Neighbours 9129 14th October 2024

  • 2 days ago
00:00Previously on Neighbours.
00:02Well, this is me, you know, coming to the table.
00:04Just when I'm absolutely knackered.
00:06And then he had the audacity to walk off
00:08after I cooked for him and everything.
00:10What about taking a few days personally?
00:12I don't need it.
00:13He's suspended.
00:15Impatience and irritability are symptoms of PTSD.
00:19He wanted to make sure that I would be there for you
00:22if he took a step back.
00:23Look, I know things usually get messy with Paul and I,
00:26but it's just reassuring knowing that he's around.
00:33Everybody needs good neighbours.
00:37With a little understanding,
00:42you can find the perfect blend.
00:48Neighbours should be there for one another.
00:55That's when good neighbours become good friends.
01:14It's okay.
01:17Please don't leave me.
01:33I know, but you've worked through so much
01:36since Toadie blew up our lives.
01:39Doesn't mean it's a good idea to lean on Paul.
01:42No, I know, but it just...
01:44It makes me feel better.
01:46Makes me feel like I'm still valuable.
01:48I just don't want to see you walk into a bad situation
01:51when you're so vulnerable.
01:54Yeah, you're right.
01:56We really should keep our distance from each other.
01:59I mean, it's not like he's a magic bullet or anything.
02:02More like a landmine.
02:05Are you heading into Irene this afternoon?
02:07On my way.
02:08I just wanted to check that you were okay first.
02:11I will be.
02:12You sure?
02:15Well, I've come this far on my own, so...
02:20Well, I'll see you in a little while.
03:12Sorry if I'm interrupting anything.
03:14No, it's fine. Is everything okay?
03:17Have you spoken to Nell in the past few days?
03:20Um, we've sent a few messages.
03:23But I think she's pretty homesick by the sounds of it.
03:26Yeah, she's just really worried that everyone's forgetting about her.
03:28I keep trying to tell her we haven't, but...
03:30Oh, I'll give her a call when she's home later.
03:34Listen, it's not all on you to handle.
03:38Everyone needs to support Nell, especially her family.
03:41Yeah, I reckon she'll be really glad to talk to you.
03:44Yeah, well, I know what it's like to feel cut off.
03:48And I have been thinking about her a lot, so I'll let her know.
03:53Okay, bye.
04:17I've got lemonade if you want it.
04:21What's that?
04:23Uh, it's something of Mum's.
04:26Oh, offshore bank account?
04:42Ding, ding, ding.
04:44I think the other guy's a pile of pulp on the ground.
04:47Wendy said that you've taken a bit of time off work.
04:50Great. I won't do what she tells everyone we've ever met.
04:53Look, I wasn't going to mention anything, but if there's anything that I can do to help...
04:57I mean, you might want to ditch the show.
05:02You have more important things you need to put your energy into right now.
05:05Look, I lost it for a few seconds. It's nothing.
05:18Hey, babe. You on break?
05:20Yeah, I just caught Wendy.
05:22Oh, how's she doing?
05:24I said that you could recommend some marriage counsellors if they decide to go that way.
05:28Oh, yeah, I mean, that's a good idea.
05:33What's that?
05:35What I came to talk to you about.
05:38JJ found your birthday goals from your 40th.
05:43JJ found your birthday goals from your 40th.
05:48Look, to be fair, that was a really busy day.
05:51You know, with the makeover and the surprise party.
05:54I did that all pretty quick. Just off the top of my head.
05:58Well, we didn't read it all, but the first one was a bit of a curveball.
06:02What, my goal to build something more exciting than the sunroom?
06:07You dream to have another baby?
06:11It's nothing serious. That's why I said it was a dream.
06:15It must be a little bit serious. You wrote it in your letter.
06:19Have you been thinking about this a lot?
06:24Well, yeah, I guess I have.
06:30I just thought sending you those silly messages would cheer you up.
06:35No, it wasn't a brush off.
06:39OK, I will call you every single day until you stop thinking that.
06:46OK, fine, I'll...
06:49Yeah, you go. I'll talk to you soon.
06:53OK, bye.
06:59I was just talking to Nell. Nothing I say will cheer her up.
07:04Oh, hey, hey, come here, come here.
07:26I'm... I'm sorry, I shouldn't have...
07:28No, no, no, I shouldn't have, I shouldn't have, I'm sorry.
07:33I, um, I should go to work.
07:38I'll talk to you soon.
07:55So, look, can I just point out that I know it's completely impractical and that age is a big factor.
08:02Which is why we should talk about it now instead of in five years when you're supposed to open the letter.
08:07It would be crazy, though. Can you imagine trying to find another donor?
08:10I'd be paranoid we'd get another Felix.
08:13I mean, no arguments here, but Cara, like practicality aside, is this really what you want most?
08:23I couldn't write anything in your birthday dreams.
08:28Well, I love our family. Wouldn't it be great if there was more of us?
08:33And the baby years, how fun were they?
08:37Yes, very.
08:40Very chaotic.
08:42See, you don't want another one. That's where your mind went first.
08:45Hey, I didn't say that.
08:48Do you ever think about having a third?
08:51Oh, not since Dexie was little. I thought we agreed that...
08:58Yeah, I guess that feeling just never 100% went away for me.
09:04Uh, well, if it is important to you then I would be open to talking about that.
09:11You say one thing but your face says another.
09:15Look, it's fine. Just forget it. You know, we both have way less energy and busier jobs.
09:23People have babies at 40 all the time.
09:26We'd both have to really want it to commit to the sleep business.
09:31Yeah, and the lack of free time.
09:36I'd never want to push you into anything you didn't want to do.
09:38But I'm worried that you'll have regrets.
09:41And I love you for that.
09:44But relax, OK? It was just a really lovely dream that I never expected to happen.
10:01You look absurd.
10:02Oh! Oh!
10:04Oh, sorry, sweetheart. I shouldn't have snuck up on you like that.
10:07No, no, my fault. Are you OK?
10:08It's just a knock. It's just a knock.
10:10No, it's not. I've hurt you.
10:11It's all right. It's the same wrist I hurt a little while ago.
10:15That's all. Don't worry, sweetheart. It was an accident.
10:17I'll go get you the pain gel.
10:38Oh, hi. What brings you here?
10:40Ah, of course.
10:42Look, I just found her in the street in a bit of a state after a conversation with Nell.
10:46And look, I know that you're making an effort.
10:48I am.
10:49Yeah, but I just wondered if there's anything else you could do.
10:51Or maybe that I could do behind the scenes.
10:53Paul, no.
10:55We could spend day and night with Therese.
10:57She's still going to have low moments.
10:59Yeah, but just now she needed a shoulder to lean on.
11:03And mine was the only one there.
11:06Yeah, if she hadn't pulled away, I don't know what I would have done.
11:08Actually, I do. That's the problem.
11:10You said you needed to keep away from her, let alone...
11:12Hugging her in the street. I know, I know.
11:15I just think her feelings towards you are more complicated than she realises.
11:19Her feelings? About me?
11:23I don't mean it like that.
11:24Yeah, well, hang on a second.
11:25As far as I'm aware, she's devastated because Toadie and the family moved away.
11:29But unless there's something I'm missing?
11:36She has tried very, very hard to get a hold of me.
11:38Oh, Paul, stop.
11:40I can assure you all Therese needs from you right now is friendship.
11:45Alright, yeah.
11:46Yeah, no, you're right, if you say so.
11:48Yeah, so just get this whole conversation out of your head.
12:05What's going on with you, Mum?
12:07Don't brush me off. I spoke to Felix.
12:11It's not like you're busy or anything.
12:14It's a downside of having time on your hands.
12:18Why are you acting so out of character?
12:21I mean, I can't even imagine you manhandling a suspect.
12:24It was just one stuff-up.
12:26It's just about your issues with Mum.
12:28Sadie, please.
12:29Just have a proper conversation with her.
12:31Without being defensive.
12:33Please, you have to and you need to.
12:36It's not that simple.
12:38Why isn't it?
12:47I don't know how to explain it.
12:50The more that I think, the more I just keep seeing her with Quinn.
12:57I know I wasn't deliberate.
13:01But she still spent all night with this guy.
13:03She had some deep emotional connection with him.
13:06She told you it wasn't like that.
13:09Over and over again.
13:11I froze.
13:16She needed Quinn.
13:19Ever since this guy came into our lives,
13:25it's shown me that we're not what I thought we were.
13:35We won't be able to get our perfect marriage back.
13:38Don't say that.
13:41I don't know what else to tell you.
14:00I love you.
14:31I shouldn't be too long, Mum.
14:33I'll keep you posted.
14:36Yeah, bye.
14:38I didn't know you were going to be here.
14:40Yes, I thought I'd do some paperwork.
14:42The healthiest distraction I could think of.
14:44I thought you'd gone home.
14:46Oh, I just popped back to see Hilary.
14:48She seemed a bit lonely earlier.
14:49Oh, well you go home.
14:50I'll play some cards with her later.
14:52No, no, no.
14:53I'll do it.
14:54I think I might owe you one.
14:58Don't shoot me.
14:59Paul came to see me earlier and I wasn't on top of my game.
15:03I didn't say much, but I may have implied something of what we were talking about earlier.
15:10I know, I know.
15:11I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
15:12I told him that he misunderstood me, but I don't know that that's sunk in.
15:17Oh, what am I going to do?
15:18You just have to hope that he keeps doing the honourable thing and stays away from you.
15:24And if he doesn't, then you have to be very, very firm with him.
15:28Oh, it's Hilary.
15:30Why don't we all have a game of cards?
15:32No, no, I'm feeling suddenly tired, very tired.
15:37I'm so sorry.
15:59I'll send through the names of some counsellors.
16:01They're all really experienced with family dynamics.
16:05Okay, well, I will leave that up to you.
16:12Is she okay?
16:13I hope so.
16:14Things seem really bad between her and Andrew.
16:17Well, hopefully that helps.
16:19I just texted JJ, reminding him we're here.
16:23Oh, ten minutes late is not exactly unprecedented behaviour.
16:26Yeah, but you said that he was shocked when he read the letter.
16:29He was a bit out of the blue.
16:32Just hope he's not worried.
16:36My round again.
16:42So, I've got the names of some marriage counsellors.
16:46Remy's recommendations.
16:47Look, I don't know how we get back to the way we were,
16:51but maybe a professional can show us.
16:54Worth a shot.
16:57Do you mean that?
16:59Why not?
17:03So, you're not just saying that to get rid of me?
17:06If I make the appointment, you will come?
17:10Schedule's wide open.
17:11Well, you don't sound very positive about it.
17:13We haven't even gone yet.
17:15Give me a chance.
17:21We'll let you know the details.
17:22Do you have a moment?
17:24Yeah, sure.
17:26Can we talk for a moment?
17:28Yeah, sure.
17:30I'm sorry, I'm a bit busy.
17:32Yeah, ok.
17:34I've got to go.
17:36Yeah, see you.
17:37Ok, bye.
17:45I'll see you later.
17:50♪ I want you to know you are the one for me.
17:54♪ I want you to know you are the one.
17:58♪ I'm okay to let you go.
18:01♪ I want you to know you are the one for me.
18:07Okay, well now he's late, late.
18:09♪ I want to dance with you.
18:11Nope. He's here, here.
18:13He doesn't look too traumatized.
18:14Hey, uh, sorry I'm late.
18:16Forgot I had stuff to do for our reading.
18:18Hey, you know, if it's anything more than that, you can say...
18:21Ma said you saw the letter?
18:24Yeah, um...
18:25So, is that, like, serious?
18:28Another kid?
18:30I already told you, Ma, it was just an idea.
18:32It wasn't a serious suggestion.
18:34Not gonna be turning our lives upside down any time soon.
18:37Good, I was worried I'd have to share a room with Dex.
18:39No one wants that kind of chaos.
18:41Everyone can take a breath.
18:45It's, um...
18:47It's not because of me.
18:48Is it?
18:49How do you mean?
18:51You know, cos I'm sort of, like, the problem kid.
18:54I was wondering if you wanted a new model.
18:55No! No, don't think that.
18:59I just... I thought it would be nice to have more of a good thing.
19:03I love you two so much that I would clone you if I could.
19:09You're my everything.
19:10You hearing me?
19:15You know, actually, I wouldn't mind being cloned.
19:17Well, I'll look into it. Can't be more than IVF.
19:21Knock, knock. It's only me.
19:22Oh, let me guess who you've come to see.
19:27Seriously, Paul.
19:28There's nothing I said before that should have you
19:30hot-tailing it over here to find Therese.
19:33What? Is it such a crime that I should want to find out
19:35how Therese is feeling, in her own words,
19:37not second-hand through you?
19:39You're the one who asked me to keep an eye on her
19:41so that you could step back.
19:43Paul, she's been through a hell of an ordeal.
19:45Her feelings are probably wildly swinging
19:48from one minute to the next.
19:50Please, please don't take advantage of that.
19:53Oh, well, thank you very much for your extreme lack of faith
19:56in my character.
19:57No, I just think that your initial instinct
19:59to back off was the right one.
20:01Yeah, and I am doing my utmost to keep to myself.
20:04But come on, I'm only human.
20:09And besides, I just...
20:12Sometimes I think I just can't live without her.
20:16If your feelings for her are really so strong,
20:20it shouldn't be hard for you to put her needs first.
21:01I came to say sorry.
21:06It's just, you've needed me,
21:08and I've been the exact opposite to available.
21:12you had your reasons for staying away.
21:15It's quite noble.
21:16Quite stupid, really.
21:19Of course, I can just be your friend.
21:21I don't know what I was thinking.
21:23That means more to me than anything else in the world,
21:25and it doesn't matter if it's difficult for me.
21:27Oh, Paul.
21:28That's assuming you want me as your friend after all this idiocy.
21:35Actually, um...
21:40Your timing couldn't be any better.
21:44I came so close.
21:46So close to drinking this.
21:49Yeah, that's not worth it, is it?
21:51I know.
21:53And I got myself into such a state.
21:59But you're exactly what I needed.
22:23Coming up on Neighbours.
22:24Mike shouldn't be leaving you to tie up his loose ends.
22:27You're saying that? Really?
22:29I am choosing to believe that everything is going to turn out for the best.
22:32Are we still talking about Boylus? Or Vic?
22:34I can't just be her friend, all right?
22:37Anyway, what if that's not what she wants either?