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""I can't believe Zach cheated on you!"" Carrie gasped in anger.
""I can't believe you had sex with a random guy in the back of a bar,"" Tiff followed.
This morning, I woke up sleeping inside my car.
I didn't even remember driving it.
I was parked at a Walmart parking lot, I didn't even know there was a Walmart around.
I checked my phone to find dozens of messages and missed calls from Tiff and Carrie.
I called them up and we decided to meet at a diner nearby.
Tiff had spent the night with that guy, Steve, and Carrie stayed over the sorority house.
After we met up and! chugged an entire mug of coffee, I was finally able to tell my friends everything that happened last night."
teacher's pet dreameshort chapter 5
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teacher's pet Emma and Ian chapter 5
00:00Episode 5. He stayed inside me for a while as he let out a deep relieved sigh. When he finally
00:06pulled away, he gave me the widest, sexiest grin I had ever saw, feeling absolutely satisfied.
00:13Emma's POV.
00:14I can't believe Zach cheated on you.
00:17Carrie gasped in anger.
00:18I can't believe you had sex with a random guy in the back of a bar.
00:22Tiff followed.
00:23This morning, I woke up sleeping inside my car. I didn't even remember driving it.
00:28I was parked at a Walmart parking lot. I didn't even know there was a Walmart around.
00:32I checked my phone to find dozens of messages and missed calls from Tiff and Carrie.
00:37I called them up, and we decided to meet at a diner nearby.
00:41Tiff had spent the night with that guy, Steve, and Carrie stayed over at the sorority house.
00:47After we met up, and chugged an entire mug of coffee, I was finally able to tell my friends
00:53everything that happened last night. Or, the parts that I remembered at least.
00:58Damn, girl.
00:59Tiff paused for a moment before saying,
01:01Hey, I'm sorry I wasn't there last night. I didn't know it was gonna go down like that.
01:07It's okay. It's not you guys' fault.
01:10How do you feel now?
01:11Carrie asked.
01:13I don't know. I'm still processing everything.
01:16In just the span of one night, I lost my boyfriend and my virginity, in that order.
01:22Everything after that glass of gin, and tonic, was a blur.
01:26I only remembered bits and pieces, but I definitely knew I had sex.
01:30For instance, when I woke up today, I wasn't wearing any underwear.
01:35I couldn't find them anymore, and I was sore like very sore.
01:39My inner thighs were throbbing like mad.
01:42Who was this guy anyway? What did he look like?
01:45Just some random guy I met at the bar. He was tall, gorgeous.
01:49What's his name?
01:51I don't know.
01:52You don't know?
01:53Yeah, it never came up.
01:55Damn. Tiff sighed. He was probably an Emory.
01:59Most of the people in the bar were Emory students, Carrie said.
02:03Yeah, maybe.
02:04Do you think you'll see him again?
02:06Probably not, but maybe that's for the best.
02:09The three of us were quiet for a while, taking it all in.
02:13He wore protection though, right?
02:15Tiff asked the inevitable.
02:18Was it bad?
02:19Do you regret that it happened?
02:21Carrie said finally.
02:23I thought about it for a while and said,
02:25No, Tio, be honest. It wasn't a bad experience.
02:28I'm not too sure, but I think I came like more than once.
02:32My two best friends started grinning maniacally, waiting for me to continue talking.
02:37I thought I was gonna bleed or whatever, but I didn't.
02:40It did hurt for a bit in the beginning, but then it got really good.
02:43Yeah, it did.
02:45Tiff said to Carrie, and they high-fived each other.
02:48So, what happened next after you guys did it?
02:51Carrie asked.
02:52This was the part that I mostly don't remember.
02:55I remembered that he came, and then he pulled away.
02:58He got rid of the condom and adjusted himself back.
03:02I remembered my knees were shaking and my thighs were sore.
03:05My head was spinning, and I couldn't make out what he was saying to me.
03:09I didn't want a conversation.
03:11All I wanted was to lie down on a B-E-D-S-O to spare me from the awkwardness.
03:17I just ran.
03:18I told them.
03:20You ran, they gaped at me.
03:21Yeah, I didn't know what else to do.
03:23I just said thank you, and I bolted.
03:26You said thank you?
03:28Their eyes were wide, and their mouths opened in shock.
03:31Is that so wrong?
03:33I asked them.
03:34Tiff and Carrie started cracking up and laughing like crazy.
03:38They were being so obnoxiously loud.
03:40People were staring.
03:42Guys, come on.
03:43I just got my heart broken, and you're all laughing at me.
03:47I scolded them, but they didn't stop laughing.
03:50Yeah, but that's not the only thing that broke in last night.
03:54Tiff winked, and Carrie laughed harder.
03:56Honestly, Em, I didn't know you had it in you.
04:00Carrie said in between laughs, but hey, I'm glad you had fun and you kept your manners.
04:06Tiff and Carrie went on laughing.
04:09I just rolled my eyes at them and continued eating my eggs and toast.
04:13We drove back home after we got breakfast.
04:16I changed my outfit and wore a snuggly hoodie and sweats that had I brought.
04:20Carrie was driving, and I slept the entire way.
04:23Tiff woke me up one time to tell me that Zach's been looking for me.
04:27He kept calling Tiff's and Carrie's phones.
04:29I told her to block him and went back to sleep.
04:33Mom and Dad were at home when I got back.
04:35It was a Saturday.
04:36They didn't have to work.
04:37They asked me about last night, and I told them everything was fine.
04:41Of course, they didn't know that we went to Atlanta.
04:44I told them I was sleeping over at Carrie's and that we had a birthday party sleepover.
04:50The next few days went by so fast.
04:52I spent my days listening to sad songs and ignoring all calls and texts from Zach.
04:58I was in my room most days and cried a lot because he did hurt me.
05:01What he did to me that night was beyond repair.
05:04And what I did next closed the chapter on us entirely.
05:08Sometimes I caught myself wondering about what I did with that stranger in the bar.
05:12I wondered if I'd ever see him again.
05:15I wondered if he'd thought of me the same.
05:17Meanwhile, Tiff and Carrie would try to get me out of the house from time to time.
05:21Some days, they succeeded.
05:23Mostly, they failed.
05:24But it was okay because they understood that I just needed time.
05:28Unfortunately, time was of the essence.
05:31School was starting again tomorrow, and sooner or later, I'd have to leave my room.
05:36At least now I have the car.
05:37I don't have to take the bus anymore.
05:39I said to myself, trying to motivate myself for tomorrow.
05:43Normally, I wouldn't mind going to school.
05:46I actually enjoyed some of the classes, like English, art, Spanish, even pee.
05:51I was pretty social, and I was active.
05:54I was part of the swim team, and I just found that I made the cheerleading squad this year.
05:59I also had two amazing best friends, so the list was endless.
06:03But with everything that happened with Zach, I lost my fighting spirit.
06:07Some days, I wondered if it was my fault.
06:09Maybe I didn't treat him well enough.
06:12Maybe I should have had sex with him early on.
06:14But the more I thought about it, the more it didn't make sense.
06:17I had loved him with all my heart, but he chose to betray me.
06:22That was not my fault.
06:23You're right.
06:24IT wasn't your fault.
06:26Carrie stated.
06:27Tiff, Carrie, and I were making our way to homeroom.
06:31I was just telling them about what I was feeling last night,
06:34and I was glad they confirmed my thoughts.
06:37Full Story is available on ShelfofNovels.com.
06:40Click the link in the comments section to get it free.
