Kevin Knight & KUSHIDA vs Drilla Moloney & Clark Connors - IWGP Junior Tag Team Championship Match

  • 3 hours ago


00:00The second match is the IWGP Men's Tag Team Championships, 60 minutes, one match.
00:30The Intergalactic Jet Setters, Kevin Knight and Kushida, it is Kevin Knight who forced this match to come to reality, took place back.
00:37New Japan strong, capital collision this year.
00:40Victory over the Bullet Club War Dogs led to a lot of tension built, and the IWGP board said,
00:46let's give the Intergalactic Jet Setters one more shot, and let's be honest here, Chris Charlton,
00:50we have not been able to find a team in the junior heavyweight division that has even come close to stopping the War Dogs.
00:57Yeah, no doubt about it.
01:00But I think if there's a team that can do it, it might be this one.
01:03As he said, one on one against the champions.
01:06There's a lot of personal issues, especially between Kushida and Driller Maloney.
01:11Kushida nearly got murdered this time last year,
01:16and paid back the favor by popping Maloney's eardrum back in the spring.
01:22What's he got in his back? Is that a jet pack walker?
01:25It is!
01:30And if that's not symbolic, I don't know what is.
01:33It is time to soar to the skies of the junior tag division.
01:36Someone get Konnan on the phone.
02:17We've got a great crowd on hand, as I said.
02:19I want to thank fans for coming from all the way around the world.
02:22And we want to say a special thank you to the fans across the UK
02:26watching us on Extreme Sports Preview, channel 281 this week.
02:31And it's all going to be a part as we're heading into Royal Quest weekend.
02:34Driller Maloney taking on Yota Tsuji.
02:37One on one, a man he beat twice when Tsuji was on excursion.
02:41But Driller Maloney's going to have to set his sights face forward on what's in front of him here tonight.
02:47You're right about that.
02:48And as you mentioned earlier on, it was this very building that eardrum popped.
02:53Driller Maloney still has a vendetta against the Intergalactic Jet Setters
02:57from that three-way tag team matchup.
03:04But completely unbeatable, Chris, a big Clark Connors and Driller Maloney.
03:19Unbeatable, right?
03:22I would go as far to say.
03:26In the case of that man, Walker, unconscionable perhaps.
03:30You could argue and champions are all about making stirring up controversy,
03:49no matter where they are.
03:50For whatever reason, I know you're referring to Clark Connors extracurricular activities.
03:54You could consider it appearing in stardom.
03:56Spewing a hole right through Natsaboy, your wonder of stardom champion.
04:00Absolute egregious act.
04:01And now the focus is taken away from that put on here tonight.
04:05The junior heavyweight tag team titles on the line.
04:07This will be the fourth successful defense, should we see it here,
04:11of the junior tag titles in this reign for Connors and Maloney.
04:13But that is a big if.
04:15Kevin Knight and Kushida are riding a lot of momentum from the previous live events we've had on this series.
04:20For sure, they've been doing very, very well on our live event cards.
04:27It speaks to the reason why we bring those issues up with Drew and Maloney,
04:32with Clark Connors, is because that's the kind of champions they are.
04:36Unbeatable, but unconscionable.
04:40As it is, Kevin Knight and Clark Connors, two deciding factors
04:43in that strong multi-man tag team matchup back at Capital Collision.
04:50Connors tried to swat it away, nothing doing there.
04:52How about a collision right there?
04:55And speaking of colliding, here's Drew Maloney.
04:57Not afraid to run through the wreckage as Kevin Knight.
05:00Hey, how about this?
05:03Right down across the back.
05:05There is no better, I would argue, no better pure athlete on our roster than Kevin Knight.
05:15The elevation that that man gets, anywhere inside and outside the ring.
05:19Speaking of outside the ring, it wouldn't shock me if we take it there right now.
05:22How about Clark Connors?
05:24Oh man, can't say that wasn't warranted.
05:26Right in the giant Bernard's walk-up.
05:39Strikes both members of the Jet Setters here tonight from Drew Maloney.
05:44Incredible shape that Drew Maloney and Clark Connors are in, by the way.
05:47We talk about it all the time.
05:50I mean, I can't believe how much time they spend at the gym for people that drink so much.
05:55Oh, wait a minute.
05:57Kevin Knight just wiping out a portion of Ryukoku.
06:01Clark Connors has got a chair in his hand as well.
06:04Our official completely distracted.
06:06Sakamoto has no idea what's happening here on the outside.
06:10This is the War Dogs philosophy, Walker.
06:13Bring bodies, bring goals.
06:16This is exactly the start of what David Finlay's planning to continue with Hiroki Goto later tonight.
06:22In front of Goto's own kids, Walker.
06:24Oh, come on. Don't bring that up.
06:32What are they thinking here?
06:34Oh, wait a minute.
06:35Clark Connors, Clark Connors, wait a minute.
06:37Whoa, reverse STO on the chair. Face first goes Connors.
06:43A little bit of desperation here for Kevin Knight.
06:46Kevin Knight catching a hell of a break here.
06:48And we're going for it.
06:50Oh, my God.
06:52It's got to be the shoes.
06:54It's got to be the shoes.
06:56There is no easier explanation.
07:01Incredible talent out of the Intergalactic Jet Setters.
07:04And we are getting off to a hot start in this matchup.
07:06I don't want to jinx it, Chris, but it gives you that feeling like we could see new talent.
07:12We're getting things moving.
07:14Challenges in motion.
07:17We've seen this before.
07:18Take the elevator to the upper roof.
07:20There we are.
07:21No way.
07:22Wait, wait, wait.
07:23Cut out.
07:24German suplexes galore.
07:27Wait for it.
07:31Gore, Gore, Gore.
07:33Pass down from Reino himself to Maloney and then to Connors.
07:42And just like that, the pendulum of momentum swings in the favor of our champions.
07:48I mean, any hope that the Intergalactic Jet Setters might have had is completely cut down here tonight by Bullet Club War Dogs.
07:57And this is the legacy they have built for themselves as IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions.
08:03It drives us crazy.
08:04Anybody, any of us in the office, because they're so hard to deal with, so hard to work with.
08:11Even something exactly like that, Walker.
08:15For the cover.
08:17But the constant reprieve is, well, if people don't like it, they need to get the titles off of us.
08:23No one can.
08:24We can't get the belts off of them.
08:32Rashida and Connors going blow for blow here.
08:34Maloney boot up and it is combination offense.
08:39Tag made.
08:40Maloney, your legal man.
08:42So interesting the timing of this IWGP Tag Title matchup as we are right ahead of our next series, Super Junior Tag League on the horizon.
08:49You can imagine both of these two teams a shoo-in, no matter the situation, this match ends in, to compete in the tournament.
08:56I would imagine so, indeed.
08:57That tournament going to get underway.
09:01Coming up in just a couple of Thursdays time in Goom, October 24th.
09:07All of it live in English, NJPW World.
09:10That was a rake of the eyes, Kushida.
09:13A great hip toss there and Kushida wanted the tag, but Kevin Knight, nowhere to be seen.
09:18And that was great strategy, how to reveal to Maloney.
09:20Fantastic tag team work by Driller Maloney.
09:23And this is why they are so dominant, Walker.
09:26On the outside, they can brawl.
09:29On the inside, they've cut the ring in half perfectly here.
09:36I love everything from the way they look, Walker.
09:39The aggression, the way they take care of themselves in the ring.
09:43The fact that Driller Maloney owns the most dangerous finishing move in professional wrestling today.
09:49I would argue, as much as I don't like them as individuals, these two are the ultimate professional wrestlers.
09:58Kushida is well aware of the way that Driller Killa can impact your spine and your neck.
10:03The ropes, Connors, Connors, snap, power slam.
10:07And it's just like that, these two men are able to turn matches up on a dime.
10:18Setting up for a hit and run here.
10:20And they want it, will we get it?
10:22No, hit and run into one another.
10:25That was Kushida.
10:27Trying to do what he can.
10:30It's a drop down.
10:36He's trying to avoid the other, that didn't work out at all.
10:39For the chance, here it comes.
10:41Here it is, the jack, Kevin Knight.
10:44Double clothesline off the top.
10:47And no one represents the word fire like this man does in pro wrestling.
10:52One of that satellite, the satellite, no, no, no, no, no.
10:54Oh, two for one.
10:56The satellite hasn't crashed, but it damn well landed.
11:06That's the best hope if he can get that spike DDT.
11:09Oh, he got spiked in the corner.
11:14That's popped up here, Maloney, O'Connor,
11:16that's a hard landing on the outside in front of us.
11:20Overhead, Maloney down to the floor, danger here.
11:26One minute, back inside the ring, both men taking it.
11:32Oh, no, no, no, what are we doing here?
11:34We're clearing out our ringside area, our front row.
11:37Kevin Knight has plans here.
11:39Kevin Knight's going to go big or go home,
11:41and he's going bigger than he's ever been before.
11:43Look out!
11:45Kevin Knight!
11:52Have you ever seen anything like that?
11:55There is nobody quite like The Jet,
11:58and he's just sawed onto the champions here in New York.
12:02I mean, we've seen it multiple times,
12:04and I could see it multiple more.
12:05That was incredible.
12:12Junior tag team wrestling at its finest here tonight, folks.
12:17And momentum continues to roll forward for The Jet Setters.
12:21Tag made, Kushida, your legal man,
12:23hopes of becoming junior tag team champion one more time.
12:29Oh, we saw this back at the Yuji Nagata event, Chris.
12:32Yeah, and it didn't quite work.
12:35Second time lucky workout for Kevin Knight,
12:37an old MCMG trick.
12:39Yeah, as Kushida in on the cover, broken up by Connors.
12:45Sometimes, Walker, some of those unforced errors,
12:48that's going to be what might cost our challenges
12:52rather at the end of the night.
12:53Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
12:55Electric chair all the way up and all the way down.
13:02Kushida looking to lead the former L.A. Dojo standout
13:06in Kevin Knight to victory.
13:08One more time, he'll try and get it this time.
13:11No, no, no.
13:12Kevin Knight taken out here.
13:14It didn't work in the first instance.
13:17Oh, man, they went back to it.
13:20A grave error by our challengers.
13:22Wait a minute, wait a minute.
13:23On the apron here.
13:29That was like a shotgun blast across the chest.
13:31No, no, no, Walker, remember what happened to meet you back.
13:33No, no.
13:34Not on there.
13:37Kevin Knight, oh, just saving himself
13:39from the end of his own career.
13:43Oh, ducks underneath here.
13:44Kevin Knight's got him, Kevin Knight's got him.
13:46Oh, no, no, no.
13:49Malfunction at the junction tonight.
13:52Oh, man, deep flip Kushida all the way out the ring.
14:01And Connors, oh, it's a hit and run on the outside.
14:13A hit and run out the gym is Kevin Knight.
14:17How many times have we seen this before, Walker?
14:22One man down, one man remaining,
14:24and all that's left is to crack out a full clip.
14:38Oh, no.
14:39Oh, no.
14:40Oh, what did that drill?
14:41Akilah instead, Kushida.
14:44He's doing all he can to negotiate the arm.
14:46Oh, wow, that was a hard shot.
14:48It's a one-man band right now, it's Kushida, Chris.
14:50He's just going to keep swinging, that's all he can do, Walker,
14:53keep swinging, see if he can get on somebody else.
14:55The fight for survival, no, no, no, no.
14:58Oh, my God.
15:07And a gore from Maloney.
15:14Connors to follow suit, the gore.
15:23And it's all said and done tonight.
15:25Hit and run.
15:28That's it.
15:36It almost felt formulaic, Chris.
15:40I thought we were long gone, Kushida out on his feet.
15:44I mean, it felt academic.
15:46We've seen the same song and dance,
15:48what has brought Joel Maloney and Connors gold to begin with.
15:53Oh, but all that's left is a sick smile.
15:57They've loaded one up.
16:00It's what brought them these championships
16:04on two separate occasions.
16:06Oh, wait a minute, wait a minute.
16:09Kushida fighting for survival, but it's a one-man band.
16:12Wait, how in the world is Kevin Knight?
16:16Wait a minute, I think, I think, I think Kevin Knight just made the tag.
16:20I think I saw Sakamoto's signal here, am I wrong?
16:22I think, I think, yeah, you're right.
16:25The champs didn't see it.
16:28Kushida, there we go.
16:30Jack Knight, Jack Knight, Jack Knight.
16:32We have two tag team champions.
16:48Two separate occasions on this man.
16:52Two separate occasions on this match, Walker.
16:55Unforced errors on the part of the challengers
17:00should have made this match a write-off.
17:04But it was Triller Maloney that didn't notice the blind tag,
17:08that didn't see it happen.
17:10In the end, perfect tag team synchronicity
17:14has brought us new tag team champions.
17:22It only takes three seconds.
17:28And it only took three here tonight
17:31to establish new junior heavyweight tag team champions.
17:34The reign of terror is over, Chris.
17:38For the first time in 253 days,
17:41Maloney and Connors are without gold,
17:44and we have now crowned your 76th IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions.
17:50This is completely shaking up the playing field
17:53for Super Junior Tag League to come.
17:55Well, Kushida has seen the light of day.
17:58He's seen the light of day.
18:00He's seen the light of day.
18:02He's seen the light of day.
18:05Well, Kushida has held junior tag team gold before,
18:10and he's held it with Kevin Knight before.
18:13Now two-time tag champions at Intergalactic Jet Setters.
18:20And now heading to Super Junior Tag League as the champions,
18:24in a position potentially to defend those titles at the Tokyo Dome.
18:56Four-time champion now is Kushida.
18:59A two-time champion, Kevin Knight.
19:03And well, Kushida, the glue to hold this team together,
19:06especially in the back end of that match.
19:08Oh, man.
19:12You have to say, the gold looks good around the waist at Kevin Knight.
19:24An incredible showing out of the Intergalactic Jet Setters
19:27and a wonderful reign, albeit terrorizing at times,
19:31for the Bullet Club War Dogs.
19:33And is that no man's set here tonight
19:35as we head into our semi-main event, Finley Doto.
