• 2 days ago
This is an Urgent Msg! Powerful channeling; Please share. #channeling #ashtar #ufo #UFO #ovni #ovnis #ET #et #galacticfederation
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00:00Thank you very much for your last message, what do you have for me this evening?
00:11Today I have been tired, mostly at peace, content, but uninspired.
00:16It feels as though I received my last message from Saul a long time ago, and yet it was
00:21only last Thursday afternoon, two brief days ago.
00:26Time is surely quite unreal.
00:28It appears that we addressed issues that many are concerned with, judging by the many
00:33comments I have received.
00:35So that was very good.
00:37But, right now I feel blah, bored.
00:41Peaceful but without direction or motivation, so an inspiring and uplifting message from
00:46you would be good, but you and Saul have given me so many that I sometimes see these communications
00:52of ours from the point of view that they are merely more of the same, nothing new, and
00:57do they really have any validity?
00:59In other words, I do have doubts.
01:02They do not last, and I know that they are a distraction, my ego attempting to convince
01:07me of the reality of the illusion, something I know is unreal.
01:12However, it would be nice to be able to dissolve them once and for all.
01:17As you must know, I most firmly believe in life after death and in an infinitely loving
01:22God, Presence, Source, but, like most humans, I have no idea what that really means.
01:30Reading accounts of people's NDEs is uplifting and encouraging, but life here on Earth leaves
01:35much to be desired, especially for those in war zones, those fleeing war zones, and those
01:41suffering with floods, forest fires, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and various forms of ill
01:49So I feel I should not complain at all, but, as I experienced listening to Anita Marjani's
01:55interview with Brian Rose www.youtube.com weblink, I do feel that something of ultimate
02:02importance is missing from my life, something I remember I had but can no longer remember,
02:08other than knowing that something important is missing.
02:11And of course all the inspiring messages from you and from Saul are about the fact that
02:15there is only love, and the only concept of that that most of us can imagine is falling
02:20in love with another, so that life can be lived in a loving, uplifting, and very satisfying
02:27However, very few of those seem to work long term, even though we are only here momentarily.
02:34So I guess we are all really looking for what we lost when we chose to separate from God.
02:39And, having forgotten what it is that we lost, we have no real idea where to look,
02:45and where we do look does not reveal any satisfying answers.
02:49So, dear Jesus, please respond with a message that uplifts and inspires me and our followers.
02:56We are in need of reassurance, reassurance that reinforces and strengthens our wavering
03:01faith so that we continue making our way very positively along the path to our inevitable
03:09Good evening John.
03:11The task we here in the spiritual realms have taken upon ourselves, and that you who have
03:16chosen to experience human lives at this point in humanity's awakening process have also
03:21taken on, is to uplift and inspire humanity into awakening.
03:26We pass messages to you, they inspire you and strengthen your faith in God, and you
03:31then share them freely and indiscriminately so that all of humanity can become aware of
03:36and then choose to be part of this longed-for process, leading you to your inevitable awakening.
03:42As we have said, humanity has made the collective decision to awaken, but the distractions and
03:48enticements with which the illusion seemingly presents you almost constantly keep drawing
03:53you back into it.
03:55This has been an ongoing struggle for you since the moment, just a moment ago, that
04:00you made the choice to build and enter into the illusion.
04:04The illusion is a very clever construct.
04:07Many of you have seen conjurers and magicians performing extraordinarily convincing magical
04:12tricks, so you understand the concept.
04:16But the illusion that the One Son of God built to attempt to separate Himself from His Father
04:20is way more convincing than anything that a human illusionist could possibly produce.
04:26The saving grace is, of course, that time, like the illusion, is unreal, utterly unreal.
04:33Yes, to all of you apparently immersed in it, it seems totally real, but I assure you
04:38that it is not.
04:40Those of you who have had NDEs, many more of you than you might think, know this, and
04:45have shared that knowledge with all who wish to be informed.
04:49Throughout the eons, mystics and enlightened ones have also been telling you this, but,
04:55as I said, the distractions and enticements of the illusion, like the tricks of conjurers
05:00and magicians, draw you in because they seem so real and entrancing to you.
05:06Illusionists' tricks and sleight of hand are always finally revealed for what they are,
05:11unreal, illusions, and the grand illusion in which you seem to be living, often very
05:16unhappily and unsatisfactorily, will also be shown to be unreal.
05:21You are one with God.
05:23That is your state since the glorious moment of your creation, and it is an unchangeable
05:28state, because God is changeless and so, therefore, are you.
05:33You were created absolutely perfect because, naturally, all that God creates is eternally
05:40That does not mean you are in a state of stagnancy, motionless.
05:45Creation, God, is eternally creative, and the potential for further creation is limitless.
05:52Unchanging does not mean a stationary or uncreative state, it means a state that is constantly
05:57and eternally extending love, infinitely.
06:01This means that you, every sentient being, is forever expanding in love and creativity.
06:07Your potential to create like God is limitless.
06:10This is your natural state, creating and expanding the field of love that is God and in which
06:15He created you.
06:17What He creates He shares and extends without limit or restriction.
06:21Love is limitless and changeless, there is nowhere within it that anything unloving can
06:26be present, because there is nothing else, and there is no potential for anything that
06:31is unreal or unloving, because love fills the whole of creation, being the whole of
06:38When you awaken into reality, your eternal home, as you will when you release your fearful
06:43grasp on the illusion, your joy will be beyond, way beyond your wildest dreams.
06:49Keep renewing your intent to awaken and for humanity to awaken by daily, hourly, in fact
06:55moment to moment restating your intent to be only loving, regardless of the situation
07:00in which you seem to be involved.
07:02Love is all.
07:04Therefore, love, when you embrace it, dissolves all that is not in perfect alignment with
07:10Fear, anger, jealousy, resentment, hatred, blame, condemnation, and judgment are absolutely
07:19Let them go, release your anxious grasp upon them and allow them to dissolve into the nothingness
07:25from which you imagined them into being.
07:27It is only your grip on them, your belief in them that appears to maintain them.
07:33Not one among you wants any of them, you only want love, so open your hearts, as we keep
07:39advising you to do, and allow the love that surrounds and envelops you in every moment
07:44to embrace you, waking you up into reality, your eternal home.
