Tell Me Lies Season 2 Episode 8

  • 11 hours ago
00:00:00Maybe I fucked up with the LSAT because I'm burnt out.
00:00:03I don't understand.
00:00:04Sorry, miss, your card was declined.
00:00:07Dad's card?
00:00:08He must have cut it off.
00:00:09Oh, God!
00:00:10You're a mess.
00:00:11You want to make peace with your brother while getting back together with the girl who wrote
00:00:15the letter that ruined his life?
00:00:16How are you so sure that Pippa wrote it?
00:00:21I'm sorry, I'm such a fuck-up.
00:00:22I ruined my brother's life.
00:00:23I think there's something wrong with me.
00:00:26Baird dropped Katie's assault case against Chris.
00:00:29They said that there wasn't enough evidence.
00:00:31Fucking crazy how girls can just lie about shit like that.
00:00:34Katie wasn't lying.
00:00:35He did the exact same thing to me.
00:00:37Oh, God.
00:00:38This is really fucking bad.
00:00:40Your wife is right out there.
00:00:42Hey, baby.
00:00:43I love you.
00:00:48Good morning, everyone.
00:00:52This thing with you and Steven, it's sick.
00:00:55What about you?
00:00:56Carrying this secret grudge against him.
00:00:59I don't think I can do this anymore.
00:01:00Do you think I am a bad person?
00:01:03But you still loved me.
00:01:05I know all of the worst things about you, and I still love you.
00:01:28I love you.
00:01:58I love you.
00:02:29It's okay.
00:02:43What the fuck is this?
00:02:47These texts from Steven.
00:02:51It was...
00:02:52It was a joke, Max.
00:02:53It was...
00:02:54It wasn't serious.
00:02:55A joke?
00:02:57Was he just up here?
00:03:04What the fuck is wrong with you?
00:03:07I don't know. I don't know what's wrong. I don't know.
00:03:09You don't know?
00:03:10I don't know. I'm sorry.
00:03:11That's your answer?
00:03:14This is disgusting.
00:03:15Max, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Max.
00:03:18I bet you still think you're the victim, don't you?
00:03:52I'm throwing the bouquet at you.
00:03:54Wait, no, I'll throw it at Diana.
00:03:56As long as Lucy's not throwing the bouquet at Diana.
00:04:00Right. Strong arm of mine.
00:04:21I'm sorry.
00:04:51I'm sorry.
00:05:09You haven't changed at all.
00:05:12Neither have you.
00:05:42I missed you.
00:05:55We fit.
00:06:02I have an exam in an hour.
00:06:10You should get some work done.
00:06:14I'll call you in a little bit?
00:06:17Yeah, yeah.
00:06:52Hey, it's Pippa.
00:07:00Hey, this is Bree. Leave a message.
00:07:26Well, that's it.
00:07:29Great work, everybody.
00:07:50Marianne was wearing my earrings.
00:07:52Just meet me at the condo in an hour. We need to talk.
00:08:11I'm so sorry that I didn't call. I was just worried you wouldn't pick up.
00:08:17So you ambushed me.
00:08:20Here, come in.
00:08:30How are you?
00:08:31I'm okay.
00:08:33How are you?
00:08:37I'm not... I'm not okay.
00:08:40I've spent the last few weeks just trying to convince myself that it was good that we broke up, and it wasn't.
00:08:48You're actually one of the best things that's happened to me in a really long time.
00:08:55And I completely fucked it up, and I'm so sorry.
00:08:58It's okay. You don't have to get upset. It's fine.
00:09:01No, I do. I do.
00:09:02It's fine.
00:09:03I'm just so much happier with you.
00:09:05Not just happy. Like, better. I'm better. I make better choices.
00:09:09And you were right. You were completely right. Everything you said. I was sabotaging everything.
00:09:15And I was a dick. And I...
00:09:20And I can be different now. I know I can be different.
00:09:26You don't trust me, though.
00:09:28Oh, I do. I do trust you. Yes, I do.
00:09:31I do. I do. I promise you. I wasn't... I wasn't letting myself trust you.
00:09:36I miss you.
00:09:39I miss you so much.
00:09:42I miss you.
00:09:44You do?
00:09:46Yes, of course.
00:09:54What about Steven?
00:09:57What... What about him?
00:10:01I need to know that you're over him. I can't do this if he's this constant thing just hovering above you.
00:10:09He's not.
00:10:12Look at me. Look at me.
00:10:15I have so much clarity right now.
00:10:17I promise you. I know exactly what I want.
00:10:28I love you.
00:10:31I love you.
00:10:36I love you.
00:10:51Yeah, I love you.
00:11:01I love you.
00:11:20Are you okay?
00:11:24Yeah. Yeah.
00:11:29I missed feeling you.
00:11:32Me too.
00:11:43Do you not want to do this?
00:11:49No, I do.
00:11:58I love you.
00:12:28I love you.
00:13:18I'm gonna go downstairs for a sec, but call if you need anything, okay?
00:13:36Is he okay?
00:13:39Um, he says he's fine, but...
00:13:43Who knows?
00:13:49He'll be here soon.
00:13:51Are we gonna acknowledge what Lucy did last night?
00:13:56She was just trying to help by lying about sexual assault.
00:14:01Look, I know you don't like her.
00:14:03This isn't about me not liking her.
00:14:06I just don't understand how you can be okay with her doing something so fucked up.
00:14:10Isn't that a little hypocritical?
00:14:13You're talking about excusing fucked up behavior.
00:14:16You're talking about excusing fucked up behavior.
00:14:19But you're dating a literal psychopath.
00:14:26I guess we shouldn't comment on each other's relationships.
00:14:29We don't actually know each other that well.
00:14:31I mean, I didn't even know you were sleeping with Wrigley again.
00:14:38Why do you care?
00:14:40I don't.
00:14:42Maybe I just don't understand any of this stuff.
00:14:45You said it yourself, I'm not a girl's girl.
00:14:47Maybe that's why I don't understand why your best friend would co-opt your fucking assault.
00:14:51Well, at least Lucy gives a shit.
00:14:54Look at how you are with Steven.
00:14:55I know you see through his shit, but you're with him anyway.
00:14:58You don't care what Steven does to other people.
00:15:02Well, maybe Lucy wouldn't have had to tell her idiotic lie
00:15:04if you had handled things differently in the first place.
00:15:07If you had just told people what Chris did to you, none of this would have happened.
00:15:12I'm sorry, I...
00:15:14I don't really think that.
00:15:15Honestly, I don't care what you think.
00:15:20You keep inserting yourself into this.
00:15:22But it is not my responsibility to make you feel like you did something right
00:15:28or that you helped me through this.
00:15:31This has never been anyone else's business but mine.
00:15:33This has never been anyone else's business but mine.
00:15:36And honestly, I'm just too fucking exhausted to keep pretending like it is.
00:15:47He just got here.
00:15:48Great. Tell him I said hi.
00:16:15Thanks for coming.
00:16:25Come in.
00:16:36Diana said you wouldn't get here until like 12.30.
00:16:38Yeah, it's 12.45.
00:16:41Oh, oh. Okay.
00:16:45Thanks for coming.
00:16:48Diana wouldn't really take no for an answer.
00:16:51She said you were in pretty bad shape.
00:16:58Listen, I don't know how things got so fucked up, but I'm sorry.
00:17:01And I don't really want you to hate me anymore.
00:17:08Last year was so humiliating for me.
00:17:12And you let that happen.
00:17:14No, I didn't.
00:17:15You told Pippa, who told everyone.
00:17:18Well, I was fucking drowning with it, Drew.
00:17:22I didn't tell Pippa because I thought she'd repeat it.
00:17:24I told her because I couldn't breathe.
00:17:27Because I was, hey, I was worried about you.
00:17:30And I spent every day thinking about how I could help you.
00:17:33And I just fucking felt like I was failing at it every day.
00:17:38So I'm sorry.
00:17:39And I hate myself every day for it.
00:17:47I didn't think you really gave a shit.
00:17:50What the fuck are you talking about?
00:17:51I called you like 50 times.
00:17:53You could leave stupid voicemails or make a joke like there was nothing wrong.
00:17:56You want me to be serious in a voicemail?
00:18:01I love you.
00:18:04I mean, I just figured you were fine.
00:18:06You're always doing fine.
00:18:09No, it's been the saddest I've ever been in my life, dude.
00:18:23Shut up, dude.
00:18:24No, you shut up, dude.
00:18:31We want to get out of here? You want to get a drink or something?
00:18:33Yeah, okay, yeah.
00:18:36She found them in my pocket. I had to say they were a gift for her.
00:18:38I know, I know. I'm so sorry.
00:18:43You wanted her to find them?
00:18:51Because I saw you out there with her.
00:18:55And you just were acting so normal.
00:19:00And I just...
00:19:02It just...
00:19:03It made me crazy. I don't know.
00:19:07I'm sorry.
00:19:09I just thought that...
00:19:11I thought maybe if she knew,
00:19:13she could make the decision for herself.
00:19:16What decision?
00:19:21To leave me?
00:19:25I want more.
00:19:28I want to do real stuff together.
00:19:31I want to be in public with you.
00:19:40You said you love me.
00:19:41I do love you.
00:19:42Well, then you should want that stuff too.
00:19:45Listen, Bree.
00:19:48What you're asking of me
00:19:50is not realistic.
00:19:52And what about what you're asking of me?
00:19:55You think it's realistic that I could just
00:19:58hang out in this apartment forever?
00:20:00No, no, that's not realistic either.
00:20:06Come here.
00:20:15I'm sorry.
00:20:17You don't have to be sorry.
00:20:21You could...
00:20:23You could make this better.
00:20:24You know, people leave their marriages all the time.
00:20:27But I'm not leaving mine.
00:20:34Listen to me.
00:20:40We can't do this anymore.
00:20:42No, don't say that.
00:20:44I'm sorry. I'm so sorry about the earrings.
00:20:47It's not about the earrings.
00:20:50This isn't good for you.
00:20:53So you just...
00:20:54Why, you want to stop seeing each other?
00:20:56I think we have to.
00:20:58You would just be okay to just...
00:21:03not see me anymore?
00:21:04No, I'm sure I will absolutely fucking hate it.
00:21:15I have to leave.
00:21:17I have a class.
00:21:19You can stay here until you're ready
00:21:21if you need a moment to, you know, gather yourself.
00:21:30But I'll need to take your key.
00:21:40There's your key, sweetheart.
00:21:43It's in my bag.
00:21:50Excuse me for a while
00:21:53While I'm wide-eyed
00:21:55And I'm so damn cold in the middle
00:22:02I've excused you for a while
00:22:05While I'm wide-eyed
00:22:07And I'm so damn cold in the middle
00:22:15You can stay here as long as you need.
00:22:20But, uh, Brie, when you leave,
00:22:24you won't be able to get back in.
00:22:37Excuse me for a while
00:22:40Turn a blind eye
00:22:42I really am so sorry.
00:22:44And I'm so damn cold in the middle
00:22:50Have you wandered for a while?
00:22:53I have a feeling you're deep down
00:22:56You're caught in the middle
00:23:12Your clothes are vibrating.
00:23:16I'll get it later.
00:23:20You want to do something later?
00:23:23Uh, yeah. Yeah, definitely.
00:23:26There's a Christmas party in Woodsley.
00:23:29I think everyone's going.
00:23:33It might be kind of crowded, though, you know?
00:23:36Yeah. Well, it is a party, so...
00:23:39You're right. Yeah.
00:23:44You know what? If it sucks, we'll just leave.
00:23:50Yeah. I'm just gonna...
00:23:53I'm gonna head to mine and shower and get presentable.
00:23:58All right.
00:24:12What are you doing?
00:24:14We need to talk.
00:24:29You know how much I care about you?
00:24:34You've been the biggest thing in my life for almost four years.
00:24:41I just...
00:24:44I just don't think I feel the same way anymore.
00:24:49And I respect you too much to keep faking it.
00:24:52Diana, I'm so sorry.
00:24:55So this is how you do it?
00:25:00I'm sorry.
00:25:03I hate that I'm hurting you like this.
00:25:08I know. I know.
00:25:10You're angry.
00:25:12This isn't anger.
00:25:16You don't feel anything right now, do you?
00:25:21Of course I do.
00:25:24I loved you. I'm actually sick to my stomach.
00:25:27Stop fucking pretending.
00:25:42There's literally nothing, is there?
00:25:47You were so desperate to keep me when I was impressive,
00:25:50but as soon as I show even a little weakness, you're out.
00:25:56I guess that's who I am.
00:26:28I did not mean to get this drunk so early.
00:26:31So how's everything been going?
00:26:32What's going on with girls? You been pounding the pavement?
00:26:35No, that's not what that means.
00:26:37Been riding the baloney pony, attacking the pink fortress?
00:26:41Oh, man, I miss you, man.
00:26:46Here you go.
00:26:48Oh, wait. You want one of these?
00:26:51What is it?
00:26:52Penculis for my knee.
00:26:54Yeah, I'll just take half for now.
00:26:58So how's everyone? How's Steven?
00:27:01He's been annoying me lately.
00:27:04What is it? Speak, young lad.
00:27:06No, nothing. He was just really there for me last year.
00:27:14How about you? How are you and girls?
00:27:16How am I and girls?
00:27:18Well, let's see.
00:27:21I'm kind of hanging out with someone,
00:27:25but I really pissed her off.
00:27:28Should you call her and apologize?
00:27:31Girls do love it when you call them while drinking.
00:27:34Oh, dude, she'll love it.
00:27:36All right, we're gonna do it.
00:27:41I'll be back.
00:27:54Hey, don't forget to say you're sorry.
00:28:01How'd it go?
00:28:02I crushed it.
00:28:04I left her a voicemail, and I was incredibly romantic.
00:28:11You okay?
00:28:12Yeah, yeah. Just seeing who's here.
00:28:36So is Diana okay?
00:28:38She'll be fine.
00:28:42You know, I was thinking about calling Bree.
00:28:50You gotta be fucking kidding me.
00:28:54I didn't know they were back together.
00:28:56They're not. I fucked her this morning.
00:28:59This is such bullshit.
00:29:02Hey, hey, Steven. No, no, no, no, no, no.
00:29:05No, I don't think this is a good idea.
00:29:08Wow, look at you two.
00:29:11Oh, for fuck's sake.
00:29:13I know. Right?
00:29:15Steven, I'm... I'm begging you to please leave us alone.
00:29:20Lucy, I gotta talk to you for a second alone. Please.
00:29:26No, I'm... I'm here with Leo.
00:29:31Hey, look, man. Come on.
00:29:34We don't need to start anything with Leo.
00:29:53Uh, hey, I'm gonna grab some beers for the road.
00:29:55Yes, great. I'll meet you out back.
00:30:09Hey, guys.
00:30:11Sorry, my bad. Didn't mean to start anything. Leo, all good.
00:30:14I'm not shaking your hand.
00:30:16That's not very nice, but...
00:30:18Let's just go. Come on.
00:30:24Leo, just so you know.
00:30:28I fucked Lucy this morning.
00:30:30Right. You gotta get out of my face.
00:30:32Red underwear, lacy white trim.
00:30:34It was kind of seasonal.
00:30:39Can I ask you something?
00:30:42How did my cum taste?
00:31:07Bottoms up.
00:31:08I love you so much.
00:31:14Leo, get the fuck off of him!
00:31:16Get off of him!
00:31:17Stop trying to fucking do something!
00:31:21Yeah, I do.
00:31:23Are you fucking kidding?
00:31:25Get the fuck off of him!
00:31:27Get him!
00:31:28Get him!
00:31:29Get him!
00:31:34Oh, my God, what the fuck is wrong with you?
00:31:39I'm sorry.
00:31:40I'm sorry.
00:31:41He wasn't even fighting back!
00:31:42I'm sorry.
00:31:44You're okay.
00:31:47Can somebody get me a towel or ice or something, please?
00:32:27How are you?
00:32:29I need to talk to you.
00:32:32In person.
00:32:34Please, just one last time.
00:32:42Come in.
00:32:46Is this okay that we're here?
00:32:48Hey, Marianne's in class all morning.
00:32:51How are you?
00:32:53I feel terrible about everything.
00:32:55I'm fine.
00:32:57I thought about everything that you said,
00:33:00and you're right.
00:33:03Everything that I was asking for is insane,
00:33:07and I don't need it.
00:33:09This is enough for me.
00:33:11I don't need any of that other stuff.
00:33:13Bree, Bree, that's not what you said before.
00:33:15But that's what I'm saying now.
00:33:19I don't want to keep hurting you.
00:33:21I'm fine.
00:33:23I'm fine, I swear.
00:33:26It's going to be worse not seeing you at all.
00:33:32Aren't you going to miss this?
00:33:47Look how stupid you make me.
00:34:01I'm going to shower.
00:34:04Join me.
00:34:08I like smelling like you.
00:34:11I like smelling like you.
00:34:41I like smelling like you.
00:35:03Fuck, fuck, fuck.
00:35:05Oh, fuck.
00:35:07Oh, my God.
00:35:08Oh, my God.
00:35:12Oh, my God.
00:35:13Oh, God.
00:35:14Oh, my God.
00:35:15Oh, fuck.
00:35:16I'm sorry.
00:35:17I'm so sorry.
00:35:18Please, please, okay.
00:35:19Calm down, Bree.
00:35:22Calm down.
00:35:24I don't know what to do.
00:35:25You don't need to do anything.
00:35:30I'm sorry.
00:35:34Where is he?
00:35:36In the bathroom?
00:35:37Just give me a second.
00:36:06Oh, I've got to do it.
00:36:14What's going on?
00:36:18Okay, I'll let the two of you talk.
00:36:21I'll be downstairs.
00:36:27What the fuck is going on?
00:36:34Let's talk. Come here.
00:36:39Come here.
00:36:44Here's the thing, Bree.
00:36:46Marianne and I...
00:36:49Well, I wasn't entirely honest with you about our marriage.
00:36:55What, are you not married?
00:36:57No, we're married.
00:36:59But we...
00:37:03We have an open marriage.
00:37:06What does that mean?
00:37:09We live together, we share a life together,
00:37:13but we are allowed to be with other people.
00:37:18I don't understand.
00:37:21It's something that works for us.
00:37:24So did Marianne...
00:37:28know about us?
00:37:36For how long?
00:37:47Wait, that doesn't make any sense.
00:37:51No, why would you lie about something like that?
00:37:55I guess I thought it was part of the fantasy for you.
00:37:58That's complete bullshit.
00:38:01Was it some kind of fantasy for you?
00:38:03No, of course not.
00:38:04Pretending like it was some big secret,
00:38:06making me look like an idiot?
00:38:08Do you guys get off on that?
00:38:09Of course not, and I need you to calm down.
00:38:11You're getting yourself riled up.
00:38:12Don't do that to me.
00:38:14You don't get to fuck me like I'm an adult
00:38:15and then talk to me like I'm a child.
00:38:21Why would you do this to me?
00:38:23All right.
00:38:25You want to talk like adults, fine,
00:38:27but then you need to be fair.
00:38:29You came to the bar looking for me that night,
00:38:32and then you came to my office and asked me to kiss you,
00:38:34and then when I told you it was a bad idea,
00:38:36you showed up at my car.
00:38:38So I'm sorry.
00:38:39No one did anything to you.
00:38:40You made a series of choices.
00:38:42I never would have agreed to this
00:38:44if I knew what it actually was.
00:38:47I thought that it was something special.
00:38:49It was special.
00:38:51Something special between you and me.
00:38:54But this, this was something between you two.
00:38:59There wasn't any part of this that was mine.
00:39:09Do you...
00:39:11Do you...
00:39:13talk to her about me?
00:39:15I talk to you about her, don't I?
00:39:18Oh, my God.
00:39:22I think this is the meanest thing anyone's ever done to me.
00:39:24I highly fucking doubt that, given your history.
00:39:34I obviously...
00:39:36I never meant for you to get hurt in this, and...
00:39:39I'm sorry.
00:39:59You are very funny.
00:40:01You are a very fucked up person.
00:40:04Come on, now.
00:40:06You prefer it when I was just some clueless wife,
00:40:10having her life ruined behind her back while you fucked her husband?
00:40:15Look, I know this seems like the end of the world, but, um...
00:40:21You will get over this.
00:40:24Probably sooner than you think.
00:40:26And then you will be fine.
00:40:28How the fuck would you know if I'll be fine?
00:40:32Because eventually you won't have a choice.
00:40:36Do you actually like this?
00:40:39Or did he just convince you that you do?
00:40:41Because I bet you fucking hate it.
00:40:44Well, you're entitled to your opinion.
00:40:48But all I can say is that, uh...
00:40:53I know more about your relationship than you know about mine.
00:41:02So do you know the things he said to me?
00:41:05What did he say to you?
00:41:07He told me he loved me.
00:41:11Did he tell you that?
00:41:16Well, that means different things to different people.
00:41:22And I can assure you it means something very different to him than it does to you.
00:41:27So you tell yourself...
00:41:28Listen, I can tell you're trying to hurt me, Brie.
00:41:31But you're not going to succeed.
00:41:36Because I've already felt all the things that you're feeling.
00:41:41Trust me.
00:41:47And Brie...
00:41:55I believe these are yours.
00:42:03I know.
00:42:05I mean, I have always wanted to see Steven get his ass kicked, but that sounds scary.
00:42:10What's scary?
00:42:12Is he, like, okay?
00:42:15I don't know.
00:42:16Evan took him home.
00:42:21I don't know.
00:42:23I don't know.
00:42:25I don't know.
00:42:27I don't know.
00:42:29I don't know.
00:42:37We okay?
00:42:47What's wrong, Brie?
00:42:55What happened?
00:43:06Fuck my skull.
00:43:18Oh, shit.
00:43:27Drew, wake up, bud. He threw up.
00:43:33Come on, wake up, buddy.
00:43:35We gotta clean it up.
00:43:45Drew, hey.
00:43:46Hey, hey, hey, hey.
00:43:52Drew, hey, hey, hey, hey.
00:43:54Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
00:43:55Hey, hey, come on, come on, come on, come on.
00:44:02Hey, can somebody help?
00:44:17I just can't believe they were both in on it.
00:44:19It's fucking disgusting.
00:44:23They are.
00:44:24Yeah, they're fucking freaks.
00:44:32You smell like a middle-aged man.
00:44:34That's his cologne.
00:44:44I'll be right back.
00:44:45You good?
00:44:47No, I'm good.
00:44:48Hey, don't plot the murder without me.
00:45:03What do you want to do?
00:45:05I don't know.
00:45:12No, it's okay.
00:45:16My God.
00:45:17Maybe you should pick up.
00:45:25What? What do you mean?
00:45:26Wrigley, Wrigley, Wrigley, I can't, I can't understand you, okay?
00:45:29Just calm down, just try to breathe, okay?
00:45:32What's happening?
00:45:35What do you mean?
00:45:36What's going on?
00:45:37Holy shit.
00:45:59My parents are on their way.
00:46:04I have these painkillers and...
00:46:09I gave him a couple and he was splitting them in half.
00:46:13But they, uh, they were time-release.
00:46:17And I guess you can't do that with a time-release pill.
00:46:21I guess that can kill you.
00:46:26They'll know for sure when they do the autopsy.
00:46:33I don't know how I'm gonna look at my mom.
00:46:38Wrigley, it's not your fault.
00:46:40Whose fault is it then?
00:46:41I mean, I'm the one who gave him the pills,
00:46:43and I'm the one who ruined his life last year, so...
00:47:03You okay?
00:47:09I was awful to Drew.
00:47:13I made his life hell last year.
00:47:19And then I wrote that letter,
00:47:20and none of this would have happened
00:47:21if I hadn't written that fucking letter.
00:47:23Yes, everything that's gone wrong since last year
00:47:25started with that.
00:47:26That isn't true, Lucy.
00:47:27It is, it is.
00:47:28It's been one disaster after another,
00:47:30and now Wrigley thinks this is his fault.
00:47:32I can't just let him think that.
00:47:34I can't.
00:47:36It's my fault.
00:47:37No, it's not.
00:47:38What are you talking about?
00:47:39This is not your fault.
00:47:41I have to tell Wrigley.
00:47:42I have to.
00:47:43I have to tell him.
00:47:44It's crazy.
00:47:45You can't throw yourself under the bus like that.
00:47:47That won't help anymore.
00:47:48I cannot exist with a secret anymore.
00:47:51You don't understand.
00:47:54I keep trying to make up for the shit I did last year,
00:47:57and now Wrigley's life is ruined.
00:47:59I literally ruined his life,
00:48:00and he thinks it's all his fault.
00:48:01How am I supposed to live with that?
00:48:03I don't know.
00:48:04I don't know.
00:48:05But you just will, okay?
00:48:06You'll learn to live with it.
00:48:08You really believe that?
00:48:13I know it.
00:48:17Well, you and I are very different then.
00:48:20Wait, wait.
00:48:22Lucy, Lucy.
00:48:23Hey, Wrigley.
00:48:24I have to tell you something.
00:48:26It's about me.
00:48:27It's about the letter last year.
00:48:28I wrote the letter.
00:48:30The one that got you in trouble, that was me.
00:48:32I'm so sorry.
00:48:34I'm so sorry, man.
00:48:37I just can't let you blame yourself for it.
00:48:40Drew, he was getting worse every day.
00:48:43He was saying this crazy, like, suicidal shit,
00:48:46and he was coming to me, and he was asking me for help.
00:48:50I didn't want to tell you because you weren't okay either.
00:48:52You were dealing with your own, you know, shit.
00:48:55And finally, I just thought someone needed to step in and help,
00:48:59and I thought the school would help him.
00:49:02I had no idea this was going to get so fucked up like it did.
00:49:05I'm so sorry.
00:49:07I understand if you can't forgive me, but I fucking love you, Wrigley,
00:49:10and I'm so sorry.
00:49:11I'm sorry.
00:49:38I fucking love you, man.
00:49:40I never meant for this to happen. I'm sorry.
00:49:42I know.
00:49:45Thank you for telling me.
00:49:47I'm so sorry.
00:49:58I can't believe you did that.
00:50:04I love you.
00:50:07I love you.
00:50:27Have a good Christmas.
00:50:37I've been meaning to call you.
00:50:42Is Wrigley doing all right?
00:50:48I don't know how someone comes back from that.
00:50:54Well, um, have a good Christmas.
00:51:01You too.
00:51:06You too.
00:51:12Hey, Pippa.
00:51:14Um, I just want to say I fucking love you so much.
00:51:18I'm so in love with you,
00:51:19and I'm sorry about everything I put you through
00:51:22because you're just, you're so great.
00:51:25You're so great, and I love you,
00:51:26and tomorrow I'm going to come woo the shit out of you.
00:51:32Hey, don't forget to say you're sorry.
00:51:34All right, I gotta get back to work.
00:51:36I love you!
00:51:50Hey, Pippa.
00:51:52Um, I just want to say I fucking love you so much.
00:51:56I love you so much.
00:52:10I was just returning this.
00:52:13Thank you for helping with this,
00:52:15but, uh, I think it's probably for the best
00:52:18that you're not in any of my classes moving forward.
00:52:23Yeah, yeah, me too.
00:52:25And for what it's worth,
00:52:31I was relieved he didn't meet you first.
00:52:48Uh, good end of year?
00:52:52Sorry, I don't know why I asked that.
00:52:55Actually, there is something that I wanted to talk to you about.
00:53:01I know about this older guy that Bree's been seeing.
00:53:06Who is he?
00:53:10I'm not going to tell you that, Evan.
00:53:13And it's over now, anyway. It's done.
00:53:19I mean, that's great.
00:53:21That's really good. I've been so worried about her.
00:53:24Yeah, it really fucked her up.
00:53:29You know it was all our fault, right?
00:53:48Well, you've obviously had an amazing semester
00:53:52with your phenomenal LSAT score and this admissions essay.
00:53:56I'd say you have a perfect shot at Yale Early Admission.
00:54:01It's good work, Diana.
00:54:07Yeah, I called last week about my card ending in 5320.
00:54:11Yeah, I thought I lost it, so I asked for a hold to be put on it,
00:54:14but I actually found it, so you can lift the hold.
00:54:18Great, thanks.
00:54:23Hey, Daddy.
00:54:24Hey, honey.
00:54:29You good?
00:54:30Yeah, ready to get home, though. I miss my bed so much.
00:54:34I'll bet.
00:54:42So, how did Steven take the breakup?
00:54:45He'll be all right.
00:54:47You know, Steven and I had to make him think it was his idea.
00:55:16Really nice work this semester, Evan.
00:55:19Thank you, Professor.
00:55:20Enjoy your holidays.
00:55:30Is this it?
00:55:36Okay, fuck.
00:55:40Holy shit!
00:55:45Go, go, go, go, go!
00:56:02So, you and Lucy, you think it's serious this time?
00:56:08It was always serious.
00:56:11Just got a little distracted.
00:56:18Look, I need to talk to you, man.
00:56:26You really been there for me this semester.
00:56:29And seeing you come clean with Wrigley, you know?
00:56:36I'd have to tell you something.
00:56:42When I cheated on Bree last year,
00:56:46it was with Lucy.
00:56:48It was the night of the Hawaiian party.
00:56:51I thought you two were over.
00:56:53I'm really sorry, man.
00:56:54I'm really sorry.
00:56:55I should have told you.
00:57:03You and Lucy.
00:57:18I need to get some air.
00:57:33Hey, Lydia, right?
00:57:37Jesus, what happened to your face?
00:57:39Oh, long, long story.
00:57:41Got it.
00:57:42Long story.
00:57:43I'm just helping my brother pack his stuff up.
00:57:46Oh, nice.
00:57:48I honestly regret all the stuff that I said to you.
00:57:52Why's that?
00:57:53Because Lucy's told me so much shit about you,
00:57:56and I've realized that you can't believe anything that comes out of Lucy's mouth.
00:58:01I mean, she honestly just hates men, apparently,
00:58:04and I am... I'm sorry if I was an asshole based on the shit that she told me.
00:58:11No, no, I'm done here.
00:58:13Well, um, anyway, have a good holiday.
00:58:16Yeah, you too.
00:58:21Uh, maybe I'll see you around sometime.
00:58:45Hey, man, uh, I'm... I'm freaking out.
00:58:48I really need to know if you can forgive me for this.
00:58:51I'm just trying to understand.
00:58:54So, when you cheated on Bree last summer,
00:59:00that was with Lucy, that's what you're saying?
00:59:04You and Lucy had sex?
00:59:10I'm really sorry, man.
00:59:12You know what?
00:59:15We're good.
00:59:20Clean slate.
00:59:22Just keep this between you and me.
00:59:25And you're not gonna, like, tell Bree and try and ruin my life?
00:59:33Not today.
00:59:35Come here, man.
00:59:36Hey, there you are.
00:59:38Hey, I was just saying goodbye to Evan.
00:59:41Oh, nice.
00:59:43Hey, there you are.
00:59:45Hey, I was just saying goodbye to Evan.
00:59:48Oh, nice.
01:00:12Oh, my God.
01:00:43Hey, there.
01:01:05I guess it's probably time for me to let go of that crush I've been holding on to for a decade.
01:01:13Might be time.
01:01:14Might be.
01:01:17Where's Steven?
01:01:19Well, I don't know, actually.
01:01:20Evan hasn't been able to get a hold of him.
01:01:24That's weird.
01:01:32I should probably go check on the bride.
01:01:35See ya.
01:01:42It's okay.
01:01:47It's kind of scary when you don't know where he is.
01:02:09No, it's fine.
01:02:10It's okay.
01:02:21Oh, my God.
01:02:23You look so beautiful.
01:02:26I just want everything to be perfect.
01:02:29It will be.
01:02:31One last look in the mirror.
01:02:58I'm just trying to make sense of everything.
01:03:03So, last summer when he cheated on Bree,
01:03:07that was with Lucy.
01:03:08That's what you're saying?
01:03:10So, you and Lucy...
01:03:13had sex?
01:03:17I'm so sorry, man.
01:03:24You know what?
01:03:28We're good.
01:03:32Please, Slade.
01:03:34Just keep this between you and me.
01:03:39You're not gonna, like, tell Bree and ruin my life?
01:03:47Not today.
01:03:49Coming out of my cage
01:03:51And I've been doing just fine
01:03:53Gotta, gotta be down
01:03:55Because I want it all
01:03:57Started out with a kiss
01:03:59How did it end up like this?
01:04:02It was only a kiss
01:04:04It was only a kiss
01:04:06Now I'm falling asleep
01:04:08You ready?
01:04:09And she's calling a cab
01:04:11While he's having a smoke
01:04:13And she's taking a drag
01:04:15Now they're going to bed
01:04:17And my stomach is sick
01:04:19And it's all in my head
01:04:21But she's touching his chest
01:04:24Now he takes off her dress
01:04:28Now let me go
01:04:41And I just can't look
01:04:44It's killing me