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"When he finally pulled away, he gave me the widest, sexiest grin I had ever saw, feeling absolutely satisfied I was so close.
My fingers moved faster in and out of my core aggressively.
I was doing everything I could to make myself cum.
And finally, after a run of sloppy thrusts, I was able to cum.
Warm liquid ran down my thighs and I let out the biggest sigh of relief.
It was truly an amazing high.
But nowhere near as amazing as it was with Mr.Hayes"
teacher's pet dreameshort chapter 8
teacher's pet chapter 8
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teacher's pet Emma and Ian chapter 8
00:00Episode 8. When he finally pulled away, he gave me the widest, sexiest grin I had ever saw,
00:06feeling absolutely satisfied I was so close. My fingers moved faster, in, and out of my core
00:14aggressively. I was doing everything I could to make myself come. And finally, after a run of
00:19sloppy thrusts, I was able to come. Warm liquid ran down my thighs and I let out the biggest sigh
00:26of relief. It was truly an amazing high, but nowhere near as amazing as it was with Mr. Hayes.
00:33Emma's POV. The next day at school, I was avoiding Mr. Hayes at all costs.
00:38It was the right thing to do. I just needed to get him out of my system so I could function
00:43normally again. A Mr. Hayes detox, I called it. I was doing well since Mr. Hayes mostly
00:49stayed in his art studio and I didn't have that class today. I chose to focus my energies on my
00:54friends and studies instead. Tiff, Carrie, Mark, and I were having lunch in the quad. It was still
01:01September so the weather was warm and nice. Mark was telling us gossips he heard from the teacher's
01:06lounge. Something about Ms. Diaz, our Spanish teacher, was being set up on a date with Mr. Hayes.
01:13I rolled my eyes as soon as I heard his name. The detox was going to be harder than I thought.
01:18Why would Mr. Hayes go out with Ms. Diaz? Tiff asked as she took a bite of her sandwich.
01:24Why not? She's hot, he's hot, they're both single, Carrie replied. Carrie had a point.
01:30Ms. Diaz had the body of Jennifer Lopez and the face of Penelope Cruz. She was in her late 20s
01:37and it amazed everyone at school how she was still single. I remembered so many guys had a crush on
01:43her when taking her class. My ex-sac would be included in that list. I think Mr. Hayes could
01:48do better, Tiff interjected. Really? Mark asked in disbelief. Of course, he would take Ms. Diaz's
01:55side. He is so gorgeous and tall, he looked a lot like Ashton Kutcher, and he's got a charming
02:02personality too, right Em? Carrie turned to me, asking for affirmation. I responded by choking
02:08on my chocolate milk. Yeah, sure. I mumbled out. I didn't enjoy this conversation we were having.
02:15I got away from the art studio so. Could stay away from Mr. Hayes, not to be talking about how
02:22gorgeous and tall he is. I sighed and turned my gaze away, hoping I could just tune out of this
02:28debate between which two teachers are hotter. And suddenly, I saw something resembling a football
02:33came flying right at us. It was followed by a guy who was racing to catch it. Watch out, he yelled
02:39and all of us jerked away in response. He jumped and managed to catch the ball right before it was
02:45going to hit my face. Still, I closed my eyes and put my hands over my face in response. He caught the
02:52ball, yes, but then his body fell and landed straight on my lap, hitting my knees and thighs
02:58with a loud thud. Ouch. Oh God, I'm so sorry. The guy immediately got up to check on me. Are you okay?
03:06Uh, yeah, I'll be fine. No worries. I nodded. I'm Ryan, by the way. You're Emma, right? He said
03:13suddenly, and I looked up at him, seeing his face. Now I remembered who he was, Ryan Russo. He was a
03:19senior and the wide receiver on our football team. I remembered because cheerleading practice would
03:25coincide with football practice from time to time. Yep, that's me. I nodded my head and gave him a
03:32smile. Look, I'm really sorry about what happened, but if you give me your number, maybe I could make
03:37it up to you. He said suddenly, and everyone gasped in response. I was taken aback. I didn't
03:44know what to say. Her numbers 404 to 572. Tiff started yelling my number out, and I glared at her.
03:52No, seriously, would that be okay? Ryan laughed as he pulled out his phone and handed it to me. I
03:58thought about it for a while before nodding my head. He was just trying to be nice. Least I could
04:03do is to return the favor. It was just a phone number. And anyway, what's wrong with making new
04:09friends? My friends were being ridiculous as they started cheering and hollering. Ignoring them, I
04:16focused on the task at hand. After I tapped in my number, Ryan took his phone back and the biggest
04:22smile appeared on his face. So I'll see you guys around. He nodded to all of us, but his gaze
04:29stayed at me a little longer than the others. When he finally ran back to his friends, my friends
04:35had gone berserk. They were chanting, laughing, and falling over their asses. Stop it. You guys
04:42are embarrassing. I scolded, but it made them laugh even harder. Look at you, Ms. Tang. You broke
04:48up with Zach, and now you landed Ryan Russo. Tiff teased. Or actually, Ryan Russo landed on her.
04:55Mark chimed in. Guys, you're being ridiculous. It's just a phone number. He'd probably have tons
05:01of other girls' number in there, too. I told them. I don't know. Um, I have a good feeling
05:06about this one. Carrie said in a mysterious way. Oh, you have tea. Spill it. Tiff demanded. Word
05:14on the street is that Ryan's been interested in you since last year, but Zach got to you first.
05:19But who knows? Maybe now it's his time. Carrie said, and everyone started oohing and awing.
05:26I had seen Ryan around the school a lot. He was always friendly, and he would smile whenever I
05:32passed by. But I never got any weird vibes from him. I didn't think anything of it. My mind was
05:38wandering around aimlessly when I turned my head to the side and caught a glimpse of someone
05:43staring right at me from the classroom window. I squinted my eyes to get a better look, and I
05:48gasped as soon as I realized who it was. Mr. Hayes. His face looked serious and rigid. When
05:54he saw that I was looking at him, too, he took a deep breath and bit his lip. Then he fed out his
06:00breath, turned around, and walked away, away from my sight. I wondered if he had seen all that.
06:06I wondered if that even matters. After swim practice, I got back home from school
06:11and started on my homework. I wondered if I should start thinking about my art portfolio,
06:16but then it reminded me of Mr. Hayes, so I pushed that task aside. Desperate for some
06:21distraction, I was glad when I suddenly got a text from Ryan. Hey, sorry again for almost
06:27hitting you with a football today. Ryan, I texted him back. It's alright. Could have been worse.
06:33Before I knew it, we started full-on sending messages back and forth. His funny memes
06:38successfully diverted my attention from Mr. Hayes. We texted until it was 1am, and we both agreed
06:46we should get some sleep. But when I put my phone away and tried to sleep, my thoughts started
06:51racing again. Thoughts about him. Except for that one time at lunch, I didn't see Mr. Hayes at all.
06:58I thought it was a good thing I was getting him out of my system. But turned out, my body was
07:03craving him more than ever. I was starting to think that it was a mistake losing my virginity
07:08to him. The only reason why I wanted to do it with a random guy at a bar was so that I didn't
07:13have to deal with the emotional attachment. I didn't think that the guy would ever show up,
07:17mind you, in my own school and be my teacher. I was tossing and turning around my bed,
07:24desperate for some rest. Turning my body over, I buried my face into my pillow,
07:29jetting out a frustrated groan onto the linen fabric. Sleep. Just sleep. I told myself.
07:36Full Story is available on ShelfofNovels.com.
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