86 Melrose Avenue Full Drama Thriller Movie

  • ayer
00:01:53Suspect reported to be on foot heading toward Melrose Avenue
00:01:57Armed and dangerous
00:03:32Damn it
00:03:57Gallery 86 is now one month behind on payment if payment is not remitted by blah blah blah
00:04:13Declined declined declined declined stop behaving like a child. What are you doing? We're minutes away from opening
00:04:20What are you doing? We put everything we had into this gallery. You said it was doing well
00:04:24Oh, where's the fucking money? It's the economy. Have you been living under a rock shit? It's true. I
00:04:31Need you to promise me something
00:04:35And I wasn't wrong to trust you
00:04:38cross my heart
00:04:40This exhibit better bring in some money
00:05:16Just keep breathing
00:05:54You can do this I can do this
00:06:23Know what?
00:06:24I'm so glad. I finally found time to swing by and see you. Yeah, I'm really glad
00:06:30It's nice to have you over for dinner. Finally after all these years too long. It has been too long
00:06:45Madeline I'm home. Oh
00:06:48I'm so glad you're home early tonight, honey
00:06:52This is Dallas. He's visiting from Indiana. Remember I told you great to meet you man
00:06:56Hey, Madeline's told me so much about you finally meeting. Have a seat, babe
00:07:03So, how was your day?
00:07:06You know how it is
00:07:09Clogged toilets three slowly draining sinks and one Mickey faucet
00:07:16Well, Travis is the best plumber in the area. They only trust his work. Oh cool. Why?
00:07:26Madeline told me you served Iraq, Afghanistan
00:07:30So, um Dallas is in town visiting his cousin for a few days and I invited him to come over and have dinner
00:07:37Spend forever since we've seen each other. We went to the same high school back in Marion and our parents are actually longtime friends. Yeah
00:07:45What do you do oh
00:07:48I'm a software engineer
00:07:52Sounds boring. Oh, yeah, it is it is but you know, it pays the mortgage. So
00:08:00It's fair
00:08:02You want some chicken salad too can't quite reach
00:08:25Didn't mean to startle you
00:08:30Great thank you. Lovely. Thank you
00:08:41To you my dear to our friendship
00:08:47I've been dying to get the artist tour. Oh, well, I would love to give it to you
00:08:52So this one was at a crazy music festival and this one just really caught the vibe, but you know what
00:08:58Let me just show you my favorite
00:09:02Okay, so this one's in Thailand five years ago most beautiful sunset I've ever seen
00:09:06Okay now back up with me just a little bit
00:09:10Do you see the colors just come together?
00:09:13Exactly. What about this one?
00:09:16St. John's Church me blows Lebanon
00:09:21Nadia Marcos's images
00:09:23I don't think other express the dichotomy of time
00:09:54Let me tell you a bit about this collection, yeah
00:09:58They were taken in Paris in
00:10:002000 don't you love the architecture on these buildings and this is outside the cafe Balzac
00:10:06Are you getting all this or am I do I need to back it up? I've been doing this for 10 years
00:10:11I followed your work in the past. You've been quite consistent. Thank you. Oh, hi Bill and quite eclectic
00:10:19Excuse me
00:10:20So, who is this artist she's from Lebanon, it's her first exhibit following a recent career change
00:10:27She was an ER nurse couldn't handle the stress anymore
00:10:32Nadia, this is Bill from the Los Angeles Review. Nice to meet you, bro. Kathy from blueprint arts. Very nice to meet you
00:10:40You three get acquainted I have guests to schmooze. Pardon me
00:10:49Your name is
00:10:51handsome Ross
00:10:56So, what does Ross do
00:10:59collect collect
00:11:02Anything in particular anything I particularly like nice
00:11:09Follow me
00:11:15Nadia and the start of a brilliant career
00:11:18To you Craig for your continuous support and for constantly nagging me to hold my first exhibit
00:11:24I had no choice darling
00:11:27Your photographs speak to the beauty of life better than any poem. I just had to have them
00:11:34but please
00:11:35Don't take my word for it
00:11:44Your work has lots of blossoms and blooms is there some kind of underscore?
00:11:49Yes, actually rebirth and new beginnings a fresh start for my body mind and spirit
00:11:55So your work reflects personal experience then absolutely growing up in war-torn Lebanon and then later immigrating to the States
00:12:02How long ago gosh like?
00:12:0420 years ago and have you always wanted to be a photographer first sounded I can remember
00:12:11I used to cut photographs from magazines when I was a kid
00:12:14Anything that spoke to what I was feeling in the moment and then I used to hide them in my pencil drawer
00:12:20And this is your first exhibit. Yes, your job is not to judge the artist but the art
00:12:27I'm getting to know the artist first her bio was on these walls there there
00:12:32What else do you need? What's your problem bill?
00:12:35I don't have a problem calf because fortunately you don't work for me because you can't afford me
00:12:44Colleagues we really love each other
00:12:47So tell me more about this
00:12:51So this I took in Paris actually it was one of my favorite photos
00:12:57There's a great knife and I'm glad you like it. What do you think? It's really good. It's a good cook
00:13:04It's not my mom's cooking but really good
00:13:07all right, I
00:13:09got ass
00:13:12You got any crazy stories from over there
00:13:21Travis doesn't like to talk about the war. I get it
00:14:15Like that one
00:14:18Do you know where I could find a
00:14:21Mr. Beaumont look at all these photos
00:14:26Different places
00:14:28Hmm I want to go there. I'd even take a job like yours to make it happen
00:14:33You mean this?
00:14:35At least you get to be outside moving around not stuck between walls like me. I can do more than this
00:14:42But I also got rent to pay, you know
00:14:46How are those so so I'm hypoglycemic you keep those I'll get my own
00:14:57Not wearing a ring
00:15:00Not anymore
00:15:01So why is a handsome guy like you still on the loose? I don't believe in marriage
00:15:07Didn't work for me. Can't agree with you more
00:15:10Personally, I'd never put my future in someone else's hands
00:15:14Interesting way to put it. Let me get you some wine. Thanks, but I've had my last drink. Ah
00:15:20Clean and sober. No
00:15:25Women very complex and incredibly hormonal
00:15:30Is that what it is?
00:15:33so much easier I
00:15:38Like this piece
00:15:40You my dear have a fabulous taste
00:15:44This is part of a larger collection
00:15:47But let me show you the rest I
00:15:50Like to think of them as well
00:15:53a deal maker
00:15:55Here follow me
00:16:23You know
00:16:25We'll say I feel like we gave those people their freedom they owe us big, you know
00:16:35What do they owe you what we liberated them liberated them from what
00:16:44Liberated them from what
00:16:48Their leaders, I mean their leaders to start but then they had all those those little groups
00:16:54And I felt like we kind of liberated them from those those groups, too. What do you know about it? Huh?
00:17:00No, really tell me what do you know because from where I'm standing?
00:17:03I think you were just sitting comfortably behind the computer in
00:17:07Marion, Indiana
00:17:14Watched the news and I just feel like we should have let them ride their camels like they ride their wives, you know
00:17:23Maybe please
00:17:25You're sitting at my table
00:17:27You're eating my food
00:17:30Drinking my wine and you're gonna be disrespectful in front of my wife. I was just trying to make conversation
00:17:44Let's just enjoy your dinner I
00:17:47Do feel like we gave them too much and we sacrificed too much for nothing back and return Alice
00:17:56I'm not gonna sit here and say I don't they didn't deserve all that. We sacrificed for them. I will stand by that
00:18:02What did you sacrifice for them?
00:18:06No, please both of you stop fuck do you know fucking temper me? Yeah
00:18:20Get out of my house, I'll fucking kill you
00:19:03She demands your attention
00:19:06Absolutely, I'm gonna look at her bio great. I'll catch up with you later. You got him on the hook. Mm-hmm working on him
00:19:15Listen I wanted to apologize about earlier. I
00:19:18Know things are difficult and I'm on you all the time. It's that fiery passion that drew me to you
00:19:26Just worried about our finances, that's all I know
00:19:31Said anything I can do to help
00:19:34Actually, yes, it's a bit warm in here. Would you mind putting my jacket in the office? Absolutely
00:20:24Jim Marcos's images hang proudly at gallery 86
00:20:29All at once capturing the frailty of life as well as its beauty
00:20:34seemingly inconsequential moments are transformed into
00:20:39Expressions of life
00:20:42love and
00:20:44the connection of all things
00:20:46You sound as though the photographer has made you a fan of her work. Ah, yes have it
00:20:55As I grew older my short-term memory is not what it once was time has a way of erasing things
00:21:01Perhaps occasionally for the best
00:21:03Have you met the artist? I haven't had the pleasure yet
00:21:07But it would seem our history precedes us
00:21:09I think she's talented very we need to talk in a moment now. I'm sorry bill. Will you excuse me for one moment?
00:21:23This better be good this where all the money's going not now I
00:21:29Told you I can't be with a useless person
00:21:31I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry
00:21:34I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry
00:21:39You know my only brother Odin
00:21:42It's just tonight shit you promised me. I'm sorry. I believed you
00:22:18Don't worry, there's there's gonna be some more buyers. Are you okay? Yeah
00:22:23So we're now featuring up-and-coming artists. They're looking at you
00:22:29Yeah, I'm not I'm not a I'm not a fan of that one right this way. Oh
00:22:34You know better I meet the artist first absolutely
00:22:40Bill can I have a word with you your work?
00:22:43Is very impressive
00:22:45It seems inspired by life's experiences. Well, that's unavoidable
00:22:51Excuse me
00:22:57Sorry have to respond to an event for tomorrow she's pretty
00:23:03Your wife
00:23:05Was my wife your work?
00:23:08It's so expressive this one
00:23:11This one that there's a there's a striking aspect of loneliness
00:23:16loneliness, yeah
00:23:18There's life in every single one of my pieces. Yeah like this one
00:23:23It's like an empty house longing to be inhabited
00:23:28Perhaps suggesting there's something missing in your life
00:23:31Well, there's nothing missing tonight
00:23:35Except fires
00:23:39Do you feel lonely I
00:23:42Might if more people don't show up
00:23:46Guess who's being featured in the Los Angeles review you my dear really?
00:23:53Hold that thought for five minutes
00:23:56Be right back. Hi, let me introduce myself. My name is Avi Dahan. I'm your neighbor
00:24:01Hey, oh, you live on Fairfax. No, I'm from Israel. Oh
00:24:06Those neighbors the ones that invaded my country. I didn't invade your country. Oh, no, you just left that up to your countrymen
00:24:32Said get on the ground. Why didn't you?
00:24:37Listen everybody just do what I say and no one gets hurt whose phone is that?
00:24:48You don't just give it to me give it to me, all right
00:24:56Know what? Everybody take out their phones wallets and purses
00:25:00Slide to me
00:25:02Do it now
00:25:04Take them out phones wallets purses. Come on
00:25:10Give me your phone. Give me your phone
00:25:13There there there
00:25:17Okay over here you got a phone
00:25:22You know anybody else
00:25:30All right, no funny business don't try anything stupid, okay, this is it
00:25:38Anybody else phones wallets anything else
00:25:48All right
00:25:52What do you want
00:25:55Keep your head down and shut the fuck up. Okay, we don't have money
00:25:59I mean we have a few bucks here and there if you look at the top
00:26:13You know what everyone over here pretty boy
00:26:25Little faster, come on
00:26:27Come on
00:26:29Let me see your hands
00:26:33In the white hands, okay
00:26:35What's in your hand?
00:26:38Hands hands
00:26:41What's in your hand in the white
00:26:44All right, we're good. Are you good?
00:26:47Everybody stay down
00:26:50Just shut up. All right. Nobody do anything stupid. Okay, all good
00:27:02You will serve
00:27:04Just like your grandfather and I served this is your duty dad
00:27:09You know, I don't believe in that language of violence don't start again with that piece of love crap
00:27:14I'm not joining the IDF. I'm not killing people for land
00:27:19Your duty is to preserve your identity your heritage how by erasing others identities and heritages
00:27:29You are beginning to sound very American you sent me there to get the best education isn't that what you wanted
00:27:38You will join the IDF
00:27:41Just like all of us. I won't have blood on my hands like you
00:27:46Then go back to America
00:27:57Everybody just stay down and shut the fuck up. Okay
00:28:26Won't hurt anybody, okay
00:28:57Just shot a man and I don't want to shoot anyone else so don't don't push me
00:29:12You should listen your friend
00:29:14He's got his senses back
00:29:17It's not my friend
00:29:22Hey, look at me. Look at me. Look at me
00:29:32She a woman not in a million years absolutely not
00:29:39You jumped to protect her I saw it I
00:29:45Saw it was a reflex
00:29:52It looked like more than a reflex to me that was very
00:30:01Did he cheat on you
00:31:08Just want to say I'm sorry for lying to you. Why you're gonna get killed. I love you
00:31:26Please no, it's not the time. There might be less time. I think so. I don't know but I'm gonna be with you
00:31:38Shut the fuck up, what are you laughing at? Huh? Faggot some funny
00:32:46Everything's fine
00:33:01Stay where you're at. Stay down
00:33:07Miss Los Angeles Police Department
00:33:11My name is Mike Gallagher
00:33:14The gallery is completely surrounded
00:33:17Just talk to us
00:33:20We're here to help
00:33:24What's your name
00:33:27I'm not telling you my fucking name. We had reports that gunshots were fired. Does anyone hurt?
00:33:36Nobody's hurt good good. So how can I help? I
00:33:44Don't want your fucking help
00:33:51Fucking cops
00:33:54I mean, am I right?
00:33:56Who really likes cops? All right, I don't
00:34:00Of course you don't they kill black guys every day
00:34:05What's your name, huh?
00:34:10What do you do Dwayne, huh, you deliver I
00:34:16Wasn't supposed to be here
00:34:18I'm just covering for a co-worker. You're sick
00:34:22This isn't my area delivery
00:34:25That sucks
00:34:37Please stop that noise. I mean this noise
00:35:04It's not working dad
00:35:09The doctor said there'd be good days and bad days
00:35:15Stephen just stop taking your meds again
00:35:19Stephen you've got to keep taking your meds
00:35:23Tomorrow, we'll tell the doctor to adjust the dosage when we see him. Listen to me Stephen
00:35:40My kingdom come they will be done
00:35:48And forgive us our trespasses
00:35:50As we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not to temptation
00:35:54But deliver us from evil for that is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Oh, man. What's your name?
00:36:07You scared of dying Fiona
00:36:12Scared of living I've never left, California
00:36:19Was scared of dying too
00:36:22When I served in Afghanistan
00:36:43I'm very clever
00:36:47Made me feel like I got you
00:36:52We're under attack grab your shit get the fuck out now
00:37:22Saw death almost every day for two years
00:37:36Who told you to move
00:37:42She's alright
00:37:47See she's all right
00:37:59Mr. Bigshot
00:38:05Have you ever been the war?
00:38:12Have you ever sacrificed everything for your country
00:38:20Thought you had oh
00:38:23No, I know you man
00:38:27You're the kind of guy who's always had everything handed to him
00:38:34Work hard for everything I had
00:38:40You've no idea what my life has been like
00:38:44Nothing was handed to me
00:38:48But it was all taken away
00:38:53She's going after everything you've got
00:38:56Because of this goddamn Prina she can have it all I don't care anymore
00:39:02She gets the house
00:39:03the cars the stocks
00:39:06Everything not everything. Oh
00:39:10Yes, that's right
00:39:12Apparently you stood strong on your art collection. That's right
00:39:17How much is that worth?
00:39:20200,000 right
00:39:23Why are you doing this Ross?
00:39:26If you let her have what she's asking for you're going to have nothing left. Nothing of value
00:39:32Already lost everything that mattered
00:39:35You should fight this
00:39:38She's the one who cheated on you I'm done fighting
00:39:42She's fallen for someone else and that's it. I
00:39:45Want to end my marriage
00:39:47And you're gonna reward her by giving her everything that you've worked hard for I can always get new things
00:39:54Work harder make more money. None of that matters to me
00:39:58But I can't live in a house filled with things that remind me of her
00:40:03You've no idea what my life has been like I
00:40:08Worked hard for everything I had
00:40:13But it was all taken back
00:40:15About you shut the fuck up
00:40:18Before I put a bullet in your skull and make you look a little more interesting
00:40:51You wouldn't play hero and get all of us killed with you
00:41:28Say hey
00:41:31You two crazy lovers can't spend a minute not talking to one another can you
00:41:40Can you
00:41:47Is that what's going on
00:41:50Hey, what are you doing?
00:41:53Are you writing coded messages to them or something who you know who the cops no, no, no, I swear
00:42:02I'm only writing to calm myself down. I have panic attacks
00:42:08Grab snacks. It's hungry walking back to us
00:42:15Looked unsettled and scared
00:42:18Two underlines, huh
00:42:22How's your anxiety worse I can't sleep at night and I can't concentrate during the day
00:42:31How's the frequency of your elevated heart rate only when I'm stressed which is all the time now I
00:42:40Started a new position the pay is better, but the workload is heavier and more stressful
00:42:47Think I need something stronger. You're taking the maximum dose. I
00:42:51Can't give you any more medication
00:42:55But we could try something else
00:42:58Like what there are a myriad of coping mechanisms writing can be helpful
00:43:06That's what I do at work all day
00:43:09writing reviews I
00:43:11Don't see how you can help
00:43:14I don't see how writing more is supposed to help me in patience with a high level of anxiety
00:43:22Writing everything that comes to mind has been proven to be extremely helpful
00:43:30Like a journal not exactly just everything and anything that goes through your mind
00:43:36Whether it be about you or others
00:43:41Writing helps you stay focused
00:43:43and calm
00:43:46You really think it can help me I do
00:43:53I'm going to refill your prescription for Xanax
00:44:01And I'll see you in a month try to do things that help you relax actually tomorrow I'm covering a photo exhibit it should be fun
00:44:11May I please have it back
00:44:14Please you want it back, please this
00:44:23Write this down fucking write it now
00:44:35Travis Travis is a hero is a hero a
00:44:40Marine a Marine
00:44:42Who served his country with the utmost courage with the utmost courage courage
00:45:03Shots fired
00:45:08Okay, look just listen to me for a second
00:45:42Are you a doctor I was a nurse do you want me to check that?
00:45:50No, it's not my blood
00:46:09Look stop
00:46:11Calling let me send in some paramedics if anyone's hurt. Okay, no cops
00:46:16Just paramedics, we don't need any paramedics. Well, then what do you need? I
00:46:25Need to think so just stop calling cuz I can't fucking think what you're calling
00:46:32all the time I
00:46:42Have also seen death many times
00:46:51Understand how you feel
00:46:57We're a lot alike
00:47:08Lift it in Lebanon for many years. I know how you feel
00:47:21The things we've done all the things
00:47:35Where's the next attack I'm late badie that could just then I funny and he says I don't know
00:47:43Fuck this. I got a better idea. Connie. The fuck are you doing back off marine?
00:48:13Tell him I'm going to count to three.
00:48:15If he hasn't answered my question by then,
00:48:17I'm going to blow his fucking head off.
00:48:19Tell him.
00:48:34Tell him after two comes three and he's going to die.
00:48:39Just fucking tell him.
00:48:48Maybe he doesn't know anything.
00:48:50Fucking liar.
00:48:53What the fuck, man?
00:48:54You said you were going to kill him.
00:48:55You said you were just going to mess around.
00:48:57That was not your call to make.
00:48:59You should not have made it that way.
00:49:00What the fuck were you doing?
00:49:02What the fuck?
00:49:10We killed him.
00:49:14We killed him.
00:49:21It was all okay.
00:49:24It was all okay.
00:49:26Do you know why?
00:49:31Because we're the good guys.
00:49:34Are you okay?
00:49:42After the war,
00:49:44I felt lost and angry for a very long time.
00:49:51But I've learned something.
00:49:54If you can look within yourself
00:49:56and capture that moment of the person that you were once
00:49:59and hold on to it,
00:50:01you can feel peace again.
00:50:06It doesn't work that way.
00:50:07Yes, it does.
00:50:18I need...
00:50:19I need to figure out
00:50:21what I'm gonna do
00:50:23before they come in here.
00:50:31Just stay down.
00:50:34Stay down.
00:50:43Not responding.
00:50:44Not picking up.
00:51:01I shot him.
00:51:15I think I killed him.
00:51:20I fucking killed him.
00:51:32I was just coming home from work.
00:51:40It was a long day.
00:51:43And I just wanted to see my mom.
00:51:46So glad I finally found time to swing by and see you.
00:51:49Yeah, after all these years.
00:51:50Too long.
00:51:51It has been too long.
00:51:54Madeline, I'm home.
00:51:55I'm home.
00:52:03Maybe he's not dead.
00:52:05Yeah, he might still be alive.
00:52:07You could claim self-defense.
00:52:10Everybody shut the fuck up!
00:52:18I don't know.
00:52:19I don't know.
00:52:24What do you think he's doing?
00:52:29He's probably deciding which one of us to kill first.
00:52:31I thought I was the fatalistic one.
00:52:33You think we can take him
00:52:35before he finds another shot?
00:52:36You're freaking nuts.
00:52:39I'm hypoglycemic.
00:52:41If I don't eat soon, I'm gonna pass out.
00:52:43I really lost a lot of blood.
00:52:45Take slow, deep breaths, okay?
00:53:06Oh, shit.
00:53:09Shit, shit, shit.
00:53:12Oh, shit.
00:53:14Oh, shit.
00:53:17You think the cops can see us through those windows?
00:53:19I hope so. They'll save us.
00:53:21If they come in, they'll be guns a-blazing.
00:53:23We'll be dead in seconds.
00:53:27Don't say that. Just traumatize.
00:53:30It's a worst-case scenario.
00:53:34They're not gonna come in here shooting at us.
00:53:36But you don't know that?
00:53:38We just have to keep our heads down.
00:53:44Everybody up.
00:53:46Everybody up!
00:53:48Get the fuck up now!
00:53:51Up, up! Come on!
00:53:53Go, go!
00:54:03Put up your hands.
00:54:06Come on.
00:54:07Up, up.
00:54:08Up, up. There we go.
00:54:14Nice and slow.
00:54:18Come towards the windows.
00:54:21Keep moving.
00:54:22Hands up.
00:54:23Move it!
00:54:29Nice and easy.
00:54:32Keep moving.
00:54:35Keep on going.
00:54:44Hands up.
00:54:47Keep it walking.
00:54:53Keep your hands up.
00:54:56And slowly turn around and face me.
00:55:02Keep those hands up.
00:55:07Now don't move.
00:55:11Don't move.
00:55:13Don't move.
00:55:44Who took these?
00:55:50Who took these?
00:55:52I did.
00:56:14Real nice.
00:56:28I don't want to fucking talk to anybody.
00:56:30Look, we're not going anywhere until we know everybody's safe.
00:56:35Including you.
00:56:38Let us help you.
00:56:40Let us help you.
00:56:44I already told you I don't want your help.
00:56:48How about if you release some of the hostages and we'll have some food sent in?
00:56:55How many people are in there?
00:56:58You just don't get it, man.
00:57:01I'm not sending any of them out of there.
00:57:04What don't I get?
00:57:05Help me understand.
00:57:07We can end this peacefully without anybody getting hurt.
00:57:13That's fucking bullshit and you know it.
00:57:16I see them out there.
00:57:19I see your snipers.
00:57:22They've got lasers on me.
00:57:25Ready to shoot.
00:57:27They're not going to shoot.
00:57:29You have my word.
00:57:31Your word?
00:57:32Your word?
00:57:36Your word doesn't mean anything to me.
00:57:40Well, it's up to you now.
00:57:42All you have to do is trust me.
00:57:48Trust you?
00:57:53How can I trust you when I can't even trust myself?
00:58:12Are you crazy?
00:58:13You'll get us all killed.
00:58:14Please get back.
00:58:17Please get back.
00:58:21Don't worry.
00:58:25Trust me.
00:58:30Stand back.
00:58:33Or I'll put a bullet in your skull.
00:58:38You're not a killer.
00:58:39Stand back!
00:58:42Do it.
00:58:47Look, you haven't hurt any of us.
00:58:49I'm hurt.
00:58:55We can still walk out of here alive.
00:59:05You can put an end to this.
00:59:13I shot a man.
00:59:17I think I killed him.
00:59:20He might still be alive.
00:59:23He was bleeding.
00:59:29Madeline was upset.
00:59:32I just ran out.
00:59:35He can still be alive.
00:59:38Look, we're all alive.
00:59:42We can all walk out of this together.
00:59:45Just shut up for a second!
00:59:48Just shut up.
01:00:02Just shut up.
01:00:45You don't have to do this.
01:00:49There's no other way.
01:00:50No, no, no.
01:00:51There's a way out.
01:00:53There is always, always a way out.
01:00:56There isn't.
01:00:57Yes, there is.
01:00:58What do you fucking know?
01:01:03No, I know.
01:01:06My wife...
01:01:08My wife...
01:01:11was shot and killed by a 17-year-old.
01:01:20So I understand.
01:01:21I understand your pain.
01:01:23And I get...
01:01:27how long it hurts.
01:01:28And I...
01:01:31I wanted to find that kid and I wanted to kill that kid.
01:01:40Why didn't you?
01:01:42I wouldn't change anything.
01:01:46I wouldn't take away the pain.
01:01:48And I wouldn't bring him out.
01:01:53There's no coming back from this, man.
01:01:58People like me...
01:02:00That's not true.
01:02:03You're a good guy.
01:02:07You love me.
01:02:09Hey, don't do it.
01:02:11Think of Madeline.
01:02:17What did you sacrifice for them?
01:02:20Baby, no!
01:02:29Get out of my house, motherfucker.
01:02:51Tell him after two comes three and he's gonna die.
01:02:59Come on.
01:03:00Come on.
01:03:05I'm sorry, man.
01:03:36Miss Marcos.
01:03:38How about we talk about your friend?
01:03:41Who, Craig?
01:03:43Avi Dahan.
01:03:46I don't know him.
01:03:49Mr. Dahan.
01:03:51It's Dahan.
01:03:54Mr. Dahan.
01:03:56Did you have any prior relationship with anyone there?
01:03:59Look, I already told you what happened.
01:04:02From your notebook.
01:04:05Nadia is upset at Avi.
01:04:06They both argue.
01:04:08Kathy, why were Avi and Nadia arguing?
01:04:11I don't remember.
01:04:13I was writing notes to calm myself down.
01:04:16My psychiatrist recommended it.
01:04:19When I get panic attacks.
01:04:22There was so much tension between them.
01:04:24Can you be more specific?
01:04:27He just seemed to want her back.
01:04:30Oh, and I remember she said,
01:04:32not in a million years.
01:04:34Are you sure about that, Fiona?
01:04:40Is Miss Nadia Marcos your friend?
01:04:45Have you ever met her?
01:04:47She's Lebanese and I'm Israeli.
01:04:50What are the chances of us meeting?
01:04:51You tell us.
01:04:54So, all this display of emotions,
01:04:58all that for a man you met today.
01:05:01What can I say?
01:05:02He leaves quite an impression.
01:05:05What time did you get there?
01:05:07The first time or the second time?
01:05:09Did you go in twice?
01:05:14I was there when the show started,
01:05:16then I left and came back.
01:05:18And what happened?
01:05:19I left and came back.
01:05:21And why did you come back, Nick?
01:05:23To support my boyfriend.
01:05:25Why, is that a problem?
01:05:36How long has your boyfriend had a drug problem?
01:05:39He doesn't.
01:05:45I mean, not for long.
01:05:50I did catch him doing some today.
01:05:53Know anything about this?
01:05:57Never seen that before.
01:06:00Have you ever done cocaine, Craig?
01:06:03Oh, God, no.
01:06:09Shall we do a blood test?
01:06:13What were you doing at 86 Merrow's Avenue?
01:06:16Delivering a package?
01:06:18And what was in the package?
01:06:22Why were you at the gallery
01:06:24when the package was addressed to Mr. Beaumont?
01:06:29The package is being handled
01:06:31by a special law enforcement unit
01:06:33for suspicious content.
01:06:35It would help if you tell us who gave you the package.
01:06:39My manager did,
01:06:41like he does every day when I have packages delivered.
01:06:44Travis has PTSD.
01:06:47I thought you said you didn't know him.
01:06:50I know PTSD and I can tell that he has it.
01:06:53I have it, too.
01:06:55Travis is a war hero.
01:06:57A Marine who served his country
01:06:59with the utmost courage.
01:07:01A great American.
01:07:03He made me write that.
01:07:07Yeah, well, I'm glad you did.
01:07:09I'm glad you did.
01:07:11It was very intense.
01:07:15Everyone was panicking.
01:07:17Ross, did you know this guy, Travis?
01:07:22He was some crazy ex-Marine who stormed in.
01:07:26How did you know he was an ex-Marine?
01:07:28He told us.
01:07:30What else did he say?
01:07:32He said he killed a man.
01:07:35He was very upset.
01:07:36He was very upset.
01:07:39Here you go.
01:07:43Thank you for these.
01:07:45Of course.
01:07:47I was getting so dizzy.
01:07:49I'm sure.
01:07:51So they spoke a lot and argued a lot.
01:07:54And that guy with the gun, Travis,
01:07:56he called them crazy lovebirds.
01:07:59Crazy lovebirds?
01:08:03And then Nadia told Travis
01:08:04that she and he had a lot in common.
01:08:07A lot in common?
01:08:11Something about both being in Lebanon.
01:08:18Oh, and that other guy,
01:08:20he was jealous.
01:08:26I don't know her, but she has talent.
01:08:29Very visual.
01:08:31She uses her dark past to express her present life.
01:08:35Dark past?
01:08:37Growing up in Lebanon during the war?
01:08:39Seems pretty dark to me.
01:08:41How about Avi,
01:08:43the man with the beard?
01:08:45He's conceited.
01:08:47I've seen him before at other exhibits.
01:08:49Seems to come from money.
01:08:52Likes to buy art.
01:08:54So you're saying that you and your boyfriend
01:08:56didn't know anyone there,
01:08:58except for the photographer?
01:08:59Nadia's a friend.
01:09:01Kathy and Bill are art critics we've met before.
01:09:05The rest we didn't know.
01:09:08Why don't you tell me about Nadia Marcos?
01:09:11I've known her for over ten years.
01:09:14She's such a sweetheart.
01:09:16Was she and Mr. Dahan in a relationship?
01:09:18Be serious.
01:09:22You're kidding, right?
01:09:24Do you even know Avi or Travis?
01:09:26No. Guys with beards are definitely not my type.
01:09:29The other one is a homophobe.
01:09:32He called me a faggot.
01:09:34You really want that blood test.
01:09:36I'm telling you the truth.
01:09:39Care to know what was in the package?
01:09:42I was just covering for a co-worker who was sick.
01:09:45Batteries. Batteries with wires.
01:09:47Batteries for a toy car for Mr. Beaumont's son.
01:09:51Mr. Beaumont is at 68 Melrose Avenue.
01:10:00Which means that you...
01:10:04were at the wrong address.
01:10:17She said that you had left quite an impression on her.
01:10:23Mr. Dahan, are you and Ms. Marcos neighbors?
01:10:25You could say that.
01:10:27You guys live on opposite sides of the city.
01:10:30Tell us, what makes you neighbors?
01:10:34That's a question you'd have to ask God.
01:10:56Anything else you care to add?
01:11:01Look, I've had a long day and I'm really tired.
01:11:08Why don't you ask Travis?
01:11:10He's going to tell you everything that you need to know.
01:11:16He's dead.
01:11:20He wasn't going to hurt anyone.
01:11:22He was in pain. He witnessed the violence of war.
01:11:28You didn't have to shoot him.
01:11:30He shot himself.
01:11:42Am I under arrest or can I go?
01:11:52You can go.
01:12:16How was it?
01:12:18They tried really hard to connect us.
01:12:22Us is a word that will never connect you and me.
01:12:25My ride is here. Can I give you a lift?
01:12:29Hey, neighbor, am I going to ever see you again?
01:12:34In the afterlife.
01:12:36I hope so.
01:12:38Maybe then we can have some peace, even for a moment.
01:12:47Hello, sir.
01:12:48Hello, David.
01:12:50Straight home, Mr. Dahan?
01:12:52Yes, please.
01:12:55Friend of yours, sir?
01:14:07Come in.
01:14:11What's this?
01:14:13It's my letter of resignation.
01:14:16I almost died last week.
01:14:18I want to travel and discover new places before I die.
01:14:24Life is so unpredictable.
01:14:37Feeling yourself relaxing into the support behind and...
01:14:49This is Kathy.
01:14:51Meet you at the gallery by seven.
01:14:53Sure. I'm on it.
01:14:55Good to have you back.
01:15:05Close your eyes and let go.
01:15:09Feel the lightness of your body.
01:15:19My name is Bill.
01:15:21Hi, Bill.
01:15:23My son...
01:15:29shot himself...
01:15:32six months ago.
01:15:37I haven't been able to...
01:15:39grieve or...
01:15:42talk about it.
01:15:43I haven't been able to...
01:15:45grieve or...
01:15:48talk about it since.
01:16:14I'm sorry.
01:16:35Hi. I'm Ross.
01:16:39You're much more beautiful than the profile pictures.
01:16:41Oh, thank you.
01:16:43Can I get you a beer?
01:16:44Yes, please.
01:16:47Bartender, two beers, please.
01:16:50Sorry, traffic.
01:16:52I understand.
01:17:09Sorry I'm late.
01:17:12Are you kidding?
01:17:14You are always late.
01:17:17Don't you look happy.
01:17:19Yes, well, I have a little something to celebrate.
01:17:22Are you and Nick finally getting married?
01:17:24Nick and I have separated.
01:17:26But we're still business partners.
01:17:28I'm so sorry, Craig.
01:17:30We still love each other.
01:17:32But I guess love's not enough.
01:17:35However, that's not the reason I'm here.
01:17:38You know your little exhibit?
01:17:39The one I nagged you incessantly to do?
01:17:41How could I forget?
01:17:44We have a buyer.
01:17:47Are you serious?
01:17:52What piece got bought?
01:17:54All the pieces that survived the bullets.
01:17:56I'm sorry. Didn't I mention that?
01:17:58You're joking.
01:17:59I'm not.
01:18:00If this is a joke, Craig, it ain't funny.
01:18:02No joke. You're a sensation.
01:18:04Thanks to me, of course.
01:18:06Now you're off to a new successful career.
01:18:09Wait a minute.
01:18:10You're saying people bought every single piece that survived?
01:18:13Not people. One person.
01:18:15And apparently, he's quite a fan of yours.
01:18:17A fan?
01:18:19A fan by the name of Avi Deha.
01:18:21The Israeli?
01:18:24Oh, before I forget,
01:18:27this also came for you.
01:18:38You gonna go?
01:18:40You deserve a fresh start.
01:19:10You know what?
01:19:14This is gonna be a new chapter.
01:19:41Thank you, Paul.
01:19:42Anything else, Mr. Deha?
01:19:43I'm good for now.
01:20:11Oh, sorry!
01:20:14Sorry I'm late.
01:20:17Better late than never.
01:20:26Come on. Here.
01:20:40You're welcome.
01:21:10You're welcome.
01:22:10You're welcome.
