Testing Various Golf Nets | Golf Monthly

  • 13 hours ago
Joe Ferguson bought three golf nets from the internet at different price points to see if you really do get what you pay for.
00:00Right, welcome to my home in North Devon and I've bought three home practice nets
00:04from the internet at three very, very different price points and I'm going to
00:08put them through their paces and see what I think of them.
00:10Right, so let's start with the cheapest of the nets that I bought and this is the
00:19Galileo golf net and this came in under $80, $79.99 I paid for this. It was a
00:25little bit disappointing on delivery, it took a little bit over a week to arrive
00:28which the other two were a little bit quicker if I'm honest but when it got
00:31here I was really impressed. It comes in a really nice comfortable carry case, not
00:35too big, nice and lightweight and mobile and the construction is really solid
00:39it's super easy to put together. Got two fiberglass poles here that crisscross at
00:43the top that just go through these material slots and that supports the
00:48whole frame. It's just simply a case of threading that through, crossing them
00:51over and essentially it's built and you pin it down in each corner and you've
00:55got your golf net. What I also like about this is the extra stability they've
00:59added with this sort of baffle here that serves two purposes. A, it gives you a
01:02target to shoot at and B, it just provides a little bit more insurance if
01:06a powerful shot were to burst through a net at any point. It's got two layers to
01:10get through which I like as a slightly anxious golfer myself. So yeah, I mean as
01:15a whole really, really impressed. It's got some side safety so if you do hit a
01:19stray one off either way you've got a bit of side help and also it's got a
01:23slight roof to it again so if you hit one slightly higher than you intended to
01:27you've still got that safety net, a literal safety net to stop the ball
01:31doing anything you don't want it to do. So for under $80, seriously impressed
01:35with this net. Right, so on to the more mid-price point net that I purchased.
01:40This is from Forb Golf and this is their Pro Pop-Up Net and I paid $139.99
01:46for this and it had a $9.99 delivery charge. Super impressed with the delivery time, it
01:51was on the doorstep within 48 hours which is great. It came in a lovely little kit,
01:55little bag, easy to transport and super lightweight as well. So what do you get
01:59for your $139.99? Well compared to the Galileo you get a bigger surface area to
02:04hit at which is something that could be could be important to some people. What
02:08you don't get is you don't get the side panels or the roof panels to stop those
02:11stray ones that go a little bit high and a little bit wide. The net's of really
02:15good quality and you get a little banner strip along the bottom for anything you
02:18thin too low. It's not going to scoot off underneath the net. Really easy
02:24to put together, it's just basically slotting three poles together into
02:27prefabricated angle pieces here and then the net just clips on at all four
02:32corners and then you just stake it to the ground. So in terms of delivery time,
02:36ease of setup and quality of product, the net's a really nice quality,
02:42nothing's going to go through there. Felt very confident hitting anything through
02:45that. I think that's a really good product for the price point. Right, okay
02:48on to the final net and the most expensive one that I purchased. This is
02:52from Spornia Golf and this is their Academy Commercial Bundle. So it doesn't
02:55just come as the net, it also comes with a very high quality mat and teeing area,
03:00nice and thick and really absorbs the impact and also comes with some
03:04additional side panels in addition to the ones you can see here that come back
03:08a little bit further just to give you that extra security for any wayward
03:11shots you might hit. In terms of delivery time again, super, super
03:15impressed. Within 48 hours, I think this was the first of the nets to arrive
03:18actually. Came in three boxes, obviously because of the mats, the nets and the
03:23side panels, they all came separately. But yeah, super quick and probably out of all
03:29of them the easiest to put together. Once you pull it out of the box, it came in a
03:32very sort of disc bag and as soon as you pull the net out the bag, it just kind of
03:36tension explodes itself into life, into the right shape. So there's very little
03:41work you have to do. After that, all you've got to do is put these two little
03:44side posts in to prop it up vertically and you're pretty much all set up.
03:49Actually, there's one more piece you can put in, which I did, which gives you a
03:53little bit more stability, a little bit more safety for anything that goes a bit
03:56high. So there's a kind of an arched fiberglass pole that goes through there
03:59that keeps that into place. So those are the only two bits of work you really
04:02have to do. Then you just locate the net, put your pegs in and it's set into place.
04:06And it does come with a few more features as you would expect for the
04:10price point. So we've got some seriously thick archery grade baffle here, which
04:15has a target on, which is great for the visual, but also for the security of any
04:19balls that might pop through. And I promise you, nothing's getting through
04:22this. And if it did, there's another net behind there as well. So super secure and
04:27really, really gives good peace of mind that you're not going to be hitting
04:30through balls through into your neighbor's garden or anything like that.
04:33The bottom of the net also here is higher at the back and it's angled back towards
04:36us. So as soon as the ball hits the net, it wants to roll back close to you just
04:39for ease of collection. I think as I said as well, I was really impressed with the
04:44mat, really high quality, very thick, really absorbs the strike. And that's
04:48going to be really hard wearing. You can just feel that's a really high quality
04:52piece of kit. So yeah, it is more expensive, significantly more expensive
04:56than the rest, but there are a lot more features. And I would say it does give
05:00you real peace of mind that the stability of this net will go the distance.
05:04Right, so there you have it. Those are my thoughts on the three home practice nets
05:07that I purchased at three very, very different price points. Now all I've got
05:11to do is get them away before my wife gets home.