Cam Ward smellephant celebration has WKU mad for lack of credit

  • 2 days ago
WKU is mad because they want credit for the Cam Ward smellephant celebration even though he already credited them and no one cared until he did it. Should Cam Ward have to acknowledge Western Kentucky every time he does the Dance? Is Western Kentucky whining too much? Tobin doubts Connor McGregor will ever fight again.
00:00Miami hurricanes back this week as well, you got a, you got a high noon kickoff against
00:06Louisville. Don't sleep. Don't sleep. Don't sleep on Louisville. You see everybody doing
00:12the smell of it all over the country though. I saw that a Western Kentucky got a little
00:17jelly belly because all of a sudden the celebration is taking off and I don't know what to do
00:23with this Leroy, because you know, if you have a celebration and somebody uses your
00:30celebration, but you make it more famous, but you gave credit to the artist, what are
00:37you supposed to do with that? Can't be mad if other people use it. Can't be mad if other
00:42people use it. Correct. Like they're mad. Western Kentucky is now getting a little salty
00:47that everyone is calling it the cam ward. Oh, well, no, no, wait, wait, wait. So here's
00:54the problem, right? If you cover a song, you can't call it your song. He's not calling
01:02it his song. He's already, other people are calling it cause they never seen Western Kentucky.
01:07Well, that's kind of like the world we live in today. And let me tell you why all these
01:13young kids hit a new music. They think those songs are original. I have to come in and
01:19say, Hey, no, that's music from an old song. That's a, uh, they sampling that, right? You
01:25like it. You like it. Again, if you like it, you like it. If he's given the proper respects
01:31to Western Kentucky, he did the artists of today. Don't do that. You don't have to always
01:36attribute to be like, Oh, by the way, everybody, this is the Hilltoppers. Cause he acknowledged
01:42it the first time. First time he was, I got it from a coach. Yeah. Western Kentucky, blah,
01:45blah, blah. All right, we move on. But now they're all, now they're all salty because
01:50it's like, listen, listen, now you signed the light vanilla ice now.
01:59Don't don't don't. Hey, so, Hey, so you see what I'm saying? Look valid. He did give them
02:10their, their props, right? But I will also say this, this kind of has the same feel of
02:20the Eminem and Dido collaboration. Dido made the song and then Eminem kind of, that song
02:34kind of blew up. Of course. So that's kind of how he gave the proper credit. He put her
02:40in the credits is, is Eminem and Dido. It's not just Dido, right? So all you can do if
02:47you can't award is give credit where credit is due. What you did. But does he have to
02:53do it now every time? Because now the Southern Western Kentucky is coming for their credit.
02:57He gave, he gave the proper, uh, acknowledgement of where he got it from. Right. And then you
03:05go from there just because like he, now the sports world is like, Oh, because no offense,
03:12Western Kentucky, but he was just cooler than Western Kentucky. I don't know what to tell
03:16you. Right. And especially with cam war because here, here's the other thing, you know, sometimes
03:22somebody can come in. Hey man, you mind if I use this thing you do? Yeah, go ahead. And
03:27then it blows up and it's bigger than you would have ever met. You can't then go back
03:32and say, Hey, give me my cut. We was cool. We were cool. I asked you, Hey, you mind if
03:40I use this? Can I, you know what I mean? So yeah, but I can understand the Hilltoppers
03:46having a problem, but nobody wouldn't even know who the Hilltoppers were. If not for
03:51exactly, dude, do I want the first guy to ever make music or do I want Michael Jackson?
03:58Like I get it. You were there. The first one ever moonwalk. Was there like some guy? Exactly.
04:04Exactly. Who cares who did it first? That guy did it. You know, Western Kentucky, you
04:09know, first of all, figure out why there's a Western part of an Eastern state. I can't
04:14deal with this. I've had enough of West Virginia, Western Kentucky, South Dakota. I'm sorry.
04:20Now I'm ranting, which is all fine. Like I get it, but he already has done his requirements
04:30by giving the credit to where it's due. It is not Ken Ward's fault that he's a Heisman
04:35trophy front runner. Oh, except for that running back. That's running for 200 yards a game.
04:42What do you run for? They got a one 80 this week or something like that. Yeah. Cause you
04:48know what is up is more or less was on prize picks. Hmm. 183. And I'm like, there ain't
04:55no way in hell I'm picking a running back to run for 183 yards. Uh, he had two 17. I'm
05:02sorry. Is that crazy? He's good. He's got, he got 1300 yards already. Yeah. They get
05:11a, so here's what happened. So bar stool because Debo did it on a Thursday night and everybody
05:19was doing, I think all of Oregon was doing the, uh, the smell of it. Uh, we saw the Panthers
05:23fans are doing it. Like everybody's doing it. It's kind of like when everybody was doing
05:25the waddle, but they, uh, Western Kentucky, they said the birth of zombie land and they
05:33put the picture August 27th, 2022, which, I mean, you don't have a timestamp, but you
05:40got, you know, you just put that date. I'll take your word for it. I'll take your word
05:45for it. I have acknowledged all the parts to this as being truthful from cam side to
05:52the Hilltopper side. I'm not going to let you then all of a sudden try to, you see what
05:57I'm saying? That's crazy. He's already given them acknowledgement. He did. Okay. So why
06:01are you questioning when they started doing it? You know, like, don't get so salty about
06:05it. Don't get so salty about it. Like, okay, it's enough. Look, it's fine. You guys maybe
06:11invented it, but you can't. You, if you came out with Western Kentucky, just think about
06:19what you're tweeting. Okay. You're so lame that you tweet something that owns yourself
06:26because you're acknowledging something you did two years ago is now just catching on
06:34because why? Because the mother bleeping best quarterback in the country is doing
06:40it. Not you. I don't even know what a Hilltopper is, but like, it's a self owned. You're like,
06:48Oh, we did this in August of 2022. Oh, and tick tock. Now it's just catching up. And,
06:55and hold on home. I hate when you do this. Sorry, but I'm just, you know, it is, it is
07:01the first time they did it as you read in the damn message. Okay. They came up with
07:09it two years ago. That's when they started it. And cam board was even doing it last year
07:14too in a, in Washington state. But there's something about the U baby. When the U is
07:20doing it, it's a trend setter. Just like when they did the turnover chain and then everybody
07:26had a trinket. Everybody had a toy for turnovers, except Florida state turnover, backpack, turnover,
07:33backpack, backpack, backpack, but they don't have to worry about that too much this year.
07:42But do you see how silly this is? It's not, listen, Hey, Hey, Hey, everybody got their
07:51proper amount of credit, right? Cam acknowledged where he got it from, right? No, no, no questions,
07:59no arguments. Um, now everybody else is doing it. And so they're not crediting the Hilltoppers
08:09and that's what they say. Hey, Hey, Hey, let's not forget where this started. Okay. So everybody
08:15is, everybody's good. It's open. You know, everybody can fight. They say they side and
08:20say they're good and they're good. It's okay. It don't have to be a problem that the Hilltoppers
08:25are coming out. It don't have to be a problem that, you know, Cam acknowledged where he
08:29got it from. It don't have to be a problem that everybody else is doing it. You should
08:34be glad that you have a celebration that everybody in the country is doing. That's it.
08:40When it was, when it was back in the, like when Conor McGregor started doing the McGregor
08:44strut, the Billy strut and everybody's like, Oh, he's doing the Conor McGregor, even though
08:48Conor McGregor stole it from Vince McMahon, who stole it from a wrestler back in the territories.
08:53It doesn't matter. Whoever's the most famous right now, making it a thing. A thing again,
08:58makes it the thing. Okay. Right. But you still know the origins of it. No, not really. Most
09:05people just know it's the Conor McGregor. Maybe Conor McGregor was doing that because
09:09he's like, I'm a clown show just like WWE. I don't know why I was doing it, but it was
09:14cool. Objectively. Everybody loves the McGregor walk. I mean, when Vince McMahon did it, you
09:20knew he was serious.
