Vivek Ramaswamy Gets BRUTALLY Honest in Fox Interview

  • 14 hours ago
In the seemingly ever-turbulent world of American politics, Vivek Ramaswamy stands out for his unfiltered honesty. The former presidential candidate has become a brutally frank commentator, challenging both opponents and his own Republican party. Ramaswamy's direct approach bypasses typical political rhetoric, focusing instead on what he sees as the fundamental issues eroding American society. He emphasizes addressing root causes, arguing that Republican setbacks stem from a failure to offer a compelling vision, rather than external factors.

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"We were supposed to have a red wave in 2022, but that never came. They blamed Trump, they blamed abortion. But the real reason is that we got lazy. We railed against the Democrats, but without offering an alternative vision of our own. And I'm worried we're going to be in for a rude surprise this November, unless we fix that starting right now. Think about it. Criticizing Joe Biden for his cognitive deficits over the last two years ended up backfiring. His cognitive deficits weren't a bug for the people who controlled him. They were a feature. And eventually they used it as their basis to swap him out. He was never really the functioning president of the United States anyway. He was a puppet for the people who controlled him. And you know what? The same thing goes for Kamala Harris today. She's just another cog in the system. We're not up against a candidate here. We're up against a machine."

Vivek Ramaswamy Gets BRUTALLY Honest in Fox Interview
