• 2 days ago
This is an Urgent Msg! Powerful channeling; Please share. #channeling #ashtar #ufo #UFO #ovni #ovnis #ET #et #galacticfederation
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00:00We are one, there is no separation. Deep within you know that, and we here in the spiritual
00:11realms have been reminding you of this regularly for a very long time. Modern physics knows
00:17it, but does not wish to state it quite so simply because it would appear to show that
00:22physicists have discovered the existence of God and must therefore become believers. That
00:28is something the vast majority of them are not yet ready to admit to. The evidence is
00:33clear, very clear, but these physicists are focusing on far more important issues, they
00:39are still seeking the smallest and most basic particles in the universe via the Large Hadron
00:44Collider in Geneva, and yet reality is infinitely vast. Meanwhile their spiritual thoughts are
00:50kept private and, if possible, left undisturbed. However, the human collective is way ahead
00:57of the game here because so many books, articles, and documentaries have shown irrefutably that
01:04humans are far, far more than chemical reactions and electromagnetic impulses in the brain.
01:10The reality of Spirit has been demonstrated again and again, and only those who have chosen
01:15to remain in denial of the truth of this refuse to admit it. Denial is used because this truth
01:21is terrifying for many and it enables them to dismiss the possibility of Spirit as wishful
01:26thinking by those who are afraid of death while themselves maintaining an air of nonchalance
01:31about the shocking brevity and seeming lack of meaning of an individual human life.
01:36But of course life is never ending, it is eternal, as you well know, and the illusory
01:42state of existence you experience as humans on earth is but a brief dream or nightmare
01:47from which you are shortly to awaken.
01:50Signs of humanity's awakening are evident all across the world as love, shelter, food,
01:56and resettling assistance is offered again and again to immigrants fleeing repressive
02:00regimes and war zones. Yes, humanity is most definitely very close to awakening, and nothing
02:07and no one can prevent it from happening. You, the Lightholders and Lightworkers who
02:13read this and other channeled messages from the Spiritual Realms, absolutely know this
02:18and are doing essential work in bringing it about. And that work is simply your constant
02:23intent to be loving in every moment of your lives.
02:27The flood of love that you are creating and extending is, like reality, vast. When doubts
02:33arise for you as a result, for instance, of mainstream news reports of the intolerable
02:38suffering of so many due to war and other man-made atrocities, or due to extreme weather,
02:44fire, earthquakes or volcanic activity, remind yourselves of the work you are doing and of
02:50its inevitable success. Then, once more, strengthen your intent to send love to all those on your
02:56lovely planet who are in need and who are suffering because that is the most powerful
03:01and effective thing you can do, and it is most powerful because it is the Will of God
03:05being put into practice by all of you. As I said above, all are one. Therefore helping
03:12another is helping yourself.
03:15However, the illusion, the realm of the ego, strongly suggests that taking care of the
03:20self to the exclusion of others is the only sane way to live, while perhaps offering a
03:25certain amount of compassion and charity to others if it does not demand too much of your
03:30personal limited resources. The reasoning behind that attitude, apart from a strong
03:36belief in the reality of the illusion, is the fear of scarcity that is separation and
03:40the ensuing lack of love experienced in that state.
03:44As you have been told so often, there is only Love, because God is Love, and all that
03:49exists is contained within God, who is the infinitely vast reality, the energy field
03:55from which all life flows, the Source. So each and every sentient being is the same
04:01as God, just as every individual drop of water anywhere on the planet is identical to all
04:06the rivers, lakes, and oceans combined. There is no difference between them.
04:12Of course the planet's water has been severely contaminated in many places, but it is still
04:18water, much as humanity's attitudes have been contaminated by its apparent separation
04:23from Source, and so the purity of Love seems lacking.
04:27As guardians of planet Earth, humanity is responsible for cleaning up the damage it
04:32has caused and restoring it to its natural state. More and more of you are becoming aware
04:37of this grave responsibility and are taking steps to do so. That is Love in action.
04:43Love, your natural state, cannot be contained but it has been hidden or denied and then
04:49forgotten, because of your choice to experience separation from God and therefore from one
04:54another. When Love is absent, great fear arises and peace is impossible between either individuals
05:00or nations.
05:03Humanity has recently, psychology being but a recent advance in starting to understand
05:07the basic essential non-physical needs of humans, learned that self-respect and self-acceptance
05:13are essential aspects of a well-balanced and healthy individual. In other words, to love
05:19oneself is essential for good health. When an individual truly loves the self with which
05:24it identifies, that Love then flows outwards to embrace all life, and that is your path
05:29to awakening.
05:32Psychology is really only following along behind the ongoing human awakening process
05:36and observing its effects. Yes, it can be very helpful to those trapped in fear, loathing,
05:43and self-hatred, helping them to see that those deeply ingrained beliefs are utterly
05:48unwarranted, and by then assisting them to open themselves to the fact that they deserve
05:52and are entitled to Love. However, it is due to the ever-increasing intensity of the power
05:58of the Tsunami of Love that your work is causing that is bringing humanity rapidly forward
06:03to its most gloriously anticipated moment of awakening.
06:07Love is always present, like the air you breathe, but you all have the choice to accept or reject
06:13it, and the numbers now openly accepting and indeed embracing it are increasing daily,
06:19bringing humanity to the tipping point, the point at which the collective, having already
06:23chosen to awaken, remembers that choice, and releases its hold on the illusion. It is rather
06:30as though someone who is drowning, because they are holding on to some heavy artifact
06:34they dearly value and have carried with them from a sinking ship, suddenly lets go of it
06:39because they can no longer breathe, and, released from their burden, rockets to the surface
06:45and fills their lungs with desperately needed air. Then realization finally dawns that only
06:51life has lasting value. Rejoice therefore in the knowledge that the life force that
06:56powers your human vehicles is Love, that it is indeed eternal, and that it can never be
07:01snuffed out.
