Sueños de Libertad - Capítulo 176

  • 11 hours ago
00:06So you don't see our little como le pide dina is la única manera de frenar definitivamente a jesús adelante
00:13los marines se lo merecen quiero poder mirarse la cara sin sentir culpa ni vergüenza
00:22But you can't agree, you know, it's too much for total audio case in Tia Valentine
00:28Estaba convencido de que era un asesino me pasa lo mismo
00:34Nunca hicimos nada por averiguar la verdad es imposible que mi padre me denoté él también iría a la cárcel
00:39me ayudó a trasladar el cadáver de valentín
00:43Yo quiero que se haga justicia y cedro lo necesito
00:48Necesito para poder levantar la cabeza y mirarme al espejo sin sentir asco
00:51Estoy pagando mis problemas contigo es algo que se le suele permitir a los jefes pero yo nunca lo he tolerado
00:57pienso que sería una pena que perdiéramos la sintonía que teníamos va a entregar a jesús a la guardia civil
01:02te lo he dicho él no es necesario hemos estado hablando y está decidido estoy seguro esta es la copia de una declaración jurada
01:10en la que cuento como toda la familia conspiró para que lázaro ramos
01:14cargara con la muerte de clotilde si me hunde le arrastraré a usted por supuesto pero también a digna
01:20La Joaquín
01:30Yo se libertad
01:32vivir de otra manera
01:35alas para volar
01:37donde el alma quiera
01:39sueños de libertad
01:41el corazón no espera
01:43esta viviendo otra oportunidad
01:47sueños de libertad
01:50aunque el pasado duela
01:52volver a comenzar
01:54amar a quien yo quiera
01:56gritarles mi verdad
01:58vivir sin miedo
02:00y sin mirar atrás
02:02oh oh oh oh oh
02:04oh oh oh oh oh
02:06oh oh oh oh oh
02:08oh oh oh oh oh
02:10oh oh oh oh oh
02:12oh oh oh oh oh
02:14oh oh oh oh oh
02:16oh oh oh oh
02:18sueños de libertad
02:48Me voy a quedar con usted hasta que la hora de civil detenga a jesús y todo esto se haya terminado
02:53Muy bien
02:56Ya verás cómo se hace justicia y nos podemos centrar en nuestro objetivo de quedarnos con toda la fábrica
03:05Ya sabe que estoy con usted
03:09Pero no debería obsesionarse con eso
03:13Soy consciente de que no me va a devolver a tu padre y muchísimo menos a tu hermano
03:18pero es la manera de resarcirnos de tanta infamia
03:25Es luz
03:32Buenos días, buenos días, digna. Pasa por favor. Gracias
03:39¿Quieres café? No, venía a hablar con Luis
03:43No es un buen momento luz
03:46Bueno es que estamos esperando una noticia muy importante y estamos algo nerviosos
03:53Voy a poner el café. No madre quédese, luz ya se va
03:57Dame cinco minutos por favor, no seas cabezota. No insistas. ¿Se puede saber qué os pasa a los dos?
04:04Luis está enfadado conmigo y me gustaría explicarme. Yo se lo voy a explicar a usted cuando luz se marche por la puerta
04:12De acuerdo, hablamos cuando tú quieras. Que vaya muy bien, digna. Lo siento, hija
04:41¿Estás sola? ¿No está luz fuera? Ha debido salir antes de que me despertara
04:47¿Has podido dormir? Apenas un par de horas. Es que anoche me quedé muy revuelta después de hablar con tu tía
04:54¿Quieres un café? Sí, gracias
04:56¿Y fuiste a ver la noche?
04:59Necesitaba disculparme con ella por cómo le vimos la noticia y sobre todo por no haber acudido a ella antes
05:05Andrés, en cuanto empecé a sospechar yo tendría que haber hablado con los menino
05:10¿Y cómo reaccionó?
05:12Tu tía es una gran mujer que ha sufrido lo indecible y me entendió
05:16Pero Andrés, tengo algo que contarte
05:21Anoche después de hablar con ella vino Isidro y nos dio la gran noticia. Venía a hablar con tu padre
05:27y por fin se va a hacer justicia
05:29¿Está dispuesto a denunciar a Jesús?
05:32Sí, entendí que era su intención cuando Marte y yo hablamos con él
05:36¿Pero es seguro?
05:41Pues ya está mi amor, ya está
05:44Por fin Jesús estará donde tiene que estar
05:46y no volverá a ver la luz del día jamás
05:49Me paro de imaginarme a la guardia civil entrando por la puerta de la casa grande y deteniéndole
05:53Y por fin serás libre
05:56Dios mío
05:57¿No te parece increíble que me esté alegrando de que vayan a detener a mi marido?
06:01Begoña se lo merece. Sí, ya lo sé, ya lo sé pero
06:04Es que jamás pensé que mi vida fuera a ser tan terrible
06:09Pero no estoy afectado y removido. A fin de cuentas es mi hermano, con quien siempre nos hemos llevado mal
06:16Pero es mi sangre y siempre ha estado en mi vida
06:19Yo me maldigo el día en que me crucé con él
06:22Para entonces ya era un asesino
06:24¿Cómo? ¿Cómo pude enamorarme de él? ¿Cómo pude estar tan ciega?
06:27Si al primer insulto debía haberme plantado, si yo era perfectamente consciente de que después de un maltrato siempre viene otro
06:33Begoña, las víctimas nunca se pueden culpar
06:37Yo, Valentín, tuve la culpa de enamorarse de Clotilde y ni tú de intentar recomponer tu matrimonio por Julia
06:43¿Qué va a pasar ahora con la empresa?
06:45Saldrá adelante. Confío mucho en Marta
06:50Retomaremos nuestra vida y empezaremos de cero
06:53Pero juntos. Juntos tú y yo y la pequeña Julia
06:58En cuanto detengan a Jesús, tendré que decir dónde la tienen cerrada, ¿no?
07:00Por supuesto
07:02Y ahora que todo ha acabado, tenemos que pensar en nuestro futuro
07:04En esa casita en la montaña
07:06Con Julia a nuestro lado
07:08Lejos de todo y de todos
07:28Y ahora cuéntame, ¿por qué estás enfadado con ella?
07:30Lo sospechaba desde hace tiempo
07:32Que Jesús mató a Valentín y no me dijo nada
07:34¿Y eso cómo es?
07:36Por lo visto, Begoña
07:38Sospechaba desde hace meses y lo compartió con ella
07:40Y no fue hasta que usted le mostró la carta
07:42En la que Valentín confesaba el crimen y su huida
07:44Cuando se fue a la montaña
07:46Y no fue hasta que usted le mostró la carta
07:48En la que Valentín confesaba el crimen y su huida
07:50Cuando se fue a la montaña
07:52Y no fue hasta que usted le mostró la carta
07:54En la que Valentín confesaba el crimen y su huida
07:56Cuando se fue a la montaña
07:58Y no fue hasta que usted le mostró la carta
08:00En la que Valentín confesaba el crimen y su huida
08:02Cuando lo dejó estar
08:04¿Pero Begoña siguió con sus pesquisas ayudada por Andrés?
08:06Eso es lo que dice Luz
08:08Que lo hicieron a sus espaldas
08:10Así que ella no le dio más vueltas
08:12Pero me duele madre que me ocultase algo tan vital
08:14Para nuestra familia
08:16¿Y te ha explicado por qué no te lo contó?
08:18Pues ya le digo madre porque
08:20Tejó de sospechar
08:22Además por aquel entonces pues
08:24I don't know. Is it something to hide from me?
08:26Son, raising the fever when you're not sure if it's true...
08:30But it's true, mother. Now we know.
08:32And if you had told me before, we could have done something about it.
08:36Luis, life has come to us like this.
08:39Do you think this unbearable pain would have been less if I had known before?
08:44No, son, no.
08:47I understand Luz, and I understand Begoña, and I understand Andres.
08:50Come on, please, don't justify them.
08:52I justify them, and I forgive them.
08:54Because they have allowed me to know that my son was not a murderer.
08:58He was a good person, as I thought.
09:01Well, yes, but Luz had to have told me.
09:03Son, don't be so hard on her.
09:08If I were her, I would have done the same, to avoid suffering.
09:12Luis, right now we need a lot of understanding and love.
09:16If you close the door, who can open it for you?
09:20Come on.
09:22Go to the camp to take a walk. You'll be fine.
09:27Yes, maybe it's best if you give me some air.
09:29Because I'm drowning here.
09:42Well, yesterday we were working until late, going from store to store.
09:47Yes, I know you have a great time, Carmen.
09:51Well, things got a little weird.
09:53What do you mean weird?
09:56It hurt here.
09:57And then Jacinto took me and started giving me a little massage.
10:01Carmen, don't tell me Jacinto touched you.
10:03Well, just a little bit here. Let me finish, please.
10:08He kissed me.
10:10Carmen, he's telling me he kissed you.
10:13And he told me you were a coward and a jealous man.
10:16Of course, and I was right.
10:18Well, don't worry, I made it very clear to him that I only have eyes for you.
10:21And in case it wasn't enough, I hit him with a glove.
10:26Carmen, I knew he liked women.
10:28If you go and let him give you a massage...
10:30He didn't make me give him a massage. I thought there was no danger.
10:34The point is, how do I keep working with a man who knows what he did for me?
10:39He told me in the middle of the street.
10:41Well, you can't work with him, clearly.
10:45Let's see, because he's the best salesman.
10:47And of course, if he has you all fooled.
10:50Well, I don't know, let's see how I solve it.
10:52Don't make me more nervous than I am now, please.
10:56Hey, how were you so sure that Jacinto didn't...
11:00Come on, that he didn't do the other thing?
11:03Because I tried.
11:04And I realized that no, no.
11:07What did you try?
11:09What did you do?
11:11I winked him in the eye.
11:13You winked him in the eye?
11:14Yes, Carmen, yes. I winked him two or three times.
11:16I did this, with this, several times and nothing.
11:21You're going to laugh.
11:22How am I not going to laugh, Anastasio?
11:25At least you didn't mess up the wink.
11:27Because if not, let's see how you mess up.
11:29That's true.
11:31Come on, let's have a coffee, I invite you.
11:33Well, I'm going to get some paperwork first.
11:36Doña Marta has prepared me for the route I have to do.
11:39Carmen, look, I warned you about this.
11:42I'll see you later.
11:43Come on.
11:51Can I come in?
11:52It depends.
11:53Have you done it? Have you reported it?
11:54Not yet.
11:55Then we have nothing else to talk about.
11:57Get out of my house.
11:58Please, Digna, before presenting the complaint,
12:00I have to consult you about something very important.
12:02There is nothing to consult.
12:03I asked you for one thing and if you haven't done it, get out of my house.
12:05Please, Digna, you can't imagine how hard it has been for me to get here.
12:08But we have to talk about it, really.
12:14Close the door.
12:24Isidro told me last night that you had it very clear and that you were going to report him.
12:27Yes, but something has happened and I ask you to listen to me.
12:31Jesús has found out about my movement.
12:33I don't know how, he knew that yesterday I was going to file a complaint against him.
12:37And what? Even he knows that he deserves it.
12:39Yes, but you already know him.
12:43And he has moved the file.
12:46What is this?
12:48The letter that Jesús will present to Sergeant Pontón in case of being reported.
12:52And what does it say?
12:53Well, in short, that you, Joaquín and I decided to incriminate Lázaro for the murder of Clotilde,
13:01knowing that he was innocent.
13:04And that Joaquín was the one who put the glove that sentenced him.
13:14The consultation is simple, but very thorough.
13:19Are you alone? Isn't your nurse here?
13:22Since I'm here, I would love to greet the wife of Don Jesús de la Reina.
13:25No, Begoña is not here.
13:26She has gone out to attend to patients who cannot go to the dispensary.
13:30But let's get to the important thing.
13:31When did those migraines appear?
13:33Oh, I don't even remember.
13:35In adolescence?
13:36Yes, around there.
13:39And does any particular factor trigger them?
13:42Well, look, sometimes a strong smell, even if it's a good perfume,
13:47can get to my head like a pressure cooker.
13:50Do you hear that door? Where does it lead?
13:51What door?
13:52That one over there.
13:54Ah, that's my apartment.
13:57And does the pain disappear with medication?
13:59Well, not many times.
14:01Does it matter if I go to the service for a second?
14:03There are bathrooms in the canteen.
14:04If you want, I can attend to you quickly and I will accompany you myself.
14:07Okay, okay, but a lot of people go there.
14:09I promise you it will only be a second.
14:16It's the back door.
14:30We committed a crime, and Joaquín will be the one to pay for it.
14:36Joaquín did what you forced him to do, and it's you and your son.
14:39That doesn't matter.
14:40We all agreed to incriminate Lazaro.
14:43And as soon as they go deeper, they will discover the truth and find evidence.
14:51We committed something horrible, which I will always carry on my conscience.
14:57But nothing compares to murdering two people in cold blood.
15:00And all the horrible things you did afterwards.
15:02That's true.
15:04But justice is justice, and we will all have to pay for it.
15:07So the question I have to ask you is obvious.
15:11Do you want Joaquín to go to jail?
15:14Do you want to declare everything we decided that night in court?
15:19And now that the Merinos are part of the company,
15:22do you want the queen's perfumeries to suffer the public scorn?
15:26All our clients would run away from us like from the plague.
15:32And you want to give in to your son's demands.
15:37Lina, I've come to ask you what you want me to do.
15:43And I'll do whatever you tell me.
15:45But you have to make the decision.
15:48It's the least we can do after all the damage we've done to you.
15:53I have to consult it with my children.
15:58And then I'll decide.
16:01Well, think about it as long as you need.
16:04And depending on what you decide, I'll act accordingly.
16:08I've made too many mistakes.
16:22I'm sorry.
16:39May I know what you're doing?
16:42Excuse me.
16:45You have a very nice apartment.
16:47Thank you very much.
16:49Would you mind leaving, please?
16:51Yes, of course.
17:00There's a rumour that Begoña Montes has left her home
17:04and is here with her lover.
17:06And the sources are good.
17:08Although Maria didn't mention the lover specifically.
17:12Look, doctor, let's not be hot-headed.
17:14If a woman leaves her home, why is that?
17:17Because she has a lover.
17:18White and in a bottle.
17:20But why have you come?
17:21For your migraines or to gossip about my illness?
17:24But who do you think I am?
17:26Look, I don't have time for your questions.
17:28There are many patients waiting.
17:30So, please, tell me what your doctor has told you.
17:34Actually, Dr. Gómez is an eminence.
17:36So it's better that we don't change your recommendations.
17:39Although, since I'm here, would you take off some collars?
17:42Some collars? Me?
17:45No, but I can recommend a good collarman in Toledo.
17:57Look, here it is.
17:59Thank you very much.
18:00Regarding the Cuna house, we are delighted to receive your donation.
18:04It's too late, doctor.
18:06I don't bother her anymore, really.
18:08Thank you very much.
18:10I'll be shameless.
18:31You have a little...
18:33Look at you.
18:35Take this.
18:37Look at you.
18:38Take this.
18:43You don't even take it off.
18:46I put an omelette instead of bacon,
18:48because I imagine you have to be full of meat, right?
18:51Shut up, I don't want to try it again in my life.
18:54I'm very happy I don't see you in the slaughterhouse.
18:57It's not the job of my dreams, but it is what it is.
19:04It's not your turn to feed the pig or the goat, right?
19:09I have enough to slaughter them, Gaspar.
19:14What a drink, my God.
19:15Well, yes.
19:18I've never had a worse time in my life.
19:20I'm very sorry, friend.
19:21I don't know, if you want to come here...
19:23No, no, no, not here in the canteen.
19:25Please, you've helped me enough.
19:27Please, Gaspar.
19:29Besides, I think I'm getting used to that smell.
19:35To those rivers of blood on the floor.
19:39They have grooves where everything flows.
19:42Come on, come on, come on, please.
19:47Well, they'll pay you well at least, right?
19:49Of course.
19:50But come on, the salary is earned in advance.
19:54I'm not going to stay long either.
19:55Oh no?
19:57It's just enough to raise enough money to be able to set up my bookstore.
20:05Well, you have a good season left, friend.
20:08Well, do you want anything else?
20:11No, no, no, Gaspar.
20:12I thank you very much.
20:13It's just that I can't.
20:18Goodbye, man.
20:24You're already here?
20:25I thought the visits would take all morning.
20:28I haven't been able to attend to Herminia or Josefa.
20:30And that?
20:31Well, because they've kicked me out.
20:33One has called me indecent and the other has not even opened me.
20:35And I know I was there.
20:38For indecent, Mrs. Elvira, who has shown up here this morning
20:41and has even sneaked into the apartment with the excuse of going to the bathroom to know where you were sleeping.
20:45My God, this is incredible.
20:47That's the trick of small cities, Begoña.
20:50And more when it comes to a lady of high society.
20:53Yes, yes, I haven't said anything because I didn't want to throw more firewood.
20:56And I've thrown it in a good way.
20:58But I'm afraid it won't be enough.
20:59Rumors are like the plague.
21:01I know, I know.
21:02I've also had an unpleasant encounter with Basilio.
21:04The one with the headband?
21:06Can you believe that he has approached me?
21:08And he told me that he was also free.
21:10Can you be more disgusting than that man?
21:13Well, I'm going to have another month with the headband.
21:15If not, I'll give birth to the other one before.
21:17I swear I don't understand how they found out that I left home.
21:21Mrs. Alvira is to blame for all this.
21:24Gema introduced her to me and told me that she would treat her well.
21:27That she had gone to her charity event and that she could be a future donor for the CUNA house.
21:33I hope that at least she has given a lot of money.
21:35Not a fat bitch.
21:37What a business.
21:40And do you really think it could have been Gema who left without saying anything?
21:44Gema didn't leave.
21:51I let Mrs. Alvira fall like that, but there I leave it.
21:55I don't know what could wait for me.
21:57Maria is the only thing that wants to hurt me.
21:59And I can't do anything to avoid it.
22:01Maria is going to change you.
22:02Please, don't wear yourself out anymore.
22:04Yes, I really don't care what she thinks.
22:07Or what others may think.
22:08If as soon as my father-in-law reports that I haven't done it already, everything will come to light.
22:12And those of the Queen and everyone around her, we will be in everyone's mouth.
22:16And not for something good, precisely.
22:19Without Gema, now we won't tell anything to the Marines.
22:23All this is going to be a cataclysm, you know that.
22:26It's already happening, even for me.
22:29For you, why?
22:30Luis is angry with me, he doesn't even want to see me.
22:33But what about that?
22:35When he told me everything that was happening, I told him ...
22:39the suspicions we had.
22:41And he reproached me for not having told him at the time.
22:44But we did it with good intentions.
22:46Chabe Goña, lies and secrets ruin everything.
22:52You're right.
23:01I'm sorry, but ...
23:03I need to get some fresh air.
23:06Of course.
23:17So we have those, children.
23:20Jesus can't be more of a tracker.
23:22And reading this letter, it is clear that he is not going to fail.
23:25And he will fulfill his threats.
23:28He always raises the stakes.
23:30And if he falls, we all fall.
23:32I had never seen anyone defend himself with so much desperation like him.
23:36But this time he has pierced a bone, because we are not going to give in.
23:39Damien can already tell you that.
23:41But nothing of that.
23:42Don't you realize how much we have suffered?
23:44Nothing of that.
23:45Don't you realize that you can end up in prison?
23:47I don't care.
23:48Well, not for me.
23:49What are we going to do? Take a step back?
23:52I would pay any price to see Jesus in jail.
23:54I'm not going to allow it.
23:56I need you by my side.
24:01Mother, you are not going to say anything.
24:04Please tell your son something.
24:06Tell him, he cannot risk ending up in prison.
24:10But ... I can't believe what's happening to me.
24:15I can only think that we have already suffered the unspeakable because of Jesus.
24:19And that's why he must pay.
24:21Yes, but not at the cost of more suffering.
24:23Mother, but I am willing and that's it.
24:25Can you listen to your mother, for God's sake?
24:27No, Joaquin.
24:28I'm not going to let a son of mine step into jail, not even for a single day.
24:31And what are we going to do? Are we going to let him be free?
24:34No, over my corpse. I'm not going to allow it.
24:37But stop it, right?
24:38Joaquin, stop it.
24:40Let it be clear to you.
24:41No one in this house is going to allow you to go to jail.
24:43Son, with this we are not surrendering or giving up on justice.
24:52It's just a postponement until we find a way to sink Jesus and Damien.
25:01And how are we going to find him?
25:03What does his mother have in mind?
25:04We are going to continue with our plan.
25:07Until we get the whole company.
25:10Don't forget it.
25:12I remind you that this is the hardest and most painful blow that Jesus can receive from the Queen.
25:19And that's what we're going to do.
25:29Are you in a bad light?
25:33I'm not very Catholic, really.
25:35Is it because of Luis?
25:36It will be solved, really.
25:37When the reasons for a pious lie are good, I assure you that forgiveness comes alone.
25:45Would you forgive me if I had hidden something very serious from you during this time?
25:51I guess so.
25:54What is it about?
25:57I still haven't decided to tell you.
25:59Luz, please, we're friends.
26:01Luz, please, we're friends.
26:04I think we can understand each other, don't you think?
26:09Does your secret have to do with me?
26:11Not directly.
26:14Tell me.
26:16Trust me, you'll feel better.
26:26I'm not a doctor.
26:28But, woman, what nonsense is that?
26:31It's not nonsense.
26:33I never went to university.
26:36That's impossible, Luz.
26:38I've seen you treat dozens of patients with an unequal diagnosis.
26:42And I've seen you save lives.
26:44My husband's, without going any further.
26:46I learned everything from Dr. Borrell.
26:49And then practice and my vocation did the rest.
26:52Dr. Borrell was your father?
26:58Dr. Borrell wasn't my father either.
27:02My parents abandoned me.
27:04I grew up in a hospice until I was old enough to work in their house.
27:11My real name is...
27:14Luz Expósito.
27:15My real name is...
27:17Luz Expósito.
27:22My God, Luz.
27:26Dr. Borrell was like a father to me.
27:28That's why I got his last name when he died.
27:34The title I have in my dispensary is also fake.
27:38Jaime gave it to me.
27:40I received it a few days after his death.
27:43It was his farewell gift.
27:45And I knew it.
27:49And now you know it too.
27:53And Luis.
27:55But Jaime agreed to all this.
27:58Jaime was tempted to report me.
28:00Because it's a very serious crime.
28:04But he discovered it, because in the end he was the one who discovered it.
28:07He approached us and...
28:10He made us very good friends.
28:16How are we going to continue being you and me?
28:22You're a great doctor.
28:24And a great person.
28:26And the best friend I could ever imagine.
28:30You haven't had it easy.
28:34I'm not going to be the one to put obstacles so you can live with passion what you like most in this world.
28:40Your secret is safe with me.
28:41And it will be for the rest of your life.
28:43I promise.
29:12Single girls from Jerez de la Frontera are looking for friendship with single men of good treatment.
29:19Interested parties can write to the email section 34 to Dolores' attention.
29:30Hi, Fina.
29:32A coffee with warm milk, please.
29:34On my way.
29:37How's it going with your new roommate?
29:39Well, I'm not going to lie to you.
29:41I didn't find it funny that they put me with a bad girl.
29:44That's normal.
29:46But the girl seems nice.
29:48Yes, yes, yes. She's nice, really.
29:50And neat, Gaspar.
29:52You can't imagine it.
29:54She's more neat than Ramona, that is to say.
30:03Have you noticed this?
30:06Yes, yes, yes.
30:07Yes, yes, yes.
30:09Yes, the truth is that I've never paid much attention to these things.
30:13But, I don't know, this ad has caught my attention.
30:18Because the girl is single from Jerez de la Frontera?
30:21Man, she's from Cádiz.
30:24Salad has to be for noses.
30:29Would you write to her?
30:33Well, I haven't said anything outrageous either.
30:35No outrageous?
30:37Man, Gaspar, you have to be very desperate to write an ad in the newspaper
30:41asking for friendship and whatever comes up.
30:43You have to know what you're looking for.
30:45Well, it seems to me that it's the same as me.
30:48Well, look, you've convinced me.
30:50I'm going to write to her.
30:52But are you going to trust someone you haven't even seen her face?
30:55Maybe she's not even single, Gaspar, and you're in trouble.
30:58But who would write an ad to lie, woman?
31:02People are very crazy.
31:03No, forgive me, but Dolores is not crazy.
31:06Dolores, oh.
31:09Oh, Gaspar, when I see you, you're scaring me.
31:12You fall in love very quickly, eh?
31:14It's just that being here all day, I don't have the opportunity to meet anyone.
31:18And a friendship by correspondence won't hurt me.
31:22And if it's not even called Dolores?
31:25That behind these ads there are many swindlers.
31:28But, daughter, I'm not going to give her an apartment, I'm just going to answer her.
31:30Well, very good.
31:32Now imagine that you really like the girl because, well, I don't know, because she writes very well.
31:37What are you going to do? Are you going to go to Cádiz?
31:39With how far she is.
31:41I only see you suffering, Gaspar, that I know you.
31:45My daughter, really, is that you ruin the party for anyone.
31:49That I just wanted to have a friendship, but come on, is that you paint it so raw that ...
31:54I don't know, well.
31:56Maybe you're right.
31:58It's okay, it's okay.
32:00I don't write to her.
32:02Very good decision.
32:04Gaspar, you will meet someone in person who will make you feel good and who will not lie to you, shamelessly.
32:08Yes, maybe also someone who asks me to do a party to please his father.
32:12So you better not talk.
32:14No, you don't talk.
32:27Jacinto, what are you doing?
32:28Repositioning everything we have sold.
32:30Well, I'll start with this shelf.
32:33Remember that we have to make a lipstick order.
32:36That yesterday we were left with nothing.
32:38Yes, yes, don't worry.
32:40Hey, Claudia.
32:42What do you think we can do with all the chests we have sold?
32:46I thought that maybe we could build a kind of ladder, you know?
32:50So that it has more visibility.
32:53A ladder?
32:55I don't know, Jacinto, maybe they'll fall from there, right?
32:58I don't know.
33:00I don't know, I don't see it, Jacinto.
33:03But hey, we'll ask Carmen when she comes back.
33:06By the way, why didn't you go with her today?
33:09No, no, it's better for us to be here in the store.
33:12Look at all the work there is.
33:14It's better for us to be together.
33:16Good morning.
33:18What's up, beautiful? How did it go?
33:20Good, very good.
33:22Right now our products are the best positioned in all the perfumeries in Toledo.
33:25Olé, olé, olé.
33:27And if you don't say olé, the grass will dry up.
33:30What you can't do.
33:33Is it going well here in the morning?
33:35Yes, very well.
33:37Jacinto came up with a great idea.
33:39But we wanted to tell you when you arrive, in case you like it.
33:42And what idea is that?
33:49I don't know, he's embarrassed now.
33:51But what he wants, and he would like, Jacinto,
33:54is to put a ladder there with the leftover chests.
33:57So they'll have more presence in the store.
34:00What do you think?
34:02Well, I don't see it clear, really.
34:05Well, then what do you want us to do with the chests?
34:08Do we take them to the warehouse? Do we put them in the store?
34:12No, take them to the package shop.
34:14Take them to whom? Jacinto?
34:17Claudia, I don't know, whoever it is.
34:19You don't have to ask everything.
34:21Claudia, can you take it, please?
34:24I want to talk to Carmen about something.
34:27No, yes, of course.
34:40This is very uncomfortable for both of us, isn't it?
34:43Well, yes.
34:45The best thing is that we run a stupid veil
34:47and pretend it never happened.
34:48I'm sorry.
34:50What do you mean?
34:52If you can't look me in the eye, Carmen.
34:54Of course I can, Jacinto.
34:56You kissed me on the mouth
34:58and you said something that, my God...
35:00I'd say it a thousand times,
35:02but it was the last one.
35:04What do you mean?
35:06The best thing would be to cut it off.
35:08I don't want to make a fool out of you anymore,
35:10or anything else.
35:13Well, as long as it doesn't happen again, that's enough.
35:15I'm an impetuous person
35:17and I know when I've gone too far.
35:19And all this has been so out of place.
35:22Well, yes.
35:24I agree with you on that.
35:29I finish my shift,
35:32present the resignation letter and leave.
35:35It's the most worthy thing I can do.
35:40Very well.
35:42If that's what you think,
35:46very well, yes.
36:07I still don't see any tricorny around here.
36:09Can I be calm or...?
36:11Save your irony.
36:13I can't stand you being here.
36:15Are you going to answer today or tomorrow?
36:18I still don't have an answer.
36:20Well, I don't understand.
36:22Because the disjunctive is very clear.
36:24Either we all sink or we leave things as they are.
36:26I still don't have an answer
36:28because it's not up to me to give it.
36:30Of course. Worthy.
36:32Again, my dear aunt.
36:34She will speak for all the sailors.
36:36And you wash your hands.
36:38I will accept whatever they decide.
36:40Are you really going to let the work of your life,
36:43the company, disappear?
36:45Do you think it's the only purpose of those bloodsuckers?
36:50What is he doing here?
36:52Jesús, leave.
37:04I'm listening.
37:08We're not going to pressure you
37:10to report your son.
37:13He was willing.
37:15But I'm not going to let Joaquín pay
37:18for something he did under your orders.
37:30Don't trust yourself, Jesús.
37:32One day you will pay for everything you have done
37:35as you deserve.
37:37And I will be there to see it.
37:45I love you.
38:03I'm sorry I couldn't come earlier.
38:05I had an important matter to resolve.
38:07Don't worry, Mrs. Gema is not here yet.
38:10How strange.
38:12When she called me to meet us, she was very nervous
38:13and told me she would be punctual
38:15because she had things to do later.
38:17I don't know. What does she want to tell us?
38:20I imagine it will be related to the donations.
38:23And I'm afraid it won't be good news.
38:25My God, doctor, you're always so cynical.
38:29I'm sorry.
38:31I haven't been able to keep up with Mrs. Alvira.
38:33That woman has turned out to be a pain in the ass.
38:36And why is that?
38:38She wanted to go to the consultation with you, right?
38:40What she really wanted was to gossip about my affairs.
38:44And then get rid of her.
38:46Get rid of her?
38:48Get rid of her, me.
38:50I threw her out of the consultation not because I didn't want to,
38:52but because I didn't want to mess with her.
38:54So we can forget about it.
38:56Oh, my God.
38:58Now that we've got Mrs. Marta to help us.
39:00At least we're glad we tried everything.
39:02She's giving up again.
39:04And what are we going to do?
39:06Well, we'll organize another raffle.
39:07That wasn't a bad idea.
39:09Until we get all the money.
39:11Oh, Claudia.
39:13I don't see myself with Buma Cuestas going around all day.
39:15Well, look at me.
39:17And I'm very happy.
39:19Of course, I've never met anyone with as much pride as you.
39:23No, father.
39:25I don't give credit.
39:27How can there be no complaint?
39:29It's not possible.
39:31She's lying to us.
39:33I'm not lying to you.
39:35There's an explanation.
39:37She doesn't want to pay with jail.
39:39You're wrong, Andrés.
39:44The explanation is in this letter.
39:49Jesus has already given a copy to the lawyer
39:53and threatens to give it to the authorities.
39:56Who wants to read it? You?
39:57I, Jesús de la Reina Vázquez,
39:59make it a written confession of my fist and letter
40:02a crime committed after the murder of Clotilde Ponce Blanco,
40:06my first wife, and which I now denounce.
40:11Confess the same. It's just what we need.
40:13Do you want to finish reading the letter, please?
40:15And this crime is that it was pointed out as guilty
40:18of the murder of an innocent,
40:20Mr. Lázaro Ramos Casaseca,
40:22who, in effect, committed the murder of his wife.
40:24Mr. Lázaro Ramos Casaseca,
40:26who, in effect, was convicted of a false charge.
40:30Those responsible for this crime are
40:32Mrs. Digna Vázquez Martín, Mrs. Damián de la Reina Cortés,
40:35as investigators of the plan,
40:37and Mr. Joaquín Merino Vázquez,
40:39as directly responsible for...
40:42But what is this?
40:44It's time to reveal what they did to poor Lázaro.
40:47He doesn't care if he falls in front of the Merinos.
40:49And above all, Joaquín,
40:51who stole the glove from Lázaro's locker
40:52and put it in the place of the facts.
40:55Because of that letter, everyone would go to jail.
40:58There is no doubt.
41:00That's why I asked Digna to make the decision.
41:05The right decision, no doubt.
41:08Get out of here, I won't answer.
41:10Aren't you ashamed of being like this?
41:12Doesn't your conscience kill you?
41:14What killed me was the pain I felt
41:16when I found out that Clotilde was cheating on me.
41:18And what kills me is the pain I feel
41:20for the betrayal of Begoña.
41:22What do you want me to tell you, Marta?
41:24Life, women have made me like this.
41:29Well, and a little bit of my father's help too.
41:40Eneso is right.
41:42You are not very different from him.
41:45If you don't care, Father,
41:47Andrés and I should talk alone.
41:53I'm sorry.
41:55You've been waiting a long time.
41:57Well, a little while.
41:59But let's hope it was worth it.
42:01Yes, Gemma.
42:03I'm sorry I sent Mrs. Elvira away like that.
42:06I'm sure she told you.
42:08That woman is insufferable.
42:10The truth is that woman doesn't realize it, Mrs. Ema.
42:13I already told you.
42:15I'm sorry.
42:17I'm sorry.
42:19I'm sorry.
42:20That woman doesn't realize it, Mrs. Ema.
42:22I already had to give her a discount at the store.
42:24And Dr. Borrell asked her to take off a callus.
42:26Oh, what a woman.
42:29But look at this.
42:37My God.
42:39But where do you get the money from?
42:42It's for the house in Cuna, but it didn't seem interested.
42:45Well, it was a little reluctant,
42:47but I showed him the bad image
42:48that would give if all the ladies of the neighborhood,
42:50except her, helped in this beautiful house.
42:53You are one of a kind.
42:55In the envelope is Mrs. Elvira's contribution
42:57and that of the other women I invited to the house.
43:00My God, but there is a capital.
43:03I think we have enough with this to start.
43:08Gemma, thank you very much.
43:10You have done us a great favor.
43:12You have supported us from the beginning.
43:14Yes, Mrs. Ema.
43:15Without you, we would not have been able to continue with the house in Cuna.
43:18Well, I am very happy to have been able to contribute my grain of sand.
43:22What do you want me to tell you?
43:24This has saved my day.
43:26They have already spoken.
43:28Now it's just you and me.
43:30What do we do, Andrés?
43:32Marta, I don't know.
43:34We can't do anything.
43:36This happens to anyone.
43:38It will mark us for life.
43:40I would like to think that there is hope,
43:42that we can continue to live.
43:43Even if it is only to see Jesus fall.
43:47And live marked by pain?
43:50I look at you, brother, and I no longer recognize that young idealist
43:53who entered through that door a few months ago.
43:55Marta, I am not.
43:57I can't be the one discovering the roots of this family,
44:00which are rotten.
44:02I want to think that I still have you.
44:05And I have Digna, and the cousins, and Julia.
44:09And all the people who are my family.
44:15I will think of you and Begoña.
44:19she has to be your engine.
44:23I have to warn her as soon as I find out all this.
44:30I couldn't do anything else.
44:32I'm sorry, Digna, but I don't agree.
44:35Andrés has told you all the details.
44:38All I know is that Jesus will continue to be free,
44:40camping at his wings.
44:41Do you think that doesn't hurt me as much as it does you?
44:45But I can't let my son Joaquín go to jail.
44:49I can't, Begoña.
44:51I can't.
44:53And what does Joaquín say?
44:55It's a decision we've all made.
44:58Although he was willing to sacrifice himself.
45:01That honors him.
45:03Begoña, I've already lost a son.
45:05I can't lose another.
45:07But with a good defense, I'm sure Joaquín won't...
45:09It's a decision that has been made in the family,
45:12the Merinos.
45:14Although it hurts me as much as it does you.
45:16I hope you understand me.
45:18Digna, I respect your decision,
45:20but I don't agree.
45:22I can't agree because we're talking about several murders,
45:25falsification of documents,
45:27exhumation of Valentín's body...
45:29Enough, please.
45:31Don't you realize
45:33that what you're saying breaks my heart?
45:35I'm sorry.
45:39I'm sorry.
45:53Look what I was doing before you arrived.
45:59These are the things of my son Valentín.
46:04What's left of him.
46:06Memories he had scattered around.
46:13I'll be able to look at them every morning
46:17and I'll remember him.
46:23When that letter of defunction arrived,
46:35All I wanted was to go with him.
46:40Do you know why I didn't do it?
46:44Because I wanted to find his body.
46:49I wanted to bury him,
46:51know where he was,
46:53that he had a place to pray.
47:02you two arrived.
47:11At that moment, my life changed, Begoña.
47:18The truth has broken me in two.
47:21I know, Digna. I saw it.
47:23And now, more than ever, I doubt if we did the right thing.
47:28You did the right thing.
47:31It's better to live in the truth
47:34than in the lie.
47:36Your son Valentín was a good person, I'm sure.
47:38He was.
47:40And Joaquín too.
47:44That's why I can't let him destroy his life
47:47for a guilt that isn't his.
47:53Do you understand my decision now?
47:56Digna, I understand what you're saying.
47:59And surely, in your situation, I would do the same.
48:04But saving Joaquín is condemning me.
48:08What am I going to do now?
48:12The complaint to Jesus opened a future for me.
48:15It was the only thing that opened a future for me.
48:16A future with Andrés, with the girl.
48:20You're young.
48:22You have a life ahead of you.
48:25You know the life that awaits me.
48:28You're a strong woman.
48:30But I'm tied to my feet and hands.
48:32I'm married to Jesus.
48:34Without my daughter. Without money.
48:40Both of us have been hurt a lot.
48:47But I've lost a husband.
48:52And I've lost a son.
48:56I don't want to lose another one.
49:03You don't know how many businesses have gone to pieces
49:06because of a simple rumor.
49:08So stop going around and tell me frankly what's going on with your wife.
49:11That you're a poor devil, unable to govern your own house.
49:13Are you ready to get your teeth broken
49:15if you receive a decal, which is my wife's kiss,
49:17and another of sand, which is my fist?
49:19Look, if you really don't want to be like her father and her brother,
49:21stay away from them.
49:22Fine is what I want most in this world.
49:24Take back that idea of going to Barcelona.
49:27Do something, but far away.
49:29Your number of rebel wives has gone too far.
49:31We can't allow this scandal.
49:33Before sharing a roof with you,
49:35I'd rather you drag my name through the worst of the mud.
49:37And if I tell you where Julia is,
49:39so you can go visit her?
49:41Do you remember when Begoña was injured?
49:43Yes. Yes.
49:45When he took the gun from the hunter.
49:47I was running away from home.
49:49With Julia.
49:50I shot.
49:52There's no one left in the factory, right?
49:54Very good.
49:56There was no one.
50:01She's here to stay because I asked her to.
50:04What are you up to, Jesus?
50:06Nothing. I just want to have my family reunited.
50:08They're lovers, Jesus.