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Zakir naik answer William Campbell ...,#zakir naik


00:00prominent personalities of other religious faiths.
00:05Ladies and gentlemen, may I call upon Dr Zakir Naik to present his talk.
00:13Dr Zakir Naik.
00:43Respected Dr. William Campbell, Dr. Maracas, Dr. Jamal Badwi, Brother Samuel Noman, Dr.
01:09Muhammad Naik, my respected elders, and my dear brothers and sisters.
01:14I welcome all of you with the Islamic greetings.
01:17As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
01:23May peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala be on all of you.
01:28The topic of today's dialogue is the Quran and the Bible in the light of science.
01:39The glorious Quran is the last and final revelation which was revealed to the last and final messenger,
01:48Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
01:50For any book to claim that it is a revelation from Almighty God, it should stand the test of time.
02:00Previously in the olden days, it was the age of miracles.
02:07The Quran is the miracle of miracles.
02:10Later on came the age of literature and poetry.
02:15And Muslims and non-Muslims alike, they claim the glorious Quran to be the best Arabic literature available on the face of the earth.
02:24But today is the age of science and technology.
02:28Let us analyze whether the Quran is compatible or incompatible with modern science.
02:36Albert Einstein said, science without religion is lame, and religion without science is blind.
02:44Let me remind you that the glorious Quran is not a book of signs, S-C-I-E-N-C-E.
02:53It's a book of signs, S-I-G-N-S.
02:58It's a book of ayats.
03:01And there are more than 6,000 signs, ayats, in the glorious Quran, out of which more than a thousand speak about science.
03:11As far as my talk regarding Quran and science is concerned, I will only be speaking about scientific facts which have been established.
03:21I will not be speaking about scientific hypotheses and theories which are based on assumption without any proof,
03:29because we all know, many a times, science takes U-turns.
03:34Dr. William Campbell, who wrote a reply to the book of Dr. Maurice Buckale,
03:39The Quran, the Bible in the Light of History and Science,
03:42he says in his book that there are two types of approaches.
03:46One is a concordance approach, which means a person tries to bring a compatibility between the scripture and science.
03:58And the other is the conflict approach, in which a person tries to bring a conflict between scripture and science,
04:07like how Dr. William Campbell has done very well.
04:10But, as far as the Quran is concerned, irrespective whether a person uses a conflicting approach or a concordance approach,
04:20as long as you're logical, and after a logical explanation is given to you,
04:26not a single person will be able to prove a single verse of the Quran in conflict with established modern science.
04:39Dr. William Campbell has pointed out various alleged scientific errors in the Quran,
04:48and I'm supposed to actually refute in the rebuttal,
04:52but since he chose to speak first, I will be refuting a few points in my talk.
04:57I will reply to the major part of his talk, mainly dealing with embryology and with geology.
05:02The remaining, inshallah, inshallah, I will try my level best to reply in the rebuttal.
05:10I have to do both. I can't do injustice to the topic.
05:13The topic is Quran and Bible in the Light of Science.
05:15I can't only speak about one scripture.
05:17Dr. William Campbell hardly spoke about one or two points about the Bible, which I shall deal with, inshallah.
05:22I will speak about both, inshallah. I won't do justice to the topic.
05:27As far as Quran and modern science is concerned, in the field of astronomy,
05:32the scientists, the astronomers, a few decades earlier, they described how the universe came into existence.
05:42They called it the Big Bang.
05:44And they said initially, there was one primary nebula, which later on, it separated with the Big Bang,
05:52which gave rise to galaxies, stars, sun, and the earth we live in.
05:58This information is given in a nutshell in the glorious Quran in Surah Anbiya, chapter 21, verse number 30, which says,
06:07أَوَلَمْ يَرَى الَّذِينَ قَفْرُوا۟
06:09Do not the unbelievers see, أنَّ السَّمَوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ كَانَتْ رَتْقِمْتَكْنَهُمَا۟
06:14That the heavens and the earth were joined together, and We clothed them asunder.
06:18Imagine, this information which they came to know recently, the Quran mentions 1400 years ago.
06:25When I was in school, I had learned that the sun, in respect to the earth, it was stationary.
06:34The earth and the moon, they rotated about the axis, but the sun was stationary.
06:38But when I read a verse of the Quran, saying, in Surah Anbiya, chapter 21, verse number 33, it says,
06:46هُوَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ الْلَّيْلُ وَالنَّهَارَ
06:49It is Allah who has created the night and the day.
06:51وَالشَّمْسَ وَالْقَمَرِ
06:52The sun and the moon.
06:53كُلٌّ فِي فَلَكِ يَسْبَهُونَ
06:55Each one traveling in orbit with its own motion.
06:59Now, Alhamdulillah, modern science has confirmed the Quranic statement.
07:04The Arabic word used in the Quran is يَسْبَهُونَ, which describes the motion of a moving body.
07:09When it refers to a celestial body, it means it is rotating about its own axis.
07:14So Quran says, the sun and the moon, they revolve as well as rotate about their own axis.
07:20Today we have come to know that the sun takes approximately 25 days to complete one rotation.
07:27It was Edwin Hubble who discovered that the universe is expanding.
07:33The Quran says in Surah Dhariyat, chapter 51, verse number 47,
07:37that we have created the expanding universe, the vastness of space.
07:42The Arabic word نَوْسِيَوْنَ refers to vastness, the expanding universe.
07:48Regarding the topics on astronomy which Dr. William Campbell touched, I will deal in the rebuttal, Inshallah.
07:55In the field of water cycle, Dr. William Campbell pointed out certain things.
08:01The Quran describes the water cycle in great detail.
08:05And Dr. William Campbell mentioned four stages. In his book he mentions four, A and B.
08:09The last one he didn't mention in the slide, I don't know why.
08:12It says that replenishing the water table, he missed out here, maybe because it's not mentioned in the Bible.
08:19He said there is not a single verse in the Quran which speaks about evaporation.
08:26Quran says in Surah Tariq, chapter number 86, verse number 11,
08:32that by the capacity of the heavens to return.
08:36And almost all the commenters of the Quran, they said that this verse of Surah Tariq, chapter 86, verse number 11,
08:43refers to the capacity of the heavens to return back rain.
08:47Meaning evaporation.
08:49Dr. William Campbell, who knows Arabic, may say, why didn't Allah specifically mention
08:57meaning the capacity of the heavens to return back rain.
09:01Why didn't Allah mention specifically?
09:04Now we have come to know why didn't Allah do that in his divine wisdom.
09:08Because today we have come to know that besides the ozone sphere, the layer above the earth,
09:14besides returning back rain, it even returns back other beneficial matter and energy
09:20of the earth which is required by the human beings.
09:23It does not only return back rain, today we have come to know,
09:27it even returns back waves of telecommunication, of television, of radio,
09:32by which we can see TV, we can communicate, we can hear the radio.
09:36And besides that, it even returns back the harmful rays of the outer space,
09:41back on the other side, and absorbs.
09:44For example, the ultraviolet rays of the sunlight is absorbed by the ionosphere.
09:49If this was not done, life on the earth would have ceased to exist.
09:53So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is far superior,
09:56and far more accurate when he says,
09:58by the capacity of the heavens to return.
10:01And the remaining thing, as he mentioned, is there in the Quran.
10:05You can refer to my videocassette.
10:07The Quran describes the water cycle in great detail.
10:10Regarding what he said about the Bible,
10:12he shows stage 1 and stage 3 in the first slide,
10:15and the second, stage 1, 3, and then 2.
10:18That the rainwater is taken up, he says,
10:20and then the rainwater comes on the earth.
10:23This is the philosophy of the phase of Miletus in 7th century BC.
10:27He thought that the spray of the ocean was picked up by the wind
10:30and fell into the interior as rain.
10:32There's no cloud mentioned there.
10:34In the second quotation Dr. William Campbell gave,
10:36first is according to evaporation, which we agree,
10:40we don't mind having the concordance approach of the Bible.
10:44Then rain falls down, and there are the clouds formed.
10:47That is not the complete water cycle.
10:50Alhamdulillah, the Quran describes the water cycle in great detail,
10:54in several places.
10:56How does the water rise, evaporates, form into clouds,
10:59the clouds join together, they stack up,
11:02the thunder and lightning, water comes down,
11:04the clouds move into the interior, they fall down as rain,
11:07and the replenishing of the water table, and Alhamdulillah, in great detail.
11:11The Quran speaks about the water cycle in great detail in several places.
11:15In Surah Nur, chapter number 24, verse number 43.
11:18In Surah Rum, chapter number 30, verse 48.
11:20In Surah Az-Zumar, chapter 39, verse 21.
11:22In Surah Mu'minun, chapter 23, verse number 18.
11:25In Surah Rum, chapter number 30, verse number 24.
11:27In Surah Al-Hijr, chapter 15, verse number 22.
11:29In Surah Araf, chapter number 7, verse number 57.
11:32In Surah Raj, chapter number 13, verse number 17.
11:35In Surah Furqan, chapter 25, verse number 40 and 49.
11:46In Surah Fatir, chapter number 35, verse number 9.
11:49In Surah Yasin, chapter 36, verse number 34.
11:52In Surah Jasha, chapter 45, verse number 5.
11:54In Surah Khawf, chapter number 50, verse number 9.
11:56In Surah Waqia, chapter number 56, verse number 68 and 17, several places!
12:00Surah Mulk, chapter 67, verse number 30.
12:02The glorious Quran speaks about the water cycle in great detail.
12:10Dr. William Campbell spent maximum time on embryology, about half his talk.
12:16Quite a lot on geology and touched on other six topics, I've noted down.
12:23In the field of geology we have come to today,
12:26the geologists tell us that the radius of the Earth is approximately 3,750 miles.
12:33And the deeper layers, they are hot and fluid and cannot sustain life.
12:41And the superficial part of the Earth's crust which we live on, it is very thin.
12:46Hardly 1 to 30 miles.
12:48Some portions are thicker, but majority 1 to 30 miles.
12:52And there are high possibility that this superficial layer, the Earth's crust, it will shake.
12:58It is due to the folding phenomena, which gives rise to mountain ranges, which gives stability to this Earth.
13:05Quran says in Surah Nabah, chapter number 78, verse number 6 and 7.
13:10We have made the Earth as an expanse.
13:13And the mountains as stakes.
13:17The Quran doesn't say mountains were thrown up as stakes.
13:20Mountains as stakes.
13:22Arabic word awtad means stakes, meaning tent peg.
13:26And today we have come to know, in the study of modern geology, that mountain has got deep roots.
13:33This was known in the second half of the 19th century.
13:37And the superficial part that we see of the mountain is a very small percentage.
13:43The deeper part is within.
13:45Exactly like a stake, how it is driven in the ground.
13:48You can only see a small part on top.
13:50The majority is down in the ground.
13:51Or like a tip of the iceberg.
13:53You can see the tip on the top.
13:55And about 90% is beneath water.
13:58The Quran says in Surah Ghashiyah, chapter 88, verse number 19.
14:03And Surah Naziat, chapter number 79, verse number 32.
14:08And we have made the mountain standing firm on the Earth.
14:13Made the mountain standing firm on the Earth.
14:16Today, after modern geology has advanced, and Dr. William Campbell said that,
14:22by the theory of plate tectonics, it was propounded,
14:26in 1960, which gives rise to mountain ranges,
14:31the geologists today do say that the mountains give stability to the Earth.
14:37Not all geologists, but many do say.
14:40I have not come across a single geological book.
14:43And I challenge Dr. William Campbell to produce a single geological book.
14:47Not his personal correspondence with the geologists.
14:49That doesn't get anywhere.
14:51His personal correspondence with Dr. Keith Moore.
14:53Documented proof.
14:55And if you read the book, The Earth,
14:58which is referred by almost all the universities in the field of geology,
15:03one of its authors, by the name of Dr. Frank Press,
15:07who was the advisor to the former president of USA, Jimmy Carter,
15:11and was the president of the Academy of Sciences of USA,
15:14he writes, in his book, that the mountains are well shaped,
15:18it has deep roots within,
15:20and he says that the function of the mountain is to stabilize the Earth.
15:24And the Quran says, in Surah Anbiya, chapter number 21, verse number 31,
15:29in Surah Luqman, chapter 31, verse number 10,
15:31as well as in Surah Nahl, chapter number 16, verse number 15,
15:34that we have made the mountain standing firm on the Earth,
15:39lest it would shake with them and with you.
15:44The function of the mountain in the Quran is given
15:47to prevent the Earth from shaking.
15:49Nowhere does the Quran say that the mountain prevents the earthquake.
15:54And Dr. William Campbell said, he writes in his book and even in the talk,
15:58that you find in the mountainous regions there are various earthquakes,
16:02and mountains cause earthquakes.
16:04Point to be noted, nowhere does the Quran say
16:07that mountains prevent earthquakes.
16:09The Arabic word for earthquake, as Dr. William Campbell knows Arabic,
16:12is zirzal or zarzala.
16:14But the word used in these three verses I quoted, it is tamida.
16:18Tamida means to shake, to sway, to swing.
16:22And Quran says, in Surah Luqman, chapter 31, verse number 10,
16:25as well as Surah Nahl, chapter number 16, verse 15,
16:28we have put on the Earth mountains standing firm,
16:31lest it would shake with you.
16:33It is tamida bikum, shake with you,
16:35indicating if the mountains were not there,
16:37if you would have walked, if you would have moved,
16:40even the Earth would have moved with you.
16:43If you would have swayed, even the Earth would have swayed with you.
16:47And we know normally when we walk on the Earth,
16:49the Earth doesn't shake.
16:51And the reason for this is, according to Dr. Frank Pesce and Dr. Najjar,
16:56who is from Saudi Arabia, and he wrote a full book
16:59on geological concepts in the Quran,
17:01answering almost everything what Dr. William Campbell has said in detail.
17:06And Dr. William Campbell, in his book he writes,
17:09that if mountains prevent the shaking of the Earth,
17:12then how come you find earthquake in the mountainous regions?
17:16I said, nowhere does the Quran say mountain prevents earthquake.
17:20Earthquake is rizal.
17:22And if you see the definition in the Oxford edition, it says,
17:24earthquake is due to conversion of the superficial crust of the Earth
17:28due to release of compressed seismic waves,
17:32due to crack in the rock, or due to volcanic reaction.
17:36The Quran speaks about zalzalah in surah al-zalzal, chapter 99,
17:40but here it speaks about tamida bikum,
17:43to prevent the Earth from shaking with you.
17:46And in reply to the statement that if mountains prevent earthquakes,
17:51how come you find earthquakes in mountainous regions,
17:54the reply is, that if I say that medical doctors
17:58prevent the sickness and disease in a human being,
18:02and if someone argues,
18:04if doctors prevent the sickness and diseases in a human being,
18:08how come you find more sick people in the hospital where there are doctors
18:12than at home where there are no doctors?
18:14In the field of oceanology, the glorious Quran says,
18:25in surah Furqan, chapter 25, verse number 53,
18:28that it is Allah who has let free two bodies of flowing water,
18:32one sweet and palatable, the other salt and bitter.
18:35Though they meet, they do not mix.
18:37Between them there is a barrier which is forbidden to be trespassed.
18:40Quran says in surah Rahman, chapter 55, verse number 19 and 20,
18:43It is Allah who has let free two bodies of flowing water.
18:50Though they meet, they do not mix.
18:52Between them there is a barrier which is forbidden to be trespassed.
18:56Previously, the commentator of the Quran wondered,
18:58what does the Quran mean?
19:00We know about sweet and salt water,
19:02but between them there is a barrier, though they meet, they do not mix.
19:05Today, after advancement of oceanology, we have come to know,
19:08that whenever one type of water flows into the other type of water,
19:12it loses its constituents and gets homogenized into the water it flows.
19:17There is a slanting, homogenizing area,
19:19which the Quran refers to as barzakh, unseen barrier.
19:23And this has been agreed upon by several scientists,
19:26even of America, by the name of Dr. Hay.
19:29He's an oceanologist.
19:31And Dr. William Campbell writes in his book,
19:34that it is an observable phenomena.
19:37The fishermen of that time knew there were two types of water, salt and sweet.
19:41So Prophet Muhammad, during an expedition to Syria,
19:44he may have gone in the sea, or he might have spoken to these fishermen.
19:49Sweet and salt water is an observable phenomena, I agree,
19:52but people did not know that there was an unseen barrier until recently.
19:57The scientific point to be noted here is the barzakh, not the sweet and the salt water.
20:03In the field of embryology,
20:06Dr. William Campbell spent approximately half of his talk on that.
20:10Time will not permit me to reply to every small thing which is illogical.
20:14I'll just give a brief reply, which will be satisfactory, inshallah.
20:18And for more details, you can refer to my videocassette,
20:21Quran, Modern Science, and my other cassettes on Quran and Medical Science.
20:25There were a group of Arabs who collected the data dealing in the Quran about embryology,
20:31and the hadith dealing with embryology,
20:33and they presented it to Professor Keith Moore,
20:36who was the chairman and head of the Department of Anatomy in the University of Toronto in Canada.
20:43And at present, he's one of the leading scientists in the field of embryology.
20:50After reading the various translations of the Quran,
20:54he was asked to comment, and he said,
20:56Most of the verses of the Quran and the hadith are in perfect conformity with modern embryology,
21:03but there are a few verses which I cannot say that they are right,
21:07neither can I say that they are wrong,
21:09because I myself don't know about it.
21:11And two such verses were the first two verses of the Quran to be revealed,
21:14from Surah Ikra or Surah Alaq, chapter 96, verse number 1 and 2,
21:18which says,
21:23Read, recite, or proclaim in the name of thy Lord, who created,
21:27who created the human beings from something which clings, a leech-like substance.
21:32Regarding Dr. William Campbell's statement,
21:36that to analyze the meaning of a word,
21:39you have to see what was the meaning at that time when it was revealed,
21:45at that time when the book was written.
21:48And he rightly said that to analyze the meaning,
21:50you have to analyze the meaning at the time it was revealed,
21:54and to the people who it was meant for.
21:56As far as this statement of his is concerned,
21:58regarding the Bible, I do agree with it totally,
22:01because the Bible was only meant for the children of Israel for that time.
22:06It's mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew,
22:08chapter number 10, verse number 5 and 6,
22:14Who are the Gentiles?
22:15The non-Jews, the Hindus, the Muslims.
22:18But rather go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
22:22Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, said in the Gospel of Matthew,
22:24chapter number 15, verse number 24,
22:31So Jesus Christ and the Bible were only meant for the children of Israel.
22:35Since it was meant for them to analyze the Bible,
22:38you have to use the meaning of the word which was utilized at that time.
22:42But the Quran was not meant only for the Arabs of that time.
22:46Quran is not meant only for the Muslims.
22:49The Quran is meant for the whole of humanity.
22:56And it is meant to be for eternity.
22:58Quran says in Surah Ibrahim, chapter 14, verse 52,
23:02in Surah Baqarah, chapter number 2, verse 185,
23:04and Surah Zumar, chapter 39, verse 41,
23:06that the Quran is meant for the whole of humankind.
23:09And Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him,
23:11was not sent only for the Muslims or the Arabs.
23:13Allah says in the Quran, in Surah Anbiya, chapter number 21, verse number 107,
23:20that we have sent thee as a mercy,
23:23as a guidance to the whole of humankind.
23:30So as far as the Quran is concerned,
23:32you cannot limit the meaning only for that time
23:35because it is meant for eternity.
23:38So one of the meanings of alaqa
23:40is leech-like substance or something which clings.
23:43So Prophet Keith Moore said,
23:45I do not know whether the early stage of embryo looks like a leech.
23:49And he went into the laboratory
23:51and he analyzed the early stage of an embryo under a microscope
23:55and compared it with a photograph of a leech
23:57and he was astonished at the striking resemblance.
24:05This is a photograph of a leech and human embryo.
24:11What Dr. William Campbell showed you
24:13is the other perspective of it.
24:16If I show this book, it looks like a rectangle.
24:19If I show you like that, it's a different perspective.
24:29That diagram is given in the book.
24:31The diagram you see on the slide is given there
24:33and I'll deal with it inshallah.
24:37Prophet Keith Moore, after about 80 questions were asked to him,
24:41he said, if you'd have asked me these 80 questions 30 years ago,
24:46I would not be able to answer more than 50%
24:49because embryology has developed recently in the past 30 years.
24:53He said this in the 80s.
24:55Now, do we believe in Dr. Keith Moore
24:59whose statement is available outside in the foyer,
25:01if videocassette is available,
25:03this is the anna alaq, recorded statement.
25:06So will you believe Dr. William Campbell's personal conversation
25:09with Prophet Keith Moore,
25:12or the one mentioned in this book,
25:15with the Islamic edition,
25:17as well as the photograph that I've shown to you.
25:21And in the videocassette available outside, you can see it.
25:24He makes those statements.
25:26So you have to choose which is more logical,
25:29personal discussion with Dr. William Campbell
25:31or his statement on video, like how Dr. William Campbell showed my video.
25:34100% proof what I said.
25:36Moon is reflected light. I'll come to it later on.
25:41And whatever additional information he got from Quran and Hadith,
25:46it was incorporated later into this book,
25:50The Developing Human, the third edition.
25:52And this book got an award for the best medical book
25:56written by a single author in that year.
25:58This is the Islamic edition that was put forward by Sheikh Abdul Majid Zindani
26:03and certified by Keith Moore himself.
26:11The Quran says in Surah Mu'minun, chapter 23, verse number 13,
26:17and Surah Hajj, chapter 22, verse number 5,
26:19and no less than 11 different places in the Quran
26:22that the human beings have been made from anutfah,
26:26a minute quantity of liquid,
26:28like a trickle that's remaining in the cup, anutfah in Arabic,
26:32a very small quantity.
26:34Today we have come to know in one seminal emission,
26:36in which there are several millions of sperm,
26:39only one is required to fertilize the ovum,
26:42the Quran refers as anutfah.
26:45Quran says in Surah Sajdah, chapter 32, verse number 8,
26:48we have created the human beings from salalah,
26:51that means the best part of a whole.
26:54The one sperm which fertilizes the ova,
26:58out of the millions of sperm, the Quran refers to as salalah,
27:01best part of the whole.
27:03And Quran says in Surah Insan, chapter 76, verse number 2,
27:06we have created the human beings from nutfah and amshaj,
27:10a minute quantity of mingled fluid,
27:12referring to the sperm as well as the ovum,
27:15both are required for the fertilization.
27:20The Quran describes the various embryological stages in great detail,
27:24of which the slides were shown to you by William Campbell,
27:29he helped me to complete this topic.
27:33It's mentioned in Surah Mu'minun, chapter 23, verse number 12 to 14,
27:37the translation is that,
27:39we have created the human beings from anutfah,
27:42a minute quantity of liquid,
27:44then placed it in a place of security,
27:47then we made it into an alaqah, a leach-like substance,
27:52something which clings, a congealed clot of blood.
27:56Then we made that alaqah into a mudgah, a chewed-like lump.
28:02Then we made the mudgah into izama, bones.
28:06Then clothed the bones with lahm, flesh.
28:08Then we made it a new creature,
28:10blessed be Allah, who is the best to create.
28:12These three verses of the Quran,
28:15speak about the various embryological stages in great detail.
28:18First the nutfah, placed in a place of security,
28:21made into an alaqah.
28:23Alaqah has got three meanings.
28:26One is something which clings,
28:29and we know that in the initial stages,
28:32the embryo clings to the uterine wall,
28:35and continues clinging till the end.
28:39Point number two,
28:41that it also means a leach-like substance.
28:45And as I discussed earlier,
28:47the embryo in the initial stages does look like a leach.
28:50Besides looking like a leach, it also behaves like a leach.
28:53It receives its blood supply from the mother, like a blood sucker.
28:57And the third meaning,
28:59which Dr. William Campbell objected to,
29:02that that is the right meaning,
29:04the kanjil cut of blood,
29:06and that's why the Quran has a scientific error.
29:09And I do agree with him that Dr. William Campbell didn't agree.
29:12He said, how can it mean a kanjil cut of blood?
29:16Because this is the case, and the Quran is wrong.
29:19I'm sorry to say, the Quran is not wrong.
29:21Dr. William Campbell, with due respect to him, he's wrong.
29:25Because today, after advancement of embryology,
29:30even Dr. Keith Moore,
29:33he says that in the initial stages,
29:35the embryo, besides looking like a leach,
29:38also looks like a kanjil cut of blood.
29:41Because in the initial stages of the stage of alaqa,
29:45three to four weeks,
29:47the blood is clotted within closed vessels.
29:50And Dr. William Campbell made it easy for me.
29:53He showed you a slide.
29:59It will be difficult for you to see, but this is the slide he showed you.
30:02This is exactly what Dr. Keith Moore said looks like a clot,
30:08in which the blood is clotted within closed vessels,
30:11and during the third week of the embryo,
30:14the blood circulation doesn't take place.
30:16It starts later on.
30:17Therefore, it assumes the appearance of a clot.
30:20And even if you observe the conceptus,
30:22that's after abortion takes place,
30:25you can see it looks like a clot.
30:27Only one line answer is sufficient
30:31to answer all the allegations of Dr. William Campbell,
30:34is that the stages of the Quran,
30:38while it describes the embryological stages,
30:41is only based on appearance.
30:45First is the appearance of alaqa,
30:47a leech-like substance,
30:49as well as a clot of blood.
30:51And Dr. William Campbell rightly said
30:54that some ladies come and ask,
30:55please remove the clot.
30:59It does look like a clot.
31:01And the stages are based on appearance.
31:04It is created from something,
31:06which appears like a clot,
31:07which appears like a leech,
31:08and is also something which clings.
31:11Then the Quran says,
31:12we made that alaqa into a mudga,
31:13a chud-like lump.
31:14Prophet Keith Moore took plastic seal
31:16and bit between his teeth
31:17to make it look like a mudga.
31:19The teeth marks resembled the somites.
31:23Dr. William Campbell said,
31:24when the alaqa becomes a mudga,
31:28the clinging is yet there.
31:30It is dead later than half a month.
31:34So, the Quran is wrong.
31:36I told you in the beginning,
31:38the Quran is describing the appearance.
31:40The leech-like appearance
31:41and the clot-like appearance
31:43is changed to the chud-like appearance.
31:45It yet continues to cling till the end.
31:46There's no problem.
31:47But the stages are divided on appearance,
31:49not on the function.
31:53Later on, Quran says,
31:54we made the mudga into izama bones.
31:57Then clothed the bones with flesh.
31:59Dr. William Campbell said,
32:01and I do agree with him,
32:03that the precursors of the muscles
32:07and the cartilages,
32:08that is the bones,
32:09they form together.
32:11I agree with that.
32:13Today, embryology tells us
32:14that the primordia of the muscles
32:17and the bones,
32:18they form together
32:19between the 25th and the 40th day,
32:21which the Quran refers to
32:22as the stage of mudga.
32:24But, they are not developed.
32:26They are not developed.
32:27Later on,
32:29at the end of the 7th week,
32:31the embryo takes form
32:33of human appearance.
32:34Then the bones are formed.
32:36Today, modern embryology says,
32:38the bones are formed
32:39after the 42nd day.
32:42And, it gives an appearance
32:43of a skeletal thing.
32:45Even at this stage,
32:46when the bones are formed,
32:47the muscles aren't formed.
32:48Later on,
32:49after the 7th week,
32:51and the starting of 8th week,
32:52are the muscles formed.
32:54So, Quran is perfect in describing
32:56first alaqa,
32:57then mudga,
32:58then izama,
32:59then clothed with flesh.
33:01And when they form,
33:02the description is perfect.
33:04And, Professor Keith Moore said,
33:06that the stages that how
33:08it is described in modern embryology,
33:10stage 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
33:12it's so confusing,
33:13the Quranic stage on embryology,
33:15describing on the base of appearance
33:17and the shape,
33:18is far more superior.
33:22Therefore, he said,
33:24therefore he said,
33:25that I have no objection in accepting
33:27that Prophet Muhammad
33:28is the messenger of God,
33:29and that this glorious Quran
33:31has to be a divine revelation
33:33from Almighty God.
33:37It's mentioned in Surah Nisa,
33:39chapter number 4, verse 56.
33:41It speaks about pain.
33:43Previously, the doctors,
33:45they thought,
33:46that the brain was only responsible
33:48for feeling of pain.
33:49Today, we have come to know,
33:50besides the brain,
33:51there are certain receptors in the skin,
33:53which are responsible for feeling of the pain,
33:55which we call as pain receptors.
33:57Quran says in Surah Nisa, chapter 4, verse 56,
34:00as to those who reject our signs,
34:01we shall cast them into the hellfire,
34:03and as often as their skins are roasted,
34:05we shall give them fresh skin,
34:07so that they shall feel the pain.
34:08Indicating there is something in the skin,
34:11which is responsible for feeling of pain,
34:13which the Quran refers to as pain receptors.
34:16Prophet Taqra Taqshan,
34:18who is the head of the Department of Anatomy,
34:21in Chiang Mai University, in Thailand,
34:23only on the basis of this one verse,
34:26he proclaimed the Shahada,
34:28in the 8th Medical Conference in Riyadh,
34:30and said,
34:31La ilaha illallah, Muhammad Rasulullah,
34:34that there is no God but Allah,
34:35and Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him,
34:37is the Messenger of Allah.
34:40I started my talk,
34:45by quoting the verse of the Glorious Quran,
34:47from Surah Fusila, chapter 41, verse 53,
34:49which says,
34:58that soon we shall show them our signs,
35:00in the furthest regions of the horizons,
35:02and into their soul,
35:03until it is clear to them that this is the truth.
35:07This one verse,
35:09was sufficient,
35:11to prove,
35:12to Dr. Taqra Taqshan,
35:14that Quran is a divine revelation.
35:16Some may require ten signs,
35:18some may require a hundred,
35:20some, even after a thousand signs are given,
35:22they will not accept the truth.
35:24Quran calls such people as,
35:26in Surah Baqarah, chapter 2, verse number 18,
35:29the deaf, the dumb, the blind,
35:33they will not return the true path.
35:35The Bible says the same thing,
35:36in Gospel of Matthew, chapter number 13, verse number 13,
35:39seeing they see not, hearing they hear not,
35:41neither will they understand.
35:44Regarding the other parts of embryology,
35:46I will deal in my rebuttal, inshallah,
35:49if time permits.
35:51I have to do justice to the other part also,
35:53regarding Bible and the right of signs.
35:56At the outset, let me tell you,
35:57that Quran says, in Surah Raj, chapter 13, verse 38,
36:00that we have given several revelations.
36:04By name, only four are mentioned.
36:07The Torah, the Zaboor, the Injil, and the Quran.
36:11The Torah is the Wahi, the revelation,
36:13which was given to Moses, peace be upon him.
36:15The Zaboor is the Wahi, which was given to David,
36:17peace be upon him.
36:18The Injil is the Wahi, the revelation,
36:20which was given to Jesus, peace be upon him.
36:22And Quran is the last and final revelation,
36:24which was given to the last and final messenger,
36:26Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
36:29Let me make it very clear to everyone,
36:32that this Bible, which the Christians believe
36:39to be the word of God,
36:40is not the Injil, which we Muslims believe
36:43was revealed to Prophet Jesus, peace be upon him.
36:46This Bible, according to us,
36:48it may contain the words of God,
36:51but it also contains words of prophets,
36:56words of historians.
36:58It contains absurdities, obscenity,
37:01as well as innumerable scientific errors.
37:07If there are scientific points mentioned in the Bible,
37:11there are possibilities, why not?
37:14It may be part of the word of God in the Bible,
37:16but what about the scientific errors?
37:19What about the unscientific portion?
37:20Can you attribute this to God?
37:24I want to make it very clear
37:26to my Christian brothers and sisters.
37:29The purpose of my presentation on Bible and science
37:32is not to hurt any Christian's feeling.
37:35If I hurt your feelings, I do apologize in advance.
37:39The purpose is only to point out
37:42that a God's revelation cannot contain scientific errors.
37:48As Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, said,
37:50Search in the truth, and the truth shall free you.
37:53You have the Old Testament, you have the New Testament.
37:55Now you should follow the last and final testament,
37:58which is the glorious Quran.
38:04As far as Dr. William Campbell is concerned,
38:07I can be more liberal with him,
38:09because he has written a book, Quran, Bible,
38:11in the light of history and science.
38:12He has given a presentation, and he's a medical doctor.
