• el año pasado


00:00I love K-pop because it has the whole package.
00:11The high-tech music videos to the intense, like, choreos.
00:16K-pop is, like, super big.
00:18Korea's such a small country.
00:19For them to do that, that's amazing.
00:22Something about the music that is so electric,
00:25it's kind of a high.
00:28K-pop fans are the most loyal, without a doubt.
00:32People look up to them to a higher standard.
00:35They have to be perfect to be K-pop idols.
00:43Me going on stage, people are just like,
00:45wow, this girl, you know, but they don't know
00:48what all the shit that I had to do to get here, you know?
00:52They had to give up their whole childhood training,
00:56like, zero life.
01:00I dropped out of high school to be a K-pop idol,
01:03and I moved to Korea to pursue my dreams.
01:13There's people who are going to come out better than you,
01:15younger than you, prettier than you, wiser than you.
01:21Everything that you do is a competition.
01:27Don't cry.
01:34Are you willing to sacrifice everything for that?
01:36Are you willing to get bullied?
01:38Are you willing to get shamed for everything?
01:40Are you willing to put down your ego?
01:43Look at what I've become.
01:45I don't know what to do.
01:47I've got to think of something.
01:49Being the first African K-pop idol
01:51and the culture of appearing perfect,
01:54it's a lot of pressure.
01:59Through some very hard times,
02:01but we're together on this journey.
02:05Hey, hey, hi.
02:06The one thing that I'm confident is
02:08wherever you put me, I will shine.
02:12There's a beautiful side to success,
02:14but also a very dark side.
02:16You need to be willing to risk everything to become an idol.
02:27I'm a different type of beast.
02:30I'm a different type of beast, beast, beast.
02:32I'm a different type of beast, but it's okay.
02:36This could be your life.
02:40Move over, it's my rock show.
02:42Rock, rock, rock with me.
02:44Feel, feel, feel, feel so good to be alive.
02:50Feel so good.
02:51I'm the best, be alive.
02:53Feel so good.
02:54I'm the best, be alive.
02:55I'm the best, the best.
02:57Bring it back, I'm the mother of every rock star.
03:23Rock Star
03:24Rock Star
03:26Rock Star
03:35Rock Star
03:36Rock Star
03:38Rock Star
03:47Remember the mash-up at the Zoom meeting?
03:50You have to do it harder.
03:52You'll look like a foreigner if you do it like that.
03:56You can't.
03:59More erotic.
04:00More erotic?
04:01And when you hit your butt,
04:03don't do it like this.
04:05You have to hit your butt here.
04:06Hit it hard.
04:08No, not like that.
04:09Watch. You try it.
04:12Try to kiss my ass.
04:13Kiss, kiss, kiss.
04:16Like this.
04:17If you do it like this, it's not fun.
04:20Okay? You understand?
04:22My name is Jessica Ho.
04:26So, imagine how much bullying I would have gotten as a kid.
04:30Not only am I Asian,
04:33but my last name is Ho.
04:35I believe in karma.
04:36So, I wonder if they're like watching me on TV
04:39and like, damn, I used to bully that girl.
04:42♪ I see you looking at my P.I.C. ♪
04:47Oh, my God!
04:49Oh, my God!
04:51Zoom in.
04:52Zoom out.
04:52Her music is just so, so fire.
04:55Literally, the queen.
04:58Oh, my God!
04:59Are you kidding me?
05:00I love Jessie!
05:04She's sexy.
05:05She's strong.
05:06She shows that a girl can be, can rule the world.
05:11They all look at her as like a very powerful figure.
05:13She definitely paved the way for a lot of people
05:17like Korean-Americans.
05:18That's trying to be in the music industry.
05:36But nothing is easy in life.
05:39My career, it took 18 years to get here.
05:43When I moved to Korea to be a K-pop idol,
05:46I was 14 and I kept failing and failing and failing
05:48and I just kept going to multiple different companies.
05:51And like years are going by.
05:52I'm just getting older and older.
05:53And once you get older, you just,
05:55nobody wants you no more.
05:56It got mentally so draining.
05:58So I packed everything.
06:00I just felt like I'm leaving Korea.
06:02This is just not for me.
06:04And then I get a call from a reality show
06:06called I'm Pretty Rap Star.
06:08And I said, okay, let me just do this for them
06:10and then bounce, right?
06:12Oh, yo, it's your girl, Jessi.
06:20I'm Pretty Rap Star was such a mind blowing thing to Korea
06:25because they've never seen a rap women competition
06:29with women fighting.
06:32We're not a team.
06:33This is a competition.
06:34I keep us classy, but I slap a if I have to.
06:41I have to be careful with my body and I have to be careful
06:43with what I say, but Jessi doesn't have to be afraid of that.
06:47She's a nice bitch.
06:50Everybody going down, Mayday, Mayday.
06:52That was like a whole culture shock.
06:55It blew up so fast.
06:56Everybody in South Korea was watching the show.
07:02After that happened, all these agencies want me.
07:07I get a call, Psy Hyung wants to meet you.
07:09I was like, Gangnam Style Psy Oppa?
07:12I was like, oh, but I didn't know he started a label.
07:14I was very, very shocked when I first met him.
07:16He's very small, but he just, he has a big aura.
07:20He just knows how to get what he wants.
07:22He says, I need you.
07:24I need you to be my first artist.
07:27He brainwashed me into thinking,
07:30goddamn, the next day I signed.
07:33I was signing with Psy Oppa and he was like,
07:35can I film this?
07:36PD Joon was like, yeah!
07:41Like this, oh na na na.
07:43My first big song, Nunu Nana, came out on the charts.
07:47It was climbing up, one by one.
07:49It finally got to number two.
07:51And then you know what happened?
07:53BTS came out.
07:56I almost made number one.
07:59But you know what?
08:00It's okay.
08:01Me being even with BTS right there is, I'm good.
08:09This is everything that I dreamt of.
08:11But I got too sucked into just making hit songs.
08:16And then I started getting really sad.
08:19Because all my music is all based on like being
08:21an aggressive alpha woman.
08:23And this is me, but this is not the only person that I am.
08:27I wanted to make my fans understand that a boss bitch
08:30can cry and be sad too.
08:32But I feel like Psy Oppa,
08:34he wants his artists to be on the charts.
08:36He wants them to make money.
08:38And so that's just the type of music I kept doing.
08:41And I kept trying to please everybody.
08:45That's when I kind of lost it.
08:48I felt like I need to try a new challenge.
08:50I felt like it was time for me to be able to go out there
08:53and do it on my own.
08:55So after three years, I left P Nation.
08:57And for me, I knew it was the biggest risk of my life,
09:00but I needed to try.
09:03Now I'm here without a label, very lonely.
09:07It's the hardest point in my life right now.
09:18Since I was young, all my friends talking to me like,
09:22oh, your father is great.
09:37I don't want to be like that.
09:39That's how DR Music was made.
09:43In 1997, we created a team called Baby Vox.
09:47Baby Vox was the first Korean girl group
09:50to hire a female rapper.
09:54They topped all the charts in Asia.
09:57They were very popular at the peak of their popularity.
10:00The American Music Award goes to...
10:06Please welcome, BTS!
10:10Right now, the market is very large
10:13because of Big 4's company,
10:16but DR was the first company to enter the overseas market.
10:20In a way, they were the backbone of the company.
10:26I'm pretty sure he's the reason K-pop became so popular
10:30all over the world,
10:32but he was just super busy with work.
10:35So I wanted to spend some more time with him.
10:39That's why I joined this company.
10:42I've been working with my dad about seven years.
10:45I thought he was a best master,
10:47but I didn't think he was.
10:49So I joined this company.
10:52I've been working with my dad about seven years.
10:55I thought he was a best master if I want to be in this industry.
11:22drum and bass
11:30All K-pop labels are competing to make a group
11:35that's popular worldwide.
11:37And our company, DR Music,
11:40we are doing something that nobody ever tried.
11:46DR Music is a small company run by my dad and myself.
11:52We are the only company that's actually bringing somebody,
11:56not from Asia, but from a whole different part of the world,
12:00so that they can penetrate the market in Brazil
12:04or the States, everywhere.
12:08It took a lot of effort from my dad to get K-pop this far.
12:14And since my dad is near retirement age,
12:18Black Swan is the last K-pop band
12:21that he's going to make.
12:22But I'm still looking for his approval
12:25so that I can take care of this label.
12:28And that, for sure, puts a lot of pressure on me.
12:32If I have a dream,
12:34I want to go to the Billboard No. 1
12:36with Black Swan.
12:39I want to show DR Music
12:41that I can be a world-class artist.
12:52Look at me, look at me
13:02Black Swan debuted about a year ago,
13:05and this is actually our first time
13:08performing in front of people.
13:12We are invited by Korean Culture Center in Belgium.
13:17Black Swan is quite popular here because of Fatou.
13:21She is from Belgium.
13:24Our first concert in Belgium proves that
13:27we are an international group.
13:30I feel a little bit worried
13:32because this is such a huge opportunity
13:35and hope the girls are going to do their best.
13:43Roles of K-pop groups is you have the leader
13:46who kind of takes care of everyone.
13:48It's like the Papa Bear figure or the Mama Bear figure.
13:51We have the dancers and singers, the vocalists.
13:54The lead vocals usually does the more fancy stuff
13:57and the main vocals sing more of the melodies.
14:00Rapper means you rap, dancer means you dance,
14:02visual means you're just so dang beautiful.
14:05And then you have the maknae who's the youngest by age
14:07and that's the little baby, the little wee lamb.
14:11As the maknae, Lea is the mood maker.
14:16She's always active and honest.
14:20And Fatou is like the dad.
14:23Because she's the strongest,
14:25we felt a little bit reassured when we were performing.
14:28When Fatou is in the front,
14:31we feel like there's a cool member in our team.
14:38Fatou is in charge of charisma.
14:48I grew up in Senegal and then we moved to Belgium
14:51when I was 12 years old.
14:53So both Senegal and Belgium feel like my home country.
14:57As a child, there was always music playing in our house, always.
15:01So I was always dancing around, moving around.
15:04Even when we had guests over, I would go in front of them
15:07and dance and they would be like, oh yeah, here's money.
15:10I like a little performance.
15:12I love doing that, really.
15:14So music has always been connected to some happiness
15:17or warm family get-togethers.
15:21When I was 14, a friend of mine was on her phone
15:24watching some music video and I was like, oh, what is that?
15:27And she showed me, it was SHINee, it was Replay.
15:30Replay, replay, replay
15:34And while watching it, I could feel my heart pound like crazy.
15:37I was just like... into it.
15:40And I discovered a whole other world of music.
15:46And since then, I knew I had to do something in the world of K-pop.
15:50I don't think she would have been anything other than a K-pop idol.
15:54She was always into K-pop.
15:58It started with a YouTube channel she made
16:02where she just sang songs and danced to them.
16:07And I filmed those videos.
16:10And then she uploaded them and as a reward,
16:12I got some cookies or something like that.
16:15That's about all she did.
16:19The first time I came to Korea, I was 23, 22, 23.
16:25And the moment I stepped off the plane, it was amazing.
16:30I felt even more in love with the country, the culture,
16:33the language and everything.
16:38And I got very lucky that I got in connection with a modeling company
16:42and they signed me.
16:44Coincidentally, the CEO of the modeling company
16:48also knew the CEO of D.R. Music.
16:50Then he was like, what do you think about becoming a K-pop idol?
16:53And I was like, wow, you kind of read my mind.
16:59The process was a year-long training, dancing, vocal, rap.
17:05I got to get close to my members.
17:08And we became really, really close.
17:10We're really super tight right now,
17:12especially me and Lea being both away from our family.
17:16We bond a lot.
17:30There are so many factors that affect whether this group
17:33will be successful or not.
17:35One of them is their relationship to each other.
17:38I feel kind of lucky that Black Swan members,
17:41they are quite close to each other.
17:51The biggest sacrifice I've made to be a K-pop idol
17:54was obviously leaving my family back in Belgium.
17:57It's been two years since I've seen my family.
18:00So to really make all those sacrifices worth it,
18:03I just wanted to go on a world tour
18:06and just make our name known worldwide.
18:19As the K-pop genre spreads worldwide,
18:23there are more and more talented people who want to be K-pop idols.
18:27And as a result, there are more and more entertainment
18:30that is nurturing those talented people.
18:34So I'm expecting that there will be more labels
18:37than 200 or 300.
18:40There could be more.
18:43Starship is one of the top labels in K-pop.
18:47I think Starship is world-famous.
18:52And there are a lot of idols in Starship.
18:59There's Ive, who is very popular these days.
19:02And there are artists like Monsta X,
19:05who are very famous overseas.
19:08Our next guests are one of the biggest K-pop bands
19:11in the world.
19:13K-pop sensation Monsta X is with us.
19:16If I were to sum up K-pop for someone who's never heard it before,
19:19I would say Monsta X.
19:21They helped pave the way for K-pop. They really did.
19:27Who do you love?
19:32My favorite K-pop group is Monsta X.
19:35They were the ones who got me into K-pop.
19:37I love how they're very interactive with their fans.
19:41Make some noise, everybody!
19:45It's like a manly group.
19:49Hi, guys. Can everyone look in here?
19:51All eyes, right here.
19:53After five years,
19:55we decided to launch a male idol group.
20:03Get Closer! Hello, we're CRAVITY!
20:14CRAVITY debuted on April 14, 2020.
20:17CRAVITY is the first boy group created after Monsta X.
20:21It's a combination of the words creativity and gravity.
20:32K-pop groups can span between two members to over 20 members.
20:36CRAVITY is composed of nine charming boys,
20:39all coming from different backgrounds,
20:42and we're all handsome.
20:52When you were a little boy,
20:54what did you want to be when you grew up?
21:22To be able to follow in the footsteps of our seniors, Monsta X,
21:27definitely, there's pressure to, you know,
21:31be as successful, if not more.
21:35And so, in order to keep up that reputation,
21:39we always just make sure we're on the top of our game,
21:42always working hard.
21:44I just hope someday, CRAVITY,
21:46we're able to achieve a feat like that.
21:57But what makes CRAVITY different
22:00is that we debuted right at the start of a global boom.
22:05We were the first K-pop group to debut
22:07in the U.S. and the U.S.A.
22:10But we debuted right at the start of a global pandemic.
22:25It was really hard not being able to perform
22:28in front of a live audience,
22:30to hear our fans cheering for us.
22:41At the heart of K-pop is the fandom,
22:44because without the fans' presence,
22:46we wouldn't go for too long.
22:48That's just how important our fans are to our longevity.
23:11I come from Brazil.
23:12I've been from Brazil.
23:41I am very excited to see Black Swan,
23:44especially Fatou, because she's my favorite.
23:46Why is she your favorite?
23:48Because she is one of the first Black K-pop idols.
23:52She has the flow, she has the lyrics,
23:54and when she raps, you really want to listen to her
23:57and just be like, yes!
23:59It's just so different from what you usually see in K-pop,
24:02so it's really, yeah, it's really unique.
24:04Hi, Fatou.
24:06Hi, Fatou.
24:11The first time I listened to K-pop
24:13was a really, such a hard time
24:16because my parents, they divorced.
24:19And then I was in a really dark room.
24:24I was watching some Japanese stuff,
24:28and then I saw like, oh, this is Korean.
24:31Well, I'm going to just watch it.
24:33And it was a group, the name is Taeguknama.
24:38I was like, oh, my God, this is so strange.
24:41It's so colorful and have so much information.
24:44I was like, oh, I love it.
24:47And I was addicted.
24:49My friend is a translator, a Korean-Portuguese,
24:53and she say, oh, the...
24:57is trying to catch some Brazilian girl trainee.
25:04Brazil is one of the biggest consumers of K-pop,
25:08so we wanted a member of Lexone to be from Brazil.
25:17I got email from Lea that she wanted to do an audition.
25:22I was watching the video that she sent.
25:26Frankly, her vocal and dance was not good.
25:31But at the time, she was good at speaking Korean,
25:34and she was mixed with Brazilian and Japanese,
25:37so she has very unique visuals.
25:41She was really passionate,
25:43sending me vocal and dance video every week.
25:47After six months, we decided to take her to Korea
25:51for further training session.
25:53I was like, I love Korea, of course I'm going to go to Korea.
25:56Yes, like, it's... I don't know.
25:59I just... I'm kind of crazy.
26:04Oh, yes.
26:05OK. Yes.
26:08My dad's Brazilian.
26:10He was born in Brazil, but his parents came from Japan.
26:14And my mom, she's from Brazil.
26:18I have my dad's taste and my mom's personality.
26:23We share everything.
26:25My company say, don't talk about this to your parents.
26:29But I go there, and like, Mom?
26:33Yeah, so, like, I have to talk to them every day, really.
26:39One, two, three.
26:41I love you, ESMA!
26:56Am I really a little mixed to him?
27:01My name is Eddie.
27:03I'm on Jess's Europe tour as a photographer.
27:06Me and Jess, we've been close friends for a while.
27:09And during this tour, we got to not only just work,
27:12but we got to hang out a lot.
27:14And so I was able to get a lot of intimate moments on camera.
27:26I decided I'm going to do a Europe tour.
27:29It's called the Beyond Your Imagination tour,
27:31because I feel like it's time for me to go out there
27:34without an agent, a management team.
27:36We have five cities in two weeks.
27:39Leading up to this tour, I had to do everything on my own,
27:43from music, production, concepts, wardrobe, everything.
27:47And I always thought, I'm an independent woman.
27:49I make my own music, I do this, I do that, I do this.
27:52I make my own music, I do this, I do that, I do this.
27:55But this is some other next level shit.
27:58I'm back to square one, but just older.
28:02And my back hurts and my knee hurts and I can't sleep.
28:06OK, we're going.
28:17So I grew up in New York and I moved to Jersey
28:21when I was like three or four.
28:23My childhood was like a normal life.
28:26I was like the baby of the family.
28:28Speaking of Jessica, she had such a loud voice.
28:33Hey! What are you doing?
28:35Huh? Hey!
28:37I was like, why is she so loud?
28:40She was so loud, and our kids were loud too.
28:44But I never thought I'd become a singer.
28:48During like the elementary, middle school age,
28:52K-pop was like just blowing up.
28:55I was listening to like Seo Taiji, SES, and Fin.K.L.
28:58And I was just like, oh my gosh, like, they're so pretty.
29:02It was just like so fascinating to me.
29:04And I told my mom I wanted to do this.
29:07She said, Hyunjoo, my Korean name is Hyunjoo.
29:09Hyunjoo, she said, you are not going to like Rihanna.
29:13But the thing about it, what I love about my parents is,
29:16and I respect so much, is that my dad said,
29:19let her do what she wants.
29:21And if she fails, she fails.
29:25So I cried, and I cried, and I ate wet bread,
29:29and I came all the way here.
29:31That's what I'm proud of.
29:48It's hot, but it's so strong.
29:51You're singing.
29:52Lights, camera, action.
29:54Let's go.
30:01The last song I made for P Nation is Zoom.
30:09It was kind of sad because I remember when I made that song,
30:12my contract was almost over, but we're not talking about it.
30:16So it's like, oh, Psy oppa doesn't want me anymore.
30:20And then a week after my song, Psy oppa came out with a song.
30:30I think that's when me and him kind of had a little fallout.
30:34I was a little bit upset with him
30:36because he was like focused on being an artist.
30:39He was a CEO at the time.
30:41So for him dropping an album at the same time as me,
30:44it was weird.
30:45I was ready to pack my bags and leave.
30:48He totally forgot about me, and I was hurt by that.
30:52And I realized, okay, I need to find a way
30:56to not be those people who just wash away
30:59because I worked too goddamn hard.
31:01There is no way now.
31:03I said, oppa, I love you as an oppa, a sunbaenim, a senior,
31:07and I respect you so much, and I learned so much,
31:10but I want to leave.
31:13I'm at that age where I want to start a new path.
31:18And he let me go.
31:29You know, now that I'm doing it on my own,
31:31it's like there's so much things I need to focus on,
31:34like contracts and stuff like that.
31:36So many people I need to, like, focus on.
31:44It got really draining.
31:46We had soundcheck, all this stuff,
31:48and I was losing my voice.
31:51I was low on energy.
31:53Like, because you have to know that
31:55I'm not the type to rehearse too much
31:57because when I perform, I'm singing like 17, 18 songs,
32:01and I'm singing it all live.
32:03The only thing I have is my voice.
32:05You have to understand, I'm a singer.
32:07I'm a live singer, and I have to perform,
32:10but I'm losing my voice.
32:12I don't know what to do.
32:43I'm sorry.
33:01After two long years,
33:03we're finally going to be able to perform for a live audience,
33:07so I am excited and quite nervous.
33:17How are you feeling knowing that tomorrow
33:19you're finally going to get to perform in front of your fans?
33:22It's kind of nervous, and also...
33:26It's very...
33:43Don't cry.
33:56Since this is going to be our first time performing
33:59for our fans in person,
34:01their review of us is going to make who we are as performers,
34:07so I definitely have a lot of worries and concerns.
34:12I just hope I don't make mistakes.
34:59What is your greatest hope
35:02or your ambition for your K-pop career?
35:06Like BTS?
35:11Yeah, like BTS or...
35:35I want to be a group that remains in people's memories.
36:06Today, we have our first concert in Belgium,
36:10and right now, I feel very nervous
36:13because I just heard that there's about 15,000 people out there,
36:18and it's more than everyone expected,
36:20so it's incredible for me.
36:28I'm performing in front of my family for the first time.
36:31They've seen me perform a dance performance
36:33at school, but never professionally, so...
36:37I'm very excited, but still nervous
36:39because I feel like I have to put extra effort
36:42to really show them, like, this is me.
36:47I want Brazil to call the next artist.
36:51Together, one, two, three!
36:53Together, one, two, three!
37:23There's no time
37:25Throw away your worries
37:26Hot, fancy, fancy
37:28Run, run
37:29There's no time, baby
37:31Take me away
37:33Tick-tock, tick-tock, cheese
37:34Oh, my heart
37:36Is getting hurt, baby
37:38Throw away your worries
37:40Tick-tock, tick-tock, cheese
37:42Oh, wake up me
37:44Wake up me
37:52Thank you so much!
37:57Duba! Duba! Duba!
37:59Duba! Duba! Duba!
38:01Duba! Duba! Duba!
38:06Before becoming the first African K-pop idol,
38:10I kind of felt kind of pressured.
38:13Thank you, thank you so much!
38:15Thank you!
38:17Because if I say something
38:19and some people take, like, a negative way,
38:21they're gonna automatically brand all of the black people
38:24and probably think like that.
38:26But you know what? I'm just one person.
38:29I'm just following my dream.
38:31I'm just human, you know?
38:35And to think that there might be that little girl
38:39seeing me doing this now and thinking,
38:41oh, if she can do it, I can do it too.
38:44Oh, wait, I'm getting emotional.
39:05Nice to meet you!
39:07Nice to meet you!
39:10All right!
39:12All right!
39:24Yo, you guys did well.
39:57Now you live in the city of Ubuda, yeah?
40:00Yeah, here you are.
40:02Oh, don't cry!
40:09I am happy.
40:11You are so proud, I think.
40:13I am proud of what?
40:15Of you all.
40:19Yes, of you all.
40:27See you tomorrow. Bye-bye.
40:40Frankly, I am very proud.
40:43I am very proud.
40:46Excuse me.
40:57Thank you!
40:59Thank you!
41:01I was scared because I heard everyone say,
41:03Fatou, Fatou, Fatou.
41:05I was scared.
41:07I said that.
41:09In fact, I think I'm afraid to share it with everyone.
41:13I'm afraid of losing Fatou.
41:16I'm afraid of losing her.
41:26I'm sorry!
41:28I'm sorry!
41:52Mr. Yoon, you said that DR Music is a family business.
41:56Do you feel that you can pass it on now?
41:59And that Philip is ready to take it over?
42:19Black Swan is currently dealing with some trouble
42:23between Fatou and Lea.
42:25When we were in Belgium after the concert,
42:28we were invited to Fatou's family's place for dinner
42:32and everyone was there.
42:34I thought maybe it's better off not staying there,
42:38so I brought all the managers out of the house
42:41so that all the girls could have some good times
42:45with Fatou's family.
42:47But after I left, we had a member's conflict.
42:52In Belgium, while we were at my family's house,
42:55that's when the fight happened.
43:01Lea said some things that were really disrespectful
43:04towards my family.
43:06It made me see a whole new side of her
43:09that I did not know she had.
43:11And it's not something I want in my life.
43:13Not that type of energy.
43:15Me and Fatou, we fight,
43:19and I was really angry with her
43:21because of the words she said to me.
43:23Now I don't want to say sorry anymore for her.
43:26I don't want to talk to her.
43:28I don't want to, like, see her.
43:31Don't touch my family.
43:32That's something I think I will never forgive her for that.
43:37Now it's finished for me.
43:39I feel I want to go out from Black Swan.
43:48I'm a different type of beast
43:54I'm a different type of beast, beast, beast
43:57I'm a different type of beast, but it's okay
44:01Makeup is a little darker
44:04I'm a natural girl
44:06I'm attracted to something
44:09Hashtag daily life
44:11I'm so good at being bad
44:14I'm proud of myself
44:17Driving you crazy
44:19I know you're hypnotized
44:21I can see it in your eyes
44:24It's not wrong to be different from you
44:28Don't judge, you don't know life
