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The Enigmatic World of Michael Shayne: Dr. Grant's Dilemma

Step into the shadowy corners of the past where the gritty, suave private detective Michael Shayne takes on the case in "Dr. Grant's Dilemma." This particular episode, aired on August 13, 1945, is a gem from the golden age of radio, a time when families would gather around the radio set, hanging on every word of the latest thrilling mystery.

Michael Shayne, created by writer Brett Halliday in the late 1930s, is a character that has stood the test of time, captivating audiences with his sharp wit and unyielding dedication to justice. The radio series, which ran under various titles between 1944 and 1953, brought Shayne's adventures to life with vivid storytelling and dramatic flair.

"Dr. Grant's Dilemma" is a classic example of the series' ability to weave intricate plots with compelling characters. The episode plunges Shayne into a web of intrigue and suspense, challenging him to use his detective prowess to untangle the truth. It's a testament to the enduring appeal of old-time radio shows and their power to spark the imagination.

For those eager to experience this nostalgic piece of entertainment, there are online archives where you can listen to "Dr. Grant's Dilemma" and other episodes of the Michael Shayne radio series. These digital collections are a treasure trove for enthusiasts of classic detective tales and serve as a portal to a bygone era of storytelling.

The legacy of Michael Shayne continues to influence modern detective stories, proving that a well-crafted mystery is timeless. Whether you're a long-time fan or new to the adventures of this iconic private eye, "Dr. Grant's Dilemma" is sure to provide a captivating escape into the world of old-time radio mystery.


00:00The Adventures of Michael Shane, Private Detective.
00:11The people who make 76 gasoline and Triton motor oil, Union Oil Company, present...
00:21The Adventures of Michael Shane, Private Detective, starring Wally Mayer and Kathy Lewis.
00:31The Adventures of Michael Shane, Private Detective, starring Wally Mayer and Kathy Lewis.
00:43On those rare evenings when Mike Shane and his lovely associate Phyllis Knight are not eagerly in pursuit of a criminal,
00:50they are just as eagerly in pursuit of pleasure.
00:53But tonight they are not even together, and the reason seems a little mysterious.
00:57While Mike glumly putters around his apartment all alone, Phyllis, in her apartment, has a visitor,
01:03a handsome-looking woman who talks with nervous gestures.
01:07Now that I'm here, Miss Knight, I don't know how to begin.
01:10I asked to come here to your apartment tonight because I've got to talk to you.
01:13You don't have to apologize, Dr. Grant.
01:16You asked if we could be alone, we are.
01:18You just tell me in your own way.
01:20Well, Miss Knight, you've come to me as a patient to her doctor.
01:23Now I come to you not as a doctor, but as a woman, a woman in trouble.
01:27I'm worried so about this thing. It's affected my work at the hospital.
01:31I can't sleep nights.
01:32I've never seen you like this before.
01:35Dr. Grant, is it about your business?
01:37About one of your patients?
01:38Oh, no, no.
01:40Is it about your husband?
01:41Well, no, not directly.
01:45I was so stupid, so foolish.
01:48Oh, I think I understand.
01:50It's blackmail, isn't it?
01:52How did you know?
01:54From what you didn't tell me.
01:56I don't need to know what the situation is.
01:58You don't need to explain it.
01:59But whatever you do, you must not pay any blackmail.
02:02That's the awful part of it.
02:04I already have.
02:07Years ago.
02:08It was back in St. Louis.
02:10Now the man turns up here in San Francisco.
02:13And now he wants more money.
02:15Five thousand dollars before midnight tonight.
02:17Oh, it wasn't anything criminal I did, Miss Knight.
02:20I was just foolish.
02:21And they made an example of me.
02:23They expelled me from medical school.
02:25I had my name changed legally and went to a different city
02:28and entered another medical college.
02:30As the years passed, I forgot all about it.
02:32I came to San Francisco and built up a fine professional reputation.
02:36Just a second.
02:37I want to make some notes.
02:38What is this man's name?
02:39John F. Hunt.
02:41I'm not afraid for my medical standing, Miss Knight.
02:43No one can hurt that.
02:45But it's my husband.
02:46Irvin is in politics.
02:48His reputation is spotless.
02:50But this man forced me to introduce him to Irvin.
02:53And Irvin has taken liking to him.
02:55Oh, I can see where that might lead.
02:57A man who would stoop to blackmail won't stop there.
02:59What am I going to do, Miss Knight?
03:01He's coming to the house tonight with some other guests.
03:03Dr. Grant, you know that Mr. Shane and I work on all our cases together.
03:07He's had considerably more experience with this type of case than I have.
03:10Would he help me?
03:11Could he do something?
03:12I haven't seen Mike fail yet on a blackmail case.
03:14Now, if you could invite us to your house tonight,
03:17you know, you could tell your husband that we're old friends.
03:20As I said, Irvin has already got several political friends in for the evening.
03:23That's perfect.
03:24I'll telephone Mike right now,
03:25and then I want to get some more information from you.
03:42Hello, Angel.
03:44How'd you know?
03:45Oh, I knew you'd get lonesome for me.
03:47Oh, I'm just naturally weak, darling.
03:50Look, Mike, get shaved and put on a clean shirt.
03:52We're going calling tonight.
03:54A party?
03:55Oh, I swear, we're due for some fun.
03:57Not tonight, dear.
03:58It's going to be work.
03:59Dirty work.
04:20Oh, good evening, sir.
04:21Miss Knight and Mr. Shane.
04:22Oh, of course.
04:23Come in, come in.
04:25My wife told me you were coming.
04:27I'm Irvin Grant.
04:28How do you do?
04:29How do you do?
04:30I'll take your coat, Miss Knight.
04:31The butler's mixing drinks.
04:32Oh, thank you.
04:34Gee, that's a beautiful ship model on the table, sir.
04:37Oh, isn't it?
04:38Clipper ship, flying cloud, made by an old sea captain.
04:41If you'll excuse me, I'll go find my wife for you.
04:44Well, seems like a right guy.
04:46Oh, yes.
04:47Dr. Grant's always talking about him.
04:49Very much in love with him.
04:50Oh, boy, oh, boy, that ship model intrigues me.
04:53I'd pawn my soul for one like that.
04:57Phil, that sounded like that.
04:59It was.
05:00It came from the hall.
05:03The next room, Mike.
05:05The door closed.
05:06Mr. Shane, I heard a shot.
05:09This door is blocked.
05:10There's something against the door.
05:12Michael, I think it's a body behind the door.
05:15It's John Hunt.
05:17I've never heard of it.
05:19What happened?
05:20What happened?
05:21It's Hunt.
05:22He's dead.
05:23Very dead.
05:24A bullet right through the heart.
05:25No, no, no.
05:26I don't see a gun anywhere.
05:28It means murder.
05:30Phil, call the inspector.
05:31Right away.
05:32Mr. Grant, Miss Knight and I came here tonight as your guests,
05:35but it so happens that we're private investigators.
05:37Now, Mr. Grant, I'm going to ask you a few questions.
05:41Now, may I ask if everybody in the house is present in this room?
05:45Why, yes.
05:46Mr. McGuire there and Mr. Davis.
05:48That's Collins the butler in the doorway and the cook.
05:51Good, good.
05:52Now, the police will be here in a few minutes.
05:55For your own protection, while all of us are in sight of each other,
05:58I suggest you allow yourselves to be searched for a possible gun.
06:01Now, wait a minute.
06:02Wait a minute.
06:04I'm not a police officer.
06:06I have no authority to search you.
06:08But this may save you a lot of unnecessary questioning later on.
06:11Very well, Mr. Shane.
06:12You may start with me.
06:15Thank you, Mr. Grant.
06:19All right.
06:20And you, sir, I don't know your name.
06:21J. Hugh Davis.
06:22Go ahead.
06:23Thank you, sir.
06:29No, I will not.
06:30Grant, this is an insult to your guests.
06:32I refuse to be searched.
06:34That's your privilege, sir.
06:35And now the butler.
06:37Yes, sir.
06:40Okay, swell.
06:42And the cook?
06:43Oh, no, monsieur.
06:44I have no gun.
06:46Well, perhaps we'd better wait until...
06:47I'll search him, Mike.
06:49The inspector said he'd be right over.
06:50But I have no gun.
06:51I am afraid of guns.
06:52I don't blame you.
06:54All right.
06:55All right, that's all.
06:56And now, Phyllis, if Dr. Grant will permit you...
06:58Oh, no.
06:59No, no.
07:00Honey, wait.
07:01Mr. Grant, if you'll stay right here, we'll talk to her.
07:04Come on, honey.
07:08Please, Dr. Grant.
07:10You've got to get hold of yourself.
07:12I just hate him, the blackmail.
07:14I'd have done anything to avoid this.
07:16Dr. Grant, the police are bound to find out about the blackmail.
07:19You can't cover it up.
07:20Oh, no, no.
07:21No, they mustn't.
07:22They will, doctor.
07:23They will.
07:24In fairness to yourself, you'd better tell your husband about Hunt first.
07:27No, I can't.
07:28Oh, of course you can, doctor.
07:30He loves you.
07:31He'll understand.
07:32People have been blackmailed before.
07:34No, no, don't you realize?
07:37John Hunt was my brother.
07:54We'll return to the adventures of Michael Shane in just a moment.
07:59It used to be that washing a car meant the better part of a morning's work,
08:03with a lot of fancy equipment and getting wet besides.
08:06Well, times have changed.
08:08You can now do the same job in ten minutes without even changing your clothes
08:12if you use Union Luster Wash.
08:15All you do is empty a small package of Luster Wash into a pail of water,
08:19apply the mixture generously with an ordinary rag,
08:22and then rinse off with a hose.
08:24That's all.
08:25In ten to fifteen minutes, your car is clean from radiator cap to taillight.
08:29Yes, it's as easy as that.
08:31Luster Wash is harmless to the finish and your hands,
08:34yet cleans almost magically without scrubbing.
08:38That's because Union Luster Wash is not a soak,
08:41but a special detergent compound which dissolves road film,
08:45grease spots, and dirt on contact,
08:47leaving the surface clean and smooth.
08:50Luster Wash will clean glass and chromium, too,
08:53and you don't have to use a chamois afterwards.
08:55You can buy a package of Luster Wash for only ten cents
08:59at any Union Oil Minute Man station.
09:01One package is enough to wash any average car.
09:05Just drive in wherever you see the sign of the big orange and blue 76
09:09and ask for Union Luster Wash.
09:18Mike and Phyllis find themselves guarding two very compromising and uncomfortable secrets.
09:23Secret number one, the man found murdered in Dr. Grant's house
09:27was blackmailing their client.
09:29Secret number two, he was their client's own brother.
09:33The inspector has just arrived on the scene
09:35and Mike grows more and more uncomfortable under the inspector's questions.
09:39You're trying to tell me, Mike, that you were not called in to investigate this murder
09:43or to represent anyone?
09:44Well, Dr. Grant is Phyllis's physician inspector
09:48and Phyllis suggested we stop in this evening for a little visit, you know.
09:52Yeah, that's right.
09:54And we hardly got inside the door and we heard the gunshot.
09:57We ran down the hall and found the body here in the library.
10:01And who was the last person to see him alive?
10:04Do any of you people know?
10:06Mike, don't you know?
10:08Well, I saw Dr. Grant and Mr. Hunt go into the library a few minutes before the shot.
10:13You're Arnold McGuire, aren't you?
10:15Why, yes, the Arnold McGuire of politics.
10:18And which of you is Dr. Grant?
10:20I am.
10:21Doctor, were you talking with Mr. Hunt at the time of the gunshot?
10:24No, I had just left him.
10:26I was on my way to the bedroom to fix my hair.
10:28I, uh, I've already searched everybody, inspector, to see if they had guns.
10:32Except Mr. McGuire, who objected.
10:34Oh, that so?
10:35Mr. McGuire will have to ask you to cooperate.
10:37I do not have a gun.
10:38I'm sorry, sir.
10:39What's that bulge inside your coat pocket?
10:42Business papers.
10:43They're confidential.
10:45They have no connection with this murder.
10:47Perhaps not.
10:48Oh, by the way, Mike, is the body here just as you found it?
10:50No, not quite, inspector.
10:51Mr. Hunt fell against the door and I had to push it open.
10:54And that moved the body?
10:56You can see where the bullet went through the front of his coat.
10:58Made a nice clean hole.
10:59No powder burns.
11:01Means the bullet came from a distance.
11:03I'd say not less than 15 feet.
11:05Well, but this is a very small room, inspector.
11:08You'd have to fire the gun away over in the far corner to be 15 feet from the body.
11:13The, uh, shot could have come through the doorway.
11:16There are four doors opening into the library.
11:19The position of the body here, it's in line with all four doors.
11:24Yes, sir.
11:25Make a list of everything in the victim's pockets and take a set of his fingerprints.
11:28Right away, sir.
11:29Can any of you, uh, tell us who Mr. Hunt was and what he did?
11:33He was a friend of my wife's, sir, from back in St. Louis.
11:36He wasn't employed at the moment.
11:37I was thinking of adding him to my staff.
11:39Mr. Davis here is so overworked.
11:41I see.
11:42And Mr. Davis is...
11:43I'm Mr. Grant's political manager.
11:45I see.
11:46Well, now let's find out where all you people were at the time the shot was fired.
11:49Dr. Grant said she was on her way to the bedroom.
11:51Now, where is that located, doctor?
11:53It was the downstairs bedroom.
11:55That door there leads to it.
11:56The door on the left, Mike.
11:57And you, Mr. Grant?
11:58Why, I think I was in the hall.
12:00I was looking for my wife.
12:02Then I saw Mr. Shane trying to push the library door open.
12:06And Mr. McGuire?
12:07The guy who was in the living room.
12:09That's through the second doorway on the right there.
12:11And I was in the dining room eating a sandwich.
12:13That would be the first door on the right, Mr. Davis?
12:16Then you were all separated.
12:18No two people in the same room.
12:20And all had access to the library.
12:22What about the servants?
12:23I am Colin, sir.
12:24I was in the butler's pantry mixing some cocktails.
12:27The cook was in the kitchen right next to me.
12:29We missed you.
12:30That is the truth.
12:31We heard the bang and I was almost scared to death.
12:33Where is the kitchen and the butler's pantry?
12:35In the other wing of the house, sir.
12:37Do you suppose the shot could have come through this window here?
12:39How could it?
12:40The windows were closed and no bullet hole.
12:43There's no bullet hole through the glass.
12:44No, no.
12:45And it must be ten or twelve feet down to the ground.
12:48What is it, Sergeant?
12:49So I found this check crumpled up in Hunt's hand.
12:53Paid to the order of John F. Hunt.
12:56Five hundred dollars.
12:57Signed John Hugh Davis.
12:59What is this, Mr. Davis?
13:01That's just a check I gave him on a business deal.
13:04It was a personal matter.
13:06Business deal?
13:07Davis, I thought you were so bitterly against my hiring Hunt.
13:09I was.
13:10So far as your business was concerned.
13:12But for my purposes, he was quite all right.
13:14I think we'd better take a look at Mr. Hunt's living quarters.
13:17Maybe we'll find out about some of these personal business deals
13:20and why someone wanted to kill him.
13:22Here's his address from the wallet, Inspector.
13:24Want to go along, Mike?
13:25Well, I doubt we'll find much, Inspector.
13:26I doubt Hunt's solution is right here in this house.
13:28Just the same we'll check up.
13:31Yes, sir.
13:32Nobody is to leave this house until we get back.
13:33Yes, sir.
13:34Collins, will you find my coat for me, please?
13:36Of course, ma'am.
13:38Mike, you and Phil and I have been friends for a long time, haven't we?
13:42Oh, I guess for more years than Phil would like to admit.
13:45Yeah, you two have helped me out on many a case.
13:48You've always played fair with me in the police department.
13:50What are you driving at, Inspector?
13:52I know that you kids didn't come here just for an innocent social evening.
13:56And I noticed, Mike, that when I started to question Dr. Grant,
13:59you switched me off on another track.
14:01What are you holding out on me?
14:03Okay, Inspector.
14:04Okay, but you've got to keep this under your skullcap.
14:06I can't promise that.
14:07Well, I think you will when you know.
14:09John Hunt was blackmailing Dr. Grant.
14:12Why didn't you tell me?
14:13There's our motive.
14:14Oh, no, don't be silly, Inspector.
14:16Dr. Grant came to my apartment and told me the whole story an hour before the murder.
14:20Well, she wouldn't tell me and invite us to a party
14:23and kill a man with all those people around.
14:25All right, but she did give you a lead that would help us.
14:27Well, I can't remember everything she said,
14:29but I took notes in my notebook.
14:31That would help us.
14:32Well, I can't remember everything she said,
14:33but I took notes in shorthand as she talked.
14:35All right, Phil, let's have them.
14:37Your coat, ma'am.
14:38Oh, yes, thank you.
14:39I left the notes in my apartment.
14:41Mike, you give me the keys and I'll run over and pick them up, huh?
14:44And while you're doing that, Phil,
14:45Mike and I will explore the apartment of John F. Hunt.
14:48John F. Hunt.
15:01Telephone bills, gas bills, hands, old laundry list.
15:06Mike, the desk is crammed with junk, but nothing that matters.
15:08Well, that's what I expected.
15:10Hunt was too smart a guy to leave anything important lying around for some...
15:13Uh-oh, uh-oh, I take that back.
15:16There's a manila folder in this bureau drawer.
15:20Some clippings with a photograph pinned to them.
15:23Snapshot of a boy and girl in a canoe.
15:25And some writing on the back.
15:26Malcolm and Mary, June 12, 1914.
15:30Hey, look at this first clipping underneath the photo.
15:33Legal notice.
15:35Change of name from Mary Boyd to Mary Allen.
15:38And the next one.
15:40Prominent attorney marries woman doctor.
15:43Last night, Irving Grant was wed to Dr. Mary Allen in a simple ceremony at...
15:47Mike, this is a file on Dr. Grant.
15:50Alias Mary Allen, alias Mary Boyd.
15:52Ah, yes, yes, I know.
15:53John F. Hunt is another alias.
15:55He was her brother.
15:56I see.
15:57Of course, you didn't let me in on that little fact.
15:59Now, how much more do you know?
16:01That's all, inspector. That's all the whole works.
16:02You sure of it?
16:04And before you start jumping to conclusions, inspector,
16:06do you know if the sergeant took those fingerprints of Hunt?
16:09Yeah, I got them in an envelope here.
16:11I suggest we go down to headquarters and see if we can collect some local color on Brother John.
16:15Good idea, but what about Phil?
16:17I'm calling her now.
16:28It's Mike, Angel.
16:29I'm typing these notes, Mike.
16:31Well, listen, the inspector and I are going down to headquarters, fingerprint checkup.
16:34You want to meet us there?
16:35Oh, sure thing. Be there in a few minutes.
16:37Okay, Angel, I'll see you at headquarters.
16:41Mike, looks like we struck the jackpot.
16:52Here's the card filing our man.
16:54Hmm, under the name Malcolm Boyd.
16:57John F. Hunt must be a new alias.
17:001931, St. Louis.
17:02Forgery, conviction, three years, Missouri State Prison.
17:061935, New York, forgery and blackmail.
17:10Nine years, Sing Sing.
17:121945, San Francisco.
17:15Drunk charge.
17:16Uh-uh, Mike.
17:17Seems to me more and more little details you didn't bother to tell me.
17:20This is the first I've heard about it, Inspector, believe me.
17:22And I'm just as sore as you are.
17:25Dr. Grant should have told Phyllis and me.
17:27We're entitled to know these things.
17:29Dr. Grant may be a reputable physician.
17:31She may be married to a prominent man.
17:33But when her brother is blackmailing her, a brother who was an ex-convict,
17:37well, I couldn't give her a better motive for murder.
17:39Agreed, Inspector.
17:40But I saw the way she reacted when she first saw the body.
17:43No matter what Hunt had done to her, she was still his sister.
17:46And Irving Grant was still his brother-in-law.
17:51Maybe this wasn't such a well-kept secret after all.
17:54Maybe Grant discovered his wife was being blackmailed.
17:57But his brother-in-law was an ex-convict.
17:59How do we know that Mr. Grant didn't kill the man to save his wife
18:02and to protect his own reputation?
18:05No answer for that, huh, Mike?
18:07I was just thinking,
18:09pretty much the same could be said about Grant's manager, Mr. Davis.
18:12You noticed how uncomfortable he got
18:14when we found his check for 500 bucks crumpled in Hunt's hand?
18:17Just a personal business deal, says Davis.
18:20But I'll bet it was more blackmail.
18:22Yeah, very probably.
18:23Now, Mr. McGuire, why wouldn't they let us search him?
18:26What were those private confidential papers in his pocket which he wouldn't show us?
18:29Yeah, both men are suspects.
18:31But, Mike, don't try to kid me by laying down a smokescreen.
18:34I'm still going to follow the trail of your client and our husband.
18:36Well, I can't argue with you, Inspector.
18:39Phil talked to Dr. Grant, and Phil knows more about the case than I do.
18:42Let's call her apartment and see if she's found anything in those notes, huh?
18:46She may be on her way over here right now.
18:57Hello, Angel.
19:00Hello, hello?
19:01Put down that phone, sister.
19:03You ain't talking to anybody.
19:07How did you... Who are you?
19:09Hang up that phone.
19:12What does this mean?
19:14Don't you dare!
19:15Oh, don't try to bust past me, sister.
19:18You ain't going no place.
19:21Mike and Phyllis
19:33In just a moment, we'll rejoin Mike and Phyllis in their adventures.
19:38Ladies and gentlemen, would you like to be able to wash your car in ten minutes without having to change clothes,
19:44and at a cost of only ten cents?
19:47Well, that's just how easy it is with Union Oil Company's Luster Wash.
19:51All you do is empty a package of Luster Wash into a pail of water.
19:55Apply the mixture generously over the surface with an ordinary rag,
19:59and then rinse off with a hose.
20:01That's all there is to it.
20:03In ten to fifteen minutes, your car is clean from radiator cap to taillight without mess or scrubbing.
20:09That's because Luster Wash is not a soap,
20:12but a special detergent compound which dissolves grease spots, road film, and dirt on contact.
20:18Luster Wash is harmless to your hands, yet eliminates the hard work of old-fashioned methods.
20:24It makes glass and chromium sparkle, too, and you don't have to use a chamois afterwards.
20:29You can buy a package of Luster Wash for only ten cents at any Union Oil Minute Man station.
20:35One package is enough to wash any average car.
20:39Just drive in wherever you see the sign of the big orange and blue 76,
20:43and ask for Union Luster Wash, the new easy way to wash your car.
20:55Phyllis is still in her apartment, but very unwillingly.
20:59A strange man is pointing a gun at her heart.
21:03You... you're insane if you think you can get away with this.
21:06I'm doing it, ain't I?
21:08Now, for the last time, hand over those notes on Dr. Grant.
21:11Well, you've got them. I just finished typing them.
21:13No, no, no. I want the rest of them. This stuff don't mean anything.
21:16Well, that's all there is.
21:18What did you think Dr. Grant told me?
21:20Try to be smart, huh? Sorry, I ain't telling you.
21:23Hand over those notes or do I have to slap you around?
21:26Help! Help!
21:28Shut up!
21:29One sound out of you and I'll kill you.
21:31You're... you're caught. It's Mike.
21:33Mike. And the inspector, you can't get away.
21:36Phil, honey, open the door. Answer me.
21:38Tell him to wait a minute.
21:40Just a minute, Mike.
21:41Now, I'm going to stand behind the door. You open it and tell him to come in.
21:45If you make one squawk, one little tip, I'll let you have it right in the back.
21:49Now, go on.
21:54Why, they...
21:55Why, they're gone.
21:57The hall's empty.
21:58Yeah. Maybe it's a trick.
22:00You bet it is.
22:01Hand over your gun.
22:02Mike. Mike, he wanted my notes on Dr. Grant.
22:04I gave them to him, but he kept saying there were more and there aren't.
22:07Then Dr. Grant knew something about this guy and he killed John Hunt.
22:10Huh. No anymore gags.
22:13All right, inspector, let's take him back to the house.
22:15We're going to find out who he's working for.
22:26Mr. Shane, I've never seen this man before in my life.
22:28It's an insult to even think I'd have anything to do with a criminal.
22:31I say the same. This thing has gone far enough.
22:33Then if we're to believe all of you people, nobody here knew this man.
22:37Well, it means just one thing.
22:39Somebody is lying.
22:40That man is the murderer and you've caught him and yet you accuse us.
22:43No. No, he's not the murderer, Mr. McGuire.
22:46If he had killed Hunt, he wouldn't be afraid to murder Miss Knight.
22:49Instead, he argued around with her and...
22:51You haven't told us why he went to Miss Knight.
22:53What was he threatening her about?
22:54I, uh, prefer not to explain that, Mr. Grant.
22:57But, uh, he was working for somebody here who...
22:59Army rat.
23:00He killed Hunt, he sneaked up to the window and shot her.
23:02That's impossible.
23:03The window is 10 or 12 feet from the ground and the windows were closed.
23:06Wait a minute, inspector, wait a minute.
23:08Maybe that's it.
23:09Phil, after we heard the shot,
23:11how long did it take us to get into the library here?
23:13Oh, I'd say less than 60 seconds.
23:15And did you smell any gun smoke in the room?
23:17No. No, I didn't smell anything.
23:19You wouldn't.
23:20If the windows were open and the shot came from outside...
23:22Well, then somebody must have closed the windows during all the excitement, Mike.
23:25But, Mike, we decided the shot came through one of these doors.
23:28The body is completely out of range of the window.
23:30Yes, but where was Hunt standing when he was hit?
23:33Uh, how do we know he wasn't standing right here by this desk in full view of the window?
23:38Before he died, he could have staggered clear over to the hall door.
23:41Mike, a man would have to be 12 feet tall to fire through that window.
23:45No, inspector, no.
23:46He wouldn't have to be 12 feet tall and he did shoot through this window.
23:49I understand it now.
23:51All right, show me.
23:52I'll open the window.
23:56Now, will all of you people go back to where you were when you heard the shot?
23:59We're going to fire a gun again and you're going to tell us if it sounds the same way.
24:06You two, Collins.
24:07You and the cook go into the kitchen.
24:08Yes, sir.
24:10Sergeant, will you please stand in any one of these four doorways, it doesn't matter which, and fire a blank cartridge.
24:15Now, give Phil and me about 15 seconds to get to the outside entrance.
24:19Yes, sir.
24:20I'll come along with you, kid.
24:22Hey, I remember Mike was admiring that ship model when we heard the shot.
24:26Yeah, I see it.
24:27There it goes.
24:28All right, honey, how did that sound to you?
24:30Oh, no, it wasn't the same shot at all.
24:32This one was much louder.
24:33That's right, because the bullet which killed Hunt was fired from outside the house by somebody inside the house.
24:39Mike, that sounds impossible.
24:43Come on, come on, follow me.
24:52Hey, this is the butler's pantry.
24:55Yes, clear in the other wing of the house.
24:57Excuse me, I heard the shot, but I told Mr. Collins it did not sound right.
25:01Thank you, Ivy, thank you.
25:03Now, Inspector, you will notice if you will look out this pantry window here on an angle, you can see the library in the other wing.
25:10I'll raise the window.
25:12Now, now, all I have to do is take my gun, lean out the window.
25:17I see.
25:18The shot would sound as if fired outdoors.
25:21And if I fired now, as I'm aiming my gun, the bullet would go right through that open library window and hit the library desk.
25:28But, Monsieur Steyn, there was nobody in here.
25:31Monsieur Collins was mixing cocktails right there.
25:33I was making sandwiches in the next room.
25:35Of course.
25:36I was talking to Ivy all the time.
25:38I had the cocktail shaker in my hand.
25:40And a gun in the other hand, Collins.
25:43When the cook wasn't looking, you leaned out of the window.
25:45You're crazy.
25:47No, Collins, it has to be you.
25:49You see, besides the inspector and myself, you were the one who knew Miss Knight was going to her apartment to get those notes.
25:55When you brought her her coat, you overheard us.
25:58You were afraid of what was in those notes, so you phoned your pal to get them away from Miss Knight.
26:03This whole thing is cockeyed.
26:05You know, Collins, you sound less and less like a butler and more like an ex-convict.
26:09Why, you...
26:10Grab him, Inspector.
26:11Wait a minute.
26:14He reached for this cupboard.
26:16Let's see.
26:19The missing gun.
26:21And one bullet fired.
26:23That's all, Collins.
26:24I think you'd better wear these.
26:26For safety's sake.
26:27Inspector, would you mind...
26:29Leave it to me, Mike.
26:30Murder solved, and I think the motive is something of interest only to the district attorney.
26:35Come in, come in, Inspector.
26:48Mike's been reheating coffee for you.
26:50I was longer at headquarters than I figured.
26:53Oh, hi, Inspector.
26:54Well, did he confess?
26:56Yeah, pretty much as we expected.
26:58Collins served time in the penitentiary with the guy who broke into Phil's apartment.
27:02Two of them met Hunt in prison and found out Hunt was planning to blackmail his wealthy sister when he got out.
27:07So they decided to cut themselves in, eh?
27:09That was it.
27:10Hunt was working with them for a while.
27:12He got Collins into Dr. Grant's home as a butler, so Collins could keep an eye on things for him.
27:17And Hunt got bigger and grander ideas of blackmail and started to cheat the other two.
27:22That was his fatal mistake.
27:25And I suppose Collins figured he knew as much of the dope as Hunt, so why split the money three ways?
27:31And Mr. McGuire and Davis, they were like the others on the wrong end of Hunt's blackmail.
27:36They're paying him.
27:39I wonder who that could be.
27:40Excuse me.
27:44Yeah, I'm Hutchins.
27:46Oh, then it's for me.
27:48Well, thanks.
27:50A package.
27:52Oh, look, a big one.
27:54Who's it from, Mike?
27:55Oh, wait a minute.
27:56Let's see.
27:57It's from Irving Grant.
27:58Well, open it for Pete's sake.
28:00Oh, boy.
28:04Phil, it's Grant's ship model, the Flying Cloud.
28:07Oh, the one you admired in his house.
28:09I wonder.
28:10You suppose he knew, he did know the truth about Hunt?
28:13But this is his, well, his way of thanking us?
28:16Could be.
28:17Oh, Mike, it's beautiful.
28:18I know just where it should go, on the table in the bay window.
28:20Uh-uh, uh-uh, no, no.
28:21I want it, I want it over the fireplace.
28:23Oh, no, no, Mike.
28:24It'll look perfect in the window with the harbor as the background, huh?
28:27Oh, wait a minute.
28:28Whose apartment is this?
28:31Well, it's yours right now, but I have hopes.
28:57Tune in again next week at eight o'clock for another adventure with Michael Shane, Private
29:09Detective, starring Wally Mayer and Kathy Lewis, with Joe Forte as the inspector.
29:14Tonight's story was written by Richard DeGraff and based on the character created by Brett
29:20Music was composed and directed by Charles Dent.
29:22This is John Lang saying goodnight for the people who make 76 gasoline and Triton Motor
29:27Oil, Union Oil Company.
29:36This is the Mutual Donley Broadcasting System.
