• last week
00:00I know, I know. I'm sorry. I was busy shooting the rest of today's scenes. What happened
00:19to you?
00:20You're not going to believe it. I somehow threw my back out.
00:42How'd that happen?
00:50Hey, Steph.
00:52Jada, thank you so much for meeting me. Are you sure that I'm not taking away the blame?
00:56Oh, yeah, he turned in a while ago. Actually, he's probably up reading his, like, thousand
01:00page book on Oppenheimer. He just watched a movie, and now he's obsessed.
01:04Oh, I'm so glad he's doing okay.
01:07He's doing very well.
01:09So glad.
01:12So, what's up?
01:15Well, uh, to be honest, I'm actually kind of freaking out. I, um, I just had to talk
01:21to someone I don't know what to do about.
01:24About what?
01:26Stephanie, what happened?
01:31I had sex with Alex.
01:34And that smile, oh, that smile, that sweat slides down his, oh, wait, wait, wait.
01:46First, Faith says to him, I love you, Alex.
01:51Then Arrow, then Arrow rips off his shirt and buttons flying everywhere as we zoom in
01:57on those washboard abs.
02:00I'm coming.
02:05Oh, my God, honey, no, no, no, no, no, no.
02:18I don't believe it.
02:21I mean, when you said that maybe Fiona was the one that was driving the car that hit
02:28I didn't think there was any way in hell that could be possible.
02:32But now.
02:41Brady, Brady.
02:43Oh, hey.
02:45What is going on?
02:46What's going on?
02:47I think I hit someone.
02:56No, impossible.
03:02She was the one behind the wheel.
03:03I wasn't the one driving the car.
03:07It was Fiona.
03:12What are you doing?
03:13What do I have to do?
03:14You're the only one that knows the truth.
03:16No, that's not true.
03:17Arrow knows.
03:18He's on you.
03:19You're not doing anything.
03:20I'm sorry, my dear.
03:21You know, I'm very fond of you.
03:24You are about to have a terrible life.
03:26You can't do this.
03:27I'm not doing anything.
03:29Someone's fighting at the bottom of the stairs.
03:31Maybe Maggie.
03:32Maybe my son.
03:33No, this is you.
03:34You lost control of the chair.
03:36No, no, no.
03:42But I suppose no one will be the wiser.
03:47Except for me.
03:51What's going on here, Mom?
03:53Why are you threatening to kill my wife?
03:57Because she doesn't want to put me in the chair.
03:59She doesn't want anybody to find out.
04:14Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
04:19You are not going to believe this, Johnny.
04:22Try me.
04:23So on the way to set earlier, there was a little extra time.
04:27So I went and I stopped by Sweet Bits.
04:29And then on my way back, I bent down to tie my shoe.
04:31And then all of a sudden, in my back, it just went out.
04:35Just like that, huh?
04:47Just like that, huh?
04:49Crazy, right?
04:50I mean, I've never had any issues with my back before.
04:52And you know how much of a yogi I am.
04:54So it was just really bad timing.
04:56And then Eve and Kate, they ended up having to cancel my love scenes with Alex for today.
05:01No choice.
05:02I know.
05:03I heard.
05:04Yeah, we didn't even get a chance to rehearse them.
05:17Chanel Night!
05:20Hey there, Chanel.
05:24What's going on, girl?
05:27How you feeling?
05:36You slept with Alex.
05:39I know.
05:41I know.
05:43I am not judging you.
05:45not judge you. Okay? I just thought that you both agreed that you wouldn't, you know, go there.
05:51No, we did. We did agree. So then how...
05:58I was at the hospital earlier to do some PR work for Body and Soul, and Chanel was running late.
06:06So... So what?
06:09So Alex asked me to rehearse this love scene with him in the hospital room.
06:14Oh, I see. So you pulled the whole come half sec... I mean, come rehearse this love scene with me.
06:22Exactly. And, uh, well, one thing led to another.
06:32Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Are you telling me you guys slept together on set
06:37on the hospital bed? Yeah, we did.
06:44Oh, Gina, my God, what was I thinking? I guess you weren't thinking.
06:48No. And neither was Alex.
06:57I remember. I was in the passenger seat of the car during that night of the accident. Fiona
07:05must have moved me and put me in the driver's seat when she took me home that night.
07:10Just like I said. Just like you said.
07:16I believe it. All this time I thought I was guilty, Eric. I was ready to go to prison for a decade.
07:25You know, I thank God you remembered. Just in the nick of time, man.
07:29I'm in another 12 hours and you haven't accepted that plea.
07:35I gotta thank you. Brother, thank you.
07:41If it wasn't for you, I never would have known that I was that I wasn't the one who
07:44tried it that night. That I wasn't the one that hit her. I wasn't the one that left her there.
07:48I would have never known that I was innocent if it hadn't been for you.
07:58Get away from my wife. Stop it. Darling, please listen to me.
08:02Please listen to me. Get away from her now.
08:08Sweetheart, tell me what happened.
08:13But he wasn't driving. It was her. It was her mother.
08:18Why? That's true. It was her. I remember seeing her in the driver's seat.
08:25Darling, are you... are you absolutely sure? I'm sure. Besides, she admitted it.
08:42Is this true? Yes. It's true. I'm the one that hit Sarah.
08:55What does she think I'm doing? Writing a Facebook post? This is a soap opera and Leo
09:12Stark, the artist formerly known as Lady Whistleblower, is the very busy head writer.
09:17No way, Hattie. I'm on a deadline here. Leo. No time to schmooze or worse,
09:22be raked over the coals. Leo, open the door. And the last time I saw you,
09:26you threaded into my life. Leo, Leo, it isn't Hattie. It's Dr. Evans.
09:32Dr. Evans? As in Marlena? No, no, no. I am not falling for that bait and switch again.
09:39Come on, Leo. What are you talking about? It's me. I promise.
09:45Okay. If you really are Dr. Evans, then what's the answer to this question that only my therapist
09:51would know? Okay, go ahead. What was the name of my best friend at sleepaway camp?
10:00Wrong. I didn't have any friends until I was 19, and I only spent one night at sleepaway camp
10:03before I had a panic attack and my mother had to drive eight hours through the Adirondacks to pick
10:07me up. You didn't give me a chance to answer. No. I guess I didn't, did I? Okay, then.
10:17What was the working title of the book I wanted to write? Thought about writing,
10:20but then realized nobody would want to read. Oh, uh, this is my life so far. A Tale of
10:28Charm and Whisper. Okay. And what is the name of the doctor that I had the hots for,
10:34but he turned out to be straight as arrow? Mark Green. Dr. Evans, it really is you.
10:41I'm trying to tell you. I'm sorry. Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were Hattie. She was incensed with
10:47me over these death scenes I wrote at Body and Soul, where Charlemagne falls 38 stories down an
10:52elevator shaft, screaming the entire way down. I'm telling you, the show is messing with my head. I
10:57am up all night, every night, eating muesli and watching old telenovelas. Is that why you're here?
11:01Because I've been seen muttering to myself all over town? No, but we should talk about that.
11:07But Body and Soul is the reason I'm here. I'm feeling a little doped up, actually,
11:16and the muscle relaxers that Kayla gave me are working. My back is feeling a little bit better,
11:21but I'm really, really sorry, guys. Hey, it's not your fault. I'm just glad you're okay.
11:28I would have come to check on you sooner, but I had to do those scenes with Bonnie.
11:31Alex, you seem to be in a particularly good mood today. Yeah? Yeah. Well, I mean,
11:38I guess Bonnie being so elated that she's not getting fired kind of rubbed off on me. Anyway,
11:45Kate said that she would reschedule our love scenes for when you're feeling a little bit better.
11:49Yeah, yeah, we'll see how I feel. Trippy's meds were off, but Kayla says that I should be feeling
11:55better by tomorrow. Great, great. You guys will be undressing each other in no time.
12:07Okay, let's put this in perspective here. Like I said before, it's kind of like this came out
12:12I mean, you guys were in a relationship before, so, you know, there's some chemistry there, right?
12:16Yeah, yeah, but Alex was so adamant about it. I think it's best if we're just friends.
12:21Bonnie obviously changed his mind. I don't know if he did. Obviously he did.
12:30So what did you see after it happened? We didn't even get a chance to talk about it. I had to go
12:35deal with a PR crisis. And our now former star Hattie stormed off the set without filming our
12:41exit scene. Oof, so you gotta make sure that news didn't get out, right? Exactly.
12:48Wow, Jada, my whole job is containing Fallout. So why am I so bad at doing it in my own name?
13:26She's gonna tell the whole story to me.
13:35My father, he fought tooth and nail for me from the beginning.
13:40Even when I didn't want to hurt him for myself. I mean, the facts seemed apparent, but you, you
13:46you knew something was was wrong about that night. You kept digging. Eric, if you hadn't,
13:53if you hadn't told me that Fiona and I left that bar that night together, I probably wouldn't
13:56have remembered anything. So I'm sorry. I'm sorry that Fiona betrayed you the way she did.
14:03The crazy thing is, is I actually, I actually cared about her. I leaned on her when this whole
14:10thing happened. She was the one that told me not to go to the police. And I didn't understand that
14:15at the time, but I sure as hell do now. Fiona's living in her own hell. You know, she came to this
14:22with me. She told me that she had something to confess. I wonder if she was going to tell me
14:29the truth. Well, obviously she didn't. No, she didn't because Kristen, Kristen Barge didn't
14:34interrupted the... Kristen, Kristen, she, she said that she was, she was going to get me out of here.
14:42God knows what she's planning, Eric. You know what? Stop worrying about Kristen.
14:47We're going to get you out of here, Brady. Fiona, she's going to pay.
14:59So you're telling me that after you hit Sarah and left her for dead, you just, you what?
15:06You dragged a drunken Brady into the driver's seat and you let him take the fall for you?
15:10I panicked, Xander. I was desperate. And it's not as though I meant to hit Sarah. It was an accident.
15:18You drove drunk. You knew you were drunk. I was also with Brady. Oh, oh wow, really? Yes.
15:27Yes, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, please bear in mind that the drunk driver was ever so
15:32slightly less sloshed than the drunk passenger. Listen to me, Xander. After it happened, I did
15:40stay with Sarah. I was going to call for help. Really, I was. I had my phone in my hand.
15:46And then you arrived. I'm not a monster. I would never have left her. But you did leave her there.
15:54You grabbed the zine and pinned it on an innocent man. And then you made yourself completely
16:03indispensable to us. Never once letting on that you were responsible for all of Sarah's suffering.
16:12I mean, my God, I almost broke Brady's legs with a baseball bat. I was going to murder him.
16:20And I stopped you.
16:26But you're still too much of a coward to tell me the truth. I couldn't tell you.
16:32But how not? Because of you.
16:50You're here because of body and soul, not because of that unpalient voice, because I'm good for it.
16:54No, no, no, no. Abe called and said that you had something important to discuss with me.
17:00And he said you had left him a long-winded text.
17:04Oh, let's see. Sorry, I was so busy with these last-minute product placements.
17:11Arrow eats a Kit Kat bar while doing crunches. Oh, Faith feeds a shirtless Arrow some milk with
17:18magnesia in bed. Aha, here it is. Finally. Okay, so as we all know, Hattie was like a total
17:26prima donna who complained endlessly and was a real pain in the tush. So we had to kill her off.
17:32But she stormed off the set in true diva fashion before we taped her very dramatic death scene.
17:37But not before cursing out production and taking a bunch of little sandwiches with her from the
17:41lunch buffet. Oh, no is right. And now yours truly has to come up with a solution. I mean,
17:48we were prepared for this possibility, but a bunch of people chit-chatting about the death
17:52of a very important character off-camera, it's just so undramatic, you know? Especially when we
17:58have alternatives. You have some alternatives that... No. You don't want me to talk to Hattie,
18:12do you? No! No! We do not want to be tangling with Hattie. This is a much simpler asshole.
18:20Dr. Evans, we need you to fall down an elevator shaft.
18:27What's the matter, G? You don't seem very happy about me and Alex getting back to work. No, no,
18:32no, no, no. I just don't want you to rush into anything. You know, your health is more important
18:37than this job. I know, I know, but everybody is counting on me. And plus, you know, it costs money
18:42every time they have to move scenes around. Oh, that is very thoughtful of you to be so,
18:47you know, concerned about the budget. All right, you okay to get to know home? Yeah,
18:53yeah. I think I'm good. Okay, yeah. Get well, champ. I will. All right.
19:06That was nice of him to stop by. Johnny, you seem a little off. What? Off? No,
19:17I'm not off. Yeah, you are. Okay, so come on, Johnny. Tell me, what's wrong?
19:30Steph, I am happy to be your sounding board. Really, I am. But I feel like,
19:38don't you think you should be talking to Alex about this, not me? And I will, I will. I'm just,
19:44I'm just a bit rattled. Actually, freaked out is more like it. I know, I know. But look,
19:51look, like I said before, like, you slept with a guy that you used to go out with.
19:57Not exactly a scandal. And hey, it, it might be the start of something great. Yeah. Yeah, maybe.
20:07But what if it isn't? What if this completely ruins our friendship?
20:16And it wasn't a very good friendship, was it?
20:26Hold on a minute. What, what is it? Sarah, Sarah told the police that she remembered that I was
20:35the one driving the car. Why would she do that? I remember, was she protecting Fiona? No. I talked
20:44to Sarah. She had no idea that you and Fiona were even together. And I don't understand. I don't
20:51want you to worry about that right now. We'll get to the bottom of that eventually. But right now,
20:55we need to, we need to get Fiona behind bars where she belongs.
21:05You're blaming me for this? No, of course not. Xander, please try and understand.
21:15You're the only good thing that I have had in my life.
21:18And I fouled it all up. Almost from the get-go.
21:26One minute I was feeding you porridge and reading you Peter Rabbit.
21:32And the next minute I was on some bender. And too ashamed to come home and face my little boy.
21:41I knew I was a terrible mother.
21:43But you'd have been better off without me.
21:49Oh, is that what you told yourself?
21:53I did. Yes. For every year that we were apart.
22:01And then when Sarah invited me to your wedding, I thought it would be my second chance.
22:06I thought it would be my second chance. And it was a privilege to see you as a grown man,
22:14so handsome and so accomplished. And your lovely wife, and sweet little Victoria,
22:23who's just as heavenly as you were.
22:25All this time, you know, I always thought I took after Dad.
22:36Titus. The felon. The black sheep. It turns out he wasn't my father at all.
22:46But I am your son, aren't I? The liar. The reprobate.
22:56Well, at least you're not an addict.
22:58You were spent, that. If only I could have resisted.
23:02Resisted what? The siren song? Or was that horrible popcorn?
23:08The queen's head? Or are you talking about how you're still on the bottle?
23:12It's harmed her. I was sure that if you knew I'd relapse, you would never forgive me.
23:17I understand that addiction is an illness. One that you've struggled with your whole life.
23:23And, see, heck, you did what addicts sometimes do. You fell off the wagon.
23:30And you didn't have to drive drunk. And you didn't have to leave Sarah lying in the street.
23:37And you didn't have to frame an innocent man. See, that's what I'll never understand.
23:43That's what I'll never forget.
24:01And you're absolutely sure your memory of the account is correct, Brady?
24:07A hundred percent.
24:08Well, I like that you're so confident. But, unfortunately, I'm going to need a little bit
24:14more than just your safe self. Look, this case is going to depend
24:18on credible eyewitness testimony. Go talk to Fiona.
24:25Talk to Sarah. I believe you'll find all the proof you need.
24:30Lysander, please. You have to understand how desperate I was. A lifetime of feeling bereft.
24:50You know, I might be more inclined to feel something for you, Mum, if I hadn't just
24:56walked in on you trying to murder the love of my life.
25:00Stop it! I wasn't actually going to do it. You're pretending to push her down the stairs
25:05on the heels of everything else you've done to her. I know myself.
25:08You sound pretty determined to me. I wasn't thinking clearly. I was panicked.
25:16Right. Of course. A lifetime of excuses.
25:26I'm so ashamed of myself. I really am.
25:34Well, I'm just surprised all that shame hasn't compelled you to, I don't know,
25:38cut and run. Isn't that what you usually do?
25:45I should have. I should have.
25:49But I couldn't bear to lose you.
26:06You're going to have to bear it, Mum. Because you have lost me now.
26:26Look, I've already told Abe in words that dogs and cats understand.
26:29I do not want to be in this production. Oh, come on. It's just one scene.
26:34You know, if you're not interested, we're talking to, um, Diane Keaton.
26:43No, you're not. Okay, we're not, but we do it pretty
26:46pleased with sugar on top. Why didn't Abe ask me about this?
26:50Because, as you said, you already turned him down once and he thought you might be
26:53more receptive to my overtures, given that we have such a wonderful,
26:57I don't know that it's a friendship per se, you are my therapist, but we have a great rapport,
27:01don't we? I suppose.
27:04Look, it'll take all of an hour. The set is down the hall from your office.
27:07We could do this on your lunch break. Think about it.
27:09You say a few lines, you fall on a mattress, bing, bang, boom,
27:12your acting career begins and ends in the span of eating a poke bowl.
27:16You just don't quit, do you? I am bad at so much,
27:20but I'm good at being persistent. I'm also really annoying about it.
27:24Plus, we are on a shoestring budget, but the fans will go ballistic if they
27:27don't get to see Charlemagne plunge to her untimely death.
27:32If you don't want to do it for Abe or for the show, would you do it for me?
27:42Nothing. Nothing is wrong. It's just, uh, it's been, oh, it has been a long day wiped.
27:53You sure? Yes, I'm sure.
27:58Let's just, let's go home. Okay.
28:04Because, um, you know, before you seemed like you were okay with the
28:09whole love scene thing, but just now I was, was, was what?
28:17Getting a vibe from you. A vibe?
28:21What sort of vibe? Like a jealousy vibe.
28:26Jealousy? No, no, what's there to be jealous about?
28:31It's not like you and Alex are actually having sex, right?
28:44Alex. Hey.
28:47Hey, I was literally just texting you. Um, yeah.
28:53I was wondering if maybe we could talk about what happened.
28:59We just wrapped a little while ago and, uh, if, if it's not a good time.
29:05No, I, I think it's a good idea. Okay.
29:10Ouch. Sorry about that.
29:24Um, do you, do you need anything else? Yeah.
29:30You coming to bed? Uh, no.
29:34No, I've actually, I've got a bunch of scenes I have to block for tomorrow.
29:37Oh, I guess.
29:42Johnny, um, could you get me a pill before I go to bed so I'm not tossing and turning all night?
29:50Sure. Yeah. We'll get you a glass of water.
29:54Thank you. Water hospital's for it, right?
30:04Can I get you anything? Tea, glass of vino?
30:10No, I'm good. Okay.
30:13How about we just talk? Okay, yeah, let's, uh, let's talk.
30:20Steph, I hope you know that when I asked you to rehearse those scenes, I wasn't,
30:24like, trying to. Oh no, oh no, I, I do know.
30:29And neither was I. Okay, all right.
30:31Just got them all too caught up in the scene. A little tool method.
30:36Oh, of course. Yeah.
30:38Leo Stark. I mean, who knew he was such a romantic? Take notes, necklace sparks.
30:44Oh, right. No wonder Johnny was so worried about Chanel and me.
30:48Not that that would ever, ever happen between her and I, you know, it's not like you and me.
30:56Look, let's address the elephant in the room.
31:02Clearly we have a physical attraction. There's always been.
31:10But we both know that that's not enough to build a relationship on.
31:16I know that it definitely is not. And you said it yourself.
31:22You just want to be friends. That's what you want, right?
31:27I think that's for the best. Don't you?
31:37Absolutely. I messed up a lot of things, Steph. You know, I don't want to,
31:42I don't want to do that again. And it took us a very long time to get back to this place.
31:49Right. Right. And we both know that this, you know, being physically involved like we were,
32:05it's a monster town. It's a, it's a high wire act to say the least.
32:11And I value our friendship too much to risk it.
32:27I'll say it one more time. I don't want to do this.
32:33I know you don't, but think of it this way. I will spend so much less time on your couch
32:38fetching about what a failure my TV career was before it even began.
32:43Leo, I am psychologically astute and I am immune to manipulation.
32:50That's what I do for a living. So this, this emotional blackmail will not work on me.
32:58What about bribery? Just throw out a number.
33:00You know, we have spent so much time arguing about why I won't do this. And
33:06in that amount of time, we could have done the scene. So I guess I concede.
33:12What? Whoa, wait, was that a yes?
33:17That's a yes. Oh my God. Dr. Evans, you are the greatest. Oh, thank you. Thank you. Okay. Okay.
33:24But there, there is one thing and this is very serious. I will only do one scene.
33:31My twin Samantha was the actress in the family. She was a thespian. I am not, I am,
33:37I am just a psychiatrist. And a brilliant one at that. Oh, sorry. Hold on. Yeah. Hey,
33:45is everything all right? Mom, I, I was wondering, when you come out of the police station,
33:52there's some good news that Bridie and I want to share with you. Sure. I'll be right there.
33:57Great. I don't know. Are you sure we should start telling people? I mean,
34:06what if we, I don't know. There's no what ifs. Bridie, I have no doubts that all the
34:12charges against you are going to be dropped. All right. Okay. You know, I wonder sometimes
34:23whether or not Xander knew. His mother was involved all along. He was so angry. You
34:34literally wanted to kill me. No, he had no idea. Yeah, well, we're about to find out.
34:41He's going to find out the hard way.
34:43You know what I mean? The rage I felt towards Bridie, I,
34:58the way I feel now, it feels nothing like that. Because this isn't just rage, it's,
35:04it's, it's shock and disgust. Heartache. Shame.
35:21Never in my life did I think I'd have to call the cops on my own mother. You don't have to.
35:26I'm up to speed. Fiona Cook, you're under arrest.
35:56Do you believe it? No, no. I walked in on my wife, my wife
36:19having sex with her on-screen co-star. And what do they do? They, uh,
36:25act like nothing even happened. They lied right to my face, mocking me, humiliating me.
36:39I was going to get fired at the hospital, and I realized there's not really any point.
36:45It's not like she would admit it. Chanel made me feel like a complete fool.
36:54Being jealous at all. Well, turns out I was right. I was right. Damn it.
37:16I'm really glad we talked. Me too.
37:24I guess I should probably let you get to bed then, huh? Yeah, yeah, that's a good,
37:32uh, yeah, I'm beat. Yeah, me too. Maybe I'll see you tomorrow. Maybe.
37:40Good night. Good night, Alex.
37:51Good night.
38:06Abe, Marlena said she is on board. Isn't that the greatest news?
38:12No, just one scene. She was very, very firm. However, I do have an idea to bring
38:16Charlotte back from the dead. I mean, someday. Yeah, yeah, I guess we'll see.
38:27This is such wonderful news. Yes, it is, which we wanted to tell you in person.
38:32I'm glad you did. I'll hug you too as soon as you get your bracelets off.
38:39I know I can't, but I can't believe it. It's like I'm getting 10 years of my life back.
38:44Just like that. You know, I understand why Sarah was so confused. She said that the person she saw
38:54behind the wheel, she thought was somebody she knew. So I, I assumed it was you. I'm so sorry.
39:04You two have been there for me every step of the way. And actually, I'm, look, I'm relieved that
39:11it wasn't me. It wasn't me that hit Sarah. It wasn't me to put her in that chair. But now I have
39:17to, I got to stay the course. I got to stay in treatment. And I, I just want to make the most
39:26of the second chance that I've been given. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot
39:36afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you. Sarah, I thought I was doing a good
39:45deed by having you come to Salem. I trusted you with my daughter. I was grateful to you.
39:54What an idiot I am. I don't know what to say. I'm so, so sorry.
40:06You're as sorry as I am. Let's go.
40:19Believe it or not,
40:23believe it or not, I, I really do love you.
40:32Let's go.
