him.
47:31I warn you!
47:33Suddenly, Ryan throws himself at the wilder ones.
47:37They are so battered that they can't shoot.
47:40Ryan throws one to the ground.
47:42Ling jumps on the second one
47:44and pulls his pointed fingernails through his face.
47:47A wild fight ensues.
47:56This is the moment when Ryan's father appears
47:59and beats up the wilder ones.
48:09After all this fighting,
48:11Johnny, the panda boy who sat in Ling's backpack,
48:14didn't do so well.
48:16In the high arch, he flew into the branches of a tree
48:19and is now stuck there.
48:21That wouldn't have been so bad
48:24if the tree wouldn't protrude far over the ground.
48:28Wait, Johnny! I'm coming!
48:30Dr. Tyler!
48:31Hold on!
48:32I'm coming!
48:38I'll get you!
48:42I'm coming!
48:52Be careful, Ryan!
48:54Be very careful!
48:56Don't fall down!
48:58I've got you!
49:01Everything's fine.
49:03Be careful!
49:05I've got you!
49:17Everyone is more than relieved.
49:20That went well just now.
49:22Dr. Tyler holds Ryan very tightly in his arms.
49:26But all problems are not solved yet.
49:31Johnny is very weak, Dad.
49:33We have to hurry.
49:35I know.
49:37I know, Ryan.
49:39We'll take him to the imperial guard right away.
49:44As soon as possible,
49:46they make their way back.
49:48The two wilder ones in a tow truck.
49:51Then they are on the clearing where the tractor is waiting.
49:54And as fast as now,
49:56this old vehicle has never been driven through the area.
50:05And really, in the very last moment,
50:07Dr. Tyler manages to kneel the tractor in front of the bus
50:11with the departing committee members.
50:18What are you doing?
50:20Dr. Tyler, what's the meaning of this?
50:22Excuse me, Mr. Sue, but I wanted to prevent the committee from leaving without...
50:25It's too late.
50:27It doesn't make sense. The closure of the reservation is decided.
50:29You're closing the reservation?
50:31Yes, you didn't manage to successfully breed pandas.
50:33Please, one moment, please, Mr. Sue.
50:35I'm sorry.
50:37Dr. Tyler, you didn't manage to...
50:40Mr. Sue's eyes are on Ryan,
50:42who brought Johnny from the tractor
50:44and is now taking him to his mother.
50:48Dr. Tyler, you should have told me there was a boy.
50:51Under these circumstances, the reservation will not be closed, of course.
50:54I promise you that. Congratulations.
50:59The joy of this decision by Mr. Sue is overwhelming.
51:03And hardly anyone can suppress the tears of joy.
51:07Well, there is someone else who is very happy.
51:11The mother of the panda bears.
51:13She happily sniffs her boy
51:15and Johnny has nothing to do in a hurry
51:18than to eat really well with his mother for the first time.
51:30Well, I'm sure he'll be fine again soon.
51:32Still, we have a pretty big problem.
51:35What is it?
51:36Well, the two have to stay here for a few months for observation
51:39until the panda bear gets better.
51:42And if I think about how much has to be done here,
51:44then I wonder if they will get enough care.
51:47Couldn't you hire someone for that?
51:49That's not such a bad idea.
51:54Do you already have plans for the summer holidays?
51:56Are you serious?
52:04With a sweaty smile,
52:06Dr. Tyler takes his son in his arms
52:09and presses him hard.
52:11Then Brian looks at Ling
52:13and he sees that she is looking forward to a soon reunion.
52:18Because her eyes shine like never before.
52:41The End
