NFL Game Overshadowed by Excessive Penalties & Poor Refs

  • 10 hours ago
00:00Now, this was a bit of a crazy game.
00:05There was the most penalty yards, the most penalties in a game this season.
00:09I thought the officiating crew was an absolute disgrace on both sides.
00:14We say all the time, refs ruin games.
00:15Well, they sure as hell ruined this one for both teams, like I said.
00:21Here it is.
00:22Bills take a 23-20 lead late.
00:24Jets have the ball just about at the two-minute warning.
00:28Rodgers trying to make something happen.
00:31Let's just say, Scott, it didn't go well for him on ESPN.
00:34Last play before the two-minute warning.
00:37Rodgers buys time, airs it out.
00:41Mike Williams fell down, and it is picked by Tyron Johnson.
00:50Taron Johnson made the interception.
00:54Yes, Taron.
00:55So anyway, look, Mike Williams had a rough night.
01:00And the one thing I wanted to say about the refs, because I hate refs.
01:04They're terrorists, is what they are.
01:07And our good friend Sean Green gave us those shirts.
01:12I love that shirt.
01:12Wherever I wear that shirt, I get a lot of attention.
01:14It's the craziest shirt ever.
01:16It says, refs are terrorists.
01:17And I mean, I can't go anywhere with that thing on without getting a reaction.
01:21Because it's true.
01:22Here's the deal.
01:24Does the NFL really think, like, someone on Park Avenue
01:29had to sit there today.
01:31Somebody had to have the stones over coffee and donuts, bagels,
01:36whatever they got going, locks.
01:38Somebody had to say, like, is this really what we want on national television
01:43is 700 penalties in an NFL game.
01:46I mean, it was like watching a Spirit Airlines commercial.
01:49There was so much yellow.
01:51I mean, honestly, I have never seen so many flags thrown
01:54in a football game in my life.
01:55Like, it ruined the game.
01:58Like, what are we watching here?
02:00We are watching refs determine everything.
02:05There's no more good football games.
02:07There's no more good players.
02:09There's none of that.
02:10Superstars, great touchdown.
02:13It's all about calls.
02:15The entire NFL has become about calls, calls that are made.
02:22Sunday, field throws the pick, gets roughed, boom, flag.
02:27It's one thing after the next.
02:29It's one play after the next.
02:31It's literally, last night, it was almost every single play,
02:34there was a flag.
02:36And I think the NFL has a serious problem.
02:38If they think, honestly, if Roger Goodell and all of his minions
02:41think that that's what we want to watch.
02:43Now, I know that Americans will watch football,
02:46even if they were in, you know, literally at Guantanamo Bay,
02:51they got games going.
02:53You know, in federal prison, they got NFL games on.
02:56The reality is, no one wants to watch refs.
03:01And it's become refs.
03:02It's about refs.
03:03I go to games, and I spend the entire game in Pittsburgh
03:07watching the ref with his little white hat making calls
03:11and then reviewing plays.
03:13I mean, the NFL with their refs have ruined the NFL.
03:18They have ruined pro football.
03:19They really have.
03:20It's like torture watching a game.
03:22College handles it better.
03:25And they're terrible, too.
03:26But they make decisions quicker.
03:28They go right to the review to make the call.
03:31In the NFL, it takes all night.
03:33It takes all day.
03:34Watching a game is torture, Mike.
03:35And you can't even argue with it.
03:37It was possibly, and I can't remember one that was worse,
03:41it was the worst officiated game
03:43I think I've ever watched in my life.
03:46And I'm sure there maybe have been others.
03:48And if my team wasn't playing in the game,
03:52and I don't think I ever,
03:53it's rare I would say this about an NFL game.
03:55If my team wasn't playing in the game,
03:58I would have shut it off.
03:59That's how annoying it was trying to watch
04:02the second half of that football game last night.
04:05And I was saying this to myself the whole second half
04:08and the fourth quarter.
04:10Man, if the Bills lose this game,
04:11I am gonna cry and complain about this game all year long.
04:15But thankfully they won and now I don't care.
04:17So they won, so it doesn't matter to me anymore.
04:20But I was gonna be upset.
04:21And McDermott also tried.
04:23Hey, hey, Sean, I know you won the game
04:26and you're four and two.
04:27Once again, though, can you knock down a Hail Mary?
04:31Can you defend a Hail Mary?
04:33That game shouldn't have even been close.
04:36We let Rogers throw that ball to Lazard
04:39at the end of the first half with a couple seconds left.
04:42McDermott bothers me, go get a new kick or two.
04:44Either way, Bills are now four and two.
