• 2 days ago


00:00Get ready for a game changer! Tonight's guest, a silhouette standing ominously in the doorway,
00:07it's Katie Maravich! A haunting scream coming from under the floorboards, it's Jess Ross!
00:16And wolf-like hair growing in places it never has before, it's Raphael Testing!
00:25I've been here the whole time!
00:30This is Game Changer, the only game show where the game changes every show.
00:35I am your host, Sam Raich, and I am joined today by these three lovely contestants. Now,
00:41do you all understand how the game works? No. No. You haven't told us. You didn't tell us.
00:48That's right. Our players have no idea what game it is they're about to play. The only way to learn
00:54is by playing. The only way to win is by learning, and the only way to begin
00:58is by beginning. So without further ado, let's begin.
01:07Players, I think we can all agree that scary stories don't pack the same punch they used to.
01:15The monkey's paw, body snatchers, we've heard them all before. What's wrong, I think,
01:20is that they're not relatable anymore. We need modern scary stories.
01:28Katie, in a moment, I'm going to ask you to tell a scary story the type that you might hear
01:35huddled around a campfire.
01:40There is only one rule. Your story must end with the sentence I give you.
01:49The sentence that must end your story is, I'll have a venti human blood.
02:00I know where this is going.
02:02On a cold winter's morning.
02:10On a morning?
02:12Michelle Marevich.
02:17She's not related to me, by the way. I should specify. So she got up and something wasn't
02:24right. She wasn't feeling so good. She had that kind of sensation that, like, something bad was
02:31going to happen. Ominous kind of a feeling. But still, she said, I think I'd better take my subway
02:41to work.
02:43My subway?
02:44Because I've got a job. It's 2020. The gig economy. You know what I mean? I can't be
02:50sitting at home. So anyway, she put on her boots. Because it was a cold morning.
02:59And she thought, maybe I should wear a bulletproof vest.
03:07Because she said, I had that ominous little thought. And I want to make sure that I don't die.
03:16Michelle sure sounds a lot like you.
03:21Especially when there to be no relation.
03:23Now, here's the thing. She got on the subway. And she noticed nobody wanted to sit by her.
03:32Oh, my God.
03:34And so she thinks, what is going on? Is it because I'm stinky? Is it because I forgot
03:41my deodorant? She's thinking, okay, it's just I'm a little bit stinky. So that's why no one's
03:48sitting next to me. She goes to work where she works as a regional bank manager.
03:57I gotta say, it's a big economy.
03:59It's one of her seven jobs she has to work that day.
04:03Oh, my God. The economy really is.
04:05She goes in and she says, wow, how strange. Nobody's coming to my little desk. Is it
04:12because I'm stinky? And none of them are addressing her. She says, hi, Matthew. Matthew
04:21doesn't seem to even notice. Hi, Patrice. Patrice doesn't seem to even notice. And she goes,
04:31something really weird and ominous is happening here. And I don't think it's just because I'm
04:38stinky. Anyway, she says, you know what? Maybe I should look in the mirror.
04:46I could be ugly as well as stinky.
04:51So she looks in the mirror and she sees, oh, I can't see my own reflection.
04:58So here I am, stinky and see through. A man comes in with a gun.
05:05Oh, my God. This is what I wore the vest for. This is why I wore the vest.
05:13Here's the thing. He doesn't see her, so he doesn't shoot her.
05:19So the vest was pointless. Anyway, everyone else dies.
05:24Holy shit.
05:27So she goes, you know what? I'm having a pretty bad day. I could go for a treat.
05:33I've had like a very stressful day. People thought I was stinky. I'm not really sure
05:40if people could see me or not. My favorite place is Starbucks for a good treat.
05:45This is a branded scary story.
05:50And she waits in line. People are bumping into her a lot. She's like,
05:54OK, this is weird. They still can't see me. She gets to the front of the line and she says,
06:00wow, what am I feeling like? Like, what do I want? I'm just going to say it,
06:04what I really want without even thinking. I'm going to say what I really want to order.
06:08And so she she goes to the to the cashier and she says, I'll have a venti human blood.
06:22Too scary.
06:23Well done. Way to get there. Yes. Perhaps a little roundabout.
06:31Roll the bulletproof vest.
06:32Sam, you just didn't get it.
06:34Yeah. You know, art is subjective. What are we even doing here? Grading it.
06:39I will call your scary story Stinky and See-Through.
06:43And I will give you two out of a possible three points.
06:52I did really well. Thank you.
06:57Oh, my God. I'm nervous.
06:59Please end your scary story with there hasn't been an Airbnb here for a hundred years.
07:09OK, oof.
07:11I know where this is headed.
07:15That's the point.
07:17OK, two lesbians named Jen and Karen lived in a tiny little apartment
07:26in Los Angeles with their little chihuahua.
07:30Wait, Jess, this is you.
07:32A lesbian's apartment was so small, they were driving one another insane.
07:41Dishes in the sink, towels on the floor, laundry piling up.
07:46They knew they had to escape their little box or they would kill one another.
07:56So they went online and looked for an Airbnb.
08:04They found one in the desert.
08:07Joshua Tree.
08:08Joshua Tree. That's right near here.
08:11It had a beautiful stool and mid-century furniture.
08:18Pots and pans that were clean.
08:21And they thought, surely if we go here, we won't go mad and murder one another.
08:28I didn't say this out loud.
08:29They each thought it separately.
08:32They kind of looked at one another like, I might murder you.
08:35But we'll go here and not murder one another.
08:38So they get in the car and they pack their little chihuahua Poppy.
08:42Poppy? Does he just give Poppy a name?
08:44Poppy is the same name.
08:46Her name is Choppy.
08:48Choppy. Okay, good.
08:49That's totally different.
08:53Okay, perfect.
08:54They're in a car listening to a podcast and they're enjoying the open road.
09:00And as they get further and further from the city,
09:02they're feeling more relaxed and more like themselves again.
09:06And then they get to the desert and they pull up,
09:10but there's nothing in the spot that they thought.
09:14You know how the desert is.
09:17GPS can be weird.
09:19That's true.
09:20Yes, that is true.
09:21They opened up the car door and let Choppy run out
09:25into where the place was supposed to be as they were looking for reception.
09:30And as Choppy went to where the Airbnb was supposed to be,
09:34she fell into the desert sand.
09:37Jen and Karen screamed and screamed at the person that they were calling.
09:43The host was on the phone and they said,
09:46our dog fell into the sand.
09:49Our Airbnb isn't here.
09:52And the person on the phone said,
09:53there hasn't been an Airbnb here for a hundred years.
10:03You quite literally sacrificed your own dog.
10:11Thoroughly creepy.
10:12When that dog fell into the sand,
10:14I think I speak for all dog owners when I say that's my ultimate, ultimate fear.
10:19I will give you two out of three points as well.
10:25Sorry, but Invisalign doesn't do fangs.
10:30Ooh, that's cool.
10:33Another branded scary story.
10:38All right.
10:39Raphael Chastain, 1990.
10:46Is this autobiographical?
10:47This is a story from my life.
10:51On the screen, based on true events.
10:53Yeah, please insert that.
10:56Plastic, scary story tool to make it the story of this happened to me,
11:02or this happened to a friend of mine.
11:04Early credit, Raph.
11:05Please go on.
11:06All right.
11:08Wait, hold on.
11:09No, 1997.
11:12I'm 11 years old.
11:13I'm at my parents.
11:14They have to go on a church retreat.
11:18And what do we do with the kids?
11:20We got three of them, a family friend.
11:23They offered to take the kids for the weekend.
11:26So they pack us into the van, pack us in, pack us in.
11:29And it starts to rain and it's pouring down and the rain turns into hail.
11:34And it starts hailing.
11:36And one of the hailstones, just as I'm about to get in the car,
11:40smacked me in the mouth and loosens up a tooth.
11:45I say, hey guys, I think I might be bleeding in my mouth.
11:49Shut up, stand in the back seat.
11:51Oh my God.
11:54Six hours later, many, many miles north of Chicago.
12:00It's mostly cornfields and farmhouses.
12:03So scary.
12:04You go into a home, you take some cough syrup, knocked out.
12:10Wake up in the middle of the night and my tooth is very loose and I yank it out.
12:18And the owners of the house, they come in and they're like, what happened?
12:21What happened?
12:21Oh, my tooth, it was loose and now it just fell out.
12:25Put it under your pillow.
12:26I wake up in the morning and the tooth is gone.
12:29It's gone.
12:30And there's a dollar there.
12:32So I say, oh my goodness.
12:34Oh my goodness.
12:35Oh my goodness.
12:36I got to call my mom.
12:37So I call my mom and she's like, what happened?
12:39I said, I lost a tooth and the tooth fairy left me a dollar.
12:43And she said, Raphael, you are too old to still be believing in the tooth fairy.
12:49And then I said, you told me the tooth fairy was real.
12:53What the fuck?
12:55What the fuck, mom?
12:58And then I said, well, can we make it a fang?
13:02And then my mom said, sorry, but Invisalign doesn't do fangs.
13:09Oh, my God.
13:11And then you said it's 1997.
13:13What's Invisalign?
13:15What was actually scary about that story was your parents being abusive.
13:21Thank you, Raph, for that absolutely labyrinthine story.
13:26But I'm going to say only one point for that nonsense.
13:32It's time for Minigame.
13:33The score is headed into our minigame.
13:35R, Katie with two, Jess with two, Raph with the one.
13:38Players, are you at all familiar with the work of Edward Gorey?
13:44As in A is for Amy who fell down the stairs?
13:48We worked with illustrator Mara O'Connor to modernize these classic morbid rhymes.
13:55I will set you up.
13:56You buzz in and knock them down.
13:58Each one of these is going to be worth half a point.
14:00We'll do a quick practice one.
14:01You'll get it very quickly.
14:02A is for Aspen who, like a real chump, got COVID-19 at a rally for...
14:08What is Trump?
14:09That is correct.
14:11Oh, that is incredible.
14:14Ready to play for real?
14:17B is for Bailey who's just now a skeleton after they spun it too hard on there.
14:25Peloton is correct, Katie.
14:29Well done.
14:31That is so cool.
14:32These are truly fantastic.
14:34Katie, that is half a point.
14:37C is for Cameron who died with an oh no trying to film a sick trick on their...
14:46GoPro is correct.
14:52D is for Dave who, like so many lonely stans, ran out of money subscribing to...
14:58That's Katie.
15:01Onlyfans is correct.
15:03Yeah, good one, Katie.
15:05Oh, that is so cute.
15:07I love these.
15:09E is for Elon who couldn't be stupider.
15:12He died in space on a joyride to...
15:15That's Raphael.
15:18Jupiter is correct.
15:23Here we go.
15:24F is for Finley who set up a tripod, said it's the challenge, and then ate a...
15:30That's Jess first.
15:31What is a Tide pod?
15:35Tide is correct.
15:38I do wish that was a little calling of Zach.
15:42G is for Grayson who, dumb as we are, dove out a window, immersed in...
15:51Oh, sorry.
15:52I shouldn't have did this.
15:53Uh, tar?
15:58Sorry, Raph.
16:00What is VR?
16:01VR is correct.
16:06Very well done, Jess.
16:09That's it for the minigame.
16:10The points as we head into round two are Raphael with one and a half points.
16:17Katie with three.
16:18Jess with three and a half.
16:20Katie, in a moment, I'm going to ask you to give us another modern scary story.
16:26This time be warned, I might interrupt you at some point in the middle of it.
16:30Please don't.
16:31I'd prefer if you didn't.
16:33Sam, come on.
16:35I love that you think this is some kind of negotiation.
16:39The line that must end your story is,
16:44I didn't ghost you.
16:46I died.
16:50Amber Lynn was having kind of a rough spot in her life.
16:57You see, she was already...
16:59You see, she was already 30 years old.
17:03Oh my god.
17:04And she didn't even have a boyfriend.
17:09Oh my god.
17:10Katie, stop, stop.
17:13Too scary?
17:14Too scary.
17:15So at 30 years old, Amber Lynn said, I guess I'll try Tinder.
17:21So she posts pictures, she does a whole little fashion shoot,
17:25and she gets seven men interested.
17:28They comment, hey hottie, what are you doing tonight?
17:34Want to go on a date?
17:37You're beautiful.
17:39And then one person said, I want to cum all over your face.
17:45So anyway, she says, it's a Friday night.
17:48I can only choose one of these men to date tonight.
17:50She's 30.
17:51How could she possibly do more than one thing?
17:53She says, that guy that said, you're beautiful.
17:57Now that message really spoke to me.
18:00I think I'll go on a date with him.
18:04They make plans.
18:06They're going to go to the-
18:07And I'm sorry, Katie, I'm going to interrupt you for a moment.
18:10They're going to go where?
18:12Katie, you must take either Raf's suggestion or Jess's suggestion.
18:16It's up to you.
18:17Where's the date?
18:20They're going on a date to a mausoleum.
18:24Jess, where are they going for a date?
18:26They're going on a date to the Olive Garden in the Americana.
18:34That's it.
18:35That's it.
18:37So this man, now his name is Bradley.
18:42And Bradley says, hey, beautiful, why don't we meet at the Olive Garden, at the Americana?
18:54And Amberlynn says, I was going to recommend the same thing.
19:01And she says, this is ominous.
19:04She forgets to put on deodorant.
19:06Oh my God, stop it.
19:09She goes to the Olive Garden at the Americana.
19:13Bradley is there.
19:14She notices that he's sitting kind of far away.
19:18And she says, is it because I'm stinky?
19:22But nonetheless, she thinks this date has gone pretty well.
19:26Classic, made for the movies, kind of falling in love.
19:31At the end of the night, before they part ways, he says,
19:35100% I'm going to call you tomorrow.
19:38And we are going to have a second date.
19:40100%, I'm not lying at all.
19:42This will absolutely happen.
19:44I am not going to ghost you.
19:46That's a normal thing to say.
19:48So the next day happens.
19:50And she's like, hello, Bradley hasn't texted yet.
19:55The next day happens.
19:57The next, next day happens.
19:58And Bradley hasn't texted yet.
20:00The next, next, next day happens.
20:02And wouldn't you know it, Bradley hasn't texted.
20:05He said 100% that he would.
20:08That's right.
20:09So anyway, she's crying herself to sleep.
20:13She falls asleep and she feels...
20:19And she realizes, Bradley's there.
20:24She puts on a light and it's Bradley, but he's a g-g-g-g-ghost.
20:31She says, Bradley, what happened?
20:33I thought we were gonna have a date four nights ago.
20:39I got so sad.
20:42And so he says, I wanted to, babe, believe me,
20:47but I got in a car accident.
20:50I didn't ghost you.
20:53I died.
20:54Oh my god, no.
20:56What chills up my spine.
20:57Brilliantly performed, Katie.
21:00Brilliantly performed.
21:02Great execution.
21:04Your destination was in mind from the very beginning of this piece.
21:07I will award you all three points.
21:13Scary story must end with its ghost twins.
21:19Two lesbians lost their beloved chihuahua in a weird desert accident.
21:29Their lives were empty and sad.
21:32No little barks at the door, no little stealing socks out of the laundry.
21:38They were so forlorn and they thought, we have to fill our lives with something.
21:43So they decided that they were in a good place to have a child.
21:49They looked at adoption and they looked at in vitro,
21:54but they didn't have the money or the means.
21:57And they thought we need to steal babies.
22:04Jess, are you really doing this?
22:07Chen and Karen.
22:08Oh, sorry.
22:10That's the only way.
22:11They looked in their bank accounts and they turned out all of the pants pockets
22:15and only little lint and paper clips came out.
22:18They thought we can't afford it, but we have to have it.
22:21So they went to the Americana.
22:25Did they see the Olive Garden?
22:27And they saw the Olive Garden.
22:29Two parents went inside to get one of those buzzers because it was very busy,
22:35but they left a little stroller with two little baby seats in it.
22:40Oh, sorry, Jess.
22:41I have to interrupt you.
22:44What did the lesbians think?
22:46Time for us to steal a baby.
22:48Raph, what did the lesbians think?
22:51They thought, oh, that baby looks delicious.
22:58I'll go with the delicious one.
23:01So they look at the baby and they go, those babies look delicious.
23:06Wait a minute.
23:07Are we evil witches?
23:11I think we're demented evil witches.
23:14Let's just follow this through.
23:16I guess this is Satan inside of us.
23:18We're going to follow this feeling.
23:19So they go and they take the babies and they drive back to their apartment
23:25and they preheat the oven to cook their new babies.
23:30And they get out olive oil and four different kinds of spices.
23:34It's an Epicurious recipe.
23:35It's really good.
23:37Yes, they switched out the turkey for the baby.
23:42That makes sense.
23:43But it is a longer cooking time.
23:45It is.
23:46And then they adjusted the preheating time and all that.
23:49And then as they were about to take the babies and put them in the oven,
23:54they noticed that the babies had weird smiles on their faces.
23:58And then the whole house started to shake.
24:00And all of the pots and pans started to fall off the wall.
24:03And the knives came out of the drawers and started to fling across the room.
24:08And they flung and hit them both so that they were like stuck on the wall,
24:11like Addams Family style.
24:14And then the babies were like,
24:18we're the Antichrist.
24:23We looked at each other and went,
24:25it's Antichrist.
24:33That was wild.
24:36I do like how you went with the flow of Raph's suggestion.
24:40I do like how you reincorporated characters from story number one.
24:45I'm going to say two points.
24:50I hope Raph gets zero points.
24:55Are you ready?
24:56Oh, I'm ready.
24:57Your story must end with...
25:00All that was left was a single like.
25:06Oh my god.
25:07Jeff Bezos in the year 2020.
25:11He wakes up on a overcast Tuesday morning.
25:18Beautifully bald, shaven head.
25:22It was overcast, but the shine from his beautiful, silky, flawless,
25:31the most bald a head has ever been.
25:34Good use of time.
25:36The shine is blinding everything.
25:39And so he says,
25:41I gotta take a picture of this.
25:45So he walks outside, but he can't get the right background or angle.
25:49It's hard.
25:50I need absolutely nothing behind me to obscure my beautiful, egg-like, potato-like...
25:58What is this story?
26:00My god, when you said Jeff Bezos,
26:03I think we all thought we'd be talking about his bald head for 20 minutes.
26:11So he's walking around.
26:12He's looking for the perfect background.
26:13He's like, I'm not going to be able to get it on the ground.
26:16I gotta go up.
26:16Gotta go in the air.
26:19He starts climbing.
26:20Climbing what?
26:21On the side of the facade of the building of his compound.
26:25Like Spider-Man?
26:26How's he doing?
26:27It's just the power from it.
26:29And he's getting up there.
26:31He gets at the top.
26:32And then he takes a picture.
26:34And in an instant, he gets like a million likes.
26:38He passes out from excitement.
26:42But then...
26:46Then when he wakes up, he hears screaming and howling and people in agony and pain.
26:52And there's smoke coming up from the ground.
26:55And he sees that a plane had crashed.
26:58Could it be?
27:00That the glow from Jeff Bezos' beautiful, bald head distracted the pilot and caused...
27:12And Jeff Bezos is so distraught.
27:14He's like, what?
27:15Oh, sorry.
27:15What is he like?
27:17What does Jeff Bezos say at this particular moment, Katie?
27:20It's my anniversary.
27:29Jess, what does Jeff Bezos say at this particular moment?
27:33I'm going to have to wear a wig.
27:37Up to you, Raph.
27:39I'm just going to use the old improv rule.
27:42I'll just take the first suggestion.
27:44Oh, he thought, oh, it's my anniversary.
27:47And to absolutely no one, he says, you know, the anniversary of the first day I ever shaved my head.
27:56That was great.
27:57And he's like, uh, I documented that, right?
28:00He goes back into Instagram and he searches through.
28:03He's like, yeah, I documented it.
28:05But all that was left was a...
28:09Wait, because he's been canceled now, because news has gotten across the world.
28:16And so when he goes back to the picture that used to have a million likes,
28:21all that was left was a single...
28:26Who liked it?
28:32That was so much more cohesive than your first theory.
28:38Tremendous points for most of you.
28:41Yeah, that was good.
28:42Not to mention the way in which you took Katie's suggestion
28:45and you just flipped it right back to your...
28:48That was brilliant.
28:50I will give you the full three points.
28:53That brings us to the end of our game.
28:59The scores are Raph with 4.5, Jess with 5.5, Katie with 6.
29:05Katie, that means you are the winner.
29:12If you could please pick something off of the winner menu.
29:18I do love Russ and Daughter's locks, so I have to go Gold Belly.
29:22Gold Belly is what every contestant has chosen so far.
29:28Jess, would you do me the honor of picking something off the loser menu?
29:32Oh yes, I'll take a sincere compliment.
29:37Jess, you are one of the genuinely kindest people.
29:44I never have to worry that you're thinking of others in the highest possible esteem.
29:51You stick up for your friends, you stick up for what's right,
29:54and you do it while remaining extraordinarily gracious and classy.
29:59You're all slightly better people.
30:02Thanks to Jess Ross.
30:06That's very nice to hear.
30:07That was really nice.
30:08Raph, if you could pick something off of this menu.
30:12Yeah, let's do the virtual hug.
30:14I love that.
30:15Get real.
30:15Get real close.
30:16Let's see some hands.
30:18Give me little kisses.
30:25You got a little extra.
30:26That made me really happy.
30:29That does it for us here at Game Changer.
30:31I am Sam Reich, reminding you that ghosts are just a mix between people and heaven.
30:38Good night.
30:39Good night.
30:40Good night.