A Wizard meets a Nerd and reveals a Vase holding the Power to End the world

  • 2 days ago
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00:00Long ago, in the heat of a secret war between sorcerers, the legendary Merlin took three
00:05apprentices under his wing.
00:07The loyal Balthasar, the brave Veronica, and the ambitious Horvath.
00:11Together, they learned Merlin's deepest secrets and skills, preparing for the ultimate battle
00:16against the dark forces.
00:18But one fateful day, an unstoppable evil made its move.
00:22Morgana, a sorceress with the power to raise an army of the dead, stormed Merlin's castle.
00:28She confronted Merlin with her powers, but Merlin, with his unmatched magic, was winning
00:34until betrayal struck from within.
00:36Horvath, one of Merlin's own apprentices, turned against him, swayed by the promise
00:40of the power Morgana offered.
00:43With the betrayal, Merlin was disappointed and weakened.
00:46Morgana seized the moment and delivered the fatal blow, ending the greatest sorcerer's
00:52Her dark plan was now in motion, and the world was on the edge of destruction.
00:56In a desperate attempt to stop her, Veronica arrived just in time to make the ultimate
01:03She absorbed Morgana's twisted soul into her own body, knowing it would destroy her from
01:07the inside.
01:08As Morgana began tearing Veronica apart, Balthasar acted quickly.
01:13He trapped both Morgana and Veronica inside a mystical prison, the Grimhold.
01:18Eventually Horvath was also captured in the enchanted object, his betrayal sealed in the
01:23same fate.
01:24Balthasar rushed to his dying master.
01:26With his final breath, Merlin gave him the Dragon Ring, which can unleash unlimited power.
01:32His final command was to find the child destined to become the Prime Merlinian, who could become
01:36Merlin's successor and the only one who could fully destroy Morgana and save the world from
01:42Balthasar traveled the world handing special children the Dragon Ring and hoping it would
01:47choose one of them as the Prime Merlinian.
01:50Fast forward to the year 2000, a 10 year old kid called Dave Stutler was just a normal
01:54boy living in New York City.
01:56During a field trip he spotted Becky, on whom he had a major crush.
02:00Nervously, he scrawled a note asking her if she wanted to be his girlfriend.
02:05He then watched on holding his breath as she picked up the note, replied, and left it on
02:09a bench.
02:10But when Dave tried to take it, the wind blew the note.
02:13Determined to know her answer, Dave chased after it down the streets.
02:17The wind led him into a mysterious shop called Arcana Cabana.
02:21It was full of odd, magical looking objects and Dave couldn't help but wander inside.
02:26As he walked by some of the odd antiques, he almost knocked one over.
02:29A man caught the antique object which turned out to be Balthasar.
02:33Dave nervously explained that he was just trying to search for his note, trying to play
02:36it cool.
02:37Balthasar looked at him closely and asked him how the note reached his place.
02:41He was startled to hear about how it reached there as Dave told him it was pure coincidence.
02:46Balthasar told him that it was coincidence which he was after all those years and then
02:50handed him the ancient dragon shaped ring.
02:52As soon as Dave touched it, the ring magically twirled onto his finger like it was meant
02:57for him.
02:58Balthasar then tells him that he was the kid he was searching for hundreds of years and
03:02quickly goes inside the store searching for something.
03:05Confused and not knowing what to do, Dave started playing with the ring, not really
03:10realizing what it meant in the first place.
03:12He was fiddling with it when it bumped to an old jar like object and suddenly Horvath
03:16pops out, more powerful than before and very angry as he had been trapped inside it for
03:22Balthasar was on his feet right away and began to fight with Horvath using his magic.
03:28The shop turned into battle and spells flew in each direction, shaking all the shelves
03:33and the air filled with sparks.
03:35Dave froze there holding the Grimhold, a strange thing that Horvath would kill to get.
03:40In the squabble, another magical item was activated, an ancient urn which sucked both
03:45Balthasar and Horvath inside, trapping them.
03:48Dave panicked, tossed the Grimhold into the street and bolted back to his class, rambling
03:53about magic and sorcerers.
03:56But when his teacher and friends checked out the shop, it was just a regular store.
04:00No magic, no battle, and of course, they all laughed when they noticed Dave had wet his
04:05pants in all the excitement.
04:07Fast forward 10 years, Dave is a big time physics student at New York University.
04:12He's still awkward, still keeping that weird dragon ring in his shelf, but he's grown up
04:16and one day in class, he runs into Becky again.
04:18It turns out she remembers that wild day at the Arcana Cabana, and to Dave's surprise,
04:23doesn't think he's nearly as freakish as he thinks.
04:26Later, Becky reveals that she works at the college radio station, and when a lightning
04:31strike knocks out their equipment, Dave, being the science nerd he is, steps up to help fix
04:37Becky is impressed, and just like that, Dave's hope of being friends with her grows.
04:41In his private laboratory in the basement, Dave is frantically working on experimenting
04:45with something totally cool.
04:47He's trying to recreate the rhythms of Becky's song from the radio, but only instead of regular
04:53He's using lightning bolts that zap out sound.
04:55But while Dave is working, something dangerous happens elsewhere.
04:59The Grimhold bought by someone from the store has burst open.
05:02Breaking out is the evil sorcerer from 10 years ago, Horvath.
05:06Horvath wastes no time and throws the Grimhold out of the window, hoping to smash it.
05:11Luckily, Balthasar, who was also entrapped in it, escapes just before it crashes.
05:16When Dave returns home, he happens to be shocked.
05:19Horvath is sitting there and demands to know where the Grimhold holding Morgana is.
05:24Dave is very anxious, but he tells Horvath that he had thrown him down the street at
05:28the Arcana Cabana years ago and rushes out of the house.
05:32Horvath becomes angry and conjures up a pack of wolves to chase him.
05:36Just as they are going to pounce at Dave, they suddenly transform into cute little puppies.
05:41Just before Dave can even process that, Balthasar appears on the horizon, riding a huge metal
05:48It swoops down, grabbing Dave and saving him just in time as a train whizzes by.
05:54Horvath is not defeated, however he is still on the hunt.
05:57Both of them reach at the rooftop of a building and Balthasar explains everything about what's
06:03Horvath wants to free the evil, ancient sorcerers, Morgana's disciples while enslaving all the
06:10Dave, demented with fear, begs Balthasar to get him out of it, but Balthasar does not
06:15seem to care.
06:16He sees the ring of the dragon around Dave's finger, which is the mark of the actual Prime
06:20Merlinian and demands that Dave help him in getting the Grimhold.
06:23Reluctantly, Dave agreed with the condition that he could later return to his regular
06:28Using magic, Balthasar tracks the Grimhold to Chinatown.
06:32Outside, Dave waits patiently while Balthasar sneaks into a house, where he is tricked by
06:37Horvath disguised as an old Chinese woman.
06:40In the struggle, another Morganian, Sun Locke, is accidentally released from the Grimhold,
06:46but Balthasar quickly knocks him out of the building.
06:48In the street, a dragon costumed rally was going on and Sun Locke uses his magic belt
06:53to make the costume into an actual dragon breathing fire.
06:57This real dragon chases Dave.
06:59In the beginning, Dave is unable to use his magic.
07:03Just in time though, he throws a fireball at the dragon, defeating Sun Locke.
07:07Meanwhile, Balthasar binds Horvath up and takes the Grimhold.
07:12He makes good on his bargain and tells Dave that he is free to resume his old life and
07:15return the ring.
07:16Dave has changed his mind.
07:18He asks Balthasar to train him as a genuine sorcerer, not for seeking the dark magic,
07:23but being thrilled about what he has learned.
07:26Balthasar agrees and conceals the Grimhold in Dave's lab.
07:30Later, he starts teaching Dave the rudiments of magic.
07:33Dave enters Merlin's circle formally, becoming Balthasar's apprentice.
07:37As the training commences, Balthasar informs that all sorcerers require a ring to cast
07:41their magic, but Balthasar didn't require one as he had become so powerful that magic
07:47comes within himself.
07:48Dave learns how to cast plasma bolts and even control lightning soon enough.
07:53Horvath is scheming across town.
07:55He searches for more wicked sorcerers and reaches a mansion of a knock-off magician,
08:00Drake Stone.
08:01With the alliance he has formed with him, Horvath will find the people to complete his
08:06Meanwhile, Dave becomes bold.
08:08One night, he sits down to an early dinner near Becky's radio station when he spots her.
08:12He goes over to her and they talk.
08:14They get into the subway and a mugger suddenly grabs her bag.
08:18Instinctively, Dave chases the mugger, using his magic clumsily, yet effectually to stop
08:24the thief and recover Becky's possessions.
08:26She is totally impressed, particularly since Dave is much smaller than the mugger.
08:31Dave invites Becky to his lab to study physics.
08:34To his surprise, she agrees.
08:37The next day when she arrives, he introduces Balthasar as his uncle.
08:41So things remain simple.
08:43To be interesting, Dave puts on a cool musical show with the Tesla coils playing the same
08:47song Becky had played on the radio, and she's amazed.
08:50But when the next day arrives, chaos strikes again.
08:53Drake Stone confronts Dave in the bathroom in the university, and he attacks him with
08:58Horvath then arrives on the scene, threatening to kill Dave if he does not tell him where
09:02Balthasar had hid the Grim Hold of Morgana.
09:05Just when it seems that all is lost, Balthasar bursts in, knocks Drake out, and traps Horvath
09:11inside a bathroom mirror.
09:13Back at the lab, Balthasar tells Dave the truth.
09:16The Grim Hold one which Horvath is after, holds Morgana, an evil sorceress who wants
09:21to take over the world by raising an army of the dead.
09:24He also reminds Dave that he's the Prime Merlinian, the special sorcerer destined to
09:28have powers equal to Merlin, and that he just needed to focus and believe in himself.
09:33Realizing Becky is about to arrive, Dave freaks out because the lab is a total mess.
09:38He tries cleaning up, but gets frustrated.
09:41So he uses a spell to bring the brooms and mops to life to clean while he takes a quick
09:46But when he comes back, the magic goes haywire.
09:49The brooms have flooded the lab, and things are even worse than before.
09:53When Becky shows up, Dave has no choice but to send her away.
09:57Things get dangerous when Dave nearly electrocutes himself with his own equipment.
10:02Luckily, Balthasar arrives just in time, waving his hand to magically fix everything.
10:08He scolds Dave from his seizing magic, and they get into a heated argument.
10:12Dave, tired of all the pressure, tells Balthasar he's not the right guy to be the Prime Merlinian
10:17and storms out of the lab.
10:19Meanwhile, Horvath finds Dave's school records and tracks down his secret lab.
10:24Feeling guilty about canceling his date with Becky, Dave watches her hanging out with her
10:27friends but is too upset to talk to her.
10:30Becky notices and follows him to the roof of the Chrysler building, where she tells
10:34him she's impressed with all the effort he's made to get close to her.
10:37Back at the lab, Balthasar is attacked by Drake, who's disguised as Dave.
10:42While Balthasar is trapped, Horvath shows up and casts a smoke spell, revealing Morgana's
10:47hidden Grimhold.
10:48Horvath also confesses that he betrayed Merlin long ago because he was heartbroken.
10:53Veronica, who Horvath loved, chose Balthasar over him.
10:57Balthasar frees himself, but Horvath launches a set of flying knives at him.
11:02Just in time, Dave arrives and uses his magic to stop the knives from hitting Balthasar.
11:07Horvath and Drake escape, leading to a magical car chase.
11:12Dave complains about how slow their car is, so Balthasar uses a spell to turn it into
11:16a supercar.
11:17During the chase, Horvath uses magic to blend his car in with the taxis on the road, but
11:22Balthasar tells Dave to focus on the Grimhold to find it.
11:26Dave moves the ring, and the Grimhold shifts, revealing Horvath's position.
11:31In response, Horvath upgrades his own car and casts a smoke spell to blind Balthasar.
11:36Eventually, Horvath gets his revenge by trapping Dave and Balthasar inside a mirror, but they
11:42manage to escape through their reflection.
11:44However, Dave accidentally transforms their car into an old, beat-up 73 Pinto, which gets
11:49crushed by Horvath and Drake's truck, and the villains get away.
11:53After stealing Drake's powers and ring, Horvath releases another powerful sorceress, Abigail
11:59Williams, who kidnaps Becky from her radio station.
12:02Horvath kills Abigail once he gets what he wants and takes her necklace.
12:07Dave and Balthasar track down Drake's apartment, where Balthasar gets trapped in a magical
12:11rug while Dave retrieves the Grimhold.
12:14As Dave tries to escape, he's confronted by Horvath, who's holding Becky hostage.
12:19Horvath forces Dave to give him both the Grimhold and his dragon ring to save Becky.
12:24Reluctantly, Dave agrees.
12:26Balthasar escapes his trap, but arrives too late to stop Horvath.
12:30Understanding Dave's choice, Balthasar says he would have done the same thing to protect
12:34someone he loves.
12:36Balthasar decides to go after Horvath alone, believing Dave can't fight without his ring.
12:41But Dave, determined to help, explains everything to Becky, who wants to be involved.
12:46Together, they upgrade Balthasar's car with Tesla coils, and Dave finds a note along with
12:51a necklace meant for Veronica.
12:53The trio then heads to Battery Park, where Horvath starts to release Morgana.
12:58Morgana, still possessing Veronica's body, starts a ritual to raise the dead by creating
13:03a giant circle of magic.
13:05Dave tells Becky to climb to the top of a building and move the antenna to disrupt the
13:11Meanwhile, Balthasar sneaks into the park, but is spotted by Horvath.
13:15The two former friends clash in an epic battle, while Morgana's ritual slowly starts to
13:20revive sorcerers all over the world.
13:22Horvath summons a massive steel bull to attack Balthasar, but Dave arrives just in time,
13:28crashing into Horvath with Balthasar's car.
13:30The steel eagle swoops in and carries the bull away.
13:33Just before Morgana's ritual is complete, Becky moves the antenna, disrupting the ceremony
13:38and knocking Morgana unconscious.
13:41Balthasar tries to absorb Morgana's soul from Veronica's body, freeing Veronica at last.
13:46But Morgana gets out of Balthasar's body, and now in her own body, blasts the group
13:51with fire.
13:52Dave, having finally unlocked his full potential, manages to block the attack without his ring.
13:58Morgana fires a powerful plasma bolt at the group, and Balthasar takes the hit to protect
14:03With Balthasar down, Dave faces Morgana alone.
14:06He shoots bolts against her, but none of it seem to touch Morgana.
14:10Using his knowledge of physics, Dave decides to attack Morgana with high-voltage thunderbolts,
14:15finally defeating her with a devastating strike.
14:18Although Balthasar dies from his injuries, Dave uses his newfound magic powers to bring
14:22him back to life.
14:24Balthasar and Veronica reunite after hundreds of years.
14:27In the end, Dave and Becky kiss, and Becky reveals that she's accepted him as her boyfriend,
14:33just like the note Dave gave her ten years ago.
