The Mite Makes Right (1948) UAV

  • avant-hier


01:00Our little Tom.
01:07Say, that's my boy.
01:11And so they named him Tom Puff.
01:16Now, a few drops of water.
01:21A blotter to dry him.
01:25A touch of talcum.
01:28There, he's all set to face the world.
01:39As the years go by, it's a cinch Tom doesn't grow taller.
01:44Not even an inch.
01:47Nevertheless, tiny as he is, Tom tries hard to be helpful.
03:17He tries hard enough, but he's no help at all.
03:23Good night, mother.
03:25Good night, father.
03:36We're gonna run away.
03:38I'll show them.
03:40I may be little, but I'm gonna do big things.
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