Brantley Gilbert Received Wife's Blessing to Return to Concert After Tour Bus Birth

  • yesterday
Brantley Gilbert's wife Amber seems to understand the show must go on ... as she made a tremendous sacrifice after giving birth in a tour bus.


00:00This woman is the real rock star of the family, and I tell you man, God seeing fit to bless
00:10me with hers, the best thing that ever happened to me, and she's a warrior, man, that is a
00:14crazy situation.
00:15Yeah, guys, can you walk us through what happened?
00:18Obviously, Amber, you were, you know, I guess on the bus, you know this could happen any
00:24So we're four songs in, and, you know, her due date was the end of the month.
00:29We had an idea that things might happen a little earlier, so we were prepared.
00:34The night before this happened, it was the best night she'd had in days.
00:38She slept all night.
00:40Some signs were less and less, so we thought we had at least another week, maybe two.
00:46So when initially he grabbed me on stage, I thought it may have been a security threat,
00:52but quickly after, you know, my tour manager kind of very intently kind of pulled me towards
00:58him, and he was like, baby, and when he said baby, we all just took off running, and, you
01:03know, I got on the bus, washed my hands really quick, and the minute I knelt beside her,
01:08things started happening, and it was amazing, man.
01:12I got to catch my son and hand him to the Wonder Woman that brought him into the world.
01:20Did you tell them to wait till the very last moment to bring Brantley back to the bus?
01:25Because you knew the show was in the middle of the show.
01:28It was kind of all the last moment.
01:31I had been having contractions on and off, and so I went to bed early, didn't go to the
01:38show because I was trying to get some rest that night, and I was just thinking that the
01:44contractions I was having were like the ones I'd been having previously, and then it went
01:51from me laying in the bed reading a book to barely making it to the front of the bus to
01:56call the midwife very quickly, and she got there and checked me, and I was 10 centimeters.
02:03So we got him immediately at that point.
02:07Brantley and Ember, was the plan always to go back and finish the show?
02:11Yeah, to go back on stage?
02:12Well, we had joked that, you know, in the very, very slim possible chance of it happening,
02:18that I would come back out and go to the front of the stage and hold the baby up like
02:21Lion King.
02:22No, that would have been awesome.
02:23I don't know if the midwife would have been cool with that, but...
02:26My mama wouldn't have been either.
02:28How long were you off stage, Brantley?
02:29Because I'm just wondering, if I'm in the audience, your fourth song's in, I'm feeling
02:33really good, the concert's going, then you're off.
02:36Did the audience know why you'd gone out until, or did they only find out when you came back
02:41on stage?
02:42Some did, some didn't.
02:43My tour manager had made an announcement that, hey, we were taking a brief intermission.
02:47He said, Brantley's got to handle some business.
02:49He said, y'all get some beers and we'll be back.
02:52And y'all, when she had this baby, I still had my in-ear monitors on.
02:56So we could kind of hear what was going on inside the venue.
03:00But it was wild, man.
03:02The minute it happened, my tour manager came up and he said, man, I know this sounds crazy,
03:06but if we go on within 15 minutes, we can finish.
03:10And I just kind of looked at her and she looked at me and she said, are you serious?
03:14And I just kept looking at her.
03:16And she looked at me just understanding and said, you need to go finish.
03:22So I took my shirt off and got to hold my little boy for a couple of minutes and then
03:32went and it gave me time to get cleaned up and I got to lay there and hold my baby for
03:39a little bit.
03:40When he came back, we woke up our older kids and we got to all be a family together.
