• 2 days ago


00:18Solo estoy cogiendo unas cosas para mi dormitorio.
00:20Ya me voy.
00:22Estarás en tu casa?
00:24Pensé que habrías salido ya.
00:26¿Cómo es que no estás camino del internado?
00:28Porque antes de irme, necesito comentarte un asunto.
00:32Jesús, prometiste que saldrías a primera hora.
00:36Y me diste tu palabra de que traerías a la niña de vuelta hoy.
00:39Y voy a cumplir.
00:41Es solo que necesito que esta tarde estés presente en una reunión de negocios.
00:49¿Para qué?
00:51¿Me vas a devolver mi dinero?
00:56Quiero presentarte a mi socio.
00:59Él es un hombre muy tradicional y para él es muy importante una familia unida.
01:03Así que necesito que se lleve una buena impresión de nosotros.
01:09Lo siento, pero no es lo que acordamos.
01:13Ser discreta y actuar como una esposa normal.
01:16Eso es lo que acordamos y no creo que sea muy extraordinario.
01:19También acordamos que la niña estaría aquí antes de comer.
01:21Y aquí sigues.
01:23Es como quedamos.
01:25No me fío de ti, Jesús.
01:27Ni yo de ti.
01:29Y si para ti presentarte a un socio para evitar habladuría sobre nuestra crisis matrimonial no entra dentro de nuestro acuerdo,
01:36pues todavía estamos a tiempo.
01:37¿A tiempo de qué?
01:39De replantearnos las cosas.
01:41¿Quieres que vaya a buscar a Julia o no?
01:44Eres un miserable.
01:46Mecoña, no sé si yo me expliqué mal o tú no terminaste de entenderlo del todo bien.
01:51Pero vamos, que yo no tengo ningún inconveniente en que lo hablemos de nuevo.
01:53No, no hace falta.
01:54El resumen está muy claro.
01:56Que tengo que hacer lo que te plazca para que traigas a la niña de vuelta, ¿no?
01:58Eso no es verdad.
02:00Yo solo te he pedido que fuera de este dormitorio te comportes como si fueras lo que realmente eres.
02:05Mi querida esposa.
02:07No soy tan buena actriz.
02:09Ya te digo yo que lo eres.
02:12¿Crees que va a hacer falta más fruta o...?
02:15Marta, tranquilízate, por favor.
02:17Que todo va a ir bien.
02:19Sé que lo estás haciendo por mí y eso es lo que importa.
02:22Bueno, también lo hago por mí.
02:24Aprecio mucho a tu padre.
02:26Quiero demostrarle lo que siento.
02:28Por lo que sea.
02:29No haría falta, de verdad.
02:31Yo te lo agradezco mucho.
02:33Además, haciendo este tipo de cosas,
02:35me parece que no tienes ni idea de lo que está pasando.
02:38Yo te lo agradezco mucho.
02:39Además, haciendo este tipo de cosas,
02:41me siento como si fuésemos una pareja normal.
02:50Buenos días, hija.
02:52Hola, padre.
02:53¿Qué haces aquí tan temprano?
02:57Buenos días, Isidro.
02:59Buenos días.
03:01Oí voces y pensaba que era mi hija hablando con Teresa.
03:05Hemos venido a desayunar con usted.
03:07Y como es tan madrugador,
03:09queríamos tenerlo todo listo para cuando se levantase.
03:12¿Cuántas molestias os habéis tomado?
03:18¿Os vais las dos juntas, por fin?
03:21¿Es eso, no?
03:22No sea impaciente, por favor, que se me está adelantando.
03:25¿No prefiere que hablemos con un café en la mano?
03:38Padre, nadie se va de aquí.
03:41Ni Marta sola, por supuesto.
03:44Ni yo tras ella,
03:46que es lo que hubiera hecho sin dudar.
03:49Las dos nos quedamos.
03:57Y el tiempo pasa.
03:59A partir de cierta hora no podré sacar a Julia del internado.
04:02Tienen sus horarios.
04:03Jesús, basta ya.
04:05Te estás aprovechando de las ganas que tengo de que Julia vuelva a casa.
04:08Cada vez que hacemos un trato, el que sale ganando eres tú.
04:10¿Tú crees?
04:12Pues yo creo que hacer tu vida y tener una relación clandestina
04:15con mi adorado hermano no es muy beneficioso para mí que digamos.
04:18Mira, Jesús, no quiero discutir.
04:21Lo que quiero es que te vayas ya.
04:24Así que sí.
04:26Iré a esa maldita reunión y actuaré como una buena esposa.
04:32Aunque te cueste creerlo, es lo mejor para todos.
04:36Piensa que con Julia de vuelta no podremos ir cada uno por nuestro lado.
04:40¿Lo ves?
04:42Más condiciones.
04:43Tranquila. Solo era una reflexión en alto.
04:46En fin, salgo ya para el internado.
04:49Estaremos de vuelta a la hora de comer.
04:52O casi ya para merendar.
04:54Esta negociación se ha alargado más de lo que pensaba.
04:57Hasta luego.
05:02Entonces eso quiere decir que todas las dudas que tenía sobre
05:06cómo llevar el peso de la empresa sin parecerse a su padre y su hermano
05:11se han aclarado.
05:13Es cierto que me atormentaba pensar que la ambición pudiese devorarme.
05:18Pero después de hablar con Fina me di cuenta de que eso,
05:21estando ella conmigo, no va a pasar.
05:23Porque ella es mi apoyo.
05:26Padre, confía en nosotras.
05:29Es una decisión que hemos tomado entre las dos.
05:32Queremos hacerle partícipe.
05:34Y aunque tenga sus dudas razonables, me importa...
05:39Nos importa mucho lo que piense.
05:42Marta, yo quiero que entienda...
05:44Le entiendo. No tiene por qué justificarse.
05:46No, no, déjeme decirlo.
05:48Yo creo que es una buena decisión.
05:51Marta, yo quiero que entienda...
05:53Le entiendo. No tiene por qué justificarse.
05:55No, no, déjeme terminar, por favor.
05:59Yo tengo que velar por mi hija.
06:02Cuando le pedí que la dejara, le miraba a los ojos
06:06y sabía que no estaba siendo justo.
06:09Porque su mirada me decía que nunca la abandonaría.
06:13Porque eso sería como arrancarle parte de su alma.
06:17Así es.
06:19Bueno, o nos comemos estos huevos revueltos o van a estar helados.
06:22Sí, señor. Huevos revueltos.
06:24A esto le voy a querer pintado una loncha de panceta.
06:26Panceta. Vale, de verdad, ¿eh?
06:28Es que no hay pretexto malo para que se salte la dieta.
06:31Ay, por Dios, qué tirana eres, hija.
06:33Ayúdame, Marta. Convénzala, por favor.
06:35No, a quien tengo que convencer es a usted para que me tutee.
06:38Podríamos decir que, bueno, que somos casi familia.
06:43Fruta, padre. Eso es lo que tiene que comer.
06:45Fruta. Panceta, qué panceta.
06:48Buenos días.
06:50Buenos días, don Damián.
06:52¿Necesita algo, patrón?
06:54No, estaba buscando a Gemma o a Teresa,
06:57porque nos hemos quedado sin café en el comedor.
06:59Puede que quede algo en la cocina.
07:02Bueno, puedo pasárselo perfectamente.
07:06De paso, quería avisaros de que mañana vendrán unos técnicos
07:12a instalar un aparato de televisión.
07:15Lo digo por si alguien no quiere perderse la efeméride del encendido.
07:19Parece que nos modernizamos.
07:23Y bueno, Julia merece el mejor de los recibimientos.
07:35Bueno, pues no molesto más.
07:38Que aproveche.
07:43¿Viene esa panceta o qué?
07:47Con la corbata no se ve que falta un botón.
07:49¿Cómo iba a dejar que fueras a la fábrica como un Adán?
07:52Mira lo que he tardado en coserlo.
07:54También podría haberlo cosido yo.
07:56No me fío yo de tus cosidos.
07:58Has servido el café. Gracias, hijo.
08:00¿Qué te pasa?
08:02¿Por qué tienes esa foto?
08:05Hay algo que tengo que...
08:07que contaros.
08:09A ver, ¿qué pasa ahora? Que no estoy para asustos.
08:13Déjate hablar.
08:15Ayer tuve una conversación con luz
08:18y me...
08:21me reveló algo que...
08:24que debéis saber.
08:26Es que esto no se va a acabar nunca.
08:28Déjale hablar.
08:30Nuestro hermano Valentín...
08:33Nuestro hermano Valentín...
08:37tuvo una hija con Clotilde.
08:44¿Julia? ¿Qué Julia?
08:49Que Julia es hija de Valentín.
08:53Que es nuestra sobrina.
08:55¿Pero qué narices estás diciendo?
08:57Luz lo tiene claro.
08:59Begoña tenía problemas para quedarse embarazada.
09:01En fin, que comenzaron a sospechar.
09:04Y descubrieron que Jesús es estéril.
09:06Que no, no puede tener...
09:08Que Julia no puede ser su hija.
09:10¿Y cómo saben que Julia es hija de Valentín?
09:13Pues a raíz de que Begoña descubriese la relación
09:15que tuvieron Clotilde y Valentín,
09:17Luz se puso a indagar en los grupos sanguíneos
09:19que hay registrados en los archivos de don Evaristo.
09:22No hay ninguna duda.
09:25Julia es hija de Valentín.
09:29Madre no va a decir nada.
09:34Ya lo sabía.
09:41Damián me lo contó.
09:44Poco después de saber de la muerte de vuestro hermano.
09:51Gracias por acompañarme a por los cirios.
09:54A veces ya lo sabes que el trabajo clerical
09:56puede ser un poco solitario.
09:58No hay de qué. Yo lo acompañaré siempre que quiera.
10:01Además, ahora tengo mucho tiempo libre.
10:03¿Cómo te encuentras?
10:05Ya me he enterado de que has dejado el trabajo en el matadero.
10:08Pues sí.
10:09A mí ya me extrañó que quisieras entrar en un sitio así.
10:12Como te vi con tantas ganas, no quise decirte nada.
10:15Pero alguien con tu sensibilidad sacrificando animales.
10:19Con decirle que no sé si voy a volver a probar la carne.
10:23Como en cuaresma.
10:25Aprovecha para ofrecer tu renuncia al señor.
10:27Él peleará porque encuentres un trabajo mejor.
10:29Yo lo que quiero es montar mi librería.
10:31Y reunir lo suficiente.
10:33Estas son las encrucijadas de la vida.
10:35Si tuviera algo, yo mismo te lo prestaría,
10:37pero mucho me temo que no puedo.
10:39Pues se lo agradezco mucho.
10:40Mi plan ahora mismo es encontrar un trabajo
10:42y perseverar y perseverar hasta reunir el dinero, claro.
10:45No sé lo que cuesta abrir una librería,
10:47pero piensa que te llevará tiempo reunir ese dinero.
10:50Bueno, tardaré un poco más en conseguir mi sueño.
10:53Pero lo que tengo claro es que no voy a abandonar la ilusión.
10:59Quizá haya otra solución.
11:02Ya sé que tu padre se negó a darte más dinero,
11:04pero quizás si hablo yo con él...
11:06Se lo agradezco, pero no.
11:08Soy un hombre adulto y tengo que valerme por mí mismo.
11:11Pero hijo, seguro que tu padre no aprueba
11:13que estés pasando estas penurias.
11:14Por favor, don Agustín, no insista.
11:16Es que mi padre no va a cambiar de opinión,
11:18y yo tengo mi orgullo.
11:19Además, tengo que proveer lo necesario
11:21para poder mantener a mi familia.
11:23El señor está contigo.
11:24Él te dará fuerzas para seguir.
11:26¿Usted cree?
11:28Yo creo que Dios me está castigando
11:30por haber abandonado al sacerdocio.
11:32Dios ya te ha perdonado,
11:33pero ¿sabes que le gusta ponernos a prueba?
11:35Por favor, vamos a ser realistas y míreme.
11:38Es que no tengo experiencia, no tengo ni callos en las manos.
11:43Es que así no voy a ningún sitio.
11:45Lo único que he hecho ha sido trabajar aquí en la fábrica
11:47y lo poco que he durado de cura...
11:49No te rindas, tú tienes muchas buenas cualidades.
11:51Eres responsable, eres trabajador, eres honesto.
11:54Sí, eso mismo dice Claudia.
11:56Pero vamos, que no basta.
11:58Ahora mismo me urge arreglar mi futuro
12:00antes de que nazca el bebé y antes de que nos casemos.
12:03Esa es otra.
12:05Yo no quiero ser agorero,
12:06pero la dispensa papá no creo que llegue pronto
12:08si es que te la conceden.
12:10Pues ahora mismo esto no me ayuda, la verdad.
12:12Me tengo que agarrar a un ápice de ilusión.
12:15Mi consejo es que te ilusiones
12:17con algo que dependa de ti, como buscar trabajo.
12:19Los temas de la curia, por desgracia, siguen su curso
12:22y no podemos hacer nada para acelerarlo.
12:33Pero ¿cómo ha podido callar tanto tiempo que teníamos una sobrina?
12:36He estado tentada de contarlo muchas veces.
12:39¿Y por qué no lo hizo?
12:40Por lo mismo que ahora no estoy exigiendo la custodia de mi nieta
12:44para protegerla.
12:45¿De verdad?
12:47Sí, de verdad.
12:50¿Cómo va a encajar una niña tan pequeña una noticia como esa?
12:54No quiero desmoronar su mundo.
12:56La quiero demasiado.
12:57¿Lo sabrá tarde o temprano?
12:59En su momento.
13:03Cuando lo supe,
13:05aún creía que vuestro hermano había matado a Clotilde.
13:09La sola idea de que esa niña supiera
13:12que su verdadero padre había matado a su madre
13:14me producía escalofríos.
13:16Y ahora sabemos que fue su padrastro quien mató a su padre y a su madre.
13:22Jesús dejó huérfana a la niña.
13:25¿Podéis entender por qué no lo he contado?
13:28Para protegerla.
13:30Pues mire de lo que ha servido.
13:32Jesús ha mandado fuera a la niña para castigar a Begoña.
13:34No, no, no, no, no. Es una Merino.
13:37No podemos dejarla bajo la custodia de Jesús.
13:39Lo único que va a aprender de él es a despreciarnos.
13:42No podemos precipitarnos.
13:45Esa niña no es como Jesús.
13:48Y además está Begoña. Ejerce una gran influencia sobre ella.
13:51Y la ha protegido siempre.
13:52Sí, eso es verdad, pero no es suficiente.
13:54Los tres sabemos de lo que es capaz Jesús.
13:56Tenemos que proteger a la niña.
13:58Pero hay que sacarla de allí.
13:59Pero ahora no.
14:02Nos guste o no nos guste,
14:04Jesús es legalmente su padre.
14:07Bueno, madre, pero ahora lo sabemos.
14:10Y sabemos cómo es Jesús.
14:11Sabemos de lo que es capaz.
14:14¿Nos vamos a quedar de brazos cruzados como si nada?
14:23¿Cómo que Jacinto no era lo que pensábamos?
14:25¿Qué no?
14:26No, no era...
14:27¿Qué no, qué no? Te lo digo yo porque me metió un beso en la boca.
14:29¿Qué? ¿Carmen de verdad?
14:32¿Y te gustó?
14:33¿Qué me va a gustar, Fina? ¿Cómo me va a gustar?
14:34Sí, menos mal.
14:35No me digas que por eso la has echado.
14:37Otra igual. Lo mismo me ha dicho Claudio cuando se lo ha contado.
14:39No, no. ¿Cómo lo voy a echar por eso?
14:41Yo qué sé, mujer.
14:42¿Cómo estaba tan contento el chico con este trabajo?
14:44¿Y se ha ido tan escopetado?
14:45Bueno, se ha ido escopetado porque no aguantaba la situación
14:48y decidió poner un poquito de tierra de por medio.
14:50¿Y lo de Barcelona?
14:51Bueno, ahí sí que intercedí yo con doña Marta
14:53para que lo destieran a Nachi.
14:56La verdad es que es una pena porque era un trabajador maravilloso
14:59y pocos hombres hay con esa sensibilidad y esa apertura de mente.
15:02Lo voy a echar mucho de menos.
15:04Mejor que Tasio no te escuche hablar así de él, ¿eh?
15:06Ay, Fina, pero que no lo digo en el sentido de él.
15:08Que ya lo sé, Carmencita, que lo estaba haciendo para picarte.
15:11Ay, escúchame, el paquete de las hermanas Vega está listo para enviar.
15:16Muy bien. Que no se vaya a confundir el repartidor, ¿eh?
15:19De todas formas, yo en menos de una hora estoy aquí.
15:21Me ha dicho la constructora que firma no sé qué papel de modificación de obra
15:24y vuelvo.
15:25Carmen, vete tranquila.
15:27De verdad, que entre Claudia y yo nos apañamos.
15:29Muy bien.
15:30Y este hombre, de verdad, no puede llegar a tiempo ni un día.
15:35Dios mío, Tasio.
15:37No sabes lo que daría yo por estar en tu hogar.
15:39Tantas cosas que Marta y yo no podremos hacer nunca.
15:42Bueno, pero vive juntas y puede.
15:44Hay muchas mujeres que lo hacen, ¿eh?
15:46Sí, seremos las hermanas solteronas o las primas que se quieren mucho.
15:52Buenos días.
15:53Buenos días, don Damián.
15:55Justo le estaba dando indicaciones a Fina antes de irme a la constructora.
15:58Ah, no sabía.
16:00Bueno, si Marta te ha dado permiso, no tengo ningún problema.
16:04Carmen, yo atiendo a don Damián.
16:06Voy a buscar a Tasio tranquila.
16:07Muy bien.
16:08Sí, bebé, no te preocupes por mí.
16:10Ya a la vuelta ya me contarás cómo van esas obras.
16:13Claro que sí.
16:14Muchas gracias, don Damián.
16:23Bueno, yo he venido porque quería hablar sobre Marta.
16:28Ya, ya me imagino.
16:37¿Crees que a Julia le gustará?
16:40Le va a encantar.
16:43Pero el mejor regalo para Julia es volver a casa.
16:46Y te lo debo a ti.
16:48Ha sacrificado mucho para que vuelva.
16:50Pero eso ella no lo sabe.
16:52Quería demostrarle de alguna manera que me hace muy feliz que vuelva a casa.
16:55Estoy seguro de que ella lo sabe, Begoña.
16:58Además, la bicicleta es la excusa perfecta para salir de casa y pasar tiempo juntas.
17:03Sí, se me ha perdido el día libre.
17:05Pero no sé si ha sido buena idea, porque todo el día aquí en casa sin hacer nada,
17:09la espera se me va a hacer eterna.
17:12Tranquila, Begoña.
17:13Todo irá bien.
17:15Tengo tantas ganas de verla.
17:17Yo también.
17:20Gracias por haber encajado tan bien mi decisión.
17:25Entiendo por qué lo has hecho.
17:27Y pase lo que pase, estaré aturado para protegerte.
17:31Lo que no sé es si seré capaz de estar mucho tiempo sin estar contigo.
17:37Antes de marcharse, Jesús me ha dicho que...
17:44¿Nos cortáis vosotros a lo vuestro?
17:46Sí, yo ya me iba.
17:48Quería ver el regalo para Julia.
17:50Por mí no hace falta que te vayas.
17:51No, he quedado con Luis. Vuelvo enseguida.
17:54Quiero estar para recibir a Julia.
17:56Y ver la cara cuando le des el regalo.
18:11¿Lista para el papelón de tu vida?
18:14Con Julia en casa espero que te abstengas de tontear con mi marido.
18:18Me abstendré.
18:19No te preocupes.
18:21María, quería pedirte un favor.
18:25No voy a hacer nada por ti que esté en mi mano.
18:27Lo sé, no es por mí, es por la niña.
18:29Me gustaría que por lo menos delante de Julia pudieras...
18:32pudieras disimular cuánto te desagrada mi presencia.
18:36Que pudieras mantener las formas.
18:39Descuídase comportarme como una señora.
18:41Sí, ya he visto lo bien que te comportas en las fiestas.
18:44Hablando maravillas de mí.
18:46Todo buenas y sinceras palabras.
18:48Bueno, pues a eso me refiero.
18:50Que esa sinceridad te la puedes guardar delante de la niña.
18:53Si eres capaz.
18:55Cuando Julia vuelva se encuentre un ambiente acogedor y agradable.
18:58No un campo de batalla.
19:00La advertencia sobra.
19:02La niña no tiene la culpa de tener la madrastra que tiene.
19:06Le tengo mucho cariño y quiero lo mejor para ella.
19:08Pues que se vea, por favor.
19:12Julia no notará cuánto me desagrada respirar el mismo aire que tú.
19:25This morning, when I saw you having breakfast with your father...
19:28Yeah, I saw his face.
19:30He was waiting for us to invite him to breakfast, right?
19:37I know I can be regretful, but...
19:41No, Mr. Damián.
19:42Of regret, nothing.
19:44It's not your fault, but...
19:46I don't like feeling like this.
19:50I miss him.
19:53In any case, it's something he has to talk about with his daughter.
19:57Yes, I should talk to her, but...
20:00The problem is that...
20:02At the moment, our communication isn't very fluid.
20:06A family matter has come between us and...
20:08Yes, Mr. Damián is following us. I know him.
20:12He understands that Marta is affected, right?
20:17Yes, I would like to fix things with my daughter.
20:23I don't know how to start.
20:25I thought you could help me.
20:29What? Me?
20:30No, Mr. Damián.
20:32This is a matter between you and your daughter.
20:34And I don't want to intervene or get involved.
20:36I hope you can understand.
20:38Yes, I know I acted badly in the end.
20:40And I'm very sorry, but I can't change things.
20:44What I want is to amend my mistakes.
20:48I'm also able to do good things, Fina.
20:52If Marta trusts you to tell you all the bad things I do,
20:58she could have told you how she saw the photos I took of you.
21:04Remember how I made sure your father had the treatment he needed.
21:10And now he comes here to pay all those favors, talking to Marta. Is that it?
21:14No, no, no. Please don't get me wrong.
21:18Everything I've done, I did it from the bottom of my heart.
21:21And I would do it again, Fina.
21:23A thousand times.
21:27I would cover up for my son again.
21:31Protecting your loved ones is something that comes naturally to you.
21:34Love is impulsive.
21:36Mr. Damián, please, I don't even want to hear about that.
21:41I can't do what you ask of me.
21:44I just want Marta to forgive me.
21:47Is that so hard for you to understand?
21:52I'm begging you, Fina.
21:55Give me clues on how I can do it.
21:59Marta just wants to be who she is.
22:02And live according to that, without being justified, without pressure.
22:06Until she understands that, she can't do much.
22:10I'll try my best.
22:11Try sending me to Barcelona?
22:13Or talking to my father to convince him to let me go?
22:16That's what you're trying to do?
22:17That was the beginning.
22:19You have to understand that it was very hard for me
22:21to discover your relationship like that.
22:24Out of the blue.
22:26Mr. Damián, no. I'm not going to help you.
22:42Good morning.
22:43You can sit down, please.
22:47I wanted to talk to you about a new product I've been working on.
22:52It will be ready to be launched soon.
22:55What a surprise. I didn't know anything.
22:57No. Luis is always creating new fragrances.
23:01I've been working on several concepts.
23:03This is the first one.
23:04It's a new one.
23:05It's a new one.
23:06It's a new one.
23:07It's a new one.
23:09I've been working on several concepts, it's true.
23:11But in the end I've chosen one that I think is quite unique
23:15and different from anything I've done so far.
23:18We'd talk about a perfume.
23:19That's right.
23:21And in two versions.
23:23Feminine and masculine.
23:25Ah, feminine and masculine.
23:27With the same name.
23:29Something like that doesn't exist in the market.
23:31And it sounds very interesting.
23:34I'm sure it will be a perfume jewel.
23:35But in my opinion, right now,
23:37it's not the time to launch something so new or so different.
23:41It could be a little more specific.
23:43Yes, you see,
23:45in terms of sales,
23:46both Essences de la Reina and El Cofre de Anelos
23:49still have a long way to go.
23:51Something like that could take it.
23:55What do you think, Andrés?
23:57Yes, Luis, I think Marta is right.
23:59If we launch something new now,
24:01we would be committing ourselves to it.
24:03Well, I'm sorry, but I disagree with both.
24:05The concept is different.
24:06We wouldn't be competing with each other.
24:08I don't see it that way.
24:10Besides, we're still recovering from the investment in the launches.
24:14We had to increase the team,
24:16production costs also increased.
24:18Yes, yes, Marta, yes.
24:19Let's go.
24:20In short, no.
24:21Don't get defensive, Luis.
24:23I'm proposing a product placement.
24:26It's very interesting,
24:27and in fact, I definitely think we should continue working on it.
24:30In fact, have you thought of a name?
24:33Yes, you could think of something, even if it's temporary.
24:36And when the time comes to launch something,
24:38it will be poorly developed.
24:42I agree.
24:43But I'd like you to read it.
24:45I've brought some samples for you to test.
24:47If you don't mind,
24:49I'll go to the lab with you later.
24:52I have to go down to attend to an important matter with Joaquín.
24:58How are you, my boy?
24:59Hi, honey.
25:01What are you doing?
25:02Well, look, I'm looking at this.
25:04Hey, how's it going with the head of construction at Casa Cuna?
25:06Tino was his name, right?
25:08Ah, Tico.
25:09The truth is that very well.
25:10From the beginning, he gave us some advice to make the construction cheaper.
25:13Don't tell me.
25:15He told us that something was missing,
25:17and that we had to find a way to fix it.
25:19And what did he say?
25:21He told us that we had to find a way to fix it.
25:23What do you mean?
25:24He told us to put together the water outlets,
25:26the floor, instead of changing it, we're going to polish it.
25:28Ah, very good.
25:30The truth is that I think we have fully accepted hiring this year.
25:34Well, I'm so happy for you.
25:36Will you come with me to the canteen? I'm starving.
25:38Of course.
25:43Honey, you...
25:45You know I wouldn't have liked to give you the project of Casa Cuna, right?
25:49Well, don't worry.
25:50Besides, I have no idea about construction or construction.
25:53You've done the right thing.
25:55Besides, it's a serious project, you can't waste time or money.
25:58Don't worry.
25:59I'm sure you'll find a job right away.
26:01I certainly keep looking.
26:03Of course.
26:04Sooner or later, I'm sure you'll get it.
26:06We keep saving,
26:08and soon you'll see yourself fulfilling your dream of being surrounded by money.
26:12You are my dream,
26:13and it has already been fulfilled.
26:18Do you know what my dream is?
26:19What is it?
26:20I want to be able to get married and have a baby.
26:23Well, this morning I was chatting with Don Agustín,
26:26and he told me to be patient.
26:29Thank you very much.
26:30What are we going to do?
26:31I wanted to get married before the baby was born.
26:33Well, what about you?
26:36Oh, sorry, Natasio.
26:37I know I'm not a factory employee,
26:39but since I have a lot of free time,
26:40I've come here to have breakfast with Claudia.
26:42But I promise I won't entertain her too much.
26:44Well, you don't have to give me any explanation.
26:46I'm not short or short here.
26:47Well, at least you have a job,
26:49and some good money at the end of the month.
26:51Not like me, who is here working.
26:53I see that I'm back to the slaughterhouse.
26:55Well, look,
26:56I have the feeling that your life is going to change completely.
27:01How are you?
27:02Look to see if it's your size.
27:04Are you kidding me?
27:06Well, listen to me first.
27:07It's a temporary job,
27:08three months, nothing more,
27:09for a job without a qualification,
27:10for so much production demand.
27:12I don't know if you're interested.
27:13Man, of course he's interested.
27:14How could he not be interested, Natasio?
27:16Your union representative has given his approval.
27:18That's going to be tough.
27:19You'll have to support the loading dock,
27:20the packaging area, wherever necessary.
27:22I'll be changing shifts for you and another one I've interviewed.
27:24You're the best friend in the world, Natasio.
27:26What a good boss.
27:27Well, well, well.
27:28Okay, okay.
27:29Boss, I'm in charge.
27:31If you want to give someone the ball,
27:32give it to Joaquín.
27:33It will suit you better.
27:34Well, are you coming with me
27:35or are they going to make you the contract?
27:36Shall we start now?
27:37If you want to take a day off,
27:38start lying to me.
27:39No, no, no.
27:40Come on, I'm going, I'm going.
27:41Let's go.
27:43Come on, let's go.
27:47You're getting ahead of yourself.
27:49It's undeniable.
27:52But Luis, Martin was right.
27:54You have to wait.
27:55And it's a purely commercial decision.
27:57It has nothing to do with the rest.
27:59At this point, I don't know what to think, Andrés.
28:02Come on, Luis.
28:03Let's leave it at that.
28:04No, I'm not leaving it.
28:07And even less so after what I've heard.
28:10Let's see.
28:11Don't hold back.
28:13Tell me.
28:15That Julia is my niece.
28:17Although I suppose you already knew this.
28:19Like everything else.
28:21And if you're going to tell me you didn't tell me
28:23for the sake of the girl,
28:24you can save it,
28:25because my mother has already taken care of it.
28:27So why are you so angry?
28:29Because my blood boils thinking
28:30that the girl is coming back to your house.
28:32To live with the murderer of her mother and her father.
28:35Have you stopped thinking about that?
28:36Luis, all the time.
28:37But what good would it do for Maria Morena
28:39if Jesus is the one who has the power of the girl?
28:42Julia will continue to be the daughter of Jesus.
28:45Even if he destroys her.
28:47But Luis,
28:48I swear nothing will happen to her.
28:51I swear.
29:12What are you doing here?
29:13I come in peace, Digna.
29:15Very well.
29:16Tell me what you have to tell me
29:17and go where you came from.
29:20Julia is coming home.
29:21Jesus has gone to look for her at the boarding school.
29:23They are about to arrive.
29:24You can go see her whenever you want.
29:26And can you tell me
29:27why this act of generosity is coming on your behalf?
29:30You have always been very inflexible in this.
29:33And I don't think it has changed.
29:36I don't think it has changed.
29:38And I don't think it has changed.
29:41Begoña has come home.
29:43I suppose that had something to do with it.
29:47Aren't you happy about the news?
29:51I thought you were looking forward to seeing your granddaughter.
29:53Of course I want to see my granddaughter.
29:55But not like this.
29:57Like this? How?
29:58Blackmailing another of her victims.
30:01And forcing the girl to live under the same roof
30:03as a murderer and his accomplice.
30:06Digna what?
30:08You know,
30:10knowing what I know now,
30:13I prefer my granddaughter to stay in a boarding school.
30:15Don't be ridiculous.
30:16You know as well as I do
30:18that the best place where the girl can be is in her home,
30:20surrounded by the people who love her.
30:24Go back to her home.
30:26To the place where she grew up since she came into the world.
30:29To the house where you saw her grow up.
30:31You said it.
30:32Where I saw her grow up.
30:35But not as a grandmother.
30:38I see we're not going to get along.
30:40I just came to tell you that my house is open
30:42so you can be with the girl all the time you want.
30:45You do it for that, don't you?
30:49So she can come back to your house.
30:54My offer is sincere and I don't expect anything in return.
30:58But I know that Julia would be very happy
31:00if you were still part of her life.
31:08I love you.
31:19Have they arrived yet?
31:20Yes, there they are.
31:22I can't wait to see her.
31:23What a long wait.
31:29My love.
31:34My life.
31:36But you weigh more.
31:38Let me see you.
31:39You're beautiful, Julia.
31:44How are you, champ?
31:48You don't know how much I miss you all.
31:51And we miss you a lot.
31:59This boarding school was worse than the other one.
32:01The older ones said that the interns who behaved badly
32:04were locked up in the last floor
32:06and they forgot about them forever.
32:08Julia, please, we've already talked about it.
32:11They're just kids to have fun
32:13because of the new girls.
32:15Honey, but now you're at home
32:17and you'll be able to sleep in your bed.
32:20But no more boarding school.
32:22Right, Dad?
32:26My favorite granddaughter has arrived.
32:29But you don't have any more, Grandpa.
32:36You're crying.
32:37But it's out of joy.
32:39Julia, we've missed you a lot.
32:41We've been very sad because you weren't here.
32:43I didn't have anyone to play with.
32:45But I taught Maria.
32:47But I play so badly that your grandpa got bored.
32:49Come here.
32:55And Dina and Aunt Marta?
32:57Well, they'll be here soon.
32:59I'm sure they won't be long.
33:00Daughter, why don't you go up and unpack your luggage
33:02while they arrive?
33:04Well, since today is a special day,
33:06we'll ask Teresa to take care of it.
33:09And you don't know what they're bringing home tomorrow.
33:14A television set.
33:17That's great.
33:18So we can watch the contests.
33:20Soon there will be contests
33:21because I know someone has a surprise for you.
33:25What is it?
33:26You have to eat.
33:27Because you don't know how bad the food from that boarding school was.
33:30Let's see.
33:31Close your eyes, miss.
33:33Come with me.
33:35Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on.
33:39Three, two, one, go!
33:41A bike!
33:43I have the best family in the world.
33:48I love it.
33:56I love it.
34:07Do you see the membrane of the leaf?
34:09The pus has entered.
34:11We have to treat it before it becomes a plague.
34:14Thank you, Hugo.
34:20I went out to have a coffee at the canteen
34:22and I took the opportunity to see you.
34:23That's great.
34:25Lately, you worry a lot here, don't you?
34:28It relaxes me.
34:30They are easy to treat.
34:32Water, fertilizer, some treatment from time to time.
34:38Yesterday was a complicated day, wasn't it?
34:42Many things to assimilate, Luz.
34:46Did you know that my mother already knew that Julia was her granddaughter?
34:50No, I didn't know.
34:52Yes, Damián told her.
34:56No, leave it, leave it.
34:58It doesn't matter.
34:59No, no.
35:00What happens to me is that I don't know
35:02how long the secrets in this family will last.
35:04Sometimes I wonder how it will be
35:06to have a normal family
35:08where you can talk about everything without blunders.
35:10I can't help you.
35:11Shall we sit down?
35:12I've never seen you in a family.
35:17No, Luz, you have helped me.
35:20Because you have been brave and you have been honest with me.
35:23You haven't kept quiet.
35:24You haven't wanted to continue with this game.
35:26I already told you that for me the most important thing is you and me.
35:29I didn't feel good
35:32without telling you what I knew.
35:36Have you talked to each other?
35:38What's going to happen with Julia?
35:41My mother is very afraid of removing the matter.
35:45She doesn't want to do anything that could harm the baby.
35:51Imagine if it has been difficult for us
35:53to assimilate all the horror that happened after her birth.
35:56For her, it could...
36:00It could mark Luz for life.
36:03I understand that Digna wants to keep quiet.
36:05That says very good things about her.
36:08Yes, but in the meantime, those of the Queen
36:10are still usurping what is ours.
36:13Don't say that.
36:14You should learn from your mother's example.
36:18And that is exactly what we are going to do.
36:21You say it as if you were planning something.
36:24Let's say that we are not going to sit idly by.
36:28Look, let's do one thing.
36:30From now on, what doesn't concern me directly,
36:33I'd rather not know.
36:36I don't want to get involved in your family war.
36:39You don't want to take part.
36:41It's not that, Luis.
36:42I'm just the doctor in La Colonia.
36:44No, Luz, you are much more than that.
36:47You are the woman of my life.
36:51I've already told you that we are the most important to me.
36:55I don't want a relationship that grows under threats,
36:58revenge, secrets.
37:02But what you're asking for is very complicated,
37:04because if...
37:05If you come at a given moment and...
37:09And I'm wrong about something related to my cousins or my uncle,
37:12I'm going to have to lie to you.
37:15You're right and I'm asking you for the impossible.
37:18Besides, it's not what you and I have agreed on.
37:24But it's okay, I understand.
37:29I understand that you want to preserve what you and I have.
37:33And that maybe...
37:35Maybe there are things that need to be silenced.
37:38In a war, there are always victims,
37:40between the winners and the losers.
37:43Take the worst out of each one.
37:46And I don't want that for us.
37:48It scares me.
37:51We'll do one thing.
37:53From now on,
37:54I'll only be honest
37:57with what affects you.
38:00From now on,
38:01only with what affects you,
38:03I'll be honest with you.
38:09I have to go.
38:36I'm so happy to see you working here again.
38:39Claudia was so worried that you couldn't find anything.
38:42Well, it was just this morning.
38:44Tassio took me in as a reinforcement
38:46and I'm here for whatever you need.
38:48Great. Welcome back.
38:49Thank you very much.
38:51this is Luz Borrel,
38:53the doctor of the colony.
38:55Hello, Alberto. Nice to meet you.
38:57If you need anything from me, I'll be at the dispensary.
39:00She's crossing the carriageway to the right
39:03and going up the stairs.
39:05Thank you very much.
39:06I'll keep that in mind, Doctor.
39:08Have a good day.
39:09Thank you very much.
39:13Have you been looking for a job for a long time?
39:15No, no.
39:16I asked an old colleague of mine
39:19if people were looking for a job here.
39:22He said yes,
39:23so I showed up.
39:24What about you?
39:25Me neither.
39:26But I needed to find something.
39:30Are you okay?
39:31Don't worry, I'll get it.
39:32Yes, sorry.
39:33No, no.
39:34I made a mistake with that box.
39:36My shoulder hurts.
39:38It happens to me now.
39:39If you want, I'll carry on.
39:41You can rest.
39:42Don't worry.
39:43This job isn't a gift.
39:45I understand that we can be here tomorrow,
39:48but it seems we've started with the hardest part.
39:52Well, rest a bit and I'll carry on.
39:55Where's the most handsome man in the colony?
40:00How's the day?
40:01Good, good.
40:02By the way,
40:03I'll introduce you to my new colleague.
40:07This is Claudia.
40:08Claudia, Alberto.
40:10Nice to meet you.
40:12She works as a waitress at the factory.
40:15So everything stays at home, right?
40:19How are you?
40:20Everything okay?
40:21Yes, very well, for now.
40:23How are you, Alberto?
40:24I see you've hurt your shoulder.
40:26Yes, a bad gesture,
40:27but it'll go away soon.
40:29You have to visit the doctor.
40:30Is it boring?
40:31No, it's my first day.
40:32I don't want to sit down
40:33and lose my job.
40:34I'm sorry.
40:35Come on, don't be silly.
40:36Maybe she needs help,
40:38and Dr. Borrell is very good.
40:40She cares for her patients.
40:42So much so,
40:43that she's renting us a crib in the colony.
40:46For the kids?
40:47Yes, so the mothers can leave their kids there
40:49and go to work with no worries
40:51that someone is taking good care of them.
40:53They'll do it right in front of the store
40:55where they're removing the debris.
40:58Well, Mateo, I'm leaving.
40:59I just wanted to make sure everything was okay.
41:04Take care of Alberto.
41:06If it still hurts,
41:07I'll tell him to go to the dispensary.
41:10I love you.
41:16Julia, come on.
41:17Last round, okay?
41:18I promise, okay?
41:19Last one.
41:20I'm telling you,
41:21it's the last round.
41:22I can't take it anymore.
41:23Stop, stop, stop.
41:26I'm running out of breath.
41:28Can we debut her now?
41:30Yes, please.
41:31Can we go to the back way?
41:32There's no one there.
41:33After lunch.
41:34As soon as you get off the chair.
41:36I have another surprise for you.
41:38Another one?
41:39What is it?
41:41I can only tell you
41:42that it's not another present.
41:44So, what is it?
41:46Tell me, please, Mom.
41:47If I tell you,
41:48it'll stop being a surprise.
41:50Come on, let's take the bike out of the way
41:52in case someone trips
41:53and we have a problem.
42:00No, Mom.
42:01Don't start crying again, please.
42:05I promise I won't cry again.
42:08I'm so happy to have you here at home.
42:11I also wanted to see you all.
42:13I really wanted to.
42:15Come on, let me fix your tie.
42:17It looks like you had a fight with a cat.
42:21I really want to sleep in my bed.
42:23Are you tired?
42:25Don't move, don't move.
42:27In the boarding school,
42:28I had a hard time sleeping.
42:32Because, let's see,
42:33the day went by fast.
42:34Because I was entertained
42:35by the classes,
42:36the break,
42:37and the dining room.
42:40But when night came,
42:43I remembered where I was
42:44and I got sad.
42:49Honey, didn't you have friends?
42:51Yes, I did,
42:52but only in the first boarding school.
42:55I didn't go to the boarding school,
42:56but since they changed me to another one,
42:58I lost them all.
43:00And I was alone for a long time
43:01in the new one.
43:03I could only sleep
43:04if I imagined I was in my bed,
43:06in my room.
43:13when I woke up,
43:14it was the worst.
43:15Because I was still there.
43:23I'm home.
43:26The truth is that I don't know
43:27why I waste my time
43:28working on projects
43:29that are not approved.
43:31Sometimes our cousins
43:32have a narrow view,
43:34which is tremendous.
43:37They haven't bought you
43:38the double perfume line, right?
43:40And the worst thing is that
43:41I think sooner or later
43:42we'll have to come up with
43:43a novel product
43:44to be able to
43:45surpass the competition.
43:47You'll see.
43:50How are you?
43:55We haven't been able to talk
43:56after what...
43:58what happened this morning.
44:00How am I going to be, Luis?
44:04Me too, of course.
44:05It's also...
44:07complicated for me
44:08to assume that Julia
44:09is our niece.
44:11Valentín's daughter.
44:16What else
44:17do the Reina's have to do with us?
44:20What else?
44:25They killed our brother
44:29and our father.
44:31And now it turns out
44:32that our niece
44:34has to live with
44:35her parents' murderer.
44:37But you've heard, Mother.
44:40Now the most important thing
44:43is not to destabilize
44:44the world of the child.
44:47Beyond our own pretensions.
44:51I've spent so much time
44:52thinking that we deserved
44:55each and every one
44:56of the punishments
44:57Jesus has subjected us to
44:58because of what he did to Valentín.
45:04To the point that we've lived
45:05under the yoke of his family.
45:08And all for a crime
45:11that our family didn't commit.
45:14We've lived in ruin
45:15because of him.
45:20Where do you want to go, Joaquín?
45:24has always told us
45:26that Valentín
45:28stole the money
45:29from our family
45:31and part of the company
45:32to flee to Brazil.
45:34But Valentín
45:35never went to Brazil.
45:41Where is our money?
45:44Do you think Jesus
45:46lives with our niece
45:47pretending to be his father?
45:49Do you think Jesus
45:50would go through his father
45:52at that point?
45:54What would he do
45:55if he had to take our money?
45:57Let's talk to Mother.
45:58Maybe she...
46:00Leave Mother alone.
46:02She has enough to know
46:03that her granddaughter
46:04lives with her son's murderer.
46:07This is something
46:08that you and I will solve.
46:11Solve how, Joaquín?
46:12What are you planning to do?
46:13You can't treat Jesus
46:14like the last time.
46:15Don't worry.
46:17I won't do anything
46:18to make you regret it.
46:21You made it very clear
46:22that I'm not like him.
46:24Then what?
46:25What do you suggest we do?
46:27Let's go get that bastard.
46:30He has nothing to hide anymore, Luis.
46:33Do you think it will work?
46:36I need to try.
46:41For Valentín
46:42and for the family.
46:47This is ready, honey.
46:48You're ready to receive visitors.
46:50Come on, tell me
46:51what my surprise is.
46:54It must be the chair.
46:55But I don't...
46:58You're here!
47:00My life!
47:03You're taller.
47:05Thank you for letting me know.
47:07Look what they gave me.
47:09What a beautiful bike.
47:11Get in.
47:12But it has...
47:13You have to lower it.
47:14It's too big for her.
47:15No, no, no.
47:16Be careful.
47:17What's all this fuss?
47:20Julia, honey,
47:21you can't ride the bike inside the house.
47:23I just wanted to show Digno
47:24the new bike.
47:27How about we do something?
47:28Leave the bike for the afternoon
47:29and we'll go to your room
47:30to rest for a while, okay?
47:32I can't change.
47:33I want to wear the yellow dress.
47:35Whatever you want.
47:36Let's go.
47:42There goes my granddaughter.
47:45With my son's murderer.