79HD.Shrouding the Heavens Sub Indo || English Subtitle (Zhe Tian)(遮天)

  • yesterday
Shrouding the Heavens, 遮天,79,Zhe Tian,
At the edge of the dark and frozen universe, nine giant dragon corpses were bound in ancient bronze coffins. It seemed they had been there since the birth of the universe. This amazing view was captured by a spacecraft hovering in outer space.
The nine dragons and the mysterious bronze coffin made people wonder whether they went back to ancient times or had just reached another shore in the universe. A giant mythical world opens up, where immortality gradually emerges and paranormal events continue to occur.
Many people began to find their own traces (Dao) in these mythical realms. Their passion was like the turbulent and unrelenting waves of the sea. The heat in their blood was like an erupting volcano. Their desire for power and immortality drags them into the abyss without realizing it.


00:43So how should I say?
00:47And don't you need to go back to the city that's just her don't come out of your show
00:52You woman are you?
00:54We should call it
00:58So new you you know
01:12To see who I am so it's a good way to see where we were just in you and so you're supposed to follow
02:05Just touch the wall. What would you do?
02:10Would you be fun would you be fun? It's it's a twist. It's a good chance to do it. Yes, it's
02:18You can't win look you're gonna see just a few people didn't
02:22We should tell you
02:26She's a genius
02:30So she couldn't answer you didn't see the D-man she beat you to it on the motor
02:38You're so tight so she put it on the window
02:44She's you don't want you to cheat
03:19Some I push it she should push it
03:23Sichuan Hwang Ling
03:25Tianye Wuyi
03:50What I could teach you
04:02You can't even move to be fun
04:05You can't even move to be fun
04:21You must have found a way to avoid the Yuan Tian Shi
04:54She went in for some of the show
05:24必然会使五香之躯 落入地府 I will make you fall into the underworld with the Five Fragrant Spirits
05:49我好像控制不了自己的身体 I can't seem to control my body
05:54这一切都是我自己的决定 I will do everything for my own sake
05:56这一切都是我自己的决定 I will do everything for my own sake
06:13刚才那是 四太祖师临终前的画面 That was the picture of the Four Taizu Masters before they died
06:19难道这就是 元天使万年不祥的命运吗 Is this the fate of Yuan Tian Shi?
06:35是深渊 It's the abyss
06:39虽已枯竭 但余韵有存 Although it has withered away, it still has a trace
06:48原真消失 森林也消失了 The original form has disappeared and so has the forest
07:10圣主死 王主亡 我等还挣扎什么呢 What are we struggling for?
07:19这些东西太多了 无法尽数消灭 There are too many of them. I can't destroy them all
07:26老赵 刚不是说姚光生病 用脱困之法吗 Old Zhang, didn't you just say that Yaoguang was sick and had a way to get rid of it?
07:30你难道也想死了姬德 Did you also want to kill Ji De?
07:31若姚光圣子来救我们 不如等死为好备姬德 If Yaoguang came to save us, why don't we wait to die for Ji De?
07:36闭上你的乌鸦嘴 你们全死了我都很舒服 Shut up. I'm comfortable with all of you dead
07:48老赵 你还活着 Old Zhang, you're still alive
08:02老赵 你太帅了 Old Zhang, you're so cool
08:04要是姚光圣女看到你 估计就会甩了圣子的 If Yaoguang saw you, she would have thrown Ji De away
08:08这里地势颠转 唯有元兽的术法 净注此地势颠转 Only the power of the Yuan Shu can stop this power
08:28这是何等造化的元兽 竟能改变禁区大势 What a magical Yuan Shu that can change the situation in the禁区
08:38老赵 我要为你立长生碑 Old Zhang, I want to make a longevity tablet for you
08:48不要高兴得太早 不要高兴得太早 刚才我似乎看到三个人形生物的轮廓 Don't be too excited. I think I saw three humanoid creatures just now
08:54人形生物 奇迹神明 秒杀圣主的存在 Humanoid creatures? Miraculous creatures? The existence of the Goddess of Mount Miao?
09:09千万不要慌 千万不要慌张 一定要呆在阵脊之中 Don't panic. You must stay in your seat
09:16听我指令 Listen to my command
09:23老赵 我开路 放好 没问题 OK, I'm coming. Wait for me. OK
09:32去你的 Go your way
10:00Don't talk nonsense, asshole!
10:03Damn it!
10:04Run first!
10:09I'll block the good news first!
10:43Why is it getting further and further away?
10:45Is there no end to this road of escape?
10:50This black hole is constantly swallowing the old continent
10:53and then taking over a new continent
10:55It's almost midnight now
10:57Legend has it that Taichu Ancient Mine swallows the essence of the world
11:00and absorbs everything
11:02This is the truth
11:04Taoist priest!
11:05Do you have a way to break the spell?
11:08The so-called great event is gone
11:10but the spell is still in effect
11:13I'm afraid there's nothing I can do
11:19Until now
11:21I can only use
11:23the ultimate way that my grandfather passed on to me
11:29There are four walls in the sky
11:31Earth, fire, water, dust, dust, fire
11:41Good and evil
11:46Your grandfather even calculated the monster's death
11:49I can't help you
11:51Attracting the attention of the horrible beings to change the terrain
11:54The chance is getting smaller
11:55It's really awesome
11:57The terrain in front of us has been touched
11:59There may be a way to break through
12:03Follow me
12:13There's no way
12:14Jump over
12:17No, as long as we leave the Taoist priest's side
12:19We will be killed
12:28Taoist priest, we still have to trouble you
12:32Taoist priest, what are you doing?
12:35I'll explain
12:36The original map of the Taoist god game can be explained
12:56Everyone, we may be in big trouble
13:01Doesn't it look like we're going out of the capital?
13:03You have to look carefully
13:05You must be able to detect the abnormality
13:07There is indeed a strange smell here
13:09The smell of Yin and Rou
13:15This is the legendary place of death
13:19Red Moon Cave
13:21The underground is the demon cave of Yin and Rou
13:46So many terrible demons are buried here
13:51The creatures behind may have been scared away by Red Moon Cave
13:56How can we get out of this?
13:58We can only rely on the Taoist priest
14:01Why do you say that?
14:04Look at the Taoist priest
14:10Red Moon Cave is surrounded by the sun and rain
14:14Red Moon Cave is the land of Yin and Rou
14:17The demon land of Yang and Gang is surrounded by the sun and rain
14:20Combine the two
14:22In fact, there is only one place in the past and present
14:26Jiangjia Hengyu Dadi Lianbing Suo
