Are you willing to pay P8,000 for VIP access in NAIA?

  • 13 hours ago
The San Miguel-led New NAIA Infrastructure Corporation defends the 900% increase in the price of VIP access at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport.

Full story:
00:00The San Miguel-led new NIA Infrastructure Corporation defends the 900% increase in the
00:06price of VIP access at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport.
00:10The consortium says it raised the fee from 800 pesos to 8,000 pesos because the previous
00:14system had been abused.
00:16It says the original fee, quote, allowed virtually any passenger to avail of these privileges.
00:22Under the new VIP service protocol, the NNIC says VIP services will still be free for high-ranking
00:27government officials, foreign dignitaries, and officials with, quote, critical responsibilities
00:32to the nation.
00:33Services and assistance for persons with disability will also remain free.
00:37The new airport operator recently tripled overnight parking fees for cars from 300 pesos
00:42to 1,200 pesos.
00:45The private-led NNIC won a 15-year concession to manage NIA, tagged as one of the world's
00:50worst airports.
