00:00So, Woody. How does it feel to win the BFDI and the BFB?
00:16Oh, that's cool. Almost as cool as Ice Cube.
00:19Teardrop, how does it feel to have a power of 2?
00:31Hey, Ice Cube. Looks like you need a little cooling down there.
00:35Well, how about you touch those blue flames over there?
00:38Blue means cooler, and then you won't melt.
00:41Uh, okay.
01:00Hey, calm down, everyone. I can't give you all Grotatoes at once.
01:09Why does everyone want Grotatoes? Those things were so four years ago.
01:15Everyone, this guy is plagiarizing my work.
01:19And selling it as his own work.
01:27And they're gone.