
  • 2 days ago
00:03:58Like waking from a dream
00:04:01Stepping into the light
00:04:04Stumbling from the darkness out of deepest night all things are made new
00:04:11The old is passed away
00:04:14Nightmares are forgotten in the glory light of day
00:04:39Know no, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. No. Oh, I really really I couldn't no
00:04:47No, well, well if if you insist
00:05:44What is it peculiar that's what it is peculiar I've never seen a peculiar before
00:05:54Looks like a box to me
00:06:30Thank you very much
00:07:00I guess that's what you'd call a square meal
00:07:17So, where were we I'm up for some breakfast anyone else
00:07:28Slink are you? All right?
00:07:32If I am dead then heaven is dark warm and cuddly
00:07:42That is a freaky box laughing hopping mouse eating freaky box
00:07:48Can someone please get me out of here?
00:07:53Unleash the freaky thing. I
00:07:56Say no way
00:08:00What are you
00:08:09Beats me but the way he said I'm a lion sounds like it's something really scary
00:08:43It's just a cute little
00:08:52Dear he's gone again. We need some smelling salts to revive him
00:09:00Salt Horace smelling salt deal in the smelling don't know nothing about no salt
00:09:10Well, all right then
00:09:13You guys are weird fluffy white creature of terror, that's right
00:09:29What creature of terror
00:09:32My name is Judah and I can do anything
00:09:36Anything? Yep. Oh, yeah. Can you do this? Oh
00:09:43Well done little one, well, how about this
00:09:54Oh, yeah, well, can you do this
00:10:24Why would I want to do that
00:10:31Freedom get ready to follow me. I'll get us all out of here and then you'll all be free
00:10:37Get ready
00:10:46No, so close what happened to you guys, uh, you should have run while I distracted him
00:10:56Where are you being taken to?
00:10:59Will you be okay? Don't worry about me. I always break free
00:11:09Oh Drake, he's taken Drake
00:11:25Wait, what does it say? Somebody read it on the box? I
00:11:33Woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo. Woo. Woo. Woo. Woo. Woo. Woo. Woo. Woo. Ho
00:11:41Free to
00:11:46How free of dil dil dil do what you wanna know Oh
00:11:50No, poor drink. What you wanna lala?
00:12:02Jerusalem is where the Passover festival is. I'm afraid
00:12:06Well, why is that a bad thing?
00:12:08Every year the people for get together to share a meal and celebrate God's love for them
00:12:14It's also the time for people to bring the things they've done wrong before God and ask his forgiveness
00:12:22And that's bad. Why?
00:12:24Well, you see the ancient word says that the wages of sin is death
00:12:30Wow, so all the people folk are gonna die. Oh, no
00:12:34God has allowed it that something can take the place of man to pay for the things he's done wrong
00:12:41They're going to kill drink
00:12:47No way we're gonna let that happen
00:12:50No, you don't understand which way is this Jerusalem is that way but no
00:12:57Drake is in danger and
00:13:08Drake is in danger and he needs our help, but I say right home. Oh, that's good. Well, we
00:13:23He's one of us and we stick together, right?
00:13:26Preach it Wow
00:13:31So, let's go get him. Yeah
00:13:41Hey, wait a minute
00:13:44Drake's out there our Drake the Drake who never listens never knows when to be quiet and never remembers to do anything
00:13:52You ask but he's also
00:13:54the most loyal
00:13:57Kind-hearted rooster you'll ever meet
00:13:59He's never asked anything of us and he shouldn't have to we should just be there for him
00:14:05Like he would be for us
00:14:10Monty yes. Yes, of course
00:14:15Come on I say bring him on home sling
00:14:20Off you go then. All right, come on move it. Move it. Come on
00:14:25No goodness, come on, let's go
00:14:56The king only the king can help only the king
00:15:09Seems like it's never
00:15:38No fear you're taking up a whole side no, I don't want to go to, Kentucky
00:15:45Man, I had a weird dream
00:15:47I dreamt that I was in a crate and then I woke up only to find that I actually was in a crate
00:15:52Why is it so dark in here?
00:15:53But then I realized I was still dreaming
00:15:55So I woken up from that dream and found out I really was in a crate
00:15:58But you see even the time I hadn't really woken up at all
00:16:01I still was dreaming a dream within a dream within a name man. This tables gotten cramped
00:16:06Anyway, so then I had woken up and I had thought that I were in a crate
00:16:10What in a crate, you know, I had a dream I was in a crate
00:16:22Don't you mean claustrophobic? Well, what does that mean? It means you're scared of enclosed spaces
00:16:29So what does ambidextrous mean?
00:16:34It means you're both left-handed and right-handed
00:17:07Was made for short distances
00:17:10from standing up to lying down
00:17:16Hey move get out of my way
00:17:40No, wait, that'd be me
00:17:52Out of my way
00:18:04Have the respect for others you see
00:18:06Why should I respect others when no one respects me carry this push that pull this
00:18:11They can't make me neither. Can you yeah hasn't got the respect yet
00:18:16Don't you raise your voice to me like that?
00:18:19I apologize. Now. Where are you off to in such a huff as far away from Jerusalem as possible?
00:18:54Jerusalem oh, you can take us there. You can help us save our friend
00:18:59Mmm, I'm not going back there and we'd better keep moving. I see cuz Drake
00:19:08What looks like you'll have to come with us after all I will not
00:19:13I'm stuck with you. Then you go where I go
00:19:16But uh, we're going that
00:19:20Oh, come on people
00:19:49Let me see, let me see Wow, look at all those animals to play with
00:20:01But they're all in cages are tied up easy I'll set them free what you are dreaming
00:20:08Hey, I had a funny dream. I dreamt I was in a crate
00:20:33My goodness, come on all of you. Come on. Let's go
00:20:49Nobody knows the trouble I see
00:20:54Nobody knows. Come on now sing it with me now. Nobody knows
00:20:59the trouble I
00:21:03Yes, peace and quiet, please
00:21:07This is a solemn place
00:21:09Who what Solomon where no, no, no, no, no, so I'm so
00:21:15Well, so long to you too, my friend
00:21:26We are just trying to prepare ourselves
00:21:30For what? Oh, we are not martyrs for the Lord
00:22:19Not quite so sure now that you're here, huh want to turn back
00:22:26No, no, no, are you sure
00:22:32Let's just get this over with so I can get out of here
00:22:35Maybe you just stay close to me
00:22:45And what did I see he coming forth to carry me home
00:22:56Hey a martyr is someone who dies for a good cause die
00:23:03Nobody's gonna die. I'll set you free. Oh
00:23:07And you are Judah, I'm a lion and by lion he means lamb
00:23:20Do you have any sparkly wrinkles, let me share
00:23:32That's right, and when the timing is right, I'm gonna break us all out of here
00:24:20Okay, look just
00:24:23I said
00:24:26Excuse me. Hey
00:24:45Lord have mercy
00:24:59Oh, my.
00:25:03Ooh, ooh, ooh.
00:25:17Monty. Monty, cut it out.
00:25:21That breathing done by...
00:25:32Yes, Horace
00:25:53Oh, oh my goodness, oh dear
00:26:07Horace sling is me. Oh
00:26:32Think so boss and and Tony. Yeah, boss. Why is there a horse in my alley?
00:26:39Why is there a horse walking?
00:26:43My alley
00:26:45Why are his feet even touching my alley?
00:26:57Terribly sorry, excuse me. Sorry
00:27:01Tony is that horse talking to me? I don't think so boss. Did I talk to the horse and yet it's talking to me
00:27:09Never goes again. It's looking at me too. Are you looking at me? Yes. Yes. Yes. No, no
00:27:17Look at me when I'm talking to you
00:27:27Black birds of terror. Oh
00:27:31Horrors of the night. Hey, haven't I seen you somewhere before please don't eat me your face your face
00:27:40You owe me money. No, no
00:27:42Do I owe you money? I don't even know what money
00:27:46Yeah, me neither but I've heard the people folk talk about it sounds interesting I
00:27:53Like him yeah, he's in
00:27:57And in in what what am I talking to myself over here? Oh, no
00:28:05They say if you talk to yourself, it means you're crazy means you're nuts
00:28:09Is that what you're saying? You're saying I'm nuts that I'm crazy. Is it?
00:28:14Is that what the two years are telling me I'm crazy I'm out of my head no
00:28:25So he's in yeah boss, whatever you say he's in good in what?
00:28:37I'm liking him more about a second you you can touch the alley now
00:28:44Follow me
00:28:51Ah, oh no
00:28:55Hey Monty
00:28:58Monty come help us. I can't I mean
00:29:03What the uncleans rule the streets around here what they say goes
00:29:08You've got more chance of busting your other friend out than getting Monty released from the Raven gang
00:29:14I told you you should never come here
00:29:25And your first task as a member of the unclean
00:29:29Hey, don't don't don't don't interrupt the boss when he don't interrupt me when I'm telling someone not to interrupt me
00:29:38The uncleans and you believe it that's what we've been labeled as but the answer lies in the sheets
00:29:45Sheets boss has got us stealing sheets all day all night sheets ever since the dream started
00:29:56Same dream over and over it's driving me crazy. I
00:30:05Was being lowered down in a large cloth thing like a sheet and there were all these other animals in there with me
00:30:23And I heard a voice say
00:30:25Do not call anything impure that God has made clean
00:30:34Wait a second
00:30:36That's where I've seen you before you were in the sheet. You were in my dream
00:30:41What were you doing in the boss's dream?
00:30:46What were you doing in my dream? I?
00:30:50You know what it means what must I do with the sheets
00:30:55I've been stealing clean ones and making them unclean dirty ones and making them clean, but none of it makes any sense
00:31:01Yeah, you tell me I
00:31:05Know nothing about sheets, but but cleansing there is something I recall about cleansing. Yes a
00:31:15Long time ago when that star first appeared in the sky it settled over our stable
00:31:25The town was very busy and a couple had to stay in our stable for the night
00:31:31The lady person was having a baby. Oh
00:31:35What in the world?
00:31:38Yeah, oh my goodness
00:31:47I say only one of us brave
00:31:54Seems to be the trouble. Oh, she's having a baby
00:32:01Step aside. I know exactly what to do
00:32:08Hold it that doesn't sound like you at all. Are you giving us the whole truth?
00:32:16Well, perhaps it wasn't quite like that
00:32:21What seems to be the
00:32:27Behold the Lamb of God come to cleanse one and all Mary had a little lamb cleansing
00:32:40And I think that may have something to do with the voice in your dream
00:32:45What have I been stealing sheets for all this time?
00:32:48Sorry boys, it's not about the sheets gather the family
00:33:10Carry me
00:33:12Carry me away
00:33:15Where the streets
00:33:32Won't you carry me
00:33:44Run with me
00:33:47Let's run away
00:33:50To the
00:33:58Run with me
00:34:01Let's run away
00:34:05Where my heart
00:34:12And with my
00:34:14Hands raised up
00:34:16Cuz of you Jesus
00:34:23Drink drink, is that you?
00:34:36Oh, no
00:34:44Hold on
00:35:28Horace thank goodness. It's you Marty. Oh s
00:35:38What's going on
00:35:45And we found him
00:35:49He's a tricky little fella to hold down though would stop long enough for us to explain
00:35:58It's an honor to meet you
00:36:00What on earth?
00:36:03It seems the blackbirds have blackbird liking to us blackbirds. Do we look like blackbirds to you? Yeah, okay
00:36:11Fair enough my dear family
00:36:14The reason I summoned you and the reason we gather these animals with us is because they bring news
00:36:22That the time of the sheets is over
00:36:33It's all in your head
00:36:35It's all in your head these animals were present when the King
00:36:40It's an honor to meet you
00:36:43The news you all bring means the time of our cleansing is near
00:36:49Drake the rooster. He's the reason we came here and he's still missing
00:36:54I keep telling them they'll never find him in this city. It's too big
00:36:58Leave that to us
00:37:00the skies boys to the skies
00:37:27Try to prove to the highest heavens above the goodness in me is worthy of love
00:37:32Try to buy me favor try to be my own savior
00:37:48No cracker light
00:38:39Here we go
00:38:50How dare you desecrate the halls of the Lord's chosen you are
00:38:55Unfit to gaze upon these walls let alone enter the court
00:39:00You the Lord's chosen who did know if I sent from the ark to look for dry land
00:39:13But who was it that retrieved the olive branch and brought it back to Noah
00:39:25And who did God send to bring food to Elijah in the wilderness
00:39:35Can do with some food do you still do that bring food? Hey, it's the rooster. It looks like we found our guy
00:39:43Don't worry
00:39:45Your friends are coming
00:40:12Want to be free free free, I want to be free free free. I want to be free free free
00:40:24Free free free at last. Oh, come on sing it with me now
00:40:30Drake Drake sleep
00:40:37Keep it down
00:40:44We shouldn't be here
00:40:52Hey, where are you? Um a good place, you know
00:40:57I mean I was scared at first quite insecure, but Judah and I've been talking and now I feel a lot better
00:41:03You know more positive. So I'm good in a good place. Thank you enough about me. Tell me more about you
00:41:11Why did we come again?
00:41:14Tell her a swine in the temple. Oh, that is just not
00:41:24Okay. Here's what we're gonna do
00:41:27Maddie you come with me S may you keep a lookout over there Jack
00:41:31You get ready to show us the quickest route out of this place and Horace you make sure he doesn't leave without us
00:41:44Are you sure you need me?
00:41:47What was that? I mean surely Horace or Jack, huh?
00:41:53Even as me I mean I have told you about my wobbly knees haven't I and my throat it closes up when I get nervous
00:42:00See a little
00:42:15Monty kick the lid off the crate
00:42:22But someone will hear an answer splinters and kicking is so violent do you want Drake to be killed?
00:42:29Excuse me Drake to be what what about Drake that word you used after Drake who happens to be me me
00:42:37I I am the one the word referred to
00:42:41And what was that word again Drake don't panic you're not going to die. That's why we've come to rescue you
00:42:48More words relating to Drake that I don't know
00:43:11Oh, oh look at all the pretty vegetables
00:43:31You'll make us unclean get out of here get out
00:43:40Slink please
00:43:50They've heard us
00:44:00You gotta get out of here not without them there's no time we'll get caught
00:44:04Well, I say then I suggest you quit stalling and help
00:45:31Where's Judah
00:46:17No, leave us alone, do you not know we have the Lord's chosen
00:46:29You again
00:47:30We gotta move we gotta move guys
00:47:40I can't see
00:48:33Stupid animals, why did they run? I'm not getting caught again
00:48:40Now we got you
00:49:41Tripped him over. Oh, you are nothing but trouble. Aren't you little one?
00:49:46Trouble no ways. I'm here to help by getting us locked up
00:49:51No, listen when they took me away from home. My mom told me I wish for all the world
00:49:59You didn't have to go but you have the most noble calling of all my son
00:50:06You're going to set people free
00:50:10If only it weren't so
00:50:13But you were born
00:50:16Perfect. Don't worry mom. I'll be back. I'll set them all free and come back and get you too
00:50:21I love you with all my heart my boy
00:50:24I'm so proud of you
00:50:48Ain't that just the saddest thing cry for me Tony
00:51:02But when we left the stable
00:51:05Helda said that only the king could help only the king could set you free
00:51:16Judah your mom wasn't talking about freeing animals at all. She really meant
00:51:22People folk you're going to set people folk free
00:51:28What they don't need free?
00:51:33It wasn't Drake at all
00:51:36It's you
00:51:39What the little lad what are you talking about you're absolutely right
00:51:45I'd want a privilege indeed to be sacrificed for the law. Oh, what?
00:51:52What are you talking about? Oh, no. No, never mind about that for now dear. We can't let this happen. What happened?
00:52:00If Helda said the king is the one who could set you free
00:52:03Then we need to find the king king. Why what's going on? I don't get it
00:52:09Explain to me
00:52:14What oh no
00:52:17That's awful. I can't believe that the thing that you just said right now in my ear that just I mean, that's just despicable
00:52:25You have no idea what I just explained to you. Do you?
00:52:30Not at one
00:52:32There are no kings of men left
00:52:34No one noble. No one kind all selfish all cruel
00:52:40You brought me back here to slave for them. That's not true
00:52:43There is a king and he was born in our stable
00:52:47Sounds like a great king
00:52:49Born in a stable
00:52:51What a royal entry and he was kind and he was noble and he would steal your heart
00:52:57With one look into your eyes kings are the worst of them telling people what to do
00:53:02Taking whatever they want. They are rotten and they spread the rot down to all the people fuck if you met him
00:53:10You would know him
00:53:11He would undo that heart of yours in an instant. I
00:53:17Have no heart anymore. They have taken it from me. My life is not my own
00:53:22These ropes are my life. These ropes are my heart
00:53:27Can he give it back?
00:53:29Can he?
00:54:26Look at the Sun shining me showing me things that I couldn't see
00:54:45Light in my path
00:54:48Showing the way
00:54:51Kissing my face with its warm embrace
00:54:56Such determination reaches through the years
00:54:59Such determination
00:55:01Easy, easy
00:55:03And finds a way to dry up all my tears
00:55:05And finds a way to dry up all my tears
00:55:07And finds a way to dry up all my tears
00:55:09Easy now, easy, it's okay
00:55:11In every situation
00:55:13It searches hard to find
00:55:15A fault within my clouds
00:55:17And like the sun
00:55:19Your love will find
00:55:21Your love will find
00:55:23Your love will find
00:55:28No matter how far
00:55:32They drift up on the storm. My heart of tears is filled with
00:55:42Your love will find me
00:55:46You're the one they spoke about baby from a stable the the king
00:55:51Wait until I tell the others but they're that they're still
00:55:56You can set it free
00:55:58You can set it free
00:55:59Come on, come with me. I'll take you to them. They said you could set him free
00:56:05Thank you, Jack. Go tell the others the king is on his way. You heard him
00:56:27Two for the price of one two for the price of one
00:56:43Hey, hey, we got a message for you
00:57:02The king is on his way
00:57:06What do you hear that he's coming the king is coming hey watch it
00:57:14Oh, no, no, he wants to buy you
00:57:18Actsick actsick play dead do something. What are you talking about?
00:57:23Jules you listen to me. You do not want that man to buy you if he does he's going to kill you
00:57:32Listen to me. You're the one to set them free. They have to sacrifice you
00:57:39To be free from their sins. No, that's not right
00:57:43I'll get free then help you too
00:57:54Do not let him buy you
00:58:31No, they're taking him away, where's the king
00:59:14My house will be called a house of prayer
00:59:22Orthodox but effective
00:59:29Shoot we've got to find Judah
00:59:36Oh Jack
00:59:41It's him just as you said, did you see Judah they took him away he went past you in an iron cage
01:00:20There they turn in there
01:00:36He's he's gone we've lost him
01:00:46My goodness
01:00:52You sweat like a pig what did you say?
01:01:10What was that my liver is shriveling no listen
01:01:17It's coming from the wall
01:01:20It's a whaling Wow
01:01:28It's Judah
01:01:44Judah Judah, are you in there?
01:01:46We've come to get you out to kick the wall in kick me Monty Monty
01:01:59You've kicked sleep
01:02:05Who's a funny little turnip, okay. Okay out of my way
01:02:47Hmm I don't want to die
01:02:57Oh the king
01:02:59Only the king can help most most definitely of course we got to find him. Where are the Ravens? Oh, oh
01:03:05Oh, they got chased away by the people walk
01:03:08Okay, we'll do it without him. Let's let's split up and meet back here at nightfall split up
01:03:14Go into the big city all alone
01:03:16There's someone more alone than any of us right now, and he needs hey. Hey, where you going? No, you're right you can
01:03:24Save your speech we will split up
01:03:27Esme you stay here and watch after Judah and slug
01:03:31You with us
01:03:48Hang in there little one, they'll be back with the king and he'll set you free
01:04:03Darkness has descended on this fragile part of mine. Oh, where is the sun?
01:04:59No luck, I'm afraid not don't worry little guy we won't stop look
01:05:06Judah what I say what's going on in there? He's gone
01:05:13Gone oh, but but I've been here the whole time
01:05:20Let me see I
01:05:24Should say something's gone too from the
01:05:36Sun's all right, what's going on? Hey?
01:05:43It's him
01:05:47What why are they pushing you and why is he tied up
01:05:53Where are they taking him?
01:06:00Because I'm
01:06:34Said let us in something is very wrong
01:06:38Look out roosters on the move
01:06:58Okay, all right here we go he's got move he's got grooves
01:07:52Excuse me move out the way. Oh, oh those are nice sandals right there. Can I touch the him?
01:07:57Get out my way. I need to see the king
01:08:01You are also a Jesus of Galilee. I don't know what you're talking about
01:08:05Excuse me you were one of your accent gives you away. I don't know
01:08:14This fella was with Jesus of Nazareth, I swear to you. I don't know the man
01:08:28I was wondering maybe perhaps I can just
01:08:38Well, uh what now if the king is the only one who can help then we'll wait for the king
01:09:38Where'd they take him my scouts say he was taken to the Romans courts why with four
01:10:00The king
01:10:04What are they doing Oh
01:10:06Why are they hurting
01:10:32Please don't worry. The king will come he will save you
01:10:52What are they doing to him he's being punished as a criminal
01:10:58Why what did you do?
01:11:01Nothing I can't believe he would do anything there must be some mistake
01:11:08mistake or not
01:11:10No one they take up there comes down alive
01:11:24No, oh
01:11:27We were told
01:11:29a savior
01:11:41He's he's going to come
01:11:48He has to come just like a gentle
01:11:54Jesus see the great
01:12:09And we'll break every has to come
01:12:21Get through all the down
01:12:25Has this one thing to say
01:12:29The lion of Judah is in
01:13:04How could they do this
01:13:59Where's that
01:14:33What was that it was him who the king but how I
01:14:41Don't know, but I know it I can feel it. It was him
01:15:39He did it the king set me free
01:15:43What is it?
01:15:45Slink, it's it's it's just awful
01:15:48It's downright awful the king
01:15:52The kid they they he hadn't even done anything. They they kill them
01:15:58They took the only good thing I've ever known they they killed him what no they can't have
01:16:05No, no ways. He set me free. I know it was him. Oh
01:16:12That's what held him meant
01:16:14Only the king can set them free
01:16:18He's not dead
01:16:21Look for yourself
01:16:27They're uh, they're taking him to be buried
01:16:37Oh, I have to go thank him for free
01:16:55He's in there they took him in there Judah, I'm afraid he's not coming out again
01:17:00Yes, he will home with us dear. We'll look after you
01:17:05No, no, I'm waiting till he comes out
01:17:41I don't know if he'll ever understand
01:17:50How do we tell him I don't know he's not coming back
01:17:59Judah come we have to go now come
01:18:04Look we know you want to see him again. We all do but we're afraid that will never happen
01:18:09It's okay to be sad little guy
01:18:11But you gotta let him go. We're all sad, but he did set us free and he'd want us to be happy with that
01:18:19Now you've tried
01:18:20You've waited
01:18:22But it's time we all went home
01:18:26There you go, it'll be okay just come
01:18:52Saw what his love did to Jack it's like you said one look in his eyes and he'll steal your heart. I
01:18:58Didn't get to look in his eyes. Oh
01:19:01But I felt it it was his love that tore that curtain his love that cracked the temple his love for me
01:19:08For all of us and I don't care what you say. This stone is not gonna hold that love in
01:19:41Thank you
01:19:53I've got so much love. I can't discuss how I feel
01:20:01What I do
01:20:04Everything revolves around you and your love
01:20:16How it
01:20:55Well, that's very sweet dear but you don't need to slow down on account of me
01:21:01I'm not
01:21:02I'm not going back with you
01:21:06I'm going back to Jerusalem. What?
01:21:11Because of the king I don't have to wear ropes anymore
01:21:13But some of his friends are still there and they need some help getting around and I want to help them. What?
01:21:20Because I'm free to
01:21:22You'll come visit us. Won't you please give money some kicking lessons?
01:21:30Of course I will
01:21:33Thanks for everything. I'm glad I bumped into you. Oh, we're glad to
01:21:38Okay. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye Jack now
01:21:49Well, this all has been too much happy sad happy sad scared sad happy I could do with a lie-down
01:21:56Definitely. Oh
01:21:59Let's get home first, shall we
01:22:01Wait until we tell Hilda how the King set all the people free the King
01:22:23So boss now that we've been cleansed what does that mean
01:22:28It means we're fit to be eaten
01:22:35That's a good one boss
01:22:40Boss you're kidding, right boss. Wait, no, seriously
